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Unit 6 ~ Canada Vocabulary Terms with Definitions # 1.

Vocabulary Term provinces Definition Geography Terms Canada is divided into 10 provinces. Like states. The 10 provinces of Canada are Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, anitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova !cotia, "ntario, #uebec, $rince %dward &sland and !askatchewan. Canada is divided into ( territories. The territories are in the northernmost part of the countr). The territories are* the +ukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Connects the -reat Lakes with the Atlantic "cean. A 0ulf 1an arm of a sea or ocean partl) enclosed b) land2 in east3central Canada. &t is connected to both the Arctic "cean and the Atlantic "cean. Borders Canada to the east. &t is the ' nd lar0est ocean. The lar0est and deepest of the world6s 4 oceans. &t borders Canada to the west. 4 freshwater lakes alon0 the border between the 8.!. and Canada. 9rom east to west* Lake "ntario, Lake %rie, Lake /uron, Lake ichi0an, and Lake !uperior. A massive ph)sical re0ion of central and eastern Canada, includin0 nearl) half of Canada6s land area. ,ich in natural resources. The shield curves around the /udson Ba) down into the -reat Lake are of the 8.!. Are mountain chain in western Canada and the 8.!., e<tendin0 from New e<ico to northern British Columbia. The action of takin0 out somethin0.



(. ..

!t. Lawrence ,iver /udson Ba)

4. 5. 7.

Atlantic "cean $acific "cean -reat Lakes


Canadian !hield

;. 10.




11. 1'. 1(. 1.. 14.

acid rain runoff h)droelectricit) clear3cuttin0 tundra

,ain polluted b) 0ases released into the air b) the burnin0 of fossil fuels like coal or oil. =ater from rain, snowmelt, or irri0ation that flows over the 0round and into bodies of water like lakes or rivers. %lectricit) 0enerated b) fallin0 water. Cuts down entire 0roups of trees at one time and seriousl) disrupts that forest habitat. A plain found in arctic and subarctic re0ions that has permanentl) fro>en subsoil and is treeless. Government Terms !)stem of 0overnment where all the power is 0iven to the central 0overnment. A loose alliance of countries or other political units like states. embership is voluntar). %ach unit has final control of its own laws and citi>ens. The central 0overnment makes decisions onl) on issues that affect the entire confederation. !)stem of 0overnment where power is divided between the central 0overnment and the 0overnment of small political units like states. !)stem of 0overnment where one leader holds complete power. Citi>ens have no participation in 0overnment. !)stem of 0overnment where control rests with a small 0roup of people with wealth or power. Citi>en participation is restricted to the rulin0 0roup. !)stem of 0overnment where the people hold supreme power. All citi>ens have e?ual ri0hts to participate in 0overnment re0ardless of their position or wealth. A s)stem of 0overnment where the le0islature controls the power. /eaded b) a prime minister. A s)stem of 0overnment where the e<ecutive and le0islative branches are separate bodies elected independentl) b) the citi>ens. /eaded b) a president.

1. '.

unitar) confederation



.. 4.

autocrac) oli0arch)



7. :.

parliamentar) presidential

;. 10. 1. '.

constitutional monarch) monarch traditional econom) command econom)


market econom)

.. 4.

mi<ed econom) speciali>ation

5. 7. :. ;. 10.

opportunit) cost tariff ?uota embar0o North American 9ree Trade A0reement 1NA9TA2

11. 1. '. (. .. 4. 5.

e<chan0e rate Aohn Cabot !amuel de Champlain BNew 9ranceC British %n0lish 9rench

/as a constitution but its head of state is the monarch 1kin0 or ?ueen2. @in0 or ?ueen. conomics Terms %conomic s)stem found in a0ricultural societies where people live in the same wa) their parents and 0randparents did. %conomic s)stem where the 0overnment controls what is produced and how it is produced. The 0overnment owns the resources and decides who 0ets the products. %conomic s)stem where a countr)6s economic decisions are based on what its people want to bu) and sell. $eople can own their own businesses and produce what the) want. !uppl) and demand for a 0ood or service determines what to produce and how to produce it. i< of two or more economic s)stems. 8suall) a blendin0 of command and market. Countries speciali>e in what the) do best. &s an efficient wa) to work, and the cost of items produced is lower. &ncreases trade because a countr) can 0et what it needs at the lowest cost when produced b) someone who speciali>es in producin0 that item. The value of what is 0iven up when a choice is made. Ta<es placed on imported 0oods. ,estrictions on the amount of a 0ood that can be imported into a countr). 9orbid trade with another countr). &n 1;;., the 8.!., Canada, and e<ico entered into a trade a0reement called NA9TA. &t lowered trade barriers in order to create a free trade >one between the ( countries, and 0reatl) increased trade and economic inte0ration between them. /ow much one currenc) is worth in terms of another currenc). !istory Terms &n 1.;7, this e<plorer sailed from %n0land to the eastern coast of Canada. A 9rench e<plorer. %stablished the settlement of #uebec. =hat the 9rench called their new territor) in Canada. ,elated to -reat Britain. Lan0ua0e spoken in Canada. About 'D( of Canadians speak %n0lish. Lan0ua0e spoken in Canada. Canadians who live in the province of #uebec speak 9rench. &t is the official lan0ua0e in #uebec.

7. :. ;. 10. 11. 1'. 1(. 1.. 14.

Catholicism $rotestantism #uebec 9rancophone An0lophones referendum soverei0nt) secede separatists

aEor reli0ion practiced in Canada. 9rom the 9rench. aEor reli0ion practiced in Canada. 9rom the British. A Canadian province. 9rench3speakin0 #uebecers are known as 9rancophones. %n0lish speakers. A public vote. A 0overnment free from another 0overnment6s control. Break awa) from a countr) to form another countr). an) 9rancophones are separatists who want #uebec to become an independent countr).

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