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Group Process Analysis

Group Process Analysis: Planning and Beginnings Phases SW 4010 October 25, 2013 Brian Meadows Wayne State University

Group Process Analysis

The homeless youth group is comprised individuals who have different personalities and backgrounds which include a gang member, pregnant teen, and runaways. While this group has many difficulties, there is hope that these individuals can make the necessary changes to better their lives. The group sessions are designed to help the youth express their feelings, develop goals and acquire skills that will help them personally, mentally and emotionally. This paper is designed to assess the group thus far, discuss the interactions and plan for the future. Assessment The sessions held by the group have a huge significance when it comes to the individuals and the group as a whole. When it comes to the individuals, the sessions allow the youth to focus on the issues that have brought them to the group. Whether those issues are being homeless, in a gang, pregnant, academic issues or problems with family, the sessions provide the youth with the environment to be self-reflective and open. Disclosing those feelings and thoughts provide relief and closure. When it comes to the group, the sessions give the youth a chance to be around others who are going through problems and can relate to each other in some instances. Familiarity and comfort goes a long way in being productive and successful in a group setting because when you discuss thoughts and feelings with someone who understands your predicament, you dont feel hopeless and/or alone. The sessions had a positive change on the group as a whole and allowed them to be themselves, free of judgment and burdensome feelings. When the group began, there was a lot of silence, anger and defensive actions, conveyed through verbal comments and body language. Being scared to open up and let your defenses down can be a challenge for some, and there were certainly individuals who fit that description. But when one opened up, it seemed to create a chain reaction that resulted in the group conversing, thinking of ideas for session and becoming a support system for one another. The group has strong and

Group Process Analysis

intelligent members that will persevere through their struggles and uplift those who they have befriended. Group Dynamics The dynamics of the group fit well with the youth involved. While there are some instances of being silent and avoiding conversation, nobody is afraid to be opinionated or direct with the worker or their peers. The group was able to come up with norms for when the group meets pretty effortlessly. These norms include no interruptions among one another, keeping the group small, everyone saying something during session, being respectful, being allowed to take small breaks, being cautious of swearing and not letting things linger in group. These norms allowed for the members to voice their thoughts, feel comfortable, being accountable and taking care of business. The goals of the group include securing employment, stable housing and educational opportunities. The group also expressed feelings of making improving their family situations because they may have said or did things that showed disrespect and damaged the dynamics of the family. While the group sessions are serious and focus on meeting the goals of the individual, the climate is very relaxed and laid back. The worker is very attentive and displays excellent listening skills when interacting with the youth. The feeling of being rushed and pressured is non-existent, which creates a happy and loving group that gets along, looks out for one another and keeps each other focused. This shows good group dynamics. According to Scharwchter, group members help to change this individual group member's behavior from a learning theory perspective (2008). Impressions

Group Process Analysis

I feel that the group is making strides in the right direction. The relative ease of sessions overlooks the struggles that often occur. Its difficult to discuss family issues with others, no matter how comfortable you may be with those other individuals. The same can be said of drug use, school issues and problems with the justice system. When those difficult moments occurred, the group handled themselves maturely and respectfully. They didnt talk about one another or think differently about each other. There were moments when outbursts happened, but I feel that was more of a shock reaction than a wholehearted reaction. For the most part, the group is moving along just fine and there is reason to have high hopes for the group as a whole and individually. Plan of Action When it comes to the behavior of the group, I wouldnt change anything at all. The group has been respectful, helpful to one another and insightful. There wasnt any animosity between any combination of group members and the worker. I feel that the group can be more effective if there is more communication and thoughtful scenarios that force the members to think constructively. Increased communication and critical thinking exercises cant hurt a group that is very receptive to one another and themselves. I hope that those ideas are implemented into the sessions because the results will be beneficial to the youth for years to come and help them in multiple facets of their lives. In conclusion, I feel that this group has shown a lot of growth in a short period of time. That speaks to the growth and maturity of the group. The members of the group have been through numerous negative events, but they are willing to do whatever it takes to make improvements.

Group Process Analysis

The group wants to be better and the steps that are taken to reach that goal show the true heart and character of each member of the group.

Group Process Analysis

References Scharwchter, P., PHD. (2008). Three applications of functional analysis with group dynamic cognitive behavioral group therapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 58(1), 55-76.

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