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1/ Read the following text.

The original Olympic Games took place at Olympia in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. They included
arts competitions as well as athletics, boxing, wrestling and chariot racing. The first modern
games took place in Athens in 1896, and continue to take place every four years in different
countries of the world. The Olympic flag, with its five rings, represents the five continents of the
The Olympics are the traditional "world championships" of athletics, but there are many other
sports competitions- swimming, rowing, gymnastics and others. At each Olympics, the Olympic
committee includes new sports, making each Olympics more exciting than the last. The winter
Olympics are for sports such as skating and skiing. They take place two years after each
Olympic Games.
Competitors in the events win medals: a gold medal for first place, silver for second and bronze
for third. The very best athletes from all over the world compete in the Olympics.
The Paralympics are for people who have got physical disabilities. Some of the competitors are
blind or deaf and many of them compete in wheelchairs. The Paralympics take place after the
Olympic Games.

Read the text again and answer the questions.

Choose the correct answe
. 1. Where and when did the first Olympic Games take place?
a) in Greece in 776 BC b) inRomein50BC c) in Greece in 400 AD
2. Where and when did the first modern Olympic Games take place? a) in London in
1734 b) in Athens in 1896 c) in Chicago in 1913
3. How often do the Games take place? a) every two years b) every four years c)
every five years
4.What do the five rings on the Olympic flag symbolize? a) the five continents of the
world. b) the number of years between the Games c) the number of medals for each
5.What are the Paralympics? a)games in pairs b) games in parallel bars c)games
for people with physical disabilities 6.Sydney Olympic Games took place in 2000, so
the Winter Olympics took place in... a) 1999
b) 2002 c) 2001
7. The athletes that compete in the Olympics are............ a) excellent b) happy c) the
8.. In the Olympics, there are ............ a)gold, iron and bronze medals. b) gold, silver
and bronze medals. c) gold, bronze and iron medals.

2/ Complete:

3/ Add -s or -es to the verbs in the sentences if it is necessary. If it isnt necessary,

put a tick ().

She work ______ in a hospital.
They live ______ in France.
I watch______ TV every day.
She go _____ to work by car.
The programme finish ____ at 10 p.m.
We play ____ tennis every week.
They go ____on holiday in July.
He speak ____ Italian and French.
She do_____ her homework ever night.
We start ____ work at 9.30.
4/ Fill in the blanks with the correct affirmative form of these verbs:
Study- speak- drink- eat- live- watch-smoke-play-cycle-walk

He __________________________ toast for breakfast.

I _____________________ coffee in the morning.
My father ______________________ German at the Language School.
Tony ___________________________ TV in the evening.

Charles _____________________ English and French very well.

We __________________________ football at weekends.
Sheila ___________________________ to school every day.
They ___________________________five cigarettes a day.
Sue likes cycling. She ______________________ to school.
The children _______________________ in a big house.
5/Negative form Look, revise and do this exercise.

Write negative sentences.

2. He/ live/ in Mexico ______________________________________________
3. She/ work/ in a bank ____________________________________________
4. I/ swim/ every day ______________________________________________
5. Paul/ listen/ to the radio__________________________________________
6. Sheila/ eat/ meat ________________________________________________
7. You/ understand/ me ____________________________________________
8. My father/ drive/ a taxi __________________________________________
9. Peter/ drink/ alcohol _____________________________________________

We/ speak/ Chinese



My mother/ like/

6/ interrogative form Look, revise and do these exercises. a) Ask questions and
give short answers:
1. Mary/ like/ cinema? _______________________________? Yes, ________
2. Alan/ eat/ potatoes? _______________________________? No, ________
3. you/ drink/ tea? ___________________________________? No, ________
4. Your friends/ play/ tennis? _________________________? Yes, ________
5. Your mother/ cycle/ to work? ______________________? No, ________

6. you and Paul/ walk/ to school? ______________________? Yes ________

7. the cat/ play/ with the dog? _________________________? No, ________
8. They/ watch/ TV? _________________________________? Yes, ________
b) Write the sentences in the correct order:
1. mother/ concerts/ doesnt/ My/ to/ go/
2. Tom/ Do/ maths/ Linda/ and/?/ study
3. doesnt/ the/ My/ near/ live/ family/ park
4. brother/ in/ restaurant/ Her/ works/ a
5. rock/ sister/ Does/ to/ your/ ?/ listen/ music
6. ride/ our/ We/ to/ school/ bikes
7/Write affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?) sentences. Use the

present simple.
1. Peter/ listen to pop music (-) _______________________________________
2. My mother/ work/ in an office (+) __________________________________
3. You/ read/ comics (?) _____________________________________________
4. The children/ play/ football (-) ______________________________________
5. Mary/ study/ French (+) ___________________________________________
6. Susan and Paul/ eat/ spaghetti (?) ___________________________________
7. He/ do/ his homework in the afternoon (+) __________________________
8. Your friends/ walk/ to school (?) ____________________________________
9. My father/ smoke (-) ______________________________________________
10. We/ have/ milk for breakfast (+) ___________________________________

8/Write in letter:
18: 15


9/Writte sentences about you, your subjects amb this adjectives:



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