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WITHOUT PREJUDICE Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Malaysia Email: Cc:
Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman (DCA) director-general



DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION, MALAYSIA No. 27 Persiaran Perdana Aras 1-4 Blok Podium, 62618 Putrajaya Tel : +60388714000 Fax : 603 - 8890 1640 Email :

Mr Tony Abbott MP (Commonwealth of Australia)

Re: 20140327-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Datuk Seri Najib Razak Prime Minister of Malaysia & Mr Tony Abbott PM- Re: MISSING PLANE

15 Sir, While I am aware that the official conclusion appears to be that missing flight MH 370 had crashed into the ocean, somehow I still have the guts feeling that the passengers and crew are still alive. Finding the wreckage may be one thing, but it doesnt mean the passengers and crew may still have been in the plane when it crashed. 20 Time will tell. Very odd is that it was reported (see below) that a Boing 777 with an alleged call sign 370 entered Dutch airspace, and was then intercepted by 2 Dutch air force planes, and it then went to Frankfurt. Apparently its pilot failed to respond to Dutch request to identify itself and was accompanied by 2 Dutch fighter jets out of the Dutch airspace. 25 .

p1 27-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://


Boeing 777 found intact?

Mal Can some Dutch speaker translate this site for those of us who only speak English? Does it say that a Boeing 777 was intercepted by the Dutch air force trying to enter their airspace without 5 identific To Me Today at 6:08 PM 26-3-2014 Can some Dutch speaker translate this site for those of us who only speak English? 10 Does it say that a Boeing 777 was intercepted by the Dutch air force trying to enter their airspace without identification while the international nuclear conference was taking place? 15 Have we found our lost Malaysian airliner? According to we have! Lindsay 20 24 maart 2014 13:01 25 Twee F-16's onderscheppen vrachttoestel

Arch ieffoto ANP

p2 27-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://

Vanaf de Brabantse vliegbasis Volkel zijn twee F-16's opgestegen om een vrachttoestel te onderscheppen. Naar later bleek ging het om een vrachtvliegtuig, een Boeing 777F van LAN Cargo, dat op weg was naar Schiphol. Het toestel uit Miami vloog in het Nederlandse luchtruim en men kon geen verbinding

5 met het toestel krijgen.

Volgens een woordvoerder van de Cordinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid had het toestel vooraf geen toestemming voor de vlucht gevraagd. Dat is vanwege de nucleaire top in Den Haag wel verplicht. De straaljagers hebben het vrachtvliegtuig begeleid tot dit het Nederlandse luchtruim had verlaten.

10 Het toestel is zelfstandig naar het vliegveld in het Duitse Frankfurt gevlogen. Translation by Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (May not be precise, as I left The Netherlands some 43 years ago)) Two f-16s took off from Brabantse airport Volkel to intercept a cargo plane. Afterwards it showed to be a cargo plane, a Boing 777F of LAN Cargo, that was on its way 15 to Shiphol (Translator comment: That is a major airport in Amsterdam, The Netherlands) This plane flew from Miami into the Dutch airspace without that authorities could get in contact with the flight crew. According to the spokes person from Coordinator Terrorismsebestrijding and Veiligheid (Coordinator of Terrorismprotection and Security) the plan had not requested prior 20 permission to fly into Dutch airspace. Because of the nucleaire top persons in The Hague this was required. The jets (fighter airplanes) accompanied the cargo plane until it left Dutch airspace. The plane then flew on its own to an airfield in Frankfurt. Vliegbasis Volkel @VlbVolkel 25 Follow #F16s #vliegbasis #Volkel zijn zojuist opgestegen voor een onderschepping #QRA #NSS2014 #luchtruimbeveiliging 10:46 PM - 24 Mar 2014 Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. 30 While it refers to a 370 and a 777 it is not clear if this was the missing Malaysian airplane. And the fact that it flew on to Frankfort may indicate it was a different plane then the missing Flight MH370. Nevertheless it is worth to consider if this plane being the MH370 or not may be having likewise its responder switched off

p3 27-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://

Thedamndog Damnthedog Populaire reageerder I flunked out of obedience school

Great job finding flight 370! Remove whatever mock ups were installed to hide what it was and return it to Malaysia airlines. Then start asking the pilots serious questions about where the passengers are. 5 5 Bericht volgen Gisteren om 14:00

Stephen Dickerson Populaire reageerder Press Operator bij Self-Employed

Thanks for finding 370! 10 Bericht volgen 12 uur geleden

John Vaiea VolgenVolgend Licking Valley High School

Great Job, Thank you 15

Ann Marie Manning Olson Populaire reageerder

what does it say??

Bericht volgen 10 uur geleden 20

p4 27-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://

Willy van Lieshout Huishoudelijke hulp bij T S N Thuiszorg

112 Rijnmond @112rijnmond 2 min. 5 RT @PolitieheliNL: Het toestel vliegt nu ten noorden van Flevoland en komt vanaf Miami. De F16's gaan het toestel begeleiden naar Duitsland. 1 Bericht volgen 24 maart om 23:06

Jacoba Merkus-huisman Populaire reageerder Eetcafe Spinoza

Waren ze er in ieder geval niet voor niks !! Bericht volgen Gisteren om 1:47 END QUOTE 15 As was indicated with the downing of the Ethiopian Flight the Sherlock Holmes approach should be hat everything is to be considered and only when established something cannot have been the cause of the plane going missing then the remaining issues are left for consideration. 20 I will now quote my original correspondence that was forwarded to Mr Tony Abbott on 11 -32014 Australian time at 00.10 via email and subsequently at about 16.20 to the Department of Aviation in Malaysia.
QUOTE 20140311-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Tony Abbott PM- Re MISSING PLANE

WITHOUT PREJUDICE 25 Mr Tony Abbott MP 11-3-2014

Tony, Sitting at home and watching the news about the missing plane it makes me wonder if the 30 missing plane was an inside job. After all, we had recently a co-pilot hijacking a plane. The issue is that the silence of the plane, even any beacons and emissions of the black-boxes may mean that the plane was perhaps taken in a way where the pilot could have disengage the warning systems. It would mean that a technician who understand the electronic system may have been involved. While suicide by a pilot or co-pilot may also be an issue, the likely hood of a 35 sudden total silence may rather indicate that whomever was involved would likely have had a considerable technical knowledge of the plane. Hence, while the plane stopped any emissions on
p5 27-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://





the radar system if the plane was so to say prepared as to cut out any radar a mere switch installing in the electrical system may have disengage the system as such. Hence, I view the search area ought to be what the range of fuel of the plane was, to include overland, so that if the plane did continue in flight but having everything disengaged for detection then it could have landed on any airstrip large enough for the plane to land. As I understand it the nose contains the system for radar detection, etc, and so staff at an airport (maintenance) may have prepared the plane for this kind of hijacking. If in fact the plane was flown back past the airport (in Malaysia) it originally left, then no one may be looking in that direction on airstrips, etc. It is therefore important also to check what, if any cargo and identities were on board. And if the 5 missing passengers were there to go on board in case the other 2 using false passports were stopped to board the plane (so to say were backup). In my view any airstrip that is within the about 550 kilometres range (the about left over fuel) from where the plane disappeared should be checked out, and perhaps you might locater it stored in a hangar. Hence, it must be done in a delicate manner to avoid the killing of any passengers that might be held prisoner. Perhaps also mobile phones of passengers ought to be checked if they emitted a GPS signal, as many do, after the plane disappeared. After all, if any mobile phone did emit a GPS signal then this could also be a tracer as the nearby towers would have this recorded. Even if the mobiles were taken of passengers before the plane vanished nevertheless the mobiles would still emit GPS signals. And even if in the event it was held the plane was downed in the sea then with some mobile phones being waterproof they may still for a short period have emitted GPS signals. Checking if any staff on the plane was in a debt crisis or had a recent insurance policy may also be worthwhile to check out. As often those who may contemplate suicide may take out or increase life insurance for a payout to those left behind. If we are dealing with criminals then try to think like a criminal how you would set it all up! May this correspondence be of assistance, as we are dealing with the lives of many. Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit)



Our name is our motto!)

END QUOTE 20140311-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Tony Abbott PM- Re MISSING PLANE

While the plane may have had more than 550km left on fuel to fly, still the message was clear 35 Again: QUOTE Hence, I view the search area ought to be what the range of fuel of the plane was, to include overland, so that if the plane did continue in flight but having everything 40 disengaged for detection then it could have landed on any airstrip large enough for the plane to land. END QUOTE

45 And consider my 15 March 2014 correspondence:

QUOTE 20140315-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to A. A. Rahman & Mr Tony Abbott PM- Re MISSING PLANE



p6 27-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://

Aras 1-4 Blok Podium 62618 Putrajaya Tel : +60388714000 Fax : 603 - 8890 1640 5 Email : Cc: Mr Tony Abbott MP (Commonwealth of Australia) 10 Re: 20140315-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to A. A. Rahman & Mr Tony Abbott PM- Re MISSING PLANE Sir, on 11-3-2014, at about 00.10am (Australian time) I did forward to Mr Tony Abbott my 11-32014 correspondence and subsequently the same to you later that day at 16-21 (Australian time). 15 While I understand that trying to locate the black boxes may be of important, but I view the most important issue would be to try to save the lives of those on board of the missing flight. After all, we should go from the position that all aboard are still alive, and so if they are then the likely search are should be the radius of the approximately left over fuel flying ability. It should be understood that with TWA 800 flight near Long Island seemingly having been a 20 cover up by authorities, then people will be suspicious if the same may not now eventuate. Why is so little effort given to consider the passengers and crew might still be alive? And, if they are then did the plane have enough fuel to get to Somalia, Australia, India, etc?
END QUOTE 20140315-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to A. A. Rahman & Mr Tony Abbott PM- Re MISSING PLANE

25 In my view to hold that all aboard have died never should be accepted unless there are actual bodies located. Until then one has to assume that those who were aboard may still be alive. And, what if someone aboard was able to leave the plane (by parachute or otherwise) and still is alive? We may never be able to establish this unless someone happens to turn up long after supposing 30 having been killed in an airplane crash. It may sound strange to hold that those who were aboard may be still alive and for all known be used as slave labour, but then again in 2002 I requested the Commonwealth Ombudsman to check those held in refugee centres if they were entitled to vote. The Commonwealth Ombudsman flatly refused this. Yet, in 2005 then requested by the Prime Minister to investigate 35 found many wrongly held in detention in refugee centres. As such, never assume facts but make sure you have checked and double checked details. As I referred to in previous correspondence do not forget the Uruguayan-rugby-team-3219973 which survived 78 days after the plane crashed, but no one bothered to continue to look for them. Lets not make the same error, as peoples lives may still depend upon rescuing them. 40 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit)



Our name is our motto!)

p7 27-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://

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