Analysis Sample Essays Outlining Locating The Analytical Principle

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Analysis sample essays Outlining Locating the analytical principle

* On a sheet of paper, answer this question. What makes
a good analysis essay?

* Read the rubric. With your group, choose 3 or 4

mandatory criteria for a good analysis.

* Write these on the board. * Apply these criteria to the sample essays. * Discuss essays with peer groups * Rank essays from best to worst * Write order on board

*First, locate your articles analytical principle *summarize the key definition or principle that
forms the basis of the analysis

*use 2 specific reading strategies to identify

principles and definitions in source materials

*Look for a sentence that makes a general

can be defined as A, B, and C thesis statment

statement about the way something works

*Look for statements that take this form: X *In other words, look for the articles

*Take this analytical principle and construct a

thesis statement

*By applying principle (or definition) X, we can

understand (topic) as (conclusion based on analysis)

*Outline of Student Threes essay

Thesis: By applying the principle of energy independence, we can understand that the U.S. and other countries of the world need to accept the fact that energy interdependence is not a fiction, but a reality, and that global trading is the future.

*Outline of Student Threes essay

A. Until the U.S. accepts that the global energy market is becoming more and more interdependent, there will never be effective discussion about the energy problems that currently exist.

1. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, which export the highest amounts of energy to other countries, continue to import other energy products because they are not independent of other countries. 2. Bryce paraphrase

*Outline of Student Threes essay

II.Body B. The farmers can grow tons of corn and windmills and solar panels can be installed, but they will never produce as much electricity as fossil fuels or nuclear reactors.
1. Bryce quote

2. Americas energy needs are simply too huge to be completely satisfied by alternative energy sources.

*Outline of Student Threes essay

II.Body C. American ignorance
1. Far from the truth 2. Our politicians and business people need to find ways of maintaining the rapport with energy producing countries of the Arab and Islamic world.

*Find the analytical principle in your article *Create an outline for your analysis essay

*Analysis rough draft due Wednesday

*Parallelism PowerPoint *Find the analytical principle in your article *Create an outline for your analysis essay *Read Wiki about the American Dream *Analysis rough draft due Wednesday 4/2 *Critique last call to still receive mulligan is Monday

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