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A new website for Liverpool Everym n n! Pl y"o#se T"e tres

$AC%&ROUND The Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse Theatres (LMTT) are at an exciting point on our journey as we present work on our home stages and across the U ! while preparing to re"open the Everyman in early #$%&' (t is an opportunity to develop existing audiences and excite a new generation o) theatre makers and audiences' *)ter selecting a new +,M-ticketing system (Tessitura as part o) the .ales Millennium +onsortium) integrated into a new email marketing system (.ord)ly) and with a new creative partner (/olland 0 Lowe) to drive our 1rand development and marketing outputs! the +ompany now seeks to invest in a new we1site )or launch in late 2anuary #$%&' $RIE' .e3re looking to engage a digital agency to develop a new we1site that will need to underpin the +ompany3s 4 key o1jectives5 %' Making Theatre That Matters " to develop delight)ul! da66ling! distinctive theatre that matters #' 7haring Theatre That Matters " to share this work with a wide! adventurous and closely engaged audience 4' 7ustaining Theatre That Matters " to sustain the 8uality! am1ition! range and reach o) our work )or the long term There is no dedicated we1site or digital role within the +ommunications and 7ales team! 1ut a group o) highly motivated and dedicated sta))! so the we1site will need to 1e )ully content managed and o))er )lexi1ility as the +ompany evolves and develops' (t must 1e5 () *i+" ,# lity To expand and improve 1readth! depth and )reshness o) content and )unctionality with a more dynamic inter)ace that has more immediate (ie this week) to long term plans! as well as all the extra activities we o))er 1eyond the work on our stages -) Ori+in l n! Innov tive 9))ering something di))erent to current theatre sites and have capacity to evolve as new technologies come in to play .) Able to !rive /,#isition0 /onversion0 retention n! loy lty to in/re se reven#e *lthough this will largely 1e driven 1y Tessitura :etwork Express .e1 % (http5--www'tessituranetwork'com-en-Products-7ervices-T:E.'aspx) and our emarketing 1y .ord)ly# (http5--www'word)ly'com)' (n addition there will 1e a mo1ile site-app o) the ticketing )unction powered 1y Tessitura :etwork Mo1ile Plus 4 http5--www'tessituranetwork'com-en-Products-7ervices-T:;#$Mo1ile;#$Plus'aspx Please note5 the new Everyman will have a new 1asement /istro and +a)< /ar o))er! as well as o))ering spaces )or hire! which will need to )eature on the new site 1) S" rin+ n! en+ +in+ To encourage participation! engagement and conversation (particularly )or =EP " =oung Everyman Playhouse)! with sharing opportunities and the a1ility to add value 2) Dis/over ble0 //essible n! mobile

.ith clear navigation and content appropriately sign posted to appeal to a diverse range o) audiences using multiple devices (pc! laptop! smartphone! ta1let)! )rom dedicated theatre"goers to potential new audiences> as well as to practitioners and the industry 3) Cost n! time effe/tive PRE TENDER EXERCISE () you are an agency interested in working with us at this exciting time in our development! please5 %' (nspire us with a short statement o) your interest and company credentials (max' &$$ words) #' 7end a proposal o) how you would approach the development o) the site )rom appointment to delivery 4' 7end a short sample port)olio o) relevant work (not necessarily theatre) &' Present a 1reakdown o) costs ? )or example initial costs )or scoping! project management! site 1uild! testing! hosting! training and support> please include daily and hourly rates' This Pre"Tender exercise is not a selection process 1ased on cost! as there will 1e opportunity to provide )ull costings during the tender stage' (t is more a1out understanding your approach to the project! to allow us to short"list suppliers )or inclusion at the tender stage' 9ur Project Team will 1e 1asing their selection criteria on response to the 1rie) and relevant experience' PLE*7E 7E:@5 via email to s'ogleAeverymanplayhouse'com or 1y post-deliver to 7arah 9gle! +ommunications and 7ales @irector! Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse! %4 Bope 7treet! Liverpool L% C/B! 1y 2)44pm on 'ri! y .4 A#+#st -4(.' PRO5ECT $UD&ET (n the region o) D4$!$$$ PRO5ECT TI6ESCALE (nvitation to Pre"tender (ssued Monday %C *ugust #$%4 Pre Tender 7uppliers @eadline )or 7u1mission E'$$pm on Friday 4$ *ugust #$%4 (nvite to Tender (ssued Tuesday 4 7eptem1er #$%4 Tender Period Tuesday 4 to Friday %4 7eptem1er #$%4 @eadline )or Tender Proposals E'$$pm on Friday %4 7eptem1er #$%4 (nterview o) Pre)erred 7uppliers .ednesday %G 7eptem1er #$%4 *ppointment o) 7upplier Thursday %C 7eptem1er #$%4 .e1site HIo Live @ate3 w-c 4 Fe1ruary #$%& Please ensure that this timescale can 1e met! when registering your interest in this project' '#rt"er Inform tion LMTT we1site5 www'everymanplayhouse'com Tessitura :etwork Express .e1% http5--www'tessituranetwork'com-en-Products-7ervices-T:E.'aspx) .ord)ly# http5--www'word)ly'com' Tessitura :etwork Mo1ile Plus4 http5--www'tessituranetwork'com-en-Products-7ervices-T:;#$Mo1ile;#$Plus'aspx

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