Verbos Auxiliares: Soccer Games Attract Both The Rich and The Poor of The Society. I Watch TV Everyday

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Are/arent TO HAVE Have/havent Have/havent Has/hasnt Have/havent Have/ havent Have/ havent TO DO Do/dont Do/dont Does/doesnt Do/dont Do/dont Do/dont

QUESTIONS Tenemos dos formas de PREGUNTAR: WH-QUESTIONS y YES/NO QUESTIONS. WH-QUESTIONS: Se responden con algo concreto. Cmo se forma? WH-WORD + VERBO AUXILIAR + PRONOMBRE + CONTINUACION DE LA ORACION. Ejemplos: Whats (is) your name? My name is Jill. Where are you from? Im from Spain. When is your birthday? My birthday is on May. How old are you? Im 26 years old. What does she do? She is a student. YES/NO QUESTIONS: Se responden con si o no. Cmo se forma? ORACION VERBO AUXILIAR + PRONOMBRE + CONTINUACION DE LA

Ejemplos: Is she your sister? Yes, she is / No, she isnt (is not) Are you from Brazil? Yes, I am / No, I am not. Have you got a pencil? Yes, I have got / No, I havent got (have not got). PRESENTE SIMPLE Se usa: Hablando sobre estados o hechos concretos. Soccer games attract both the rich and the poor of the society. Comentando algo regular como rutina, costumbres y hbitos. I watch TV everyday.

Relatando hechos de una historia. and that girl goes into the bar Palabras claves: Everyday, always, never, sometimes, often, usually. Cmo se forma? Para I, you, we, they verbo tal cual est. Ej: go - go Para she, he, it verbo + es/s (segn corresponda) Ej: go goes / walk walks. Forma negativa: Para los que no son verbos auxiliares dont/doesnt (depende del pronombre) + verbo tal cual est. Ej: She doesnt go to school. I dont eat meat. Forma interrogativa: Se realiza la pregunta con el auxiliar DO o DOES (segn el pronombre). DO / DOES + PRONOMBRE + VERBO PRINCIPAL + CONTINUACION DE LA ORACION. Ej: Do they go to work? No, they dont / Yes, they do. PRESENTE CONTINUO Se utiliza para: Una accin que est ocurriendo en el momento, o una accin o estado que es temporal. Im (am) having breakfast. Dar informacin sobre el ambiente. As we walk into the stadium, the band is playing and the crowd is cheering. No se utiliza el presente continuo con estos verbos: believe, feel, hate, hear, know, like, love, smell, sound, understand, want. Palabras claves: at the moment, now. Cmo se forma? Para I am + verbo-ing. Ej: I am having. Para you, we, they are + verbo -ing. Ej: You are having. Para he, she, it is + verbo ing. Ej: She is having. Forma negativa: Se agrega NOT despus del verbo auxiliar. Ej: I am not having Forma interrogativa: IS/ARE + PRONOMBRE + VERBO-ING + CONTINUACION DE LA ORACION. Ej: Are you having breakfast? Yes, I am having breakfast / No, I am not having breakfast.

FUTURO GOING TO Se utiliza para hablar en el futuro. Cmo se forma? PRONOMBRE + TO BE + GOING TO + CONTINUACION DE LA ORACION. Ej: I am going to go to France. She is going to be an actress. They are going to travel around the world. Forma negativa: VERBO TO BE + NOT + GOING TO Ej: I am not going to France. Forma interrogativa: VERBO TO BE + GOING TO + VERBO PRINCIPAL + Ej: Is she going to be a doctor? Yes, she is going to be a doctor / No, she isnt going to be a doctor.

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