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PART A: Project (40%) Designing a Campaign Poster and Report PART B: Presentation (20%)
Part A: Group Assignment (40%) Designing a Campaign Poster and Report Scenario:

World Environment Day, celebrated on 5 June every year, is an annual event organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to stimulate worldwide awareness of environmental issues and promote positive environmental action. Through World Environment Day, the UNEP aims to personalize environmental issues and enable global citizens to realize not only their responsibility, but also their power to become agents for change in support of sustainable and equitable development (UNEP, n. d.). As part of its effort in celebrating World Environment Day, the SIMGE is recruiting DMS students to design a poster to raise awareness of environmental issues among SIM students and staff and to encourage them to adopt environmentally friendly practices in SIM.

Part A: Project (40%)

TASK ONE: 10% Identify atleast three main environmentally friendly practices that can be promoted or actively encouraged at SIM Design a poster to promote these three environmentally friendly practices Choose ONE of the following target groups: 1. SIM academic staff 2. SIM administrative staff 3. SIM students
Your Campaign Poster needs to include:

A text of between 50-100 words to encourage your target audience to reflect on the importance of protecting and conserving the environment through sound practices at work and at school

Appropriate Visuals to support the text Design with appropriate Layout and Features Correct use of Language and Expressions

TASK TWO: 30% Write a 1000-1500 word report which everyone in your group should contribute to. This report should explain the following: How you and your group members planned the various stages of your project How work was divided amongst you What you found out about environmental conservation and environmentally friendly practices during the course of your research

List any sources of information that you have used for this report in a reference list. The recommended documentation style is APA (6th edition). Refer to the following website for more information on the APA citation style:

Part B: Presentation (20%)

Deadline: Week 13 and Week 14 After preparing your posters and reports, you and your team members will present your poster ideas to the class as a group, but marks will be awarded individually. Therefore, everyone in the group must participate equally in the presentation. This assignment will test your small group communication skills, your organizational proficiency, and your ability to incorporate any and all necessary information in order to give your audience an in-depth understanding of your poster creation and on the topic of environmental conservation and protection. The poster presentation will follow the outline of your project report and include points that cover the main sections of the report.

Each presentation must include/incorporate: 15 to 20 minutes of presentation time (inclusive of Question and Answer session) at least one effective visual aid throughout the presentation (i.e., poster, PowerPoint materials, media, etc). Visual aids should be readable and have a clear connection to the presentation. Appropriate attire suitable for a college presentation- NO singlets, shorts, flip-flops, etc.


You are to work in groups of 4 (minimum) or 5 (maximum) on this project. No exception will be allowed. Students who insist on doing this project individually will be awarded zero marks. You must submit the names of your group members to your lecturer by Week 4. The Project components of Part A (Task 1 and Task 2) should be submitted to Turnitin anti-plagiarism software on the D2L Learning Management System. The submissions must include a cover page with official names and IC/passport numbers of all group members. EACH MEMBER OF YOUR GROUP MUST CONTRIBUTE EQUALLY TO THE PROJECT. YOU MUST, THEREFORE ASSIGN WORK EVENLY AMONG ALL YOUR GROUP MEMBERS.


By ONE DAY: 20% to be deducted from your total marks


Please submit your End Of Course Assessment early. The D2L Submission System will be open one week before the deadline. This allows multiple submissions before the deadline.

Please read through instructions in your Student Portal and your D2L portal carefully before submitting. If you have further queries, please read the FAQ. If after you have read the FAQ, you need assistance on D2L submission, please email to or call 6248 9393.

For non D2L issues, please email Please email with your student portal accounts. Email from other addresses will not be entertained. 4

Marking Guide: Your End of Course Assessment will be assessed on the following criteria: PART A: Project (40%) Designing a Campaign Poster and Report Poster (10%): Relevant message with appropriate visuals layout, colours and fonts quality information and writing grammatical accuracy

Project Report (30%): The report should be well-organised with clear and coherent views on the topic of social media ethics. It should include the development of your poster project idea an overview of the project development process a very comprehensive and insightful discussion of credible information grammatically accurate language with a variety of appropriate vocabulary and syntactic structures accurate citation of references (APA Style)

PART B: Presentation (20%) Although this is a group presentation, each member of the team will be assessed individually. Your presentation will be graded according to the following criteria: Content that is structured coherently, interesting and relevant to topic Language that is free from grammatical errors; use of Standard English Presentation that is well-paced, engaging, and uses visual aids effectively

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