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March 2013

Brazil Christian Mission

Newsletter n" 02

The month of March was a special month to thank the Lord for His wonderful gift to us. We celebrated Easter remembering that He gave His
son to die for our sins. This month we

remembered that Jesus suffered, cried and died for us, and every day now we can celebrate His

And as we see this celebration we can see it in the feelings of gratitude from the families who received food baskets. There were women fighting to care for their families trying not to let them go hungry. We witnessed two of these women who needed help and who still have hope and faith that God is truly in their lives looking over them. With tears In their eyes we were able to see that although they were in great suffering they still believe that God will pull them through and they felt that through this small gesture of receiving food baskets, God does love them and that He will never abandon them. This is also a reason to praise the Lord, for Him giving us this opportunity to be part of the Faith and Hope that these women carry In their

And that's what we believe Easter is, to give without wanting anything in return, seeing the gratitude in the eyes of these people Is sufficient. And because God gave his only son to save us, we can thank Him and show others how much He loves each one of us, through the gospel and through giving to those in special needs. Let us praise and glorify our Lord
Jesus Christ.

We praise the Lord for the small worship time we had in our
home on March 29.

Not many were present,

but those who were received a wonderful reflection from Silvio

and Tony (who communion).




The year of 2013 started off with

sadness because of the departure of Ruth Sanders, (wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister and missionary), but at the same time we rejoice In the Lord
because we know she is home with
our Farther.

We would like to thank all of you who sent cards, gifts, made phone calls, at the time of her passing. This was very much appreciated by all of us. (L. David, Staria, Daryl,
Maria. Bonnie and our families).

Despite the new and old difficulties life goes on with its old chaiienges and new ones. We are feeling challenged to face new Ideas, trials, hopes and we are expecting victories and miracles because our God is an awesome God.

Our year began with a monthly donation from the H.O.T. from IDES to feed the hungry. We have been giving out food baskets to needy families and hot
meals to individuals from our home.

Two new families have been registered to receive food baskets also. They are very needy.

Sueiy, she lives with her husband who has mental and physical problems. She picks up plastic

pop bottles In the street to sell. She did not have anything to eat when we arrived there. Her "refrigerator" is beyond repair and there's no table in the home. She has 3 chickens in her small muddy back yard which she is trying to raise and she does not
,know how to read or write.

Noemla, her husband was forbidden to come near her house because he Is extremely violent and he was

required by the court to give her a "pension" of $60 a


She has 4 children of school age. So as you can see this pension does not go very far. She showed up asking for a food basket and clothing. She does not know how to read or write and it is being very difficult for her to find some kind of job. When she received the basket and taiked to us, she was so thankful she began to cry and she said: "/ am walking through a dry desert and life has not been easy for my family and I, but I know that the Lord is watching over us as you can see by this food we are getting. I know it is the Lord who has sent this to us through you. Thank you so much!"

"Many of these things that God asks us to do go against our nature. But the Bible urges us to consistently walk with the Lord, walking by faith, even when it's difficult."

We have found several small properties that

might come to be the site for our headquarters and professional school.
Luiz set up a water tank in the first home In the Caroiinas community so that the family could have water in their home. (Many more are planned for him to set up). But first we need to go after funds
for this. The fund for this first water tank was given by an anonymous donator.
This last month Luiz and Silvio travelled to Sao

Paulo to renovate the Christian Church there. The

building was very old so there was plenty to do. Professionals in Sao Pauio are extremely expensive
so the church could not afford them. So Pr. Adeil

Fonseca Invited Luiz to go there to help. They spent 30 days there working on the building, painting, fixing electrical wiring, water connections, setting up bathroom fixtures and ceramics, etc.

Kalinka and Junior helped a couple move from one house to another. They could not afford to pay a moving transportation, so Kalinka driving, Fernando (the baby) going for the ride, and Junior to help transport sacks helped them move. We were happy to get news from Mago (Natercio) who has been in Sao Paulo studying to be a "padeiro" (bread maker for big companies).

We are also planning events to raise funds here to match with

donors in the US. These funds will go towards the purchase of property for our headquarters. The first event will be a bazaar of used clothing and
shoes in Aprli.

Please keep the foltowins

your prayers:

Health to be able to finish projects we have begun.

Wisdom to know what to do and how to do it.
Cod's hand in each move we make.

Increase in finances to work on projects and other field work.

"If one dream dies, dreams another dream."

For more Information:

Brazil Christian Mission

Box 12, Anthony, Kansas 67003

Or Email to:

News From Brasflia

L David and Pr. Marinho at luncheon at church -

Joel's visit to Brazil for his ordination as

February, 2013

minister of Christian Church (left to right - Adrlano (David's assistant, L David, Thomas, Pr. Osorio and Joel Mastracda)

Pre convention meeting (2012) Pr. Edson and Pr. L David at graduation of college students

Visit from Harry and Elaine Scates (left to right - Harry, Ruth, Elaine, Elaine's daughter In law and Staria)

L David's 95"* Birthday celebration Feb. 28,2013

"Love is all we need"

God is working on making mature Christians of us. The father who truly loves his son will not refrain from punishing when that is necessary to make a child stronger and wiser. So when difficulties come, even painful ones, we humbly receive them as a sign of God's deep favor. And remember: If we are wounded, He binds it up and heals. God's love
for us is endless.







communities around us.

"^ttciirisiiaii Mission
Bnuil Chhl|an Mission . LbjiJ Davsl Sanders
C/U Jerr> Turner
Bon 13 Aiiilionv. Kansas fi7(M)0

Recife - Brazil
sl.-uiovii liolniiiil com


With love everything is much easier, to help, to have more compassion, to sacrifice even for those you don't know well, or at all.
It is easier to understand health, work, life

Shacks are falling down, houses are flooded. People have to walk through the dirty and infected water to go outside. They have found several small crocodiles. While these people are wading in these waters those who live in the country outside of the city are having a terrible drought. The cattle are dying, people have been needing to drink 'briny' water whenever they cannot stand thirst any longer. Many trucks have gone out to take drinkable
water and food and ration for the animals, but

brasilsanders n uiiinil com

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issues. We need to preach and practice love more and lessen judging, because the Lord said "Do not judge your brother so you are not judged."

it is not enough. More needs to keep coming.

Where will it come from?

In our home worship there still are not many, but we know that soon we will have more people coming and people who need to
hear about the love of God, including, we

Prayer Requests:

hope, many of those that we help through the

Mission and IDES.

Edelweis a member of the

Christian church since she was

n child took-L-Q^id to have

dinner on Siinday'''%liine 3,

1. L. David Sanders' health and well being and strength to face one day at a time. 2. Help for the farming areas that are going through the drought. 3. Help for those around us in the poor communities to repair their homes. 4. Funds for specific projects: Massotherapy Project - Kalinka

starts with Love!
See God's Good in Difficulty Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For He bruises, but He binds up; He
wounds, but His hands make whole.

(We would like to ask for special prayer^or

1. David's health. He is in great pain. There are

turmms in his kidneys and seyeral other areas.

But still rusbwg-toget his projects finished. Pray for the Lord to give him strength and relief from the pain he feels. One thing that keeps him alive and holding up is
the love of God and the love of those around

him who talk to him, pray for him, call him giving him new challenges to face life. He loves what he does, and keeps on serving the

Production of organic disinfecting formula for hospitals - Isaias Handcrafts Project - Vania Small home business project - Luciana (She will need to stop being a manicure due to disease in her hands.) Help with food and other small projects for more needy families. 5. The Lord's constant presence in our weekly worship service and blessings for the people who come. 6. Site for headquarters. 7. The Lord's answer to decision making.

job 5:17-18

God is trying to make mature Christians of us. The father who truly loves his son will not refrain from punishing when that is necessary to make a child stronger and wiser. So when difficulties come, even painful ones, humbly receive them as a sign of God's deep favor. And remember: If we are wounded. He binds up and heals. God's love
for us is endless.

May, 2013 - Newsletter # 03

himself in the


Worship service in our

home has been such a BLESSING...

Finding a place to Call Home

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers .... Against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 10:12
Old house
Neir Ilnusc

We had a singing time, with old hymns, Ie< by Vania and Adriano. They also brought som( special music. One of the songs was about Naaman washini
river seven times... Vania"

compared the washing in the river to the washing away of our sins. Not only seven times as Naaman was told to do, but that during a single day, we should dip down and wash our sins by asking God to forgive. We sin all the time, in doing something, saying something, or even just thinking, and sometimes we don't even know that is wrong, that's why we have to ask God to "examine our
hearts" and show us.

We received some hard lessons through our move. Feeling the urgency to move because the place where we lived was literally falling
down, the structure is old, and it was built with

cheap material and an underground swamp is flowing right under the house.
In December 2012 the owner had said that

So each time this happens we should dip down in the cleansing waters asking Jesus for forgiveness of our sins. And Praise the Lord. He will forgive!

if we wanted to move it was alright with him. But once we found another place to live and notified him that we would be moving in 30 days, he then said that for us to move we would need to pay the fine of 20% over the full amount yet owed on the contract. Well, after much conversation he finally agreed to just charge a fine of one more rent.
Two weeks after we left the house the concrete slab of the roof on one si<le of the house fell

The move has been extremely expensive and there were problems beyond our capability of resolving and we are still waiting upon the Lord to
see what to do...

We have moved to a better place, and there's an extra room for Kalinka to start her massotherapy project when she can raise enough funds. All the funds required were not available and now we are still trying to make ends meet, funds
have dwindled in these last months which has

down because of the heavy rains. We praise the Lord we were no longer in
the house.

Below is the communion served

at our weekly meeting in our home.

pic of

complicated the situation. Some extra funds came in but clue to less coming in from the regular income things got complicated... We are at a point of no return and not knowing what to do. But then as this happens we can go to the Scriptures and be reminded yes, the spiritual forces of evil can try to block our blessings and our answers to prayer. And we see this happening also with Daniel (Dn. 10:10-14). So we have to wait patiently knowing that the Lord will send us victory when it is time.

Kalinka declares: 'Satan's handiwork wiU be overcome and then there wilt be God's "tremendous

Mathews and

victory,' She believes that our work has been attacked by satan because what God has for us is great and tremendous. And we are in this fight, with prayer, and fighting against our debts, but above ail holding God's hand, because we know that with Him in control we will not drown...
For more information and to send gifts please write to Mr. Turner P.O. Box 12, Anthony, Kansas - 67003

Fernando trying to play guitar


Box 12 - Anthony, KS 67003
October 28, 2013

Dear Supporters of Brazil Christian Mission:

Lloyd David Sanders is undergoing treatments for prostate cancer. A new drug is available to him, but very costly. He has had one treatment that was a gift. The drug is administered each month at a cost
of $5,000.

For such a devout 95 year old Christian, unafraid of death but determined to accomplish as much as possible with eaeh day he is given, this matter is totally in the hands of God. The up side is he could get relief from pain, see the cancer recede enough to continue working

awhile longer. He still goes to prayer group regularly, has many people coming to him for counsel, speaks occasionally for various events, shares a passion for unity of Christian leaders and speaks out on issues, has unfinished projects. Of course there is no guarantee that the med
will succeed, but his doctor extends good hope that it will.

The greatest and first request is for PRAYER. Ruth Edna Sanders passed away in January, and her sister Bonnie Connell of Anthony, KS followed this past week. The times are in God's hands. But if you pray and feel led to send dollars for this purpose, our God Just may have in mind some further time and ministry. Brethren in
Brasilia love him deeply, and are also giving to meet this need.

How long will these gifts be needed? Wewill keep you informed.
First and foremost; PRAY. THANKS comes next as we see

God's providence and grace enfold our brother for extended life here,
or perfect life hereafter.
Make checks to:

BCM, L. David Sanders MEDICAL

Box 12

Anthony, KS 67003
Love in Christ Jesus,
Darel Boston for BCM Board

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