Paswha Newsletter - November 2011

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November 2011 Edition Newsletter

Newsletter for the Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV & AIDS (Complimentary Nov. 2011 Edition provided to non-members as an outreach for membership.)
President's Message I am turning over my space to share with all of you profound words from one of your board members, Anita Case about World AIDS Day. Thanks to all of you for keeping up the work that we do.

PASWHA's Healthcare Reform Webinar

Sixty-nine people (many PASWHA members) participated in the PASWHA sponsored Nov. 16th Webinar: Health Care Reform Overview and Roles for Social Workers Involved in HIV and AIDS led by Randall H. Russell, LASW, CEO, Lifelong AIDS Alliance and founding member of PASWHA. Participants were eligible to receive 1.5 hours of Continuing Education Units through the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work. Plans call for Webinars to be archived in a members' only area of the PASWHA website as the organization grows and the website is enhanced; however, this Webinar is available on the PASWHA website under the resources page. Stay turned for future educational offers from PASWHA.

Alan Rice
Alan Rice, LCSW President

World AIDS Day World AIDS Day has been an annual observance since 1998, providing an opportunity to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS, to remember those who have lost their battle to AIDS, and to celebrate the successes we have made in HIV prevention and treatment since the start of this epidemic. The Professional

Association of Social Workers in HIV and AIDS (PASWHA) would like to recognize this important day with our support of this year's campaign, "Getting to Zero". PASWHA encourages social workers in the field of HIV/AIDS to support this theme by doing what we can to seek Zero new HIV infections, Zero discrimination and Zero AIDS-related deaths. The Social Work Code of Ethics emphasizes our goals of helping people in need, addressing social problems, challenging social injustice, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed populations, and respecting the dignity and worth of each person. Social workers have the responsibility of fighting against discrimination, advocating for living conditions conducive to fulfilling basic human needs, and promoting social, economic, political and cultural values and institutions that seek social justice. World AIDS Day is an opportunity to advocate for universal access to HIV prevention and treatment. It is an opportunity to advocate for the human rights of those living with HIV and AIDS as well as those at risk for HIV and AIDS. World AIDS Day is an opportunity to speak out against discrimination on the basis of HIV status. World AIDS Day is an opportunity to advocate for adequate funding and policies that promote access to effective prevention strategies and life-saving treatment. PASWHA encourages all social workers to help us Get to Zero! Be part of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy! We can all work together to achieve the Vision of this Strategy: "The United States will become a place where new HIV infections are rare and when they do occur, every person, regardless of age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or socio-economic circumstance, will have unfettered access to high quality, life-extending care, free from stigma and discrimination."

Special Deal for Members!

Both national and international members of PASWHA can purchase a combined print and online subscription to the Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services for the special rate of $50 per volume year. Contact Tony Cox to subscribe via email:

Membership Renewals Underway!

As it has been over one year since the formation and incorporation of PASWHA, it's time for organizational and individual members to renew their membership. Please watch your email inbox for a notice when your membership is up for renewal and please rejoin PASWHA as you are needed to continue the mission! We Need Sponsors

If you know someone who can sponsor our newsletters and

would like an online presence at our website - please call 205-939-0411, ext. 201 or email:

Thank you!

Healthcare Responses initially agreed to serve as the administering agent for one year. Randy Russell of Healthcare One aspect of the mission of PASWHA is to Responses, Inc. did a wonderful provide education to its members as well as the job. That was a little over 12 months community as a whole. This has been taken on by ago. The Board drafted a Request a core group of the PASWHA membership known for Proposal to invite interested as the Professional Development and Education organizations to apply for this vital (PD&E) Committee. The PD&E Committee's role. PASWHA is new; so an agent mission, "to maximize opportunities to increase was needed, who, like Healthcare skills, expertise, and knowledge of social workers Responses was stable and involved in direct practice, supervision, prepared to follow the Board administration, and/or research with HIV disease initiative and implement action to maximize the effectiveness of their practice," plans. The deadline for RFP has been guiding the work of this Committee submission was June 30, since the first meeting on May 23, 2011. 2011. RFPs were reviewed and a decision reached. The In the months following the initial PD&E announcement was made on August Committee meeting, the Committee has met via 2, 2011 that Collaborative Solutions, teleconference a total of three times, identifying Inc. (CSI), with its Executive Director both long-term and short-term goals for the Rusty Bennett, had been chosen the Committee's work. In an effort to provide the new PASWHA administering PASWHA membership with educational agency. Tony Cox, CSI's opportunities in a timely manner as well as to do Administration and Communication so mindfully, the initial tasks of the PD&E Assistant serves as the point person Committee have been two-fold; first, the at CSI for PASWHA; however, all Committee has coordinated a CE opportunity for staff with expertise related to the PASWHA membership focusing on healthcare administering PASWHA's needs reform, an issue thought to be one affecting all are involved. aspects of social work, and secondly, the Committee has partnered with the PASWHA Research and Policy/Advocacy Committee in formulating a training needs assessment of social workers in the HIV field so as to guide future educational opportunities in an informed manner.

Featured Committee Report Professional Development and Education (PD&E) Committee

The healthcare reform CE opportunity was offered as a one-time free event in celebration of the PASWHA one-year anniversary on November 16, 2011. The HIV social work training needs assessment is scheduled to be launched by December 2011, with findings to be disseminated by the PASWHA Research and Policy/Advocacy Committee shortly thereafter. The PASWHA PD&E Committee will hold a November meeting to begin discussing next steps related to the provision of high-quality CE opportunities at a nominal cost to the PASWHA membership on a regular basis, as well as additional ways to provide for the professional development needs of social workers in the HIV field. Participation on the PASWHA PD&E Committee is open to any PASWHA member; inquiries should be directed to the Committee Chair, Lucy Cordts, at

Rusty Bennett, LGSW PhD Birmingham, AL

Lucy Cordts, LMSW New Orleans, LA

Please let us know if you or a colleague have changed Em ail addresses or you w ish your PASWHA em ails to go to a different em ail address. Thank you!

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