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It might be the most interesting capital you have never heard of!

Development Strategy - 2020

a city appreciated by its inhabitants a historical-cultural heritage, welcoming and attractive for the tourists an urban center for a sustainable and competitive economic development, prepared for future challenges and knowledge

Key Facts I

Alba County capital 60000 inhabitants 6 times a capital during its history 150 million Euros attracted from European funds and national government It represents 2500 euro / inhabitant, 500 euro / capita / year in the last 5 years The amount is 5 times the annual budget of total revenues from governmental sources (mainly functional expenditures) and 25 times more than the revenue from local sources (local revenues, taxes, etc.) The city hall is the largest investor in the development of Alba Iulia Municipality during economical and financial crisis Urban development projects of Alba Iulia maintained or created 1,500 temporary and permanent jobs during the implementation period (2009 2014)

legally recognized of national importance

Key Facts II
A strong institutional capacity for planning urban development and attracting financing resources for urban policies and projects (World Bank, Moodys, 2013)

5th place among cities of Romania in attracting and absorbing European funds (IPP, 2011)

The first local authority from Romania signing financing contracts in the framework of Axis 1 of Regional Operational Program

10 contracts implemented or almost at the end of implementation period in this Program, out of which 7 are financed through Axis 1.1

Key Facts III

23 km of modernized and extended roads and afferent utilities network

15 km of new bicycle lanes

55000 m of pedestrian areas and squares and 20000 m of new parking plots

3 bridges and 2 passages constructed or modernized

Key Facts IV

24 streets from the civic center of Alba Iulia entirely modernized

Mamut leisure zone and arboretum (dendrologic park)

1 modernized residential center for elderly people

15 ha of new green spaces (the biggest urban park inside in fortress from Romania)

Key Facts V
98 % covered access to potable water system

87 % covered access to sewage water system and a new sewage plant functional starting with 2014

1700 solar and photovoltaic panels assuring energetic sustainability for 4 buildings being the property of the city

GIS, call center, new applications and IT infrastructure for the City Hall

The route of the three fortifications

Austrian guard of the Vauban citadel

Austrian guard of the Vauban citadel

Austrian guard of the Vauban citadel

Roman guard

Roman guard

2 religions, one strong and tolerant community

The Coronation Cathedral

St. Michael's Cathedral

Inside the Citadel

Inside the Citadel

apor palace - the headquarters of the 1 decembrie 1918 alba iulia university

unions national museum

union room- Where the Unification of Romania was signed on December 1st, 1918

medieval touristic complex

The west wall

Dendrological Park

The largest Human Hug in the mankind History 2009 Guinness book

Alba Iulia: Romanias heritage, Romanias future. Last month I joined a group of ambassadors visiting the vast and impressive Vauban Fortress at Alba Iulia. As a historian I found this a fascinating place to visit. All the different eras of Romanian history are represented here the original Dacian settlement, the Roman legionary fortress and the magnificent Habsburg citadel in the impregnable star-shaped configuration designed by the French military engineer Marshal Vauban.() But today the fortress is also a major tourist attraction- for school children learning about their history, for families enjoying a day out, for foreigners like myself keen to discover and appreciate Romanias rich architectural heritage

(Martin Harris, Ambassador of UK in Romania)

The First City in Romania promoted in the World Heritage Unesco Magazine

Alba Iulia - A Royal Capital

2013 - The first municipality from Romania rated by Moodys

Prudent budgetary management reflected in sound operating margins and balanced financial performance Adequate liquidity position which is expected to be additionally strengthened by end of this fiscal year


Favorable debt maturity profile and manageable debt service by city finances

Ambitious capital spending to upgrade municipal infrastructure to EU standards

Good location, countys economic hub, diversified industrial basis

Comprehensive and centralized system of supervision and reporting

Expected increase in net direct and indirect debt

Limited revenue flexibility

Alba Iulia Municipality - a study case appreciated by World Bank for its capacity of development planning - 2013

Public transportation

2013 best European bus company winner

Public transportation

Contact details: NICOLAIE MOLDOVAN,City Manager

alba iulia municipality & romulus opriscan February 2014

thank you !

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