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DAVEY'S HOUSE by Destri Martino 3/1/14 Based on the 3rd Page prompt: Nostalgia. Peeling. Unfortunate.

INT. DAVEYS HOUSE, FAMILY ROOM - NIGHT Davey (8) sits on a well-worn couch watching the tv in front of him. He sports a cowboy hat, jeans, and a plaid buttondown shirt. We hear the wind swirling outside, causing the houses old wood-framed windows to CREAK and GASP. There are sounds of children hollering to each other out on the street, some scream, some giggle. The door bell rings. Davey doesnt budge. On the old tv screen is Ferris Bueller and his friend Cameron. CAMERON Ferris Bueller, youre my hero. Davey cracks a half smile. The doorbell rings again. Nothing from Davey. The wind blows hard against the house again, this time causing the kitchen cupboards to CLAP. Momma? DAVEY

Davey looks toward the kitchen and waits for an answer. Momma? DAVEY (CONTD)

Davey turns back toward the tv and changes the channel with an old clicker-type remote. On the screen is Cal Worthington and a tiger. Davey stares deeply into the screen until...ZAP, it turns off. He snaps out of his mild trance and grabs the phone, a mideighties model, and dials. Davey listens to the receiver as an operator picks up. 911 OPERATOR 9-1-1, whats your emergency? DAVEY My momma is gone. Im sorry? 911 OPERATOR

DAVEY My mommas supposed to take me trick-or-treating.

2. 911 OPERATOR Honey, is this an emergency? When did you last see your mommy? DAVEY She went to the market with a friend. 911 OPERATOR How long ago was that? DAVEY Ten minutes ago? 911 OPERATOR Ten minutes? OK, thats not very long, honey. Maybe she got stuck in the Halloween traffic. Its pretty busy out there tonight. DAVEY But shes supposed to take me trickor-treating. 911 OPERATOR Im sorry, honey, it sounds like shes just running late. Im sure shell be home soon. I need to leave this line open for real emergencies. CLICK. Davey returns the receiver to the phone, then stands up and slowly walks out of the room. INT. DAVEYS HOUSE, BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS An 80s time capsule, the room is decorated with floral wallpaper. On the carpet beside the queen-sized bed is a massive blood stain. Davey enters, and looks around the room. His eyes drift over the stain. DAVEY Thats unfortunate. Emotionless, Davey turns and leaves the room. INT. DAVEYS HOUSE, FAMILY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Davey enters and returns to his spot on the couch. There is now a bloodied gun sitting on the cushion next to his. Davey raises the clicker and the tv turns on.

3. On the screen is Ferris Bueller and his friend Cameron. CAMERON Ferris Bueller, youre my hero. Davey cracks a half smile. Theres a shift in the room. Davey looks up to find a ghostly woman figure smiling down at him. His eyes light up. Momma. DAVEY

MOMMA Are you the sheriff, Davey? Are you my hero? Davey nods and looks down at the heavy gun beside him and runs his fingers over it. He picks it up and clumsily aims it at himself. DAVEY Bang, bang. A smile spreads across his face. EXT. DAVEYS HOUSE, FRONT YARD - CONTINUOUS Peels of paint hang from the sides of the dilapidated house. TWO MOMS (30s) watch as their costumed kids run screaming and giggling from Daveys front door. MOM #1 (laughing) Did you guys see the ghosts? MOM #2 I wish theyd just tear this place down, its so creepy. MOM #1 Well, the kids love it this time of year. The moms follow behind their kids as they race to the next house yelling, Trick or Treat! as we... FADE TO BLACK.

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