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Sample Paper 2013 Class XI Subject Physics
MM : 70 Time: 3 Hrs.

General Instructions: 1. 2. 3. '. ,. All questions are compulsory. The question paper consists of 16 questions. Question No. 1 to 8 carry one mark each Question No. ! to 18 carry t"o marks each Question No. 1! to 2# carry three marks each an$ question No. 28 to 3% carry fi&e marks each. There is no o&erall choice. (o"e&er internal choice has )een *i&en in some questions. +ou ha&e to attempt only one of these questions. -se of calculator is not permitte$.
3 The volume of an object as a function of time is calculated by v = At +

B where t is time in t

seconds and v is in cubic metres. Determine the dimensions of constants A and B.


A stone is thrown such that its horizontal range is 4 times the maximum height. ind the angle of !rojection.
' +4 ' j & m)s and final velocity A cric"et ball of mass #$% g has an initial velocity u =(3i ' +4 ' v = (3i j & m)s after being hit. *alculate the change in momentum. +hat ha!!ens to coefficient of friction when the weight of a body is doubled ,

3. 4. 5.

-f a man in an elevator dro!s his briefcase but it does not fall to the floor. what can you conclude about the elevator/s motion, -f angular momentum is conserved in a system whose moment of inertia is decreased. +ill its rotational "inetic energy be also conserved, 0x!lain. +hen a !article rotates in a circle. a central force acts on it directed towards the centre of rotation. +hy does this force does no wor" on the !article, 1ee!ing tem!erature constant. the !ressure of a given mass of a gas is halved. +hat would be the effect on the volume of the gas. The volume of vessel A is twice the volume of another vessel B and both of them are filled with the same gas. -f the gas in A is at twice the tem!erature and twice the !ressure in com!arison to the gas in B. what is the ratio of gas molecules in A and B, -f velocity (v&. force ( & and acceleration (a& are ta"en as fundamental 2uantities instead of mass (3&. length (4& and time (T&. ind the dimensions of 5oung/s modulus of elasticity.





10. Other Educational ortals ! !" ! ! !
11. 12.

7tatic friction is a self adjusting force. *omment on this statement. 8ive the statement of Bernoulli/s theorem. The velocity of flow of water in a horizontal !i!e is #% ms9#. ind the velocity head of water. :n sounding tuning for" A with another tuning for" B of fre2uency 3;4 <z. = beats are !roduced !er second. After loading the !rongs of A with wax and then sounding it again with B. 4 Beats are !roduced !er second. +hat is the fre2uency of the tuning for" A, The moment of inertia of two rotating bodies are -A and -B (-A > -B& and their angular momenta are e2ual. +hich one has greater "inetic energy, The bloc" of mass 3 moving on the frictionless horizontal surface collides with the s!ring of s!ring constant " and com!ress it by length 4. *alculate the maximum momentum of the bloc" after collision.


14. 15.


A bloc" of mass %.# "g is held against a wall by a!!lying a horizontal force of $ 6 as shown. -f coefficient of friction b)w the wall and the bloc" is %.$. ind the magnitude of frictional force acting on the bloc".


17. 18.

7how that the moon would esca!e for ever from its orbit if its s!eed were increased by 4#.4 ?. The dis!lacement of a !article executing 7<3 is given as y = #% sin

t cm. ind the time 3

19. 20. 21. 22.


ta"en by the !article to reach from the mean !oint to a !oint mid way between the mean !oint and the extreme !oint. :@ A thin uniform rod of length 4 and mass m is swinging freely about a horizontal axis !assing through its end. -ts maximum angular s!eed is . *alculate to what maximum height the centre of mass rises 0x!lain im!ulse9momentum theorem. 8ive some !ractical a!!lications of im!ulse. 7tate and ex!lain wor" energy !rinci!le using calculus method. 0x!lain the conce!t of centre of mass. :btain an ex!ression for the !osition vector of centre of mass of n9!article system. @e!resent gra!hically the variation of extension with load in an elastic body. :n the gra!h mar" (i& <oo"e/s law region (ii& 0lastic limit (iii& 5ield !oint (iv& Brea"ing !oint A gas ex!ands from volume A# to volume AB in (a& isothermal !rocess (b& adiabatic !rocess (c& isobaric !rocess. or which !rocess the wor" done will be greatest. Other Educational ortals ! !" ! ! !

The volume of an ideal gas is 4 litre. the !ressure is B atm. and the tem!erature is 3%%1. The gas first ex!ands at constant !ressure to twice its original volumeC it is then com!ressed isothermally to its original volume .and finally cooled at constant volume to its original !ressure. (i& 7how the !rocess in a !v9diagram (ii& *om!ute the tem!erature during the isothermal com!ression (iii& *om!ute the wor" done by the gas during the ex!ansion (iv& *om!ute the maximum !ressure attained in the !rocess. 7tate the fundamental assum!tions of "inetic theory of gases. Drove that D E
# c B 3

25. 26.


The !eriodic time of a mass sus!ended by a s!ring (force constant "& is T. -f the s!ring is cut into three e2ual !arts. what will be the force constant of each !art. -f the same mass be sus!ended from one !art. what will be the !eriodic time. Two !lanets have masses in the ratio # F #% and radii in the ratio B F $. *om!are (i& Their densities (ii& The acceleration due to gravity on their surface (iii& 0sca!e velocities from their surfaces (iv& The !eriod of revolution of satellites near to their surfaces. :@ A roc"et starts vertically u!wards with s!eed v %. 7how that its s!eed v at a height h is given by
v% v B =

Bgh h #+ R




+hat is friction. 7tate the laws of limiting friction. +hat are the factors on which coefficient of friction de!end. Also write the units of coefficient of "inetic and rolling friction. :@ +hat do you mean by Ban"ing of roads. +hat is the need of ban"ing a circular road. Discuss the motion of car on ban"ed circular road(with friction&. A vehicle running with s!eed GB "m)hr a!!lies bra"es !roducing a retardation of 3 m)s B while ta"ing a turn of radius #%% m. ind the acceleration. Define coefficient of viscosity. 8ive its 7- unit. :n what factors does the terminal velocity of a s!herical ball falling through a viscous li2uid de!end. Two steel balls of radii # mm and B mm ac2uire the same terminal velocity in two li2uids H and 5 of same density. ind the ratio of coefficient of viscosity of H and 5. :@ +hat do you mean by an ideal fluid, Drove that when an ideal fluid flows through a !i!e in streamlined motion. the !roduct of the cross9sectional area of the tube and the velocity of flow is constant. +hat do you understand by 7.<.3, :btain an ex!ression for time !eriod of a sim!le !endulum. 7how that time !eriod of a sim!le !endulum of infinite length is ;4.= minutes and not infinite. Other Educational ortals ! !" ! ! !
:@ 0x!lain with reason whether the !ro!agation of sound waves in air is an isothermal !rocess or adiabatic !rocess. Ising the formula v = (i& (ii& (iii& (iv&

. 0x!lain why the s!eed of sound in air

-s inde!endent of !ressure -ncreases with tem!erature -ncreases with humidity (exce!t for <B and <e& <ow does humidity affect the velocity of sound in <B and <e,

2. J. K. PUB !" #"H$$ Other Educational ortals ! !" ! ! !

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