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All Things Current: What you'll find in your March 26, 2014, edition

EDUCATION After it was one of 2010's hottest topics, school reform isn't as polarizin an iss!e amon this "ear's ma"oral can#i#ates$ %all e#itions& 'epresentati(es of Cooli# e )i h *chool implore# top D$C$ e#!cation officials to in(est more in the +ar# , instit!tion at last Th!rs#a"'s p!-lic hearin on the cit"wi#e school -!# et$ %Northwest C!rrent east& EN.I'ON/ENT As the U$*$ Arm" Corps of En ineers in(esti ates possi-le chemical contamination in *prin .alle"'s ro!n#water, some resi#ents fear that a planne# monitorin well wo!l# #ama e a tin" par0 in the me#ian of 'oc0woo# 1ar0wa"$ %Northwest C!rrent west, D!pont C!rrent& The Ur-an 2orestr" A#ministration is e"in a new r!--er" material to protect tree -o3es in commercial 4eor etown's narrow si#ewal0s, tho! h preser(ation concerns lin er$ %4eor etown C!rrent, D!pont C!rrent, 2o " 5ottom C!rrent& 1O6ITIC* Anita 5on#s #escri-e# her sentiment that D$C$ 1!-lic *chools sho!l# consi#er a st!#ent #ress co#e, in an inter(iew with The C!rrent as part of a series on at7lar e D$C$ Co!ncil can#i#ates' polic" positions$ %all e#itions& *i3 ma"oral hopef!ls so!n#e# off 2ri#a" on cit" transportation policies an# other en(ironmental iss!es at a *o!theast can#i#ates for!m$ %Northwest C!rrent, 4eor etown C!rrent, D!pont C!rrent& +ar# 1 D$C$ Co!ncil mem-er 8im 4raham is see0in an in(esti ation of challen er 5rianne Na#ea!9s past applications for #own7pa"ment assistance$ %all e#itions& T'AN*1O'TATION The lon 7r!nnin reconstr!ction of New )ampshire A(en!e so!th of D!pont Circle is #!e to wrap !p at the en# of April$ %D!pont C!rrent, 2o " 5ottom C!rrent& OT)E' NE+* A new :4reen Team; of e37offen#ers pic0in !p trash alon Connectic!t A(en!e has -een a reat s!ccess, sa"s +ar# < D$C$ Co!ncil mem-er /ar" Cheh$ %Northwest C!rrent, 4eor etown C!rrent& ON T)E /A'=ET A two7-e#room in#!strial7st"le loft con#o in 6o an Circle is a(aila-le for >?@@,@@?$ %all e#itions& O1INION %all e#itions& E#itorialA 8ac0 E(ans' accomplishments s! est he wo!l# -e the more effecti(e ma"or, -!t /!riel 5owser is more li0el" to -eat .incent 4ra"B Democrats sho!l# cast their -allots -ase# on whether the"'re willin to ris0 the ma"or -ein re7electe#$ *herwoo#A /!riel 5owser an# .incent 4ra" are now nec07an#7nec0 in the latest ma"oral polls, as 5owser #istances herself from 4ra"'s other challen ers$ *1O'T* %Northwest C!rrent, 4eor etown C!rrent& .isitation lacrosse, with a new coach at the helm, -lew o!t )ol" Chil# 207@ on /on#a"$ 'oose(elt -o"s -as0et-all hotshot 8ohnnie *h!ler is D$C$'s 4atora#e 1la"er of the Cear$ *i#well -o"s lacrosse fell 107@ to 8ohn 1a!l the 4reat last +e#nes#a" #espite a late rall"$ DI*1ATC)E* Eaton Elementar" s!r(e"s niceness, 1ar0mont *chool st!#ies plant se3, an# other reports from local schools$ %all e#itions&

A6*O IN T)E CU''ENT Crime report A#(isor" nei h-orhoo# commission reports an# a en#as 'eports from local citizens associations Calen#ar of the wee0's e(ents Classifie# a#s an# ser(ice #irector" Email us to receive this newsletter every Wednesday. The C!rrent comes o!t in print e(er" +e#nes#a" an# is poste# online on Th!rs#a"s at c!rrentnewspapers$comDarchi(e$php an# iss!!$comDc!rrentnewspapers$ To reach The C!rrent with a news tip, correction, a#(ertisin inE!ir", or other E!estion or comment, email news#es0Fc!rrentnewspapers$com or call 20272,,7G22<$
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