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Ogemaw Heights High School

West Branch-Rose City Area Schools Curriculum Pacing Guide Social Studies Department
This pacing guide was developed by: Jack A. Money

"$e 5%em 6 7ei%$ts Soci l Stu#ies curriculum is li%ne# 6it$ t$e 0ic$i% n 7i%$ Sc$ool Content E)pect tions s i#entifie# on t$e ( c8 p %e. !istrict te c$ers n# #ministr tors ll $ -e t$e full copies of t$e st te st n# r#s n# e)pect tions, 6$ic$ inclu#e ll components of t$e Soci l Stu#ies e)pect tions.


&AR'!$G P%R!OD (
%ras + and ,. Regional Ci/ili0ations "he Renaissance "he Re1ormation

&AR'!$G P%R!OD )
%ras , and -. "he Age o1 A5solutism "he %nlightenment and Re/olution

&AR'!$G P%R!OD *
%ras - and 7. "he !ndustrial Re/olution $ationalism Growth o1 Western Democracies

&AR'!$G P%R!OD +
%ras - and 7. "he $ew !mperialism $ew Glo5al Patterns World War ! "he Russian Re/olution 2Chapters ()3 (*3 (+4 HSC%. 6.1.2, 6.2.4, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 7.1.2, 7.2.1, 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3

&AR'!$G P%R!OD ,
%ra 7. $ationalism and Re/olution "he Rise o1 "otalitarianism World War !! and !ts A1termath

&AR'!$G P%R!OD %ra 6. "he Cold War $ew $ations Regional Con1licts "he De/eloping World "he World "oday 2Chapters (63 (83 )93 )(3 ))4 HSC%. 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.4, 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.3

CO$"%$" A$D HSC%

2Part *3 Chapter (4 HSC%. 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.3.1, 5.3.4, 5.3.5, 6.1.5 %ra ,. Beginnings o1 Our Glo5al Age HSC%. 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.6, 6.2.4 2Chapters ) and *4

2Chapters +3 ,3 -3 64 HSC%. 5.3.4, 5.3.5, 6.1.1, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.1

2Chapters 73 83 (93 ((4 HSC%. 5.3.1, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4,6.2.3, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 7.1.1, 7.1.4

2Chapters (,3 (-3 (74 HSC%. 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.2.3, 7.3.2, 7.3.4, 7.3.5


Part *3 Chapter (. Belief Systems p.11, 805 Empires p. 23, 788 Conflict p. 41, 789 Chapters ) and *. Cultur l !iffusion p. 42, 804 "r #e p. 43 Science n# "ec$nolo%y p. 77, 797 &olitic l Systems p. 153, 800'803 Colum(i n E)c$ n%e p. 134

Chapters +3 ,3 -3 6. *eo%r p$ic +mp ct p. 239, 770 ,e-olution p. 282 Spre #in% t$e .or# of ,e-olution p. 202

Chapters 73 83 (93 (( Economic Systems p. 265, 792'794 / tion lism p. 347 0i%r tion p. 370, 804 Electricity1s +mp ct on ! ily 2ife p. 310

Chapters ()3 (*3 (+. "ec$nolo%y p. 410, 796

Chapters (,3 (-3 (7 !ict tors$ip p. 541, 802 *enoci#e p. 595 !'! y p. 584, 789

Chapters (63 (83 )93 )(3 )) Cooper tion p. 613, 790, 791 !emocr cy p. 709, 801 &eople n# t$e En-ironment p. 743 "$e 3 ll of "$e So-iet 4nion p. 636

Part *3 Chapter (. 9n ly:e &rim ry Sources S7 33 Chapters )-*. 2 titu#e n# 2on%itu#e E rt$ 0o-ements 9n ly:e 0 p &ro;ections ,e # 0 ps 9n ly:e Speci l 0 ps S7 25 S7 26 S7 27 S7 28 S7 29

Chapters 73 83 (93 (( 9n ly:e "imelines S7 32, 784'787 Comp re <ie6points S7 34 Critic l "$in8in% S7 38

Chapters ()3 (*3 (+. 9n ly:e *r p$ic ! t Synt$esi:e +nform tion &ro(lem Sol-in%

S7 30 S7 35 S7 37

Chapters (63 (83 )93 )(3 )) +m %e 9n lysis 9n ly:e C use n# Effect

S7 31 S7 36


Course materials. "e:t5oo;3 <ideo3 Wor; Pac;ets

WOR D H!S"OR# A$D G%OGRAPH# / (9=97

>O?$DA"!O$S !$ WHG %RAS ( @ * (Review of content taught in grades 6 and 7)
>( >) >* >+ World Historical and Geographical AHa5its o1 &indB and Central Concepts Systems o1 Human Organi0ations Growth and De/elopment o1 World Religions Regional !nteractions

WHG %RA +. %CPA$D!$G A$D !$"%$S!>!%D H%&!SPH%R!C !$"%RAC"!O$S3 *99 "O (,99 C=%=DA=D=
+=( Cross-temporal or Glo5al %:pectations Analyze important hemispheric interactions and temporal developments during an era of increasing regional power, religious expansion, and the collapse of some empires. +=) !nterregional or Comparati/e %:pectations Analyze and compare important hemispheric interactions and cross regional developments, including the growth and conse!uences of an interregional system of communication, trade, and culture exchange during an era of increasing regional power and religious expansion. +=* Regional %:pectations Analyze important regional developments and cultural changes, including the growth of states, towns, and trade in Africa south the "ahara, #urope, the Americas, and $hina.


WHG %RA , @ "H% %&%RG%$C% O> "H% >!RS" G OBA AG%3 (,"H "O (6"H C%$"?R!%S
,=( Cross-temporal or Glo5al %:pectations Analyze the glo%al impact and significant developments caused %y transoceanic travel and the lin&ing of all the ma'or areas of world %y the ()th century. ,=) !nterregional or Comparati/e %:pectations Analyze the impact of oceanic travel on interregional interactions. ,=* Regional Content %:pectations Analyze the important regional developments and cultural changes in Asia, Russia, #urope and the Americas. the

WHG %RA - @ A$ AG% O> G OBA R%<O ?"!O$S3 (6"H C%$"?R#-(8(+

-=( Glo5al or Cross-temporal %:pectations #valuate the causes, characteristics, and conse!uences of revolutions of the intellectual, political and economic structures in era of increasing glo%al trade and consolidations of power. -=) !nterregional or Comparati/e %:pectations Analyze and compare the interregional patterns of nationalism, state %uilding, and social reform and imperialism. -=* Regional Content %:pectations Analyze the important regional developments and political, economic, and social transformations in #urope, *apan, $hina, and Africa. an

WHG %RA 7 @ G OBA CR!S!S A$D ACH!%<%&%$"3 (899-(8+,

7=( Glo5al or Cross-temporal %:pectations Analyze changes in glo%al %alances of military, political, economic, and technological power and influence in the first half of the +,th century. 7=) !nterregional or Comparati/e %:pectations Assess the interregional causes and conse!uences of the glo%al wars and revolutionary movements during this era. 7=* Regional Content %:pectations #xplain regional continuity and change in Russia, Asia, the Americas, the -iddle #ast, and Africa.

WHG %RA 6 @ "H% CO D WAR A$D !"S A>"%R&A"H. "H% )9"H C%$"?R# S!$C% (8+,
6=( Glo5al and Cross-temporal %:pectations Analyze the glo%al reconfigurations and restructuring of political and economic relationships in the .ost /orld /ar 00 era. 6=) !nterregional or Comparati/e %:pectations Assess and compare the regional struggles for and against independence, decolonization, and democracy across the world.

World History and Geography Social Studies Pacing Guide

May 2009


#valuate the events, trends and forces that are increasing glo%al interdependence and expanding glo%al networ&s and evaluate events, trends and forces that are attempting to maintain or expand autonomy of regional or local networ&s. CG( Population #xplain the causes and conse!uences of population changes over the past 1, years. CG) Resources #xplain the changes over the past 1, years in the use, distri%ution, and importance of natural resources. CG* Patterns o1 Glo5al !nteractions 2efine the process of glo%alization and evaluate the merit of this concept to descri%e the contemporary world. CG+ Con1lict3 Cooperation3 and Security Analyze the causes and challenges of continuing and new conflicts.

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