MG T 501 Authentic MCQ S

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MGT501 authentic MCQs

Performance Management and Appraisal

Multiple Choice

1. The process of evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards is called _____. a. b. c. d. e. recruitment employee selection performance appraisal organizational development training

(c easy p. !1"#

$. %hen goal setting& performance appraisal& and development are consolidated into a single& common system designed to ensure that employee performance supports a companys strategy& it is called _____. a. b. c. d. e. strategic organizational development performance management performance appraisal human resource management strategic management

(b easy p. !1"#

!. 'erformance management combines performance appraisal (ith _____ to ensure that employee performance is supportive of corporate goals.

a. b. c. d. e.

goal setting training incentive systems all of the above none of the above

(d moderate p. !1"#

). Managers follo(ing a performance management approach to appraisals (ill usually meet (ith employees on a _____ basis. a. b. c. d. e. (ee*ly monthly bi+annual yearly bi+monthly

(a moderate p. !1"#

,. Managers follo(ing a traditional performance appraisal system (ill typically meet (ith employees on a _____ basis. a. b. c. d. e. daily (ee*ly monthly bi+monthly yearly

(e moderate p. !1"#

-. The component of an effective performance management process that communicates the organizations higher level goals throughout the organization and then translates these goals into departmental goals is called _____. a. b. c. d. e. role clarification goal alignment developmental goal setting direction sharing coaching and support

(d difficult p. !1$#

.. The component of an effective performance management process that e/plains each employees role in terms of his or her day+to+day (or* is called _____. a. b. c. d. e. role clarification goal alignment developmental goal setting direction sharing coaching and support

(a difficult p. !1$#


%hich of the follo(ing is not one of the guidelines for effective goal setting1 a. b. c. d. e. assign specific goals assign measurable goals assign challenging but doable goals assign conse2uences for performance encourage participation

(d moderate p. !1!#


The 4 in the acronym for 4M56T goals stands for _____.

a. b. c. d. e.

specific straightfor(ard strategic source support

(a easy p. !1!#


The M in the acronym for 4M56T goals stands for _____. a. b. c. d. e. moderate measurable meaningful mid+range merit

(b moderate p. !1!#


The 5 in the acronym for 4M56T goals stands for _____. a. b. c. d. e. actionable appropriate attainable attitude asset

(c moderate p. !1!#

1$. 'articipatively set goals result in higher performance than assigned goals (hen _____. a. b. participatively set goals are more difficult assigned goals are more difficult

c. d. e.

the re(ards are also higher participatively set goals are used consistently the goals are doable

(a moderate p. !1!#

1!. %hen using goal setting in performance management& the goals should be _____. a. b. c. d. e. difficult challenging doable specific all of the above

(e easy p. !1!#

1). %ho is the primary person responsible for doing the actual appraising of an employees performance1 a. b. c. d. e. the employees direct supervisor the company appraiser the human resource manager the 778 contact person none of the above

(a moderate p. !1)#

1,. %hich of the follo(ing is not a role played by the 96 department regarding performance appraisals1 a. Training of supervisors

b. c. d. e.

Monitoring the appraisal system 5ppraising of employees 7nsuring compliance (ith 778 la(s 5dvising regarding appraisal tools and procedures

(c moderate p. !1)#

1-. %hen designing an actual appraisal method& the t(o basic considerations are _____. a. b. c. d. e. (ho should measure and (hen to measure (hen to measure and (hat to measure (hat to measure and (ho should measure (hat to measure and ho( to measure (hen to measure and ho( to measure

(d moderate p. !1,#


The most popular techni2ue for appraising performance is the ______ method. a. b. c. d. e. alternation ran*ing graphic rating scale :i*ert M;8 constant sum rating scale

(b moderate p. !1,#


%hich performance appraisal techni2ue lists traits and a range of performance1 a. b. c. alternation ran*ing graphic rating scale :i*ert

d. e.

M;8 constant sum rating scale

(b moderate p. !1,#


%hat do performance appraisals measure1 a. b. c. d. e. generic dimensions of performance performance of actual duties employee competency achievement of ob<ectives all of the above

(e moderate p. !1.#

$". =f a performance appraisal focuses on an employees ability to >identify and analyze problems? or to >maintain harmonious and effective (or*ing relationships&? then the performance appraisal is focused on measuring _____. a. b. c. d. e. generic dimensions of performance performance of actual duties employee competency achievement of ob<ectives all of the above

(c moderate p. !1.#

$1. =f a performance appraisal focuses on an employees 2uality and 2uantity of (o*& then the performance appraisal is focused on measuring _____. a. b. generic dimensions of performance performance of actual duties

c. d. e.

employee competency achievement of ob<ectives all of the above

(a moderate p. !1.#

$$. The _____ method of performance appraisal involves listing all the subordinates to be rated& crossing out the names of any not *no(n (ell enough to ran*& indicating the employee (ho is the highest on each characteristic being measured and (ho is the lo(est& and then alternating bet(een the ne/t highest and lo(est until all employees have been ran*ed. a. b. c. d. e. alternation ran*ing graphic rating scale :i*ert M;8 constant sum rating scale

(a moderate p. !1.#

$!. a.

5lternation ran*ing refers to an appraisal method& (hich _____. is based on progress made to(ard the accomplishment of measurable goals

b. combines the benefits of narratives& critical incidents& and 2uantified scales by assigning scale points (ith specific e/amples of good or poor performance c. re2uires that the supervisor *eep a log of positive and negative e/amples of a subordinates (or*+related behavior d. re2uires a supervisor to evaluate performance by assigning predetermined percentages of those being rated into performance categories e. involves listing all the subordinates to be rated& crossing out the names of any not *no(n (ell enough to ran*& indicating the employee (ho is the highest on each characteristic being measured and (ho is the lo(est& and then alternating bet(een the ne/t highest and lo(est until all employees have been ran*ed

(e moderate p. !1.#


The most popular method for ran*ing employees is the _____ method. a. b. c. d. e. graphic ran*ing scale constant sum ran*ing scale alternation ran*ing paired comparison forced distribution

(c moderate p. !1.#

$,. 4uppose you have five employees to rate. @ou ma*e a chart of all possible pairs of employees for each trait being evaluated. Then& you indicate the better employee of the pair for each pair. Ainally& you add up the number of positives for each employee. =n this case& you have used the _____ method of performance appraisal. a. b. c. d. e. graphic ran*ing scale constant sum ran*ing scale alternation ran*ing paired comparison forced distribution

(d moderate p. !10#

$-. a.

Aorced distribution refers to an appraisal method& (hich _____. is based on progress made to(ard the accomplishment of measurable goals

b. combines the benefits of narratives& critical incidents& and 2uantified scales by assigning scale points (ith specific e/amples of good or poor performance c. re2uires that the supervisor *eep a log of positive and negative e/amples of a subordinates (or*+related behavior

d. re2uires a supervisor to evaluate performance by assigning predetermined percentages of those being rated into performance categories e. involves listing all the subordinates to be rated& crossing out the names of any not *no(n (ell enough to ran*& indicating the employee (ho is the highest on each characteristic being measured and (ho is the lo(est& and then alternating bet(een the ne/t highest and lo(est until all employees have been ran*ed (d moderate p. !10#

$.. %hen a supervisor evaluates performance by assigning predetermined percentages of ratees into performance categories& he or she has used the _____ method of performance appraisal. a. b. c. d. e. graphic ran*ing scale constant sum ran*ing scale alternation ran*ing paired comparison forced distribution

(e moderate p. !10#

$0. Bohn& the supervisor of the manufacturing department& is in the process of evaluating his staffs performance. 9e has determined that 1,C of the group (ill be identified as high performers& $"C as above average performers& !"C as average performers& $"C as belo( average performers& and 1,C as poor performers. Bohn is using a _____ method. a. b. c. d. e. graphic rating scale constant sum ran*ing scale forced distribution alternation ran*ing paired comparison

(c moderate p. !10#

$3. %hich of the follo(ing measurement methods rates employee performance relative to other employees1 a. b. c. d. e. graphic rating scale forced distribution li*ert scale constant sums rating critical incident method

(b moderate p. !10#

!". %ith the _____ method& the supervisor *eeps a log of positive and negative e/amples of a subordinates (or*+related behavior. a. b. c. d. e. alternation ran*ing constant sums rating forced distribution narrative forms critical incident

(e easy p. !$1#

!1. a.

The critical incident techni2ue refers to an appraisal method& (hich _____. is based on progress made to(ard the accomplishment of measurable goals

b. combines the benefits of narratives& critical incidents& and 2uantified scales by assigning scale points (ith specific e/amples of good or poor performance c. re2uires that the supervisor *eep a log of positive and negative e/amples of a subordinates (or*+related behavior d. re2uires a supervisor to evaluate performance by assigning predetermined percentages of those being rated into performance categories

e. involves listing all the subordinates to be rated& crossing out the names of any not *no(n (ell enough to ran*& indicating the employee (ho is the highest on each characteristic being measured and (ho is the lo(est& and then alternating bet(een the ne/t highest and lo(est until all employees have been ran*ed (c moderate p. !$1#

!$. 5ll of the follo(ing are advantages of using the critical incident method for appraising performance e/cept that _____. a. b. c. d. e. it provides e/amples of good performance it does not include a numerical rating it provides e/amples of poor performance it reflects performance from throughout the appraisal period incidents can be tied to performance goals

(b moderate p. !$1#

!!. %hich appraisal method combines the benefits of narratives& critical incidents& and 2uantified scales by assigning scale points (ith specific e/amples of good or poor performance1 a. b. c. d. e. behaviorally anchored rating scale graphic rating scale constant sums rating scale alternation ran*ing none of the above

(a easy p. !$$#

!). ;ehaviorally anchored rating scale (;564# refers to an appraisal method& (hich _____. a. is based on progress made to(ard the accomplishment of measurable goals

b. combines the benefits of narratives& critical incidents& and 2uantified scales by assigning scale points (ith specific e/amples of good or poor performance

c. re2uires that the supervisor *eep a log of positive and negative e/amples of a subordinates (or*+related behavior d. re2uires a supervisor to evaluate performance by assigning predetermined percentages of those being rated into performance categories e. involves listing all the subordinates to be rated& crossing out the names of any not *no(n (ell enough to ran*& indicating the employee (ho is the highest on each characteristic being measured and (ho is the lo(est& and then alternating bet(een the ne/t highest and lo(est until all employees have been ran*ed (b moderate p. !$$#


The first step in developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale is to _____. a. b. c. d. e. develop performance dimensions generate critical incidents reallocate incidents scale incidents develop a final instrument

(b moderate p. !$$#

!-. %hich step in developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale involves clustering critical incidents into a smaller set of performance dimensions1 a. b. c. d. e. first second third fourth fifth

(b moderate p. !$$#

!.. %hich step in developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale involves clustering definitions and critical incidents& reassigning each incident to the cluster (here

it fits best and then determining the level of agreement among the group as to the allocation of incidents1 a. b. c. d. e. first second third fourth fifth

(c moderate p. !$)#

!0. 5ll of the follo(ing are advantages of behaviorally anchored rating scales (;564# e/cept that they _____. a. b. c. d. e. are more accurate provide clearer standards are time consuming are reliable help e/plain performance appraisal ratings to appraisees

(c easy p. !$)#

!3. a.

Management by ob<ectives (M;8# refers to an appraisal method& (hich _____. is based on progress made to(ard the accomplishment of measurable goals

b. combines the benefits of narratives& critical incidents& and 2uantified scales by assigning scale points (ith specific e/amples of good or poor performance c. re2uires that the supervisor *eep a log of positive and negative e/amples of a subordinates (or*+related behavior d. re2uires a supervisor to evaluate performance by assigning predetermined percentages of those being rated into performance categories e. involves listing all the subordinates to be rated& crossing out the names of any not *no(n (ell enough to ran*& indicating the employee (ho is the highest on each characteristic being measured and (ho is the lo(est& and then alternating bet(een the ne/t highest and lo(est until all employees have been ran*ed

(a moderate p. !$)#


%hich of the follo(ing is a problem (ith using M;81 a. b. c. d. e. a tendency to set unclear ob<ectives a tendency to set unmeasurable ob<ectives it is time consuming tug of (ar bet(een subordinate and manager regarding goals all of the above

(e moderate p. !$-#


Draphic rating scales are sub<ect to all of the follo(ing problems e/cept _____. a. b. c. d. e. unclear standards halo effects comple/ity central tendency leniency

(c difficult p. !$0#

)$. %hen different supervisors define levels of performance (good& fair& poor# differently& unfair appraisals could result due to a problem (ith _____. a. b. c. d. e. unclear standards halo effects comple/ity central tendency leniency

(a moderate p. !$0#

)!. _____ is defined as the influence of a raters general impression on ratings of specific ratee 2ualities. a. b. c. d. e. =mpression management 9alo effect Central tendency 4tereotyping ;ias

(b moderate p. !$0#

)). Bason is generally considered unfriendly at (or*. 9is supervisor rates him lo( on the trait >gets along (ell (ith others? but also rates him lo(er on other traits unrelated to socialization at (or*. Basons performance appraisal may be unfair due to _____. a. b. c. d. e. impression management bias stereotyping halo effects strictness

(d difficult p. !$0#

),. 4ome supervisors& (hen filling in rating scales& tend to avoid the highs and lo(s on the scale and rate most people in the middle. This _____ means that all employees may be rated average. a. b. c. d. halo effect stereotyping central tendency strictness



(c moderate p. !$0#

)-. The best (ay of reducing the problem of central tendency in performance appraisals is to _____. a. b. c. d. e. ran* employees be a(are of the problem train supervisors to avoid it impose a distribution for performance consider the purpose of the appraisal

(a difficult p. !$0#

).. The _____ problem occurs (hen supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently high. a. b. c. d. e. central tendency leniency strictness bias halo effect

(b easy p. !$0#

)0. The _____ problem occurs (hen supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently lo(. a. b. c. d. e. central tendency leniency strictness bias halo effect

(c easy p. !$0#

)3. %hich big five personality trait is associated (ith performance appraisal ratings that are too strict1 a. b. c. d. e. agreeableness e/traversion conscientiousness openness neuroticism

(c difficult p. !$3#

,". %hich big five personality trait is associated (ith performance appraisal ratings that are too lenient1 a. b. c. d. e. agreeableness e/traversion conscientiousness openness neuroticism

(a difficult p. !$3#

,1. The best (ay of reducing the problems of leniency or strictness in performance appraisals is to _____. a. b. c. d. e. ran* employees be a(are of the problem train supervisors to avoid it impose a distribution for performance consider the purpose of the appraisal

(d difficult p. !$3#

,$. %hen an employees personal characteristics such as age& race& and gender influence a supervisors evaluation of his or her performance& the problem of _____ has occurred. a. b. c. d. e. bias stereotyping central tendency halo affect strictness

(a easy p. !$3#


%hich of the follo(ing could result in a legally 2uestionable appraisal process1 a. conduct a <ob analysis to establish criteria and standards for successful performance b. c. d. e. base appraisals on sub<ective supervisory observations administer and score appraisals in a standardized fashion use clearly defined <ob performance dimensions avoid abstract trait names (hen using graphic rating scales

(b difficult p. !!1#

,). %ho is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employees performance for the purposes of a performance appraisal1 a. b. c. d. e. peers customers rating committees top management immediate supervisor

(e easy p. !!$#


'erformance appraisals may be conducted by _____. a. b. c. d. e. the immediate supervisor peers rating committees subordinates all of the above

(e easy p. !!$#

,-. 6ating committees& made up of an employees immediate supervisor along (ith other supervisors& usually have _____ members. a. b. c. d. e. $+! )+, -+. 0+3 1" or more

(b easy p. !!$#

,.. %hile peer appraisals have many benefits& one problem is _____& (hen several peers collaborate to rate each other highly. a. b. c. d. e. social loafing group thin* logrolling alliance forging impression management

(c moderate p. !!$#


'eer appraisals have been sho(n to result in a(n# _____.

a. b. c. d. e.

reduction of social loafing in the team reduction of group cohesion decrease in satisfaction (ith the group lo(er tas* motivation tendency to inaccurately predict (ho (ould be promoted

(a moderate p. !!$#

,3. %hat usually occurs (hen employees rate themselves in a performance appraisal1 a. b. c. d. e. interrater reliability is higher appraisals are sub<ect to halo effects logrolling could occur ratings are higher than (hen rated by supervisors or peers ratings are about the same as (hen determined by peers

(d easy p. !!!#

-". Airms that use _____ let subordinates anonymously rate their supervisors performance. a. b. c. d. e. do(n(ard feedbac* up(ard feedbac* M;8 narratives critical incidents

(b moderate p. !!!#

-1. %hat process allo(s top management to diagnose the management styles of supervisors& identify potential >people? problems& and ta*e corrective action (ith individual supervisors as necessary1 a. b. c. d. e. strategic performance appraisal organizational development up(ard feedbac* M;8 critical incidents

(c moderate p. !!!#

-$. %hen subordinates provide feedbac* for supervisors& the comments should be anonymous because identifiable responses tend to result in _____. a. b. c. d. e. more critical ratings increased comfort (ith the process on the part of the subordinate more negative attitudes from managers receiving the feedbac* more inflated ratings all of the above

(d difficult p. !!!#


%hat is another term for !-"+degree feedbac*1 a. b. c. d. e. feedbac* loop multi+source assessment up(ard feedbac* circle feedbac* (heel feedbac*

(b easy p. !!)#

-). @ou are conducting an appraisal intervie( (ith an employee (ho is satisfactory& but not promotable. %hich incentive listed belo( (ould li*ely be the least effective for maintaining satisfactory performance in this situation1 a. b. c. d. e. time off small bonus compliments additional professional development additional authority

(d difficult p. !!,#


%hich is the easiest type of appraisal intervie( to conduct1 a. b. c. d. e. satisfactory+not promotable satisfactory+promotable unsatisfactory+correctable unsatisfactory+uncorrectable final (arning

(b moderate p. !!,#

--. %hen conducting an appraisal intervie(& supervisors should do all of the follo(ing e/cept a. b. c. d. e. tal* in terms of ob<ective (or* data compare the persons performance to a standard encourage the employee to tal* give specific e/amples of poor performance compare the persons performance to that of other employees

(e difficult p. !!,#

-.. %hich of the follo(ing responses is not typical during a negative appraisal intervie(1 a. b. c. d. e. denial anger relief aggression retreat

(c easy p. !!,#

-0. %hen a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal intervie(& it is best to _____. a. hold the meeting (ith other people (ho can diffuse the negative situation b. c. d. e. provide e/amples of critical incidents ac*no(ledge the supervisors personal biases in the situation provide feedbac* once per year

surprise the employee so they cannot develop e/cuses for poor performance

(b difficult p. !!-#

-3. 4ubordinates may feel dissatisfied (ith their appraisal intervie( (hen they _____. a. b. c. d. e. feel threatened during the intervie( have an opportunity to e/press their ideas have an opportunity to influence the course of the intervie( have a constructive intervie(er conduct the intervie( are sho(n specific e/amples of their poor performance

(a moderate p. !!-#

.". %hen an employees performance is so poor that a (ritten (arning is re2uired& the (arning should _____. a. b. c. identify the standards by (hich the employee is <udged provide e/amples of employees (ho met the standards provide e/amples of times (hen the employee did meet the standards

d. be sent to the employee in 2uestion& to the managers superior& and to the 778 office e. all of the above

(a difficult p. !!-# These long 2uestions collected from past papers chec* it. Euestion FoG -, ( Mar*sG ! # Fegotiation ability is an important part of managers <ob. %hat *inds of negotiation s*ills are essential for a manager1 Euestion FoG -- ( Mar*sG , # 9o( organizational politics can be controlled1 Euestion FoG -. ( Mar*sG 1" # 5 (arehouse of a company caught fire& a labor named =fti*har had voluntarily too* steps to e/tinguish the fire. Aor this act of bravery& companys management a(arded him (ith the Hmedal of bravery. =n the light of Maslo(s Feed Theory& ho( (ill you evaluate this re(ard offered by company to appreciate I *eep =fti*har motivated1 Euestion FoG -0 ( Mar*sG 1" # =n your opinion motivation is a continuous phenomenon in ones life or it happens at once1 'lease e/plain different phases of motivation process. Euestion FoG -, ( Mar*sG ! # %hy organizations conduct employee training1 :ist do(n any ! conditions. Euestion FoG -- ( Mar*sG , # Jnder (hich conditions termination of an employee is prohibited1

Euestion FoG -. ( Mar*sG 1" # 5s per your opinion (hich of the training mode is more beneficial1 Kefend your choice. a# 8n+the+<ob training b# 8ff+the+<ob training Euestion FoG -0 ( Mar*sG 1" # =dentify the Lbest practicesL used by successful global firms in developing and implementing a global 96 system. Euestion FoG -, ( Mar*sG ! # Can Mpay for performanceM be applicable to the employees of FD8s1 Euestion FoG -- ( Mar*sG , # Conflict at (or* place is not al(ays in favor of management. %hat *ind of output management has to bear (hen conflicts appear1 Euestion FoG -. ( Mar*sG 1" # 9o( an organization conduct the collective bargaining process1 Euestion FoG -0 ( Mar*sG 1" # Jnemployment compensation is rare in 'a*istan. %hat do you thin* that (ho is responsible Dovernment or Corporate 4ector1 7/plain possible reasons. Euestion FoG ,1 ( Mar*sG , # Kiscuss the roles of tactical& operational I strategic managers (ith the help of hierarchical diagram. Euestion FoG ,$ ( Mar*sG 1" # Dla/o 4mith*line has introduced a ne( machine in the production of medicines. ;eing an 96 manager ho( (ould you guide your production (or*ers so that they feel comfortable (ith this change1

Euestion FoG ,! ( Mar*sG 1" # 5s per your opinion (hich of the training mode is more beneficial1 Kefend your choice. a# 8n+the+<ob training b# 8ff+the+<ob training Euestion FoG ,) ( Mar*sG 1" # %hy I ho( the flo( of information is an essential part of *ey

business activities1 Euestion FoG ,1 ( Mar*sG , # @ousaf has beaten his fello( employee for (hich his manager has dismissed him. 7valuate managers response in terms of ethical application of po(er. Euestion FoG ,$ ( Mar*sG 1" # %hat measures should be ta*en to limitize the union membership by employees1 7/plain each in detail. Euestion FoG ,! ( Mar*sG 1" # %hen do organizational people indulged themselves in organizational politics1 Kiscuss any five factors in detail. Euestion FoG ,) ( Mar*sG 1" # =n order to get advantage of each method& (ill it be a sensible decision to simultaneously apply all the four methods of <ob evaluation1 Euestion FoG ,1 ( Mar*sG , # Company consults its legal advisor for some legal assistance& (hat sort of po(er that legal advisor (ill practice1 Euestion FoG ,$ ( Mar*sG 1" # =dentify the measures that should be ta*en to ma*e the performance appraisal system of an organization more effective. Euestion FoG ,! ( Mar*sG 1" # ;eing a manager ho( can you ma*e the performance appraisal system of your organization legally defensible1 Euestion FoG ,) ( Mar*sG 1" # =dentify the methods that can be adopted to ma/imize the effectiveness of learning. Euestion FoG ,1 ( Mar*sG , # 7laborate the statement as per your understanding >'roviding benefits to the employees (ill enhance their performance?. Euestion FoG ,$ ( Mar*sG 1" # %hat are the advantages and disadvantages of using home country nationals in international assignments1

Euestion FoG ,! ( Mar*sG 1" # %hat are the multiple opinions about LConflictL1 7laborate each in detail. Euestion FoG ,) ( Mar*sG 1" # 9o( can managers reinforce positive behaviors among their employees through non+monetary incentives1 4upport your ans(er by providing any practical e/ample of such practices adopted in various organizations. Euestion FoG -, ( Mar*sG ! # Fegotiation ability is an important part of managers <ob. %hat *inds of negotiation s*ills are essential for a manager1

Euestion FoG -- ( Mar*sG , # 9o( organizational politics can be controlled1 Euestion FoG -. ( Mar*sG 1" # 5 (arehouse of a company caught fire& a labor named =fti*har had voluntarily too* steps to e/tinguish the fire. Aor this act of bravery& companys management a(arded him (ith the Hmedal of bravery. =n the light of Maslo(s Feed Theory& ho( (ill you evaluate this re(ard offered by company to appreciate I *eep =fti*har motivated1 Euestion FoG -0 ( Mar*sG 1" # =n your opinion motivation is a continuous phenomenon in ones life or it happens at once1 'lease e/plain different phases of motivation process.

Question # 3 of 20 ( Start time: 11:11:35 PM )

Total Marks: 1

Which of the follo in! is M"ST im#ortant to mana!e orkforce $i%ersit&' Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c) d#

:o(er cohesiveness 4upport group Top-level commitment 6esistance to change

Question # ( of 20 ( Start time: 11:12:31 PM )

Total Marks: 1

Performance measures inclu$e all of the follo in!) *+,*PT: Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c# d)

=ndividuals productivity TeamLs productivity Kepartmental productivity Market productivity

Question # 5 of 20 ( Start time: 11:13:0- PM )

Total Marks: 1

While con$uctin! .o/ anal&sis the 0"/ser%ation Metho$0 is useful hen: Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c# d)

Bob re2uires more intellectual s*ills to complete Bob is repetitive in nature Bob is mar*et oriented and re2uires more data Job consists o physical activity like machine operations

Question # 1 of 20 ( Start time: 11:13:52 PM )

Total Marks: 1

3or the selection of #ilot) P456s mana!ement took the ritten test /ase$ on the un$erstan$in! 7 a##lication of aeronautical en!ineerin!8 un$er hich cate!or& this test ill fall' Select correct o#tion:

a# b) c# d#

6eliable test Content-valid test Criterion+valid test Aace+valid test

Question # 9 of 20 ( Start time: 11:1(:53 PM )

Total Marks: 1

The communication flo in! from su/or$inates to su#eriors) is kno n as: Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c) d#

Kiagonal communication 9orizontal communication !p"ard communication Ko(n(ard communication

Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 11:15:(3 PM )

Total Marks: 1

:ea$ershi# is a ;;;;;;;;;;; not a ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;< Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c) d#

'osition process 4ystem phase #rocess$ position 'hase system

Question # - of 20 ( Start time: 11:11:55 PM )

Total Marks: 1

=e ar$s that em#lo&ees recei%e as a result of their em#lo&ment an$ #osition rather than #erformance in the or!ani>ation are refere$ to: Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c) d#

Nariable pay ;enefits %alary ;onuses

Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 11:19:(1 PM )

Total Marks: 1

Which of the follo in! term is use$ for choosin! the in$i%i$ual that is /est suite$ to a #articular #osition an$ to the or!ani>ation from a !rou# of #otential a##licants' Select correct o#tion:

a# b) c# d#

6ecruitment %election 4taffing 7nrollment

Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 11:12:20 PM )

Total Marks: 1

Which of the follo in! is ?"T one of the metho$s of recruitin! outsi$e can$i$ates' Select correct o#tion:

a# b) c# d#

Bob advertisements Job postin&s 7mployment agencies 7/ecutive recruiters

Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 11:1-:12 PM )

Total Marks: 1

*m#lo&ee6s ina/ilit& to com#lete the assi!ne$ tasks ithin the $ea$line ma& lea$s to: Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c# d)

Kecline in his salary only =ncreased (or* burden 7mployee demotion only 'isciplinary action a&ainst him

Question # 13 of 20 ( Start time: 11:1-:52 PM )

Total Marks: 1

The inner $ri%e that $irects a #erson6s /eha%ior to ar$s !oal attainment is kno n as: Select correct o#tion:

a# b) c# d#

'erformance Motivation Feed 5ttitude

Question # 1( of 20 ( Start time: 11:21:12 PM )

Total Marks: 1

Which #erformance a##raisal techni@ue lists traits an$ a ran!e of #erformance' Select correct o#tion:

a# b) c# d#

5lternation ran*ing Graphic ratin& scale Management ;y 8b<ective 'aired comparison

Question # 15 of 20 ( Start time: 11:22:19 PM ) The co!niti%e com#onent consists of a #erson6s: Select correct o#tion:

Total Marks: 1

a# b) c# d#

7motions (no"led&e 5ttitude Aeelings

Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 11:22:5- PM )

Total Marks: 1

Which of the follo in! criteria is sai$ to /e essential for an effecti%e communication' Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c# d)

4ender and receiver are using the same codeOlanguage 5t least t(o people are involved I (illing to communicate 5 channel to communicate should be present )ll o the &iven options

Question # 19 of 20 ( Start time: 11:23:52 PM )

Total Marks: 1

*m#lo&ees @uit the or!ani>ations at their o n choice throu!h Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c# d)

8utplacement& restructuring Kischarging& layoff Transfer& demotion *esi&nin&+ retirement

Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 11:2(:25 PM )

Total Marks: 1

The su#er%isor kee#s a lo! of #ositi%e an$ ne!ati%e eAam#les of a su/or$inate6s orkB relate$ /eha%ior in: Select correct o#tion:

a# b#

Management ;y 8b<ective Comparison method

c# d)

7ssay method Critical incident

Question # 1- of 20 ( Start time: 11:25:10 PM )

Total Marks: 1

C=4S hel#s mana!ers to #erform ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; more effecti%el& 7 s&stematicall&< Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c# d)

Management functions Controlling functions 'lanning functions ,* unctions

Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 11:25:(0 PM )

Total Marks: 1

4n hich of the follo in! area or!ani>ations are le!all& /oun$ to maintain consistenc& in C= #olicies' Select correct o#tion:

a# b# c# d)

Compensation system Training I development 4afety measures -one o the &iven options

Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 09:53:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the given term is used to represent the segments of jobs held by n individu l throughout his!her life time" Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

$esponsibility ,areer %ccup tion Position

Question # 3 of 20 ( Start time: 09:5&:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which of the follo'ing inform tion is (%) collected through observ tion method 'hile conducting job n lysis" Select correct o#tion:

a< b# c# d#

Who is monitorin! the task' Wh t t s* h s done" +o' t s* h s done" +o' long t s* h s t *en to complete"

Question # ( of 20 ( Start time: 09:55:5, PM ) Total Marks: 1 )he cognitive component consists of person-s: Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

.motions Dno le$!e /ttitude 0eelings

Question # 5 of 20 ( Start time: 09:5,:01 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Wh t is nother term used for 3203degree feedb c*" Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

0eedb c* loop MultiBsource assessment 4p' rd reporting $ound communic tion

Question # 1 of 20 ( Start time: 09:51:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which one of the follo'ing is n outcome of 5org ni6ing5 function of m n gement" Select correct o#tion:

# %rg ni6 tion-s str tegy b# Motiv tion 7 commitment c< "r!ani>ation6s structure

d# Perform nce me surement Question # 9 of 20 ( Start time: 09:59:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the follo'ing is st ted outcome of 58ob /n lysis5" Select correct o#tion:

# b# c# $<

8ob description 8ob specific tion 8ob ev lu tion 5ll of the !i%en o#tions

Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 10:00:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the follo'ing is M%9) import nt to m n ge 'or*force diversity" Select correct o#tion:

# b# c< d#

:o'er cohesiveness 9upport group To#Ble%el commitment $esist nce to ch nge

Question # - of 20 ( Start time: 10:02:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1 )r ining to the r ters of perform nce ppr is l is n import nt responsibility of: Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

)op m n gement C= $e#artment :ine m n gers Production dep rtment

Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 10:03:3, PM ) Total Marks: 1 ;r phic r ting sc les re subjected to ll of the follo'ing problems< .=>.P): Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

+ lo effects ,om#leAit& >entr l tendency :eniency

Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 10:05:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the follo'ing is responsible for implementing the developed str tegies" Select correct o#tion:

a< b# c# d#

Cuman resource Physic l resource $ules 7 policies ?nst lled e@uipment

Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 10:05:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1 ?n 'hich of the follo'ing re org ni6 tions re leg lly bound to m int in consistency in +$ policies" Select correct o#tion:

# b# c# $<

>ompens tion system )r ining 7 development 9 fety me sures ?one of the !i%en o#tions

Question # 13 of 20 ( Start time: 10:0,:02 PM ) Total Marks: 1 +o' c n comp nies provide c reer counseling< development dvice< nd ther py for employees see*ing to gro' in their c reers" Select correct o#tion:

a< b# c# d#

Pro%i$e career coaches .ncour ge role revers l .st blish corpor te c mpus %ffer online c reer centers

Question # 1( of 20 ( Start time: 10:01:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1

Which %(. of the follo'ing is not p rt of +um n $esource Aevelopment" Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

)r ining *$ucation Aevelopment $e' rds

Question # 15 of 20 ( Start time: 10:09:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Wh t type of screening mode is used to reduce bsenteeism nd est blish b seline for future insur nce cl ims" Select correct o#tion:

a< b# c# d#

Ph&sical eAaminations Person lity tests Polygr ph tests 9ubst nce buse screening

Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 10:10:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the follo'ing is p rt of the org ni6 tion-s role in n employee-s c reer development" Select correct o#tion:

a< b# c# d#

,ommunicatin! the mission) #olicies) an$ #roce$ures Providing timely perform nce feedb c* P rticip ting in c reer development discussions 9ee*ing out c reer inform tion

Question # 19 of 20 ( Start time: 10:11:51 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the follo'ing term is s id to be p rt of %rg ni6 tion l 9tructure" Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

;o l tt inment Cierarch& le%el Perform nce st nd rds 9upporting st ff

Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 10:12:1, PM ) Total Marks: 1 B%n going process of ev lu ting 7 m n ging both the beh vior 7 outcomes in the 'or*pl ceC is *no'n sD Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

)r ining 7 development Performance a##raisal >ompens tion m n gement 8ob n lysis

Question # 1- of 20 ( Start time: 10:13:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which perform nce ppr is l techni@ue lists tr its nd r nge of perform nce" Select correct o#tion:

# /< c# d#

/ltern tion r n*ing Era#hic ratin! scale M n gement Ey %bjective P ired comp rison

Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 10:1&:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1 +$?9 helps m n gers to perform FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF more effectively 7 system tic lly# Select correct o#tion:

# b# c# $<

M n gement functions >ontrolling functions Pl nning functions C= functions

;rouping of different jobs h ving simil r difficulty level is c lled: Select correct o#tion:

>l sses

;r des

9c les


>ustomer compl ints 7 employee griev nces c n be used to: Select correct o#tion:

Aetermine tr ining needs

Aeliver tr ining contents to employees

%ffer development p c* ges

.nsure continuous le rning

9upervisors f ll into the: Select correct o#tion:



0irst3line level

.Gecutive level

People c n be more productive 'hile 'or*ing in: Select correct o#tion:

?sol tion



(one of the given options

Which of the follo'ing is p rt of n employee-s role in his or her o'n c reer development" Select correct o#tion:

Providing timely perform nce feedb c*

P rticip ting in c reer development discussions

.st blishing go ls nd c reer pl ns

%ffering v riety of c reer options

Which of the follo'ing is forec sting method in 'hich re@uirement is estim ted t dep rtment level nd the inform tion is gr du lly tr nsmitted to upper level to m *e future hiring of employees" Select correct o#tion:

)op3do'n ppro ch

Eottom3up ppro ch

Hero3b sed ppro ch

.mployee3b sed ppro ch )he ment l process to p y ttention selectively to some stimuli nd cues in our environment is *no'n s: Select correct o#tion:


Person lity



stimulus nd cue Which of the follo'ing represents rel tively perm nent ch nge in beh vior of employees" Select correct o#tion:

:e rning

)r ining


(eed n lysis

5)he process of determining the hum n resource needs of n org ni6 tion nd ensuring th t the right number of @u lified people re positioned in the right jobs t the right time5 is described by 'hich of the follo'ing term" Select correct o#tion:

8ob pl nning

$esource pl nning

+um n resource pl nning

9uccession pl nning >urrently one of the m jor ch r cteristics of +$M is the import nce of dopting ! n FFFFFFFFFFFFFF ppro ch# Select correct o#tion:

%rg nistic

9tr tegic

> t lytic

(one of the given options

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is n oblig tion to perform cert in t s*s! ctivities# Select correct o#tion:





Which of the follo'ing employment gency is best *no'n for recruiting 'hite3coll r employees" Select correct o#tion:

.mployee hunters

People loc tors

People see*ers

+e d hunters 9trengths 7 We *nesses re FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to n org ni6 tion# Select correct o#tion:

?mport nt

?ntern l

.Gtern l

>entr l

/ll the org ni6 tion l ctivities re directed to' rds the chievement of: Select correct o#tion:

?ndividu l go ls

>ommon go ls

>ountry3'ide go ls

Aiverse go ls

Which of the given term is used to represent the segments of jobs held by n individu l throughout his!her life time" Select correct o#tion:


> reer

%ccup tion

Position 8ob ev lu tion is conducted to develop: Select correct o#tion:

>ompens tion p c* ges

)r ining modules

%rg ni6 tion l gr pevine

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