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Before I start Id like to point out this is a work in progress, and changes quite often.

Not so much changes but continues to get fleshed out, based on comments I receive. One was do you have any practical e perience with this process. !o at the end is my personal story of how and why I am saying the things I do. "or the record, its not a process, its the #aw. $nyone reading this needs to first comprehend that %#aws, of which there are many kinds&, follow a hierarchy, being stacked on top of each other. 'e have all heard of statutes, codes, regulates, rules, all %laws& within a select society. If youre not in that society they do not pertain to you. (ou have to volunteer to be %governed& by them. Beyond %these #aws& that we have been e posed to by %them&, there are other levels of laws that need to be %remembered&. If we would )ust remember, what we have always known, we could stop learning, and get on to doing. Because these laws are not written, they are the laws of reason, the laws between men. *ven +he #aw, the law of reason, has a set of rules to follow.. ,ivine #aw, Natural #aw, the #aw of -eason. then everything else in a lower order. +o be lawful your law cannot break ,ivine, or Natural law, as long as it doesnt, it is the law of your land. +he #aw of reason we now call %/ommon #aw&, before that it was known as "eudal #aw.. !o why the name changes0 Because the creators of %their system& try to control everything by naming it. It is one of their beliefs, and so far it has worked out quite well for them. %'hy do they call it 1ari)uana 0 , /ause you cant charge hemp&.. 2o look at a dictionary3 most any word commonly used today has only been in e istence for 455 years or less. *ither the original words spelling has been changed, or its a word derived from a #atin word. In their system, there is only one language recogni6ed.. #atin, high #atin.. the stuff the 7ope and /ourts use. 'hen it comes to the definition to use, it depends on the venue it is used in. only a definition for use in /ommon #aw can begin with the words.. %In #aw&.. If it says in statute law, or *nglish /ommon #aw.. it is inferior to In #aw or In /ommon #aw with no other modifiers allowed. "ocus on definitions that say %in #aw, or at worst in common law, or feudal law. all others are inferior. 'hat they gave us is a slaves language, full of magic words. /ommon words that have very different meanings depending on the venue. 8ere is one of my favorites.

+he %#egal& definition of #ie9 +O #I*. +hat which is proper, is fit3 as, an action on the case lies for
an in)ury committed without force3 corporeal hereditaments lie in livery, that is, they pass by livery3 incorporeal hereditaments lie in grant, that is, pass by the force of the grant, and without any livery. :ide #ying in grant. +ell a prosecutor, %thats a lie&, bingo. magic word, you )ust agreed that what he said was proper. 8owever words have many meanings, the first part is what it means in an inferior %legal& setting, and the last part of #ie has to do with the common law definition. 1ore on that later. +he point Im trying to make is when you have an idea what to look for its easier to find. Or another way identify the problem;s<, and your half way to the answer. 'hen you read a definition or statute etc, that goes on and on.. forget it.. 1ost definitions that are #awful are at most a paragraph, and usually much shorter.. ;it doesnt take long to tell the truth<.

I know Ill take a lot of shit for this, but I do believe that %they& do follow the rules. $nd once you learn the rules instead of arguing the facts, they will honor you.. after all its the #aw. No source of #aw under the #aw of -eason no matter what its called ;/ase #aw, *nglish /ommon #aw, =//, =! /odes, etc..< can overturn the ruling of %+he /ourt of -ecord with "inal )urisdiction&.. I mean you.

*verything they have done is lawful, and therefore #egal, and it is why you cannot %win& in their system. =nder the system of %#egal& this is the power of the 1agistrate ;>udge<9

When an officer acts in both a judicial and ministerial capacity, he may be compelled to perform ministerial acts in a particular way; but when he acts in a judicial capacity, he can only be required to proceed; the manner of doing so is left entirely to his judgment. See 2 Fairf. 3 ; !ac. "b. #ustices of the $eace, %; & 'onn. 2(); 3 'onn. &* ; ( 'onn. 2 ); &2 'onn. +,+; also #udicial; -andamus; Sheriff ./hey just told you, you cannot win in any court that uses codified law, .their court0, this is the 1enue in which the magistrate has 2#udicial3 authority30.
#ate entry9 Brothers and sisters that have responded via email thanks for pointing out to me that the above needs to be stressed.. I know this now because so many of your responses keep referring to %them not following& their own laws, statutes, codes etc.. +hey dont have to. read the definition again. %he acts in a )udicial capacity ;>udge<, .he can only be required to proceed3 the manner of doing so is left entirely to his judgment. 'here does it say he has to follow a stinkn statue0 8ave you ever heard them say.&In my court&. that what it is.. his court. so do not go to his court, take yours to him.. +he statutes are )ust so many rabbit holes for you to chase.. +he definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over e pecting a different result.. Its insane to go to their )urisdiction, the moment you walk in you are an incompetent. !top being double minded. $t any level in the %#egal system, including =// and international law&, its up to the discretion of the magistrate, and why they can keep coming and coming, and coming. !o do you want to go to %their& court, as described above, or %be the court&, the !upreme /ourt is talking about below. However, no statutory or constitutional court (whether it be an appellate or supreme court) can second guess the judgment of a court of record. The judgment of a court of record whose jurisdiction is final, is as conclusive on all the world as the judgment of this court would be. It is as conclusive on this court as it is on other courts. It puts an end to in uiry concerning the fact, by deciding it.! "# parte $at%ins, & 'et., at ()(*()&. +cited by ,-H."-/01TH v. 23,T451.T", 67( 3.,. (78, (99 (7:;&)< (our court of record, doesnt follow any written law either, your guide to the law is %reason&, what is reasonable. !ince no ? situations are e actly the same, it would be impossible to write a law that covers them.. ;thats why %they& have over @5,555,555 laws. and still want more<.. !tatute #aw sold itself as the codification of the /ommon #aw.. .. =nder common law, or law, you are the #awmaker.. its your wish that makes the law. if you cant wrap your head around the difference. then go look at as many definitions of common law and sovereign as you need to till it does.. +hey are talking about you. as a Aing. a #and#ord given a fee simple estate in lands and tenements, by the =ltimate !overeign being. !omething only a people can be.. ;try finding the word person in the Bible<.. (ou are the trinity of mind, body and spirit, and the +ribunal of the /ourt of -ecord with "inal >urisdiction. No ifs ands or buts. you have final )urisdiction in all cases involving your nation.

'hy bring up the bible0 Because it shows the two available systems %#awful and #egal& running side by side. Or you can find it in movies, songs, comedys, on a bill board etc.. /lues to the difference and how to chose which one you live under. $fter all either you can govern yourself, or surly someone will govern you.

"inally before we get to things more relevant to our situation today we must consider who set up these ? systems. none other than our friends the >esuits. +hey were given the charter hundreds of years ago over banking, commerce, and education.. Need I say more.. But I will. what we have is the sharpest tacks in the drawer working on, contemplating, instituting, managing both systems. +hey dont take sides, and definitely know what system is #awful, and which one is merely #egal. /ra6y talk you say0 +he >esuits, and /hurch running the show. 0 !ure enough, here is an e ample9

King John's grant of England to the Pope May 15, 1213

B'e wish it to be known to all of you, through this our charter, furnished with our seal, that inasmuch as we had offended in many ways 2od and our mother the holy church, and in consequence are known to have very much needed the divine mercy, and can not offer anything worthy for making due satisfaction to 2od and to the church unless we humiliate ourselves and our kingdoms9 we, wishing to humiliate ourselves for 8im who humiliated 8imself for us unto death, the grace of the 8oly !pirit inspiring, not induced by force or compelled by fear, but of our own good and spontaneous will and by the common counsel of our barons, do offer and freely concede to 2od and 8is holy apostles 7eter and 7aul and to our mother the holy -oman church, and to our lord pope Innocent and to his /atholic successors, the whole kingdom of *ngland and the whole kingdom Ireland, with all their rights and appurtenances, for the remission of our own sins and of those of our whole race as well for the living as for the dead3 and now receiving and holding them, as it were a vassal, from 2od and the -oman church, in the presence of that prudent man 7andulph, subdeacon and of the household of the lord pope, we perform and swear fealty for them to him our aforesaid lord pope Innocent, and his catholic successors and the -oman church, according to the form appended3 and in the presence of the lord pope, if we shall be able to come before him, we shall do liege homage to him3 binding our successors and our heirs by our wife forever, in similar manner to perform fealty and show homage to him who shall be chief pontiff at that time, and to the -oman church without demur.B *ngland got a %/rown& in return, the /ity of #ondon, the C mile square.. there are ? other /rowns floating around out there. the !panish have or had one for the great work the did for the 7ope in /entral and !outh $merica, 1e ico, . +he last one escapes me now.. 1ost of what %+he /ontrollers& did is simply %divide and conquer& , ,ivide, divide, divide, hiding the truth in more and more falsehoods, sprinkled liberally with "ear. "irst divide the concept of One, into 2ood and *vil, then back both sides, then divide the concept of 1an being a trinity of mind, body and spirit being one into separate ideas. 2o around the world and collect all the ancient te t, and claim they were all burned or destroyed. +hen overtime %educate& the ne t generations with your version of history.. adding layers to the onion. (ou are not an %I&, you are a %'e&..

$nd in the pyramid of power that the public is, at some level in every organi6ation a %magistrate& knows that you are a 'e. I believe there are certain positions in the 7ublic you can go to that know e actly what the game is, and if approached in peace, will honor your position. +heir positions straddle the #iving and the 7ublic. If you go to them in the #iving ;7rivate<, you go to them as one of your trusted vassals, in the 7ublic you go to them as one of their inferior slaves.

One last thing on the >esuits, they are not the 1asters of the system of the public, they are the referee. $ vicious referee maybe, but much harsher on those who take oaths to a society ;like the =nited !tates and its /onstitution<, than those who take an oath to the /reator. "or the record, you have no /onstitutional rights, what you have are all the rights of a Aing and they are unalienable. 8owever, with both systems up and running the 7ublic sells one system over the other, using the systems of /ommerce, Banking, and *ducation provided by the >esuits and convince you %by your will&. Now, you and I find ourselves under the oppressive system, indoctrinated to believe they have authority over you. But change your will, and you can e it the legal system and enter the lawful one. +he one in which you are a self governing Aing.. % $ republic if you can keep it& .. $nd so, here is a glimpse of when the system of the 7ublic got started.. :ienne, CDCCEC?,Bwhoever shall hereafter dare to assert, maintain, or pertinaciously hold that the rational or intellectual soul is not per se and essentially the form of the human body, is to be regarded as a hereticB3 ;"irst the truth had to be put in the 7ublic -ecord, and then from there hid as best they could< hen the intelle!tual soul sho"s up in the form of a human #ody pro!laiming the $%a" of &eason' to not honor that is !onsidered heresy. (t really is that simple, the truth is al"ays simple. $)imply pro!laim that you are an immortal li*ing soul, !reated in the image of +od, and they ha*e no jurisdi!tion'. (f they #al,, or test you don-t get upset.. simply as, them $are you saying, ( am not an immortal li*ing soul. (f so ( "ant to spea, to your superior' /s, 0uestions, gi*e an order, don-t argue. 8ere is what I have been working on. based on %#aw&, where it all started. $s this is a work in progress towards the end is the latest thoughts I will add into the body of the te t when I flesh out what they mean to me.. *ventully ;shortly<, Ill test it for myself..right now )ust trying to get it straight in my head. !o what you read today may be different that what it reads tomorrow.. If you find this at all usefull, or even )ust interesting you need to bookmark this site9 http9FFwww.mindserpent.comF$mericanG8istoryFbooksF+uckerFtuckerGinde .htm $ searchabe Blackstone /ommentiaries linked with a CH?H dictionary.. marvolus.. I highly )uggest you use this to look up terms, and phrases , and the actual te t that I am using for my theorys.. also under the $merican 8istory section are many other books. $nother great one9 http9FFwww.mindserpent.comF$mericanG8istoryFbooksF:attelFvattel.htm +his is a book on the #aw of Nations. hopefully if you read this you will come away with a compreshension that your body is the #and, Nation, !tate they are talking about, and your spirit is called things like #andlord, 7rice, Aing etc. >ust this change in preception changes the meaning of these passages written long ago by folks that could see what was happening in real time.

I hope to give evidence to anyone taking the time to read this narative of the power of accepting a magistrates oath, and bond. I dont need to see it, I dont need a copy, I )ust need to accept them, his oath and bond.. and if that ends up being true, then the other points I lay out should make for interesting reading. and Id like to hear your thoughts please email me at

$1omage, on the other hand, only made its appearance when the relation became one of land as
well as of persons. It was the recognition of service due to the lord, not merely as superior, but as theJ giver of a benefice or fee.&

=nder feudal law, homage was the ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord of whom he held land or whose overlordship he accepted. The act of homage was construed to be the confirmation by the lord of the vassal=s own rights.> Ill e plain the above shortly, and how to use it . but first.. $ll law is contract, all contract is #aw. heard that before0 Im sure you have if youre a member of this site.. But if everything in the 7=B#I/ is fiction does that not include the contracts made in the 7ubic0 +hey dont e ist in the real world, therefor they are not law.. +he law of contracts is /ommon #aw9 'ikipedia definiton of /ommon #aw9 In common law legal systems ;connotation ?<, the common law ;connotation C< is crucial to understanding almost all important areas of law. "or e ample, in *ngland and 'ales and in most states of the =nited !tates, the basic law of contracts, torts and property do not e ist in statute, but only in common law ;though there may be isolated modifications enacted by statute<. Only %real& contracts fall under /ommon #aw ;the unwritten law of reason<. $nd that is where you need to take your business, stop trying to win in their court, you cannot do it, unless they let you. In all statutory courts, where codes, rules, regulations are used, the magistrate has >udicial power, and the descresion to use his %)udgment& on what the %rule& ment. no matter what it says on the paper. your screwed. *ven if your using the =//, you go to their court as a person, a soulless being, a person. But under common law, the magistrate is merely there to administer the )ustice of the +ribunal of the /ourt of -ecord. I )ust described your relationship with a magistrate under common law. its you that are the tribual of the court of record. If you put him in this positon of %serving you& by accepting his bond and oath and administering your orders, by 2od you better not turn around and %charge him&.. By "ielty and 8omage under common law you are both intrusted with each others protection. =nder /ommon law, a magistrate %is& your adminstrative process. 2ive an order then. %so let it be written, so let it be done&. #et the magistrate do the paperwork, and when completed place your %Aings !eal on it, ;-ed +humbprint< . "or you not to be a person, you have to be complete, a trinity of , mind, body, and spirit.. made in the image of 2od, now you are not a person, you are a people. Only a people has the trinity inside them, and that trinity is what makes the +ribunal of +he /ourt of -ecord. +he only other %+ribunal& there can be in a /ourt of #aw is a >ury of 7eers.. ;and a =nited !tates /iti6en is not a peer<.., only other +rinitys are. (ou asEking of your land are the tribunal of the court of record with final )urisdiction in your land. $nd a Aing is never #egally liable for anything.

#and, state, nation all share one definition... people. (ou were created as a people, and under common law ;not to your knowledge< , you yourself, set the wheels in motion to degenerate from a people into a person.. natural andFor artificial. either case. you are now inferior, and cannot form the trinity.within the )urisdiction of the *state by will, thanks to your birth certificate.. Burn this into your conscience9 (ou do not %own& anything.. +o %own it& would mean when you die and your body wears out, that your immrortal soul would take a thing with it. +he only one that can Own anything is the #$N,#O-,, the /reator of all. $nd this is the basis of /ommon #aw, or better yet )ust #aw. 'hat he gave you is e lusive right of use of #and and tenaments in a "ee !imple *state of Inheritance. +his is the other parallel path to the 7=B#I/ that you can live in.

%+8* #$N,#O-,& gave you an inheritance in land, your body.. your own nation, state, your private property. where you are Aing, and #andlord.. (ou cannot sell it, or give it away, you do not own it, its not yours. (ou are a tenant with e lusive right of use ;private property<. Now you are a #andlord, sub)ect only to the /reator, Aing of your castle. All other land not given by the Creator in a fee simple estate to the immortal souls on Earth is Public Property for use by all. (ou can take from this 7ublic property all you need for your use, you can claim right of use, but you cannot claim $llodial ownership. If you create somehting from the fruits of this public property, you can claim the right of use until your done with it as private property, but the onwership never is relenquished by the #$N,#O-,. +hey want you to think you can Own things.. and profit from them, by charging your brother. Instead of saying ..isnt this invention great, let me share it with my brother, they want to you claim ownership, and charge your brother. /hase that dollar.. (ou cannot own an idea, and if you think you can and get a patent on it. you will soon find out who owns it.. not you.. $sk the @,455 patent holders of alternative energy devices. +he patent was given because the device does work, but it is kept out of production, cause the 7ublic has to control the *nergy as part of controlling the sheep. (ou can however give the idea freely, and if someone wants one built, then a mans labor is worth his hire. Its your labor that has value, not the thing. 'hat else can you do with this inheritance.. 2o read Blackstone e planiation on a feeEsimple estate.. one of the things you can do is convey ;lease< it. (ou can lease your land under a "ee /onditional *state ;an estate not of inheritance< to a tenant. It is a lease at your will to a tenant, and for that lease the tenant is supposed to pay -ent. +his isnt charging your brother, this is a mutual benifical arrangment. +hey want to use your private property, and their labor to create something that you both share. (our Birth /ertificate is a common law conveyance ;lease< to a tenant of a small portion of land ;your blood on the document<, that allows the tenant access to incorpreal hereditaments that %issue& from or are anne ed to the corpreal hereditaments.. ;the land your body< , using an e pressed trust. !o your drop of blood, is the %twig& handed over under a common law %livery in seisin& ceremony. Now Ive heard the birth certificate described as a 'ill, and I dont disagree, e cept to say that what it might be is a lease contract showing %your will as king& to allow and estate %at your pleasure&. (ou can stop it at any time. I dont have a Birth /ertificate to look at, but how many witnesses are there on the document0 $ valid will and testament requires D witnesses, and I think the B/ only has ?.. Nevertheless 'ills do not e ist in /ommon #aw, but %by your will& is always the Aings prerogative.

The -ights of +hings. ;Blackstone< Book II. /h.K property is frequently in one man, while the appendage or service is in another. Property is frequently in one man (his body , while the appendage(your drop of blood and service (to the !andlord, you , is in another. +hus "aius may be seised as of fee of a way leading over the land, of which Titius is seised in his demesne as of fee.

Thus "aius (+aius a celebrated -oman )urist. !cholars know very little of his personal life. It is impossible to discover even his full name, +aius or 2aius being merely his personal name ;praenomen<.< may be seised as of fee ;an estate in trust< of a way ; 'ay9 1ethod3 scheme of management< leading ;leading9 2uidance3 the act of conducting3 direction< over the land, ;seised9 OwnershipFright of use . when he has no dominion in the thing itself, as in the case of an incorporeal hereditament,< of which Titius is seised in his demesne as of fee (fee# A loan of land . ;$ man is said to be seised in his demesne as of fee of a corporeal inheritance, because he has a property dominicum or demesne in the thing itself< Ok, what the heck does that mean9 here is my take.. with you being represented by +itius. 2aius represents a person.. +here are lots of persons including government, corporations etc.. what they have in common is they are all fictions. +he estate in trust is your B./. which 2aius has a devised a scheme of management conducting the direction over the land ;+itus, you<. +he B./. is a scheme to control you the #and.. which you agreed to under common law, %by your will&.. 'hat they do not elaborate on is that this estate in trust to the public is %by your will& and can be recalled %by your will&.. further.. +he feeEsimple or inheritance of lands and tenements is generally vested and resides in some person or other ;your body< 3 though divers inferior estates may be carved out of it ;drop of blood< . $s if one ;you< grants a lease for twentyEone years, or for one or two lives, the feeEsimple remains vested in him ;you< and his heirs 3 and after the deterinitiation of those years or lives, the land reverts to the grantor;you< or his heirs, who shall hold it again in feeEsimple. (et some times the fee may be in abeyance, that is ;as the word signifies< in e pectation, remembrance, and contemplation in law there being no person in esse, in whom it can vest and abide 9 thmough the law considers it as always potentially e isting, and ready to vest whenever a proper owner appears. ;+his e plains it better than I ever can if you look up most of the words above in a law dictionary<. But lets break it down anyway.. +he feeEsimple or inheritance of lands and tenements is generally vested and resides in some person or other 3 ;It resides in your natural person.. the real you is not your natural person, it )ust your land< it includes lands and tenements.. ;look up tenements and follow the links< though divers inferior estates may be carved out of it. $s if one grants a lease for twentyEone years, or for one or two lives, the feeEsimple remains vested in him and his heirs 3 and after the deterinitiation of those years or lives, the land reverts to the grantor or his heirs, who shall hold it again in feeEsimple. ;+his is your Birth /ertificate, but what he does not say in this particular quote is that the lease is %at your will& . and when you change your will, the B./ *state reverts to the Aing.. you<.. (et some times the fee may be in abeyance, that is ;as the word signifies< in e pectation, remembrance, and contemplation in law there being no person in esse, in whom it can vest and abide ;abeyance .. as in the Aing;your soul< has left his land. the whole idea for making you think you are person, instead of a people.. in esse e istence, no person in e istence in whom the estate can return to<.. !o in law there is no person it can revert to.. 7ersons do not e ist in law, persons are fiction. 8owever.

though the la" !onsiders it as al"ays potentially e3isting, and ready to *est "hene*er a proper o"ner appears 4 5he %a"6 !ommon la" 4the un"ritten la" of reason7 the only la" #et"een Men that e3ist says6. 5he 82 Estate 4and that of your an!estors7 is ready to *est 6. 'roper owner appears.. 5hey did not !all him a person.. they !alled him an o"ner6 9"ner6 $+he rightful proprietor3 one who has the legal or rightful title, whether he is the possessor or
not& .. 7roprietor9 By the gift of 2od, man is constituted the proprietor of the earth

5he %a" is just "aiting for the M/: to stand up, sho" he is in e3isten!e 4in esse7, and not a#eyan!e, so the 82 Estate !an *est in him.. :ot only yours #ut your an!estors. ;est, v.i. +o come or descend to3 to be fi ed3 to take effect, as a title or right. $pon the death of the ancestor, the estate, or the right to the estate, vests in the heir at law %ou are also the heir, to your ancestors fee&simple estates, they are vested in you as an heir. 'ut the (man) (owner must claim them because the !aw does not recogni*e persons+ 4@. *states upon condition ;lease< in law are such as have a condition impliedly anne ed to them, without any condition being specified in the deed or will. #itt. s. DKH, DH53 /o. #itt. ?C4, b3 ?DD, b3 ?DL, b. ;+his is what the Birth /ertificate represents, it is a *state %By your will&, and can be collapsed or controlled %by your will&.. If youre a person, they control by your will, if youre a people, Aing, #andlord, a sovereign Nation !tate of one, then you can control it. %by your will& . #*$!*, contracts. $ lease is a contract for the possession and profits of lands and tenements on one side, and a recompense of rent or other income on the other3 Bac. $b. #ease, in pr.3 or else it is a conveyance of lands and tenements to a person for life, or years, or at will, in consideration of a return of rent, or other recompense. 4K. /onsidered as to the title which may be had in them, estates are legal and equitable. C. $ legal estate is one, the right to which can be enforced in a court of law. ?. $n equitable, is a right or interest in land, which not having the properties of a legal estate, but being merely a right of which courts of equity will take notice, require the aid of such a court to make it available. !ee, generally, Bouv. Inst. Inde , h.t. ; +his is an interesting statement. (our B./. was given lawfully %by your will& under common law, by you the Aing, forming the *state %1- $## /$7!&.. +he inferior courts of *quity even though they do not have legal title, they know it e ist within their system and charge it.. < Only %their& court of law ;court of record< can enforce it. If they cannot get your persons agreement ;contract< in *quity, and you argue, they pull out %their& court of record. as only it can charge for contempt.. +his what happens when the >udge leaves, comes back and the defendant ;person< says one more thing and bam.. contempt . done when an equity court changed the form of the court to a court of law.. by the e it and return of the magistrate. <.. 'hen he takes a recess, he is changing the form of the court.. +he only time a >udge in *quity will pull out their court of record is to charge for contempt, or if you on the record.. ..but you can do so much better. +hey have a %court of record&, but it has limited )urisdiction.. ;only over persons<.. (ou as a people, Aing.. #andlord, are +ribunal of +8* most superior court on the earth.. as it applies to you. $ll you have to do is claim it. accept their oath and bond ;homage and fealty to the grantor of the fee<, make them %your man& and they are bound to carry out your orders, and give you competent advice, so everything is done in your best interest. $ll you have to do is $!A.. (ou are obligated upon accepting their oath to protect them.. this can happen automatically as a magistrate under common law is merely administering the orders of the +ribunal, and has no legal liability. $t the end of the day he is going to produce the record in the public, for the agreement already in place in the private.. !o how do you know if you are in a /ourt of *quity. if the plead choices are 2uilty or Not 2uilty. 1any want to know, including myself, what is the B./. %worth& to the 7ublic, or. what was it sold for.. recently I watched a (outube vidoe from a guy named Bill +urner, I dont know Bill from $dam, but his e planiaiton is as good as any other I have heard.. and that is.. that your B./. is sold ;moniti6ed< for your birth weight in gold. 8ere is a link9"ykNwIm2w1 , then you decide. (our drop of blood as a baby, was given the same value as your birth weight in gold.

+hat is the amount the public gets to work with under your *state by will, and by their own rules and more importantly under common law, they have to protect this estate, as it really belongs to the #and#ord.. they only have the right of use. +hey are e pected to make a profit on this estate, but for the benefit of having this lease is they are supposed to be paying rent.. more on that soon.. #ets get to the meat.. (ou were given an inheritance in #and from +8* #$N,#O-, in a "ee !imple *state, making you king.. it came with land and tenaments. Both can be inherited by your heirs, but you cannot sell the land, give it away, etc. its not yours its +8* #$N,#O-,!.. what your heirs dont claim reverts to the #ord.. ashes to ashes, dust to dust. (ou could however, lease your land in estate in fee for years, or at pleasure etc.. +hat is what the B/ is.. its a lease, and they owe you -ent, its being held in reserve waiting for the #and#ord that issued the lease to ask for it. It is either -ent or -ente.. in either case your rent is %reserved upon a lease& +he rent is based not )ust on your controbution, but all your ancestors as well. +heirs is being held back as %+reasureE+rove&.. It also looks that, %by your wil, and pleasure& you can shut down this *state, anytime you want. ;Im )ust not sure what the %right& time is yet<. But back to the -ent. what e actly does that mean0 -*N+, estates, contracts. $ certain profit in money, provisions, chattels, or labor, issuing out of lands and tenements in retribution for the use. +here are many forms of -ent..I kinda like this one9 -ackE-ent E $n annual rent of the full value of the tenement or near it. Or it could be -ente9 -*N+*. In the "rench funds this word is nearly synonymous with our word annuity. -*N+* "ON/I*-*. +his is a technical phrase used in #ouisiana. It is a rent which issues out of land, and it is of its essence that it be perpetual, for if it be made but for a limited time, it is a lease. It may, however, be e tinguished. /iv. /ode of #o. art. ?K45, ?K4O3 7oth. h.t. :ide 2roundErent. -*N+* :I$2*-*, "rench law. +his term, which is used in #ouisiana, signifies an annuity for life. /iv. /ode of #o. art. ?K@L3 7oth. ,u /ontract de /onstitution de -ente, n. ?C4. !o we got rent coming, and our inheritance from our ancestors, currently being held somewhere, whom do we see about this0 . !ince all %their courts& are in the fiction, they maybe able to get away with saying %it is outside our )urisdiction&.. after all, they are dead.. we need to be in the living to be a people. 'elcome your new best friend, +he /oroner9 +he post of coroner is ancient, dating from appro imately the CCth century, shortly after the Norman conquest of *ngland in C5@@. /oroner9 n. P#aw #at., a crown.Q $n officer whose office is concerned principally with pleas of the crown. ;7lea9 In law, that which is alleged by a party ;Aing< in support of his demand<. /oroners also have a role in treasure trove cases. +his role arose from the ancient duty of the coroner as a protector of the property of the /rown ;Aing, you<. +he coronerJs court is a court of law ;Not a /ourt of >ustice.< 7ractice is over, this is #aw, not >ustice..

Its worth mentioning, that $ll courts of >ustice, can be /ourts of #aw.. the magistrate has ? duties, in a /ourt of >ustice ;!tatute, /odes etc< he can >udge, in a /ourt of #aw, he administers the )ustice of the +ribunal ;you<.. Ive said it before but it bears repeating.. in equity the magistrate )udges, in /ommon law he administers. your orders.. +heir /ourt of record has limited )urisdiction, yours has final. Ne t to the !herriffs office the /oroner is ne t in importance under /ommon #aw, because the /oroner is responsible directly to the Aing for the /rowns ;your< 7roperty. Im not sure that /orporate !herriffs are the same as /ommon #aw !herriffs. +hey could be, but still, by #aw the /oroner is responsible for the /rowns ;your< 7roperty. Besides who better to say your not dead ;person< , than the /ornoner0 -emember this9 :ienne, CDCCEC?,Bwhoever shall hereafter dare to assert, maintain, or pertinaciously hold that the rational or intellectual soul is not per se and essentially the form of the human body, is to be regarded as a hereticB3 If you take your B/ to the /ororner, and declair in his presence yourself as an immortal linving soul, accept his oath and bond, hand him the B/ and order him to collect the rent, and return to you the inheritance passed down by your ancestors, by #aw %they& have until @pm, but not later than midnight to pay the rent.. $ctually the cororner is even more important to the Aing, because the Aing appointed the /oroner to keep an eye on the sherriff.. and keep track of his property. I should stop here to metion that $ll public officials are magistates. 1$2I!+-$+*, mun. law. $ public civil officer, invested with some part of the legislative, e ecutive, or )udicial power given by the constitution. In a narrower sense this term includes only inferior )udicial officers, as )ustices of the peace. ?. +he president of the =nited !tates is the chief magistrate of this nation3 the governors are the chief magistrates of their respective states.

$ll the above has lead to this.. my theory. I think you can take your Birth /ertificate to the /oroner, accept his oath and bond to the office he holds, hand him the B/, and tell him go collect my rent, and claim my ancestoral inheritance. Not only that, but he would inform the public that the Aing ;your conscience, soul etc<, has retruned to the manor, and is no longer in abayance. But, (ou have to accept his oath, and bond ;same with every 7ublic Officer<. here is why9 9ath of <ealty = )"earing an 9ath , 1omage >ser*i!e $#ound' to render. <E/%5?. "idelity, allegiance. ?. =nder the feudal system, every owner of lands held them of some superior lord, from whom or from whose ancestors, the tenant had received them. By this conne ion the lord became bound to protect the tenant in the en)oyment of the land granted to him3 and, on the other hand, the tenant was bound to be faithful to his lord, and defend him against all his enemies. +his obligation was called fidelitas, or fealty 9/51. $ declaration made according to law, before a competent tribunal or officer, to tell the truth3 or it is the act of one who, when lawfully required to tell the truth, takes 2od to witness that what he says is true. It is a religious act by which the party invokes 2od not only to witness the truth and sincerity of his promise, but also to avenge his imposture or violated faith, or in other words to punish his per)ury if he shall be guilty of it.

?. It is proper to distinguish two things in oaths3 C. +he invocation by which the 2od of truth, who knows all things, is taken to witness. ?. +he imprecation by which he is asked as a )ust and allEpowerful being, to punish per)ury. $mong promissory oaths may be classed all those taken by public officers on entering into office, to support the constitution of the =nited !tates, and to perform the duties of the office. +his obligation on the part of the vasal was called his fidelitas or fealty 3 and an oath of fealty was required, by the feodal law, to be taken by all tenants to their landlord, which is couched in almost the same terms as our antient oath of allegiance a 9 e cept that in the usual oath of fealty there was frequently a saving or e ception of the faith due to a superior lord by name, under whom the landlord himself was perhaps only a tenant or vasal. But when the acknowledgment was made to the absolute superior himself, who was vasal to no man, it was no longer called the oath of fealty, but the oath of allegiance 3 and therein the tenant swore to bear faith to his sovereign lord, in opposition to all men, without any saving or e ception 9 Bcontra omnes homines fidelitatem fecit b.B #and held by this e alted species of fealty was called feudum ligium, a liege fee 3 the vasals homines ligii, or liege men 9 and the sovereign their dominus ligius, or liege lord. $nd when sovereign princes did homage to each other, for lands held under their respective sovereignties, a distinction was always made between simple homage, which was only an acknowledgment of tenure c 3 and liege homage, which included the fealty before mentioned, and the services consequent upon it

1omage, on the other hand, only made its appearance when the relation became one of land as well
as of persons. It was the recognition of service due to the lord, not merely as superior, but as theJ giver of a benefice or fee. ;the giver of the estate<.. 'hen the tenant had thus professed himself to be the man of his superior or lord, the ne t consideration was concerning the service, which, as such, he was bound to render ;8omage is his Bond, "ealty is his oath< =nder feudal law, homage was the ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord of whom he held land or whose overlordship he accepted. The act of homage was construed to be the confirmation by the lord of the vassal=s own rights. (They have signed a bond, as a ceremonial ac%nowledgment of their allegiance to the landlord). 29:<(&M/5(9:, contracts, conveyancing. C . $ contract by which that which was voidable, is made firm and unavoidable.. (ou confirm their bond by accepting it, making it unavoidable that they act in your best interest. Not doing so by them would be considered per)ury, or better said heresy. !o where does that leave us0 By accepting his bond and oath, 2od is now his witness and )udging his actions that he will do his utmost for the #andlord ;people< that has )ust accepted it, and puts up his Bond to do so. ;as well as risk the sin of 8eresy ;7er)ury< for not< . and they know how the >esuits feel about 8eretics. +he $/+ O" 8O1$2* is completed when you accept his oath and bond, and he is %now your man&. (ou make a verbal contact with him, when you accept the oath, and bond he has taken, he is your man, and his rights ;the right of use of the Bond, so serve in the 7ublic< have been confirmed (O= 8$:* +O $//*7+ +8* !*-:$N+! O$+8 and BON,, before it becomes unavoidable. "rom the /op that )ust pulled you over, to the magistrate sitting on the bench, to the prison warden holding your loved ones, to the /"O of the Bank trying to "oreclose on you. $//*7+ +8*I- O$+8, and Bond, then lay down the #$'.. Be warned, having accepted their oath, you cannot %/harge& them with anything, unless they do not fulfill their duties. +hese are (our :assals, to do the Aings work, so why would you charge them0 Once you

accept their oath and bond, these :assals are required to act as your consultants in your affairs, for your best interest.. (ou )ust have to $sk.. $nd if they waver, ask them to call a superior, soon enough you will find someone high enough in the pyramid that will know e actly what you are talking about. #astly on the point of oaths, and bonds.. these Offices that other 1en act in ;coroner, >udge, 2overnor<, came as part of the *state by your will, ;your B./.<, they are offices from you to them, they are %your offices& of your nation state, for your benefit. No, I havent done it yet, like I said above I have a couple of other things to figure out. however the more I think about it, the sooner Ill do it, and this e ercise was as much for me as information for you. 8owever if you have any controversy to deal with in the 7=B#I/, this will work, its all lawful, using their definitions of words, and Blackstones /ommentaries on *nglish #aw Books I and II as a study guide. (ou can download these books at http9FFopenlibrary.orgF I picked one that was edited in COC@ but there are many others.. +hese later versions use more common language ;its the law of common law to as much as possible use common language of the day<. and have added comments from other /ommon #aw authorities. Or use the link I gave at the top .. (ou can fill out another affidavit, send reply letters, use the =// as your guide, and seem to keep them at bay, until they come back again. or instead of saying.. %Im here today as the !ecured party creditor..and I conditionally accept your offer.

!ay9 %'e the trinity of mind, body and spirit, created in the image of 2od, here as the +ribunal of the /ourt of -ecord, accept your oath and bond to be my man&.. ;or accept your oath and bond to the office you hold<.. %+he court of record is now open&. +hen tell them your %wish& .. the kings will,.. and let the :assals go to work. /ommon law requires a trial in open court3 Bopen courtB means a court to which the public has a right to be admitted. +his term may mean either a court that has been formally convened and declared open for the transaction of its proper )udicial business or a court that is freely open to spectators. I think the above could mean that you need to do your business with the officer in front of you, not with paper. +hat might come later, but first you need to walk in the valley in the shadow of death, and fear no evil. +he reality is this, you are Aing, they are the vassal. 'hat kind of Aing will you be0 "or once you step out of the public and into the private you are no longer under the )urisdiction of a /ourt of >ustice. Nope, now you have to answer to the /ourt of /onscience.. "ully developed by CKthEcentury *uropean theology, the concept of the 2ourt 9f 2ons!ien!e held that oneJs conscience would testify for or against oneJs actions in life after death. ,uring life, the faculty of conscience was like, but not the same as, the voice of 2od. It drew on divine knowledge and precepts, and applied these laws in order to direct the individual toward right action and warn against wrong action. $fter life, the function of conscience was that of a recordRanimated, if you willRthat would speak to a divine tribunal, in )udgment for or against you. *ven if oneJs conscience was or seemed dormant ;inactive, flawed, JsearedJ, asleep, etc.< during oneJs lifeRas was said to be the case in the worst of villains EE it came fully to life with a perfect and true memory of all oneJs actions before 2od. -etrieved from Bhttp9FFen.wikipedia.orgFwikiF/ourtGofG/onscienceB

(ou may get called into the /ourt of /onscience for not being a Aing of peace, bringing harmony to the dual system outlined by the Bible. $nd the only way to bring peace to the system is for you as Aing to forgive. $fter all %forgiveness is the only claim upon which relief can be granted&.. +here is no need to go to war, the system is overwhelmingly weighted in your favor as a Aing of a self goverening nation with no sub)ets. ;But %they& are your servants<.. If youve read this far, thanks for the interest.. It may seem like a lot to take in and foreign in many ways but ponder it for a while go to the links at the top, and )ust read what they say with the idea that you are a +rinity, and #andlord, that your body is a nation. 1aybe your not ready to go talk to the cororer, yet have a pressing 7ublic issue to deal with today. +hen lets takle that.. after all you have to learn to crawl before you an walk. +he lower level of the pyramid know nothing about this, not suprising because if they did they wouldnt participate. !o a traffic cop, or other entry level employee may not have any idea what your talking about. $nd that is our fault. +hey are not the enemey, they are our brothers, misguided and taught faleshoods same as us.. !o dont threaten them, or charge them, inform them. !ame with attorneys ;esq.< , when the >esuits took over education they set up todays modern universities and colleges. In their %law schools& they only taught /ivil #aw ;statute law<.. they mentioned common law, but taught /ivil #aw .incendently all codified inferior law has its roots in /anon #aw ;/ivil, !tatute, /ode etc.. < Blackstone notes this in his commentaires, and what it would mean in the future.. +hey could see it in the CKth century, and no one paid attention. $nyway some ideas on different situations you may need to deal with now.. "irst and foremost if you screw up, and get double minded thinking they have )urisdiciton over you be comforted with this, a Aing can never lose his prerogitve, you can always reqroup.. -obert Bork said in his !upreme /ourt confirmation hearing that all persons in prision volenteered to be there. they consented to )urisditicion . Never, never consent to their )urisdiciton. I have a little e periece dealing with the public using these ideas that I retell at the end of this document. But here is what I might do given the circumstances. -outine traffic stop.. ;no one in)ured<.. /op. licence, registratoin, and proof of insurance.or ,o you know why I am stopping you.. whatever his opening line.. (ou.. "orgive me officer, you seem to have me confused with a person, I am not a person I am a people, a trinity of mind, body and spirit, created in the image of 2od. Before you make a mistake I am obligated to inform you that you have no )urisdiciton over people, only over persons. /op. what the heck are you talking about, . are you some kind of wiseguy ;you are<, give me your licence, registration, and insurance or Im going to arrest you.. (ou. Brother I have no desire to charge you with bringing a controversy into my life. If you do not understand what I have told you, then for your own protection go to your car and contact a magistrate, and ask them if you have any )urisdiction over an immortal living soul. (our ignorance of the law is no e cuse, and if you presist Ill be forced to arrest the bond of the franchise your represent. /op, Ill give you one more chance to cooperate. (ou.. :ery well, than on and for the record, I accept your oath and bond for the office you occupy, and that of your superiors. I am the tribuanl of the /ourt of -ecord, and I order you to immediately return to your vehicle and leave me in peace. If you refuse, then bring your superior before me, so I can lay down the law. ;who knows what will happen<..

I-! issue. (ou..calling the investigator or see their %person&.. "orgive me for my doublemindedness till this point. $s you can imagine it can be difficult to distinguish fiction from reality. But after much soulseaching I found it. I am an immortal living soul created in the Image of 2od, and I ask ..why are you charging your brother0 'hy are you causing controversy and distubing the peace0 I-!.. I dont know what you are talking about.. (ou. maybe you do, maybe you dont.. maybe your testing me.. whatever you motive I can see where my past might lead you to believe that I am the +a payer. But for the record, I am the trinity of body, mind, and spirit, here today as one of the people, and your overlord. (ou are a servant of the people, and if you continue to disturb the peace, and fail to uphold your oath and bond to the landlords who control your e istance Ill find you in contempt of the /ourt of -ecord with final )urisdiction. $s my man my wish is that you balance the books by the end of the day and remove the controversy.

I-! .. $re you threating the I-!.. (ou. I cannot threaten a ficiton, and Im cautioning you not to violate your oath and bond.. If you do not understand my orders to you, then for your own protection you are to contact a high magistrate of your +a /ourt for guidance, and by the end of the day confirm to me that the books have been balanced. /ourt. (ou.. from the gallery.. %'e the trinity of mind, body, and spirit, here today as the tribunal of S+he /ourt of -ecord, with final )urisdiciton& , accept your oath and bond, and order that %this court& ;their court<, has no )urisdiciton in this matter. $ll originals are to be handed over to the +ribunal, and all copies are to be stricken from the 7ublic -ecord.. 1agistrare, would it be more comfortable for you if we did this in your chambers0 ;I dont care why your going to court. foreclosure, +a , traffic, civil or criminal, you have final )urisdiction as the court of record with access to the prerogative writs only available to the sovereign.. check them out sometime.<. you can demand all originals, tell their court they have no )urisditon, etc.. +hey never have persona )urisdiction over you, unless you consent. be a people not a person.. (ou are a people, and they have no )urisdictoin over people, simple as that.. If you attempt using this info and feel yourself slipping )ust go back to that. 'hat )urisdiction do you have over people. +hat is the only issue you are interested in, no matter where they want to take it, its your parachute. +hey either produce the claim showing )urisdiction over a people, or leave me now in peace. +here is no need to go to war with them, and if you are now, stop.. "orgive yourself because you didnt know better. Now you do, so move ahead, and stop looking back. 1ake them %your man& to administer your orders.. its why the took the oath and bond in the first place.

Ok, not sure where to go ne t with this other than put it to the test. 8aving put it in words has help me get closer to the inner peace Im looking for before acting. I have e perience in less involved settings with some of this, little test, that I asked for ;careful what you ask for<.. 2reat learning e periences.. Ill share them below, but for the particular question of accepting their oath, the court of record ad)ourns. /omments 'elcome.

-obb-yder.. +his final leg of the )ourney got started in earnest for me a little over a year ago.. the year prior to that was mostly listening to a few talkshoes and reading others work. But things really started to get tough economically for me. C5 years before I owned a company with C? employees, and offered a needed service in the economy of the time. !lowly over time what had been a pride of mine to belong to became an anchor around my neck. ,riving me deeper and deeper into a unwanted seclusion. 'atching the world go by, wondering )ust what the hell had happened, blaming everyone self included. (ear after year, worse then before. I had gotten so far behind in /hild !upport that I was arrested once, paid enough to get out, the amount went up again, and bingo, another warrant is issued.. 7aid that one down .. then bingo again.. another warrant.. still on the books.. +o the point that about a year and a half ago I asked the creator to show me the truth and I would not look away.. >ust show me which way to go. 8is answer apparently was a solid H months of no work. $t the time I was less than @5 days from being broke, so it was a heck of a ride..

But I used that time as wisely as I felt I could.. I listened to many more talkshoes, or /reditors in /ommerce audios, >ean Aeating, -od /lass, ,ave 1ack, $ngela, Batman, and many many others. $long with that was learning to distinguish between legal and lawful, be it a definition or e planation. H, C5 or more hours a day. listen, read, contemplate.. "inally toward the end of this era, every %utility& or service was within D5 days of being shut off. +he rent was @ months past due, car needed work. and..and..and.. !o I did my first $L:. with the I-!. I had them send me a list of all the outstanding charges against the Name ;about TC45,555< $ccepted the top copy for value, placed my red thumb print on it and the rest, made up a blank money order, and a simple contract and sent it in.. Basically if I dont hear back by affidavit or your keep my money order then we have a binding contract, and the debt is settled.. Off it went.. didnt hear back.. /onsidered it over.. !o what ne t.. 8ow about the =tility and !ervice companies.. But this time I used some information from >ean Aeating and others.. that by the =// it was a 1istake in fact that they we charging me.. +hat in fact the coupon they sent monthly and wanted returned with payment, was in fact the payment from the *state to settle the debt. $nd that the payments I had sent were done as a mistake in fact. +hat it appeared to me that this coupon was set aside by them in an escrow account attached to the $ccountholder ;1r. $ll /$7s<, that they claimed after D years as abandoned property. I presumed this to be the case, and therefore they were to pay the outstanding debt out of these funds in escrow and send me a check for the remainder.. In the mean time if I did not receive a rebuttal by affidavit and the service was to be cutoff, that they agreed to compensate me T4,555,555 prior to termination of service. +hese went to the /"Os . I did this with 4 different accounts, and only one responded, the *lectric utility. +heir first response, was on a %blank& sheet of paper not company letter head, no signature, only the company name spelled in all caps at the bottom.. it was a one line reply. %+o avoid an interruption in service, please pay in legal tender&.

I replied to this, thanking them for accepting the offer as sent to them, as they had not responded by affidavit within the allotted time, and we therefore had and agreement, and now a binding contract. 7lease send me the remainder of the funds from the escrow account. +heir reply. again on blank paper. (our letters are meaningless, to avoid an interruption in service, please pay in legal tender.. !o I asked myself what is legal tender.. ;I had an idea, but I wanted to see it from end to end<.. after some research, it came down to my belief that I could make up my own money order and send it to them. Its what I did with the I-!, and ? months later the I-! hadnt broken down my door yet. !o I sent them a money order for T?,555 for a TL45.55 bill, and said here is your legal tender, moneti6e it, settle the debt and send me a check for the remainder. If they did not return it to me with in K days I considered the debt settled, and would be paying future debts the same way, and in the mean time send me my check for the remainder. +here reply to that was much thicker.. Out comes the company letter head, with titles, signatures etc. but what they sent me was a // copy of what they had sent to the assistant federal prosecutor.. they were recommending to the prosecutor that he might want to investigate an apparent counterfeit money order ;they had apparently sent the original to the prosecutor<. $nd..and. and. +hings are going to a different level..but after a couple of day I decided to handle it this way.. I wrote my reply to the prosecutor, and // to the utility.. I told him I felt it my obligation to inform him that what the utility had sent them, if the same as they had sent me was not a complete copy of our contract. $nd since his involvement would be as a Drd party intervener, and I did not want to compromise him into that position I could not send him an entire copy, but he should demand it from the =tility. 8owever if he decided to further the investigation I demanded his affidavit stating his authority over a private contract, and how any statute overrode the ma ims of law, or the =//. "urther if the utility claimed to send him the original, then why the Board of ,irectors of the =tility should not be charged for counterfeiting a negotiable instrument, as they had sent me one.. copy attached. Out it went, and till this day K months later I have never heard from the "ederal prosecutor office.. at least directly.. more on that later.. and nothing else from the =tility until.. $bout day H@ since last payment I get a knock on the door at about H$1. I open it to find a short squat hard hat wearing, scuffed booted, clipboard carrying =tility representative.. %are you 1- $ll /aps.. 0& 'ho are you0 , . Im from consumers and here to turn off your power.. .. ,id you bring a check0 ;remember the T4,555,555<.. 'hat are you talking about she says.. I said I have a private contract with your corporation, and seeing as how you represent them I guess you want to be an interested party, let me get you a copy of the agreement.. ;in an envelope over the meter<.. (ou cant sue me she says. I not going to sue you I said, Im going to lien all the interested parties to the contract if I do not get my check before the power is interrupted, so here is your copy, you might want to go to your truck and read it.. (ou cant threaten me. %they& say your suing the /"O for counterfeiting&. Im not suing anyone, I have a private contact, if I need to I may lien someones bond, but Im not suing anyone..

!o as she was headed to her truck, I made a mad dash to the kitchen to get a pot of coffee brewing, as I had no idea what would happen ne t. but a couple of minutes later I looked out and she was gone. 8ey this shit does workUUU Or it did till the ne t day, when about the same time, her and her boss show up and without knocking get ready to do their business. 8ey I said, who are you0 /onsumers *nergy, and we are turning off your power.. 2ot any I,0 I dont have to show you I, he said, .. Its for our protection.. 'hat do you mean you dont have to show I,, youre a public employee, and you do not have to show I,0 /onsumers is a private corporation.. No I said, its a public utility regulated by the government, making you a public servant, are you refusing to identify yourself0 8e said nothing . 8ow about you I said to the girl. 8ey Im )ust doing my )ob.. No I said, youre a stranger trespassing on my property, and I guess I need to call the sheriff. I went to get the phone, )ust started dialing when she pulled the plug, and I lost the dial tone.. ;I have :onage<. and off they went, ? days before thanksgiving.. leaving me in the soon to be dark. #ong story shorter. for the ne t C5 days I lived with out electricity, and had to use the library to %write& a couple of )udges, and the ,irector of the I-! /riminal Investigation ,ivision.. asking for the fraud to be looked into. but with no apparent change after C5 days, I relented to my moms concerns and had the power turned back on. . and time for the ne t chapter..

I had no other replies from any providers, ;I had sent out D other money orders as an attempt to pay with legal tender<.. !oon after power was restored, >ean Aeating was on a number of talkshoes, and he kept mentioning I-! 1anual @?5O, in which is shows among other things what class ta applies to every I-! form or publication.. and can you believe it, all 'E?s and C5OOs are considered %/lass 4 2ift +a & , further if you asked for your I1" ;Individual 1aster "ile< it would show that most people are not required to fill out a C5L5.. ;its really not the right form for 2ift ta . I think its K5@ and K5O<.. But by %mistake of fact& we have put it down on the income line of a C5L5 form. +he =// says once a mistake of fact is recogni6ed it voids any contract the mistake is part of. !o I wrote the I-! claimed mistake of fact for the +a payer, and asked for an audit from the inception of the ta payer, to correct the mistake of fact, and return any notes or securities that may have been sent do to mistake in fact, including any un)ust enrichment they may have produced.. No reply. so in early >anuary I was deciding what to try ne t. and was inspired to write the Inspector 2eneral of the +reasury, pointing out the apparent fraud of the I-!. I think I )ust did it via email thru the +reasury 'ebsite.. $bout a C5 days later I got a call, and it was game on. $ special agent of the Inspector 2eneral of the +reasury called me.. and asked was I 1r. $ll caps. I asked, who is asking. and he gave his name and title.. for now we will call him >ohn. I said >ohn, I represent the name you mentioned, but no it is not me, how can I help you. (ou sent an email to the I2, and we are not sure what you are asking, is there any chance we can meet to discuss it.. 'ell thanks for calling I said, sure when would you like to meet0 >ohn said, how about tomorrow at the federal building, Im out of town today but will be back then.. 8e said the town he was in, so I said, well >ohn, your driving right by address of the ta payer, why not )ust stop in..

'ell I guess I could he said, but it would be more convenient if you went to my office.. But >ohn I said, who is getting paid to do this0 'ell Ok he says, its not that big of deal how about C5 am.. Ok I said, any idea how long this will take. Oh could be 4 minutes could be a half an hour. Ok then, call me when you get close and Ill make sure Im here. Ne t day about 4 after C5 the phone rings, and >ohn says.. hey partner needed to use the restroom so we stopped at the diner )ust down the road, how about meeting us here for a cup of coffee.. ;reali6ing their concern of running into a nutter I said sure, be down in about C5 minutes<.. +he diner is less than V mile away so I decided to walk, give myself the think of what I would say, and calm my spirit abit.. It was a cold, crisp, blue sky winter day in 1ichigan, glad I walked.. cause during the walk I decided on my opening line.. something I had heard on a talkshoe.. I walk in looking for ? guys in suits.. dont see any. hmmmmm.. then a guy in the corner stands up and says . BobUU $nd there is a table with one guy and D cups of coffee. ;I guess his partner has a weak bladder cause he was still in the restroom<. !o as I reached the table and >ohn stood up I took his hand and said.. !ome think that shaking anothers hand is a sign of consenting to )urisdiction, but for the record, that is not so in this case& +hat lit up >ohns eyes.. he said, is that so. but cannot ? men e tend each other pleasantries0 (es >ohn ? men can, but not ? persons.. $s I was sitting down, and saying !o >ohn how can I help you0 $ person crossed behind me and took the other chair.. Now both treasury agents are sitting , one >ohn about my age, early 45s and a young guy maybe late ?5s. and >ohn says to his partner what I had said to him when I sat down.. to which he said %really&. >ohn gave me his business card, and said, so what is it you are asking the I2 to do, and then handed me a copy of the email I had sent the I2.. I said well look, Im )ust a peaceful inhabitant, and represent the +rust 1- $## /$7!. It came to my attention that by mistake of fact the wrong I-! forms have been filled out for the ta payer, and I )ust want to set the record straight. 8e had a copy of what I had sent to the I-!, and said so this is the document you are talking about.. 'ell >ohn, its more than a document, its a contract in the private, and by the =// it is now a binding contract, but I have not heard from the I-!.. But you dont have a signature on it he says.. !ure I do, and pointed out my thumbprint. on the original its in -ed I told him.. 'here is the date0 Only persons use dates, its part of their system. +his was sent by a man, and a man has no calendar. +hen he shifted to how was it that I came to believe the things I was saying.. I said by listening to other people, and doing my own research.. 8e said people like..IIIII . I said sorry he is not familiar to me, who is he. >ohn said, he is in federal prison for ta evasion. 'ell >ohn, Im not evading ta es, they do not apply to me.. they may apply to the +$W7$(*-, but that is not me, I )ust represent him.. however as I pointed out I )ust want to set the record straight with the I-! but they refuse to respond, have not sent a rebuttal by affidavit as required, and therefore agree with me, so how can I be avoiding anything0 +hen we went into where I grew up, what my parents did, did I have brothers and sisters, what I did for work etc. I answered them all, then said, but >ohn, you already know all this or could.

+his chit chat got us through our first cup of coffee , then early in the ? nd it got interesting.. 8e asked me had I done any other letters, or things0 I said matter of fact >ohn I have, I have sent out a number of private contracts under international law, none have been returned or rebutted by affidavit, and are therefore now binding on the recipients yet they refuse to follow the contract. /an you help with that0 #ike what he says, what did you send them. so I told him the whole story about the electric utility.. !o you sent them a money order he said, ..well not me.. my natural person did.. 1r. !ignature.. +hen he said.. is this it here, and reached into a manila envelope and pulled out one of various pieces of paper in it.. It happened to be the %money order& to the utility and the letter they had sent to the "ederal prosecutor. !o as he is handing it to me Im thinking.. hmmm wonder where this is headed.. but to late to turn back. !o I took it, looked it over, looked >ohn in the eye, and said, No >ohn this is not mine, this is a counterfeit copy of mine, mine has a blue ink signature, and since it was never returned, it was accepted as payment, when you get back to your office can you ask this prosecutor to inquire with the utility why they are again threatening me with another interruption in power0 $nd handed it back to him. "or one of the few times the young guy spoke up. so your saying this is a counterfeit copy0 !ure I said, look at it, it is a full si6e copy of a negotiable instrument. If I did that with a dollar bill would it not be illegal.. 8e said so what is the stamp for on the bottom of the letter to the prosecutor0 I said that puts it under the =7=, in international law, and out of your )urisdiction. +hen he went quiet again.. !o what account and bank is it drawn against >ohn asked. here..this is the account number ;I pointed to the !!N without dashes< and this is the bank.. ;+reasury of the =nited !tates of $merica<.. >ohn changed gears a little.. so what did you do when they came and turned your power off0 (ou mean after they reneged on our contract. well >ohn it was ? days before +hanksgiving, and my kids were coming over for diner, so I spent most the first ? days making other arrangements. But after a long holiday weekend without power, the only option left seemed to be to #ien the Board of +rustees as specified in the contract.. but in my heart that didnt seem correct. If I lien the /"O I am affecting his family and they havent done anything to me. so I sent letters to a couple of >udges, and /I, of the I-!.. None of it lead to anything so under pressure from my family I relented and paid the bill.. >ohn said, well the money order is for T?,555, how much was your bill.. 'ell the bill was about TL45.55 but I hadnt worked in a while and needed some e tra cash. >ohn says from the utility company0 I said why not, there )ust a bank, they moneti6e the coupon they send me, why not this0 8ave you done any other 1oney orders. 0 (eah, couple of D, but they were ignored also. >ohn says9 (ou know Bob, many people are in prison for sending similar things. I said >ohn, I respectfully disagree, there are no people in prison, only persons, if they knew they were a people they would be out immediately as you have no )urisdiction over people. (ou not worried about being arrested 0 >ohn says. No >ohn, you cant arrest me, Im not a commodity. (ou could send C? men, trespass on my property, destroy my house, shoot my dog, scare my kids, and kidnap me. but you cannot arrest me. I am not a person, and you have no )urisdiction.. Ne t thing I know we are getting our Drd cup of coffee, some idle chitEchat .. !o where do you live. ;$< I live in this vessel provided by the /reator. But you walked over here from somewhere else..;$<.. I sometimes harbor my vessel at a local residence, but I never leave the vessel.

'hat do you consider yourself.. ;$< . 'ell I used to consider myself a homoEsapiens, but the dictionary is so corrupted that now 8omo means servant, and I am not a servant wise man. $re you not a servant of 2od0 ;$<, I think thats a bad choice of words, we all have a spark of 2od in us, and I was created in his image, I think that makes me a child of 2od, not a servant of god, and since I am male in form, I guess I am a !on of 2od.. ,o you consider yourself a /hristian.. ;$< again I guess it depends on the definition.. but for the record there is only one creator, 2od.. and who knows how many religions. I choose the simple route and )ust go directly to the creator. ,o you talk to 2od.. ;$< all the time. bunch of times since I sat down with you..

$nyway eventually the young gun goes the restroom again.. when he was gone, >ohn says to me. %I have been at this for over C4 years, and yours is the most intelligent e planation of why someone believes the way he does&.. +hats comforting to here >ohn, but it doesnt give me a remedy.. can you help me with that0 #ike what he says.. 8ow about the bank0 Nope, 8ow about the utilities0 Nope, can you tell me what you can help me with0 Nope.. Ok, then Ill quit asking. !o after his partner returned, and a little more idle talk >ohn said, so what are you going to do ne t.. 0 Not sure >ohn, like I said I have a problem with liens. +here has to be an easier way, and Ill keep looking for it. Not sure e actly what it is, e cept that it will have to do with ordering it done, not requesting. I could tell the conversation was coming to an end, so I asked >ohn a question. >ohn, like I said, I have a dog, and often one or more of my kids are over for the night. I dont want them scared, or my dog shot, so is there any reason for me to worry about being kidnapped anytime soon.., because if so you are hereby noticed that I will go peacefully, without need of a militaristic response from the 7ublic.. 8e looked at his young partner and said.I know Ill take shit all the way to the office from him, for acting like a social worker, but in this case Id have to say no, you do not have to worry. =nless you keep sending money orders, or put a lien on someone.. No >ohn Im done with that, ne t time you might hear from me is when I figure out how to order it done, not request it. +hen thats good enough he said, and we have to get going to our ne t appointment.. 'e all stood up, shook hand, and went our separate ways. that was in >anuary, and here in 1ay Im putting the final touches on my comprehension to see if I can make that happen. >ust order it done, and always remember I am a people, and they have no )urisdiction.. In closing, and not to be boastful but to offer hope.. the agent actually told me D different time how intelligent my e planations were.. that has to mean something.. On top of that by their rules they had the evidence to arrest me. if I was under their )urisdiction.. heck I told them what I had done.. so either they had no )urisdiction, or they aided the escape of a felon. 'arrant for back child support , $L: of I-! issues, 1oney orders off my printer. come on.. ,id they let me go, or do they not have )urisdiction. +hats why I write things like this and put it out there. I want them to know me.. I am a people and they have no )urisdiction. I do not want to disturb the peace, so try to gain the knowledge necessary not to have to charge anyone, simply order it done. 2ood luck to everyone and see you on the other side.

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