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in Henk Oosterling & Ewa Plonowska Ziarek (Eds.





T e ter! "s#a$ing% ("espacement%) is a&sol'tel( $entral to )errida*s entire $or#'s, w ere it is indisso$ia&le +ro! t ose o+ diffrance ($ ara$teri,ed, in t e text +ro! 1-./ &earing t is na!e, as "0at on$e1 s#a$ing 0and1 te!#ori,ing% 1), ritin! (o+ w i$ "s#a$ing% is said to &e "t e +'nda!ental #ro#ert(% 2) and de$onstr'$tion (wit one o+ )errida*s last !a2or texts, Le T"#c$er: %ean&L#c Nanc', s#e$i+(ing "spacin!% to &e "t e +irst word o+ an( de$onstr'$tion% 3). Two $ ara$teristi$s a4e &een $ontin'all( 'nderlined in, as )errida i!sel+ #'ts it, t is anal(sis o+ s#a$ing. T e ter! designates, +irst, an inter4al or "in5&etween% t at wo'ld &e t e index o+ an irred'$i&le exteriorit(, rendering it t ere&( i!#ossi&le +or an identit( to &e $losed '# wit in its #ro#er interiorit(, &'t it is also !eant to &e t e index o+ a "#rod'$ti4e,% "geneti$% !o4e!ent t at indi$ates an irred'$i&le alterit( 6. Bot $ ara$teristi$s in+or!, t ere+ore, t e se!inal anal(ses o+ )errida*s earl( works , w i$ sit'ate s#a$ing as a +a$tor t at $o!#li$ates &ot t e linear $on$e#tion o+ ti!e as a o!ogeneo's s'$$ession o+ #resent !o!ents, anal(,ed &( Heidegger as deter!ining t e entire istor( o+ !eta# (si$s, +ro! 7ristotle to Bergson, and t e # eno!enologi$al $on$e#tion o+ a li4ing #resent. 7s a #assage +ro! Speec$ and

P$en"mena s'$$in$tl( #'ts it8 "7s soon as we ad!it s#a$ing &ot as *inter4al* or di++eren$e and as o#enness '#on t e o'tside, t ere $an no longer &e an( a&sol'te inside, +or t e *o'tside* as insin'ated itsel+ into t e !o4e!ent &( w i$ t e inside o+ t e nons#atial, w i$ is $alled 'ti!e', a##ears, is $onstit'ted, is '#resented'.%9 7s &ot an inter4al o#ening onto an irred'$i&le o'tside and a #ositi4e, generati4e +or$e a$ting to set t ings aside or to ins$ri&e di++eren$es, s#a$ing does indeed, t en, see! a #aradig!ati$ instan$e o+ an "inter% or "in5&etween% t at, +ar +ro! &eing a s#a$e +or!ed &etween two #re5existing t ings, wo'ld $onstit'te not onl( t e "origin% o+ s#a$e and ti!e :'a # eno!enologi$al or !eta# (si$al $onstr'$ts &'t e:'all( t e "!o4e!ent% &( w i$ an( #ossi&le entit( $an deli!it itsel+ as s'$ . ;t is in t is sense t at s#a$ing is one o+ )errida*s wa(s o+ na!ing "t e #ri!ordial !ilie' in w i$ di++erentiation in general is #rod'$ed% ., or again < as )errida #'ts it in is anal(sis o+ Plato*s " c$(ra,% :'a an "irred'$i&le s#a$ing% de+(ing t e !eta# (si$al o##osition o+ &eing and &e$o!ing < t e "#la$e o+ ins$ri#tion o+ all t at is !arked in t e world.%= 7s s'$ , s#a$ing is an "in5&etween% wit o't w i$ "all t at is% wo'ld not )e < and t is is in t e !ost radi$al o+ senses, s'$ t at, &e(ond a re5ins$ri#tion o+ t e onti$o5ontologi$al di++eren$e, )errida*s a$$e#tation o+ s#a$ing gest'res towards a "#re5o#ening% ( *S+, #. 1-/) t at one !ig t esitantl( ter! a fi,ter or interface &etween &eing and non5&eing. 7nd (et, )errida*s $lai!s o+ s'$ a "#re5ontologi$al #ri!a$(% +or "s#a$ing% are +ra'g t wit a n'!&er o+ #ro&le!s t at !ig t, #ro4isionall(, &e s'&s'!ed 'nder t e di++i$'lt( to gi4e an ade:'ate a$$o'nt o+ t e #rod'$ti4e +or$e, or geneti$ !oti+, t at t e notion is said to en$o!#ass. T o'g des$ri&ed as a +or$e indi$ating an irred'$i&le alterit(, s#a$ing*s "!o4e!ent% wo'ld, in +a$t, see! to $onsist 'lti!atel( in not ing ot er t an a "logi$ o+ s'##le!entarit(,% $o!#rising a series o+ a'to5 re+erential rela(s, s'$ t at ea$ "link in t e $ ain% < &e t is a $ ain, +or exa!#le, o+ "tra$es,% "nows% or, indeed, "&lank s#a$es% < a$:'ires an identit( t ro'g its re+eren$e to an "ot er% 'nderstood, not as $o!#letel( eterogeneo's +ro! itsel+, &'t as an"t$er link (:'a "tra$e,% "now,% "&lank,% de#ending on t e $ontext). T is a'to5 re+erential #ro$ess is !oreo4er #re$isel( w at )errida 'nderstands &( "a'to5 a++e$tion%8 na!el(, "t e sa!e is t e sa!e onl( in &eing a++e$ted &( t e ot er, onl( &( &e$o!ing t e ot er o+ t e sa!e%( SP, #. /9). >#a$ing*s so5$alled #rod'$ti4e +or$e a!o'nts t en to a f"rma, #la( o+ sel+5re+erential tra$es, la$king &ot an( real #ower o+ e++e$ti4it( and an( re+eren$e to a 4erita&le "alterit(.% ;n w at +ollows, ; wo'ld like to arg'e t at s'$ a #'rel( +or!al stat's o+ s#a$ing s ows '# w at !ig t well &e na!ed t e "a#oria o+ #ri!ordial ins$ri#tion% t at &esets )errida*s t o'g t. T e ter! is, o+ $o'rse, &orrowed +ro! )errida i!sel+, w o re+ers t ere&( to t e ne$essit( to $on$ei4e o+ t e #ossi&ilit( o+ ins$ri#tion in general not as &e+alling an alread( $onstit'ted s#a$e &'t, on t e $ontrar(, as w at pr"d#ces t e s#atialit( o+ s#a$e, t ro'g t e "ordering% it e++e$ts. ?( 'se o+ t e ter!, owe4er, wants to indi$ate t at )errida*s $lai!s o+ a #rod'$ti4e +or$e +or s#a$ing (a +or$e t at is #re$isel( w at )errida 'nderstands &( ins$ri#tion) $an onl(


old i+ s#a$ing is ac-n" ,ed!ed to de#end, #re$isel(, '#on w at one is $onstrained to na!e, des#ite all t e reser4es o$$asioned &( s'$ a designation, an originar( "s#a$e,% "exteriorit(% or "s#a$iosit(% < in s#ite o+ t e +a$t, t at is, t at )errida #re!ises is entire anal(sis o+ s#a$ing, as too is deter!ination in general o+ diffrance, on t e re+'tation or, indeed, t e "cc#,tati"n o+ 2'st s'$ a de#enden$e. T at said, ; wo'ld add at on$e t at s'$ an originar( s#a$e or s#a$iosit( $annot &e t o'g t o+ in ter!s o+ t e "$onstit'ted% or ideal s#a$e, arra(ed in a #'re o!ogeneo's, or isotro#i$, #resen$e, t at )errida $onsistentl( o##oses to t e #ossi&ilit( o+ ins$ri#tion in general. @at er, t e "originar(% < or indeed, "#re5 originar(% < "s#a$e% ; a! re+erring to !ig t e:'all( well :'ali+( as an "in5 &etween,% or "in5&etweening,% w i$ is (et !ore "#ri!ordial% t an )errida*s inter4al < not in t e sense, $ertainl(, o+ a s'&2a$ent gro'nd or $'p"-eimen"n, &'t, s all we sa(, o+ a "!edi'!% t at wo'ld "in5+or!,% or "in5sist% wit in, s#a$ing*s 4er( !o4e!ent. Aor t is reason, it is s'rel( all t e !ore signi+i$ant t at, in order to ela&orate t e "de#enden$e o+ s#a$ing on s#a$e% in $a'se ere, we !'st t'rn to #la$es in )errida*s $or#'s w ere e re+ers s#a$ing to two o+ # iloso# (*s !ost +a!o's < or in+a!o's < o+ "in5&etweens%8 na!el(, t e Platoni$ c$(ra (alread( re+erred to a&o4e) and Bantian s$ e!atis!, &ot o+ w i$ a4e t e sing'lar stat's, wit in t e res#e$ti4e # iloso# i$al s(ste!s in w i$ t e( are sit'ated, o+ a "terti'! :'id% t at, w ile introd'$ed to ex#lain t e $onne$tion &etween t e # eno!enal world and &eing (&e t is 'nderstood as t e c"sm"s n"et"s or s# ere o+ ;deas, as in Plato, or in its arti$'lation a$$ording to t e $ategories, as wit Bant), #ro4es to o#en t e s(ste! it is s'##osed to Cs't're% onto an ontologi$al inde$ida&ilit(. T at +or &ot Plato and Bant, t is terti'! :'id eit er de#ends '#on, or is itsel+ $ ara$teri,ed as, 2'st s'$ an "originar( s#a$e% (t e word c$(ra, as it a##ears in t e Timae#s, as #re$isel( &een translated as "s#a$e,% "roo!% < or "4ol'!e% < and "s#atial !edi'!%), w i$ , as s'$ , s ows neit er a relation to "&eing% nor, indeed, an( +or! o+ "s(nt esis% or deter!inate relations i# o+ its "$o!#onents,% !ig t indeed ser4e to indi$ate t at t e :'estion o+ t e "in5&etween% 'lti!atel( gest'res &e(ond, not onl( "&eing% and "ti!e,% &'t di++erentiation in general 'nderstood as "#roto5 te!#orali,ation,% w i$ is, in +a$t, as we are to see, w at )errida designates &( "s#a$ing.%

I. Sp !"#$ % T&'p() *"+ ,"(#

D en )errida writes, in Of .rammat","!', t at "i!agination 0] is t e ot er na!e o+ diffrance as a'to5a++e$tion,% w ile attri&'ting "t e entire $ ain t at !akes #ossi&le t e $o!!'ni$ation o+ t e !o4e!ent o+ te!#orali,ation and t e s$ e!atis! o+ i!agination, #'re sensi&ilit( and t e a'to5a++e$tion o+ t e #resent &( itsel+% to "all t at Heidegger*s reading as strongl( re#eated in /ant and t$e Pr"),em "f Metap$'sics,%/ e is si!#l( !aking ex#li$it w at an attenti4e reading o+


is anal(ses insisting on s#a$ing as a $o!5#li$ation, 'n+olding or sel+5a++e$tion o+ ti!e (as, +or exa!#le, in t e anal(ses o+ Speec$ and P$en"mena !aking o+ "s#a$e% "ti!e*s #'re lea4ing itsel+E 01 t e *o'tside5itsel+* as t e sel+5relation o+ ti!e% ( SP, #. /.)) soon s'r!ises. Fa!el(, t at "diffrance% !'st &e 'nderstood, no less t an "te!#ori,ing% and no less t an "s#a$ing% < t ose "two apparent,' di++erent 4al'es o+ di++Gran$e% (D, #. 1-) < as anot er na!e +or t e #ro$ess o+ a #roto5 te!#orali,ation t at )errida ela&orates in t e wake o+ Heidegger*s "!ore original% "e$stati$5 ori,onal% inter#retation o+ ti!e +or!'lated in /ant and t$e Pr"),em "f Metap$'sics.- O+ $o'rse, t e latter inter#retation &ore #re$isel( on Bant*s do$trine o+ s$ e!atis!, sit'ated as instating t e trans$endental #ri4ilege o+ ti!e in t e +or!ation o+ trans$enden$e. D ile Bant ad attri&'ted to t e #'re s$ e!ata, as trans$endental deter!inations o+ ti!e, t e role o+ 'ni+(ing t e $on$e#ts o+ t e 'nderstanding and #'re int'ition, and o+ t ere&( rendering #ossi&le t e a##li$ation o+ ontologi$al #redi$ates to all #ossi&le o&2e$ts, Heidegger*s de$isi4e ste# $onsists in $lai!ing t at trans$endental i!agination < to w i$ Bant ad attri&'ted t e o#eration o+ s$ e!atis!, :'a t e "+a$'lt(% o+ s(nt esis < !'st &e 'nderstood !ore "originall(% as "#'re ti!e% :'a #'re a'to5a++e$tion and, in t is $a#a$it(, as t e c"mm"n r""t o+ &ot 'nderstanding and sensi&ilit(. 7s s'$ , trans$endental i!agination wo'ld t en pr"&d#ce t e #'re s$ e!ata or te!#oral s(nt eses t at +or! t e ori,on o+ trans$enden$e or o&2e$ti4e5ness, 'nderstood as an o#en do!ain w i$ , &( $onstit'ting #ri!ordiall( &ot t e s'&2e$ti4it( o+ t e s'&2e$t and t e o&2e$ti4it( o+ t e o&2e$t, renders it #ossi&le +or t e +inite s'&2e$t to en$o'nter ot er &eings. Fow, t e +a$t t at s#a$ing +'n$tions as )errida*s own re#etition o+ Heidegger*s +ieder$",#n! o+ Bant*s trans$endental s$ e!atis! < wit s#a$ing, as s'$ , addressing, m#tatis m#tandis, t e #ro&le! taken '# &( Bant in is do$trine o+ trans$endental s$ e!atis! as repeated &( Heidegger in is anal(sis o+ t e e$stati$5 ori,onal str'$t're o+ Temp"ra,it0t < is :'ite deli&eratel( "!is en s$Hne,% as it were, &( )errida in is 1-.= text *re#d and t$e Scene "f +ritin!. Here, in t is text, #a(ing a #arti$'lar attention to t e :'estion o+ s#a$ing, o+ writing as s#a$ing, and o+ t e s#a$e t at s'$ a writing, +ar +ro! #res'##osing, wo'ld pr"d#ce, )errida sets o't :'ite ex#li$itl( t e inter#retati4e #rogra!!e t at is to go4ern is anal(ses8 na!el(, "De o'g t #er a#s to read Are'd t e wa( Heidegger read Bant% ( *S+, #. 219). I'st as Heidegger*s Bant5inter#retation $lai!ed to !ake 4isi&le w at Bant " ad &ro'g t to lig t in is gro'nd5la(ing (A#s,e!#n!1,% wit o't &eing a&le to render it ex#li$it < na!el(, t at ti!e !'st &e gras#ed in its inner!ost essen$e as #'re a'to5a++e$tion (/PM, ##. 1605161) < so too, t en, )errida #'r#orts to s ow t at Are'd ad, 'n&eknownst to i!sel+, &ro'g t to lig t an "originar( te!#oralit(% o+ t e #s($ e8 a "te!#oralit( as s#a$ing.% )errida*s el'$idation o+ t is "originar( te!#oralit(% #ro$eeds &( exa!ining Are'd*s re$o'rse to !eta# ori$al !odels &orrowed +ro! writing de4i$es in order to


re#resent t e str'$t're o+ t e #s($ i$al a##arat's < a re$o'rse )errida arg'es is a&sol'tel( indis#ensa&le to t e t inking o+ "di++eren$e% (+or exa!#le, t e di++eren$e o+ "lo$ation% o+ #s($ i$al agen$ies). ;n t is #ers#e$ti4e, )errida notes t at, alt o'g t e t"p"!rap$ica, nat're o+ s'$ !eta# ors or analogies does indeed 'nderline t e "irred'$i&ilit(% o+ a $ertain Cs#atialit(,% t is s#atialit( $annot &e $on4e(ed &( $lassi$al or $'rrent !odels o+ s#a$e, s'$ as t e res e2tensa &elonging to $lassi$al geo!etr( or t e intelligi&le s'r+a$e o+ traditional writing a##arat'ses. Hen$e, in order to t ink t e str'$t're o+ t e #s($ e, "a di++erent writing s'r+a$e !'st &e +o'nd, a s#a$e w i$ writing as alwa(s $lai!ed +or itsel+% ( *S+, #. 222). T e $r'x o+ )errida*s el'$idation is is "&ringing o't% t at s'$ a s#a$e is +inall( +o'nd in a writing de4i$e des$ri&ed &( Are'd, w en t e de4i$e in :'estion e4in$es < "in its 4er( str'$t're% < an "originar( temp"ra,it'% o+ writing. D at Are'd &elie4ed to &e a Cs#atial% or "to#ogra# i$al% analog( ill'strating t e str'$t're o+ t e #s($ e, !'st t en, a$$ording to )errida, &e inter#reted "!ore +'nda!entall(% as s owing t at t e #s($ e as a "s#a$ing o+ writing% is t e "!o4e!ent o+ te!#orali,ation and #'re a#t"&affecti"n% (*S+, #. 230). T e re!arka&le !anner in w i$ )errida*s reading o+ Are'd*s to#ogra# i$al analogies #ro$eeds &( dis:'ali+(ing not onl( "$lassi$al% !odels o+ s#a$e, &'t 'lti!atel( an( and all !odels o+ s#a$e (w at o+ !odels +ro! to#olog( or ot er !at e!ati$al or # (si$al dis$i#linesJ) elo:'entl( testi+ies to 2'st ow +ait +'ll( )errida does in +a$t +ollow is inter#retati4e #rogra!!e < "to read Are'd in t e wa( Heidegger read Bant.% Heidegger*s inter#retation o+ Bantian s$ e!atis! is, a+ter all, sing'larl( $ ara$teri,ed &( t e de$ision (later des$ri&ed &( Heidegger i!sel+ as &ot ex$essi4el( 4iolent and in4alid) to den( s#a$e t e i!#ortan$e Bant attri&'ted to it as a trans$endental +'n$tion in t e se$ond edition o+ t e Criti3#e, wit Heidegger !aintaining t at #'re s#a$e < w i$ e t ere&( #'ts on t e sa!e le4el as t e 4#,!ar $on$e#tion o+ ti!e itsel+ < !'st &e 'nderstood as trans$endentall( rooted in t e original str'$t're o+ ti!e as an e$stati$5 ori,onal a'to5a++e$tion. Ket, as indi$ated &( t e i!#ortan$e gi4en to s#a$e in t e Ana,"!ies "f e2perience (and !ore largel( t e Ana,'tic "f Princip,es), Bant ad, in +a$t, attri&'ted to t e #'re int'ition o+ s#a$e a trans$endental +'n$tion as t at w i$ is alone $a#a&le o+ o#ening 's to a trans$enden$e, inso+ar as #'re s#a$e < wit o't an( #arallel on t e #art o+ ti!e < testi+ies to t e existen$e o+ a 4erita&le alterit(8 a #'re O'tside. Li4en t at s#a$e wo'ld, +or t is reason, !ark t e 4er( ex$ess o+ trans$enden$e o4er te!#oralit( < +or, were it not +or t eir relation to #'re o'ter int'ition, t e te!#orall(5deter!ined trans$endental s$ e!ata wo'ld re!ain, in BantMs words, not ing !ore t an Csi!#le $ i!eras,% la$king an( o&2e$ti4e realit( < it is $lear t at, in order to se$'re is re#etition o+ trans$endental s$ e!atis!, Heidegger ad to c"#nter < as e #'ts it < "t e t reat #osed to t e trans$endental #riorit( o+ ti!e &( s#a$e.% ;n s ort, s#a$e ad to &e tra$ed &a$k to #'re i!agination, itsel+ 'nderstood as a +'n$tion o+ ti!e as a'to5 a++e$tion. T e :'estion ; t ere+ore want to raise ere is w et er )errida < in


a$$ordan$e wit is $lai! in Of .rammat","!' t at "i!agination 0] is t e ot er na!e o+ di++eran$e as a'to5a++e$tion% < does not, in a si!ilar wa(, seek to tra$e a !ore originar( s#a$e &a$k to diffrance as #roto5te!#orali,ation, and to do so #re$isel( t ro'g is notion o+ s#a$ing.

II. C-.) -$) p-"&%

Fow, )errida, o+ $o'rse, $onsistentl( $ontests t ro'g o't is $or#'s t e notion o+ a #'re o!ogeneo's s#a$e, w i$ e sit'ates as &elonging to t e !eta# (si$al !(t o+ an 'nin a&ited, 'n!arked origin8 !(t o+ t e #'re #resen$e o+ t e #'re #resent. He writes in Mar!ins, +or exa!#le, o+ # iloso# (Ms seeking to $ontrol and to reg'late t e !'lti#li$it( in w i$ it is itsel+ ins$ri&ed &( &ringing into +or$e deter!inations s'$ as t at o+ a "negati4e, o!ogeneo's, 4irgin s#a$e, 0 ] wit o't !arks, o##osition or deter!ination, read( like !atter, t e !atrix, or t e c$(ra, to re$ei4e and re+le$t t e t(#es 0i.e., t#p"i1 ins$ri&ed t erein%10. 7nd (et i+ we t'rn to t e di++erent texts t at )errida as $onse$rated to t e Platoni$ c$(ra < t at "t ird nat're% introd'$ed &( Plato to ex#lain +eat'res o+ t e sensi&le world 'na&le to &e a$$o'nted +or in ter!s o+ t e ontologi$al distin$tion o+ Aor!s and $o#ies < it &e$o!es a##arent t at )errida is literall( +or$ed "to $o'nter% Plato*s attri&'tion o+ a "s#a$e5like% nat're to t e c$(ra (w i$ , as a "s#a$e% dis#la(ing a $onstant "!o4e!ent% and s i+ts o+ intensit( $an ardl( &e said to !eet !eta# (si$al or geo!etri$ $riteria o+ o!ogeneit( or isotro#(, at least not &e+ore t e )e!i'rge inter4enes) i+ e is to '# old is own (later) reading o+ t e c$(ra as a site o+ writing and o+ ins$ri#tion, and, t ere&(, ward o++ a $on$e#t'ali,ation o+ a (non5 !eta# (si$al) #ri!ordial s#atialit( t at wo'ld indeed see! to t reaten t e "trans$endental #riorit(% o+ t e 4er( #roto5te!#orali,ation t at )errida na!es diffrance. ;n general ter!s, it is #ossi&le to de!ar$ate two distin$t, s'$$essi4e, readings o+ t e c$(ra in )erridaMs work. ;n is "+irst% reading o+ t e c$(ra ela&orated &etween 1-=1 and 1-/3 < +or exa!#le, in Mar!ins and P"siti"ns, &'t also in "?( N an$es%11 and ")isse!ination%12 < )errida insisted a&o4e all t at t e notion o+ t e c$(ra ad to &e 'nderstood as an "ontologi,ation,% or "arrais"nnement% < i.e., "$alling to reason% < o+ )e!o$ritean r$#t$m"s, wit )errida translating t e )e!o$ritean ter! as "r (t !% or "writing,% and o+ten, indeed, s#e$i+(ing t e sense o+ writing ere as "$ ara$ter% or "t(#e,% in re+eren$e to Leorgiades* Ler!an translation, 'sed &( Heidegger, o+ r$#t$m"s as .epr0!e, !eaning "$ ara$ter,% "i!#rint,% "t(#e% and "seal.% T at said, &( de$laring Plato to a4e "nt","!i5ed r$#t$m"s, )errida 'nderstands Plato to a4e rei+ied t e di++erential !o4e!ent t o'g t &( )e!o$rit's, &( #osing, in #la$e < and in t e #la$e o+ < a "r (t !i$% !'lti#li$it(, an a!or# o's re$e#ta$le t at, &( #assi4el( re$ei4ing t e


i!#ression o+ t e t#p"i, ass'res t e #arti$i#ation o+ t ese t#p"i, or $ ara$ters, wit in intelligi&le +or!. A'rt er, it !'st &e 'nderlined t at t is is an ontologi,ation in an ina'g'ral sense, +or it !arks t e dis#la$e!ent &( w i$ an ato!isti$ t'p"&!rap$' wo'ld a4e &een in+le$ted and a##ro#riated &( Platoni$ onto5log( (or onto5t(#o5 log(, to 'se a ter! $oined &( La$o'e5La&art e) and it is, t en, t is t(#o5gra# ( t at )errida is $lai!ing as a #re5!eta# (si$al deter!ination wit w i$ is own t o'g t o+ diffrance (or ar$ i5writing, or disse!ination) dis#la(s a $ertain relation < s'$ t at, to $ite La$o'e5La&art e again (and #re$isel( is essa( entitled "T(#ogra# (%), diffrance is to &e 'nderstood as t e $onte!#orar( a4atar o+ t e t(#ogra# i$ #ro&le!ati$ a4ing its so'r$e in t e t eories o+ t e 7to!ists13. ;!#ortantl(, t is t o'g t o+ a t(#ogra# ( es$a#ing t e a't orit( o+ t e Platoni$ eid"s is &ot rea++ir!ed and re5#ositioned as it were in t e "se$ond% reading t at )errida $onse$rates to t e Timae#s +ro! 1-/. on. Aor w ile )errida, !ost nota&l( in t e texts /$(ra (o+ w i$ t e +irst 4ersion dates +ro! 1-/=) and "How to a4oid s#eaking% ($on+eren$e #rono'n$ed in 1-/. 16), still !aintains t at t e "Platoni$% notion is t e "ontologi$al% re5a##ro#riation o+ t e )e!o$ritean tradition, e now dis$erns "anot er lang'age% or anot er "inter#retati4e de$ision% as $o5 existing alongside t e Platoni$ ontolog( and diale$ti$ < anot er lang'age in w i$ t e c$(ra, as t e site o+ writing, o+ ins$ri#tion, o+ t e tra$e or t(#e, gi4es #la$e #re$isel( to a t(#o5gra# ( ex$eeding all t e !a2or deter!inations o+ Platonis! and !eta# (si$s. "Onder t e na!e o+ c$(ra,% )errida writes, "an irred'$i&le s#a$ing% is o#ened '# wit in Platonis!8 a "#la$e w i$ wo'ld &elong to neit er t e sensi&le nor intelligi&le, to neit er &e$o!ing, nor non5&eing nor &eing% (CNP, #. 9.=). Nonse:'entl(, !'$ o+ )erridaMs reading is $on$erned wit exa!ining t e a#oria t at ens'e +ro! t e o#ening '# o+ t is "#re5# iloso# i$al% s$ene wit in t e text o+ t e Timae#s. He nota&l( e!# asi,es t at, inso+ar as it is i!#ossi&le to re$on4ert t e "neit er5nor% t at a++e$ts t e c$(ra into an "and5and% (s'$ as is #er#etrated in t e ontologi$al a##ro#riation o+ t e c$(ra, in w i$ t e +a$t t at t e c$(ra #artakes o+ neit er t e sensi&le nor t e intelligi&le is #re$isel( w at renders it a#t to re$ei4e t e t#p"i and to ens're t eir #arti$i#ation in intelligi&le +or!), t ere ens'es t at it is no longer ade:'ate, nor stri$tl( #ossi&le, to designate as metap$"rs t e 4ario's deter!inations or na!es t at Plato 'ses to des$ri&e is "terti'! :'id.% >'$ na!es (as, +or exa!#le8 "re$e#ta$le, "n'rse,% "!atrix,% "!ot er,% or indeed "s#a$e% < i.e., t e word "c$(ra% itsel+) $an no longer &e 'nderstood as metap$"rs, )errida states, Csin$e t e 4er( $on$e#t o+ !eta# or originates in Platoni$ !eta# (si$s, wit t e distin$tion t erein drawn &etween t e sensi&le and t e intelligi&le% ( CNP, #. 9./). T at said, owe4er, )errida introd'$es a $riti$al distin$tion at t is 4er( #oint, !aintaining, in e++e$t, t at certain "tro#ologi$al deto'rs% 'sed &( Plato (+or exa!#le, "re$e#ta$le,% "sie4e,% and "seal%) ex$eed t e o##osition o+ +ig'rati4e and #ro#er sense. ;ndeed, wit res#e$t to tro#ologi$al deto'rs s'$ as t ese, )errida a++ir!s t at one is dealing wit "+ig'res% t at are not "+ig'res a!ongst ot ers,% t at


do not, t ere+ore, re+er to an( re+erent or &eing (t e( are, in +a$t, des$ri&ed as "&e(ond all ant ro#o!or# is!,% &e(ond all "ontolog(%), &'t !'st rat er &e 'nderstood as "+ig'res o+ t e in+ig'ra&le% &( w i$ !ig t &e said Cso!et ing% s'$ as t e di++eren$e &etween &eing and non5&eing ( CNP, ##. 9./ and 9/6) < in s ort, Cso!et ing% s'$ as diffrance. P't s'$$in$tl(, )errida 'lti!atel( dis:'ali+ies as "!eta# (si$al% < t at is, as de#endent '#on t e sensi&lePintelligi&le distin$tion and, t 's, &elonging to t e "lang'age% o+ Platonis! < t e entire se:'en$e o+ "!eta# ors% (wit t e ex$e#tion o+ "re$e#ta$le%) t at re+er to s#a$e or to t e +ig're o+ t e !ot er. No!#rising s'$ signi+iers as space, r""m, p,ace, m"t$er, and n#rse, t is se:'en$e as &een :'ali+ied &( L'$ Brisson, in is $o!!entar( on t e Timae#s, as a Cs#atio5sex'al% se:'en$e, $ ara$teri,ed &( a tension &etween t e sex'al as#e$t and t e s#atial5$'!5!aterial, or $onstit'ti4e, as#e$t in eac$ o+ t e ter!s it $o!#rises 19. On t e ot er and, t e "+ig'res% in PlatoMs text w i$ wo'ld see! to :'ali+(, in )errida*s ter!s, as " fi!#res "f t$e n"n&fi!#ra),e% < inso+ar as t e( ex$eed ontolog( and $an , t ere+ore, no longer &e $onsidered as "si!#le !eta# ors% or "+ig'res% at all < $onsist o+ a se:'en$e w i$ e des$ri&es, in "How to a4oid s#eaking,% as +or!ing a set o+ t'p"!rap$ica, tr"pes6 Here t e tro#es re+erred to &( )errida in$l'de not onl( receptac,e, am"rp$"#s, sea,, and sie4e, &'t en$o!#ass !ore generall( w at !an( $o!!entators o+ t e Timae#s re+er to as t e artisana, se:'en$e o+ !eta# ors, 'sed &( Plato to $on4e( t e !anner in w i$ sensi&le $o#ies are ins$ri&ed in t e c$(ra, wit t is se:'en$e $o!#rising 4ario's re+eren$es to t e a$ti4it( o+ i!#ressing +ig'res in gold and in so+t < a!or# o's < s'&stan$es. ;n s ort, in #ro$lai!ing t e Timea#s to dis#la(, alongside t e ontologi$al a##ro#riation o+ t e c$(ra, a lang'age t at is irred'$i&le to an( s'$ a##ro#riation, )erridaMs se$ond reading 'ses t is distin$tion &etween a Platoni$ lang'age and a non5!eta# (si$al tro#olog( to dis:'ali+(, as irre4o$a&l( !eta# (si$al, all t e ter!s in t e #assages on t e c$(ra t at are s#atiall(5sex'all( $onnoted, w ile #ri4ileging t e se:'en$e o+ ter!s re+erring to ins$ri#tion as non5ontologi$al. T e reason +or t is is $lear8 it is onl( &( so dis:'ali+(ing all t e ter!s t at testi+( to t e #ro&le!ati$ o+ a "#ri!ordial s#atialit(% t at )errida is, in +a$t, a&le to '# old is own "t(#ogra# i$al% reading o+ t e c$(ra as a Csite% o+ ins$ri#tion t at $an &e red'$ed to t e "!o4e!ent% o+ tra$es alone (t at is, wit o't &eing identi+ia&le as a "#re5 existing% space as s'$ ). ?oreo4er, ; wo'ld arg'e t at it is stri$tl( +or t e sa!e reason t at )errida s" insists in is later texts dealing wit t e c$(ra t at t e "sex'al !eta# or% o+ t e "!ot er,% as well as t at o+ "t e wo!an% < w i$ Plato, o+ $o'rse, does not e!#lo( < is irre4o$a&l( en!es ed wit in !eta# (si$s. ;t is #re$isel( &e$a'se t is "!ot er o+ all t at is% is itsel+ a +ig're o+ a #ri!ordial s#atialit( t at $annot &e red'$ed to a s#a$e o+ geo!etri$ o&2e$ti4it(, &'t is, on t e $ontrar(, t e 4er( #rin$i#le o+ t e di++erential !o4e!ent o+ t e t#p"i, t at t e sex'al5s#atial !eta# or see!s to s ow '#, as it were, t e di++i$'lties t at a$$r'e to )erridaMs $lai!s t at spacin! &ears a signi+i$ation o+ "#ositi4e, generati4e, #rod'$ti4e +or$e.%


D ile we a4e alread( to'$ ed on t e di++i$'lt( to gi4e an a$$o'nt o+ t e #rod'$ti4e +or$e, or geneti$ #rin$i#le, $lai!ed +or spacin! wit o't a 4erita&le notion o+ eterogeneit(, a #arti$'larl( interesting #oint is !ade in t is res#e$t &( t e Aren$ # iloso# er, ?i$ el Haar. 7+ter re!arking t at t e +or$e )errida attri&'tes to diffrance $onsists si!#l( o+ t e series o+ its e++e$ts, and is, +or t is reason, "an inde+inite #ro$ess o+ s'&stit'tions or #er!'tations,% Haar s#e$i+ies t at, +or t is #ro$ess to &e so!et ing ot er t an a si!#le "a$t'alisation% la$king an( real #ower o+ e++e$ti4it(, it wo'ld need "a s"#)assement p"rte#r% 7 letMs sa( a "$ond'$ting 'nderla(% or "$ond'$ting !edi'!% 7 w i$ wo'ld not, owe4er, &e an a&sol'te &ase, nor an "origin% or "$a'se.% ;+ t en, as Haar $on$l'des, diffrance and s#a$ing s ow t e!sel4es to &elong to "a #'re 7#ollonis!% " a'nted &( t e gro'ndless gro'nd,% w i$ t e( la$k and de#ri4e t e!sel4es o+1., we $an &etter 'nderstand &ot t e t reat #osed &( t e "+ig'res% o+ s#a$e and t e !ot er in t e Timae#s and, as a res'lt, )erridaMs insistent atte!#ts to dis:'ali+( t e!. >o great, it wo'ld see!, is t e !ena$e to diffrance t at )errida !'st, in a "#ro#erl(% ap"tr"paic gest're, ward o++ t ese "+ig'res% o+ an ar$ ai$, $ t oni$, s#atial !atrix in an( and all wa(s #ossi&leE e !'st di4ert t e s#atio5sex'al tro#es a##lied to t e $ Qra, not si!#l( &( tra$ing t e! &a$k to, or e4en a##ro#riating t e! wit in, a t(#ogra# i$al tro#olog(, &'t &( a&sol'tel( dis:'ali+(ing t e! as irred'$i&l( !eta# (si$al. 7nd (et t e c$(ra, w i$ )errida des$ri&es as an "irred'$i&le s#a$ing% < in stri$t a$$ordan$e, it s o'ld &e noted, wit is t(#ogra# i$al reading, +or "s#a$ing% is, o+ $o'rse, in its "literal% sense, a t(#esetting ter! < $o'ld &e read as a non5 !eta# (si$al $on$e#t'ali,ation o+ a "#ri!ordial s#atialit(,% a&le to #ro4ide 's wit t e !eans o+ t inking t e #rod'$ti4it( t at is re:'ired +or t e dia$riti$ #roto5 te!#orali,ing !o4e!ent t at is spacin!. >'++i$e it to sa( ere t at, +or )e!o$rit's < to w o! Plato*s $on$e#tion o+ t e c$(ra wo'ld indeed see! inde&ted < t e #rin$i#le o+ !o4e!ent was attri&'ted not to t e "ato!s% or "tra$es% ("t e so!et ing% ( (n)), &'t to t e 4oid ("t e non5so!et ing% (me (n)) in w i$ t e +or!er were i!!erged. 7to!s ad no !o4e!ent o+ t eir ownE it was &( t e di++erential ada#tation to t e 4oid o+ t eir +or!s (r$#t$m"i) and t eir si,es t at t e( were $arried in all dire$tions. One so'r$e states "0t e ato!s1 glide in t e 4oid, w i$ , &( not o++ering an( resistan$e, is e:'i4alent to a #ro#er !o4e!ent.%1= ;n ot er words, t e 4oidMs "$ession% < t e +a$t o+ $eding, o+ gi4ing wa( or roo! to (in a sense #re$isel( $lose to t at o+ "c$(ra% #er a#s) < was #ri!ar( in )e!o$ritean $os!ogon( and w at engenders !o4e!ent. Aor t is reason, it wo'ld &e ina$$'rate to 'nderstand t e 4oid in ato!isti$ t o'g t as a #assi4e re$e#ti4it( t at $edes to so!et ing w i$ $o!es and is !o4ed &( its own will or +or$e. Dere one to s'&tra$t, as it were, t e ato!s +ro! t e 4oid, t e( wo'ld not onl( &e i!!o&ile &'t 'ndi++erentiated < +or )e!o$rit's* a$$e#tation o+ "r$#t$m"s% designates, in +a$t, t e "+or! in t e instant t at it is ass'!ed &( w at is !o4ing, !o&ile and +l'id, t e +or! o+ t at w i$ does not a4e organi$ $onsisten$(.% 1/ T e $on$l'sion to &e drawn +ro! )e!o$rit's* $on$e#tion o+ r$#t$m"s, as well as +ro! Plato*s $on$e#tion o+ t e c$(ra, is not,


t ere+ore, as )errida wo'ld a4e it, t at a di++erential +ield 'nderstood as an originar( site o+ ins$ri#tion wo'ld "#rod'$e% t e s#atialit( o+ s#a$e &'t, on t e $ontrar(, t at "di++erentiation in general% de#ends '#on a $ertain Cs#atial !ilie'% < w at Haar wo'ld na!e a "gro'ndless gro'nd% < re4ealed as s'$ to &e an "in5 &etween% !ore "originar(% t an t e #la( o+ di++eren$es it in5+or!s. 7s s'$ , t is $on$l'sion o&4io'sl( extends &e(ond )errida*s $on$e#tion o+ "s#a$ing,% en$o!#assing $onte!#orar( # iloso# (*s $ontin'al #ri4ileging o+ te!#ori,ation in its ela&oration o+ a #re5ontologi$al "o#ening% < or, s all we sa(, "in5&etween.%




Ia$:'es )errida, "La )i++Gran$e,% in Mar!es 7 de ,a p$i,"s"p$ie (Paris8 ?in'it, 1-=2), #. 16. Hen$e+ort $ited as D.

Ia$:'es )errida, "Are'd and t e >$ene o+ Driting,% trans. 7. Bass, in +ritin! and Difference (N i$ago8 Oni4ersit( o+ N i$ago Press, 1-=/), #. 21=. Hen$e+ort $ited as *S+6

Ia$:'es )errida, Le T"#c$er, %ean&L#c Nanc' (Paris8 LalilGe, 2000), #. 20=.

Ia$:'es )errida, "Positions,% inter4iew wit Iean5Lo'is Ho'de&ine and L'( >$ar#etta, in P"siti"ns, trans. 7lan Bass (London8 T e 7t lone Press, 1-/1), ##. /1 and -6. Hen$e+ort $ited as P.

Ia$:'es )errida, ">#ee$ and P eno!ena,% in Speec$ and P$en"mena and Ot$er Essa's "n H#sser,8s T$e"r' "f Si!ns, trans. )a4id B. 7llison (E4anston8 Fort western Oni4ersit( Press, 1-=3), #. /.. Hen$e+ort $ited as SP.

Ia$:'es )errida, "La P ar!a$ie de Platon%, in La Dissminati"n (Paris8 >e'il, 1-=2), #. 166. Englis translation8 "Plato*s P ar!a$(,% in Disseminati"n, trans. Bar&ara Io nson (T e Oni4ersit( o+ N i$ago Press, 1-/1).

Ia$:'es )errida, "B Qra,% trans. ;an ?$Leod, in On t$e Name (>tan+ord8 >tan+ord Oni4. Press, 1--9), #. 10.. (Translation !odi+ied.) Originall( #'&lis ed as "N Qra%, in P"i-i,ia (Paris8 EHE>>, 1-/=).

Ia$:'es )errida, Of .rammat","!', trans. La(atri N akra4ort( >#i4ak (Balti!ore8 Io ns Ho#kins Oni4. Press, 1-=.), #. 1/.51/= & note 21, ##. 3625363. Originall( #'&lis ed as De ,a .rammat","!ie (Paris8 ?in'it, 1-.=). Hen$e+ort $ited as L.

?artin Heidegger, /ant and t$e Pr"),em "f Metap$'sics, trans. @i$ ard Ta+t (Bloo!ington & ;ndiana#olis8 ;ndiana Oni4ersit( Press, 1--=). Hen$e+ort $ited as /PM.


Ia$:'es )errida, "T(!#an,% in Mar!es9de ,a p$i,"s"p$ie (Paris8 ?in'it, 1-=2), #. xxi4.


Ia$:'es )errida, "?es N an$es. 7' rende,54o's de :'el:'es stGrGo# onies G#i$'riennes,% Ti:dsc$rift 4""r fi,"s"fie, 1 (!aart 1-/3), #. 3560.


Ia$:'es )errida, "La )issG!ination,% in La Dissminati"n.


>ee P ili##e La$o'e5La&art e, "T(#ogra# ie,% in Mimesis des artic#,ati"ns (Paris8 Ala!!arion, 1-=9).


?( re+eren$es are to t e Aren$ 4ersion o+ Ia$:'es )errida, "No!!ent ne #as #arler,% in Ps'c$: In4enti"ns de ,8a#tre (Paris8 LalilGe, 1-/=). Hen$e+ort $ited as CNP.


L'$ Brisson, Le M;me et ,8a#tre dans ,a str#ct#re "nt","!i3#e d# Time de P,at"n (Paris8 Blin$ksie$k, 1-=6).


?i$ ael Haar, "Le 2e' de Fiet,s$ e dans )errida,% Re4#e p$i,"s"p$i3#e de ,a *rance et de ,<Etran!er 2 (1--0)8 20=522=.


>ee8 Iean Bollo$k, ")e'x +ig'res #rin$i#ales de l*ato!is!e d*a#rHs 7ristote8 l*entre$roise!ent des ato!es et la s# Hre d' +e',% Nat#rp$i,"s"p$ie )ei Arist"te,es #nd T$e"p$rast (Heidel&erg8 L. >tie !, 1-.-).


E!ile Ben4eniste, "T e Fotion o+ @ (t ! in ;ts Ling'isti$ Ex#ression%, in Pr"),ems in .enera, Lin!#istics, trans. ?ar( E. ?eek (Noral La&les8 Oni4ersit( o+ ?ia!i Press, 1-=1), #. 2/152//.

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