President Uhuru Kenyatta's Speech During The Signing and Launching of The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)

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, PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA SIGNING AND LAUNCHING OF THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FRAMEWORK (UNDAF) 201 !201" AT STATE HOUSE, NAIROBI ON 2#TH MARCH, 201 Ladies and Gentlemen, First, let me say it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to State House this morning to participate in this signing ceremony and official launch of the United Nations Development Assistance Framewor !UNDAF" that covers the period #$%&'#$%() Secondly, * wish to e+press my Government,s appreciation to our Development -artners for the continued support to our economic development agenda in line with our .ision #$/$ strategy) *ndeed, our cooperation with you has grown over the years and has contri0uted greatly to the improvement in the living standards of our people) *t is in the same spirit that we have gathered here this morning) * understand under the new United Nations Development Assistance Framewor , the UN Agencies will mo0ili1e US2 %)# 0illion or %$# 0illion3enya Shillings to implement various programmes in the ne+t four years) * commend the U)N Agencies for adopting the 4Delivery as 5ne6 approach) 7his new approach is intended to ensure that the support 0y the U)N) agencies is aligned to our aspirations and development priorities) Ladies and Gentlemen, As you are aware, we recently launched the Second 8edium 7erm -lan that covers the period #$%/ 9 #$%:) 7his is the second five'year -lan lin ed to the implementation of our development agenda as stipulated in .ision #$/$ strategy) As a country we have started the ;ourney of 0ecoming a middle income country 0y #$/$, if not earlier) <e now we will face various challenges as we travel this development ;ourney) =ut, we are confident and are determined to succeed in ma ing 3enya a glo0ally competitive and prosperous nation) 5ur main challenge of development today is how to reduce on a lasting 0asis poverty and ine>uality in general, and more particularly unemployment among our young people) 7he levels of poverty and unemployment in the country pose a ma;or security challenge as evidenced 0y increased incidences of ur0an crime and violence) <omen, children, and the youth are most vulnera0le to poverty and ine>uality, and occasionally incidence of conflict) 8oving forward we need to strategically target our resources to provide mitigating interventions) Ladies and Gentlemen, * am convinced that with additional resources 0eing channeled to strengthen ey institutions, leadership and human resource capacity and

effective accounta0ility systems, at 0oth the National and ?ounty levels, we will 0e on our way to winning the 0attle of e+treme poverty and ine>uality in our ?ountry)

* am informed and pleased to learn that the new Development Assistance Framewor we have signed today, will complement G53 efforts of addressing some of the development challenges mentioned a0ove) * understand that this support will focus on the following areas@ a) 7ransformation governance through policy reforms and institutional capacity 0uilding, 0oth at the national level and country levelA b) -rogrammes for Human ?apital development in the education sector, waterBsanitation, nutritionBhygiene, H*. and A*Ds agenda and social protectionA c) 7argeted activities in the productive sector, aimed at improving 0usiness environment, s ills development and promoting ;o0 creationA d) *nitiatives to support environmental sustaina0ility, land management, human security, among others) *n conclusion, * wish to ma e it clear our people,s e+pectations are very high and as such we cannot afford any lagged 0ehavior) 7herefore, those charged with the responsi0ility of delivering the e+pected outcomes under this initiative must ensure they are delivered within the set timeframe) <e shall hold you, the implementing Agencies, accounta0le for the delivery of service funded under this programme) <ith those few remar s, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to declare 4the United Nation Development Assistance Framewor !UNDAF" #$%& 9 #$%(6, officially launched) I THANK YOU.

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