Blood Drive Proposal

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Miguel 1 Miguel Bonilla Senior Capstone Period 8th Mrs.




INTRODUCTION Through my words, I attempt to be the voice of awareness to an issue impacting humanity in the millions. As I sit here typing this words and as you sit there reading them, millions of people worldwide are victims to countless forms of pain and suffering. As time moves forth, millions of people are injured, suffer from illness and struggle at the brink of death- fighting to hang on to life; these people are in dire need of something which embodies the very essence of life and the means for substantial survival- blood. It is estimated that 32,000 pints of blood are needed daily in the U.S. alone [BNL]. However; the need and demand for blood transfusions extends beyond the confinements of our community, beyond the borders of our land; it is a worldwide problem. The advocating and practice of blood donations is a service that should be greater facilitated to people all across the glove; doing so will have a significant impact on the lives of thousands in need, as research shows, one donation can save an average of up to three lives [Red Cross]. As a global citizen, I feel compelled to care and seek help for others and through my Capstone project I hope to achieve just that. In order to raise awareness as well as provide aid in our local community, I, along with my two partners, will organize and hope to successfully execute two blood drives throughout both semesters of our senior year. These blood drives are means of contributing to the cause of meeting the high demand for blood donations needed daily to save lives of thousands of people. My initial argument will be that through the organizing and execution of two blood drives with an average of eighty donors per drive, I might be able to positively impact the lives of hundreds and make a difference for the donors, recipients and loved ones of those whose lives are impacted through blood transfusions attained through my Capstone project. My Capstone will address the four Asia Society Leadership Performance Outcomes categories- Investigating the World, Recognizing Perspectives, Communicating Ideas and Taking Action. This project will be a stepping stone in preparing me academically for writing college research papers. I will acquire hands on experience by organizing the Blood Drive event; it will give me experience writing an in-depth research paper and help me become more effective gatherer and interpreter of information as well as an effective user of technology
Sponsor Approved: __________ Date: _____ S. Frank: ___________Date:______

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needed for competent research. Also, I believe through this project, I will achieve personal growth in self motivation, organization, multitasking and communication skills, which will prove very useful in college.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES i. To learn more about blood transfusions ii. To help save the lives of hundreds in need iii. To learn how to properly manage and organize an event iv. To motivate others to help out those in need v. To promote the good will of human kindness vi. To improve my management skills vii. To improve the quality of my research work viii. To share with others the importance of donating blood ACTIVITIES AND TIMELINES TIMELINE September 13 2013 September 17, 2013 September 23, 2013


ACTIVITY I will conduct preliminary research online I will have my first meeting with my sponsor I will turn in rough draft proposal to sponsor for reviewing and editing I will attend first meeting with Blood Center representative and receive due training I will turn in final draft proposal to Mrs. Frank I will hold High school assembly and kick off recruitment for volunteers and donors I will fundraise and turn in money for volunteer shirts to my sponsor I will Execute the first Blood drive and await instructions from Blood Center about a second one I will draft and review my Research paper I will review my research paper according to sponsor corrections I will turn in Final draft research paper I will create my final presentation and defense of learning to present to Mrs. Frank, My sponsor and my club IV. Form

September 24, 2013 September 27, 2013 October 1, 2013 October 1- October 22, 2013 October 31, 2013 October 13, 2013 October 14, 2013 November 2, 2013 To be decided after hosting second blood drive

Sponsor Approved: __________ Date: _____ S. Frank: ___________Date:______

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My Capstone will take two forms. First will be a 6-8 page college level research paper with citations and a works cited page. Secondly, I will organize and host two blood drives in October and during the second semester of my senior year. I will present my findings from my research paper and learning experience to the Sharpstown International Community at my presentation and Defense of Learning at the end of the second Semester. In my 20-30 minute presentation I will defend my research, argument and learning objectives. The audience will be Mrs. Frank, My sponsor and the student body involve with the event. V. Preparations To complete this Capstone I will need i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. A Capstone binder and Website Public speaking skills Approval to host blood drive and required assemblies Help from my sponsor, Nurse Adams A flash drive Volunteer team made of fellow students Note cards Access to the internet and Microsoft word Help from my team members Motivation Hard work Luck!

Among the greatest obstacles I expect to encounter in doing my Capstone project is the recruitment of volunteers and donors. Donors are particularly hard to find due to misconceptions and fears people have about blood transfusions; statistics show the fear of needles as the number one reason people are reluctant to donate [UMMC]. Another obstacle I intend to address is the managing of my time as well as that of the volunteers in ensuring I create a functional schedule that suits every individuals specific needs in order to secure a successfully executed blood drive. Another obstacle I expect to face is getting all fundraising done in time to ensure all those who volunteer are rewarded with a t-shirt that accompanies the memories made through the duration of this Capstone project.

Sponsor Approved: __________ Date: _____ S. Frank: ___________Date:______

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"Blood Facts and Statistics." American Red Cross. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2013. "BNL Blood Drives: 56 Facts." BNL Blood Drives: 56 Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2013. "Reasons People Don't Give Blood." University of Maryland Medical Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2013.

Sponsor Approved: __________ Date: _____ S. Frank: ___________Date:______

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