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UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: Ms. Ethi Jain Assistant P !"#ss! $ RDIAS SUBMITTED BY:% P ashant Pa&a '()'*)(+)'' MBA$ S#,#st# : IBat.h /('' % /('+


An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute NAAC Accrediated,A Grade 1A22 !3#4 56 AICTE$ HRD Minist 6$ G!3t. !" In4ia7 A""i8iat#4 t! G9 9 G!5in4 Sin:h In4 a2 astha Uni3# sit6$ D#8hi /A ; /B$ Ma4h95an Ch!&<$ O9t# Rin: R!a4$ Phas#%'$ D#8hi%''((=*

Ta58# !" C!nt#nts

S.N o
1. 2. 3. 4. ". &. *. Student Declaration Certificate from guide Acknowledgement Executi e Summar! #i$t of Ta%le$ #i$t of 'ra()$ C)a(ter 1+ ,ntroduction 1.1 A%out t)e organi-ation 1.2 Com(an! Pofile C)a(ter 2 + To(ic introduction / #iterature re iew C)a(ter 3 + 1e$earc) met)odolog! 3.1 Pur(o$e of t)e $tud! 3.2 2anagerial u$efulne$$ of t)e $tud! 3.3 1e$earc) o%3ecti e 3.4 1e$earc) met)odolog! 3." #imitation$ of t)e re$earc)


Page No.

.. 0.

14. C)a(ter 4 + Anal!$i$ / ,nter(retation 11. C)a(ter " + 5inding$ 12. C)a(ter & + 1ecommendation$ / Conclu$ion 1ecommendation$ Conclu$ion 13. 6i%liogra()!

14. Annexure

T)i$ i$ to certif! t)at , )a e com(leted t)e Pro3ect titled 7 Finan.ia8 Ana86sis !" R#8ian.# In" ast 9.t9 # Li,it#4 8 under t)e guidance of 7Dr. A$)wani 9a$)ne!8 in (artial fulfillment of t)e re:uirement for t)e award of t)e degree of 72a$ter$ in 6u$ine$$ Admini$tration8 from 7;ai(uri!a ,n$titute of 2anagement8 T)i$ i$ an original work and , )a e not $u%mitted it earlier el$ew)ere.

Name of t)e $tudent + Enrollment no. + Cour$e + 6atc) +

Nu(ur C)au)an 1211&*44.1 26A 2412<2414


T)i$ i$ to certif! t)at t)e (ro3ect titled 7 Finan.ia8 Ana86sis !" #8ian.# In" ast 9.t9 # Li,it#48 i$ an academic work done %! 7Nu(ur C)au)an8 $u%mitted in t)e (artial fulfillment of t)e re:uirement for t)e

award of t)e degree of 72a$ter$ in 6u$ine$$ Admini$tration8 from 7;ai(uri!a ,n$titute of 2anagement8 under m! guidance and direction. To t)e %e$t of m! knowledge and %elief t)e data and information (re$ented %! )im in t)e (ro3ect )a$ not %een $u%mitted earlier el$ew)ere.

Dr. A$)wani 9a$)ne!


6e)ind e er! ac)ie ement lie$ an unfat)oma%le $ea of gratitude to t)o$e w)o )a e extended t)eir $u((ort and wit)out w)om it would ne er )a e come into exi$tence. To t)em we ex(re$$ our word$ of gratitude. , offer m! $incere t)ank$ and )um%le regard$ to ;ai(uri!a ,n$titute of 2anagement for im(arting u$ er! alua%le (rofe$$ional training in 26A. , (a! m! gratitude and $incere regard$ to Dr. A$)wani 9a$)ne!= m! (ro3ect guide for )er $u((ort. , take t)e o((ortunit! to ex(re$$ m! gratitude and t)ank$ to our com(uter la% $taff and li%rar! $taff for (ro iding me o((ortunit! to utili-e t)eir re$ource$ for t)e com(letion of t)e (ro3ect. , am al$o t)ankful to m! famil! and friend$ for con$tantl! moti ating me to com(lete t)e (ro3ect and (ro iding me an en ironment w)ic) en)anced m! knowledge.

Name of t)e $tudent + Enrollment no. + Cour$e + 6atc) + Section +

T)e (re$ent (ro3ect work 8RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS8 i$ carried out at 7FORTIS HEALTH CARE8 &

T)i$ (ro3ect i$ categori-ed into $e en c)a(ter$. Cha2t# '. Deal$ wit) t)e introduction to t)e ,ndu$tr! a$ well a$ t)e com(an! (rofile. Cha2t# /. Deal$ wit) t)e introduction a%out t)e to(ic a$ well a$ literature re iew. C)a(ter introduce$ t)e conce(t of recruitment and $election (roce$$. Cha2t# +. T)i$ c)a(ter $et$ t)e o%3ecti e$ of t)e $tud! and al$o gi e$ t)e need= $co(e and t)e im(ortance of t)e $tud!. C)a(ter deal$ wit) t)e 1e$earc) 2et)odolog! ado(ted for conducting t)e $tud! and limitation$ of t)i$ $tud!. Cha2t# ?. Deal$ wit) t)e anal!$i$ of t)e data. Cha2t# *. Deal$ wit) finding$ t)at were arri ed at after making t)e data anal!$i$. Cha2t# @. Deal$ wit) t)e $ugge$tion$ and conclu$ion$ %a$ed on t)e finding$.




> er a (eriod of more t)an two decade$ t)e ,ndian Automo%ile indu$tr! )a$ %een dri ing it$ own growt) t)roug) ()a$e$. T)e entr! of Su-uki Cor(oration in ,ndian (a$$enger car manufacturing i$ often (ointed a$ t)e fir$t $ign of ,ndia turning to a market econom!. Since t)en t)e automo%ile $ector witne$$ed ra(id growt) !ear after !ear. 6! late<04?$ t)e indu$tr! reac)ed $elf reliance in engine and com(onent manufacturing from t)e $tatu$ of large $cale im(orter. @it) com(arati el! )ig)er rate of economic growt) rate index again$t t)at of great glo%al (ower$= ,ndia )a$ %ecome a )u% of dome$tic and ex(ort$ %u$ine$$. T)e automo%ile $ector )a$ %een contri%uting it$ $)are to t)e $)ining economic (erformance of ,ndia in t)e recent !ear$. @it) t)e ,ndian middle cla$$ earning )ig)er (er ca(ita income= more (eo(le are read! to own (ri ate e)icle$ including car$ and two<w)eeler$. Product mo ement$ and manned $er ice$ )a e %oo$ted in t)e $ale$ of medium and $i-ed commercial (a$$enger and good$ tran$(ort. Side %! $ide wit) fre$) e)icle$ for e)icle $ale$ growt)= t)e

automoti e com(onent$ $ector )a$ witne$$ed %ig growt). T)e dome$tic auto com(onent$ con$um(tion )a$ cro$$ed ru(ee$ 0444 crore$ and an ex(ort of one )alf $i-e of t)i$ figure. O3# 3i#& O" A9t!,!5i8# In49st 6 T)e ,ndian automo%ile indu$tr! i$ going t)roug) a tec)nological c)ange w)ere eac) firm i$ engaged in c)anging it$ (roce$$e$ and tec)nologie$ to $u$tain t)e com(etiti e ad antage and (ro ide cu$tomer$ wit) t)e o(timi-ed (roduct$ and $er ice$. Starting from t)e two w)eeler$= truck$= and tractor$ to t)e multi utilit! e)icle$= commercial e)icle$ and t)e luxur! e)icle$= t)e ,ndian automo%ile indu$tr! )a$ ac)ie ed tremendou$ amount of $ucce$$ in t)e recent !ear$. A$ (er Societ! of ,ndian Automo%ile 2anufacturer$ AS,A2B t)e market $)are of eac) $egment of t)e indu$tr! i$ a$ follow$+. Th# ,a <#t sha #s !" th# s#:,#nts !" th# a9t!,!5i8# in49st 6

T)e automo%ile indu$tr! )ad a growt) of 1".4 C during A(ril<;anuar! 244*= wit) t)e a erage annual growt) of 14<1"C o er t)e la$t decade or $o. @it) t)e incremental in e$tment of D3"<44 %illion= t)e growt) i$ ex(ected to dou%le in t)e next 14 !ear$. Con$i$tent growt) and dedication )a e made t)e ,ndian automo%ile indu$tr! t)e $econd< large$t tractor and two<w)eeler manufacturer in t)e world. ,t i$ al$o t)e fift)<large$t commercial e)icle manufacturer in t)e world. T)e ,ndian automo%ile market i$ among t)e large$t in A$ia. T)e ke! (la!er$ like Eindu$tan 2otor$= 2aruti Fd!og= 5iat ,ndia Pri ate #td= Tata 2otor$= 6a3a3 2otor$= Eero 2otor$= A$)ok #e!land= 2a)indra / 2a)indra )a e %een dominating t)e e)icle indu$tr!. A few of t)e foreign (la!er$ like To!ota Girlo$kar 2otor #td.= Skoda ,ndia Pri ate #td.= Eonda Siel Car$ ,ndia #td. )a e al$o entered t)e market and )a e catered to t)e cu$tomer$H need$ to a large extent. Not onl! t)e ,ndian com(anie$ %ut al$o t)e international car manufacturing com(anie$ are focu$ing on com(act car$ to %e deli ered in t)e ,ndian market at a muc) $maller (rice. 2oreo er= t)e automo%ile com(anie$ are coming u( wit) financial $c)eme$ $uc) a$ ea$! E2, re(a!ment $!$tem$ to %oo$t $ale$. T)ere )a e %een ex)i%ition$ like Auto<ex(o at Pragati 2aidan= New Del)i to $)are t)e tec)nological ad ancement$. 6e$ide$= t)ere are man! new (ro3ect$ coming u( in t)e automo%ile indu$tr! leading to t)e growt) of t)e $ector.


T)e 'o ernment of ,ndia )a$ li%erali-ed t)e foreign exc)ange and e:uit! regulation$ and )a$ al$o reduced t)e tariff on im(ort$= contri%uting $ignificantl! to t)e growt) of t)e $ector. Ea ing firml! e$ta%li$)ed it$ (re$ence in t)e dome$tic market$= t)e ,ndian automo%ile $ector i$ now (enetrating t)e international arena. 9e)icle ex(ort$ from ,ndia are at t)eir )ig)e$t le el$. T)e leader$ of t)e ,ndian automo%ile $ector= $uc) a$ Tata 2otor$= 2aruti and 2a)indra and 2a)indra are leading t)e ex(ort$ to Euro(e= 2iddle Ea$t and African and A$ian market$. T)e 2ini$tr! of Eea ! ,ndu$trie$ )a$ relea$ed t)e Automoti e Plan 244&<241&= wit) t)e moti e of making ,ndia t)e mo$t (o(ular manufacturing )u% for automo%ile$ and it$ com(onent$ in A$ia. T)e (lan focu$e$ on t)e remo al of all t)e %ottleneck$ t)at are in)i%iting it$ growt) in t)e dome$tic a$ well a$ international arena. To( Ten Pla!er$ in ,ndian Automo%ile Sector T)e dome$tic (la!er$ a$ well a$ t)e foreign (la!er$ dominate t)e ,ndian automo%ile $ector. T)e ke! (la!er$ contri%uting to t)e growt) of t)e $ector are di$cu$$ed %elow. To( Ten Pla!er$ in ,ndian Automo%ile Sector I I I I I I I I I I Eonda Siel Car$ ,ndia #imited 2aruti Su-uki ,ndia Eero 2otor$ #imited Tata 'rou( 6a3a3 Auto #imited 2a)indra 'rou( A$)ok #e!land Jama)a 2otor ,ndia E!undai 2otor$ ,ndia #imited To!ota Girlo$kar 2otor Pri ate #imited



To!ota 2otor Cor(oration i$ )ead:uartered in To!ota Cit!= Aic)i. ,t$ Tok!o office i$ located in 6unk!o= Tok!o. ,t$ Nago!a office i$ located in Nakamura<ku= Nago!a. ,n addition to manufacturing automo%ile$= To!ota (ro ide$ financial $er ice$ t)roug) it$ To!ota 5inancial Ser ice$ di i$ion and al$o %uild$ ro%ot$. ,n (redominantl! C)ine$e<$(eaking countrie$ or region$ u$ing traditional C)ine$e c)aracter$= e.g. Eong Gong and Taiwan= To!ota i$ known a$ ,n (redominantl! C)ine$e $(eaking countrie$ u$ing $im(lified C)ine$e c)aracter$Ae.g. C)inaB= To!ota i$ known a$ A(ronounced a$ K5LngtiMnK in 2andarin C)ine$e B. T)e$e are t)e $ame c)aracter$ a$ t)e founding famil!?$ name KTo!odaK in ;a(ane$e= w)ic) tran$late to Kfertile rice (addie$K in t)e C)ine$e language a$ well. T)e To!ota Com(an! i$ a leader in t)e car manufacture= a$$em%l! and di$tri%ution t)e world o er. A er! efficient management $t!le t)at t)e com(an! u$e$ )a$ %een one of t)e rea$on$ for t)e firmH$ good (erformance. T)ere are man! ot)er $alient factor$ t)at )a e made t)e com(an! ac)ie e t)e nic)e of market leader. T)e market $tructure t)e com(an! o(erate$ in cannot %e definitel! $tated. Some ma! con$ider it to %e a mono(ol!. T)i$ i$ due to t)e fact t)at t)e com(an! i$ a dominant market (la!er in car ex(ortation. ,n fact= it$ differentiation $trateg! )a$ made it en3o! an almo$t mono(oli$tic (re$ence e$(eciall! in t)e de elo(ing nation$ of t)e world. >n t)e ot)er )and= t)e market $tructure can %e $een a$ an oligo(ol!. T)i$ i$ due to t)e fact t)at t)ere are ot)er ke! (la!er$ like '2 w)o are (eer com(etitor$. To!ota i$ keen to $ee w)at t)e$e com(etitor$ are doing and make $ure it react$ to t)eir action$ in a wa! t)at will guarantee it$ market leader$)i(.


5rom left= ,wate 'o ernor Taku!a Ta$$o= Pre$ident Akio To!oda= and 2i!agi 'o ernor Jo$)i)iro 2urai

T)e new )ead:uarter$ of t)e To!ota 2otor Cor(oration >(ened in 5e%ruar! 244" in To!ota Cit!

L!:! an4 B an4in:

E,28!6## at T!6!ta M9s#9, #B28ains 4#3#8!2,#nt !" T!6!ta na,# an4 5 an4 ,n 103&= To!ota entered t)e (a$$enger car market wit) it$ 2odel AA and )eld a com(etition to e$ta%li$) a new logo em()a$i-ing $(eed for it$ new (roduct line. After recei ing 2*=444 entrie$= one wa$ $elected t)at additionall! re$ulted in a c)ange of it$ moniker to KTo!otaK from t)e famil! name KTo!oda.K ,t wa$ %elie ed t)at t)e new name $ounded %etter and it$ eig)t<$troke count in t)e ;a(ane$e language wa$ a$$ociated wit) wealt) and good fortune. T)e original logo no longer i$ found on it$ e)icle$ %ut remain$ t)e cor(orate em%lem u$ed in ;a(an. Still= t)ere were no guideline$ for t)e u$e of t)e %rand name= KT>J>TAK= w)ic) wa$ u$ed t)roug)out mo$t of t)e world= w)ic) led to incon$i$tencie$ in it$ worldwide marketing cam(aign$. To remed! t)i$= To!ota introduced a new worldwide logo in >cto%er 10.0 to commemorate t)e "4t) !ear of t)e com(an!= and to differentiate it from t)e newl! relea$ed luxur! #exu$ %rand. T)e logo made it$ de%ut on t)e 10.0 To!ota Cel$ior and :uickl! gained worldwide recognition. T)ere are t)ree o al$ in t)e new logo t)at com%ine to form t)e letter KTK= w)ic) $tand$ for To!ota. T)e o erla((ing of t)e two (er(endicular o al$ in$ide t)e larger o al re(re$ent t)e mutuall! %eneficial relation$)i( and tru$t t)at i$ (laced %etween t)e cu$tomer and t)e com(an! w)ile t)e larger o al t)at 14

$urround$ %ot) of t)e$e inner o al$ re(re$ent t)e Kglo%al ex(an$ion of To!ota?$ tec)nolog! and unlimited (otential for t)e future. 2uc) like t)e de$ign of t)e car$ we $ell= our logo )a$ undergone a num%er of refinement$ and im(ro ement$ o er t)e !ear$+



Pu%lic com(an! TJ>+ *243 #SE+ TJT NJSE+ T2

In49st 6

Automoti e 1o%otic$ 5inancial $er ice$

F!9n4#4 F!9n4# 1s7 H#a4C9a t# s A #a s# 3#4 0#6 2#!28#

Augu$t 2.= 103* Giic)iro To!oda To!ota= Aic)i= ;a(an @orldwide

5u3io C)o AC)airman and 1e(re$entati e DirectorB

Akio To!oda APre$ident and 1e(re$entati e DirectorB

P !49.ts

Automo%ile$ 5inancial Ser ice$

P !49.ti!n !9t29t R#3#n9# O2# atin: in.!,# P !"it

*=34.=430 unit$ AFY2011BN1O

P1..00 trillion A5J2411BN1OAFSD23"..0 %illionB P4&..2. AFSD"..2 %illionB P44..1. AFSD".4* %illionB %illion A5J2411BN1O %illion A5J2411BN1O

T!ta8 ass#ts

P20..1. AFSD3*4.3 %illionB



T!ta8 #C9it6

P14.33 AFSD12..32 %illionB



E,28!6##s Pa #nt Di3isi!ns

31*=*34 A2414BN2O To!ota 'rou(

#exu$ Scion "22 ATo!ota 'rou(B Eino 2otor$= #td. Dai)at$u 2otor Co.= #td. To!ota 5inancial Ser ice$

S95si4ia i#s


DENS> To!ota ,ndu$trie$

ASSEMBLY PLANTS O-ER THE WORLD To!ota )a$ factorie$ all o er t)e world= manufacturing or a$$em%ling e)icle$ for local market$= including it$ mo$t (o(ular model= t)e Corolla. To!ota )a$ manufacturing or a$$em%l! (lant$ in t)e Fnited State$= Au$tralia= Canada= ,ndone$ia= Poland= Sout) Africa= Turke!= t)e Fnited Gingdom= 5rance= 6ra-il= and more recentl! ,ndia= Argentina and C-ec) 1e(u%lic. To!ota al$o %uild$ and $ell$ car$ in C)ina in a 3oint enture wit) Tian3in Qiali. To!ota New Realand a$$em%led e)icle$ until 100.= w)en it $witc)ed to im(orting car$ from ;a(an and Au$tralia. Car$ from t)e$e (lant$ are often ex(orted to ot)er countrie$. B!a 4 !" 4i #.t! s Chai ,an an4 R#2 #s#ntati3# Di #.t! F9Di! Ch! -i.# Chai ,an an4 R#2 #s#ntati3# 0ats9hi ! Na<a:a&a Di #.t! P #si4#nt an4 R#2 #s#ntati3# Di #.t! 0ats9a<i Watana5# EB#.9ti3# -i.# P #si4#nt an4 T!<9i.hi U anishi R#2 #s#ntati3# Di #.t! 0aE9! O<a,!t! 06!Di SasaE9

Mits9! 0in!shita

Ta<#shi U.hi6a,a4a Masata,i Ta<i,!t! A<i! T!6!4a S#ni! Mana:in: Di #.t! Y9<it!shi F9n!

Ta<#shi S9E9<i Ats9shi Nii,i Hi !shi Ta<a4a T#iDi Ta.hi5ana Shini.hi Sasa<i A<i a O<a5# Y!i.hi ! I.hi,a 9 Sh!Di I<a&a 0!i.hi Ina Ta<#shi Y!shi4a ShinE! 0!59<i A<i a Sasa<i Hi !shi 0a&a<a,i Ta4ashi A ashi,a Ma,! 9 F9 9hashi Sat!shi OEa&a H!n! a 6 Chai ,an S#ni! A43is! Sh!i.hi ! T!6!4a Hi !shi O<94a

DETAIL STUDY OF TOYOTA ,n 244&= To!ota wa$ engaged in a ariet! of (ro3ect$ de$igned to $olidif! it$ foundation$ w)ile continuing to grow.>n t)e (roduct front= #exu$ launc)ed it$ new flag$)i( model= t)e #S= and t)e new glo%al Camr! went on $ale. ,n ;a(an= a new Corolla range wa$ introduced= em()a$i-ing t)e im(ortance of t)i$ %e$t<$elling car.,n manufacturing= $e eral 1.

new (ro3ect$ were $tarted around t)e world. ,n 2a!= manufacture of t)e Camr! %egan in 'uang-)ou= C)ina= w)ile in t)e Fnited State$= t)e Gentuck! (lant= w)ic) in >cto%er cele%rated 24 !ear$ of (roduction= $tarted manufacturing t)e fir$t To!ota )!%rid e)icle to %e made in Nort) America= t)e Camr! E!%rid. ,n No em%er= t)e Texa$ (lant %egan (roducing t)e new Tundra truck= a ke! e)icle in To!otaH$ Nort) American lineu(. ,n ;a(an= To!ota 2otor G!u$)u= ,nc. %egan full<$cale o(eration$ at it$ engine factor!= w)ile To!ota 2otor To)oku Co.= #td. increa$ed it$ manufacturing ca(acit!. ,n )uman re$ource$ de elo(ment= following t)e e$ta%li$)ment of t)e A$ia Pacific 'lo%al Production Center in T)ailand in Augu$t 244"= To!ota e$ta%li$)ed t)e Nort) American Production Center in t)e F.S. in 5e%ruar!= and t)e Euro(ean 'lo%al Production Center in t)e Fnited Gingdom in 2arc). E$ta%li$)ed a$ %ranc)e$ of t)e 'lo%al Production Center in ;a(an= t)e$e were created to $(read To!otaH$ manufacturing knowledge and $kill$ t)roug)out t)e world in (ace wit) t)e ra(id growt) of To!otaH$ o er$ea$ manufacturing. T)e center$ educate trainer$ for local manufacturing (lant$ in all region$= wit) trainee$ (a$$ing on w)at t)e! learn to team mem%er$ on t)eir return to t)eir (lant$. ,n 1/D= To!ota focu$ed it$ effort$ on t)ree ke! area$+ en ironment= $afet! and energ!. ,t made a $(ecial effort in t)e area of t)e en ironment %! ex(anding it$ lineu( of )!%rid e)icle$= and )a$ worked on 1/D relating to (lug<in )!%rid. ,n addition= a$ (art of To!otaH$ effort$ to re$(ond to t)e di er$ification of energ!= in 244* To!ota (lan$ to introduce a flex fuel e)icleS in t)e 6ra-ilian market t)at will run on 144C %io<et)anol fuel. 5rom t)i$ (oint on= %a$ed on t)e ()ilo$o()! of (ro iding 7t)e rig)t car= in t)e rig)t (lace= at t)e rig)t time=8 and in accordance wit) t)e infra$tructure and cu$tomer need$ of eac) region= To!ota will continue to (romote effort$ to de elo( en ironmentall! friendl! tec)nolog! and e)icle$. C! 2! at# Data C!,2an6 Na,# T!6!ta M!t! C! 2! ati!n

H#a4 O""i.#

' T!6!ta%Ch!$ T!6!ta Cit6$ Ai.hi P #"#.t9 # ?F'%=*F'$

Ja2an Ph!n#: 1(*@*7/=%/'/'

T!<6! H#a4 O""i.# '%?%'= 0! a<9$ B9n<6!%<9$ T!<6! ''/%=F('$ Ja2an Ph!n#: 1(+7+='F%F'''

Na:!6a O""i.#

?%F%' M#i#<i$ Na<a,9 a%<9$ Na:!6a Cit6$ Ai.hi P #"#.t9 # ?*(%=F''$ Ja2an Ph!n#: 1(*/7**/%/'''


A9:9st /=$ ')+F

Since it$ foundation= To!ota )a$ conducted %u$ine$$ wit) 7contri%uting to t)e de elo(ment of a (ro$(erou$ $ociet! t)roug) t)e manufacture of automo%ile$8 a$ a guiding (rinci(le. @)en , %ecame (re$ident two !ear$ ago= , called on all em(lo!ee$ to work wit) me in returning to our origin$ and a$king earne$tl! w)et)er To!ota i$ trul! contri%uting to $ociet! and w)et)er we are doing e er!t)ing we $)ould %e doing. >n t)e occa$ion of To!otaH$ *4t) anni er$ar!= we will reinforce our mea$ure$ de$igned to return to our core (rinci(le= w)ic) i$ to Kre(a! t)e eart) and $ociet! t)roug) tec)nological inno ation Aand contri%ute to en)ancing t)e :ualit! of life e er!w)ere G9i4in: P in.i28#s Eonor t)e language and $(irit of t)e law of e er! nation and undertake o(en and fair cor(orate acti itie$ to %e a good cor(orate citi-en of t)e world. 1e$(ect t)e culture and cu$tom$ of e er! nation and contri%ute to economic and $ocial de elo(ment t)roug) cor(orate acti itie$ in t)e communitie$.


Dedicate our$el e$ to (ro iding clean and $afe (roduct$ and to en)ancing t)e :ualit! of life e er!w)ere t)roug) all our acti itie$.

Create and de elo( ad anced tec)nologie$ and (ro ide out$tanding (roduct$ and $er ice$ t)at fulfill t)e need$ of cu$tomer$ worldwide.

5o$ter a cor(orate culture t)at en)ance$ indi idual creati it! and teamwork alue= w)ile )onoring mutual tru$t and re$(ect %etween la%or and management.

Pur$ue growt) in )armon! wit) t)e glo%al communit! t)roug) inno ati e management.

@ork wit) %u$ine$$ (artner$ in re$earc) and creation to ac)ie e $ta%le= long<term growt) and mutual %enefit$= w)ile kee(ing our$el e$ o(en to new (artner$)i($. T!6!ta P# .#2ts

6e contri%uti e to t)e de elo(ment and welfare of t)e countr! %! working toget)er= regardle$$ of (o$ition= in fait)full! fulfilling !our dutie$.

6e at t)e anguard of t)e time$ t)roug) endle$$ creati it!= in:ui$iti ene$$ and (ur$uit of im(ro ement.

6e (ractical and a oid fri olit!. 6e kind and generou$T $tri e to create a warm= )omelike atmo$()ere. 6e re erent= and $)ow gratitude for t)ing$ great and $mall in t)oug)t and deed L!.ati!ns !" T!6!ta Fa.i8iti#s

T!6!ta Man9"a.t9 in: S95si4ia i#s an4 A""i8iat#s Main 2 !49.ts Sta t !" !2# ati!ns Ha i# $ Ha i# H65 i4$ 089:# $ 089:# H65 i4$ IS$ ES T ans,issi!ns$ t ans"# s$ a89,in9, &h##8s$ 4 i3#t ain 2a ts$ #t.. M#.hani.a8 an4 #8#.t !ni. 2a ts

T!6!ta M!t! 069sh9$ In..

T!6!ta M!t! H!<<ai4!$ In.. T!6!ta M!t! T!h!<9 C!.$ Lt4.

Hia.#$ Lit#a.#$ -!B6$ N!ah$ Esti,a$ P i9s$ Lan4 T!6!ta A9t! B!46 C!.$Lt4. C 9is# $ A82ha 4$ I2s9,$ T!&na.#$ R#:i9sa.#$ C!ast# $ Esti,a H65 i4$ A82ha 4 H65 i4$ LX?F(


0ant! A9t! W! <s$ Lt4.

C#nt9 6$ C !&n$ C! !88a S2a.i!$ C! !88a Fi#84# $ Isis$ B#8ta$ SC$ A9 is$ BLADE Ra9,$ MR%S$ S.i!n BB$ C! !88a ABi!$ C! !88a hat.h5a.<s Hia.# R9sh$ Pass!$ P !5!B$ S9..##4$ 5B$ P! t#$ SIENTA D6na$ T!&na.#$ Lit#a.#$ FJ C 9is# $ T!6!a.#$ Hi89B S9 " -itE$ RA-?

C#nt a8 M!t! C!.$ Lt4. Gi"9 A9t! B!46 In49st 6 C!.$ Lt4. Daihats9 M!t! $C!.$ Lt4. Hin! M!t! s$ Lt4.

T!6!ta In49st i#s C! 2.

To!ota continued it$ $u((ort of t)e ideal$ and $(irit em%odied in at)letic$ %! %ecoming= for t)e t)ird time $ince 2443= t)e >fficial Partner to t)e 11t) ,AA5 @orld C)am(ion$)i($ in At)letic$= )eld in >$aka= ;a(an= Augu$t 2"t)<Se(tem%er 2nd. T)roug) t)e $(on$or$)i( and a glo%al ad erti$ing cam(aign wit) t)e tagline=K6e!ond #imit$=K To!ota aim$ to communicate it$ $u((ort for at)lete$ w)o= like To!ota= continuall! (u$) t)em$el e$ furt)er in (ur$uit of t)e ultimate goal. A (art from (ro iding a fleet of 224 car$ for u$e a$ official e)icle$ at t)i$ !ear?$ c)am(ion$)i($=To!ota al$o $u((orted a (rogram to encourage new world record$ for women?$ e ent$ %! %ecoming t)e official women?$ %i% $(on$or

T!6!ta>s Fi st FFTo!ota do 6ra$il #TDA. ATD6B launc)ed To!ota?$ fir$t<e er flex fuel e)icle A559B= a e)icle w)ic) run$ on ga$oline= et)anol or an! com%ination of t)e two= at a line<off ceremon! at it$ ,ndaiatu%a Plant in SUo Paulo on 2a! 20t). 1e(re$enting To!ota?$ commitment to de elo(ing en ironmental tec)nologie$= t)e locall! (roduced Corolla 5lex and Corolla 5ielder 5lex are t)e fir$t marketed To!ota model$ t)at can run on 144C %ioet)anol. T)e introduction of t)e two model$ in 6ra-il= w)ere %ioet)anol i$ widel! u$ed

a$ fuel and 559$ re(re$ent .3C of newl! regi$tered e)icle$ in t)e market= firml! demon$trate$ To!ota?$ %elief in li$tening to it$ cu$tomer$. ,n t)e fir$t $eme$ter of t)e !ear= To!ota accounted for almo$t 33=444 of t)e more t)an one million e)icle$ $old in 6ra-il during t)at (eriod. Is8an4 A43#nt9 # 2em%er$ of t)e P)ili((ine motoring (re$$ )ad a wet and wild time at t)e To!ota 1oad Trek 3= )eld 2a! 31$t<;une 3rd in t)e arc)i(elago?$ central i$land$. 6ringing media re(re$entati e$ to a ariet! of well<known de$tination$ acro$$ t)e countr!= t)e annual road tri( i$ conducted %! To!ota 2otor P)ili((ine$ Cor(. to demon$trate t)e toug)ne$$ and er$atilit! of it$ ,29$. T)i$ !ear= t)e e ent took o er 44 (artici(ant$ on an i$land< )o((ing ad enture= ena%ling t)em to full! te$t t)e exce(tional ca(a%ilitie$ of t)e ,nno a= 5ortuner and Eilux e)icle$. A $erie$ of com(etiti e= water<related acti itie$ made it a trul! c)allenging and fun tri( t)at encouraged teamwork= camaraderie and friend$)i( among all attendee$. T)e e ent wa$ (rominentl! featured in ma3or new$(a(er$ and maga-ine$= furt)er %oo$ting t)e (o(ularit! of ,29$ in t)e market. A Wa6 t! L#a n R!a4 sa"#t6 Dedicated to (romoting acti itie$ t)at )el( minimi-e traffic accident$ in Paki$tan= ,ndu$ 2otor Com(an! #imited A,2CB in ;anuar! launc)ed a To!ota Sc)ool 1oad Safet! Program. T)roug) mu$ic concert$= $kit$ %! clown$ and :ui--e$ in $c)ool$= t)e (ilot (rogram aim$ to educate c)ildren a%out road $afet! in a fun and memora%le wa!. Twent! $c)ool$ in Garac)i and around 1.=444 c)ildren )a e alread! %enefited from t)e (rogram= w)ic) i$ (art of ,2C?$ com(re)en$i e cor(orate $ocial re$(on$i%ilit! initiati e wit) t)e $logan= KConcern 6e!ond Car$.K ,2C look$ to ex(and t)e (rogram to ot)er $c)ool$ in Garac)i and later to ot)er citie$= gi en t)e o erw)elming re$(on$e from t)e c)ildren and (arent$ w)o )a e $o far (artici(ated. COMPETITORS H69n4ai M!t! s In4ia Li,it#4 1HMIL7 A decade after t)e Gorean @ar and during t)e (eriod of recon$truction= E!undai 2otor Com(an! %egan it$ fledgling effort$ at automo%ile manufacturing %! entering into a 24

tec)nolog! tran$fer agreement wit) 5ord of 'reat 6ritain= recei ing de$ign and $t!ling from ,tal De$ign of ,tal!= and a$$em%ling tec)nolog! from %ot) England and ;a(an= all of w)ic) made t)e (roduction of our fir$t model car= t)e KPon!=K (o$$i%le. ,n 3u$t ten !ear$= in 10*& E!undai %egan to ex(ort to t)e world market. ,n 10.&= we entered t)e F.S. market e$ta%li$)ing t)e Excel a$ a new contender among $mall car$ and (romoting t)e image of t)e Gorean automo%ile indu$tr!. F(on ex(an$ion of our Fl$an (lant= w)ic) ena%led E!undai 2otor Com(an! to )a e a large $cale (roduction %a$e= and t)e founding of E2 Canadian Cor(oration= w)ic) e$ta%li$)ed E!undai t)roug)out Nort) America= we (roduced a record 14 million car$ and ex(orted o er 4 million= %reaking record$ in a $)ort $(an of time. No ot)er automo%ile com(an! can %oa$t of t)e$e figure$ o er $uc) a $)ort time $(an. @e al$o (oured our effort$ in creating conce(t car$ $uc) a$ t)e ECD<,= followed %! t)e ECD<,, and ,,,= electric car$= and )ig) tec)nolog! )!%rid car$ t)at will %ear fruit in t)e future wit) t)eir low (ollution emi$$ion$= $afet! feature$= and en ironmentall!<friendl! rec!cla%le com(onent$. 5rom Pon! to E:uu$= E!undai 2otor Com(an! i$ committed to it$ growt) a$ a mature com(an!= con$tantl! kee(ing in mind it$ cu$tomer<oriented mottoe$+ KCu$tomer Sati$factionK and KCreate 9alue for Cu$tomer$.K

Ma 9ti U46!: Li,it#4 1MUL7 ,t wa$ e$ta%li$)ed in 5e% 10.1 t)roug) an Act of Parliament= to meet t)e growing demand of a (er$onal mode of tran$(ort cau$ed %! t)e lack of an efficient (u%lic tran$(ort $!$tem. Su-uki 2otor Com(an! wa$ c)o$en from $e en (ro$(ecti e (artner$ worldwide. T)i$ wa$ due not onl! to t)eir undi$(uted leader$)i( in $mall car$ %ut al$o to t)eir commitment to acti el! %ring to 2F# contem(orar! tec)nolog! and ;a(ane$e management (ractice$ Aw)ic) )ad cata(ulted ;a(an o er FSA to t)e $tatu$ of t)e to( auto manufacturing countr! in t)e worldB. A licen$e and a ;oint 9enture agreement were $igned %etween 'o t of ,ndia and Su-uki 2otor Com(an! Anow Su-uki 2otor Cor(oration of ;a(anB in >ct 10.2. T)e o%3ecti e$ of 2F# t)en were+

2oderni-ation of t)e ,ndian Automo%ile ,ndu$tr!. Production of fuel<efficient e)icle$ to con$er e $carce re$ource$. Production of large num%er of motor e)icle$ w)ic) wa$ nece$$ar! for economic growt).




@age i$ com(en$ation to t)e em(lo!ee$ for $er ice$ rendered to t)e organi-ation. ,n ca$e t)e :uantum of $er ice rendered i$ difficult to mea$ure= to (a!ment i$ called $alar!. Normall! t)e wage (eriod i$ $)orter t)an t)e $alar! (eriod. Pa!ment made to la%or i$ generall! referred a$ wage$. 2one! (aid (eriodicall! to (er$on$ w)o$e out(ut cannot %e ea$il! mea$ured $uc) a$ clerical $taff a$ well a$ $u(er i$or! $taff i$ generall! referred to a$ $alarie$. Salarie$ are (aid uniforml! generall! on mont)l! %a$i$ and at time$ t)e element of incenti e i$ introduced in t)e form of commi$$ion. ,ncenti e$ are (aid to $alaried (er$on$ in addition to t)eir $alarie$.


9ariou$ form$ of wage and $alar! (olicie$ )a e de elo(ed= differing according to $uc) factor$ a$ t)e nature of t)e %u$ine$$ and it$ location. 6ecau$e wage$ and $alarie$ normall! con$titute a $u%$tantial (art of total co$t= it i$ often ad i$a%le to )a e a (olic! to reorgani-e com(etiti e wage and $alar! le el$ in t)e indu$tr! a$ well a$ in t)e geogra()ical area. T)i$ i$ w)at t)e indu$tr!<cum<region formula $tate$. A com(an! ma! ado(t a (olic! t)i$= K@e $)all (a! wage$ and $alarie$ w)ic) a((roximate t)e a erage of t)e com(anie$ in t)e indu$tr! in t)e local geogra()ical areaK. 6ut if t)ere i$ no $imilar com(an! in it$ indu$tr! in it$ local area= it ma! relate t)e wage and $alar! le el$ to com(anie$ wit)in it$ region. A$ a matter of fact= mo$t of t)e com(anie$ want to %e follower$ in $etting wage and $alar! le el$ %ecau$e t)e! make general wage and $alar! c)ange$ de(endent u(on t)e action$ of ot)er$.


@age admini$tration $)ould %e guided %! t)e following %a$ic con$ideration$+



@age (olicie$ $)ould %e carefull! de elo(ed kee(ing in mind t)e intere$t of aB management a$ re(re$entati e of t)e owner$= %B t)e em(lo!ee$= and cB t)e communit!.


@age (olicie$ $)ould %e clearl! ex(re$$ed in writing to en$ure uniformit! and $ta%ilit!.


@age deci$ion$ $)ould %e c)ecked again$t t)e carefull! formulated (olicie$.

i B

2anagement $)ould $ee to it t)at em(lo!ee$ know and under$tand t)e wage (olicie$.

@age (olicie$ $)ould %e e aluated from time to time to make certain t)at t)e! are ade:uate for current need$.


De(artmental (erformance $)ould %e c)ecked (eriodicall! again$t t)e $tandard$ $et in ad ance.


;o% de$cri(tion$ and (erformance rating $)ould %e (eriodicall! c)ecked to kee( t)em u( to date.

Cha t !" P in.i28#s !" Wa:# A4,inist ati!n

WAGE POLICIES WAGE ADMINISTRATION PLAN Clearl! defined wage ;o% e aluation of (lan and Sim(le (olicie$<con$i$tent wit) com(en$ation (lan mu$t %e admini$ter. management Policie$ $e(arate and di$tinct and under$tood %! all. EMPLOYEES and (rogramme$ ORGANIAATION o(erate and OPERATION

Con$i$tent o%3ecti e organi-ation

wit) of

t)e T)e! $)ould %e $ufficientl! Fnder$tood %! and acce(ta%le t)e flexi%le to accommodate to em(lo!ee$. Partici(ation of it$ admini$tration COMMUNITY Acce(ta%le to and in t)e (eculiaritie$ of local la%our em(lo!ee$ $)all %e en$ured in condition$.

LOCALITY 5lexi%le and re$(on$i e to local condition$.

intere$t of (u%lic.

#egi$lation $et$ t)e floor %elow w)ic) rate$ and o%ligation cannot fall= not)ing (re ent$ more li%eral term$ %eing negotiated t)roug) collecti e %argaining (roce$$= w)ere er t)e! exi$t. T)e %rief ()ilo$o()! of t)ree (iece$ of t)e wage legi$lation a$ under+ a7 Th# Pa6,#nt !" Wa:#s A.t. ')+@ T)e Pa!ment of @age$ of Act$ wa$ enacted for t)e (ur(o$e of $afeguarding t)e wage$ of em(lo!ee$ under certain condition$ laid down in t)e Act. T)e o%3ect of t)i$ Act i$ to regulate t)e (a!ment of wage$ Act i$ e$$entiall! meet for t)e %enefit of indu$trial em(lo!ee$ not getting er! )ig) $alarie$. T)e (ur(o$e of t)e Act i$ to (ro ide t)e em(lo!ed (er$on$ )a e to %e (aid t)eir wage$ in a (articular from and at regular inter al$ and wit)out an! unaut)ori-ed deduction. T)e Act (ro ide$ for t)e wage (eriod mont)<wi$e and t)e mode of (a!ment i.e. ca$) on a working da! w)ic) $)ould %e (aid %efore t)e ex(ir! of t)e $e ent) da! w)ere are le$$ t)an one t)ou$and and w)ere worker$ are more t)an one t)ou$and= t)e wage$ of t)e (er$on$ em(lo!ed $)all %e (aid %efore t)e ex(ir! of t)e $e ent) da!. 57 Th# Mini,9, Wa:# A.t. ')?=


2inimum wage a$ t)e name im(lie$ re(re$ent$ t)e le el %elow w)ic) wage$ cannot %e allowed to dro(. ,t i$ t)e lowe$t limit or t)e floor %elow w)ic) no worker $)ould %e (aid= w)ile fixing t)e minimum wage= no regard$ to )ad to t)e ca(acit! of t)e indu$tr! to (a!= %ecau$e t)e indu$tr!T w)ic) cannot (a! t)e minimum wage $)ould %etter not exi$t at all. T)e conce(t minimum wage i$ likel! to undergo a c)ange wit) < iB iiB T)e growt) of our econom!= and T)e c)ange in t)e $tandard of li ing.

.7 Th# Pa6,#nt B!n9s A.t. ')@* 6onu$ mean$ a ca$) (a!ment made to em(lo!ee$ in addition to wage$. ,t re(re$ent$ a $)are of (rofit made %! an indu$tr! a$ a re$ult of 3oint contri%ution of ca(ital and la%our. 6onu$ i$ no more an exgratia (a!ment. ,t i$ an indu$trial rig)t of t)e ca(a%le em(lo!ee$ $u%3ect to indu$trial di$(ute. 6onu$ differ$ from wage$. @age$ re$t on t)e contract of em(lo!ment and )a e not)ing to do wit) (rofit$ made %! t)e em(lo!er. 6onu$ come out of (rofit$ of t)e com(an! and i$ nece$$aril! de(endent on t)e (rofit in a (articular !ear. ,n $ome indu$trie$ t)e (a!ment of %onu$ i$ fixed %efore com(leting t)e %alance $)eet %ecau$e+ 1. T)e com(an! e$timate$ (rofit during t)e time of $tarting t)e financial !ear %! com(aring t)e (re iou$ !ear?$ %alance $)eet. 2. T)e com(an! alread! get$ t)e order in ad ance for t)e next !ear. 3. Due to ca(ital re$er e$ l!ing wit) t)e com(an!. 4. Due to t)e (olicie$ of t)e $ame (roduction unit$ located in t)e $ame cit!.

T)e wage$ are com(o$ed of man! factor$ $uc) a$+ 1. Basi. Wa:#

T)e ()ra$e %a$ic wage wa$ ordinaril! under$tood to mean t)at (art of t)e (rice of la%our= conference $aid t)e minimum or %a$ic wage $)ould %e Kneed %a$edK and en$ure t)e minimum Euman need$ of t)e indu$trial worker$. T)i$ i$ known a$ t)e minimum wage or t)e wage= w)ic) cannot %e allowed to dro(. ,t i$ t)e lowe$t limit on t)e floor= w)ic) no worker $)ould %e (aid.

2. R#a8 Wa:# ,n an inflationar! econom! (articularl! in ,ndia= dearne$$ allowance i$ a er!

$ignificant (ortion of real wage. 6ut t)e unfortunate (art i$ t)at i$ generall! gi en to 'o t. Em(lo!ee$. T)i$ allowance i$ (aid to com(en$ate t)e em(lo!ee$ again$t t)e ri$e in (rice le el in t)e econom!. ,t i$ com(en$ator! allowance again$t )ig) (rice$. 3. B!n9s 6onu$ mean$ a ca$) (a!ment made to em(lo!ee$ in addition to wage$. T)e new Engli$) Dictionar! define$ it a$ a %oon or a gift o er and a%o e w)at i$ normall! due a$ remuneration to t)e recei er and w)ic) i$= t)erefore= $omet)ing w)oll! to t)e good$ (roduced. 6onu$ i$ t)at (art of (rofit or it i$ al$o known a$ t)e (rofit $)aring of em(lo!ee$ in t)e com(anie$ gi en to t)em out of (rofit earning in t)e !ear. T)e minimum limit of t)e %onu$ i$ 14 (ercent of %a$ic (a! gi en to em(lo!ee$. T)i$ i$ declared at t)e end of t)e !ear after making t)e %alance $)eet of t)e com(an!= mo$tl! in t)e mont) of >cto%er or No em%er of e er! !ear. 2o$t of em(lo!ee$ can $a e t)e mone! due to increa$e in (rice da! %! da!= u$e$ of good$ of nece$$it! $a! food= clot)ing and )ou$e$. Em(lo!er can al$o increa$e t)e rate of %onu$ according to t)e (rofit earned in a (articular !ear. ,f t)e rate$ of %onu$ of good $a! 24 (ercent of %a$ic (a!= t)en t)e em(lo!ee$ %ecome )a((ier t)an %efore and t)e! gi e good (roduction to t)eir em(lo!er.



A $ound wage (olic! i$ to ado(t a 3o% e aluation (rogramme in order to e$ta%li$) fair differential$ in wage$ %a$ed u(on difference$ in 3o% content. 6e$ide$ t)e %a$ic factor$ (ro ided %! a 3o% de$cri(tion and 3o% e aluation w)ic) are u$uall! taken into con$ideration for wage and $alar! admini$tration are+< 1. T)e organi$ation?$ a%ilit! to (a!. 2. Su((l! and demand of la%our. 3. T)e (re ailing market rate. 4. T)e co$t of li ing. ". Producti it!. &. Trade Fnion?$ %argaining (ower. *. ;o% re:uirement$. .. 2anagerial attitude 0. P$!c)ological and $ociological factor.

@age$ are among t)e ma3or factor$ in t)e economic and $ocial life of an! communit!. ,n man! ad anced countrie$= t)e wage$ of t)e manual worker$ contri%ute more t)an 44 (ercent of t)e total national income. ,n er! organi-ation t)ere i$ a need of worker$. @orker$ and t)eir familie$

almo$t de(end entirel! on wage$ to (ro ide t)em$el e$ wit) food= clot)ing= )ou$ing and all ot)er nece$$itie$ of life. ,f t)e wage$ are )ig)= t)en it mean$ )ig) li ing $tandard of t)e worker$. ,n indu$tr! wage$ take a )ig) (art of em(lo!er?$ co$t of (roduction.


;on e aluation make$ good relation %etween em(lo!ee$ and em(lo!er and con$i$tent wage and $alar! $tructure can %e e ol ed. ,n deciding )ow muc)

mone! a (articular 3o% i$ wrot)= t)ere i$ alwa!$ tem(tation to %e influenced in one?$ 3udgement %! t)e :ualification$ and cali%er of t)e indi idual w)o i$ (re$ent %! (erforming t)e 3o%. 6ut t)e! ma! %e eit)er o er or under :ualified= $o t)e 3o% e aluator $)ould not commit t)e error of rating t)e indi idual$. T)e im(ortant factor$ to %e con$idered under 3o% e aluation ma! %e grou(ed under t)e following )ead$+< 1. Skill 2. Ex(erience 3. Effort$ and initiati e 4. 1e$(on$i%ilit! to %e undertaken ". @orking en ironment / &. Su(er i$ion needed. T)erefore= $e eral $!$tem$ of 3o% e aluation )a e %ee de elo(ed w)ic) t)e take into account t)e a%o e mentioned factor$ eit)er directl! or indirectl!. T)ere are four t!(e$ of 3o% e aluation met)od. T)e$e can %e di ided into two categorie$.

'. N!n%G9antitati3# M#th!4 iB iiB 1anking or 3o% com(ari$on. 'rading or 3o% cla$$ification.

/. G9antitati3# M#th!4 iB iiB Point met)od$. 5actor com(ari$on.

'. N!n%G9antitati3# M#th!4 i7 Ran<in: M#th!4


T)e rank order of t)e 3o% i$ finall! determined %! a eraging t)e re$(ecti e ranking$ of all committee mem%er$. 1anking met)od i$ $uita%le for organi-ation of relati el! $mall $i-e. ii7 G a4in: M#th!4 T)i$ met)od in ol e$ t)e e$ta%li$)ment of 3o% cla$$e$ or grade$. T)e grading met)od i$ (re(ared %! following (oint$+ 1. Pre(aration of 3o% de$cri(tion. 2. 'rade de$cri(tion. 3. Selection grade and ke! 3o%$. 4. 'rading t)e ke! 3o%$. ". Cla$$ification of all 3o%$. /. G9antitati3# M#th!4 iB P!int M#th!4 Fnder t)i$ met)od= a :uantitati e e aluation of different 3o%$ in term$ of ariou$ factor$ i$ made. T)e (rocedure for de$igning of HPOINT METHODH i$ di$cu$$ed %elow+< 1. Determine t)e t!(e of 3o% to %e e aluated. 2. Determine t)e factor$ to %e u$ed in t)i$ met)od and define t)em (ro(erl!. 3. Determine t)e num%er of degree$ to %e allocated to eac) factor and (re(are a $uita%le definition of eac). 4. A$$ign (oint$ to eac) degree of eac) factor. ". Selection of certain num%er of ke! 3o%$= $a! 14<1" and e aluate eac) a((l!ing t)e (re iou$ $te($.

ii7 Fa.t! C!,2a is!n M#th!4 T)e factor com(ari$on met)od of 3o% e aluation determine$ t)e relati e rank of t)e 3o% to %e e aluated to relation to monetar! $cale. T)e e aluation of 3o% under t)i$ met)od con$i$t$ of t)e following $te($+<

1. Select t)e factor$ and define t)em clearl!. 2. Select t)e ke! 3o%$. 3. Allocate wage$ for eac) ke! 3o% to different factor$. 4. De elo( 3o% com(ari$on $cale$ and in$ert ke! 3o%$ in t)em. ". E aluate t)e 3o% in :ue$tion %! factor. &. De$ign= ad3u$t and o(erate t)e wage $tructure.


'. Ti,# Rat# Wa:# Fnder t)i$ $!$tem worker$ are (aid according to t)e work done during a certain (eriod of time= $uc) a$ at t)e 3o% rate of (er )our$= (er da!= (er week= (er fortnig)t or (er mont)l! or an! ot)er fixed (eriod of time. /. Pi#.# Rat# Wa:# Fnder t)i$ $!$tem= worker$ are (aid according to t)e amount of work done or t)e num%er of unit$ com(leted= t)e rate$ of eac) unit %eing $ettled in ad ance= irre$(ecti e of t)e time taken to do t)e ta$k. +. Ba8an.# ! D#5t M#th!4 T)i$ i$ com%ination of time and (iece rate$. T)e worker$ are :uarantined an )ourl! or a da! rate wit) an alternati e (iece rate.

@age differ$ in different em(lo!ment or occu(ation$= indu$trie$ and location$ and al$o %etween (er$on$ in t)e $ame em(lo!ment or grade. >ne= t)erefore= 3&

come$ acro$$ $uc) term$ a$ occu(ational wage differential$= inter<indu$tr!= inter< firmT inter area or geogra()ical differential$ and (er$onal differential$. @age differential$ ari$e %ecau$e of t)e following factor$+ 1. Difference in t)e efficienc! of t)e la%our. 2. T)e exi$tence of non<com(eting grou($ due to difficultie$ in t)e wa! of mo%ilit! of la%our from low (aid to )ig) (aid em(lo!ment$. 3. Difference$ in t)e agreea%lene$$ or $ocial e$teem of em(lo!ment. 4. Difference in t)e nature of em(lo!ment and occu(ation$.

5ringe %enefit i$ (rimaril! a mean$ in t)e direction of en$uring= maintaining and increa$ing t)e income of t)e em(lo!ee$. ,t i$ a %enefit w)ic) $u((lement$ to a workerH$ ordinar! wage$ and w)ic) are of alue of t)em and t)eir familie$ in $o far a$ it materiall! increa$e$ t)eir re:uirement$. Cookmen iew$ em(lo!ee$H %enefit$ a$ KT)o$e %enefit$ w)ic) are $u((lied %! an em(lo!er to or for t)e %enefit of em(lo!ee= and w)ic) are not in t)e form of wage$= $alarie$ and time rated (a!ment$K. ,t i$ an! wage co$t not directl! connected wit) t)e em(lo!ee?$ (roducti e effort$= (erformance= $er ice or $acrifice.


T)e main feature$ of fringe %enefit$ are+< 1. 5ringe %enefit$ are t)o$e (a!ment$ w)ic) a worker en3o!$ in addition to t)e wage$ or $alar! )e recei e$. 2. T)e! all co$t t)e em(lo!er?$ mone!. 3. T)e$e %enefit$ are gi en to t)e worker$ to $timulate t)eir intere$t in t)e work and to make t)eir 3o% more attracti e and (roducti e for t)em. 4. T)i$ %enefit i$ gi e to all t)e worker$= e en if t)e! are working in different (o$t$.

". T)eir co$t goe$ u( or down a$ t)e $i-e of t)e work force c)ange. &. A fringe mu$t con$titute a (o$iti e co$t to t)e em(lo!er and $)ould %e incurred to finance on em(lo!ee$ %enefit$. ,f t)e %enefit increa$e$ a worker?$ efficienc!= it i$ not a fringe= %ut if it i$ gi en to $u((lement )i$ wage$= it i$ fringe. 6enefit$ increa$e t)e good relation %etween em(lo!er and t)e em(lo!ee$.

,t ma! %e concluded from t)e di$cu$$ion regarding wage and $alar! admini$tration t)at wage$ and $alar! can %e fixed %etween two limit$ of minimum wage$ and li ing$ wage$. #i ing wage $)ould ena%le t)e earner wit) more to (ro ide for )im$elf and )i$ famil! not merel! t)e %a$ic e$$ential$ of food= clot)ing and $)elter= %ut a mea$ure of frugal comfort$ including iB iiB iiiB i B Education for c)ildren Protection again$t ill<)ealt) 1e:uirement$ of e$$ential $ocial need and A mea$ure of in$urance again$t t)e more im(ortant mi$fortune$ including old age. T)e actual determination of wage$ and a $alar! i$ go erned %! (roducti it! of worker$= (re ailing rate$ of wage$ and $alar! le el of national income= ca(acit! of t)e indu$tr! to (a! wage differential$ and fringe %enefit$ in corre$(onding (lace and t)e im(ortance of indu$tr! in relation to national econom!. T)e efficienc! of an indu$tr! i$ directl! related wit) t)e :ualit! of relation$)i( w)ic) i$ %eing %uilt u( among t)e indi idual$ w)o work toget)er. @age$ and $alarie$ )a e far reac)ing effort$ on la%our management relation$. 6etter t)e wage (olicie$ of a factor!= %etter will %e relation %etween em(lo!ee$ and em(lo!er. ,f t)e relation$)i( %etween worker and t)e management i$ %etter will %e t)e (roduction and according to t)e de$ired goal of t)e em(lo!er.


APPLICABILITY UNS0ILLED WOR0ERS Mini,9, a,!9nt !" in. #,#nt Rs. '(((I% A3:. Sa8a 6 an4 a88!&an.#s 6a$ic V D.A. #ocal Tra eling Allowance D.A. #ocal Con e!ance T.A. Aout of $tn.B 6oarding < < < < < 34 04 Actual Actual Actual

Oth# s P.5. 'ratuit! 6onu$ Fniform < < < < A$ (er P5 Act A$ (er 'ratuit! Act 24C a$ (er 6onu$ Act A$ (er Co. Polic! Two Fniform$ (er !ear

APPLICABILITY S0ILLED WOR0ERS Mini,9, a,!9nt !" in. #,#nt Rs. '*((I% A3:. Sa8a 6 an4 A88!&an.#s 6a$ic V D.A. #ocal Tra eling Allowance D.A. #ocal Con e!ance T.A. Aout of Stn.B 6oarding Oth# s P.5. 'ratuit! < < A$ (er P5 Act A$ (er 'ratuit! Act 1"W2&S >ne mont) 'ro$$ < < < < < 34 04 Actual Actual Actual

Salar!SJear$ of $er ice 2aximum 2." #ak) 6onu$ Fniform < < 24C of 6a$ic Salar!W@age$ a$ (er (a!ment of 6onu$ Act A$ (er Co. Polic!


APPLICABILITY AGM$ DGM$ G.M. ; A-P Mini,9, a,!9nt !" in. #,#nt %Rs. *(((I% A3:. Sa8a 6 an4 A88!&an.#s 6a$ic V E1A 34C of 6a$ic V Con e!ance V #TA V 4C 2edical V Car V Tele()one Tra elling Allowance %! car #odging 6oarding P.5. 'ratuit! < < < < < 1$. "W< P.G.2. Actual Actual A$ (er P5 Act A$ (er 'ratuit! Act

APPLICABILITY MANAGER$ SR. MANAGER Mini,9, a,!9nt !" in. #,#nt %Rs. +(((I% A3:. Sa8a 6 an4 A88!&an.#s 6a$ic V E1A 34C of 6a$ic V Con e!ance V #TA V 4C 2edical Tra elling Allowance #odging 6oarding P.5. 'ratuit! < < < < < Actual Actual Actual A$ (er P5 Act A$ (er Act


APPLICABILITY ASST. MANAGER$ OFFICER EXECUTI-E Mini,9, a,!9nt !" in. #,#nt %Rs. '(((I% A3:. Sa8a 6 an4 A88!&an.#s 6a$ic V D.A. V E1A 14 to 34C of 6a$ic V 4C 2edial on 6a$ic V Con e!ance Eou$e 1ent #ocal Tra elling Allowance D.A. #ocal Con e!ance T.A. Aout of Stn.B 6oarding Oth# s P.5. 'ratuit! 6onu$ Fniform < < < < A$ (er P5 Act A$ (er 'ratuit! Act 24C a$ (er 6onu$ Act A$ (er Co. Polic! Two Fniform$ (er !ear S)oe$WSock$ < A$ (er Co. Polic! < < < < < 34 04 Actual Actual Actual

APPLICABILITY CLERICAL STAFF AND SUPER-ISOR Mini,9, a,!9nt !" in. #,#nt %Rs. /*(I% A3:. Sa8a 6 an4 A88!&an.#s 6a$ic V D.A. V E1A 14C of 6a$ic V Con e!ance 5ix Eou$e 1ent #ocal Tra elling Allowance D.A. #ocal Con e!ance T.A. Aout of Stn.B 6oarding Oth# s P.5. 'ratuit! 6onu$ Fniform < < < < A$ (er P5 Act A$ (er 'ratuit! Act 24C a$ (er 6onu$ Act A$ (er Co. Polic! Two Fniform$ (er !ear < < < < < 34 04 Actual Actual Actual





@age and Salar! admini$tration )a$ an im(ortant %earing on worker$= organi-ation$= go ernment and $ociet!. T)e mec)anic$ of wage determination %a$ed on t)e element of ad)oci$m )a$ %een t)e $ource of legitimate concern and anxiet! to t)e worker$. T)i$ mec)ani$m= a(art from %eing ad)oci$tic in nature i$ al$o %a$ed on t)e (rinci(le of irrationalit! and ot)er un$cientific factor$. @age differential al$o exi$t on t)e %a$i$ of $ex= region and ot)er $uc) artificial con$ideration$. ,t i$ an admini$trati e (rocedure of e$ta%li$)ing and $u(er i$ing wage le el$ and o(eration$ in an organi-ation. T)e (ur(o$e of t)e t)i$ (ro3ect i$ to make a $cientific= rational= and %alanced wage / $alar! $tructure %ecau$e t)e em(lo!er $)ould not feel t)at t)e em(lo!ee$ are (aid more t)an t)e! de$er e and t)e em(lo!ee$ $)ould not feel t)at t)e! are under(aid.



T)e o%3ecti e$ of t)e (ro3ect $tud! include + T)e general o%3ecti e$ of t)e wage and $alar! admini$tration are a$ under+< aB Control of co$t$. %B E$ta%li$)ment of fair and e:uita%le remuneration. cB Ftili-ation of wage$ and $alarie$ a$ an incenti e to get t)e em(lo!ee (roducti it!. dB 2aintenance of $ati$factor! (u%lic relation$ image.



M#th!4!8!:6 T)i$ $tud! relate$ to determine t)e (rocedure of wage$ and $alar! fixation= of em(lo!ee$ of 'alax! To!ota.


R#s#a .h D#si:n: % @age$ W Salarie$ are $ocio< economic need of em(lo!ee$. T)e$e are al$o moti ating factor$ to em(lo!ee$ to maximi-e t)e (roduction to increa$e t)e intere$t in work. T)e$e are taken into account al$o a$ la%our (a! of work done %! em(lo!ee$. ,n t)e indu$trie$ t)ere are man! (ro%lem related to wage$ and $alar! gi en a$ w)at i$ fix rate to %e takenT it$ accurac!. Are com(anie$ ado(ted $alar! $!$temX @it) t)e de elo(ment of countr!= $tandard of em(lo!ee$ al$o increa$e= $o in t)e $tud! it i$ $een t)at t)e wage$ and $alar! (a!a%le to em(lo!ee$ fulfill it i$ re$(on$i%ilit! of 'o t. to de elo( t)e $ociet! all o er. ,n t)e$e (oint$ of iew$ go t. made man! t!(e$ of rule Y regulation$ toward$ t)e %u$ine$$ organi-ation$ to t)e wage$ W $alar! on t)e follow u( of $ociet!. E er! com(an! mu$t fulfill t)e$e regulation$. Gee(ing in iew t)at im(ortance and $eriou$ne$$ of t)e indu$tr!= , $elected t)e mgt. of 'alax! To!ota. @)ere , conducted t)i$ $tud!= gi e me an o((ortunit!. Ana86ti.a8 T#.hniC9#s: % T)e information $o collected )a$ %een (roce$$ed in different ta%le$ and on t)e %a$i$ of t)i$ anal!$i$ on inter(retation$ )a$ %een made. T)e fact$ and figure$ )a e %een (ictured wit) t)e )el( of c)art$= diagram$ and gra()$. Nature of Stud!+ < 6efore going dee( into t)e (ro%lem= it will %e %etter to determine t)e exact nature of $tud!. T)i$ i$ a ca$e $tud! of one organi-ation / deal$ wit) t)e (ro%lem of fixation of wage$ and $alar!8 to t)e em(lo!ee$ of com(an!. , )a e taken into account t)e (rocedure of recent !ear to determine t)e wage$ and $alar! in t)e organi$ation. As2#.t St94i#s: % An attem(t )a$ %een made to co er all t)e a$(ect$ of Zwage$ and $alar! fixationH i.e. meaning / conce(t= wage$ legi$lation$. Com(onent$ of wage$= met)od$ of 3o% e aluation$ t!(e$ of wage$= fringe %enefit$ and attitude of em(lo!ee$ on t)e wage$ and $alar! (ro iding to t)em.

Th# sa,28# siE#:% >n t)e %a$i$ of random $am(ling and ratio $!$tem of $am(ling , conducted a $ur e! of 144 em(lo!ee$ in t)e com(an!. Since it wa$ not (o$$i%le to contact all t)e em(lo!ee$= it wa$ t)oug) %etter to de(end on t)e re$(ecti e $am(le t)e num%er of em(lo!ee$ in t)e $am(le i$ 144 co ering different categorie$ of t)e em(lo!ee$. T)e! )a e $elected on t)e $e:uential %a$i$ for t)e (ur(o$e. M#th!4s !" 4ata .!88#.ti!ns:% T)e information wa$ collected from em(lo!ee$ wit) random $am(ling and ratio $!$tem. T)e re$earc) met)od ado(ted for t)e $tud of :ue$tionnaire contained following t!(e$ of :ue$tion$. ,dentif!ing :ue$tion$ relating to general information of worker. [ue$tion$ regarding t)e (artici(ation in (olic! making of wage$. [ue$tion$ regarding t)eir ariou$ ex(erience$. [ue$tion$ to o%tain re$(on$e relating to attitude of em(lo!ee$ and t)eir iew$ on wage$ and $alar! (aid to t)em w)ic) are er! im(ortant from Zwage$ and $alar! fixation (oint of iew. Some ot)er :ue$tion$ were al$o a$ked to em(lo!ee$ w)ic) were con$idered )el(ful to reac) at root of t)e (ro%lem$ of fixation of wage$W$alar!. T)e :ue$tionnaire$ were (er$onall! di$tri%uted %! t)e re$earc)er )im$elf %ecau$e mo$t of worker$ were not a%le to go t)roug) out t)e :ue$tionnaire. So t)e :ue$tion$ were ex(lained to t)em in Eindi to get t)eir an$wer. T)e filling u( of t)e :ue$tionnaire wa$ al$o followed %! %rief inter iew$ of t)e worker$ to know t)eir (ro%lem$ and factor$ of wage$ and $alar! fixationH among t)em.



Data wa$ collected from t)e (rimar! and $econdar! $ource$ to meet t)e re:uirement$ of t)e o%3ecti e$. [ue$tionnaire wa$ u$ed a$ a tool to o%tain data from t)e em(lo!ee$. @it) a iew to under$tand t)e wage$W$alar! $tructure effecti el! and o%3ecti el!= t)e data collected wa$ di ided into t)ree $alar! %racket$+ (i) (ii) (iii) T)o$e drawing take )ome $alar! AT)e net (a! figure after deduction P5= ES,= ,ncome Taxe$ and ot)er $tatutor! deduction$B le$$ t)an 1$. 14=444W< P2. T)o$e drawing take )ome $alar! from 1$. 14=444W< to 1$. 24=444W< P2. T)o$e drawing take )ome $alar! a%o e 1$. 24=444W< P2. I. -ARIOUS SALARY BRAC0ETS OF THE RESPONDENTS

Data re eal$ t)at 41.*C of t)e re$(ondent$ found in t)e $alar! %racket of le$$ t)an 1$. 14=444W< P2= 33.1C from t)e $alar! %racket of %etween 14=444 to 24=444 and 2".2C from t)e $alar! %racket of a%o e 1$. 24=444WP2 T)oug) t)ere i$ no di$(ute t)at almo$t all t)e em(lo!ee$ w)o are drawing a $alar! more t)an 1$. 24=444W< P2. are in t)e middle management le el= $ome of t)e em(lo!ee$ w)o are in t)e ;unior management le el are in t)e $alar! %racket of 1$. 14=444 to 24=444W< P2 and $ome em(lo!ee$ w)o are in t)e o(erating le el are in t)e $alar! %racket of le$$ t)an 1$. 14=444W< P2 'etting into t)e rea$on$ for t)i$ wa$ not t)e (art of t)e $tud! !et it i$ o%$er ed t)at few $enior $killed worker$ w)o are formerl! not in t)e 3unior management cadre Ama! %e %ecau$e of t)eir 6a$ic :ualification$ etc.B %ut are one drawing )ig)er wage$ due to t)eir $kill$ and )ig)er no. of !ear$ of $er ice t)e! )a e (ut in.

TABLE NO. ' S.N! 1 2 3 #e el$ >(erating #e el ;unior management le el 2iddle 2anagement le el To 'reat Extent 0"..C 02.1C *0.4C T! s!,# EBt#nt 4.2C *.0C 1*.2C N!t at a88 4C 4C 3.4C


5rom Ta%le No. 41 Data $)ow$ t)at 0"..C re$(ondent$ in o(erating le el )a e $alar! Structure a$ an im(ortant tool to $ati$f! t)eir 3o% and 4.2C of re$(ondent$ find it im(ortant to $ome extent and 02.1C of t)e re$(ondent$ from 3unior management le el )a e $alar! $tructure a$ an im(ortant tool to $ati$f! t)eir 3o% *.0C of t)e re$(ondent find it to $ome extant and *0.4C of t)e re$(ondent$ from middle management le el find $alar! $tructure a$ a tool to $ati$f! t)eir 3o%$ 1*.2 of t)e re$(ondent$ find it to $ome extent and 3.4 of t)e re$(ondent doe$ not )a e an! relation $)i( %etween $alar! $tructure and t)eir 3o% $ati$faction. ,t i$ re ealed from t)e a%o e data t)at t)e maximum num%er of em(lo!ee$ find mone! a$ $ati$faction tool. T)e re$earc)er wa$ :uite intere$ted to go into t)e de(t) of t)e rea$on$ of 3.4C of t)e middle management em(lo!ee$= w)o do not con$ider t)e mone! a$ a $ati$faction tool at all. Since it wa$ in contra$t to t)e finding$= ot)erwi$e= t)e re$earc)er (ut extra effort in locating t)e$e 3.4C em(lo!ee$ and )ad (er$onal di$cu$$ion wit) t)em. ,t wa$ re ealed t)at t)e$e (eo(le are at t)e erge of $u(er anuation and are well of= t)ere kid$ are alread! well $ettled and t)e rea$on for t)e$e (eo(le of continuing in $er ice i$ t)e need to contri%ute $omet)ing in t)e growt) of t)e com(an! and note t)e mone! alone. III. SALARY AS A MOTI-ATOR TABLE NO. / S.N!. 1 2 3 L#3#8s >(erating le el ;unior management le el 2iddle 2anagement le el A: ## 03.*C 02.1C .&.2C Disa: ## &.3C *.0C 13..C

Ta%le No. 42 data $)ow$ t)at 03.*C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 02.1C re$(ondent of 3unior management le el and .&.2C re$(ondent of middle management le el agreed t)at a good $alar! $tructure work$ a$ a moti ator to t)e em(lo!ee$. @)erea$ &.3C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= *.0C of 3unior management 13..C re$(ondent of middle management le el do not a((ro e t)i$

I-. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WAGESI SALARY FIXATION AND THE COST CONTROL TABLE NO. + N!. 1 O2ini!n Eig)er T)e Salar! <2ore T)e #o!alt! 2 Toward$ T)e Co. 2ore T)e ,ncrement < #e$$ 3 T)e 1e3ection T)e ,ncrement ,n Salar! 5ixation Ea$ Direct 1elation$)i( To T)e [ualit! 4 Production 2ore T)e @age$ < Eig)er T)e Production " Efficienc! 2ore T)e Salar! < #e$$ T)e Com(an! Ex(en$e$ >(erating #e el ;unior 2anagement #e el 2iddle 2anagement #e el *0.2C .1.&C .&.2C 24..C 1..4C 13..C L#3#8s >(erating #e el ;unior 2anagement #e el 2iddle 2anagement #e el >(erating #e el ;unior 2anagement #e el 2iddle 2anagement #e el >(erating #e el ;unior 2anagement #e el 2iddle 2anagement #e el Y#s *0.2C .1.&C .0.&C .0.&C &..4C 24.1C .3.3C &..4C 2*.&C N! 24..C 1..4C 14.4C 14.4C 31.&C *".0C 1&.*C 31.&C *2.4C

>(erating #e el ;unior 2anagement #e el 2iddle 2anagement #e el

4"..C 2..0C 24.1C

"4.2C *1.1C *".0C


1i7 Hi:h# th# sa8a 6% ,! # th# 8!6a8t6 t!&a 4s .!,2an6 Data $)ow$ in ta%le no. 3 $)ow t)at maximum num%er of re$(ondent$ agree wit) t)e $tatement t)at )ig)er t)e $alar!= t)e em(lo!ee will %e more lo!al to t)e com(an!. .0.&C re$(ondent$ of middle management= .1.&C of 3unior management le el and *0.2C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el agree to t)e a%o e $tatement w)erea$ 14.4C re$(ondent$ of middle management= 1..4C re$(ondent of 3unior management le el and 24..C re$(ondent of o(erating le el di$agree to t)i$ $tatement.

(ii) More t e incre!ent "#ess t e re$ection Data $)ow t)at .0.&C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= &..4C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 24.1C re$(ondent$ of middle management agree to t)e row $tatement w)erea$ 14.4C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 31.&C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and *".0C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el do not a((ro e it. T)i$ $)ow$ t)at 3unior management le el em(lo!ee$ and o(erating le el em(lo!ee$ )ig)l! a((ro e t)e a%o e $tatement %ut middle management doe$ not a((ro e it.


AiiiB T)e increment in t)e $alar! fixation )a$ direct relation$)i( to t)e :ualit! (roduction Data $)ow t)at .3.3C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= &..4C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 2*.&C re$(ondent$ of middle management agree to t)e a%o e $tatement w)erea$ 1&.*C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 31.&C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and *2.4C re$(ondent$ of middle management do not agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement.

(i%) More t e &a'es( i' er t e )roduction efficienc* Data $)ow t)at *0.2C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= .1.&C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and .&.2C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el$ agree to t)e a%o e $tatement w)erea$ 24..C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 1..4C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 13..C re$(ondent$ middle management le el do not agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement. T)i$ $)ow$ t)at ma3orit! of t)e em(lo!ee$ in fa our of t)e a%o e $tatement.


(%) More t e sa#ar* + #ess t e co!)an* e,)enses Data $)ow in ta%le no 3 t)at 4"..C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 2..0C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 24.1C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el agree to t)e a%o e $tatement w)erea$ "4.2C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= *1.1C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and *".0C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el do not a((ro e it. T)i$ $)ow$ t)at re$(ondent$ of middle management and 3unior management le el )ig)l! di$agree to t)e a%o e $tatement.

-. Th# in3!83#,#nt in th# 2 !.#ss !" "! ,98atin: an4 "iBati!n !" Wa:#sISa8a 6 st 9.t9 # in Ga8aB6 T!6!ta. TABLE NO. ? S. N!. 1 2 3 L#3#8s >(erating le el ;unior management le el Senior management le el Di #.t86 4.2C *.0C 2*.&C Th !9:h R#2 #s#ntati3# 0"..C 02.1C \

Ta%le No. 44 S)ow$ t)at 0"..C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el (artici(ate t)roug) t)eir union re(re$entati e$ and onl! 4.2C re$(ondent$ are in ol ed directl!= 02.1C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el are in ol ed t)roug) re(re$entati e$ and *.0C re$(ondent$ are onl! in ol ed directl!= w)erea$ in ca$e of middle management le el 2*.&C of t)e re$(ondent$ are directl! in ol ed in formulating t)e wage$W$alar! $tructure and nil re$(ondent (artici(ate t)roug) re(re$entati e$. 5rom t)e a%o e data it $eem$ t)at (ro%a%l! t)e num%er of em(lo!ee$ of o(erating le el and 3unior management le el w)ic) are in ol ed directl! ma! %e from t)e de(artment$ like E1DWPer$onnel or t)e Per$onal Secretarie$ to t)eir %o$$e$= w)erea$ 2*.&C (artici(ant$ of middle management le el onl! in ol ed in (artici(ation directl! in formulating (roce$$ and fixation of wage$W $alar! $tructure. -I. I,2a.t !" &a:#sIsa8a 6 4 a&n !n th# 8i"# st68# !" th# #,28!6##s -e#ations i) .et&een Sa#ar*(/er0 and Socia# Acti%ities : TABLE NO. * S8. N! O2# atin: L#3#8 1 2 .3.3C 1&.*C J9ni! Mana:#,#nt 8#3#8 .&..C 13.2C Mi448# Mana:#,#nt 8#3#8 .0.*C 14.3C Je$ No O2ini!n


5rom Ta%le no 4" data $)ow$ t)at .3.3 C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= .&..C re$(ondent$ of ;unior management le el and .0.*C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el agree t)at t)ere i$ a relation$)i( %etween $alar!WPerk and $ocial acti it! w)erea$ 1&.*C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 13.2C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 14.3C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el do not agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement t)at t)ere i$ an! relation$)i( %etween $alar!W(erk and $ocial acti itie$. 5rom t)e a%o e data it $eem$ t)at a ma3orit! of em(lo!ee$ from all t)e t)ree le el$ gi e (reference to t)e mone! for t)e relation$)i( wit) t)e $ocial acti itie$.

(i) Increase in &a'es(sa#ar* " .e a%iora# effect &it fa!i#* TABLE NO. @ S.N!. 1 2 3 L#3#8s >(erating #e el ;unior 2anagement le el 2iddle 2anagement le el P!siti3#86 01.&C 02.1C 03.1C N! #""#.t ..4C *.0C &.0C

Ta%le No. & $)ow$ t)at 01.&C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el$= 02.1C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el$ and 03.1C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el agree t)at if a con$idering amount of $alar! i$ increa$ed= it will )a e a (o$iti e effect on t)eir famil! w)erea$ ..4C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el$= *.0C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el and &.0C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el find no effect of mone! wit) t)e %e)a ioral i$$ue wit) t)eir familie$. T)i$ $)ow$ t)at ma3orit! of t)e re$(ondent$ agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement


(ii) Increase in &a'es(sa#ar* " .e a%iora# effect &it Co##ea'ues TABLE NO. F S.N!. 1 2 3

Operating Level
;unior 2anagement le el 2iddle 2anagement le el

P!siti3#86 .".4C .&..C .0.&C

N! #""#.t 14.&C 13.2C 14.4C

5rom ta%le No. * data re eal$ t)at ma3orit! of t)e em(lo!ee$ from all t)e t)ree le el$ t)at i$ .".4C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= .&..C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and .0.&C re$(ondent$ from middle management le el are in fa our of t)e $tatement t)at monetar! amount )a$ a (o$iti e effect wit) t)eir colleague$ w)erea$ 14.&C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 13.2C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el$ and 14.4C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el find no effect of increa$e in t)eir $alar! wit) t)e %e)a ioral i$$ue of t)eir colleague$. T)i$ $)ow$ t)at ma3orit! of t)e re$(ondent$ agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement

(iii) S.N!. 1 2 3

Increase in &a'es(sa#ar* " .e a%iora# effect &it Socia# Institutes TABLE NO. = L#3#8s P!siti3#86 .3.3C .4.2C .&.2C N! #""#.t 1&.*C 1"..C 13..C

Operating Level
;unior 2anagement le el 2iddle 2anagement le el

2a3orit! of t)e re$(ondent$ )a e a (o$iti e iew and agree to t)e a%o e $tatement. 5rom t)e ta%le no. data re eal$ t)at .3.3C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= .4.2C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and .&.2C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el are in fa or of t)e $tatement t)at a con$idera%le amount increa$e in t)e $alar! will )a e a (o$iti e effect wit) t)e $ocial in$titution w)erea$ 1&.*C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el$

1"..C re$(ondent$ 3unior management le el and 13..C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el find no effect of increa$e in $alar! wit) t)e $ocial in$titution. 5rom t)e a%o e t)ree $tatement$ t)e fact re eal$ t)at t)e ma3orit! of t)e re$(ondent$ agree to t)e a%o e $tatement$. T)i$ i$ (ro%a%l! %ecau$e mone! (la!$ a ital role in )a ing t)eir %e)a ioral effect$ wit) t)eir familie$= collogue$ and $ocial in$titution$.

-II. Wa:#sISa8a 6 -# s#s .!nt i59ti!n t! th# s!.i#t6 TABLE NO.)




A: ##

Disa: ##

Eig)er t)e $alar! 2ore t)e contri%ution to t)e $ociet!

>(erating le el ;unior management le el 2iddle management #e el >(erating le el ;unior management le el 2iddle management #e el >(erating le el ;unior management le el 2iddle management #e el

*..3C .4C 04.4C 2.&C 13.1C 1*.2C 0.&C 14."C 11.*C

21.*C 24C 0.&C 0*.4C .&.0C .2..C 04.4C .0."C *..3C

#ower t)e $alar! 2ore t)e Contri%ution to t)e Societ!

Salar! )a$ no effect >n t)e contri%ution to t)e $ociet!



1i' er t e sa#ar* + More t e contri.ution to t e societ*

A large no. of re$(ondent$ from all t)e t)ree le el$ agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement. 5rom t)e ta%le no. 40 data re el$ t)at *..3C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el$ .4C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 04.4C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el agree t)at )ig)er t)e $alar! (aid to t)e em(lo!ee$= t)e more will %e t)e contri%ution to t)e $ociet!. @)erea$ 21.*C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 24C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el and 0.&C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el do not agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement.

(ii) 2o&er t e sa#ar* " !ore t e contri.ution to t e societ* Data re el$ from ta%le no. 40 t)at 0*.4C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= .&.0C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el= and .2..C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el do not agree wit) t)e $tatement t)at %! decrea$ing t)e $alarie$= t)e contri%ution to t)e $ociet! will %e increa$e= )owe er 2.&C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el$= 13.1C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 1*C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el agree to t)e a%o e $tatement. ,t $)ow$ t)at ma3orit! of t)e re$(ondent$ di$agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement.


(iii) Sa#ar* as no effect on t e contri.ution to t e societ* 2a3orit! of t)e re$(ondent$ from all t)e t)ree le el$ do not agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement. 04.4C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= .0."C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and *..3C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el do not agree wit) t)e $tatement t)at t)ere i$ no effect of $alar! for t)e contri%ution to t)e $ociet!= w)ere a$ 0.&C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 14."C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el and 11.*C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el onl! agree wit) t)e a%o e $tatement. ,t re eal$ from all t)e t)ree a%o e gi en (oint$ t)at if $alar! i$ increa$ed= em(lo!ee$ can contri%ute to t)e $ociet! in a %etter wa!.

-III. ANNUAL INCREASE IN WAGES ISALARIES IN GALAXY TOYOTA. TABLE NO. '( SL. N!. 1. 2. 3. 4. ". Wa:#sI In. #as# in Sa8a 6 ,ncrea$e %! "4C ,ncrea$e 6etween 2"< 40C ,ncrea$e 6etween 11< 24C ,ncrea$e u( to 14C No increa$e O2# atin: 8#3#8 < 31.3C 4*.0C 1...C 2.1C J9ni! Mana:#,#nt L#3#8 < 31.&C 30."C 2&.3C 2.&C Mi448# Mana:#,#nt L#3#8 14.3C 31.1C 3*.0C 1*.3C 3.4C

Data $)ow$ t)e fact from Ta%le No 14 t)at 31.3C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el find t)eir $alarie$ increa$e from 2" to 40C= 4*.0C re$(ondent$ from 11 to 24C= 1...C re$(ondent$ u(to 14C and onl! 2.1C re$(ondent$ find no increa$e in t)eir $alarie$ 31.&C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el find t)eir $alarie$ increa$e from 2" to 40C= 30."C re$(ondent$ from 11 to 24C= 2&.3C re$(ondent$ find increa$e in t)eir $alarie$ u(to 14C and onl! 2.&C re$(ondent$ find no increa$e. 14.3C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el find t)eir wage$W$alarie$ increa$e %! "4C= 31.1C re$(ondent$ from 2" to 40C= 3*.0C re$(ondent$ from 11 to 24C= and 1*.3C re$(ondent$ u(to 14C w)ere a$ onl! 3.4C re$(ondent$ find no increa$e in t)eir wage$W$alarie$. ,t $)ow$ from t)e a%o e t)at onl! 14.3C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el find t)eir $alarie$ increa$e %! "4C.

IX. C9 #nt In. #,#nt Rat# -S E,28!6##s Satis"a.ti!n In4#B TABLE NO. '' S8.N!. 1. 2. L#3#8s 2iddle management le el ;unior management le el Y#s "..& C 31.& C N! 41.4 C &..4 C



4(erating 2anagement le el

**.1 C

22.0 C

Data from ta%le no 11 re eal$ t)e fact t)at **.1C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= "..&C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el and 31.&C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el are $ati$fied wit) t)eir current rate of increment= w)ere a$ &..4C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el= 41.4C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el and 22.0C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el are not $ati$fied wit) t)eir current rate of increment. ,t $)ow$ t)at a large num%er of re$(ondent$ are $ati$fied wit) t)eir current rate of increment.



1. 2. 3. >(erating #e el ;unior 2anagement #e el 2iddle 2anagement #e el

P!! 4.2C 2".3C 13.4C

Fai &.3C "...C 14.4C

G!!4 *0.2C ".3C 2*.2C

-. :!!4 14.3C 14.&C 40.4C

@)en t)e re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 3unior management le el / middle management le el were a$ked to ca$t t)eir (rioritie$ from (oor to er! good a%out t)eir $alar! (ackage$. Em(lo!ee$ in ta%le no. 12 $)owed t)at *0.2C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el find t)eir $alar! (ackage$ good= 14.3C re$(ondent$ find it er! good= and &.3C re$(ondent$ find it fair and onl! 4.2C of t)e re$(ondent$ find it (oor. "...C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el find t)eir $alar! (ackage$ fair= 14.&C re$(ondent$ find it er! good= ".3C re$(ondent$ find it good and 2".3C of t)e re$(ondent$ find it (oor. ,nca$e of middle management le el= 40C of re$(ondent$ find t)eir $alar! (ackage$ er! good= 2*.2C re$(ondent$ find it good= 14.4C re$(ondent$ find it fair and 13.4C of t)e re$(ondent$ find it (oor. T)i$ $)ow$ t)at mo$t of t)e re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el find

t)eir (ackage$ good= 3unior management le el re$(ondent$ find it fair and middle management le el re$(ondent$ find it er! good.


S. N!. 1. 2. 3. 4.

In. #as# in 2a6 6! "4C 6et 24<40 C 6et 11<24C F(to 14C

O2# atin: 8#3#8 24.. C "2.1 C 2*.1 C Nil

J9ni! ,ana:#,#nt 8#3#8 "4.4 C 21.1 C 1".. C 13.1 C

Mi448# ,ana:#,#nt 8#3#8 14.3 C 34." C 4..3 C &.0 C

Ta%le no 13 $)ow$ t)at 24..C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= "4C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el / 14.3C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el )a e an ex(ectation of increa$e t)eir wage$W$alarie$ %! "4C. "2.1C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 21.1C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el / 34."C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el )a e an ex(ectation of increa$e t)eir wageW$alarie$ from 24 to 40C. 2*.1C re$(ondent$ of o(erating le el= 1"..C re$(ondent$ of 3unior le el= 4..3C of middle management le el )a e an ex(ectation on increa$e t)eir wage$W$alarie$ from 11< 24C. 13.1 C re$(ondent$ of 3unior management le el= &.0C re$(ondent$ of middle management le el )a e an ex(ectation$ of increa$e t)eir wage$W$alar! u(to 14C w)ere a$ o(erating le el re$(ondent$ doe$ not want to come in t)i$ categor!. A%o e data $)ow$ t)at ma3orit! of t)e em(lo!ee$ of 3unior management le el find )ig) ex(ectation$ in fixingWre iewing t)eir wage$W$alarie$ i.e. increa$e %! "4C and more t)an &.

"2C of em(lo!ee$ of o(erating le el find t)eir ex(ectation of increa$e t)eir $alarie$Wwage$ %etween 24 to 40C= w)ere a$ more t)an 4.C of t)e em(lo!ee$ find t)eir ex(ectation$ for fixingWre iewing t)eir wage$W$alarie$ %etween 11 to 24C $la%.

Cha2t# *


>(erating le el$ em(lo!ee$ in 'alax! To!ota are drawing take )ome $alar! of 1$. 14=444W< P2 Some of t)e Senior o(erator$Wforemen are in t)e $alar! %racket of 1$. 14=444 to 24=444W< w)ic) i$ ot)erwi$e a %racket for a 3unior management cadre. Almo$t all t)e em(lo!ee$ in t)e middle management draw a $alar! exceeding 1$. 24=444W< P2. 6roadl! t)e com(onent of t)e $alar! include %a$ic (a!= D.A.= E.1.A.= Con e!ance Allowance$= 2edical reim%ur$ement= uniform wa$)ing allowance w)ile t)e ma3or (ortion of t)e $alar! con$tituted %! t)e %a$ic com(onent in general= )owe er w)en it come$ to t)e middle management= t)e amount of allowance$ exceed t)eir %a$ic com(onent. Pro%a%l! it i$ de$igned to take care of t)e im(act of income tax on t)e indi idual earning$. Deduction of P.5.= E.S.,= ,ncome tax and ot)er $alar! deduction$ are com(liance wit) (ro(erl!. Annual 6enefit$ include #.T.A.= 6onu$= and annual increment$. T)e amount graduall! increa$ing a$ (er t)e le el of t)e managerWem(lo!ee$= Pa!ment of %onu$ amount a$ (er t)e %onu$ act and re<em%arra$$ment of medical ex(en$e$ AEo$(itali-ationB i$ %eing followed. 1etirement %enefit$ include$ gratuit! Aa $alar! of 1" da!$ (er annum for t)e !ear$ (ut in $er ice= $u%3ect to com(letion of minimum of " !ear$. 2a3orit! of t)e em(lo!ee$ Ato t)e extent of more t)an 0"C in t)e ca$e of o(erating le elB feel t)at t)e $alar!Wwage$ i$ one of t)e mo$t im(ortant tool$ for creating $ati$faction among t)e em(lo!ee$. ,t e$ta%li$)ed t)e im(ortance of taking care of monetar! com(onent at t)e to(= w)ile de$igningWfixingW re iewing t)e $alar! $tructure in t)e com(an!. 2o$t of t)e em(lo!ee$ agree t)at t)e $alar! $tructure i$ one of t)e ma3or moti ator for t)em. ,n all t)e t)ree le el$ *0C and more em(lo!ee$ agree t)at t)e )ig)er t)e $alar!= t)e lo!alt! to t)e com(an! will %e more. 6! )a ing a((ro(riate wage $tructure t)e re3ection in t)e (roduction can al$o %e reduced. A$ )ig) a$ .3C of t)e o(erating le el (eo(le com%ine t)e :ualit! of t)e (roduction to t)e amount of $alar! t)e! recei e.


E en 24C of t)e middle management le el em(lo!ee$ agree t)at t)e com(an! ex(en$e$ can %e controlled %! reducing t)e o erall wa$tage in ca$e t)e $ati$faction le el of t)e (eo(le i$ ke(t )ig) %! (a!ing t)em t)e rig)t $alar!. Salar! fixation (roce$$ for o(erating le el (eo(le in 'alax! To!ota i$ t)roug) t)e mutual di$cu$$ion and t)e agreement (roce$$ %etween t)e worker$ and t)e management. T)e worker$ are re(re$ented %! t)eir re(re$entati e nominee$ in t)e wage fixation committee= w)ere t)e management i$ re(re$ented %! t)e $enior (er$onnel from E.1.D.= 5inance and e en $ome nominee from t)e director$. T)e $alar! $tructure of t)e 3unior management and t)e middle management (eo(le i$ formulated %! t)e concerned de(artment$ in t)e com(an! wit)out formal in ol ement$ of t)e indi idual em(lo!ee. Eowe er t)e de(artmental )ead$ are con$ulted %efore an! final deci$ion i$ taken in t)i$ regard. A$ general $a!ing t)at t)e contri%ution to t)e $ociet! %! an indi idual i$ mainl! decided %! t)e amount of earning )eW$)e get$. ,t i$ confirmed %! more t)an .3C of t)e em(lo!ee$ t)at in ca$e t)eir $alar! are increa$ed a((ro(riatel! t)eir %e)a ior toward$ t)eir famil! mem%er$WCollogue$W Social in$titution$ will %e more (o$iti e. ,t i$ not out of t)e (lace to $ugge$t t)at t)e com(an! $)ould $trengt)en t)e em(lo!ee welfare $c)eme$= e$(eciall! wit) re$(ect to t)e indi idual growt)W career (laning in t)e com(an!. T)e amount of re i$ion $alar! $)ould %e decided con$idering t)e indi idual$ (otential for taking )ig)er re$(on$i%ilitie$ in future. 5or o(erating le el a direct incenti e $c)eme (roduction %a$ed $)ould %e launc)ed.

1. T)e a((rai$al $!$tem in t)e com(an! w)ic) dominate$ t)e re i$ion amount for t)e em(lo!ee$ were %e!ond t)e $co(e of t)e $tud! and )ence an! future re$earc) in t)i$ $u%3ect ma! %e directed toward$ under$tanding t)e a((ro(riatene$$ of t)e exi$ting a((rai$al $!$tem in t)e com(an!. 2. Em(lo!ee$ in t)e 3unior management cadre are generall! t)e (eo(le )a ing le$$er ex(erience on t)e 3o% )owe er t)i$ categor! of t)e em(lo!ee generall! )a$ good :ualification. To kee( t)em $ati$fied / formulate a retaining $trateg! for t)i$ categor! of em(lo!ee$= $(ecific $tud! ma! %e carried out to com(are t)e a erage (ackage$ (aid %! ot)er $imilar com(etition in t)e ,ndu$trie$. ,n iew of t)e $tud!= t)e ariou$ moti ation t)eorie$ $tudied and t)e li e re$earc) conducted= , would like to make a few recommendation$ to t)e em(lo!er$ (ertaining to moti ating t)eir em(lo!ee$. 5ew of t)e$e are generic recommendation$ and can %e ado(ted %! an! organi-ation irre$(ecti e of t)eir nature of work N!n .ash in.#nti3#s a8s! h#82 in ,!ti3ati!na8 8#3#8s. Li<#: o ,ntere$ting work. No one want$ to do t)e $ame %oring 3o% o er and o er= da! after da!. And w)ile an! 3o% will alwa!$ re:uire $ome %oring= re(etiti e ta$k$= e er!one $)ould )a e at lea$t a (art of t)eir 3o% %e of )ig) intere$t to t)em. o ,nformation. ,nformation i$ (ower= and em(lo!ee$ want to %e em(owered wit) t)e information t)e! need to know to do t)eir 3o%$ %etter and more effecti el!. And= more t)an e er= em(lo!ee$ want to know )ow t)e! are doing in t)eir 3o%$ and )ow t)e com(an! i$ doing in it$ %u$ine$$. >(en t)e c)annel$ of communication in an organi-ation to allow em(lo!ee$ to %e informed= a$k :ue$tion$= and $)are information. o ,n ol ement. 2anager$ toda! are faced wit) an incredi%le num%er of o((ortunitie$ and (ro%lem$ and= a$ t)e $(eed of %u$ine$$ continue$ to increa$e dramaticall!= t)e amount of time t)at t)e! )a e to make deci$ion$ continue$ to decrea$e. ,n ol ing em(lo!ee$ in deci$ion making= e$(eciall! *2

w)en t)e deci$ion$ affect t)em directl!= i$ %ot) re$(ectful and (ractical. T)o$e clo$e$t to t)e (ro%lem t!(icall! )a e t)e %e$t in$ig)t a$ to w)at to do. A$ !ou in ol e ot)er$= !ou increa$e t)eir commitment and ea$e in im(lementing new idea$ or c)ange. ,nde(endence. 5ew em(lo!ee$ want t)eir e er! action to %e clo$el! monitored. 2o$t em(lo!ee$ a((reciate )a ing t)e flexi%ilit! to do t)eir 3o%$ a$ t)e! $ee fit. 'i ing (eo(le latitude increa$e$ t)e c)ance t)at t)e! will (erform a$ !ou de$ire < and %ring additional initiati e= idea$= and energ! to t)eir 3o%$.




6unge$$= #.1. 10.4. Wages and Salary Administration. C)arle$ E. 2errie Pu%li$)ing co. Column ZFSH. Arm $trong= 2. and Eelen 2u$li$= 10.4.Salar! Admini$tration= #o gan (age ltd. #ondon. Suri= '.G. 10*&. Productivity wages industrial relations. Affiliated Ea$t we$t Pre$$ New Del)i. Da i$= G.10.1 Human Behaviour at wor = Tata 2C 'raw Eill+ New Del)i. Eer$e!= P. and 6lanc)ard= G.E. 10.3= 2anagement of >rgani$ational 6e)a iour= Prentice Eall of ,ndia+ New Del)i. Sc)regle= ;o)anne$= 10*". @orker$ Partici(ation in Deci$ion$ wit) in undertaking= ,nternational la%our 1e iew= ol. 113 APP1<1"B 9irmani= 61 10*.. @orker$ Partici(ation in 2anagement= 2acmillan Co.= of ,ndia= ltd.+ New Del)i. Agarwal= S.#. 10.4 #a%our 1egulation$ law in ,ndia A1e i$ed EditionB 2C 2illan co. >f ,ndia ltd+ Del)i. Pa! Commi$$ion$ 1e(ort of t)e 'o ernment of ,ndia A9ariou$ !ear$B Per$onnel 1e iew [uarterl! ;ournal Y N,P2 ADel)i 6ranc)B Dan$= k. 10.1. Euman 6e)a iour at work= Tata 2C 'ram Eill+ New Del)i.

www.$ulek) www.l($



[FEST,>NNA,1E Name De(artment <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< De$ignation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >(erating le el ;unior management le el 2iddle management le el

Em(lo!ee No. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Age grou(

2ore t)an "4 !r$. 3" to 40!r$. 2" to 34 !r$. 6elow 2" !r$.





EB2# i#n.#: ,n 'alax! To!ota.

1. P8#as# t#88 a5!9t 6!9 sa8a 6 st 9.t9 #:

M!nth86 sa8a 6
6a$ic (a! D.A. E.1.A Edn. Allo TA A>ut of $tationB Con!. A## >t)er allowance$

Ann9a8 Sa8a 6
6onu$+ Jearl! ,ncrement+ >t)er$+

Perk$ T>TA#+ 'ro$$ (m]]]]].1$. Deduction$]]]]]]]]]1$. T>TA#+ Take )ome (m]]]..1$. 2. H!& 4! 6!9 at# th# sa8a 6 2a.<a:#$ 6!9 a # :#ttin:J




9er! 'ood

3. A # 6!9 satis"i#4 &ith 6!9 D!5J Je$ 3


To $ome extent

I" 6#s$ h!& 4! 6!9 at# th# i,2! tan.# !" sa8a 6 as a satis"a.ti!n t!!8 Not at all

To great extent

4. D! 6!9 thin< that th# &a:#sIsa8a 6 "iBati!n has an6 M!ti3ati!n !" th# #,28!6##sJ Agree

#8ati!nshi2 &ith th#


". D! 6!9 a: ## that &a:#sIsa8a 6 "iBati!n in 6!9 .as# has an6 #8ati!nshi2 &ith .!st .!nt !8J Agree


&. P8#as# 6!9 !2ini!n 56 ti.<in: th# #8#3ant .!89,n: aB. Eig)er T)e Salar! Y2ore T)e #o!alt! Toward$ T)e Co. Je$


%B. 2ore t)e increa$e in $alar!< le$$ t)e re3ection.

Je$ *.


cB. T)e increa$e in $alar! )a$ direct relation to t)e :ualit! (roduction. ADo it rig)t fir$t timeB



dB. 2ore t)e wage$W$alar!< )ig)er t)e (roduction efficienc!.



eB.2ore t)e wage$W$alar! Yle$$ t)e co. ex(en$e$.



*. A # 6!9 in3!83#4 in th# 2 !.#ss !" "! ,98atin: sa8a 6 st 9.t9 # in 6!9 .!,2an6J Je$ Je$ No No


T)roug) 1e(re$entati e$

.. D! 6!9 thin< that th# a,!9nt !" sa8a 6I2# <s has an6 #8ati!n t! 6!9 s!.ia8 a.ti3iti#sJ Je$


,n ca$e !ou get an increa$e in $alar!= Eow doe$ it influence !our %e)a ior wit) Po$iti el! 5A2,#J No Effect


). Whi.h stat#,#nt 4! 6!9 a: ## t!

AaB T)e )ig)er t)e $alar! t)e more contri%ution to t)e $ociet! A%B T)e lower t)e $alar! t)e more contri%ution to t)e $ociet! AcBT)e $alar! )a$ no effect to t)e contri%ution to t)e $ociet!

'(. What is th# at# !" n! ,a8 ann9a8 in. #as# in sa8a 6J ,ncrea$e %!+ "4C In. #as# 5#t&##n: /* t! ?)K ,ncrea$e %etween+ 14 to 24C ,ncrea$e u(to+ 14C No increa$e

11. Are !ou $ati$fied wit) t)e Current ,ncrement rate in !our com(an!X



12 What i,,#4iat# sa8a 6 #3isi!n #.!,,#n4ati!n &!984 5# #a8isti. in 6!9 .as#: ,ncrea$e %!+ "4C ,ncrea$e %etween+ 2" to 40C ,ncrea$e %etween+ 14 to 24C In. #as# 92t!: '(K


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