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A2 Unit 4 Topic 2 Electric and Magnetic Fields p41 Q1 What is the force on an electron in an electric field of 300V.m-1?

F = Eq = 300 1.602 1019 = 4.806 1017 : 4.8 1017 N Q2 What is the strength of an electric field that will !t a force of 1.28 " 10-1#$ on a roton? F = Eq 1.28 101# = E 1.602 1019 1.28 101# 1.602 1019 = 7990 E= : 8.0 103V .m 1 Q3 %ow m!ch acceleration will an al ha article !ndergo whilst in an electric field of 10&V.m-1? F = Eq = 10 2 1.602 10
4 19

W = Vq 1 9.109 1031 v 2 = 3000 1.602 1019 2 2 3000 1.602 1019 v= 9.109 1031 = 3.2484 107 : 3 107 m.s 1 c+ .raw a ict!re to ill!strate the field rod!ced () these lates.

d+ .escri(e and e" lain how the field/s effects wo!ld (e different if a roton were laced in it. The electron is accelerated to the right. A proton would accelerate to the left, in the direction of the electric field. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p43 Q1 1" lain what wo!ld ha en to an electron which fo!nd itself at the e"act centre of the electric field shown in fig 2.1.6(. Assuming there are no other electric fields, the electron would feel no force from either proton. The net field is zero in the e act centre. Q2 .raw a air of electrons 8cm a art. 2n )o!r diagram* add field lines to show the sha e of the electric field rod!ced () these electrons. .raw in se-eral e3!i otential lines.

= 3.204 101# N F = ma 3.204 101# = 4 1.67 1027 a 3.204 101# a= 4 1.67 1027 = 4.7964 1011 : # 1011 m.s 2 Q4 'n the electron (eam of a cathode ra) oscillosco e* electrons are accelerated thro!gh a otential difference of 3000V which is set ! (etween electrodes which are 3cm a art. a+ ,alc!late the electric field strength (etween these electrodes* ass!ming it is a !niform field. V = Ed 3000 = E 3 103 3000 E= 3 103 = 106V .m 1 (+ %ow fast will the electrons (e mo-ing when the) emerge from this field?

This diagram shows the actual equipotential lines from this question. The !oundaries of the colours give the equipotential lines.

V d 27.2 = #.3 1011 = #.11011V .m 1 E= 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p46 Q1 What is the force of attraction (etween a !rani!m n!cle!s 6atomic n!m(er 92+ and an electron at a distance of 0.1 nm? The a!ove diagram shows the equipotential lines and the field lines for two electrons. Q3 4air of flat* s3!are metal lates is held arallel to each other 10cm a art. 2ne is connected to earth* and the other is connected to a 2000V "#$% s! l). a+ What wo!ld the electrical otential (e at a oint (etween the centres of the lates* which are held 3cm from the earthed one? V d 2000 = 0.1 = 2 104 V .m 1 V 2 104 = 0.03 V = 600V E= (+ What difference in effect wo!ld there (e on electrons within the field* one 1cm from the earthed late* and the other in the e"act mid oint of the field? A!solutel& nothing. Q4 Wh) is the electric field in fig 2.1.6d strongest near the oint of the stee le? $harge concentrates at points so the steeple point would have the strongest electric field around it. Q5 'f fig 2.1.6a shows a h)drogen atom* then the se aration of the charges wo!ld (e #.3"10-11m. 'f the otential difference from the roton to the electron5s osition is 27.2V* what is the strength of the electric field along the line (etween the two articles? 67ss!me the field is !niform* altho!gh this is a sim lification.+ F= = 'q1q2 r2 8.99 109 92 1.602 1019 1.602 10 19

( 10 )

10 2

= 2.1226 106 : 2 106 N Q2 What is the strength of the electric field ca!sed () a gold n!cle!s 6atomic n!m(er 79+ at a distance of 1 " 10-12m from the centre of the n!cle!s? E= = 'q r2 8.99 109 79 1.602 1019

( 10 )

12 2

= 1.1378 1017 : 11017 N What is the force of re !lsion (etween an al ha article and a gold n!cle!s when the al ha article asses () the n!cle!s at a distance of 1 m? F= = 'q1q2 r2 8.99 109 79 1.602 1019 2 1.602 1019

( 10 )

12 2

= 3.64#4 102 : 4 102 N Q3 .escri(e and e" lain a otential ro(lem with the e" erimental set-! in fig 2.1.8 when com aring res!lts with ,o!lom(/s law that F= '(1(2 r2

6%int8 What wo!ld the metre r!ler (e meas!ring?+


Q1 :ig!re 2.1.13 shows a ositi-el) charged oil dro held at rest (etween two arallel cond!cting lates A and 1. a+ ;he oil dro has a mass 9.79 " 10-1#&g. ;he otential difference (etween the lates is #000V and late 1 is at a otential of 0V. 's late A ositi-e or negati-e? A is negative so the electric field is verticall& upwards. (+ .raw a la(elled free-(od) force diagram which shows the forces acting on the oil dro .

The charge is spread across the surface of the spheres and the electric field is not linear !ut radial. The distance value would !e ver& difficult to find as it would not directl& relate to the gap !etween the spheres. The change in weight would !e ver& small compared to the weight of the stand on the scale pan. This could !e an issue in terms of accurac&. Q4 1stimate the distance that )o! float a(o-e )o!r (ed at night as a res!lt of the ,o!lom( re !lsion (etween the electrons in the (edsheets and those in )o!r )9amas. Assume the !ed sheets and panamas are pure car!on. Assume the sheet is )*+g and &our p&,amas are also )*+g in mass. 2#0 g 12 g .mol 1 = 2.0833mol No moles = No electrons = 2.0833mol 6.022 1023 atoms.mol 1 12 = 1.#0#6 1026 electrons 1.602 1019 $ = 2.4118 10 $ Assume the forces follow $oulom!-s law.

c+ ,alc!late the electric field strength (etween the lates. V = Ed #000 = E 2.# 102 #000 E= 2.# 102 = 2 10#V .m 1 d+ ,alc!late the magnit!de of the charge < on the oil dro . F = Eq 9.79 101# 9.81 = 2 10# q 9.79 101# 9.81 2 10# = 4.802 1019 $ = 3 electron e3!i-alent charges q= e+ %ow man) electrons wo!ld ha-e to (e remo-ed from a ne!tral oil dro for it to ac3!ire this charge? 2 electrons would have to !e removed for this. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p53 Q1 What is the ca acitance of a ca acitor which stores 2 co!lom(s of charge for e-er) 100 -olts a lied to it?

Assume !od& mass is /+'g F= 'q1q2 r2

70 9.81 = r=

8.99 109 ( 2.4118 107 ) r 70 9.81

2 2

8.99 109 ( 2.4118 107 )

= 8.726 1010 : 1011 m This, of course, is utter ru!!ish0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


q V 2 = 100 = 2 102 F = 20mF

Q2 7 0.01 : ca acitor is charged () and then isolated from an 8V ower s! l). a+ ,alc!late the charge stored. $= q V

E = Vq q $= V q V= $ q2 E= $

( 10.8 10 ) =
7= E t

6 2

1200 10 12 = 9.72 102 8

0.01 =

q 8 q = 8 102 $

100 =

(+ ;he ca acitor is then connected across another identical ca acitor which is !ncharged. .escri(e and e" lain what will ha en to the charge and -oltage on each ca acitor. The E3F from the charged capacitor will force a current to flow until the E3F is !alanced across the two capacitors. 1ecause the capacitances are equal, the charge will also !e equal and the E3F half of the original 4 5V. Q3 %ow m!ch energ) is stored on a #0 : ca acitor which is charged to 12V? $= q V

9.72 102 t 9.72 102 t= 100 = 9.72 104 s

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p59 Q1 What is the time constant for a car co!rtes) light in which a 2 m: ca acitor discharges thro!gh a 1# &= resistor?

= 9$
= 1# 103 2 103 = 30 s Q2 %ow m!ch charge remains on a 0.04: ca acitor after 8 seconds* if it is discharging thro!gh a #00= resistance and initiall) held 2, of charge? q = q0e 9$ = 2 e #000.04 = 0.4038 : 4 101 $ Q3
8 t

q #0 10 = 12 12 q = #0 10 12 = 6 1010 $ Q4 7 1200 : ca acitor is connected to a -oltage s! l) !ntil f!ll) charged with 10.8m,. 'f this ca acitor is then disconnected and reconnected across a 100W light (!l(* for how long co!ld it light the (!l(? This is a ridiculous question !ecause the light !ul! is a non6ohmic element. The cold resistance is far lower than the operating resistance. The !ul! will drain the capacitor at a much faster rate than the time indicated. 7lus, the capacitor will discharge in an e ponential fashion with the pea' current at the start of the discharge and then taper off over time. The power output of the !ul! will drop accordingl&.

: = : 0e

t 9$ 30 9$

0.00669 = 0.03e

V = :9 V = 0.03 200 = 6V

V = V0 e 4 = 6e

t 9$ 30

V = V0 e 4 = 6e

t 9$

9104 30

30 200 $

0.00669 30 ln = 0.03 9$ 30 9$ = 0.00669 ln 0.03 = 20.4127 : > 20.41s

= 9$
= 200 100 106 = 0.02s

For the information given in the diagram, the capacitance is too low !& a factor of ;+++. The value of $ should !e ;++mF, not ;++<F

4 4 = e 910 6 30 4 ln = 4 6 9 10 30 9= 4 ln 104 6 = 7.399 10# : 700'

30 4 200 $ =e 6 4 30 ln = 6 200$ 30 $= 4 ln 200 6 = 3.699 101 : 400mF

Either increase the resistance to /++'C or the capacitance to 5++mF. This will allow the voltage to !e at 5V after 2+s. Again, this is a ridiculous question as a hand dr&er uses )++W plus to operate, far more than is availa!le in this scenario. Q4 .raw an acc!rate s&etch gra h for the c!rrent thro!gh a discharging #0@: ca acitor which is f!ll) charged () a 6V s! l) and then discharged thro!gh a 10&= resistance* o-er a eriod of 2 seconds.

a+ ?se the gra h in fig. 2.2.10 to find the c!rrent thro!gh the ca acitor after 30s. : = +.++>>?A (+ 'f this were a model of an a!tomatic hand dr)er circ!it which re3!ires 4.0V to o erate* !se the gra h to wor& o!t for how long it will remain on. V = :9 4 = : 200 : = 0.02 A t @ +.+)A A Bs c+ %ow wo!ld )o! alter the circ!it so that the dr)er remains on for 30s?

Q5 7 defi(rillator is a machine that is !sed to correct irreg!lar heart(eats () assing a large c!rrent thro!gh the heart for a short time. ;he machine !ses a 6000V s! l) to charge a ca acitor of ca acitance 20 :. ;he ca acitor is then discharged thro!gh metal electrodes 6defi(rillator addles+ laced on the chest of the atient. a+ ,alc!late the charge on the ca acitor lates when charged to 6000V.


q V

q 6000 7 q = 1.2 10 $ 20 1012 = (+ ,alc!late the energ) stored in the ca acitor. E = Vq = 6000 1.2 107 = 7.2 104 8 c+ When the ca acitor is discharged* there is an initial c!rrent of 407 thro!gh the atient. ,alc!late the electrical resistance of the (od) tiss!e (etween the metal electrodes of the addles. V = :9 6000 = 40 9 9 = 1#0 d+ 7ss!ming a constant discharge rate of 407* calc!late how long it wo!ld ta&e to discharge the ca acitor. q t 1.2 107 40 = t 1.2 107 t= 40 = 3 109 s = 3ns := e+ 'n ractice the time for discharge is longer than this calc!lated time. A!ggest a reason for this. $apacitors discharge through ohmic resistors with an e ponentiall& decreasing current. Also, there is no reason to thin' that a human !od& is ohmic in its !ehaviour, i.e. V = :9. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p63 Q1 r!le. .escri(e the !se of :leming/s left hand

finger represents the direction of motion of a positivel& charged particle or the conventional current in a wire. Q2 ,o ) the diagrams in fig. 2.3.8 and draw an arrow to show the direction of an) force acting on the wire in each case.

Q3 Ban) real motors !se electromagnets to create the magnetic field that ca!ses their rotor to s in. Ci-e one ad-antage and one disad-antage of (!ilding a motor which !ses electromagnets rather than ermanent magnets. Advantages. The strength of the magnetic field can !e controlled to increase or decrease the torque of the motor. The motor can !e started in small stages rather than with full power. A full power start uses ver& high currents and creates ver& high torques at low speeds. Disadvantage. The stator coils generate heat and consume energ&. 7ermanent magnets tend to !e smaller in size than compara!le electromagnets, so the motor size in increased. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 P67 <1 a+ %ow m!ch force wo!ld (e felt () a 12cm wire carr)ing 0.87 at right angles to the 1arth/s s!rface magnetic field of # " 10-#;? F = 1:l = # 10# 0.8 12 102 = 4.8 106 N (+ %ow m!ch force wo!ld (e felt () a roton tra-elling across the 1arth/s magnetic field at #00 m.s-1?

The thum!, first and second fingers are held at mutuall& perpendicular directions. The thum! represents the force e perienced !& a charge moving in a magnetic field at a direction perpendicular to the plane of motion and magnetic field. The first or inde finger represents the direction of the magnetic field. The middle

F = 1qv = # 10# 1.602 10 19 # 102 = 4.00# 1021 : 4 1021 N c+ %ow fast wo!ld a roton need to tra-el in order for the electromagnetic force on it to (e s!fficient to ma&e it or(it the 1arth at the s!rface? 6Dadi!s of 1arth E 6.4 " 106m.+ ,omment on )o!r answer. r= mv q1

1 2 mv 2 2Vq 2 v= = . Vq m m For 22 Na 8 DE = Vq = v = 7.3737 1012 Vq For


Na 8

v = 7.2116 1012 Vq r= For r= mv q1


1.672 1027 v 6.4 10 = 1.602 1019 # 10# 1.602 1019 # 10 # 6.4 106 v= 1.672 1027 = 3.066 1010 : 3 1010 m.s 1 This is 100 times the speed of light, which is impossible. Q2 A eed E distanceFtime and c!rrent E chargeFtime. 1" lain how : E G'l is act!all) the same e3!ation as : E G3- (!t considered for man) charges in a gro! . F = 1:l q := t q F=1 l t l = 1q t = 1qv Q3 :or the in-estigation on ta(le salt in the wor&ed e"am le a(o-e* calc!late the difference in the radii of c!r-at!re that wo!ld (e fo!nd if the com an) in-estigated the two isoto es of sodi!m8 23 $aH and 22$aH. 1" lain wh) s!ch small differences can (e easil) detected () a machine li&e that shown in fig. 2.3.12.

Na 8

22 1.672 1027 7.3737 1012 Vq 1.602 1019 1

r1 = 1.69 106 Vq For r=


Na 8

23 1.672 1027 7.2116 1012 Vq 1.602 1019 1

r1 = 1.73 106 Vq 1.73 106 9atio = = 1.024 1.69 106 Therefore, there is a ).5E difference in the radius, assuming the ionisation, accelerating voltage and magnetic field are the same for !oth. This is easil& detected.

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p71

Q1 What is the fl!" lin&age if a s3!are coil with 10 cm sides and ha-ing #00 t!rns interacts with a magnetic field* G E 0.33 m;? = 1AN = 3.3 104 ( 101 ) #00

= 1.6# 103 T .m 2 Q2 ;he gra h shown in fig. 2.3.19 is a trace of ind!ced emf against time as a magnet is dro ed thro!gh a coil of wire. a+ .escri(e and e" lain the trace o(tained.

Q3 ;he coil from 3!estion 1 is t!rned thro!gh 90I within the 0.33m; magnetic field* mo-ing from a osition er endic!lar to the field* to a osition arallel to the field. ;his action ta&es 12ms. What is the ind!ced emf in the coil? %ow wo!ld JenK/s law ca!se the ind!ced c!rrent to affect the mo-ement?

t 1AN = t 1.6# 103 = 12 103 = 1.37# 101 : 1.4 101V

The positive voltage shows an increase of magnetic flu as the magnet enters. The pea' voltage is when the rate of change of flu is greatest. The drop in voltage shows that the rate of flu increase drops off as the magnetic field aligns with the motion of the magnet in the plane of the coil. The negative voltage shows a decrease of magnetic flu through the coil as the other pole of the magnet passes through the coil. Fee diagrams !elow.

Q4 7 transformer for a to) train set con-erts the mains s! l) from 230V down to 6V to o erate the model train. ;he transformer that ma&es this con-ersion has 160 t!rns on its secondar) coil. %ow man) rimar) t!rns does the transformer ha-e? Vo n s = Vi n p 6 160 = 230 n p 230 6 = 6133turns n p = 160 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p73 Q1 What was the diameter of Gr!sh/s wind t!r(ine in metres? *>ft in diameter. Q2 'f the (r!sh s)stem were o erating at the highest allowed -oltage 690V+ and rod!cing 12&W* what c!rrent wo!ld (e deli-ered to each of the 12 arallel (atteries of cells? 7 = V: 12 103 = 90 : & : = 133.3 & F12 : F cell = 133.3 & = 11.1 : 11A Q3 'f a st!dent were to (!ild a model wind t!r(ine to light an J1.* list the main arts of the model that wo!ld (e needed and what their

(+ 'f the coil were connected in series to a light (!l(* descri(e and e" lain how the c!rrent thro!gh the (!l( wo!ld -ar) o-er time. The current in the !ul! would reflect the emf created in the coil in terms of direction and magnitude.

f!nction is L a diagram ma) hel )o!r e" lanation.

the negati-e charge on a larger s here that is held near it* on an ins!lated s! ort. ;he small angle of deflection J is then meas!red.

;he weight of the (all is W. Ahow that the force of re !lsion : on the s!s ended (all is gi-en ()8 A wind tur!ine requires a device to garner energ& from the wind. A !lade or tur!ine "as shown a!ove% would do. This connects to a generator which converts 'inetic energ& to electrical energ&. The GE# then converts electrical energ& to heat and visi!le light. Q4 1" lain the en-ironmental im ortance of de-elo ing increased !se of wind ower electricit) generation s)stems. 'n )o!r answer* disc!ss the ro(lems which will slow the ace of ! ta&e of wind ower as an alternati-e to nonrenewa(le energ) so!rces. 1est evidence and models indicate that the Earth is warming as a result of 3an-s use of fossil fuels that has increased the $H) concentration in the atmosphere. Ising renewa!le sources of energ&, such as wind power, reduces the use of fossil fuels to generate power and hence reduces the amount of $H) !eing poured into the atmosphere. #isincentives include the relativel& high cost of the infrastructure and the power produced, as well as the intermittent nature of the wind, resulting in unrelia!le power generation. Q5 ,arr) o!t some research on the ro(lem of -aria(le wind ower s! l). Write a aragra h to e" lain how this ro(lem is (eing o-ercome. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 p74 Q1 2ne ractical arrangement for -erif)ing ,o!lom(/s law is to !se a lightweight* negati-el)charged* freel)- s!s ended (all. 't is re elled () F = W.Tan"J% 62+ 7 st!dent ta&es se-eral sets of readings () mo-ing the larger s here towards the s!s ended (all in order to increase the m!t!al force of re !lsion (etween them. %e meas!res the angle of deflection J and the se aration distance r in each case. %e then calc!lates the magnit!de of the force :. %ere are some of his res!lts. :orce :F10-3$ .istance rF10-3m 36.0 27.0 142 18.0 #68 9.0

,alc!late the -al!es that )o! wo!ld e" ect the st!dent to ha-e o(tained for the missing forces* ass!ming that ,o!lom(/s law was o(e)ed. Write )o!r answers in a co ) of the ta(le. 64+ 'q1q2 r2 F3 = 142 103 N F= = 8.99 109 q1 q2

( 18 10 )

3 2 2

q1q2 =

142 103 ( 18 103 )

8.99 109 = #.1177 101# $ 2

F4 = #68 103 N = 8.99 109 q1 q2

( 9 10 )

3 2 2

7dd to a co ) of the diagram the s!(se3!ent ath of the al ha article as it asses (etween the lates and well (e)ond them. 63+

q1q2 =

#68 103 ( 9 103 )

8.99 109 = #.1177 101# $ 2 F= F= 'q1q2 r2 8.99 109 #.1177 101# ;he ga (etween the lates is 10mm. ,alc!late the magnit!de of the electric force on the al ha article as it asses (etween the lates. 63+ 6;otal 6 mar&s+ V d 2000 = 0.01 = 2 10#V .m 1 F = Eq E= = 2 10# 1.602 1019 2 = 6.408 1014 : 6 1014 N Q3 ;he diagram shows two arallel lates with a otential difference of 3000V a lied across them. ;he lates are in a -ac!!m.

( 36 10 )

3 2

= 0.03###00 : 3.## 102 N F= F= 'q1q2 r2 8.99 109 #.1177 101#

( 36 10 )

3 2

= 0.03###00 : 3#.# 103 N F= F= 'q1q2 r2 8.99 109 #.1177 101#

( 27 10 )

3 2

= 0.063111 : 63.1103 N :orce :F10-3$ .istance rF10-3m 35.5 36.0 63.1 27.0 142 18.0 #68 9.0 2n a co ) of the diagram s&etch the electric field attern in the region (etween the lates. 62+

A!ggest wh)* in ractice* it was necessar) for the st!dent to ta&e meas!rements 3!ic&l) !sing this arrangement. 61+ 6;otal 10 mar&s+ :f the charged sphere is moved awa& from directl& !elow the pivot point, an& small distur!ance of the suspended !all will move it sidewa&s and hence !ac' towards the centre point at its lowest possi!le position. This is inherentl& unsta!le. Q2 ;he diagram shows a high-s eed al ha article entering the s ace (etween two charged lates in a -ac!!m. 2n the same diagram s&etch and la(el two e3!i otential lines. 61+

;he lates are 2#mm a art. Ahow that the force e" erienced () an electron 9!st a(o-e the (ottom late is a(o!t 2 " 10-14$. 63+

V d 3000 = 2# 103 = 1.2 10#V .m 1 F = Eq E= = 1.2 10# 1.602 10 19 = 1.922 1014 : 2 1014 N ,o ) and com lete the gra h to show how the force on the electron -aries as the distance of the electron -aries from the (ottom late to the to late.

$apacitance is the charge stored in a capacitor divided !& the voltage across the terminal of a q capacitor. $ = V 7n !ncharged ca acitor of 200@: is connected in series with a 470&= resistor* a 1.#0V cell and a switch. .raw a circ!it diagram of this arrangement. 61+

,alc!late the ma"im!m c!rrent that flows. 62+ : = : 0 e 9$ 62+ V 9 1.# = 470 103 = 3.191# 106 : 3.2 A :0 = A&etch a gra h of -oltage against charge for )o!r ca acitor as it charges. 'ndicate on the gra h the energ) stored when the ca acitor is f!ll) charged. 64+ ;his force ca!ses the electron to accelerate. ;he electron is initiall) at rest in contact with the (ottom late when the otential difference is a lied. ,alc!late its s eed as it reaches the ! er late. 63+ W = Vq = 3000 1.602 1019 = 4.806 1019 8 =
1 2 t

E = 12 Vq = =
1 1 2 2

$V 2 200 106 1.#2

= 2.2# 104 : 2 104 8

mv 2


2 4.806 1019 9.109 1031 = 3.248 107 : 3.2 107 m.s 1

6;otal 11 mar&s+ Q4 .efine ca acitance. 62+

,alc!late the energ) stored in the f!ll)-charged ca acitor. 62+ 6;otal 11 mar&s+ Q5 ;he diagram shows a gra h of charge against -oltage for a ca acitor.

)o! co!ld demonstrate this in a school la(orator). 64+

What 3!antit) is re resented () the slo e of the gra h? 62+ Flope is the capacitance. What 3!antit) is re resented () the shaded area? 62+ Fhaded area is the energ& in the capacitor. 7n electronic camera flash g!n contains a ca acitor of 100@: which is charged to a -oltage of 2#0V. Ahow that the energ) stored is 3.1M. 62+ E = 12 Vq =
1 2 2 $V

The power suppl& provides the current in the &ellow wire. This wire is held in place !& clamps "not shown%. The la!orator& scales measure the weight of the I6shaped magnet. When the current flows, the weight of the magnet will change amount of force e erted !& the current on the magnetic field. F = !l The second diagram show electric current going into the page. The direction of the magnetic field and the current gives a net downwards force on the conductor. This gives a net upwards force on the magnets. "Newton-s 2rd law% 7t a certain oint on the 1arth/s s!rface the horiKontal com onent of the 1arth/s magnetic field is 1.8 " 10-#;. 7 straight iece of cond!cting wire 2.0 m long* of mass 1.#g lies on a horiKontal wooden (ench in an east-west direction. When a -er) large c!rrent flows momentaril) in the wire it is 9!st s!fficient to ca!se the wire to lift ! off the s!rface of the (ench. Atate the direction of the c!rrent in the wire. 61+ The current must flow towards the West. "Fleming-s left hand rule% ,alc!late the c!rrent. 62+ F = 1:l = mg 1.# 103 9.81 = 1.8 10# : 2 1.# 103 9.81 := 1.8 10# 2 = 411.48 : 410 A What other noticea(le effect will this c!rrent rod!ce? 61+ 6;otal 8 mar&s+ A current of this size would cause su!stantial heating of the wire. Assume the wire is made from copper.

= 12 100 106 2#02 = 3.12# : 3.18 ;he ca acitor is charged () an electronic circ!it that is owered () a 1.#V cell. ;he c!rrent drawn from the cell is 0.207. ,alc!late the ower from the cell and from this the minim!m time for the cell to recharge the ca acitor. 63+ 6;otal 9 mar&s+ 7 = V: = 1.# 0.2 = 0.3W E 7= t 3.12# 0.3 = t t = 10.416 : 10s Q6 ;he magnit!de of the force on a c!rrentcarr)ing cond!ctor in a magnetic field is directl) ro ortional to the magnit!de of the c!rrent in the cond!ctor. With the aid of a diagram descri(e how

9= mass Vol 1.# 103 8890 = 2 r2

( #.1792 10

G A 1.72 108 2

to the direction of 1 and the force is zero. These cause the coil 7(9 to rotate cloc'wise.

4 2

7dd to a co ) of the diagram an arrow showing the direction of the force on 4<. 61+

= 4.0821 102 7 = V: = : 2 9 = 411.482 4.0821 102 = 6.9117 103 : 6.9'W Atate three factors which wo!ld affect the magnit!de of this force. 63+ Ftrength of magnetic field "1% Amount of current ":% Gength of 7(

1.# 103 2 8890 = #.1792 104 m r=

This situation produces appro imatel& /'W of power dissipated !& the wire. $opper has a specific heat capacit& of 2B/8.'g6;.$K6; and a melting temperature of ;2*>K$. Assuming a starting temperature of )+K$. ( = $mt = 387 1.# 103 ( 13#6 20 ) = 776 8 W 7= t 776 t= 6912 = 0.11s :t would ta'e a!out a tenth of a second to melt the copper wire. Q7 ;he diagram shows a rectang!lar coil 4<DA which can rotate a(o!t an a"is which is er endic!lar to the magnetic field (etween two magnetic oles.

7 st!dent notices that as the coil rotates faster the c!rrent in it red!ces. 1" lain this o(ser-ation. 62+ 6;otal 9 mar&s+ :f the coil moves in a magnetic field, an emf is generated and this emf opposes the direction of the input emf, reducing the net emf and hence the net current in the coil.

1" lain wh) the coil (egins to rotate when the direct c!rrent ' is switched on. 64+ Ising Fleming-s left hand rule, the magnetic field points from right to left, the current in 7( moves into the page, hence the force is upwards. For the leg 9:, the current moves out of the page and the force is downwards. The current in (9 is parallel

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