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Phrasal Verbs List 1

1. Verb 2. ask someone out 3. ask around 4. add up to something . back something up $. back someone up 7. blow up *. blow something up 9. break down 1 . break down 00. break something down 1!. break in 0!. break into something 04. break something in Meaning invite on a date ask many people the same question equal reverse support e(plode add air stop &unctionin# ,vehiclemachine. #et upset divide into smaller parts &orce entry to a buildin# enter &orcibly wear somethin# a &ew times so that it doesn"t look2&eel new interrupt end a relationship start lau#hin# ,in&ormal. escape Example Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie. I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet. Your purchases add up to $20 .!2. You"ll have to back up your car so that I can #et out. %y wi&e backed me up over my decision to quit my 'ob. )he racin# car blew up a&ter it crashed into the &ence. +e have to blow 0 balloons up &or the party. /ur car broke down at the side o& the hi#hway in the snowstorm. )he woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died. /ur teacher broke the &inal pro'ect down into three separate parts. 1omebody broke in last ni#ht and stole our stereo. )he &iremen had to break into the room to rescue the children. I need to break these shoes in be&ore we run ne(t week. )he )3 station broke in to report the news o& the president"s death. %y boy&riend and I broke up be&ore I moved to 4merica. )he kids 'ust broke up as soon as the clown started talkin#. )he prisoners broke out o& 'ail when the #uards weren"t lookin#.

1". break in 1#. break up 17. break up 1$. break out

05. break out in something 20. bring someone down 20. bring someone up 22. bring something up 2!. bring something up !%. call around 2 . call someone back 2$. call something o&& 28. call on someone 2*. call on someone 25. call someone up 3 . calm down !0. not care &or someone/something 3!. catch up 33. check in 3%. check out ! . check someone/something out !$. check out someone/something 37. cheer up !*. cheer someone up

develop a skin condition make unhappy raise a child start talkin# about a sub'ect vomit phone many di&&erent places2people return a phone call cancel ask &or an answer or opinion visit someone phone rela( a&ter bein# an#ry not like ,&ormal. #et to the same point as someone else arrive and re#ister at a hotel or airport leave a hotel look at care&ullyinvesti#ate look at ,in&ormal. become happier make happier

I broke out in a rash a&ter our campin# trip. )his sad music is bringing me down. %y #randparents brought me up a&ter my parents died. %y mother walks out o& the room when my &ather brings up sports. 6e drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the toilet. +e called around but we weren"t able to &ind the car part we needed. I called the company back but the o&&ices were closed &or the weekend. Jason called the weddin# o&& because he wasn"t in love with his &ianc7. )he pro&essor called on me &or question 0. +e called on you last ni#ht but you weren"t home. 9ive me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town. You are still mad. You need to calm down be&ore you drive the car. I don"t care &or his behaviour. You"ll have to run &aster than that i& you want to catch up with %arty. +e will #et the hotel keys when we check in. You have to check out o& the hotel be&ore 00:00 4%. )he company checks out all new employees. 'heck out the cra;y hair on that #uy< 1he cheered up when she heard the #ood news. I brou#ht you some &lowers to cheer you

up. 39. chip in 40. clean something up 40. come across something %!. come apart 4!. come down with something %%. come &orward 4 . come &rom somewhere 4$. count on someone/something 48. cross something out 4*. cut back on something 45. cut something down " . cut in "1. cut in "!. cut in !. cut something o&& 4. cut something o&& . cut someone o&& $. cut something out help tidy- clean &ind une(pectedly separate become sick volunteer &or a task or to #ive evidence ori#inate in rely on draw a line throu#h consume less make somethin# &all to the #round interrupt pull in too closely in &ront o& another vehicle start operatin# ,o& an en#ine or electrical device. remove with somethin# sharp stop providin# take out o& a will remove part o& somethin# ,usually with scissors and paper. I& everyone chips in we can #et the kitchen painted by noon. =lease clean up your bedroom be&ore you #o outside. I came across these old photos when I was tidyin# the closet. )he top and bottom come apart i& you pull hard enou#h. %y nephew came down with chicken po( this weekend. )he woman came &orward with her husband"s &in#er prints. )he art o& ori#ami comes &rom 4sia. I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out. =lease cross out your old address and write your new one. %y doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and &atty &oods. +e had to cut the old tree in our yard down a&ter the storm. Your &ather cut in while I was dancin# with your uncle. )he bus driver #ot an#ry when that car cut in. )he air conditioner cuts in when the temperature #ets to 22>?. )he doctors cut o&& his le# because it was severely in'ured. )he phone company cut o&& our phone because we didn"t pay the bill. %y #randparents cut my &ather o&& when he remarried. I cut this ad out o& the newspaper.

8. do someone/something o(er *. do something o(er 5. do awa) with something $0. do something up #1. dress up #!. drop back #3. drop in+b)+o(er $4. drop someone/something o&& #". drop out ##. eat out #7. end up #$. &all apart #9. &all down 7 . &all out 71. &all out 82. &igure something out 8!. &ill something in 84. &ill something out 8 . &ill something up

beat up- ransack , do a#ain ,A.4mer.. discard &asten- close wear nice clothin# move back in a position2#roup come without an appointment take someone2somethin# somewhere and leave them2it there quit a class- school etc eat at a restaurant eventually reach2do2decide break into pieces &all to the #round separate &rom an interior ,o& hair- teeth. become loose and unattached understand- &ind the answer to write in&ormation in blanks ,Br.@.. to write in&ormation in blanks ,A.4mer.. &ill to the top

6e"s lucky to be alive. 6is shop was done o(er by a street #an#. %y teacher wants me to do my essay o(er because she doesn"t like my topic. It"s time to do awa) with all o& these old ta( records. *o your coat up be&ore you #o outside. It"s snowin#< It"s a &ancy restaurant so we have to dress up. 4ndrea dropped back to third place when she &ell o&& her bike. I mi#ht drop in+b)+o(er &or tea some time this week. I have to drop my sister o&& at work be&ore I come over. I dropped out o& 1cience because it was too di&&icult. I don"t &eel like cookin# toni#ht. Bet"s eat out. +e ended up rentin# a movie instead o& #oin# to the theatre. %y new dress &ell apart in the washin# machine. )he picture that you hun# up last ni#ht &ell down this mornin#. )he money must have &allen out o& my pocket. 6is hair started to &all out when he was only ! . I need to &igure out how to &it the piano and the bookshel& in this room. =lease &ill in the &orm with your nameaddress- and phone number. )he &orm must be &illed out in capital letters. I always &ill the water 'u# up when it is

empty. 7#. &ind out 88. &ind something out 8*. get something across+o(er 79. get along+on $ . get around $1. get awa) *2. get awa) with something $3. get back *4. get something back * . get back at someone discover discover communicate- make understandable like each other have mobility #o on a vacation do without bein# noticed or punished return receive somethin# you had be&ore retaliate- take reven#e +e don"t know where he lives. 6ow can we &ind outC +e tried to keep the time o& the party a secret- but 1amantha &ound it out. I tried to get my point across+o(er to the 'ud#e but she wouldn"t listen. I was surprised how well my new #irl&riend and my sister got along+on. %y #rand&ather can get around &ine in his new wheelchair. +e worked so hard this year that we had to get awa) &or a week. Jason always gets awa) with cheatin# in his math tests. +e got back &rom our vacation last week. Bi; &inally got her 1cience notes back &rom my roomDmate. %y sister got back at me &or stealin# her shoes. 1he stole my &avorite hat. I &inally got back into my novel and &inished it. +e"re #oin# to &ree;e out here i& you don"t let us get on the bus. I 'ust got o(er the &lu and now my sister has it. )he company will have to close i& it can"t get o(er the new re#ulations. I don"t know when I am #oin# to get round to writin# the thank you cards. Bet"s get together &or a BBE this weekend. I got up early today to study &or my e(am. You should get up and #ive the elderly man your seat.

*$. get back into something *8. get on something **. get o(er something *5. get o(er something 50. get round to something

become interested in somethin# a#ain step onto a vehicle recover &rom an illnessloss- di&&iculty overcome a problem &inally &ind time to do ,A.4mer.: get around to something. meet ,usually &or social reasons. #et out o& bed stand

91. get together 9!. get up 93. get up

54. gi(e someone awa) 5 . gi(e someone awa) 5$. gi(e something awa) 58. gi(e something awa) 5*. gi(e something back 99. gi(e in 000. 000. 1 !. 00!. 004. 00 . 1 #. 1 7. 1 $. gi(e something out gi(e something up gi(e up go a&ter someone go a&ter something go against someone go ahead go back go out

reveal hidden in&ormation about someone take the bride to the altar ruin a secret #ive somethin# to someone &or &ree return a borrowed item reluctantly stop &i#htin# or ar#uin# #ive to many people ,usually at no cost. quit a habit stop tryin# &ollow someone try to achieve somethin# compete- oppose start- proceed return to a place leave home to #o on a social event date review visit someone nearby su&&er lack or deprivation stop bein# &riends over time

6is wi&e ga(e him awa) to the police. %y &ather ga(e me awa) at my weddin#. %y little sister ga(e the surprise party awa) by accident. )he library was gi(ing awa) old books on Friday. I have to gi(e these skates back to Fran; be&ore his hockey #ame. %y boy&riend didn"t want to #o to the balletbut he &inally ga(e in. )hey were gi(ing out &ree per&ume samples at the department store. I am gi(ing up smokin# as o& January 0st. %y math homework was too di&&icult so I ga(e up. %y brother tried to go a&ter the thie& in his car. I went a&ter my dream and now I am a published writer. +e are going against the best soccer team in the city toni#ht. =lease go ahead and eat be&ore the &ood #ets cold. I have to go back home and #et my lunch. +e"re going out &or dinner toni#ht. Jesse has been going out with Buke since they met last winter. =lease go o(er your answers be&ore you submit your test. I haven"t seen )ina &or a lon# time. I think I"ll go o(er &or an hour or two. +hen I was youn#- we went without winter boots. %y best &riend and I grew apart a&ter she chan#ed schools.

005. go out with someone 000. 111. go o(er something go o(er

002. go without something 113. grow apart

11%. 11".

grow back grow up

re#row become an adult #et too bi# &or

%y roses grew back this summer. +hen Jack grows up he wants to be a &ireman. @li;abeth needs a new pair o& shoes because she has grown out o& her old ones. )his bike is too bi# &or him now- but he should grow into it by ne(t year. I handed my old comic books down to my little cousin. I have to hand in my essay by Friday. +e will hand out the invitations at the door. )he police asked the man to hand o(er his wallet and his weapons. ,ang in there. I"m sure you"ll &ind a 'ob very soon. ,ang on while I #rab my coat and shoes< Instead o& #oin# to the party we are 'ust #oin# to hang out at my place. 6e didn"t say #oodbye be&ore he hung up. I had to hold my do# back because there was a cat in the park. Jamie held back his tears at his #rand&ather"s &uneral. =lease hold on while I trans&er you to the 1ales Gepartment. ,old onto your hat because it"s very windy outside. 4 man in a black mask held the bank up this mornin#. -eep on stirrin# until the liquid comes to a boil. +e kept our relationship &rom our parents &or two years. )ry to keep the wet do# out o& the livin# room.

00$. grow out o& something 008. grow into something

#row bi# enou#h to &it #ive somethin# used to someone else submit to distribute to a #roup o& people

00*. hand something down 005. 020. 020. 1!!. 1!3. 1!%. 1!". hand something in hand something out

hand something o(er #ive ,usually unwillin#ly. hang in hang on hang out hang up stay positive , wait a short time ,in&ormal. spend time rela(in# ,in&ormal. end a phone call prevent &rom doin#2#oin# hide an emotion wait a short time hold &irmly usin# your hands or arms rob continue doin#

02$. hold someone/somet hing back 028. 1!$. hold something back hold on

025. hold onto someone/ something 0!0. hold someone/something up 0!0. keep on doing something

0!2. keep something &rom not tell someone 0!!. keep someone/some thing out stop &rom enterin#

0!4. 0! . 0!$.

keep something up let someone down let someone in

continue at the same rate &ail to support or helpdisappoint allow to enter take care o& think less o&- consider in&erior try to &ind

I& you keep those results up you will #et into a #reat colle#e. I need you to be on time. Gon"t let me down this time. ?an you let the cat in be&ore you #o to schoolC I have to look a&ter my sick #randmother. @ver since we stole that chocolate bar your dad has looked down on me. I"m looking &or a red dress &or the weddin#.

0!8. look a&ter someone/something 0!*. look down on someone 0!5. look &or someone/something

040. look &orward to something 040. 1%!. look into something look out

be e(cited about the &uture investi#ate be care&ul- vi#ilant- and take notice be especially vi#ilant &or check- e(amine search and &ind in&ormation in a re&erence book or database have a lot o& respect &or invent- lie about somethin# &or#ive each other apply cosmetics to con&use two or more thin#s die &aint

I"m looking &orward to the ?hristmas break. +e are #oin# to look into the price o& snowboards today. Book out< )hat car"s #oin# to hit you< Gon"t &or#et to look out &or snakes on the hikin# trail. ?an you look o(er my essay &or spellin# mistakesC +e can look her phone number up on the Internet. %y little sister has always looked up to me. Josie made up a story about why we were late. +e were an#ry last ni#ht- but we made up at break&ast. %y sisters made me up &or my #raduation party. I mixed up the twins" names a#ain< 6is uncle passed awa) last ni#ht a&ter a lon# illness. It was so hot in the church that an elderly

04!. look out &or someon e/something 044. 04 . look something o(er look something up

04$. 048. 1%$. 045. 0 0. 1"1. 1"!.

look up to someone make something up make up make someone up mix something up pass awa) pass out

lady passed out.

0 !. 0 4. 0 .

pass something out pass something up pa) someone back pa) &or something pick something out

#ive the same thin# to many people decline ,usually somethin# #ood. return owed money be punished &or doin# somethin# bad choose indicate with your &in#er put what you are holdin# on a sur&ace or &loor insult- make someone &eel stupid postpone e(tin#uish assemble tolerate put clothin#2accessories on your body meet une(pectedly drive a vehicle over a person or thin# rehearse- review leave une(pectedlyescape have none le&t

)he pro&essor passed the te(tbooks out be&ore class. I passed up the 'ob because I am a&raid o& chan#e. )hanks &or buyin# my ticket. I"ll pa) you back on Friday. )hat bully will pa) &or bein# mean to my little brother. I picked out three sweaters &or you to try on. I"ll point my boy&riend out when he runs by. You can put the #roceries down on the kitchen counter. )he students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were too short. +e are putting o&& our trip until January because o& the hurricane. )he nei#hbors put the &ire out be&ore the &iremen arrived. I have to put the crib together be&ore the baby arrives. I don"t think I can put up with three small children in the car. Gon"t &or#et to put on your new earrin#s &or the party. I ran into an old schoolD&riend at the mall. I accidentally ran o(er your bicycle in the driveway. Bet"s run o(er+through these lines one more time be&ore the show. )he child ran awa) &rom home and has been missin# &or three days. +e ran out o& shampoo so I had to wash

0 $. 0 8.

0 *. point someone/something out 0 5. 0$0. 0$0. 0$2. put something down put someone down put something o&& put something out

0$!. put something together 0$4. put up with someon e/something 0$ . put something on

0$$. run into someone/something 0$8. run o(er someone/something 0$*. run o(er+through something 1#9. 17 . run awa) run out

my hair with soap. 080. send something back 082. 08!. 17%. 17". set something up set someone up shop around show o&& return ,usually by mail. arran#e- or#ani;e trick- trap compare prices act e(tra special &or people watchin# ,usually boast&ully. stay somewhere &or the ni#ht ,in&ormal. or#ani;e- resolve a problem continue doin# somethin#limit yoursel& to one particular thin# stop the ener#y &low- turn o&& start the ener#y &low- turn on resemble a &amily member purposely break into pieces return an item start to &ly remove somethin# ,usually clothin#. remove &rom a place or thin# pay &or someone to #o somewhere with you rip into pieces %y letter #ot sent back to me because I used the wron# stamp. /ur boss set a meetin# up with the president o& the company. )he police set up the car thie& by usin# a hidden camera. I want to shop around a little be&ore I decide on these boots. 6e always shows o&& on his skateboard

17#. 088. 08*.

sleep o(er sort something out stick to something

You should sleep o(er toni#ht i& the weather is too bad to drive home. +e need to sort the bills out be&ore the &irst o& the month. You will lose wei#ht i& you stick to the diet.

085. 0*0. 0*0. 0*2. 0*!. 1$%. 0* . 0*$. 0*8. 0**.

switch something o&& switch something on take a&ter someone take something apart take something back take o&& take something o&& take something out take someone out tear something up

)he li#ht"s too bri#ht. ?ould you switch it o&&. +e heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio. I take a&ter my mother. +e are both impatient. 6e took the car brakes apart and &ound the problem. I have to take our new )3 back because it doesn"t work. %y plane takes o&& in &ive minutes. .ake o&& your socks and shoes and come in the lake< ?an you take the #arba#e out to the street &or meC %y #randparents took us out &or dinner and a movie. I tore up my e(Dboy&riend"s letters and #ave them back to him.

1$9. 050.

think back

remember ,o&ten H tosometimes H on.

+hen I think back on my youth- I wish I had studied harder. I"ll have to think this 'ob o&&er o(er be&ore I make my &inal decision. +e threw our old &urniture awa) when we won the lottery. =lease turn the )3 down while the #uests are here. I turned the 'ob down because I don"t want to move. Your mother wants you to turn the )3 o&& and come &or dinner. It"s too dark in here. Bet"s turn some li#hts on. ?an you turn the music upC )his is my &avorite son#. /ur cat turned up a&ter we put posters up all over the nei#hborhood. I"m #oin# to tr) these 'eans on- but I don"t think they will &it. I am #oin# to tr) this new brand o& deter#ent out. )he kids used all o& the toothpaste up so we need to buy some more. +e have to wake up early &or work on %onday. You can warm your &eet up in &ront o& the &ireplace. I always warm up by doin# sitDups be&ore I #o &or a run. %ost o& my makeDup wore o&& be&ore I #ot to the party. I work out at the #ym three times a week. /ur plan worked out &ine. +e have to work out the total cost be&ore we buy the house.

think something o(er consider dispose o& decrease the volume or stren#th ,heat- li#ht etc. re&use stop the ener#y &lowswitch o&& start the ener#y- switch on increase the volume or stren#th ,heat- li#ht etc. appear suddenly sample clothin# test &inish the supply stop sleepin# increase the temperature prepare body &or e(ercise &ade away e(ercise be success&ul make a calculation

050. throw something awa) 052. turn something down 05!. turn something down 054. 05 . 05$. 197. 05*. 055. 200. ! 1. turn something o&& turn something on turn something up turn up tr) something on tr) something out use something up wake up

202. warm someone/something up ! 3. ! %. ! ". ! #. 208. warm up wear o&& work out work out work something out

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