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Edward Snowden
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Further information: 2013 mass surveillance disclosures

Edward Snowden
Edward Joseph Snowden *#orn June 21, 1 !3+ is an ,merican computer specialist who wor6ed for the $7, and the &S, and lea6ed details of several top8secret 'nited States and -ritish 2overnment mass surveillance pro2rams to the press(/20/30 -ased on information Snowden lea6ed to The Guardian/90 in :a% 2013 while emplo%ed at &S, contractor -oo" ,llen .amilton, the -ritish newspaper pu#lished a series of e;pos<s that revealed pro2rams such as the interception of '(S( and European telephone metadata and the P)7S:, =1e%score, and 4empora 7nternet surveillance pro2rams( Snowden>s release of &S, material was called the most si2nificant lea6 in 'S histor% #% Penta2on Papers lea6er ?aniel Ells#er2(/@0/60/A0 Bn June 19, 2013, 'nited States federal prosecutors char2ed Snowden with espiona2e and theft of 2overnment propert%(/!0/ 0/100 Snowden had left the 'nited States prior to the pu#lication of his disclosures, first to .on2 1on2 and then to )ussia, where he received temporar% as%lum and now resides in an undisclosed location( Snowden has #een a su#Cect of controvers%D he has #een variousl% called a hero,/110/120 a whistle#lower,/130/190/1@0/160 a dissident,/1A0 a traitor,/1!0/1 0 and a patriot(/200/210 Snowden has defended his lea6s as an effort Eto inform the pu#lic as to that which is done in their name and that which is done a2ainst them(E/220 Some '(S( officials condemned his actions as havin2 done E2rave dama2eE to the '(S( intelli2ence capa#ilities while others, such as former president Jimm% $arter, have applauded his actions(/230/290 :eanwhile, the media disclosures have renewed de#ates #oth inside and outside the 'nited States over mass surveillance, 2overnment secrec%, and the #alance #etween national securit% and information privac%(

Screen capture from the interview with Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras on June 6, 2013 Born Edward Joseph Snowden June 21, 1 !3 Eli"a#eth $it%, &orth $arolina, '(S( Residence )ussia *temporar% as%lum+

Nationality ,merican Occupation S%stem administrator Employer -oo" ,llen .amilton/10 1unia, .awaii, '(S( *until June 10, 2013+ Known for )evealin2 details of classified 'nited States 2overnment surveillance pro2rams

1 -ac62round 1(1 $hildhood, famil% and education 1(2 Political views 1(3 $areer 2 :edia disclosures 2(1 :otivations 3 5li2ht from the '(S( 3(1 .on2 1on2 3(2 )ussia 3(2(1 :orales plane incident 3(2(2 ,s%lum applications 9 4emporar% as%lum in )ussia @ )eactions @(1 'nited States of ,merica @(1(1 E;ecutive #ranch @(1(2 $on2ress @(1(3 Pu#lic @(2 Europe @(2(1 Governments @(2(2 Pu#lic @(3 &on82overnment or2ani"ations @(9 $hina and .on2 1on2 @(@ South ,merica @(6 'nited &ations

Home town 3ilmin2ton, &orth $arolina Criminal charge 4heft of 2overnment propert%, unauthori"ed communication of national defense information, and willful communication of classified intelli2ence to an unauthori"ed person *June 2013+(



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@(A Bther countries @(! 3histle#lowers 6 See also A &otes ! )eferences 5urther readin2 10 E;ternal lin6s

Childhood family and education
Edward Joseph Snowden was #orn on June 21, 1 !3/2@0 in Eli"a#eth $it%, &orth $arolina,/260 and 2rew up in 3ilmin2ton, &orth $arolina(/2A0 .is father, Lonnie Snowden, a resident of Penns%lvania, was an officer in the 'nited States $oast Guard, /2!0 and his mother, a resident of -altimore, :ar%land, is a cler6 at a federal court in :ar%land(/2A0/2 0 .is parents are divorced, and his father su#seHuentl% remarried(/300

-% 1 , Snowden had moved with his famil% to Ellicott $it%, :ar%land(/2A0 .e studied at ,nne ,rundel $ommunit% $olle2e to 2ain the credits necessar% to o#tain a hi2h8school diploma #ut he did not complete the coursewor6(/310/320 Snowden>s father e;plained that his son had missed several months of school owin2 to illness and, rather than return, too6 and passed the tests for his GE? at a local communit% colle2e(/220/330/390

Snowden wor6ed online toward a :aster>s ?e2ree at the 'niversit% of Liverpool in 2011(/3@0 .avin2 wor6ed at a 'S militar% #ase in Japan, Snowden was reportedl% interested in Japanese popular culture, had studied the Japanese lan2ua2e,/360 and also wor6ed for an anime compan% domiciled in the 'nited States(/3A0/3!0 .e also said he had a #asic understandin2 of :andarin $hinese and was deepl% interested in martial arts and, at a2e 1 or 20, listed -uddhism as his reli2ion on a militar% recruitment form, notin2 that the choice of a2nostic was Estran2el% a#sent(E/3 0

!olitical "iews
Snowden has said that in the 200! presidential election he voted for a third8part% candidate( .e has stated he had #een plannin2 to ma6e disclosures a#out &S, surveillance pro2rams at the time, #ut he decided to wait #ecause he E#elieved in B#ama>s promisesE( .e was later disappointed that B#ama Econtinued with the policies of his predecessorE(/900 5or the 2012 election, political donation records indicate that he contri#uted to the primar% campai2n of )on Paul(/910/920 Several sources have alle2ed that Snowden, under the pseudon%m E4he4rue.BB.,E, authored hundreds of posts on technolo2% news provider ,rs 4echnica>s chat rooms(/930/990/9@0 4he poster discussed a variet% of political topics( 7n a Januar% 200 entr%, 4he4rue.BB., e;hi#ited stron2 support for the 'nited States> securit% state apparatus and said he #elieved lea6ers of classified information Eshould #e shot in the #alls(E/960 .owever, in 5e#ruar% 2010 4he4rue.BB., wrote, E7 wonder, how well would envelopes that #ecame transparent under ma2ical federal candleli2ht have sold in 1A@0I 1!00I 1!@0I 1 00I 1 @0IE/9A0 Bn June 1A, 2013, Snowden>s father spo6e in an interview on 5o; 4J, e;pressin2 concern a#out misinformation in the media re2ardin2 his son( .e descri#ed his son as Ea sensitive, carin2 %oun2 man((( .e Cust is a deep thin6er(E/330 7n accounts pu#lished in June 2013, interviewers noted that Snowden>s laptop displa%ed stic6ers supportin2 internet freedom or2ani"ations includin2 the Electronic 5rontier 5oundation *E55+ and the 4or ProCect(/220 Snowden considers himself Eneither traitor nor hero( 7>m an ,merican(E/9!0

Bn :a% A, 2009, Snowden enlisted in the 'nited States ,rm% )eserve as a Special 5orces recruit #ut did not complete an% trainin2(/2@0/9 0 .e said he wanted to fi2ht in the 7raH 3ar #ecause he Efelt li6e /he0 had an o#li2ation as a human #ein2 to help free people from oppression(E/220 .e was dischar2ed four months later, statin2 this was the result of #rea6in2 #oth of his le2s in a trainin2 accident(/@00 .is ne;t emplo%ment was as a &ational Securit% ,2enc% *&S,+ securit% 2uard for the $enter for ,dvanced Stud% of Lan2ua2e at the 'niversit% of :ar%land,/@10 #efore, he said, Coinin2 the $entral 7ntelli2ence ,2enc% *$7,+ to wor6 on 74 securit%(/@20 7n :a% 2006 Snowden wrote in ,rs 4echnica that he had no trou#le 2ettin2 wor6 #ecause he was a Ecomputer wi"ardE( 7n ,u2ust he wrote a#out a possi#le path in 2overnment service, perhaps involvin2 $hina, #ut said it ECust doesn>t seem li6e as much >fun> as some of the other places(E/9 0



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Snowden said that in 200A the $7, stationed him with diplomatic cover in Geneva, Swit"erland, where he was responsi#le for maintainin2 computer networ6 securit%(/@30 Snowden descri#ed his $7, e;perience in Geneva as EformativeE, statin2 that the $7, deli#eratel% 2ot a Swiss #an6er drun6 and encoura2ed him to drive home( Snowden said that when the latter was arrested, a $7, operative offered to intervene and later recruited the #an6er(/@90 Swiss President 'eli :aurer said it did not seem li6el% Ethat this incident pla%ed out as it has #een descri#ed #% Snowden and #% the media(E/@@0 4he revelations were said to #e sensitive as the Swiss 2overnment was passin2 le2islation for more #an6in2 transparenc%(/@60 Snowden left the $7, in 200 and #e2an wor6 for a private contractor inside an &S, facilit% on a 'S militar% #ase in Japan /220 later identified as ?ell(/@A0 Snowden remained on the ?ell pa%roll until earl% 2013(/@A0 Persons familiar with the 2013 2overnment investi2ation into Snowden>s histor% said that Snowden had downloaded sensitive &S, material in ,pril 2012(/@!0 &S, ?irector 1eith ,le;ander has said that Snowden held a position at the &S, for the twelve months prior to his ne;t Co# as a consultant,/@ 0 with top secret Sensitive $ompartmented 7nformation clearances(/600 ,ccordin2 to The New York Times, Snowden too6 a $ertified Ethical .ac6er trainin2 course in 2010(/610 'S7S completed a #ac62round chec6 on Snowden in 2011(/620 Snowden descri#ed his life as Ever% comforta#leE, earnin2 a salar% of Erou2hl% 'SK200,000E(/630 ,t the time of his departure from the 'S in :a% 2013, he had #een emplo%ed #% consultin2 firm -oo" ,llen .amilton for less than three months inside the &S, at the 1unia )e2ional S7G7&4 Bperations $enter in .awaii,/690/6@0/660 earnin2 K122,000(/6A0 3hile intelli2ence officials have descri#ed his position there as a Es%stem administratorE, Snowden has said he was an Einfrastructure anal%stE, which meant that his Co# was to loo6 for new wa%s to #rea6 into 7nternet and telephone traffic around the world(/6!0 .e said he had ta6en a pa% cut to wor6 at -oo" ,llen,/6 0 and that he sou2ht emplo%ment in order to 2ather data on &S, surveillance around the world so he could lea6 it(/A00 4he firm said Snowden>s emplo%ment was terminated on June 10, 2013 Efor violations of the firm>s code of ethics and firm polic%E(/6A0/A10 ,ccordin2 to )euters, a source Ewith detailed 6nowled2e on the matterE stated that -oo" ,llen>s hirin2 screeners found some details of his education Edid not chec6 out precisel%E, #ut decided to hire him an%wa%L )euters stated that the element which tri22ered these concerns, or the manner in which Snowden satisfied the concerns, were not 6nown(/A20 4he r<sum< stated that Snowden attended computer8related classes at Johns .op6ins 'niversit%( , spo6esperson for Johns .op6ins said that the universit% did not find records to show that Snowden attended the universit%, and su22ested that he ma% instead have attended ,dvanced $areer 4echnolo2ies, a private for8profit or2ani"ation which operated as E$omputer $areer 7nstitute at Johns .op6insE(/A20 4he 'niversit% $olle2e of the 'niversit% of :ar%land ac6nowled2ed that Snowden had attended a summer session at a ': campus in ,sia( Snowden>s resume stated that he estimated that he would receive a 'niversit% of Liverpool computer securit% master>s de2ree in 2013( 4he universit% said that Snowden re2istered for an online master>s de2ree pro2ram in computer securit% in 2011 #ut that Ehe is not active in his studies and has not completed the pro2ram(E/A20 -efore leavin2 for .on2 1on2, Snowden resided in 3aipahu, .awaii, with his 2irlfriend(/A30 ,ccordin2 to local real estate a2ents, the% moved out of their home on :a% 1, 2013, leavin2 nothin2 #ehind(/320

#edia disclosures
See also: 2013 mass surveillance disclosures Snowden first made contact with Glenn Greenwald of 4he Guardian in late 2012(/A90 Greenwald found the measures that the anon%mous source as6ed him to ta6e to secure their communications, such as encr%ptin2 email, too anno%in2 to emplo%( Snowden then moved on to contact documentar% filmma6er Laura Poitras in Januar% 2013(/A@0 ,ccordin2 to Poitras, Snowden chose to contact her after seein2 her report on 3illiam -inne%, an &S, whistle#lower, in The New York Times( Greenwald #e2an wor6in2 with Snowden in either 5e#ruar%/A60 or in ,pril after Poitras as6ed Greenwald to meet her in &ew Mor6 $it%( /A90 -arton Gellman, writin2 for The Washin ton !ost, sa%s his first Edirect contactE was on :a% 16, 2013(/AA0 ,ccordin2 to Gellman, Snowden approached Greenwald after the !ost declined to 2uarantee pu#lication of all 91 of the P)7S: Powerpoint slides within A2 hours and pu#lish online an encr%pted code that would allow Snowden to later #e a#le to prove to a forei2n em#ass% that he was the source(/AA0 Snowden communicated usin2 encr%pted email,/A@0 usin2 the codename EJera;E( .e as6ed not to #e Huoted at len2th for fear of identification #% semantic anal%sis(/AA0 ,ccordin2 to Gellman, prior to their first meetin2 in person, Snowden wrote, E7 understand that 7 will #e made to suffer for m% actions, and that the return of this information to the pu#lic mar6s m% end(E/AA0 Snowden also told Gellman that until the articles were pu#lished, the Cournalists wor6in2 with him would also #e at mortal ris6 from the 'nited States 7ntelli2ence $ommunit% Eif the% thin6 %ou are the sin2le point of failure that could stop this disclosure and ma6e them the sole owner of this information(E/AA0



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7n :a% 2013, Snowden was permitted temporar% leave from his position at the &S, in .awaii, on the prete;t of receivin2 treatment for his epileps%(/220 7n mid8:a% Snowden 2ave an electronic interview to Poitras and Jaco# ,ppel#aum which was pu#lished wee6s later #% ?er Spie2el(/A!0 Bn :a% 20, 2013, Snowden flew to .on2 1on2,/A 0/!00 where he was sta%in2 when the initial articles a#out the &S, that he had lea6ed were pu#lished(/A 0/!10 ,mon2 other specifics, Snowden divul2ed the e;istence and functions of several classified 'S surveillance pro2rams and their scope, includin2 nota#l% P)7S:, &S, call data#ase, -oundless 7nformant( .e also revealed details of 4empora, a -ritish #lac68ops surveillance pro2ram run #% the &S,>s -ritish partner, G$.N( 7n Jul% 2013, Greenwald stated that Snowden had additional sensitive information a#out the &S, that he has chosen not to ma6e pu#lic, includin2 Ever% sensitive, detailed #lueprints of how the &S, does what the% doE(

Snowden>s identit% was made pu#lic #% The Guardian at his reHuest/A60 on June , 2013( .e e;plainedD E7 have no intention of hidin2 who 7 am #ecause 7 6now 7 have done nothin2 wron2(E/220 .e added that #% revealin2 his identit% he hoped to protect his collea2ues from #ein2 su#Cected to a hunt to determine who had #een responsi#le for the lea6s(/!30 Snowden e;plained his actions sa%in2D E7 don>t want to live in a societ% that does these sort of thin2s /surveillance on its citi"ens0((( 7 do not want to live in a world where ever%thin2 7 do and sa% is recorded((( :% sole motive is to inform the pu#lic as to that which is done in their name and that which is done a2ainst them(E/!90 3hen Snowden met with representatives of human ri2hts or2ani"ations on Jul% 12, he saidD 4he 9th and @th ,mendments to the $onstitution of m% countr%, ,rticle 12 of the 'niversal ?eclaration of .uman )i2hts, and numerous statutes and treaties for#id such s%stems of massive, pervasive surveillance( 3hile the 'S $onstitution mar6s these pro2rams as ille2al, m% 2overnment ar2ues that secret court rulin2s, which the world is not permitted to see, somehow le2itimi"e an ille2al affair(((( 7 #elieve in the principle declared at &urem#er2 in 1 9@D E7ndividuals have international duties which transcend the national o#li2ations of o#edience( 4herefore individual citi"ens have the dut% to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes a2ainst peace and humanit% from occurrin2(E/!@0 Snowden further e;plained his motivations in an email sent to the Washin ton !ost, sa%in2 that >whistle#lowers #efore him(((had #een destro%ed #% the e;perience>, and that he wanted Oto em#olden others to step forwardE #% demonstratin2 that Othe% can win(P/!60

$light from the %&S&

Snowden left .awaii for .on2 1on2 alone on :a% 20, 2013( .e traveled on to :oscow on Sunda%, June 23, 2013, as .on2 1on2 authorities were deli#eratin2 the 'S 2overnment>s reHuest for his e;tradition(/!A0

Hong Kong
Snowden e;plained his choice of .on2 1on2 thusD &S, emplo%ees must declare their forei2n travel 30 da%s in advance and are monitored( 4here was a distinct possi#ilit% 7 would #e interdicted en route, so 7 had to travel with no advance #oo6in2 to a countr% with the cultural and le2al framewor6 to allow me to wor6 without #ein2 immediatel% detained( .on2 1on2 provided that( 7celand could #e pushed harder, Huic6er, #efore the pu#lic could have a chance to ma6e their feelin2s 6nown, and 7 would not put that past the current 'S administration(/6 0 Snowden said that he was predisposed Eto see6 as%lum in a countr% with shared valuesE, and that his ideal choice would #e 7celand(/30/220 4he 7nternational :odern :edia 7nstitute, an 7celandic freedom of speech advocac% or2ani"ation, issued a statement offerin2 Snowden le2al advice and assistance in 2ainin2 as%lum(/!!0 7celand>s am#assador to $hina, 1ristin ,( ,rnadottir, pointed out that as%lum could not #e 2ranted to Snowden, #ecause 7celandic law reHuires that such applications #e made from within the countr%(/! 0 Snowden vowed to challen2e an% e;tradition attempt #% the 'S 2overnment, and had reportedl% approached .on2 1on2 human ri2hts law%ers(/ 00 Snowden told the South "hina #ornin !ost that he planned to remain in .on2 1on2 until Eas6ed to leaveE,/ 10 addin2 that his intention was to let the Ecourts and people of .on2 1on2E decide his fate(/ 20 ,ccordin2 to Glenn Greenwald, information a#out '(S( intelli2ence operations in $hina that Snowden 2ave to the South "hina #ornin !ost while in .on2 1on2 were motivated #% Ea need to in2ratiate himself to the people of .on2 1on2 and $hina(E/ 30 7n late ,u2ust the )ussian newspaper 1ommersant reported that Snowden spent several da%s livin2 at the )ussian consulate #efore his departure from .on2 1on2 to :oscow(/ 90



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,s speculation mounted that Snowden>s departure from .on2 1on2 was imminent, media reports emer2ed that the -ritish 2overnment warned airlines that Snowden was not welcome in the 'nited 1in2dom(/ @0/ 60 Bn June 20 and 21, a representative of 3i6iLea6s said that a chartered Cet had #een prepared to transport Snowden to 7celand,/ A0 and 3i6iLea6s founder Julian ,ssan2e announced that he was #ro6erin2 a discussion #etween Snowden and the 7celandic 2overnment for possi#le as%lum(
/ !0

Bn June 23, 'S officials said that Snowden>s 'S passport had #een revo6ed(/ 0 Bn the same da%, Snowden #oarded the commercial ,eroflot fli2ht S'213 to :oscow, accompanied #% Sarah .arrison of 3i6iLea6s(/1000/1010 .on2 1on2 authorities said that Snowden had not #een detained as reHuested #% the 'nited States, #ecause the 'nited States> e;tradition reHuest had not full% complied with .on2 1on2 law,/1020/1030/1090 and there was no le2al #asis to prevent Snowden from leavin2(/10@0/1060 /&otes 10 Bn June 29, Julian ,ssan2e said that 3i6iLea6s had paid for Snowden>s lod2in2 in .on2 1on2 and his fli2ht out(/10 0 Snowden>s passa2e throu2h .on2 1on2 inspired a local production team to produce a low8#ud2et five8minute film entitled $era%( 4he film, depictin2 the time Snowden spent hidin2 in the :ira .otel while #ein2 unsuccessfull% trac6ed #% the $7, and $hina>s :inistr% of State Securit%, was uploaded to Mou4u#e on June 2@, 2013(/1100/1110

Bn Sunda%, June 23, 2013, Snowden landed in one of :oscow>s international airports, Sheremet%evo(/1120 Ecuador>s forei2n minister, )icardo PatiQo, announced that Snowden had reHuested as%lum in Ecuador(/1130 4he 'nited States has an e;tradition treat% with Ecuador, #ut it contains a political offense e;ception under which Ecuador can den% e;tradition if it determines that Snowden is #ein2 prosecuted for political reasons(/1190 #orales plane incident Bn Jul% 1, 2013, president Evo :orales of -olivia, who had #een attendin2 a conference of 2as8e;portin2 countries in )ussia, appeared predisposed to offer as%lum to Snowden durin2 an interview with )ussia 4oda%(/11@0 4he followin2 da%, the airplane carr%in2 him #ac6 to -olivia from )ussia was rerouted to ,ustria when 5rance, Spain and 7tal%/1160 denied access to their airspace due to suspicions that Snowden was on #oard(/11A0 'pon landin2 in Jienna, the presidential plane was reportedl% searched #% ,ustrian officials, althou2h the -olivian ?efense :inister denied a search too6 place, sa%in2 :orales had denied entr% to his plane(/11!0/11 0 4he refusals for entr% into 5rench, Spanish and 7talian airspace ostensi#l% for Etechnical reasonsE, stron2l% denounced #% -olivia, Ecuador and other South ,merican nations, were attri#uted to rumors perpetuated alle2edl% #% the 'S that Snowden was on #oard( /1200/1210 Spanish :inister of 5orei2n ,ffairs, Jos< GarcRa8:ar2allo, pu#licl% stated that the% were told he was on #oard #ut did not specif% as to who had informed them(/1220 ,ustrian media later claimed the rumor ori2inated with the 'S am#assador to ,ustria( /1230 5rance apolo2i"ed for the incident immediatel%(/1290 4he Spanish am#assador to -olivia apolo2i"ed two wee6s later, citin2 inappropriate procedures(/12@0 'sylum applications Bn Jul% 1, 2013, Snowden had applied for political as%lum to 20 countries(/1260 , statement attri#uted to Snowden also contended that the '(S( administration, and specificall% Jice President Joe -iden, had pressured the 2overnments of these countries to refuse his petition for as%lum(/12A0 Several da%s later, Snowden made a second #atch of applications for as%lum to 6 countries, #ut declined to name them citin2 prior interference #% 'S officials(/12!0/12 0 5inland, German%, 7ndia, Poland, &orwa%, ,ustria, 7tal%, and the &etherlands cited technical 2rounds for not considerin2 the application, sa%in2 that applications for as%lum to these countries must #e made from within the countries> #orders or at #order stations(/1260/1300/1310 /1320/1330/1390 Ecuador had initiall% offered Snowden a temporar% travel document #ut later withdrew itD/13@0 on Jul% 1, president )afael $orrea said the decision to issue the offer had #een Ea mista6eE(/1360/13A0 Bn June 2@ and Jul% 1@, )ussian president Jladimir Putin said that Snowden>s arrival in :oscow was Ea surpriseE and Eli6e an unwanted $hristmas 2iftE(/13!0 Putin said that Snowden remained in the transit area of Sheremet%evo, noted that he had not committed an% crime on )ussian soil,/13 0 and declared that Snowden was free to leave and should do so(/1900 .e also claimed that )ussia>s intelli2ence a2encies neither Ehad wor6ed, nor were wor6in2 withE Snowden(/13!0/1900 Putin>s claims were

Ecuador em#ass% car in front of Sheremet%evo ,irport in :oscow on June 23, 2013(

)ed mar6ed nations *Spain, 5rance and 7tal%+ denied permission to cross their airspace( Plane landed in ,ustria *%ellow+(



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received s6epticall% #% some o#serversD/1910/1920 one :oscow political anal%st said ESnowden will fl% out of )ussia when the 1remlin decides he can 2oE/1930 and in Jul% Mulia Lat%nina e;pressed her view that Snowden was under the Etotal controlE of )ussia>s securit% services(/1990 ,ccordin2 to the Jamestown 5oundation, an anon%mous source informed them in earl% Jul% that Snowden was not, in fact, residin2 at the airport #ut at a safe house controlled #% )ussia>s 5ederal Securit% Service *5S-+(/19@0 $orrea of Ecuador said that Snowden was Eunder careE of )ussia and could not leave :oscow(/1960 Bn Jul% 1, Putin said that if Snowden wanted to #e 2ranted as%lum in )ussia, Snowden would have to Estop his wor6 aimed at harmin2 our ,merican partnersE(/19A0/19!0 , spo6esman for Putin su#seHuentl% said that Snowden had withdrawn his as%lum application upon learnin2 a#out the conditions(/1260/19 0 Bn Jul% 12, in a meetin2 at Sheremet%evo ,irport with representatives of human ri2hts or2ani"ations and law%ers that the 1remlin helped or2ani"e,/1@00 Snowden stated that he was acceptin2 all offers of as%lum that he had alread% received or that he would receive in the future, notin2 that his Jene"uela>s Eas%lee status was now formalE,/!@0 he also said he would reHuest as%lum in )ussia until he resolved his travel pro#lems(/1@10 Bn Jul% 16, 2013, )ussian 5ederal :i2ration Service officials confirmed that Snowden had su#mitted an application for temporar% as%lum in )ussia(/1@20 ,natol% 1ucherena, Snowden>s law%er, head of )ussia>s 7nterior ministr%>s pu#lic council/1@30 and mem#er/1@90 of the pu#lic council for the 5S-,/1@@0 said Snowden had stated in the application that he faced possi#le torture and e;ecution if he returned to the 'S(/1@20 ,ccordin2 to 1ucherena, Snowden had also stated that he would meet Putin>s condition for 2rantin2 as%lum and would not further harm 'S interests(/1@20 Bn Jul% 23 1ucherena said his client intended to settle in )ussia(/1@60 ,mid media reports in earl% Jul% 2013 attri#uted to 'S administration sources that B#ama>s one8on8one meetin2 with Putin, ahead of a G20 meetin2 in St Peters#ur2 scheduled for Septem#er, was in dou#t due to Snowden>s protracted soCourn in )ussia,/1@A0/1@!0 top 'S officials repeatedl% made it clear to :oscow that Snowden should without dela% #e returned to the 'nited States to face Custice(/1@ 0/1600/1610 7n a letter to )ussian :inister of Justice ,le;ander 1onovalov dated Jul% 23, '(S( ,ttorne% General Eric .older sou2ht to eliminate the Easserted 2rounds for :r( Snowden>s claim that he should #e treated as a refu2ee or 2ranted as%lum, temporar% or otherwiseED/ 0/1620 he assured the )ussian 2overnment that the '(S( would not see6 the death penalt% for Snowden irrespective of the char2es he mi2ht eventuall% face and said Snowden would #e issued a limited validit% passport for returnin2 to the '(S(, and that upon his return, Snowden would #enefit from le2al and constitutional safe2uards and not #e tortured, as Etorture is unlawful in the 'nited StatesE(/ 0 4he same da%, the )ussian president>s spo6esman reiterated the 1remlin>s position that it would Enot hand an%one overEL he also noted that Putin was not personall% involved in the matter as Snowden Ehad not made an% reHuest that would reHuire e;amination #% the head of stateEL accordin2 to him the issue was #ein2 handled throu2h tal6s #etween the 5S- and the 5-7(/1630/1690 7n late Jul% 2013, Lon Snowden e;pressed a #elief that his son would #e #etter off sta%in2 in )ussia, sa%in2 he was no lon2er confident his son would receive a fair trial in the 'nited States,/16@0 and that )ussia was pro#a#l% the #est place to see6 as%lum(/1660 4he elder Snowden said that the 5-7 had offered to fl% him to )ussia on their #ehalf #ut that he had declined citin2 a lac6 of assurance that he would see his son, and addin2 that he didn>t wish to #e used as Ean emotional toolE(/16A0

(emporary asylum in Russia

Bn ,u2ust 1, 2013, Snowden left the airport after more than a month in the transit section, havin2 #een 2ranted temporar% as%lum in )ussia for one %ear(/16!0 Snowden>s attorne%, ,natol% 1ucherena, said the as%lum could #e e;tended indefinitel% on an annual #asis, and that Snowden had 2one to an undisclosed location which would #e 6ept secret for securit% reasons(/16 0 7n response to the temporar% as%lum, 3hite .ouse spo6esman Ja% $arne% said the '(S( administration was Ee;tremel% disappointedE #% the )ussian 2overnment>s decision and that the meetin2 scheduled for Septem#er #etween -arac6 B#ama and Jladimir Putin was under reconsideration(/1A00/1A10 Some '(S( le2islators ur2ed the president to ta6e a tou2h stand a2ainst )ussia, possi#l% includin2 a '(S( #o%cott of the 2019 3inter Bl%mpics in Sochi(/1A10/1A20 Bn ,u2ust A, the 3hite .ouse announced that B#ama had canceled the meetin2 previousl% planned with Putin in :oscow citin2 lac6 of pro2ress on a series of issues that included )ussia>s 2rantin2 Snowden temporar% as%lum(/1A30/1A90/1A@0 5ollowin2 cancellation of the #ilateral tal6s, Putin>s forei2n polic% aide Muri 'sha6ov said the% were EdisappointedE and that it was clear to him that the decision was due to the situation around Snowden, which the% Ehad not createdEL 'sha6ov alle2ed that the '(S( had #een avoidin2 si2nin2 an e;tradition a2reement and had Einvaria#l%E used its a#sence as a prete;t for den%in2 )ussian e;tradition reHuests(/1A60/1AA0 )ichard 5al6, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton 'niversit%, noted that )ussia was o#li2ated #% law to offer as%lum(/1A!0 Lonnie Snowden praised Jladimir Putin for his coura2e in standin2 up to the 'nited States #% 2rantin2 his son temporar% as%lum(/1A 0/1!00/1!10 7n June, Lon said that althou2h Edward ma% have #ro6en the law, he was Eno traitorE(/1!20 ?urin2 an ,u2ust 11 appearance on This Week, Lon and his law%er said that, prior to trial, it would #e irresponsi#le to su22est that Edward had #ro6en the lawL his law%er su22ested Edward>s actions mi2ht #e protected #% the 5irst ,mendment( Lon said that his son should fi2ht espiona2e char2es in an open court in ,merica, Eif the Custice s%stem is 2oin2 to #e applied correctl%E,



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instead of acceptin2 an% deal from the B#ama ,dministration(/1!30 $itin2 the treatment of -radle% :annin2, Lon Snowden had e;pressed dou#t that his son could receive a fair trial in the 'S, and said that recent statements made #% 'S officials were Ea#solutel% irresponsi#le and inconsistent with our s%stem of CusticeE, and have served to >poison the well> with re2ard to a potential Cur% pool(/1!90/1!@0 Lonnie Snowden also revealed to This Week that )ussia had 2ranted him a visa to visit his son in the near future(/1!60/1!A0 Lon Snowden spo6e with his son on ,u2ust 1@ via an internet chat pro2ram althou2h Lon Snowden>s law%er had advised a2ainst it, sa%in2 Ewe don>t reall% 6now who this 2u% is on the other endE( Edward>s law%er, 1ucherena, had also advised a2ainst an% interactions #etween the famil% mem#ers unless the% were in person( 4he Wall Street &ournal reported that Lon Snowden>s le2al team was concerned that Greenwald and 3i6ilea6s were usin2 Snowden to advance their own a2endas(/1!!0 The 'uffin ton !ost reported that Edward Snowden sent them a statement, confirmed #% the ,merican $ivil Li#erties 'nion as authentic, sa%in2 that no one associated with his father represented him or had an% special 6nowled2e a#out his situation( .e stated that he remained confident in the law%ers and Cournalists with whom he had #een wor6in2, and that there was no conflict #etween them(/1! 0/1 00

See also: !()S#*(es+onses to disclosures

%nited States of 'merica

E)ecuti"e *ranch 4he '(S( ?irector of &ational 7ntelli2ence, James )( $lapper, descri#ed the disclosure of P)7S: as Erec6lessE(/1 10 4he &S, formall% reHuested that the ?epartment of Justice launch a criminal investi2ation into Snowden>s actions(/1 10 Bn June 19, 2013, 'S federal prosecutors filed a sealed complaint, made pu#lic on June 21,/!0 char2in2 Snowden with theft of 2overnment propert%, unauthori"ed communication of national defense information, and willful communication of classified intelli2ence to an unauthori"ed personL the latter two alle2ations are under the Espiona2e ,ct(/100 7n June 2013, the '(S( militar% #loc6ed access to parts of the Guardian we#site related to 2overnment surveillance pro2rams for thousands of defense personnel across the countr%, and to the entire Guardian we#site for personnel stationed in ,f2hanistan, the :iddle East, and South ,sia(/1 20/1 30 , spo6esperson descri#ed the filterin2 as a routine Enetwor6 h%2ieneE measure intended to miti2ate unauthori"ed disclosures of classified information onto the ?epartment of ?efense>s /?B?0 unclassified networ6s(/1 20 Bn Sunda%, ,u2ust 9, $hairman of the Joint $hiefs of Staff :artin ?empse% was shown on the wee6l% ,-$ interview show This Week sa%in2 that Snowden Ehas caused us some considera#le dama2e to our intelli2ence architecture( Bur adversaries are chan2in2 the wa% that the% communicate(E/1 90 'nited States President -arac6 B#ama was dismissive of Snowden in late June, sa%in2, E7>m not 2oin2 to #e scram#lin2 Cets to 2et a 2 8%ear8old hac6er(E/1 @0/1 60 7n earl% ,u2ust, B#ama said that Snowden was no patriot and that ,mericans would have #een #etter off if the% had remained unaware of the &S, surveillance activities that Snowden revealed(/1 A0 B#ama also said that he had Ecalled for a thorou2h review of our surveillance operations #efore :r( Snowden made these lea6s(((( :% preference, and 7 thin6 the ,merican people>s preference, would have #een for a lawful, orderl% e;amination of these lawsL a thou2htful fact8#ased de#ate that would then lead us to a #etter place(E/1 A0 Bn ,u2ust , B#ama announced that he was orderin2 ?irector of &ational 7ntelli2ence James $lapper to arran2e for Ea hi2h8level 2roup of outside e;perts to review our entire intelli2ence and communications technolo2ies(P/1 !0/1 0 Congress )eactions to Snowden>s disclosures amon2 mem#ers of $on2ress were lar2el% ne2ative(/2000 Spea6er of the .ouse John -oehner/1!0 and senators ?ianne 5einstein/2010 and -ill &elson/2020 called Snowden a traitor, and several senators and representatives Coined them in callin2 for Snowden>s arrest and prosecution(/2010/2030/2090 )epresentative 4homas :assie was one of few mem#ers of $on2ress to Huestion the constitutional validit% of the 2overnment surveillance pro2rams and su22est that Snowden should #e 2ranted immunit% from prosecution(/20@0 Senators 4ed $ru"/2060 and )and Paul/20A0 offered tentative support for Snowden, sa%in2 the% were reservin2 Cud2ment on Snowden until more information a#out the surveillance pro2rams and a#out Snowden>s motives were 6nown( Senator Paul said, E7 do thin6 when histor% loo6s at this, the% are 2oin2 to contrast the #ehavior of James $lapper, our &ational 7ntelli2ence ?irector, with Edward Snowden( :r( $lapper lied in $on2ress in defiance of the law, in the name of securit%( :r( Snowden told the truth in the



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name of privac%(E/20!0 Paul later called Snowden a Ecivil diso#edientE, li6e :artin Luther 1in2 Jr(, #ut who faced life imprisonment(/20 0 )epresentative John Lewis made comparisons #etween Snowden and Gandhi, sa%in2 the lea6er was appealin2 to a Ehi2her lawE(/2100 Bn Jul% 2@, the 'S Senate $ommittee on ,ppropriations unanimousl% adopted an amendment #% Senator Lindse% Graham to the E5iscal Mear 2019 ?epartment of State, 5orei2n Bperations, and )elated Pro2rams ,ppropriations -illE/2110 that would see6 sanctions a2ainst an% countr% that offers as%lum to Snowden(/2120/2130/2190 7n response to the information release #% Snowden, )ep( Justin ,mash *)8:ich(+ and )ep( John $on%ers *?8:ich(+ proposed an amendment to the &ational ?efense ,uthori"ation ,ct/21@0 to curtail the &S, 2atherin2 and stora2e of the personal records, #ut the .ouse reCected it #% a narrow mar2in of 20@S21A(/2160 ,mash su#seHuentl% told 5o; &ews that Snowden was Ea whistle8#lower( .e told us what we need to 6now(E/21A0 Bn the Sunda% ,-$ interview show This Week, )ep( ?utch )uppers#er2er, ?8:ar%land, of the 'nited States .ouse Select $ommittee on 7ntelli2ence was as6ed #% )addat", E,re efforts #ein2 thwarted in tr%in2 to 2et information for mem#ers of $on2ressIE .e replied, E(((/S0ince this incident occurred with Snowden, we>ve had three different hearin2s for mem#ers of our ?emocratic $aucus, and the )epu#lican $aucus, where General ,le;ander has come with his deput%, $hris 7n2lis, to as6 an% Huestions that people have as it relates to this information( ,nd we will continue to do that #ecause what we>re tr%in2 to do now is to 2et the ,merican pu#lic to 6now more a#out what>s 2oin2 on((((-ut we can do #etter( 7 have to educate m% caucus more, the ?emocratic $aucus( ,nd we>re tr%in2 to declassif% as much as we can(E/21!0 '(S( Senator John :c$ain *)8,T+ said on the ,u2ust 11 edition of Fo% News Sunda, that Snowden had #ecome a hero to %oun2 ,mericans, as he reminded them of the Jason -ourne character( :c$ain attri#uted it to 2eneration chan2e and a lac6 of confidence in the federal 2overnment( E)i2ht now there>s 6ind of a 2enerational chan2e,E he said( EMoun2 ,mericans do not trust this 2overnment(E/21 0 Gordon .umphre%, the conservative )epu#lican senator for &ew .ampshire from 1 A S1 1, e;pressed support for Snowden(/2200 Glenn Greenwald revealed that .umphre%, a former mem#er of the Senate 5orei2n )elations $ommittee, had #een in contact with Snowden via email( .umphre% told Snowden, EProvided %ou have not lea6ed information that would put in harms wa% an% intelli2ence a2ent, 7 #elieve %ou have done the ri2ht thin2 in e;posin2 what 7 re2ard as massive violation of the 'nited States $onstitution(E/2210 .umphre% cited Snowden as a Ecoura2eous whistle8#lowerE(/160 4om :c$lintoc6 *)8$alif+ came out in favor of amnest% for Snowden, sa%in2 E7 thin6 it would #e #est if the ,merican 2overnment 2ranted him amnest% to 2et him #ac6 to ,merica where he can answer Huestions without the threat of prosecution((( 3e have some ver% 2ood laws a2ainst sharin2 secrets and he #ro6e those laws( Bn the other hand, he #ro6e them for a ver% 2ood reason #ecause those laws were #ein2 used in direct contravention of our 9th ,mendment ri2hts as ,mericans(E/2220 !u*lic Polls conducted #% news or2anisations followin2 Snowden>s disclosures a#out 2overnment surveillance pro2rams to the press indicated that ,merican pu#lic opinion on Snowden>s actions was divided( , Gallup poll conducted June 10S11, 2013 showed 99 percent of ,mericans thou2ht it was ri2ht for Snowden to share the information with the press while 92 percent thou2ht it was wron2(/2230 , -S. Toda,FPew )esearch poll conducted June 12S16 found that 9 percent thou2ht the release of information served the pu#lic interest while 99 percent thou2ht it harmed it( 4he same poll found that @9 percent felt a criminal case should #e #rou2ht a2ainst Snowden, while 3! percent thou2ht one should not #e #rou2ht,/2290/22@0 while a Washin ton !ostF,-$ &ews poll conducted #etween the same dates as the Pew poll cited 93 percent of respondents sa%in2 Snowden ou2ht to #e char2ed with a crime, while 9! percent said he ou2ht not(/2260 ,nother poll in earl% Jul% found 3! percent of ,mericans thou2ht he did the wron2 thin2, 33 percent said he did the ri2ht thin2, and 2 percent were unsure(/22A0 , 3SJF&-$ poll conducted Jul% 1AS21 found that 11U of ,mericans viewed Snowden positivel% while 39U had a ne2ative view(/22!0 , Nuinnipiac 'niversit% Pollin2 7nstitute poll conducted June 2! S Jul% ! found that in the wa6e of Snowden>s disclosures, more ,mericans said that 2overnment 2oes too far in restrictin2 civil li#erties as part of the war on terrorism *9@ percent+ than said that 2overnment does not 2o far enou2h to adeHuatel% protect the countr% *90 percent+(/22 0 4hat findin2 was evidence of a massive swin2 in pu#lic opinion since an earlier Nuinnipiac poll, conducted in 2010, when onl% 2@ percent of respondents had said 2overnment 2oes too far in restrictin2 civil li#erties while 63 percent had said 2overnment does not 2o far enou2h( 4he same poll found that @@ percent of ,mericans re2arded Snowden as a whistle#lower while 39 percent saw him as a traitor(/22 0 Nuinnipiac showed that a maCorit% of ,mericans, #% a wide mar2in, still re2arded Snowden as a whistle#lower rather than a traitor when it repeated the poll Jul% 31 S ,u2ust 1(/2300



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Glenn Greenwald, the Cournalist who received the lea6ed documents, praised Snowden for havin2 done a service #% revealin2 the surveillance on the ,merican pu#lic(/2310/2320 John $assid%, also of The New Yorker, called Snowden Ea heroE, and said that Ein revealin2 the colossal scale of the 'S 2overnment>s eavesdroppin2 on ,mericans and other people around the world, /Snowden0 has performed a 2reat pu#lic service that more than outwei2hs an% #reach of trust he ma% have committed(E/2330 $&& columnist ?ou2las )ush6off also called Snowden>s lea6 an act of heroism(/2390 ,m% ?avidson, writin2 in The New Yorker, was than6ful for the EoverdueE conversation on privac% and the limits of domestic surveillance(/23@0 ,merican political commentators and pu#lic fi2ures such as &oam $homs6%,/2360 $hris .ed2es,/23A0 :ichael :oore,/23!0 $ornel 3est,/23 0 Glenn -ec6,/23!0 :att ?rud2e,/2900 ,le; Jones,/2910 ,ndrew &apolitano,/2920 Bliver Stone,/2930 :ichael Sava2e,/2990 and Stephen 3alt/29@0 praised Snowden for e;posin2 secret 2overnment surveillance( Bther commentators were more critical of Snowden>s methods and motivations(/2960 Jeffre% 4oo#in, for e;ample, denounced Snowden as Ea 2randiose narcissist who deserves to #e in prison(E/29A0 3ritin2 in the The New Yorker, 4oo#in ar2uedD ,n% 2overnment emplo%ee or contractor is warned repeatedl% that the unauthori"ed disclosure of classified information is a crime(((( 4hese were le2all% authori"ed pro2ramsL in the case of Jeri"on -usinessVs phone records, Snowden certainl% 6new this, #ecause he lea6ed the ver% court order that approved the continuation of the proCect( So he wasnVt #lowin2 the whistle on an%thin2 ille2alL he was e;posin2 somethin2 that failed to meet his own standards of propriet%( 4he Huestion, of course, is whether the 2overnment can function when all of its emplo%ees *and contractors+ can ta6e it upon themselves to sa#ota2e the pro2rams the% donVt li6e( 4hatVs what Snowden has done(/29A0 Stewart -a6er, a former &S, 2eneral counsel in the earl% 1 0s, said at a Jul% 1!, 2013 hearin2, E7 am afraid that h%ped and distorted press reports orchestrated #% Edward Snowden and his allies ma% cause us S or other nations S to construct new restraints on our intelli2ence 2atherin2, restraints that will leave us vulnera#le to another securit% disaster(E/29!0 5ormer $7, and &S, chief General :ichael .a%den welcomed the de#ate a#out the #alance #etween privac% and securit% that the lea6s have provo6ed( .e said E7 am convinced the more the ,merican people 6now e;actl% what it is we are doin2 in this #alance #etween privac% and securit%, the more the% 6now the more comforta#le the% will feel(E/29 0/2@00 Some former '(S( intelli2ence officials speculated that $hinese or )ussian intelli2ence a2ents mi2ht have 2leaned additional classified material from Snowden,/2@10/2@20/2@30 a view shared #% some former )ussian a2ents(/2@90 Snowden, however, told Greenwald in Jul% that E7 never 2ave an% information to either 2overnment, and the% never too6 an%thin2 from m% laptops(E/2@@0 5ormer 'S President Jimm% $arter saidD E.e>s o#viousl% violated the laws of ,merica, for which he>s responsi#le, #ut 7 thin6 the invasion of human ri2hts and ,merican privac% has 2one too far ((( 7 thin6 that the secrec% that has #een surroundin2 this invasion of privac% has #een e;cessive, so 7 thin6 that the #rin2in2 of it to the pu#lic notice has pro#a#l% #een, in the lon2 term, #eneficial(E/2@60 4he editors of -loom#er2 &ews ar2ued that, while the 2overnment ou2ht to prosecute Snowden, the media>s focus on Snowden too6 attention awa% from issues of '(S( 2overnment surveillance, the interpretations of the Patriot ,ct, and the 5orei2n 7ntelli2ence Surveillance ,ct *57S,+ court actions, all of which are Ewhat reall% matters in all this(E/2@A0 Greenwald accused the media in the '(S( of focusin2 on Edward Snowden instead of on wron2doin2 #% $lapper and other '(S( officials(/2@!0 7n an op8ed, author ,le; -erenson ar2ued that the federal 2overnment should have flown a representative to .on2 1on2 to as6 Snowden to 2ive testimon% in front of the '(S( $on2ress and offer him a fair criminal trial, with a view to preventin2 further unintended disclosures of classified information to other countries(/2@ 0

, 3e the People petition launched on whitehouse(2ov on June to see6 Ea full, free, and a#solute pardon for an% crimes /Snowden0 has committed or ma% have committed related to #lowin2 the whistle on secret &S, surveillance pro2ramsE attained 100,000 si2natures within two wee6s(/2600

4he petition to pardon Snowden at the 3hite .ouse we#site

Bn ,u2ust !, 2013, Lava#it, a 4e;as8#ased secure email service provider reportedl% used #% Snowden, a#ruptl% announced it was shuttin2 down operations after nearl% 10 %ears of #usiness(/2610 4he owner, Ladar Levison, posted a statement online sa%in2 he would rather 2o out of #usiness than E#ecome complicit in crimes a2ainst the ,merican people(E/2610 .e also said that he was #arred #% law from disclosin2 what he had e;perienced over the precedin2 6 wee6s, and that he was appealin2 the case in the '(S( 5ourth $ircuit $ourt of ,ppeals(/2610 :ultiple sources speculated that the timin2 of the statement su22ested that Lava#it had #een tar2eted #% the 'S 2overnment in its pursuit of information a#out Snowden(/2610/2620/2630/2690/26@0 4he followin2 da%, a similar email service, Silent $ircle, preemptivel% shut down in order to Eprevent sp%in2E(/2660 Snowden said a#out the Lava#it closure, ELadar Levison and his team suspended the operations of their 108%ear old #usiness rather than violate the $onstitutional ri2hts of their rou2hl% 900,000 users( 4he President, $on2ress, and the $ourts have for2otten that



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the costs of #ad polic% are alwa%s #orne #% ordinar% citi"ens, and it is our Co# to remind them that there are limits to what we will pa%(E .e said that Einternet titansE li6e Goo2le should as6 themselves wh% the% weren>t Efi2htin2 for our interests the same wa% small #usinesses areE(/26A0

+o"ernments -ritish 5orei2n :inister 3illiam .a2ue admitted that -ritain>s G$.N was also sp%in2 and colla#oratin2 with the &S,, and defended the two a2encies> actions as Eindispensa#le(E/26!0/26 0/2A00 :eanwhile, '1 ?efence officials issued a confidential ?,8 &otice to -ritish media as6in2 for restraint in runnin2 further stories related to surveillance lea6s includin2 the P)7S: pro2ramme and the -ritish involvement therein(/2A10 European 2overnments reacted an2ril%, with German and 5rench leaders ,n2ela :er6el and 5ranWois .ollande #randin2 the sp%in2 as >unaccepta#le> and insistin2 the &S, stop immediatel%,/2A00/2A20/2A30/2A90 while the European 'nion Justice $ommissioner Jiviane )edin2 sent 3ashin2ton an official list of Huestions and demanded an e;planation(/2A@0/2A60 European diplomats feared that upcomin2 E'S'S trade tal6s would #e overshadowed #% the disclosures(/2A90/2A60/2AA0 ?ocuments from Snowden show that cooperation #etween -erlin and 3ashin2ton in the area of di2ital surveillance and defense intensified considera#l% durin2 time of $hancellor :er6el( 4he -undesnachrichtendienst *-&?+, the forei2n intelli2ence a2enc% of German%, is directl% su#ordinated to the $hancellor>s Bffice( ,lthou2h :er6el denied 6nowin2 a#out surveillance, Germans ta6e the claims seriousl%( ,ccordin2 to .ansCXr2 Gei2er, former head of the -&?, findin2sFclaims are Brwellian and mutual political and economic espiona2e would #e e;plicitl% for#idden(/2A!0 !u*lic ,n opinion poll carried out #% Emnid at the end of June revealed that @0U of Germans consider Snowden a hero, and 3@U would hide him in their homes(/2A 0 JYr2en 4rittin a German Green politician wrote in The Guardian Europe on Jul% 2, 2013 EEdward Snowden has done us all a 2reat service( 4he man who revealed that our 'S and '1 allies are sp%in2 on us ou2ht to #e 2iven refu2e #% an E' countr%( /(((0 7f ever a case demonstrated wh% we need the protection of whistle#lowers, this is it(E/2!00

Non,go"ernment organi-ations
,fter ,mnest% 7nternational met Edward Snowden in :oscow in mid Jul% 2013, the or2ani"ation saidD E3hat he has disclosed is patentl% in the pu#lic interest and as a whistle#lower his actions were Custified( .e has e;posed unlawful sweepin2 surveillance pro2rammes that unHuestiona#l% interfere with an individualVs ri2ht to privac%( States that attempt to stop a person from revealin2 such unlawful #ehaviour are floutin2 international law( 5reedom of e;pression is a fundamental ri2ht(E/2!20 3idne% -rown, Senior ?irector of ,mnest%, feared that Snowden would #e at E2reat ris6E of human ri2hts violations if forci#l% transferred to the 'nited States,/2!30 and ur2ed no countr% to return Snowden to the 'S( :ichael -ochene6, ?irector of Law and Polic% at ,mnest% 7nternational deplored the 'S pressure on 2overnments to #loc6 Snowden>s as%lum attempts, sa%in2 E7t is his unassaila#le ri2ht, enshrined in international lawE(/2!90
?emonstration a2ainst P)7S: in -erlin, German%

.uman )i2hts 3atch said that if Snowden were a#le to raise the issue of &S, mass surveillance without facin2 espiona2e char2es, he would not have left the 'nited States in the first place(/2!@0 .uman )i2hts 3atch writes that an% countr% where Snowden see6s as%lum should consider his claim fairl% and protect his ri2hts under international law, which reco2ni"es that revealin2 official secrets is sometimes Custified in the pu#lic interest(/2!60

&avi Pilla%, the 'nited &ations> .i2h $ommissioner for .uman )i2hts, saidD EWithout +re/ud in the validit, of an, as,lum claim 0, Snowden1 ) a++eal to all States to res+ect the internationall, uaranteed ri ht to seek as,lum2E/2!10

7nde; on $ensorship condemned the '(S( 2overnment for its Emass surveillance of citi"ensV private communicationsE and ur2ed all 2overnment officials to uphold the 5irst ,mendment to the 'nited States $onstitution( , statement released #% 7nde; on $ensorship saidD E3histle#lowers such as Edward Snowden Z as well as Cournalists reportin2 on the Prism scandal, who have come under fire Z should #e protected under the first amendment, not criminalised(E/2!A0



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&avi Pilla%, the 'nited &ations .i2h $ommissioner for .uman )i2hts, saidD ESnowden>s case has shown the need to protect persons disclosin2 information on matters that have implications for human ri2hts, as well as the importance of ensurin2 respect for the ri2ht to privac%E(/2!10 4ransparenc% 7nternational, 7nternational ,ssociation of Law%ers a2ainst &uclear ,rms and Jereini2un2 ?eutscher 3issenschaftler awarded Snowden the German 3histle#lowerpreis 2013(/2!!0 .umanist 'nion awarded him the 5rit" -auer Pri"e 2013(/2! 0

China and Hong Kong

4he South "hina #ornin !ost pu#lished a poll of .on2 1on2 residents conducted while Snowden was still in .on2 1on2 that showed that half of the @0 respondents #elieved the $hinese 2overnment should not surrender Snowden to the 'nited States if 3ashin2ton raises such a reHuestL 33 percent of those polled thin6 of Snowden as a hero, 12(! percent descri#ed him as a traitor, 23 percent descri#ed him as Esomethin2 in #etween(E/2 00 )eferrin2 to Snowden>s presence in the territor%, .on2 1on2 chief e;ecutive Leun2 $hun8Min2 assured that the 2overnment would Ehandle the case of :r Snowden in accordance with the laws and esta#lished procedures of .on2 1on2 /and0 follow up on an% incidents related to the privac% or other ri2hts of the institutions or people in .on2 1on2 demonstration at 'S $onsulate on June 1@ in support of Snowden .on2 1on2 #ein2 violated(E/2 10 Pan8democrat le2islators Gar% 5an and $laudia :o said that the perceived '(S( prosecution a2ainst Snowden will set Ea dan2erous precedent and will li6el% #e used to Custif% similar actionsE #% authoritarian 2overnments(/2 20 ?urin2 Snowden>s sta%, the two main political 2roups, the pan8democrats and Pro8-eiCin2 camp, found rare a2reement to support Snowden(/2 30/2 90 4he pro8-eiCin2 ?,- part% even or2anised a separate march to Government headHuarters for Snowden( 4he !eo+le3s 4ail, and the Glo0al Times editorials of June 1 stated respectivel% that the central $hinese 2overnment was unwillin2 to #e involved in a EmessE caused #% others, and that the .on2 1on2 2overnment should follow the pu#lic opinion and not concern itself with Sino8'S relations(/2 @0 , 4sin2hua 'niversit% communications studies specialist, Liu Jianmin2, interpreted that the two articles as su22estin2 that the mainland 2overnment did not want further involvement in the case and that the .on2 1on2 2overnment should handle it independentl%(/2 @0 ,fter Snowden left .on2 1on2, $hinese8lan2ua2e newspapers such as the #in !ao and the 5riental 4ail, e;pressed relief that .on2 1on2 no lon2er had to shoulder the #urden of the Snowden situation(/2 60 :ainland e;perts said that, althou2h the $entral Government did not want to appear to #e intervenin2 in the matter, it was inconceiva#le that the .on2 1on2 2overnment acted independentl% in a matter that could have far8reachin2 conseHuences for Sino8'S relations( Bne e;pert su22ested that, #% doin2 so, $hina had Ereturned the favorE for their not havin2 accepted the as%lum plea from 3an2 LiCun in 5e#ruar% 2012(/2 A0 4he official $hinese $ommunist Part% mouthpiece, the !eo+le3s 4ail, denied the 'S 2overnment accusation that the P)$ central 2overnment had allowed Snowden to escape, and said that Snowden helped in Etearin2 off 3ashin2ton>s sanctimonious mas6(E/2 !0

South 'merica
)o#ert :enende", chairman of the 'nited States forei2n relations panel, warned Ecuador that acceptin2 Snowden Ewould severel% Ceopardi"eE preferential trade access the 'nited States provides to Ecuador(/2 0 Ecuador>s President )afael $orrea responded #% a#dicatin2 'S trade #enefits(/3000 , 2overnment spo6esman said that Ecuador would offer the 'S Eeconomic aid of 'SK23 million annuall%, similar to what we received with the trade #enefits, with the intention of providin2 education a#out human ri2hts(E/3010 $orrea critici"ed the 'S media for centerin2 its focus on Snowden and countries supportin2 him, instead of focusin2 on the 2lo#al and domestic privac% issues implicated in the lea6ed documents(/3020 ,fter -olivian president :orales> plane was denied access to Spanish, 5rench, and 7talian airspace durin2 a return fli2ht from :oscow, the presidents of 'ru2ua%, ,r2entina, Jene"uela and Suriname Coined $orrea and a representative from -ra"il, in $ocha#am#a, -olivia to discuss the incident(/3030 Presidents &icol[s :aduro of Jene"uela and ?aniel Brte2a of &icara2ua offered Snowden as%lum after the meetin2(

%nited Nations



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Secretar% General -an 1i8moon said that Ethe Snowden case is somethin2 7 consider to #e misuseE and that di2ital communications should not #e Emisused in such a wa% as Snowden did(E/3090 -ir2itta J\nsd\ttir, an 7celandic le2islator, critici"ed -an for e;pressin2 a personal view while spea6in2 in an official capacit%( She said that -an Eseemed entirel% unconcerned a#out the invasion of privac% #% 2overnments around the world, and onl% concerned a#out how whistle#lowers are misusin2 the s%stem(E/3090

Other countries
)ussia, 4ur6e% and South ,frica reacted an2ril% after it was revealed that their diplomats had #een spied on durin2 the 200 G820 London summit(/30@0

?aniel Ells#er2, the whistle#lower and lea6er of the top8secret Penta2on Papers in 1 A1, stated in an interview with $&& that he thou2ht Snowden had done an Eincalcula#leE service to his countr% and that his lea6s mi2ht prevent the 'nited States from #ecomin2 a surveillance state( .e said Snowden had acted with the same sort of coura2e and patriotism as a soldier in #attle( /3060 7n an op8ed the followin2 mornin2, Ells#er2 added that Ethere has not #een in ,merican histor% a more important lea6 than Edward Snowden>s release of &S, material ((( includin2 the Penta2on Papers(E/A0 )a% :cGovern, a retired $7, officer turned political activist, a2reed with Ells#er2 and added, E4his time toda% 7>m feelin2 much more hopeful for our democrac% than 7 was feelin2 this time %esterda%(E/30A0 3illiam -inne%, a whistle#lower who disclosed details of the &S,>s mass surveillance activities, said that Snowden had Eperformed a reall% 2reat pu#lic service to #e2in with #% e;posin2 these pro2rams and ma6in2 the 2overnment in a sense pu#licl% accounta#le for what the%>re doin2(E ,fter Snowden cited a conversation with a Erelia#le sourceE a#out alle2ations that the 'S was Ehac6in2 into $hinaE, -inne% felt he was Etransitionin2 from whistle8#lower to a traitor(E/30!0 4homas ?ra6e, former senior e;ecutive of &S, and whistle#lower, said that he feels Ee;traordinar% 6inshipE with Snowden( E3hat he did was a ma2nificent act of civil diso#edience( .e>s e;posin2 the inner wor6in2s of the surveillance state( ,nd it>s in the pu#lic interest( 7t trul% is(E/30!0/30 0 3i6iLea6s founder Julian ,ssan2e hailed Snowden as a EheroE who has e;posed Eone of the most serious events of the decade S the creepin2 formulation of a mass surveillance state(E/3100 ,fter char2es a2ainst Snowden were revealed, ,ssan2e released a statement as6in2 people to Estep forward and stand withE Snowden(/3110 5ollowin2 President B#ama>s assurances that chan2es are planned for the &S, surveillance pro2ram, ,ssan2e said in a written statement that B#ama had Evalidated Edward Snowden>s role as a whistle8#lowerE(/3120/3130 Shamai Lei#owit", who lea6ed details a#out an 5-7 operation, said that the le2al threats and Esmear campai2nE a2ainst Snowden are a E2rave mista6eE #ecause E7f the 2overnment reall% wanted to 6eep more secrets from comin2 out, the% would do well to let this man of conscience 2o live his life in some other countr%(E/3190

See also
$lassified information in the 'nited States 7nformation sensitivit% 4errorist Surveillance Pro2ram &S, warrantless surveillance *2001S0A+ &S, whistle#lowersD 3illiam -inne%, 4homas ,ndrews ?ra6e, :ar6 1lein, 4homas 4amm, )uss 4ice Stellar 3ind *code name+ List of 'nited States e;tradition treaties :artin and :itchell defection List of people 2ranted as%lum List of people who have lived at airports E;traordinar% rendition

1( / .on2 1on2>s Secretar% for Justice )ims6% Muen ar2ued that 2overnment officials did not issue a provisional arrest warrant for Snowden due to Ediscrepancies and missin2 informationE in the paperwor6 sent #% '(S( authorities( Muen e;plained that Snowden full name was inconsistent, and his '(S( passport num#er was also missin2(/10A0 .on2 1on2 also wanted more details of the char2es and evidence a2ainst Snowden to ma6e sure it was not a political case( Secretar% for Justice )ims6% Muen said he spo6e to 'S ,ttorne% General Eric .older #% phone to reinforce the reHuest for details Ea#solutel% necessar%E for detention of Snowden( Muen said E,s the 'S 2overnment had failed to provide the information #% the time Snowden left .on2 1on2, it was impossi#le for the ?epartment of Justice to appl% to a court for a temporar% warrant of arrest( 7n fact, even at this time, the 'S 2overnment has still not provided the details we as6ed for(E/10!0



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1( / Greenwald, GlennL :ac,s6ill, EwenL Poitras, Laura *June 10, 2013+( EEdward SnowdenD the whistle#lower #ehind the &S, surveillance revelationsE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF0 Fedward8snowden8nsa8whistle#lower8surveillance]start8of8 comments+( The Guardian *London+( E4he individual responsi#le for one of the most si2nificant lea6s in 'S political histor% is Edward Snowden, a 2 8%ear8old former technical assistant for the $7, and current emplo%ee of the defense contractor -oo" ,llen .amilton( Snowden has #een wor6in2 at the &ational Securit% ,2enc% for the last four %ears as an emplo%ee of various outside contractors, includin2 -oo" ,llen and ?ell(E 2( / Gellman, -artonL :ar6on, Jerr% *June , 2013+( EEdward Snowden sa%s motive #ehind lea6s was to e;pose >surveillance state>E *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFpoliticsFedward8snowden8sa%s8motive8#ehind8lea6s8was8to8e;pose8surveillance8 stateF2013F06F0 Faa3f0!098d13#811e28aA3e8!26d2 ff9@ Gstor%(htmlItid^pmGpoliticsGpop+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved June 10, 2013( 3( _ a b Gellman, -artonL -la6e, ,aronL :iller, Gre2 *June , 2013+( EEdward Snowden comes forward as source of &S, lea6sE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFpoliticsFintelli2ence8leaders8push8#ac68on8lea6ers8mediaF2013F06F0 Ffff!01608d122811e28 aA3e8!26d2 ff9@ Gstor%(html+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved June 10, 2013( 9( / Greenwald, GlennL :ac,s6ill, Ewen *June 6, 2013+( E&S, Prism pro2ram taps in to user data of ,pple, Goo2le and othersE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF06Fus8tech82iants8nsa8data+( The Guardian( )etrieved June 1@, 2013( @( / E?aniel Ells#er2 $alls Edward Snowden , >.ero,> Sa%s &S, Lea6 3as :ost 7mportant in ,merican .istor%E *httpDFFwww(huffin2tonpost(comF2013F06F10Fedward8snowden8daniel8ells#er28whistle#lower8histor%GnG3913@9@(html+( 'uffin ton !ost( 6( / Shane, ScottL Somai%a, )avi *June 16, 2013+( E&ew Lea6 7ndicates '(S( and -ritain Eavesdropped at >0 3orld $onferencesE *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F1AFworldFeuropeFnew8lea68indicates8us8and8#ritain8eavesdropped8at80 8world8 conferences(html+( The New York Times( A( _ a b Ells#er2, ?aniel *June 10, 2013+( EEdward SnowdenD savin2 us from the 'nited Stasi of ,mericaE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FcommentisfreeF2013FCunF10Fedward8snowden8united8stasi8america+( The Guardian( )etrieved June 10, 2013( !( _ a b 5inn, PeterL .orwit", Sari *June 21, 2013+( E'(S( char2es Snowden with espiona2eE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFworldFnational8securit%Fus8char2es8snowden8with8espiona2eF2013F06F21F@0A9 Ad!8 da#1811e28a0168 2@9A#f0 9ccGstor%(html+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved June 21, 2013( ( _ a b c E'S attorne% 2eneral>s letter to )ussian Custice ministerE *httpDFFnews(##c(co(u6F2FsharedF#spFhiFpdfsF26G0AG13Gattorne%G2eneralGletterGtoGrussianGCusticeGminister(pdf+( --$( Jul% 26, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 26, 2013( 10( _ a b '(S( vs( Edward J( Snowden criminal complaint *httpDFFapps(washin2tonpost(comF2FdocumentsFworldFus8vs8edward8C8snowden8 criminal8complaintF9 6F+( The Washin ton !ost( 11( / 3h% Edward Snowden 7s a .ero *httpDFFwww(new%or6er(comFonlineF#lo2sFCohncassid%F2013F06Fwh%8edward8snowden8is8a8 hero(html+( 4he &ew Mor6er( 12( / Bliver Stone defends Edward Snowden over &S, revelations *httpDFFwww(the2uardian(comFfilmF2013FCulF0@Foliver8stone8edward8 snowden8nsa+( The Guardian( *Jul% @, 2013+( 13( / ?aniel Ells#er2D Edward Snowden 3as )i2ht 4o Leave 4he '(S *httpDFFwww(huffin2tonpost(comF2013F0AF0!Fdaniel8ells#er28 edward8snowden8as%lumGnG3@62@0@(html+( 'uffin ton !ost( 19( / ,mashD Snowden a whistle8#lower, >told us what we need to 6now> *httpDFFwww(fo;news(comFpoliticsF2013F0!F09Frepu#lican8rep8 amash8snowden8whistle#lower8told8us8what8need8to86nowF+( 5o; &ews *,u2ust 9, 2013+( 1@( / E,s Edward Snowden )eceives ,s%lum in )ussia, Poll Shows ,mericans S%mpathetic to &S, >3histle8-lower> S 3ashin2ton 3hispersE *httpDFFwww(usnews(comFnewsF#lo2sFwashin2ton8whispersF2013F0!F01Fedward8snowden8receives8as%lum8in8russia8poll8 shows8americans8s%mpathetic8to8nsa8whistle8#lower+( usnews(com( ,u2ust 1, 2013( 16( _ a b Gold, .adas( E5ormer Sen( Gordon .umphre% emails with Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F0AFe;8 senator8emails8with8snowden8 9323(htmlIhp^f1+( Politico( )etrieved Jul% 1A, 2013( 1A( / EE)ussian State ?uma named E( Snowden a dissident and fi2hter a2ains the s%stemE *E` abcdefg h(ijbedgjk jklmkno jbmpf doccodgjqbf o rbstbf c cocqgfbuE+E *httpDFFtop(r#c(ruFpoliticsF26F06F2013F!6396A(shtml+( (6" 4ail,( 26( )etrieved ,u2ust 9, 2013( E4he head of the State ?uma $ommittee on 7nternational ,ffairs ,le;ei Push6ov has called Edward Snowden, the whistle#lower on the 'S intelli2ence services, as a new dissident fi2htin2 with the s%stem( 4he deput% wrote this in his micro#lo2( E,ssan2e, :annin2 and Snowden were no spies and the% 2ave awa% secret information not out of mone% #ut out of conviction( 4he% are the new dissidents, fi2hters with the s%stem, E8 ,(Push6ov #elieves(E Eankmk vbfoqgqk abcdefp wb fgxdejksbdjpf dgnkf yngvcgu ze{vbm jklmkn sklbrnk|oqgn} cwgtcnexr i~y hdmksdk ijbedgjk jbmpf doccodgjqbf, rbsofc} c cocqgfbu( r qbf dgweqkq jkwockn m cmbgf fovsbrnbg( ycckjdx, jjoj o ijbedgj jg rpno {wobjkfo o mpdkno cgvsgqje ojbsfkto jg lk dgjo, k ol ergxdgjou( jo S jbmpg doccodgjqp, rbstp c cocqgfbu, S c|oqkgq y(ze{vbm(E 1!( _ a b LoGiurato, -rett *June 11, 2013+( EJohn -oehnerD Edward Snowden 7s , >4raitor>E *httpDFFwww(sf2ate(comFtechnolo2%F#usinessinsiderFarticleFJB.&8-BE.&E)8Edward8Snowden87s8,84raitor8 9@ 3261(php+( San Francisco "hronicle( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 1 ( / de &esnera, ,ndre *,u2ust !, 2013+( E7s &S, Lea6er Edward Snowden a 4raitorIE *httpDFFwww(voanews(comFcontentFsnowden8 traitorF1A262A2(html+( 3ashin2tonD Joice of ,merica( )etrieved ,u2ust , 2013( 20( / 1lein, E"ra( EEdward Snowden, patriotE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comF#lo2sFwon6#lo2FwpF2013F0!F0 Fedward8snowden8 patriotF+( The Washin ton !ost( 21( / EBpinionD Edward Snowden is a patriot S 4revor 4immE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F0!Fedward8snowden8is8a8patriot8 @921(html+( Politico($om( 22( _ a b c d e f g h Greenwald, GlennL :ac,s6ill, EwenL Poitras, Laura *June , 2013+( EEdward SnowdenD the whistle#lower #ehind the &S, surveillance revelationsE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF0 Fedward8snowden8nsa8whistle#lower8surveillance+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June , 2013( 23( / -la6e, ,aron *June , 2013+( E$lapperD Lea6s are literall% 2ut8wrenchin2,V lea6er #ein2 sou2htE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comF#lo2sFpost8politicsFwpF2013F06F0 Fclapper8lea6s8are8literall%82ut8wrenchin28lea6er8#ein28 sou2htF+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved ,u2ust !, 2013(



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29( / EJimm% $arter ?efends Snowden, Sa%s '(S( .as &o E5unctionin2 ?emocrac%EE *httpDFFwww(thenewamerican(comFusnewsFconstitutionFitemF160938Cimm%8carter8defends8snowden8sa%s8u8s8has8no8 functionin28democrac%+( 4henewamerican(com( 2@( _ a b ,c6erman, Spencer *June 10, 2013+( EEdward Snowden failed in attempt to Coin 'S arm%>s elite special forces unitE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF10Fedward8snowden8arm%8special8forces+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June 10, 2013( E4he arm% did confirm Snowden>s date of #irthD June 21, 1 !3(E 26( / E)eportD Snowden has document to enter )ussiaE *httpDFFwww(wvec(comFnewsF)eport8Snowden8has8document8to8enter8)ussia8 216A3!6@1(html+( 3JE$( Jul% 29, 2013( )etrieved ,u2ust 3, 2013( EEdward Snowden, who was #orn in Eli"a#eth $it%, &$, is wanted in the '(S( for espiona2e(E 2A( _ a b c d 4rac%, $onnor *June 10, 2013+( E3hat we 6now a#out &S, lea6er Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFusnews(n#cnews(comFGnewsF2013F06F10F1!!!261@8what8we86now8a#out8nsa8lea6er8edward8snowdenIlite+( &-$ &ews( 2!( / 7t6owit", $ol#%L Sheehan, ?aniel Patric6 *June 10, 2013+( EEdward Snowden>s father, stepmother plan to ma6e pu#lic statementE *httpDFFwww(mcall(comFnewsF#rea6in2Fmc8pa8ed8snowden8nsa8lea6820130610,0,A1 A!@(stor%+( The #ornin "all *,llentown, P,+( 2 ( / 4oppo, Gre2 *June 10, 2013+( E5ormer nei2h#or remem#ers Snowden as >nice 6id>E *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsFnationF2013F06F10Fsnowden8nei2h#ors8surveillance8securit%F290!@A3F+( -S. Toda, *3ashin2ton ?$+( 30( / EEdward Snowden>s father, a Lehi2h $ount% resident, tells networ6 he>s concerned for son>s well8 #eiE *httpDFFwww(lehi2hvalle%live(comFlehi2h8count%Finde;(ssfF2013F06FedwardGsnowdensGfatherGaGlehi2(html+( Lehei2h Jall% E;press 4imes( )etrieved ,u2ust , 2013( 31( / E47:EL7&ED Edward Snowden>s Life ,s 3e 1now 7tE *httpDFFa#cnews(2o(comF-lotterFtimeline8edward8snowdens8lifeFstor%I id^1 3 99!A+( ,-$ &ews( June 13, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 10, 2013( 32( _ a b EProfileD Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(##c(co(u6FnewsFworld8us8canada822!3A100+( --$ &ews( June 10, 2013( )etrieved June 10, 2013( 33( _ a b EEdward Snowden>s 5ather Spea6s But 4o 5o; ,#out :edia >:isinformation,> ,s6s Son 4o Stop Lea6in2E *httpDFFwww(mediaite(comFtvFedward8snowdens8father8spea6s8out8to8fo;8a#out8media8misinformation8as6s8son8to8stop8 lea6in2F+( :ediaite( :a% 26, 2013( )etrieved June 1 , 2013( 39( / Le2er, ?onna Leinwand *June , 2013+( E&S, contractorD >7 6now 7 have done nothin2 wron2>E *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsFnationF2013F06F0 Fedward8snowden82uardian8interviewF290@!A3F+( -S. Toda, *3ashin2ton ?$+( )etrieved June , 2013( 3@( / E'(S( 5ears Edward Snowden :a% ?efect to $hinaD SourcesE *httpDFFa#cnews(2o(comF-lotterFus8fears8edward8snowden8defect8 china8sourcesFstor%Iid^1 3! 6A2pa2e^3+( ,-$ &ews( June 13, 2013( p( 3( )etrieved June 1 , 2013( 36( / ESnowden>s Life Surrounded -% Sp%craftE *httpDFF#i2stor%(ap(or2FarticleFap8impact8snowdens8life8surrounded8sp%craft+( ,ssociated Press( June 1@, 2013( )etrieved June 1@, 2013( 3A( / $oo6e, 1ristinaL Shiffman, Scott *June 12, 2013+( EE;clusiveD Snowden as a teen onlineD anime and chee6% humorE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F06F12Fus8usa8securit%8snowden8anime8id'S-)E @-19-20130612+( )euters( )etrieved June 12, 2013( ELon2 #efore he #ecame 6nown worldwide as the &S, contractor who e;posed top8secret '(S( 2overnment surveillance pro2rams, Edward Snowden wor6ed for a Japanese anime compan% run #% friends and went #% the nic6names E4he 4rue .BB.,E and EPhish(EE 3!( / Moshida, )eiCi *June 1@, 2013+( ESnowden 3e# man2a profile still onlineE *httpDFFwww(Capantimes(co(CpFnewsF2013F06F1@FnationalF028profile8paints8snowden8as8man2a8anime82un82irlish82ee68with8 list8of8li6esF+( &a+an Times *4o6%o+( 3 ( / -roder, John :(L Shane, Scott *June 1@, 2013+( E5or Snowden, a Life of ,m#ition, ?espite the ?riftin2E *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F16FusFfor8snowden8a8life8of8am#ition8despite8the8driftin2(htmlIpa2ewanted^all+( The New York Times( )etrieved June 1@, 2013( E:r( Snowden, who has ta6en refu2e in .on2 1on2, has studied :andarin, was deepl% interested in martial arts, claimed -uddhism as his reli2ion and once mused that E$hina is definitel% a 2ood option career wise(EE 90( / :ac,s6ill, Ewen *June , 2013+( E&S, whistle#lower Edward SnowdenD >7 do not e;pect to see home a2ain>E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF0 Fnsa8whistle#lower8edward8snowden8wh%+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June , 2013( 91( / -la6e, ,aron *June 10, 2013+( EEdward Snowden apparentl% a )on Paul supporterE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comF#lo2sFpost8 politicsFwpF2013F06F10Fedward8snowden8apparentl%8a8ron8paul8supporterF+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 92( / Tara, $hristopher *June , 2013+( E&S, 3histle#lower )evealedD Edward Snowden ?onated K@00 4o )on Paul>s 2012 Presidential $ampai2nD ?oes &S, 3histle#lower .ave Li#ertarian Leanin2sIE *httpDFFwww(i#times(comFnsa8whistle#lower8revealed8edward8 snowden8donated8@008ron8pauls820128presidential8campai2n8does8nsa+( )nternational 6usiness Times( )etrieved June , 2013( 93( / Shane, Scott *June 26, 2013+( E'nder Snowden Screen &ame, 200 Post -erated Lea6sE *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F2AFworldFunder8snowdens8screen8name8a8declaration8in80 8that8lea6ers8should8#e8 shot(html+( The New York Times( 99( / 3elch, 3illiam :( *June 2A, 2013+( E)eportD Snowden slammed lea6ers in online chats in 200 E *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsF2013F06F2AFsnowden8participated8in8online8chats8nsa8lea6sF2962961F+( -S. Toda,( 9@( / :ullin, Joe( *June 13, 2013+ &S, lea6er Ed SnowdenVs life on *httpDFFarstechnica(comFtech8polic%F2013F06Fnsa8lea6er8ed8 snowdens8life8on8ars8technicaF+( ,rs 4echnica( 96( / :ullin, Joe *June 26, 2013+( E7n 200 , Ed Snowden said lea6ers Eshould #e shot(E 4hen he #ecame one((E *httpDFFarstechnica(comFtech8polic%F2013F06Fe;clusive8in8200 8ed8snowden8said8lea6ers8should8#e8shot8then8he8#ecame8 oneF3F+( arstechnica( )etrieved June 26, 2013( 9A( / .all, Ellie( EEdward Snowden>s Bnline Past )evealedE *httpDFFwww(#u""feed(comFellievhallFedward8snowdens8online8past8 revealed+( 6u77Feed( )etrieved ,u2ust 3, 2013( 9!( / Lam, Lana *June 13, 2013+( EE=$L'S7JED 3histle8#lower Edward Snowden tal6s to South $hina :ornin2 PostE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF12@ 33@Fe;clusive8whistle8#lower8edward8snowden8tal6s8south8china8 mornin2IutmGsource^dlvr(itutmGmedium^twitter+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( )etrieved June 2!, 2013( 9 ( _ a b -roder, John :(L Shane, Scott *June 1@, 2013+( E5or Snowden, a Life of ,m#ition, ?espite the ?riftin2E *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F16FusFfor8snowden8a8life8of8am#ition8despite8the8driftin2(htmlIpa2ewanted^allGr^0+( The New York Times(



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@0( / Gas6ell, Stephanie *June 10, 2013+( E)ecords show ,rm% dischar2ed Edward Snowden after @ monthsE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F06Fedward8snowden8arm%8dischar2e8 29!6(html+( !olitico( @1( / Le2er, ?onna Leinwand *June 10, 2013+( E3ho is &S, whiste#lower Edward SnowdenIE *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsFnationF2013F06F0 Fedward8snowden82uardian8interviewF290@!A3F+( -S. Toda,( @2( / EEdward SnowdenD E;8$7, wor6er comes forward as lea6er, sa%s he was protectin2 >#asic li#erties>E *httpDFFwww(chica2otri#une(comFnewsFchi8nsa8prism8scandal82013060 ,0,932290(stor%+( "hica o Tri0une( )euters( June 10, 2013( )etrieved June 1A, 2013( @3( / :emmott, :ar6 *June 10, 2013+( E3ho 7s Edward Snowden, 4he Self8St%led &S, Lea6erIE *httpDFFwww(npr(or2F#lo2sFthetwo8 wa%F2013F06F10F1 02 320 Fwho8is8edward8snowden8the8nsa8lea6er+( &P)( @9( / -Yti6ofer, $hristian *June 10, 2013+( E3ie die $7, sich in Genf -an6daten #eschaffteE /.ow the $7, acHuired #an6 data in Geneva0 *httpDFFwww(handels"eitun2(chFpoliti6Fwie8die8cia8sich82enf8#an6daten8#eschaffte+( 'andels7eitun *in German+ *Turich+( )etrieved Jul% 3, 2013( @@( / 4er Sonnta and Sonnta s6lick newspapers @6( / ESwiss president would #ac6 criminal pro#e a2ainst &S, lea6erE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F06F16Fus8usa8securit%8 swit"erland8snowden8id'S-)E @50 120130616+( )euters( June 16, 2013( @A( _ a b ?rew, $hristopher and Shane, Scott( )<sum< Shows Snowden .oned .ac6in2 S6ills *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F0AF0@FusFresume8shows8snowden8honed8hac6in28s6ills(html+, The New York Times, Jul% 9, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 6, 2013( @!( / :ar6 .osen#all *,u2ust 1@, 2013+, Snowden downloaded &S, secrets while wor6in2 for ?ell, sources sa% *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0!F1@Fus8usa8securit%8snowden8dell8id'S-)E AE1AP20130!1@+ (euters @ ( / Green#er2, ,nd% *June 1!, 2013+( E&S, 7mplementin2 >4wo8Person> )ule 4o Stop 4he &e;t Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(for#es(comFsitesFand%2reen#er2F2013F06F1!Fnsa8director8sa%s8a2enc%8implementin28two8person8rule8to8stop8 the8ne;t8edward8snowdenF+( For0es *&ew Mor6+( )etrieved June 20, 2013( 60( / 5loc6, Eli"a#eth *Septem#er 2@, 2012+( E&S, 3histle#lower )eveals .ow to -eat a Pol%2raph 4estE *httpDFFwww(usnews(comFnewsF#lo2sFwashin2ton8whispersF2012F0 F2@Fnsa8whistle#lower8reveals8how8to8#eat8a8pol%2raph8 test+( Washin ton Whis+ers 0lo *3ashin2ton ?$D 'S &ews and 3orld )eport+( 61( / ?rew, $hristopherL Scott Shane *Jul% 9, 2013+( E)<sum< Shows Snowden .oned .ac6in2 S6illsE *httpsDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F0AF0@FusFresume8shows8snowden8honed8hac6in28s6ills(html+( The New York Times( )etrieved Jul% @, 2013( E7n 2010, while wor6in2 for a &ational Securit% ,2enc% contractor, Edward J( Snowden learned to #e a hac6er( .e too6 a course that trains securit% professionals to thin6 li6e hac6ers and understand their techniHues, all with the intent of turnin2 out Ecertified ethical hac6ersE who can #etter defend their emplo%ersV networ6s(E 62( / Ga%athri, ,mrutha *June 21, 2013+( E'S7S 4hat Jetted Snowden 'nder 7nvesti2ationL -oo" ,llen .amilton Bverloo6ed Snowden )esume ?iscrepanciesE *httpDFFwww(i#times(comFusis8vetted8snowden8under8investi2ation8#oo"8allen8hamilton8overloo6ed8 snowden8resume8discrepancies+( )nternational 6usiness Times( )etrieved Jul% 1, 2013( 63( / EEdward SnowdenD &S, whistle#lower answers reader HuestionsE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF1AFedward8 snowden8nsa8files8whistle#lower+( The Guardian *London+( June 19, 2013( )etrieved June 1 , 2013( 69( / EStatement on )eports of Lea6ed 7nformationE *httpDFFwww(#oo"allen(comFmedia8centerFpress8releasesF9!3 320Fstatement8 reports8lea6ed8information8060 13+ *Press release+( -oo" ,llen( June , 2013( )etrieved June , 2013( 6@( / -or2er, Julian *June , 2013+( E-oo" ,llen .amiltonD Edward Snowden>s '(S( contractin2 firmE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF0 F#oo"8allen8hamilton8edward8snowden+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June , 2013( 66( / Gert", -ill *June 13, 2013+( EBfficials 3orried Snowden 3ill Pass Secrets to $hineseE *httpDFFfree#eacon(comFofficials8worried8 snowden8will8pass8secrets8to8chineseF+( Washin ton Free 6eacon( ,rchived *httpDFFwe#(archive(or2Fwe#F201306190 3120FhttpDFFfree#eacon(comFofficials8worried8snowden8will8pass8secrets8to8chineseF+ from the ori2inal on June 19, 2013( 6A( _ a b -acon, John( E$ontractor fires Snowden from K122,000 per8%ear Co#E *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsFnationF2013F06F11F#oo"8allen8snowden8firedF2911231F+( -S. Toda,( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 6!( / Shane, ScottL San2er, ?avid E( *June 30, 2013+( EJo# 4itle 1e% to 7nner ,ccess .eld #% SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F0AF01FusFCo#8title86e%8to8inner8access8held8#%8snowden(html+( The New York Times( 6 ( _ a b Greenwald, Glenn *June 1A, 2013+( EEdward Snowden N,D ?ic6 $hene% traitor char2e is >the hi2hest honor>E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF1AFedward8snowden8nsa8files8whistle#lower+( Guardian Securit, and 8i0ert, 0lo ( A0( / Lam, Lana( EE=$L'S7JED Snowden sou2ht -oo" ,llen Co# to 2ather evidence on &S, surveillance *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF126!20 Fe;clusive8snowden8sou2ht8#oo"8allen8Co#82ather8evidence8nsa+(E South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( June 29, 2013( )etrieved June 29, 2013( A1( / Gol2ows6i, &ina *June 11, 2013+( E&S, whistle8#lower Edward Snowden 57)E? from K122,000 per8%ear Co# with defense contractor -oo" .amiltonE *httpDFFwww(n%dail%news(comFnewsFworldFrussia8considers8as%lum8edward8snowden8article81(136! !!+( 4ail, News *&ew Mor6+( )etrieved June 16, 2013( A2( _ a b c E-oo" ,llen hired Snowden despite discrepancies in his r<sum< *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFworldFarticleF126620 F#oo"8 allen8hired8snowden8despite8discrepancies8his8resume+(E *print titleD ESnowden hired despite discrepancies in r<sum<E+( )euters( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( June 22, 2013( )etrieved June 22, 2013( S ,lternate lin6 *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F06F21Fus8usa8securit%8snowden8id'S-)E @101J20130621+ under titleD EE;clusiveD &S, contractor hired Snowden despite concerns a#out resume discrepanciesE #% .osen#all, :ar6 *Editin2 #% ?avid Lindse% and Stace% Jo%ce+( A3( / :al6in, -onnie *June 11, 2013+( EEdward Snowden>s 2irlfriend revealed to #e former #allet dancerE *httpDFFwww(tele2raph(co(u6FnewsFworldnewsFnorthamericaFusaF10111 2FEdward8Snowdens82irlfriend8revealed8to8#e8 former8#allet8dancer(html+( The 4ail, Tele ra+h *London+( )etrieved June 11, 2013( A9( _ a b Peter :aass *,u2ust 1!, 2013+, .ow Laura Poitras .elped Snowden Spill .is Secrets *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F0!F1!Fma2a"ineFlaura8poitras8snowden(html+ The New York Times A@( _ a b $armon, 7rin *June 10, 2013+( E.ow we #ro6e the &S, stor%E *httpDFFwww(salon(comF2013F06F10FHaGwithGlauraGpoitrasGtheGwomanG#ehindGtheGnsaGscoopsFsin2letonF+( Salon( )etrieved June 11, 2013(



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A6( _ a b 3ein2er, :ac6en"ie *June 10, 2013+( E-arton Gellman, Glenn Greenwald feud over &S, lea6erE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F06Fedward8snowden8nsa8lea6er82lenn82reenwald8#arton82ellman8 2@0@(html]i;""2JrPn1C&f+( !olitico( )etrieved June 10, 2013( AA( _ a b c d e Gellman, -arton *June 10, 2013+( E$ode name >Jera;>D Snowden, in e;chan2es with Post reporter, made clear he 6new ris6sE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFworldFnational8securit%Fcode8name8vera;8snowden8in8e;chan2es8with8post8reporter8made8 clear8he86new8ris6sF2013F06F0 Fc a2@#@98d19c811e28 f1a81aAcdee202!AGstor%(html+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved June 10, 2013( A!( / Edward Snowden 7nterviewD 4he &S, and 7ts 3illin2 .elpers *httpDFFwww(spie2el(deFinternationalFworldFinterview8with8 whistle#lower8edward8snowden8on82lo#al8sp%in28a8 10006(html+ 4er S+ie el A ( _ a b Smith, :attL Pearson, :ichael *June 10, 2013+( E&S, lea6er holed up in .on2 1on2 hotel, runnin2 low on cashE *httpDFFedition(cnn(comF2013F06F10FpoliticsFnsa8lea6Finde;(html+( $&&( )etrieved June 10, 2013( !0( / E'S lea6er Edward Snowden >defendin2 li#ert%>E *httpDFFwww(##c(co(u6FnewsFworld8us8canada822!92!3A+( --$ &ews( June 10, 2013( !1( / Man2, Jia L%nn *June 10, 2013+( EEdward Snowden faces stron2 e;tradition treat% if he remains in .on2 1on2E *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFworldFasiaGpacificFhon286on28hotel8sa%s8edward8snowden8was8there8#ut8chec6ed8out8 monda%F2013F06F10F99#aa0fa8d1af811e28aA3e8!26d2 ff9@ Gstor%(html+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved June 10, 2013( !2( / -archfield, Jenn% *Jul% 19, 2013+( EGreenwaldD Snowden docs contain &S, >#lueprint>E *httpDFFwww(chron(comFnewsFworldFarticleFGreenwald8Snowden8docs8contain8&S,8#lueprint8966@061(php+( ,ssociated Press( )etrieved Jul% 19, 2013( !3( / :ac,s6ill, Ewen *June 12, 2013+( EEdward SnowdenD how the sp% stor% of the a2e lea6ed outE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF11Fedward8snowden8nsa8whistle#lower8profile+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June 12, 2013( !9( / E&S, whistle#lower Edward SnowdenD >7 don>t want to live in a societ% that does these sort of thin2s>E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldFvideoF2013FCunF0 Fnsa8whistle#lower8edward8snowden8interview8video+ *video+( The Guardian *London+( June , 2013( !@( _ a b EEdward Snowden>s statement to human ri2hts 2roups in fullE *httpDFFwww(tele2raph(co(u6FnewsFworldnewsFeuropeFrussiaF101A6@2 FEdward8Snowdens8statement8to8human8ri2hts82roups8in8 full(html+( The 4ail, Tele ra+h( Jul% 12, 2013( !6( / Gellman, -arton( *June , 2013+ E$ode name Jera;VD Snowden, in e;chan2es with Post reporter, made clear he 6new ris6sE *httpDFFarticles(washin2tonpost(comF201380680 FworldF3 !@6622G1Gintelli2ence8powers8sin2le8point+( The Washin ton !ost( !A( / -arrett, ?evlinL $hen, 4e8Pin2 *June 29, 2013+( ESnowden on the )unE *httpDFFonline(wsC(comFarticleFS-1000192912A!!A3236!3@09@A!@62!@23102A3!1!(html+( The Wall Street &ournal *&ew Mor6+( !!( / EStatement re2ardin2 involvement of 7::7 in Edward Snowden as%lum reHuestE *httpsDFFimmi(isFinde;(phpF!68statement8 re2ardin28involvement8of8immi8in8edward8snowden8as%lum8reHuest+( )e%6CavR6, 7celandD 7nternational :odern :edia 7nstitute( June , 2013( )etrieved June 10, 2013( ! ( / E$alled a defector, &S, lea6er defends his decisionE *httpDFFwww(cnn(comF2013F06F10FpoliticsFnsa8lea6Finde;(html+( $&&( June 10, 2013( )etrieved June 10, 2013( 0( / Pomfret, JamesL )oantree, ,nne :arie *June 12, 2013+( E,merican who lea6ed &S, secrets is a free man in .on2 1on2 S for nowE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F06F12Fus8usa8securit%8hon26on28id'S-)E @-0A-20130612+( )euters( )etrieved June 12, 2013( ESources at .on2 1on2 law firms have said Snowden has approached human ri2hts law%ers in the cit% and ma% #e di22in2 in his heels for a le2al fi2ht in preparation for the 'nited States la%in2 char2es a2ainst him(E 1( / Lam, Lana *June 12, 2013+( E3histle8#lower Edward Snowden tells S$:PD >Let .on2 1on2 people decide m% fate>E *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF12@ 922Fedward8snowden8let8hon286on28people8decide8m%8fate+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( )etrieved June 12, 2013( 2( / Lam, Lana *June 13, 2013+( E3histle#lower Edward Snowden tal6s to South $hina :ornin2 PostE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF12@ 33@Fe;clusive8whistle#lower8edward8snowden8tal6s8south8china8 mornin28post+( South "hina #ornin !ost( )etrieved June 12, 2013( E.e vowed to fi2ht an% e;tradition attempt #% the 'S 2overnment, sa%in2D >:% intention is to as6 the courts and people of .on2 1on2 to decide m% fate( 7 have #een 2iven no reason to dou#t %our s%stem(>E 3( / Eli La6e *June 2@, 2013+ GreenwaldD SnowdenVs 5iles ,re But 4here if ,n%thin2 .appensV to .im *httpDFFwww(thedail%#east(comFarticlesF2013F06F2@F2reenwald8snowden8s8files8are8out8there8if8an%thin28happens8to8him(html+ The 4ail, 6east 9( / 3ill En2lund *,u2ust 26, 2013+ )eportD Snowden sta%ed at )ussian consulate while in .on2 1on2 *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFworldFreport8snowden8sta%ed8at8russian8consulate8while8in8hon286on2F2013F0!F26F!23Acf a80e3 8 11e38a2#38@e10Aedf ! AGstor%(html+ @( / ?o6sone, 4han%aratL 1at", Gre2or% *June 19, 2013+( E&S, lea6er Snowden not welcome in '1E *httpDFFwww(#usinesswee6(comFapF2013806819F#ritain8sa%s8nsa8lea6er8snowden8not8welcome8in8u6+( 6loom0er 6usinessWeek *&ew Mor6+( ,ssociated Press( )etrieved June 16, 2013( 6( / E-ritain to airlinesD ?on>t let Edward Snowden fl% to '(1E *httpDFFwww(c#snews(comF!3018202G1628@A@! 309F#ritain8to8airlines8 dont8let8edward8snowden8fl%8to8u(6F+( $-S &ews( June 19, 2013( )etrieved June 19, 2013( A( / E3i6iLea6s plane >read%> to #rin2 Snowden to 7celandE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF126@692Fwi6ilea6s8plane8 read%8#rin28snowden8iceland+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( ,2ence 5rance8Presse( June 21, 2013( )etrieved June 21, 2013( !( / &2o, Jennifer *June 21, 2013+( EJulian ,ssan2e intervenes to help Snowden 2et to 7celandE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon28 6on2FarticleF126@3!6FCulian8assan2e8intervenes8help8snowden82et8iceland+( South "hina #ornin !ost( ,2ence 5rance8Presse( )etrieved June 20, 2013,rticle title in printD E,ssan2e intervenes over 7celand optionE( ( / E'(S( revo6es Snowden>s passportD official sourceE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F06F23Fus8usa8securit%8passport8 id'S-)E @:0$320130623+( )euters( June 23, 2013( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 100( / Shane, Scott *June 23, 2013+( EBfferin2 Snowden ,id, 3i6iLea6s Gets -ac6 in the GameE *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F29FworldFofferin28snowden8aid8wi6ilea6s82ets8#ac68in8the82ame(htmlI r^0pa2ewanted^all+( The New York Times( ,rchived *httpDFFwww(we#citation( + from the ori2inal on June 29, 2013( )etrieved June 29, 2013(



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101( / :a6inen, Julie *June 23, 2013+( ESnowden leaves .on2 1on2L final destination unclearE *httpDFFwww(latimes(comFnewsFworldFworldnowFla8f28wn8hon286on28snowden820130623,0,2! A 0(stor%+( 8os .n eles Times( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 102( / Perle", JaneL -radsher, 1eith *June 29, 2013+( E$hina Said to .ave :ade $all to Let Lea6er ?epartE *httpsDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F29FworldFasiaFchina8said8to8have8made8call8to8let8lea6er8depart(htmlIGr^0+( The New York Times( p( , *'S edition+( )etrieved June 29, 2013Print titleD E$hina Said to .ave :ade $all to Let Lea6er ?epartE 103( / E.1S,) Government issues statement on Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(info(2ov(h6F2iaF2eneralF201306F23FP2013062309A6(htm+ *Press release+( .on2 1on2 Government( June 23, 2013( 109( / -a6er, PeterL -arr%, Ellen *June 23, 2013+( E&(S(,( >Lea6er Leaves .on2 1on2, Local Bfficials Sa%>E *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F29FworldFasiaFnsa8lea6er8leaves8hon286on28local8officials8sa%(htmlIhpGr^0+( The New York Times( 10@( / ESnowden left .1 lawfull%D $EE *httpDFFwww(news(2ov(h6FenFcate2oriesFlawGorderFhtmlF2013F06F20130629G163 06(shtml+( .on2 1on2 7nformation Services ?epartment( June 29, 2013( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 106( / E&o dela% in Snowden caseD SJE *httpDFFwww(news(2ov(h6FenFcate2oriesFlawGorderFhtmlF2013F06F2013062@G1A@!3@(shtml+( .on2 1on2 7nformation Services ?epartment( June 2@, 2013( ,rchived *httpDFFwww(we#citation(or2F6.et2%&d2+ from the ori2inal on June 26, 2013( )etrieved June 26, 2013( 10A( / E.on2 1on2 did not assist Snowden>s departureE *httpDFFwww(2lo#alpost(comFdispatchFnewsFafpF13062@Fhon286on28did8not8assist8 snowdens8departure+( Glo0al !ost( ,2ence 5rance8Presse( June 2@, 2013( EMuen also said there were discrepencies and missin2 information in documents used to identif% Snowden( >Bn the diplomatic documents, James was used as the middle name, on the record upon enterin2 the #order, Joseph was used as the middle name, on the ,merican court documents sent to us #% the ,merican Justice department, it onl% said Edward J Snowden,> he said( .on2 1on2 authorities also noticed that documents produced #% the 'S did not show Snowden>s ,merican passport num#er(E 10!( / Lu6, Eddie *June 26, 2013+( EJustice chief spells it outE *httpDFFwww(thestandard(com(h6FnewsGdetail(aspI ppGcat^30artGid^139 @Asid^3 !A0263conGt%pe^1dGstr^20130626isSearch^1searG%ear^2013+( The Standard *.on2 1on2+( 10 ( / Pomfret, JamesL 4orode, Gre2 *June 29, 2013+( E-ehind Snowden>s .on2 1on2 e;itD fear and persuasionE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F06F29Fus8usa8securit%8reconstruction8id'S-)E @&1$,20130629F+( )euters( )etrieved June 29, 2013( 110( / JShotJideo *June 2@, 2013+( E/ v e r a ; 0 D Edward Snowden F S Short 5ilmE *httpDFFwww(%outu#e(comFwatchI v^B3JG?-e)927+( Mou4u#e( )etrieved Jul% 9, 2013( 111( / :aier#ru22er, ,rno *June 9, 2013+( E)ead% at lastD .on2 1on2 director presents Snowden movieE *httpDFFinvestvine(comFread%8at8 last8hon286on28director8presents8snowden8movieF+( )nside )nvestor( )etrieved June 9, 2013( 112( / ikfbngq c hdmksdbf ijbedgjbf wsolgfnonc} m E~gsgfgqgmbE *httpDFFnewsru(comFrussiaF23Cun2013Flanded(html+ &E3Sru, June 23, 2013( 113( / Eijbedgj wbwsbcon ergxok m hvmkdbsgE /Snowden as6ed for as%lum in Ecuador0 *httpDFFlenta(ruFnewsF2013F06F23FecuadorF+( 9:;<=2>? *in )ussian+( June 23, 2013( 119( / :ontan2e, )enee *June 29, 2013+( E5or Edward Snowden, , $onvoluted Path 4o Possi#le ,s%lumE *httpDFFwww(npr(or2F2013F06F29F1 @1A2 A0Ffor8edward8snowden8a8convoluted8path8to8possi#le8as%lum+( &P)( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 11@( / EEvo :orales se a#re a ceder asilo a Edward Snowden si lo solicitaE /Evo :orales prepared to 2ive as%lum to Edward Snowden if reHuested0 *httpDFFwww(emol(comFnoticiasFinternacionalF2013F0AF01F606!29Fevo8morales8se8a#re8a8ceder8asilo8a8edward8snowden8 si8lo8solicita(html+( @l #ercurio *in Spanish+ *Santia2o+( E5E( Jul% 1, 2013( 116( / PortasD Portu2al autori"ou o so#revoo de :orales *httpDFFsol(sapo(ptFinicioFPoliticaF7nterior(asp;IcontentGid^A 361+ Sol Bnline, Jul% , 2013 0!ortuguese1 11A( / ESpain >told Edward Snowden was on -olivia president>s plane>E *httpDFFwww(##c(co(u6FnewsFworld8latin8america823201A6A+( --$ &ews( Jul% @, 2013( 11!( / Gru#er, ,n2eli6a( ESnowden still in :oscow despite -olivian plane dramaE *httpDFFin(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0AF03Fusa8securit%8 snowden8Cet8#olivia8id7&?EE 620A-20130A03+( )euters( )etrieved ,u2ust 2, 2013( 11 ( / 5isher, :a; *Jul% 3, 2013+( EEvo :orales>s controversial fli2ht over Europe, minute #% heavil% disputed minuteE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comF#lo2sFworldviewsFwpF2013F0AF03Fevo8morales8controversial8fli2ht8over8europe8minute8 #%8heavil%8disputed8minuteF+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved ,u2ust 2, 2013( 120( / Jenne, Philipp8:orit"L Jalde", $arlos *Jul% 3, 2013+( E-olivian leaders> plane rerouted on Snowden fearE *httpDFF#i2stor%(ap(or2FarticleF#olivian8leaders8plane8rerouted8snowden8fear+( ,ssociated Press( )etrieved Jul% 9, 2013( 121( / Shoichet, $atherine E( *Jul% 3, 2013+( E-oliviaD Presidential plane forced to land after false rumors of Snowden on#oardE *httpDFFedition(cnn(comF2013F0AF02FworldFamericasF#olivia8presidential8plane+( $&&( 122( / ESpain >told Edward Snowden was on -olivia president>s plane>E *httpDFFwww(##c(co(u6FnewsFworld8latin8america823201A6A+( --$( Jul% @, 2013( )etrieved ,u2ust 2, 2013( 123( / E>5ree from imperial persecution>D 4hree Latin ,merican countries offer shelter to Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFrt(comFnewsFmaduro8 snowden8as%lum8vene"uela8A23F+( )ussiaD )4( )etrieved ,u2ust 2, 2013( 129( / E5rance apolo2ises to -olivia over Cet row(E *httpDFFwww(alCa"eera(comFnewsFeuropeF2013F0AF2013A9A 191A 29(html+( ,l Ja"eera 12@( / )eportin2 #% ?aniel )amosL 3ritin2 #% $aroline StaufferL Editin2 #% Paul Simao *Jul% 1@, 2013+( ESpain apolo2i"es to -olivia for presidential plane dela%E *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0AF16Fus8usa8securit%8snowden8latinamerica8 id'S-)E 6506020130A16+( )euters( )etrieved ,u2ust , 2013( 126( _ a b c EEdward Snowden see6s as%lum in 20 nations, #ut 2ets no immediate ta6ersE *httpDFFwww(c#snews(comF!3018202G1628 @A@ 1 0 Fedward8snowden8see6s8as%lum8in8208nations8#ut82ets8no8immediate8ta6ersF+( $-S &ews( ,ssociated Press( Jul% 2, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 9, 2013( 12A( / Gladstone, )ic6 *Jul% 1, 2013+( ESnowden 7s Said to $laim '(S( 7s -loc6in2 ,s%lum -idsE *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F0AF02FworldFeuropeFsnowden8spea6s8out8in8moscow8for8first8time(html+( The New York Times( 12!( / Galeno, Luis( EJene"uela, &icara2ua offer as%lum to &S, lea6er SnowdenE *httpDFFworldnews(n#cnews(comFGnewsF2013F0AF0@F1 30 63@8vene"uela8nicara2ua8offer8as%lum8to8nsa8lea6er8snowdenI lite+( )euters( )etrieved Jul% A, 2013(



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12 ( / Spain Sa%s 7t 3as 4old Snowden 3as ,#oard -olivian Leader>s -loc6ed Jet *httpDFFonline(wsC(comFarticleFS-1000192912A!!A323! A09@A!@!A931 A39 32@0(html+( The Wall Street &ournal( *Jul% @, 2013+( 130( / EPoland, 7ndia, -ra"il snu# Snowden as%lum applicationE *httpDFFwww(thenews(plF1F10F,rt%6ulF1901A3,Poland87ndia8-ra"il8snu#8 Snowden8as%lum8application+( Polish )adio En2lish Section( Jul% 3, 2013( 131( / E5rance reCects Snowden as%lum reHuestE *httpDFFwww(fo;news(comFworldF2013F0AF09Ffrance8reCects8snowden8as%lum8reHuestF+( 'nited StatesD 5o; &ews $hannel( Jul% 9, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 9, 2013( 132( / E7tal% reCects Snowden as%lum reHuestE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0AF09Fus8ital%8snowden8id'S-)E 6307G20130A09+( )euters( Jul% 9, 2013( 133( / sterreichische )e2ierun2 sieht 5ormalfehler #ei ,s%lantra2 von Snowden *httpDFFderstandard(atF13A11A1392!09F)e2ierun28sieht8 5ormalfehler8#ei8,s%lantra28von8Snowden+( ?erstandard(at( 139( / E4eevenD 2een asiel voor SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(nieuws(nlFal2emeenF20130A02F4eeven82een8asiel8voor8Snowden+ *in ?utch+( &ovum &ieuws( Jul% 2, 2013( )etrieved Jul% A, 2013( E?e ,meri6aanse 6lo66enluider Edward Snowden 6an fluiten naar een &ederlandse asielver2unnin2( /5red0 4eeven heeft het ver"oe6 ontvan2en, "e2t hiC( :aar het is >niet8ontvan6eliC6> want de aanvraa2 is niet in &ederland 2edaan(E 13@( / EEcuador cools on Edward Snowden as%lum as ,ssan2e frustration 2rowsE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF2!Fedward8 snowden8ecuador8Culian8assan2e+( The Guardian( June 2!, 2013( 136( / EEcuador >helped Snowden #% mista6e,> as%lum in dou#tE *httpDFFrt(comFnewsFecuador8helped8snowden8mista6e8as%lum8@1@F+( )4( Jul% 2, 2013( 13A( / EEcuador sa%s it #lundered over Snowden travel documentE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCulF02Fecuador8rafael8correa8 snowden8mista6e+( The Guardian( Jul% 3, 2013( 13!( _ a b Ezeqoj wsoljknD ijbedgj S m bcvmg( wbcbmgqbmkn i~y jg Ecqso| wbsbcgjvkEE *httpDFFnewsru(comFworldF2@Cun2013F6err%(html+( &E3Sru( June 2@, 2013( 13 ( / EPutinD Snowden still in :oscow airport transit "one, won>t #e e;traditedE *httpDFFrt(comFnewsFputin8snowden8moscow8e;tradition8 220F+( )4( June 2@, 2013( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 190( _ a b EPutin sa%s Snowden at )ussian airport, si2nals no e;traditionE *httpDFFu6(news(%ahoo(comFputin8sa%s8snowden8russian8airport8 si2nals8no8e;tradition819@ 9A113(html]&rEJw@9+( )euters( June 2@, 2013( 191( / E3i6iLea6s o cwgtcnexrp wsbmgno m bcvmg bwgskto ijbedgjE *httpDFFi"vestia(ruFnewsF@@29A!+( )7vestia *:oscow+( June 23, 2013( 192( / Julia 7offe, *June 2@, 2013+( EEdward Snowden>s 2oin2 to sta% in )ussia, Cust %ou waitE *httpDFFwww(newrepu#lic(comFarticleF113622Fputin8edward8snowden8free8man8will8sta%8russia8an2ela8davis+ The New (e+u0lic 193( / &emtsova, ,nna *June 26, 2013+( E4he &o8ShowE *httpDFFwww(forei2npolic%(comFarticlesF2013F06F26FtheGnoGshow+( Forei n !olic,( 199( / zkskdbvc ijbedgjk( uqo bq bn{gb skqk, |qbrp wbwkcqc} |gj bn{bfe, dk gg Z vbssefwosbmkjjbfe *httpDFFwww(nova%a2a"eta(ruFcolumnsF@ 0 3(html+ Nova,a Ga7eta, Jul% 1A, 2013( 0Russian1 19@( / Pavel 5el2enhauer( (ussian )ntelli ence )ntends to Ga Snowden and Aee+ 'im in (ussia *httpDFFwww(Camestown(or2Fsin2leFI noGcache^1t;GttnewsU@-ttGnewsU@?^9113 t;GttnewsU@-#ac6PidU @?^Ac.ash^ff ec!@A90Aac#90 A#e21d!ae#Aae1#]('e MAo0wd4@+ @urasia 4ail, #onitor, Jul% 1!, 2013( 196( / 3eissenstein, :ichael *June 30, 2013+( EEcuador PresidentD Snowden can>t leave :oscowE *httpDFF#i2stor%(ap(or2FarticleFecuador8 president8snowden8cant8leave8moscow+( ,ssociated Press( 19A( / Pearson, :ichaelL Smith, :attL :ullen, Jethro *Jul% 2, 2013+( ESnowden>s as%lum options dwindleE *httpDFFedition(cnn(comF2013F0AF02FpoliticsFnsa8lea6Finde;(html+( $&&( )etrieved Jul% 3, 2013( 19!( / EJladimir PutinD Edward Snowden must stop lea6in2 secrets to sta% in )ussiaE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F0AFvladimir8 putin8edward8snowden8russia8lea6s8 361A(html+( !olitico( ,ssociated Press( Jul% 1, 2013( 19 ( / Elder, :iriam *Jul% 2, 2013+( EEdward Snowden withdraws )ussian as%lum reHuestE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCulF02Fedward8snowden8nsa8withdraws8as%lum8russia8putin+( The Guardian *London+( 1@0( / .ers"enhorn, ?avid :( *Jul% 16, 2013+( Lea6er 5iles for ,s%lum to )emain in )ussia *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F0AF1AFworldFeuropeFsnowden8su#mits8application8for8as%lum8in8russia(html+ The New York Times 1@1( / Stan2lin, ?ou2 *Jul% 12, 2013+( ESnowden has >no re2rets,> see6s as%lum in )ussiaE *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsFworldF2013F0AF12Fedward8snowden8moscow8airportF2@1120AF+( -S. 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169( / E`gcqo bq zeqojkD ijbedgjbf jg lkjofkgqc}, edomn}gqc} bqb Eveskqbsk zeE( tgnegq okjqcve eveE *httpDFFnewsru(comFrussiaF26Cul2013Fpi6e(html+( &E3Sru( Jul% 26, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 26, 2013( 16@( / )eportD 5-7 wanted to fl% Edward Snowden>s father to :oscow *httpDFFwww(cnn(comF2013F0AF31FworldFeuropeFnsa8 snowdenFinde;(html+( $&&, Jul% 31, 2013( 166( / EEdward Snowden #etter off in )ussia than 'S, his father sa%s *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCulF2AFnsa8snowden8father8 Custice8russia+(E ,ssociated Press at The Guardian( Jul% 2A, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 2 , 2013( 16A( / EEdward Snowden>s 5ather ?eclines 5-7 Bffer to 5l% .im to :oscowE *httpDFFa#cnews(2o(comF7nternationalFedward8snowdens8 father8declines8f#i8offer8fl%8moscowFstor%Iid^1 !29A29+( ,-$ &ews, Jul% 31, 2013( 16!( / ESnowden out of airport, still in :oscowE *httpDFFwww(cnn(comF2013F0!F01FusFnsa8snowdenFinde;(htmlIhpt^hpGt2+( $&&( )etrieved ,u2ust 2, 2013( 16 ( / )ichter, Paul and Loi6o, Ser2ei L( *,u2ust 1, 2013+( ESnowden as%lum ma% presa2e roc6% period in '(S(8)ussia tiesE *httpDFFwww(latimes(comFnewsFnationworldFworldFla8f28russia8snowden820130!02,0, !! 91(stor%+( 8os .n eles Times( 1A0( / EEdward Snowden as%lumD 'S >disappointed> #% )ussian decisionE *httpDFFwww(the2uardian(comFworldF2013Fau2F01Fedward8 snowden8as%lum8us8disappointed+( The Guardian( )etrieved ,u2ust 2, 2013( 1A1( _ a b E&S, sp% lea6sD 'S fur% at Snowden>s )ussian as%lumE *httpDFFwww(##c(co(u6FnewsFworld8europe823@93!0A+( LondonD --$( ,u2ust 1, 2013( 1A2( / E3hite .ouse >E;tremel% ?isappointed> in )ussia>s ,s%lum Bffer to SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(voanews(comFcontentFwhite8house8 e;tremel%8disappointed8in8russia8as%lum8offer8to8snowdenF1A16@!6(html+( The $oice of .merica *'S,+( ,u2ust 1, 2013( 1A3( / EStatement #% the Press Secretar% on the President>s 4ravel to )ussiaE *httpDFFwww(whitehouse(2ovFthe8press8 officeF2013F0!F0AFstatement8press8secretar%8president8s8travel8russia+( The White 'ouse *'S,+( ,u2ust A, 2013( 1A9( / EB#ama cancels Putin meetin2 over Snowden as%lumE *httpDFFwww(##c(co(u6FnewsF2360@@0A+( 'S,D --$( ,u2ust A, 2013( 1A@( / E-arac6 B#ama cancels meetin2 with Jladimir Putin over Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(tele2raph(co(u6FnewsFworldnewsF#arac6o#amaF1022!@2 F-arac68B#ama8cancels8meetin28with8Jladimir8 Putin8over8Edward8Snowden(html+( The 4ail, Tele ra+h( ,u2ust A, 2013( 1A6( / )ussia >disappointed> #% B#ama cancellin2 Putin meetin2D 1remlin *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0!F0AFus8usa8securit%8 o#ama8putin86remlin8id'S-)E A60S020130!0A+ )euters 1AA( / E)ussia EdisappointedE #ilateral tal6s with 'S cancelledE *httpDFFwww(##c(co(u6FnewsF2360!0@2+( --$( ,u2ust A, 2013( )etrieved ,u2ust !, 2013( 1A!( / )ichard 5al6( ESnowden>s ,s%lumD >7t>s the law, stupid> S BpinionE *httpDFFwww(alCa"eera(comFindepthFopinionF2013F0!F2013!910166@A31!(html+( ,l Ja"eera( 1A ( / ELon Snowden, Edward Snowden>s 5ather, Sa%s .e>s 4han6ful 4o Putin 5or ProtectionE *httpDFFwww(huffin2tonpost(comF2013F0AF31Flon8snowden8edward8snowden8GnG36!1210(html+( 'uffin ton !ost( 1!0( / Ta6aria Phil Stewart, 4a#assum( EEdward Snowden>s 5ather Praises Jladimir Putin ,s >Standin2 5irm> ,2ainst 'S PressureE *httpDFFwww(#usinessinsider(comFedward8snowdens8father8praises8vladimir8putin8820138!+( -usiness 7nsider *)euters+( )etrieved ,u2ust 11, 2013( 1!1( / ESnowden>s 5ather 4han6s )ussia 5or Protectin2 .is SonE *httpDFFen(rian(ruFrussiaF20130A31F1!2@06 A (html+( )ossi%a 29 television( )etrieved ,u2ust 11, 2013( 1!2( / ESnowden>s fatherD :% son is no traitorE *httpDFFwww(saudi2a"ette(com(saFinde;(cfmI method^home(re2concontentid^2013062 1A160 +( Saudi Journal( )etrieved ,u2ust 11, 2013( 1!3( / Lon Snowden >4his 3ee6> E;clusive 7nterview *httpDFFa#cnews(2o(comF4his3ee6FvideoFlon8snowden8wee68e;clusive8interview8 1 2 !6@+( ,-$ &ews( 1!9( / Snowden>s father 2ets visa, to leave for )ussia >soon> *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0!F11Fus8usa8securit%8snowden8 id'S-)E A,0!M20130!11+( )euters( 1!@( / :% son wonVt 2et fair trial in 'S S SnowdenVs father *httpDFFrt(comFnewsFsnowden8father8fair8trial8!36F+( )4 &ews 1!6( / ?elawala, 7mti%a"( EEdward Snowden>s 5ather 3ill 4ravel to )ussia, )eCects 7dea of Plea ?eal 5or SonE *httpDFFa#cnews(2o(comF#lo2sFpoliticsF2013F0!Fedward8snowdens8father8will8travel8to8russia8reCects8idea8of8plea8dealF+( ,-$ &ews( 1!A( / 1nowlton, -rian *,u2ust 11, 2013+( ELea6erVs 5ather Sa%s .e 3ill Jisit Son in )ussiaE *httpDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F0!F12FusFsnowdens8father8sa%s8he8will8visit8son8in8russia(htmlIGr^0+( New York Times( 1!!( / Lu6as 7( ,lpert *,u2ust 1@, 2013+ ?ivisions 3iden ,mon2 Snowden>s Supporters *httpDFFonline(wsC(comFarticleFS-1000192912A!!A329!23!09@A 0196119 A3A!326(html+ The Wall Street &ournal 1! 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1 !( / :ac,s6ill, Ewen *,u2ust 13, 2013+( E3hite .ouse insists James $lapper will not lead &S, surveillance reviewE *httpDFFwww(the2uardian(comFworldF2013Fau2F13Fwhite8house8Cames8clapper8nsa8surveillance8review+( The Guardian( 1 ( / 5arivar, $%rus *,u2ust 23, 2013+( EB#ama>s >outside e;perts> surveillance review panel has deep ties to 2ov>tE *httpDFFarstechnica(comFtech8polic%F2013F0!Fo#amas8reported8outside8e;perts8surveillance8review8panel8has8deep8ties8to8 2ovtF+( .rs Technica( 200( / )eeve, Elspeth *June 10, 2013+( E3ashin2ton turns on the &S, #linders to tar2et weird >74 2u%> lea6er insteadE *httpDFFwww(theatlanticwire(comFpoliticsF2013F06Fedward8snowden8washin2ton8responseF66063F+( The .tlantic Wire( 201( _ a b .er#, Jerem%L Sin6, Justin *June 10, 2013+( ESen( 5einstein calls Snowden>s &S, lea6s an >act of treason>E *httpDFFthehill(comF#lo2sFdefcon8hillFpolic%8and8strate2%F309@A38sen8feinstein8snowdens8lea6s8are8treason+( thehill(com( 202( / &elson, -ill *June 11, 2013+( E4his man is a traitorE *httpDFFwww(n%dail%news(comFopinionFman8traitor8article81(136 6!2+( 4ail, News *&ew Mor6+( 203( / EEdward SnowdenD E;8$7, lea6er drops out of si2ht, faces le2al #attleE *httpDFFarticles(chica2otri#une(comF2013806810FnewsFchi8 edward8snowden8nsa8lea6s820130610G1Gu8s8Custice8department8re2ina8ip8hon286on2+( The "hica o Tri0une( )euters( June 10, 2013( )etrieved June 12, 2013( 209( / -la6e, ,aron *June 11, 2013+( E?&$ chair ?e##ie 3asserman Schult"D Snowden is a cowardE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comF#lo2sFpost8politicsFwpF2013F06F11Fdnc8chair8de##ie8wasserman8schult"8snowden8is8a8 cowardF+( The Washin ton !ost( )etrieved June 13, 2013( 20@( / ?umain, EmmaL Lesniews6i, &iels *June 10, 2013+( ESnowden .as a 5ew ?efenders on the .illE *httpDFFwww(rollcall(comFnewsFsnowdenGhasGaGfewGdefendersGonGtheGhill822@9 281(htmlIpos^opl%h+( (oll "all( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 206( / :or2enstern, :adeleine *June 11, 2013+( E4ed $ru" )eservin2 Jud2ement on 3hether &S, Lea6er 7s a >Patriot> or a >4raitor>E *httpDFFwww(the#la"e(comFstoriesF2013F06F11Fted8cru"8reservin28Cud2ement8on8whether8nsa8lea6er8is8a8patriot8or8a8 traitorF+( The 6la7e( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 20A( / Sin6, Justin *June 11, 2013+( E)and Paul >reservin2 Cud2ment> on &S, lea6erE *httpDFFthehill(comF#lo2sF#lo28#riefin28 roomFnewsF3096A38rand8paul8reservin28Cud2ment8on8nsa8lea6er+( The 'ill( 20!( / Sullivan, Sean *June 23, 2013+( E)and PaulD Snowden will face pro#lems if he >co"ies up> to )ussia, $hinaE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comF#lo2sFpost8politicsFwpF2013F06F23Frand8paul8snowden8will8face8pro#lems8if8he8co"ies8up8 to8russia8chinaF+( The Washin ton !ost( 20 ( / E)and PaulD Edward Snowden civil diso#edientV S 4al 1opan SE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F06Frand8paul8edward8 snowden8nsa8lea68 2 @3(html+( Politico(com( June 1!, 2013( 210( / EJohn Lewis compares Edward Snowden, Gandhi S James ,r6in SE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F0!FCohn8lewis8compares8 edward8snowden82andhi8 @31A(html+( Politico(com( ,u2ust !, 2013( 211( / S( 13A2 *httpDFFhdl(loc(2ovFloc(uscon2ressFle2islation(113s13A2+ at 4.B:,S( S( 13A2 *httpDFFwww(2ovtrac6(usFcon2ressF#illsF113Fs13A2+ at Gov4rac6( S( 13A2 *httpDFFwww(opencon2ress(or2F#illF1138s13A2F+ at Bpen$on2ress( 212( / Ten2erle, Patricia *Jul% 2@, 2013+( E'(S( lawma6ers want sanctions on an% countr% ta6in2 in SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0AF2@Fus8usa8securit%8con2ress8id'S-)E 6B1!220130A2@+( )euters( 213( / E'(S( Senate advances law pressurin2 )ussia not to 2ive Snowden as%lumE *httpDFFnews(;inhuanet(comFen2lishFworldF20138 0AF26FcG132@A991!(htm+( =inhua( Jul% 26, 2013( 219( / E5M19 5ull $ommittee :ar6up of State85orei2n Bperations, and 5inancial Services General Government -illsE *httpDFFwww(appropriations(senate(2ovFwe#casts(cfmImethod^we#casts(viewid^@ 13@3fa8!fd0891e 8 dAe86adf0a#A6@3A+ *Podcast+( 'nited States Senate $ommittee on ,ppropriations( Jul% 2@, 2013( Event occurs at 1D10D0!( httpDFFwww(appropriations(senate(2ovFwe#casts(cfmImethod^we#casts(viewid^@ 13@3fa8!fd0891e 8 dAe86adf0a#A6@3A( 21@( / :a; Ehrenfreund( E.ouse proposal to curtail &S, in response to Edward Snowden>s lea6s fails narrowl%E *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFworldFnational8securit%Fhouse8proposal8to8curtail8nsa8in8response8to8edward8snowdens8 lea6s8fails8narrowl%F2013F0AF2@F#A11A33!8f@9d811e28 939860990!@6fadfGstor%(html+( The Washin ton !ost( 216( / E4he ,mash ,mendment 5ails, -arel% S ,##% Bhlheiser and Philip -umpE *httpDFFwww(theatlanticwire(comFpoliticsF2013F0AFamash8amendment8fails8despite8democratic8supportF6A@!9F+( 4he ,tlantic 3ire( Jul% 29, 2013( 21A( / E,mashD Snowden a whistle8#lower, >told us what we need to 6now>E( 5o; &ews $hannel( :issin2 or empt% |url= *help+ 21!( / )addat", :artha *,u2ust 9, 2013+( E>4his 3ee6> 4ranscriptD Gen( :artin ?empse%, )eps( )uppers#er2er and 1in2, and Glenn GreenwaldE *httpDFFa#cnews(2o(comF4his3ee6Fwee68transcript82en8martin8dempse%8reps8ruppers#er2er86in2Fstor%I id^1 !69 13pa2e^3(+( .6" News 3This Week3( )etrieved ,u2ust 19, 2013( 21 ( / E:c$ainD Moun2 ,mericans admire Snowden, see him as some 6ind of Jason -ourneVE *httpDFFwww(washin2tontimes(comFnewsF2013Fau2F11Fmccain8%oun28americans8admire8snowden8see8him8someF+( The Washin ton Times( )etrieved ,u2ust 11, 2013( 220( / Johnson, Lu6e( EEdward Snowden )eceives Support 5rom 5ormer GBP Sen( Gordon .umphre%E *httpDFFwww(huffin2tonpost(comF2013F0AF16Fedward8snowden82ordon8humphre%GnG36069 1(html+( 'uffin ton !ost( )etrieved ,u2ust 11, 2013( 221( / Greenwald, Glenn( EEmail e;chan2e #etween Edward Snowden and former GBP Senator Gordon .umphre%E *httpDFFwww(the2uardian(comFcommentisfreeF2013FCulF16F2ordon8humphre%8email8edward8snowden+( The Guardian( )etrieved ,u2ust 11, 2013( 222( / E)ep( :c$lintoc6 Sa%s the 'S Should Grant Snowden ,mnest% S .it )unE *httpDFFreason(comF#lo2F2013F0!F12Frep8mcclintoc68 sa%s8the8us8should82ran+( (eason( Jul% 29, 2013( 223( / &ewport, 5ran6 *June 12, 2013+( E,mericans ?isapprove of Government Surveillance Pro2ramsE *httpDFFwww(2allup(comFpollF163093Famericans8disapprove82overnment8surveillance8pro2rams(asp;+( Gallu+( 229( / !u0lic S+lit over )m+act of NS. 8eak1 6ut #ost Want Snowden !rosecuted *httpDFFwww(people8press(or2F2013F06F1AFpu#lic8split8 over8impact8of8nsa8lea68#ut8most8want8snowden8prosecutedF+( Pew )esearch $enter( June 1A, 2013( 22@( / Pa2e, Susan *June 1!, 2013+( EPollD Snowden should #e prosecuted for &S, lea6sE *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsFpoliticsF2013F06F1AFamericans8sa%8snowden8should8#e8prosecuted8for8nsa8lea6s8in8usa8 toda%8pollF2930@!3F+( -S. 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226( / EPost8,-$ pollD &S, surveillance and Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFpoliticsFpollin2Fposta#c8poll8nsa8 surveillance8edward8snowdenF2013F06F1 F6 @A1a!8d!cf811e28#91!8 dfa0 @e12@dGpa2e(html+( The Washin ton !ost( June 1 , 2013( 22A( / Emil% Swanson *Jul% @, 2013+( EEdward Snowden Poll 5inds :ore ,mericans &ow 4hin6 .e ?id 4he 3ron2 4hin2E *httpDFFwww(huffin2tonpost(comF2013F0AF0@Fedward8snowden8pollGnG3@92 31(html+( 'uffin ton !ost( )etrieved Jul% , 2013( See more polls reported in earl% Jul%, see here /10 *httpDFFtoda%(%ou2ov(comFnewsF2013F0AF03Fsnowden8sta%s8russia8he8slips8pu#lic8 opinionF+( 22!( / )e#ecca -allhaus *Jul% 29, 2013+ 3SJF&-$ PollD :ost ,mericans Jiew Snowden &e2ativel% *httpDFF#lo2s(wsC(comFwashwireF2013F0AF29FwsCn#c8poll8most8americans8view8snowden8ne2ativel%F+ The Wall Street &ournal 22 ( _ a b Salant, Jonathan ?( *Jul% 10, 2013+( ESnowden Seen as 3histle8-lower #% :aCorit% in &ew PollE *httpDFFwww(#loom#er2(comFnewsF201380A810Fsnowden8seen8as8whistle#loweer8#%8maCorit%8in8new8poll(html+( 6loom0er News( )etrieved Jul% 10, 2013( 230( / &elson, Steven *,u2ust 1, 2013+( E,s Edward Snowden receives as%lum in )ussia, poll shows ,mericans s%mpathetic to &S, >whistle8#lower>E *httpDFFwww(usnews(comFnewsF#lo2sFwashin2ton8whispersF2013F0!F01Fedward8snowden8receives8as%lum8in8russia8 poll8shows8americans8s%mpathetic8to8nsa8whistle8#lower+( -S News B World (e+ort( 231( / Greenwald, Glenn *June 22, 2013+( EBn the Espiona2e ,ct char2es a2ainst Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FcommentisfreeF2013FCunF22Fsnowden8espiona2e8char2es+( The Guardian Securit, and 8i0ert, 0lo *London+( ,rchived *httpDFFwww(we#citation(or2F6.aBC!'i&+ from the ori2inal on June 23, 2013( )etrieved June 23, 2013( 232( / Guari2lia, :atthew *June 10, 2013+( EEdward SnowdenD 4raitor or .eroIE *httpDFFwww(heav%(comFnewsF2013F06Fedward8 snowden8hero8traitor8o#amaF+( heav%(com( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 233( / $assid%, John *June 10, 2013+( E3h% Edward Snowden 7s , .eroE *httpDFFwww(new%or6er(comFonlineF#lo2sFCohncassid%F2013F06Fwh%8edward8snowden8is8a8hero(html+( The New Yorker( 239( / )ush6off, ?ou2las *June 10, 2013+( EEdward Snowden is a heroE *httpDFFwww(cnn(comF2013F06F10FopinionFrush6off8snowden8 heroFinde;(html+( $&&( )etrieved June 16, 2013( 23@( / ?avidson, ,m% *June , 2013+( EEdward Snowden, 4he &(S(,( Lea6er, $omes 5orwardE *httpDFFwww(new%or6er(comFonlineF#lo2sFclosereadF2013F06Fedward8snowden8the8nsa8lea6er8comes8forward(html+( The New Yorker( 236( / .arve%, 5iona *June 1 , 2013+( E&S, surveillance is an attac6 on ,merican citi"ens, sa%s &oam $homs6%E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF1 Fnsa8surveillance8attac68american8citi"ens8noam8choms6%+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved Jul% 9, 2013( 23A( / E&ew Mor6ers ?eclare >7 Stand 3ith Edward Snowden>D ?o"ens )all% ?raw :assive :edia ,ttention for &S, 3histle#lower *updated+E *httpDFFwww(sparrowmedia(netF2013F06Fi8stand8with8edward8snowden8rall%8union8sHuareF+( the sparrow proCect( June 10, 2013( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 23!( _ a b Gold, .adas *June 10, 2013+( EGlenn -ec6, :ichael :oore call Edward Snowden a heroE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F06Fedward8snowden8nsa8lea68michael8moore82lenn8#ec68 29A6(html+( Politico( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 23 ( / E$ornel 3est $alls Edward Snowden the >John -rown> of &ational Securit%E *httpDFFcolorlines(comFarchivesF2013F06FcornellGwestGcallsGedwardGsnowdenGtheGCohnG#rownGofGnationalGsecurit%(html+( colorlines( June 2!, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 9, 2013( 290( / -udows6%, -rent *June A, 2013+( E:att ?rud2e, -ernie Sanders and )on Paul versus -arac6 B#ama, Geor2e 3( -ush and -i2 -rotherE *httpDFFthehill(comF#lo2sFpundits8#lo2Fhomeland8securit%F30919A8matt8drud2e8#ernie8sanders8and8ron8paul8versus8#arac68 o#ama82eor2e8w8#ush8and8#i28#rother+( The 'ill *3ashin2ton ?$+( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 291( / E,rrest $on2ressman Peter 1in2, &ot &S, 3histle#lowerE *httpDFFwww(infowars(comFarrest8con2ressman8peter86in28not8nsa8 whistle#lowerF+( 7nfowars( June 10, 2013( )etrieved June 11, 2013( 292( / E&apolitanoD &S, Lea6er 7s an E,merican .eroEE *httpDFFfo;newsinsider(comF2013F06F10FCud2e8andrew8napolitano8nsa8lea6er8 edward8snowden8UE2U!0U $american8heroUE2U!0U ?+( 5o; 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2@2( / )oss, -rian *June 26, 2013+( EEdward Snowden Steps 7nto Secret '(S(8)ussia Sp% ScuffleE *httpDFFa#cnews(2o(comF-lotterFedward8snowden8steps8secret8us8russia8sp%8scuffleFstor%Iid^1 9 @391+( .6" News 2@3( / Ewin2, Philip *June 2@, 2013+( E3hat )ussian intel mi2ht as6 Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(politico(comFstor%F2013F06Fedward8 snowden8forei2n8intel8 3366(html+( !olitico( 2@9( / Simon Schuster *Jul% 10, 2013+( Snowden in :oscowD 3hat )ussian ,uthorities :i2ht -e ?oin2 3ith the &S, 3histle8-lower *httpDFFworld(time(comF2013F0AF10Fsnowden8in8moscow8what8are8russian8authorities8doin28with8the8nsa8whistle#lowerF+ Time 2@@( / SnowdenD 7 never 2ave an% information to $hinese or )ussian 2overnments *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FcommentisfreeF2013FCulF10Fsnowden8denies8information8russia8china+, Glenn Greenwald, Jul% 10, 2013 2@6( / 3at6ins, 4om *June 30, 2013+( E5ather proposes deal for Snowden>s voluntar% returnE *httpDFFedition(cnn(comF2013F06F2!FusFsnowden8law%er8offer+, $&& 2@A( / 4he Editors *June 29, 2013+( E4his 7s &ot ,#out Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(#loom#er2(comFnewsF2013806829Fthis8is8not8 a#out8edward8snowden(html+( 6loom0er News *&ew Mor6+( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 2@!( / Greenwald, Glenn *Jul% 3, 2013+( EJames $lapper, E' pla%8actin2, and political prioritiesE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FcommentisfreeF2013FCulF03Fclapper8l%in28snowden8eu8#olivia+( The Guardian Securit% and Li#ert% #lo2 *London+( )etrieved Jul% 3, 2013( 2@ ( / -erenson, ,le; *June 2@, 2013+( ESnowden, 4hrou2h the E%es of a Sp% &ovelistE *httpsDFFwww(n%times(comF2013F06F2@FopinionFsnowden8throu2h8the8e%es8of8a8sp%8novelist(htmlIGr^0+( The New York Times( )etrieved June 26, 2013( 260( / E&S, lea6er petition hits 100,0008si2nature threshold in under 2 wee6sE *httpDFFrt(comFusaFsnowden8white8house8petition8113F+( (T -S.( June 1!, 2013( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 261( _ a b c d Poulsen, 1evin *,u2ust !, 2013+( EEdward Snowden>s email provider shuts down amid secret court #attleE *httpDFFwww(wired(comFthreatlevelF2013F0!Flava#it8snowdenF+( Wired( 262( / ,ssociated Press *,u2ust !, 2013+( E4e;as8#ased secure email service lin6ed to &S, lea6er Edward Snowden a#ruptl% shuts downE *httpDFFwww(washin2tonpost(comFworldFeuropeFte;as8#ased8email8service8lin6ed8to8nsa8lea6er8edward8snowden8a#ruptl%8 shuts8downF2013F0!F0!Feda9@a308006c811e38!2 980ee@0A@#!90dGstor%(html+( The Washin ton !ost( 263( / :asnic6, :i6e *,u2ust !, 2013+( EEdward Snowden>s email provider, Lava#it, shuts down to fi2ht 2ov>t intrusionE *httpDFFwww(techdirt(comFarticlesF20130!0!F130 2A29113Fed8snowdens8email8provider8lava#it8shuts8down8to8fi2ht8us8 2ovt8intrusion(shtml+( Techdirt( 269( / .ill, 1ashmir *,u2ust !, 2013+( EEmail compan% reportedl% used #% Edward Snowden shuts down rather than hand over data to the 5edsE *httpDFFwww(for#es(comFsitesF6ashmirhillF2013F0!F0!Femail8compan%8reportedl%8used8#%8edward8snowden8shuts8down8 rather8than8hand8data8over8to8fedsF+( For0es( 26@( / Schneier, -ruce *,u2ust 22, 2013+( E4he real, terrif%in2 reason wh% -ritish authorities detained ?avid :irandaE *httpDFFwww(theatlantic(comFinternationalFarchiveF2013F0!Fthe8real8terrif%in28reason8wh%8#ritish8authorities8detained8 david8mirandaF2A! @2F+( 4he ,tlantic( 266( / ELava#it privac% rowD second email service closes >to prevent sp%in2> 4echnolo2%E *httpDFFwww(the2uardian(comFtechnolo2%F2013Fau2F0 Flava#it8email8edward8snowden8shuts8down+( The Guardian( 26A( / Glenn Greenwald *,u2ust , 2013+( EEmail service used #% Snowden shuts itself down, warns a2ainst usin2 'S8#ased companiesE *httpDFFwww(the2uardian(comFcommentisfreeF2013Fau2F0 Flava#it8shutdown8snowden8silicon8valle%+( The Guardian( 26!( / E?ata snoopin2D law a#idin2 citi"ens have >nothin2 to fear>, sa%s .a2ue S videoE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6Fu6FvideoF2013FCunF0 Fdata8snoopin28law8a#idin28citi"ens8nothin28fear8ha2ue8video+( The Guardian *London+( June , 2013( 26 ( / E&S, Prism pro2rammeD 3illiam .a2ue ma6es statement on G$.N S videoE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FpoliticsFvideoF2013FCunF10Fnsa8prism8ha2ue82chH8video+( The Guardian *London+( June 10, 2013( 2A0( _ a b 4ravis, ,lanL $onnoll%, 1ateL 3att, &icholas *June 26, 2013+( EG$.N surveillanceD German% #lasts '1 over mass monitorin2E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6Fu6F2013FCunF2@F2erman%8u682chH8internet8surveillance+( The Guardian *London+( 2A1( / Staines, Paul *June !, 2013+( E?8&otice, June A, 2013E *httpDFForder8order(comF2013F06F0!Fd8notice8Cune8A82013F+( Guido Fawkes 0lo ( 2A2( / 4ra%nor, 7an *Jul% 1, 2013+(E&S, sp%in2 rowD #u22in2 friends is unaccepta#le, warn GermansE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCulF01Fnsa8sp%in28alle2ations82erman%8us8france+( The Guardian *London+( 2A3( / :cPartland, -en *Jul% 1, 2013(+( E.ollande to 'SD Stop sp%in2 on us nowE *httpDFFwww(thelocal(frF20130A01Ffrance8furious8over8 us8sp%in28alle2ations+( The 8ocal *Stoc6holm+( ,2ence 5rance8Presse( 2A9( _ a b .ec6in2, $lausL Schult", Stefan *June 30, 2013+( ESp%in2 >But of $ontrol>D E' Bfficial Nuestions 4rade &e2otiationsE *httpDFFwww(spie2el(deFinternationalFeuropeFeu8officials8furious8at8nsa8sp%in28in8#russels8and82erman%8a8 0!619(html+( 4er S+ie el *.am#ur2+( )etrieved Jul% 3, 2013( 2A@( / )o#erts, ?anL ,c6erman, Spencer *June 12, 2013+(E&S, surveillanceD an2er mounts in $on2ress at >sp%in2 on ,mericans>E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF12Fan2er8mounts8con2ress8telephone8surveillance8pro2rammes+( The Guardian *London+( 2A6( _ a b :emmott, :ar6 *June 30, 2013+( E>5urious> E' ?emands ,nswers ,fter &ew )eport Bf &S, Sp%in2E *httpDFFwww(npr(or2F#lo2sFthetwo8wa%F2013F06F30F1 A2!9A@9Ffurious8eu8demands8answers8after8new8report8of8nsa8 sp%in2+( &P)( 2AA( / 4ra%nor, 7anL Bs#orne, LouiseL ?oward, Jamie *Jul% 1, 2013+(E1e% 'S8E' trade pact under threat after more &S, sp%in2 alle2ationsE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF30Fnsa8sp%in28europe8claims8us8eu8trade+( The Guardian *London+( 2A!( / >1e% Partners>D 4he Secret Lin6 -etween German% and the &S, *httpDFFwww(spie2el(deFinternationalFworldF2erman8intelli2ence8 wor6ed8closel%8with8nsa8on8data8surveillance8a8 123@@(html+ Jul% 22, 2013 Spie2el Bnline 2A ( / Jalentina Pop *Jul% !, 2013+( EGerman% defends intelli2ence co8operation with 'SE *httpDFFeuo#server(comFforei2nF120A @+( @-o0server( )etrieved Jul% , 2013( 2!0( / 4rittin, JYr2en *Jul% 2, 2013+( EEdward Snowden deserves shelter in German%E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FcommentisfreeF2013FCulF02Fedward8snowden8shelter8in82erman%+( The Guardian *'nited 1in2dom+( )etrieved Jul% 13, 2013( 2!1( _ a b E'& ri2hts chief ur2es protection for individuals revealin2 human ri2hts violationsE *httpDFFwww(un(or2FappsFnewsFstor%(aspI $r^as%lum&ews7?^9@3 ]('fAe.6%GS2!+( 'nited &ations( )etrieved ,u2ust 9, 2013( 2!2( / ,mnest% 7nternational meets 'S whistle#lower Edward Snowden *httpDFFwww(amnest%(or2FenFnewsFamnest%8international8meets8 us8whistle#lower8edward8snowden8201380A812+ Jul% 12, 2013



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2!3( / E'S, must not hunt down whistle#lower Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(amnest%(or2FenFnewsFusa8must8not8hunt8down8 whistle#lower8edward8snowden82013806829+( ,mnest% 7nternational( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 2!9( / 'S, must not persecute whistle#lower Edward Snowden *httpDFFwww(amnest%(or2FenFnewsFusa8must8not8persecute8 whistle#lower8edward8snowden8201380A802+ Jul% 2, 2013 ,mnest% 2!@( / E'SD Protect &ational Securit% 3histle#lowersE *httpDFFwww(hrw(or2FnewsF2013F06F1!Fus8protect8national8securit%8 whistle#lowers+( .uman )i2hts 3atch( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 2!6( / $ountries Should $onsider SnowdenVs ,s%lum $laim 5airl%E *httpDFFwww(hrw(or2FnewsF2013F0AF03Fcountries8should8consider8 snowden8s8as%lum8claim8fairl%+( .uman )i2hts 3atch, Jul% 2013 2!A( / E'S needs to protect whistle#lowers and CournalistsE *httpDFFwww(inde;oncensorship(or2F2013F06Fus8needs8to8protect8 whistle#lowers8and8CournalistsF+( 7nde; on $ensorship( )etrieved ,u2ust 9, 2013( 2!!( / 'eise 5nline8,utoren ?etlef -orchers, anw *Jul% 23, 2013+( E3histle#lower8Preis fYr Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(we#citation(or2F67:vcdJ!H+( 'eise 5nline( ,rchived from the ori2inal *httpDFFwww(heise(deFnewstic6erFmeldun2F3histle#lower8Preis8fuer8Edward8Snowden81 22132(html+ on Jul% 2@, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 2@, 2013( 2! ( / Sven LYders *Jul% 29, 2013+( E5rit"8-auer8Preis an Edward SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(we#citation(or2F67:vN='E'+( 'umanistischer !ressedienst( ,rchived from the ori2inal *httpDFFhpd(deFnodeF169A9+ on Jul% 2@, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 2@, 2013( 2 0( / -ut, Joshua *June 16, 2013+( E.on26on2ers don>t want Snowden handed over to the 'S, accordin2 to pollE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF12619!3Fone828hon26on2ers8sa%8snowden8should8not8#e8surrendered8us+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( )etrieved June 1A, 2013( 2 1( / E.1, 'S 2ovt law%ers >not wor6in2 to2ether> on Snowden, sa% sources as $M #rea6s silenceE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon28 6on2FarticleF1261@ 3Fc%8leun28#rea6s8silence8snowden8case8we8will8follow8privac%8claims+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( June 16, 2013( 2 2( / 5raser, &iall *June 13, 2013+( E.(1( lawma6ers petition B#ama for lenienc% a2ainst whistle#lowerE *httpDFFwww(2lo#alpost(comFdispatchFnewsF6%odo8news8internationalF13061@Fh68lawma6ers8petition8o#ama8 lenienc%8a2ainst8whistle#l+( A,odo News )nternational( )etrieved June 1@, 2013( 2 3( / :a, :ar% *June 20, 2013+( E7p in securit% minister>s shoesE *httpDFFwww(thestandard(com(h6FnewsGdetail(aspI ppGcat^9 artGid^139A!9sid^3 !90A3!conGt%pe^1dGstr^20130620isSearch^1searG%ear^2013+( The Standard *.on2 1on2+( E.owever, surroundin2 the Snowden case is somethin2 never #efore seen in local politics( &ot onl% are the pan8democrat and pro8esta#lishment camps sin2in2 off the same son2 sheet, the pan8democrats and mainland propa2andists are hummin2 a similar tune(E 2 9( / Lau, Stuart *June 29, 2013+( E.on2 1on2>s political foes made allies amid Edward Snowden stormE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF126A@A9Fedward8snowden8passin28snowstorm8made8allies8hon286on28foes+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( )etrieved June 29, 2013( ESnowden>s arrival in the cit% 2ave .on2 1on2 a rare place in the 2lo#al 2eopolitical spotli2ht and ushered in near8unprecedented political solidarit% as pan8democrats and -eiCin2 lo%alists lined up to ta6e a shot at an unli6el% tar2etD the 'nited States(E 2 @( _ a b Tuo, :and% *June 20, 2013+( E-eiCin2 wants .on2 1on2 to handle Snowden on its own, part% newspapers su22estE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFchinaFarticleF1269609Fnewspaper8commentaries8su22est8#eiCin28wants8hon286on28handle8 snowden8its+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( )etrieved June 20, 2013( 7n print as E,rticles hi2hli2ht possi#le -eiCin2 roleE( 2 6( / Lai Min286it *June 29, 2013+( EEdward Snowden>s depature seen as a reliefD $hinese8lan2ua2e newspapersE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFhon286on2FarticleF126!012Fedward8snowdens8depature8seen8relief8chinese8lan2ua2e8 newspapers+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( )etrieved June 29, 2013( 2 A( / E-eiCin2 made final decision, sa% anal%stsE( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( June 2@, 2013( p( 2( 2 !( / 1aiman, Jonathan *June 2@, 2013+( E$hina>s state newspaper praises Edward Snowden for >tearin2 off 3ashin2ton>s sanctimonious mas6>E *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF2@Fpeoples8dail%8sava2es8us8over8snowden+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June 2@, 2013( 2 ( / EEcuador warnedD ,s%lum for Edward Snowden would Ceopardi"e millions in tradeE *httpDFFhotair(comFheadlinesFarchivesF2013F06F2AFecuador8warned8as%lum8for8edward8snowden8would8Ceopardi"e8millions8in8 tradeF+( :ichelle :al6in( June 2A, 2013( 300( / EEcuador offers '(S( ri2hts aid, waives trade #enefitsE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F06F2AFus8usa8securit%8ecuador8 id'S-)E @N0L!2013062A+( )euters( June 2A, 2013( 301( / EEcuador waives 'S trade ri2hts after threats made over Snowden caseE *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFnewsFworldFarticleF12A09A@Fecuador8waives8us8trade8ri2hts8after8threats8made8over8snowden8case+( South "hina #ornin !ost *.on2 1on2+( June 2!, 2013( 302( / EEcuador president #lasts covera2e of Snowden caseE *httpDFFarchive(isFT!&:S+( Newsda, *&ew Mor6+( ,ssociated Press( June 26, 2013( ,rchived from the ori2inal *httpDFFwww(newsda%(comFnewsFworldFecuador8president8#lasts8covera2e8of8snowden8case8 1(@@A9121+ on June 2 , 2013( )etrieved June 2!, 2013( 303( / Snowden>s fate up in the air after &icara2ua, Jene"uela offer as%lum *httpDFFwww(ctvnews(caFworldFsnowden8s8fate8up8in8the8air8 after8nicara2ua8vene"uela8offer8as%lum81(13@99 2+, $4J 4elevision &etwor6, Jul% @, 2013( )etrieved Jul% , 2013( 309( _ a b Pil6in2ton, Ed( EEdward Snowden>s di2ital >misuse> has created pro#lems, sa%s -an 1i8moon *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCulF03Fedward8snowden8di2ital8misuse8#an86i8moon+(E The Guardian( Jul% 3, 2013( )etrieved Jul% 3, 2013( 30@( / G20 summitsD )ussia and 4ur6e% react with fur% to sp%in2 revelations *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF1AFtur6e%8 russia82208sp%in282chH+, The Guardian, June 1A, 2013( )etrieved Jul 2013( 306( / B>:alle%, &ic6 *June 10, 2013+( E&S, lea6er reveals himself after fleein2 'SE *httpDFFwww(smh(com(auFworldFnsa8lea6er8reveals8 himself8after8fleein28us82013061082n"6h(html+( The S,dne, #ornin 'erald( )etrieved June 10, 2013( 30A( / &oor, Jaisal *June 11, 2013+( E5ormer $7, ,nal%stD Snowden ?id 4he )i2ht 4hin2E *httpDFFtherealnews(comFt2Finde;(phpI option^comGcontenttas6^viewid^317temid^A9Cumival^102 A+( The (eal News Network( 30!( _ a b Eisler, PeterL Pa2e, Susan *June 16, 2013+( E3 &S, veterans spea6 out on whistle8#lowerD 3e told %ou so *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FnewsFpoliticsF2013F06F16Fsnowden8whistle#lower8nsa8officials8roundta#leF292!!0 F+(E -S. Toda, *3ashin2ton ?$+( )etrieved June 1 , 2013(



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30 ( / Snowden saw what 7 sawD surveillance criminall% su#vertin2 the constitution *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FcommentisfreeF2013FCunF12Fsnowden8surveillance8su#vertin28constitution+ The Guardian( )etrieved Jul% 10, 2013 310( / ,ddle%, Esther *June 10, 2013+( EJulian ,ssan2e praises Edward Snowden as a heroE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FmediaF2013FCunF10FCulian8assan2e8praises8edward8snowden+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June 10, 2013( 311( / ?art, 4om *June 22, 2013+( ESupport &S, whistle#lower Edward Snowden, sa%s Julian ,ssan2eE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldF2013FCunF22Fedward8snowden8nsa8whistle#lower8Culian8assan2e+( The Guardian *London+( )etrieved June 22, 2013( 312( / ?avid Jac6son( E,ssan2eD B#ama >validates> SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(usatoda%(comFstor%FtheovalF2013F0!F11Fo#ama8snowden8 assan2e8nsa8surveillanceF269021AF+( -S. Toda,( 313( / E,ssan2e calls B#ama reform plans >victor% of sorts> for SnowdenE *httpDFFwww(reuters(comFarticleF2013F0!F10Fus8usa8 surveillance8assan2e8id'S-)E A 0, 20130!10+( )euters( ,u2ust 10, 2013( 319( / -low#ac6 from the 3hite .ouse>s vindictive war on whistle#lowers *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FcommentisfreeF2013FCulF0@F#low#ac68white8house8whistle#lowers+(E Lei#owit", Shamai in The Guardian( Jul% @, 2013( )etrieved Jul% @, 2013(

$urther reading
E4he &S, 5ilesE *httpDFFwww(2uardian(co(u6FworldFthe8nsa8files+( The Guardian( *7nde; of articles+ :ar2ulies, Joseph( E4he Promise of :a%, the -etra%al of June, and the Lar2er Lesson of :annin2 and Snowden *httpDFFverdict(Custia(comF2013F0AF1AFthe8promise8of8ma%8the8#etra%al8of8Cune8and8the8lar2er8lesson8of8mannin28and8 snowden+(E *,rchive *httpDFFarchive(isFTadEm++ $erdict( Justia( Jul% 1A, 2013( $howdhur%, ?e#asish )o%( E$hina missed chance for as%lum pa%#ac6 #% spurnin2 Edward Snowden *httpDFFwww(scmp(comFcommentFinsi2ht8opinionFarticleF12!921 Fchina8missed8chance8as%lum8pa%#ac68spurnin28 edward8snowden+(E *opinion+ South "hina #ornin !ost( 3ednesda% Jul% 1A, 2013(

E)ternal links
Edward Snowden *httpDFFwww(imd#(comFnameFnm@A22 !9F+ at the 7nternet :ovie ?ata#ase E?&7 Statement on )ecent 'nauthori"ed ?isclosures of $lassified 7nformation *httpDFFwww(dni(2ovFinde;(phpFnewsroomFpress8releasesF1 18press8releases82013F!6!8dni8statement8on8recent8 unauthori"ed8disclosures8of8classified8information+(E *,rchive *httpDFFwww(we#citation(or2F6.72&S =S++ Bffice of the ?irector of &ational 7ntelli2ence( June 6, 2013( P?5 Jersion *httpDFFwww(dni(2ovFinde;(phpFnewsroomFpress8 releasesF1 18press8releases82013F!6!8dni8statement8on8recent8unauthori"ed8disclosures8of8classified8informationI tmpl^componentformat^pdf+ *,rchive *httpDFFwww(we#citation(or2F6.721JB"H++ )etrieved from EhttpDFFen(wi6ipedia(or2FwFinde;(phpItitle^EdwardGSnowdenoldid^@A093@@1AE $ate2oriesD 1 !3 #irths ,merican whistle#lowers 5u2itives wanted #% the 'nited States Livin2 people &ational Securit% ,2enc% people People from &orth $arolina People of the $entral 7ntelli2ence ,2enc% People with epileps% Privac% activists )efu2ees in )ussia -oo" ,llen .amilton people 4his pa2e was last modified on 2A ,u2ust 2013 at 1 D20( 4e;t is availa#le under the $reative $ommons ,ttri#ution8Share,li6e LicenseL additional terms ma% appl%( -% usin2 this site, %ou a2ree to the 4erms of 'se and Privac% Polic%( 3i6ipedia is a re2istered trademar6 of the 3i6imedia 5oundation, 7nc(, a non8profit or2ani"ation(



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