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Victimology has come of age.

Victims, their needs and their rights, are being consistently acknowledged in words if not in deed. The victim has become a political tool or weapon depending upon ones point of view., but the concept and issue have, in a few short years moved from the domain of a hand full of pioneers to the council chambers of the united nations. And the people we know have made the difference. However, the growth can have at least two dimensions; scope and depth. Scope reflects the range and diversity with which the concepts and issues surrounding the victims have involved the new issues and the ideas; Some of the points which are considered within the scope of victimology are Victimology is study of crime from victims point of view: Victimology is basically study of crime from victims point of view. After the second world war the plight of victims were considered seriously by many criminologist in Europe. The y took the task of understanding the importance of studying the criminal victimss relationship in order to obtain better understanding of crime, its origin and implication. After second world war. B.Mendelsohn developed this branch of crimiloogy as there was growing concern for the plights of victims of all crime. The first international conference on victimology under the auspices of united nations was held in Jerusalem in the year 1973 followed by another conference at boston ii 1976. There were many seminars and studies on victimology at the regional, ntional and international level from 1976 to 1985 highlighting the problems of victims legal postion of victims in criminal proceedings, compensation for victims. Victimology analysis the victim offender relations and the interactions between victis and criminal justice system The process of being a victim involves two dimensions individual and societal. It is therefore incumbent upon victimology to develop theoretical models that cut across levels of analysis and which incorporate the dynamics of normal social intercourse as a basis of understanding how victims cope and in addressing victim needs.psycho dynamically there are 3 interfacing roles:victim,prosecutor and rescuer. The victim role requires a persecutor, the who victimized and the process is complete when there is rescuer, one who saves the victim from the prosecutor. arieh shaldev said the role of victim takes on importance primarily if there is

third party to be judge. The judge, the rescuer, reaffirms the victimization and condemns the persecutor thereby completing the process. Victimization is not complete until it has been reaffirmed by rescuer. It then takes on an idenetity separate from the victim/offender(prosecutor) interaction. victim of abuse of power in indian criminal jurisprudence, the term victim is nowhere defined and term victims of abuse of power is such a broad and ambiguous concept that sometimes it is argued that this concept includes , for example, abuse of power between state or between races and even economic exploitation of employees and consumers by large eneterprises. An important object to the criminal justice system is to ensure justice to the victims, yet he/she is not given any substantial right, not even to participate in the criminal proceedings. To achieve this goal, training and education in victimology by trained professional of criminal justice will help-says Dr. Beulah. declaration of basic principle of justice for victims of crime and abuse of power(UN, 1985) lso defines the victims of abuse of power like crime victims. The suffereing though impairment of fundamental rights is included. The cause, however of their sufferings is defined differently. The declaration od basic principles of justice for victims or crime and abuse of power adopted at the seventh united nations congress on the prevention of crimes nd the treatment of offenders held in milan, Italy in august and September 1985, and subsequently by united nations general assembly on 29 november, states victim of power means, who have suffered substantial impairment.. through acts or omissions that do not just constitute violatios of national criminal laws but of internationally recognised norms relating to human rights. The declaration of united nations make it clear that for more victimazation occurs as a result of the ctions of government and business instituttions than ever arises from what are defined as crimes under national laws and furthermore that mush traditional criminal victimization is caused by social victimaization often resulting from the actions of governments and business In fact, victim of abuse of power , often are suspects or under trials of crime and despite innocent until proven guilty principle underlying the adversial criminal system are victimized in various ways.

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