Walker Deb Novak Advisor

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Award is awarded to an Advisor who: 1.) Has served as an advisor of an on-campus organization for a least one school year. 2.) Has demonstrated a willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty with the organization that they are advising. 3.) Has made a lasting contribution to the organization that they are advising. 4.) Graduate advisors may also be nominated. 5.) Nominations for this award can be done by any student leader. Nominees Name: Stormy Walker Nominees Email: stormy@bgsu.edu 1.) How has the nominee helped you personally as well as helped the organization in which he/she advises? (500 words maximum) Stormy has done so much for NRHH this year from working to increase its campus awareness, foster growth within the membership, and to further allow NRHH to break barriers. This year, Stormy directly supervised Ann Marie, the former Vice President of Leadership, and helped her to put together both the fall induction ceremony and the Leadership Conference. Stormy arrived early to help set up for both events, ordered the food for the reception after the ceremony, and helped tear down. She has worked outside of her office hours to ensure that all events that NRHH puts on are a success. Stormy also advised a committee within the St. Baldricks planning team and served as one of the treasurers for the event, counting all of the donations that were received as well as the money received from the raffle tickets that were purchased for the drawings at the end of the event. Stormy stayed all day for St. Baldricks, working from 7:30 in the morning to about 6:00 at night, helping to make St. Baldricks the huge success that it was this year. These are just a few of the things that Stormy has done in one year to help NRHH grow even more than it has already.

Stormy has also done a lot for me personally. If I ever need a question answered or need some help completing a task, she is always there, just a text away. Stormy has also sacrificed some of her personal time in the evening to meet with me to help answer

questions that I have had about other operations of the chapter that I needed addressed. Stormy also helped me tremendously recently with the resignation of our Vice President of Leadership. With the committees created and meeting, much of my attention was devoted to helping the interview committee and the NRHH retreat committees moving as those are two important events that were coming up. Stormy actually took control of the inductions committee and worked to put it together, delegating tasks of who needs to create the program, who needs to contact the guest speaker, ordering the food, and putting together the decorations. As many of the details for inductions slipped my mind, Stormy was awesome in purchasing all of the supplies needed for the ceremony and ordered the food for the reception. She helped decorate again and helped to tear down after the ceremony. If it wasnt for Stormy and the help she had with the inductions committee, I dont think the ceremony and reception would not have been as successful as it was. 2.) How has the nominee given to BGSU and implemented the core values by advising his/her organization? (500 words maximum) Stormy has given to BGSU in several ways. One of Stormys position responsibilities is to supervise the operations of the Conklin front desk. She helps the Student Desk Manager ensure that the front desk operates as efficiently as possible and oversees the training and paperwork of all employees. Stormy also serves as a Hall Director on Duty throughout the semester, responding to any issues that may arise on the east side of campus. As an advisor to RSA and NRHH, Stormy works to implement the core values of the university through her actions and her character. Stormy helps to facilitate intellectual growth, whether it is through empowering members to make decisions and have an active role, or through the development of future career goals. Some of the conversations that I have had with Stormy have been future-oriented, where she asked me about my future career goals and asked for me to reflect on how what I am doing now is going to impact what I will be doing. She also ensures that members are respectful to each other and to have pride in all that we do; some of our most successful events in NRHH do require some boasting, as we raised over $25,000 from St. Baldricks and had nearly 100 people attend the Leadership Conference.

Stormy also organizes and teachers the Leaders in Residence classes. Working with peer facilitators, Stormy helps to instill the drive that many student leaders have into first-year and second-year students at BGSU. The program works to teach students about different styles of leadership and help provide them with resources and opportunities to expand their skills of leadership. Many of the students that participate in these classes often go on to become student leaders in residence life, student organizations, or in their communities. 3.) Please give an overall statement about the nominee that could best describe why he/she is deserving of the award. (500 words maximum) In just a single year, Stormy has impacted many around her. I have learned a lot about advising as well as a career in student affairs, which helps me to refine my future career goals. She takes so much time to get to know all of the students that she works with, and it is clear that Stormy is committed to the students of the BGSU and the university in general. She has helped to grow NRHH and RSA into stronger student organizations that now have more of a voice within the residence halls, and helped to facilitate connections between RSA and NRHH members. Stormy is more than deserving of the Deb Novak Advisor award.

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