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Sahajabodhi Kurukulle Dharani

Svabhavayogi January 2014

Contents Summary Introduction & Acknowledgments Root Kurukulle Dharani Short Kurukulle Dharani Long Kurukulle Dharani Commentary on the Three Dharani

Original Painting by Soyolmaa Davaakhuu

Summary Kurukulle is a female deity who resides in the west and is associated with enchantment, subjugating and magnetizing. Sahajabodhi Kurukulle Dharani is a concise text offering context and commentary regarding three Kurukulle Dharani. This text was composed in January 2014 after receiving Kurukulla abhisek from HE Garchen Rinpoche.

Introduction & Acknowledgments In January 2014 I was blessed and recieved Kurukulle abhisek from HE Garchen Rinpoche of the Driukung Kagyu lineage. This text and the dharani within were composed in the following days. That empowerment was given over the internet. Some people may criticize the practice of giving empowerments in this or that way. It is my understanding that if these empowerments are given and received with the correct understanding, motivation and only the sincerest of intentions, they do indeed confer authentic abhisek.
The touching of the vase to the crown of the head is the outer empowerment. The inner empowerment is to visualize yourself as the deity. The real empowerment is to realize the nature of your mind. When you cultivate bodhicitta, that is the real deity, and when you do this, that is when you actually receive the empowerment over the internet. If you live near the temple and think, "Oh, I don't need to go to the temple; I can just receive the empowerment over the internet," that is not the right motivation. If you have the opportunity to come to the temple, then you should come.If you don't live nearby and cannot come, but with all your heart would like to, that is the right motivation for receiving the empowerment over the internet. Whoever has faith and devotion will receive the empowerment regardless of where they are, because the dharmakaya pervades like space. Even if you come to the temple to receive an empowerment, if you have no devotion you still will not receive it. To quote Lord Jigten Sumgon, "You receive the empowerment only when you understand the meaning of the empowerment." H .E. Garchen Rinpoche

May the teachings embodied by Guru Rinpoche, Kurukulle and these dharani flower and multiply endlessly. May the writing, reading and recitation of these dharani be done with devotion and faith. May these dharani be of benefit to all sentient beings without exclusion. These dharani are summaries of the concise Kurukulle practice conferred by Garchen Rinpoche. The compiling of these dharani is but a single petal of the innumerable flowerings of that abhisek.

Root Kurukulle Dharani Om Om Om Om Namo Kurukulle Hung Hri Ah Hung Kurukulle Shrim Soha

This four line dharani is an extremely concise summary of Kurukulle sadhana. It contains the whole practice of deity yoga in only four lines: The first line offers homage to the deity who is the embodiement of dharmadhatu, bodhichitta and triple gem of refuge. The second line expresses practitioner identifying with the guru who is svabhavayogini Kurukulle. The third line confers the deity's blessings and the empowerment of body speech and mind. The fourth line is the dakini Kurukulle.

Short Kurukulle Dharani Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Namo Kurukulle Namo Guru, Namo Kurukulle Namo Dakini, Namo Kurukulle Namo Ishtadevi, Namo Kurukulle Hung Hri Ah Hung Kurukulle Shrim Soha

This seven line dharani is a concise summary of Kurukulle sadhana. Like the previous four line dharani it contains the whole practice: The first line offers homage to the deity who is the embodiement of dharmadhatu, bodhichitta and triple gem of refuge. The second line offers clear homage to the guru, dharmakaya, and buddha which are the object of refuge. The third line offers clean homage to the dakini, samboghakaya, and dharma which are the object of refuge. The fourth line offers calm homage to the ishtadevi, nirmanakaya, and sangha which are the object of refuge. The fifth line expresses practitioner identifying with the guru who is the syllable hrih, svabhavayogini Kurukulle. The sixth line confers the deity's blessings and the empowerment of body speech and mind. The seventh line is the dakini Kurukulle.

Long Kurukulla Dharani Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Om Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Kurukulle Guru Kurukulle Dakini Kurukulle Ishtadevi Kurukulle Kurukulle Guru Kurukulle Dakini Kurukulle Ishtadevi Kurukulle Kurukulle Guru Kurukulle Dakini Kurukulle Ishtadevi Kurukulle

Om Hung Hri Om Hung Hri Om Hung Hri Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Ah Hung Om Kurukulle Shrim Soha This long Kurukulle dharani has twenty five lines. Essentially the same as the previous seven line dharani, but expanding upon itself. This dharani's form is a condensed deity yoga sadhana.

The first three stanzas repeat four lines: The first line offers homage to the deity who is the embodiement of dharmadhatu, bodhichitta and triple gem of refuge. The second line offers clear homage to the guru, dharmakaya, and buddha which are the object of refuge. The third line offers clean homage to the dakini, samboghakaya, and dharma which are the object of refuge. The fourth line offers calm homage to the ishtadevi, nirmanakaya, and sangha which are the object of refuge.

The fourth stanza repeats one line: This line expresses practitioner identifying with the guru who is the syllable hrih, svabhavayogini Kurukulle. The fifth, sixth and seventh stanza repeat one line: This line confers the deity's blessings and the empowerment of body speech and mind. The last stanza is only one line: The last line is the dakini Kurukulle.

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