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Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce

No. 3/4, 3rd Floor, C Block, Unity Building, JC Road, Bangalore 560 002 Tel: 22223321, 24-25; Fax: 22232233; e-mail: ; website:

Circular No. 27 To: All Members /Industry

Dear Sir / Madam, Seminar on Energy Conservation: Drive the Change - There is No Other Way Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) under the aegis of its Energy, Environment and Water Expert Committee is organizing a half day Seminar on Energy Conservation: Drive the Change - There is No Other Way on July 8, 2013, 2013 at 10.00 am at Regency Hall, Hotel Windsor Manor, Bangalore. Preamble The ever-increasing demand for more energy is in most cases, satisfied with the increased energy production and countries often tend to forget about energy conservation methods as a more logical solution to satisfy increased energy demand. The continuous dependence on foreign fuel import deteriorates our future energy security and makes us vulnerable to volatile pricing. The environmental condition of our planet is getting worse with each new day so don't forget that energy conservation does not only help reduce our energy bills, it also helps our environment. The industrial sector uses about 50 percent of the total commercial energy available in India. Of the commercial sources of energy, coal, lignite, and oil and natural gas are mainly used. The Indian industry is highly energy intensive and efficiency is well below that of other industrialized countries. There is considerable scope for improving energy efficiency in industries, if such industries can promote energy conservation, it could lead to substantial reduction in their costs of production. Energy management is very important as all well-planned actions can help reduce an organizations energy bills and minimize the damage it does to the environment. The two main energy management strategies are conservation and efficiency. This requires the establishment of a system of collection, analysis and reporting on the organizations energy consumption and costs. It has been estimated that the total

conservation potential of this sector is around 25 percent of the total energy used by it. Objective The past three decades have seen a significant evolution in the science, practices and impact of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency has gradually emerged from being an advocacy subject to a powerful, cost-effective and environment-friendly policy tool to narrow the widening supply-demand gap facing the nation today. With the current economic situation wherein pricing is always under pressure, energy conservation is the only saving grace to us, which we have seen in the 2008-2009 mini depression wherein industry profited mainly due to the heavy focus on the energy conservation. This Seminar tries to once again bring focus on the Energy conservation in Industry. While most of us are aware of the conservation methods, with the improving technology and with changing times, more methods are now available. Sharing and earning is hence a key function in between Industries, with continuous improvement now already in the financial plans of most industries. BCIC is once again therefore bringing back the focus on energy conservation with the motto that the industry is left with no option but to double its effort on conservation in this tough economic environment. Speakers The Seminar will be addressed by eminent speakers drawn from various Industries, Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation firms. Mr. S Selva Kumar, IAS, Managing Director, Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd Mr. MVS Ramakrishna, Vice president Operations Praxair India Private Ltd Mr. S Sundariya, Business Head, Wendt (India) Limited Mr. S Ramesha, Deputy General Manager-Facility & Power Management Bosch Ltd. Mr. Pratik Kumar Wipro Mr. Amresh Deshpande, Marketing and Communications Schneider Electric Mr. Anuj Sharma, Chairman, Energy, Environment, Water Expert Committee, BCIC and Managing Director, Praxair India Private Limited

Topics Overview of Power Sector Conserving power through efficient Equipment Best Practices in Conserving Energy Easing power by utilizing Alternative Renewable Energy

Key Takeaways The participants are expected to benefit in understanding: Ways to conserve Energy Managing Peak Load Factor Cost benefits of Conservation Efficient Management of Power in organizations Efficient use of Equipment Optimal utilization of Power Alternative Power Sources Who Should Attend CEOs Heads of Manufacturing Divisions Energy Managers Consultants Technical Agencies Floor Managers Students Participation Fee Delegate fees for members Rs.1,500/- (Inclusive of 12.36% Service Tax) will be charged to defray expenses. The Cheque / DD should be drawn in favour of Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce. REGISTRATION Registration: 9.30 10.00 am. Kindly confirm your participation to our email id: Thanking you and looking forward to your support and participation in making this programme an eventful one. With kind regards, T S Sampath Kumar Secretary General

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