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SUPERIMPOSED: Somewhere in Idaho, 2008

INT. CHEMICAL PLANT SAMUEL STERN walks round with a helmet on greeting colleagues, he steps out to an open area where there are workers having lunch. His brother PHILIP is there explaining something to some workers at a table. Samuel looks on in admiration. WORKER #1 So you mean to tell me this thing is a human being. Great green monster is a little man who got exposed to the same thing were pushing in this factory? PHILIP STERN You see, what happened to Dr. Banner was a one-off, a very rare occurrence with gamma radiation. You get exposed to this stuff you either die or develop some type of cancer. Somehow Banner was lucky, he got neither. WORKER #1 (Joking) I think him turning green is a kind of cancer. Worker #1 laughs with his colleagues. WORKER #2 I heard he was trying to re-create a super-serum like the one they keep talking about created that alleged super soldier during World War II. Can you believe this guy?! PHILIP STERN It could be, but Im not so sure how true the supersoldier story is. Couldve been a story to rally the troops during the war, but a super-serum to give you powers well, look at Banner. SAMUEL STERN The Hulk (Approaches them) They call him the Hulk.

WORKER #2 Hey, smaller Stern! How come you aint as smart as your big brother here?! The table laughs. PHILIP STERN Samuels quite smart too. Did I tell you hes now a certified cellular biologist? Be moving to New York soon. Hes being doing more research on Dr. Banner, than I have. Trust me. Philip stands up to leave. PHILIP STERN (Contd) Gentlemen TABLE Prof.! Philip whispers in Samuels ear. PHILIP STERN You are smart, you know that right? Samuel smiles uncomfortably.



Samuel sits at a desk with a PC in front of him, when a mail comes in. Its from Dr. Banner (from The Incredible Hulk). Samuel gets excited. He begins to type. SAMUEL STERN Ill be in New York, soon. Samuel sends the e-mail. Cut to MONTAGE: SCENES FROM THE INCREDIBLE HULK; STERNS ACCIDENT FROM THE ABOMINATION. The story picks up from here.


BLACK WIDOW walks in and finds SAMUEL STERN slowly transforming with his head fluctuating in size. BLACK WIDOW (Into her mouthpiece; disturbed) Sir I found something. Cut to The Black Widow dragging Stern outside to a view of the massive destruction left by The Hulk. BLACK WIDOW (In Russian) Dear God! SAMUEL STERN (Dazed) You must be from Stalingrad, Russia arent you?! BLACK WIDOW (Surprised) What?! How did you A S.H.I.E.L.D car pulls up and the window rolls down. Its MARIA HILL. MARIA HILL GET IN THE CAR NOW! And bring whatever that thing is. Furys going to want to see it. BLACK WIDOW opens the back door MARIA HILL (Contd) Just dont let it ooze over the upholstery.

INT. A HALLWAY Two shadowy figures (a SCIENTIST and NICK FURY) walk towards a room. SCIENTIST The Abomination; bigger and stronger than the Hulk and the only creature we know to have defeated him in battle.

NICK FURY Where is he now? Cut to INT. A PRISON CELL EMIL BLONSKY is chained and looking dazed. NICK FURY and the SCIENTIST look from the outside in. SCIENTIST Were surprised his form was reversible. We didnt expect he could turn human again. NICK FURY Has he shown any signs of turning into the Abomination? SCIENTIST None, but physically hes still strong. NICK FURY Well, keep him under further surveillance. We dont need anymore monsters out there, not with what Dr. Banner has caused recently and not to mention the World Security Council would want to have Blonsky free for trying to take down the Hulk and pin him with a medal. SCIENTIST Will do. Cut to SUPERIMPOSED: SEVERAL YEARS LATER EXT. SAN FRANCISCO DAY

A jeep rides round the town, slowly followed by a saloon. The jeep heads to a suburban neighbourhood. BIG K.R.I.Ts Hometown Hero plays. The jeep stops in front of a house. As DR. BANNER steps out of the jeep, the opening lines are played: A superhero in the flesh. Banner heads towards the door, takes a breath and brings out the keys from his tweed jacket and opens the door and steps in.

INT. BANNERS HOME Banner walks in. He heads to the door of the living room, peaks in and has a flashback.

INT. THE LIVING ROOM, FLASHBACK An eleven year-old BANNER watches TV. TV PRESENTER (Looking at the camera) Can a nuclear attack create monsters and mutants? My guest today, scientist Mr. Howard Stark will attempt to answer that question. (Turns to Howard Stark) Mr. Stark, its nice to have you. -END OF FLASHBACK-

INT. BANNERS OLD BEDROOM Banner walks in and has another flashback.

INT. THE SAME ROOM, FLASHBACK A TWO YEAR-OLD BANNER cries as his mother is being beaten by his father. -END OF FLASHBACKJENNIFER WALTERS Hey Cous. Banner turns round to see his cousin JENNIFER WALTERS. DR. BANNER (Excited) Hey. Banner hugs her. JENNIFER WALTERS I thought I saw you pull into town.

DR. BANNER Was that you tailing me? JENNIFER WALTERS Yeah wanted to surprise you! DR. BANNER You did. I thought it was S.H.I.E.L.D keeping the usual eye on me. Look at you, hows the law firm going? JENNIFER WALTERS Its The sound of a large vehicle pulling up can be heard. Banner and Walters step out.

EXT. BANNERS HOUSE A truck full of heavily armed soldiers stops by Banners house. It is in a military convoy. The neighbours look startled. Dr. Banner steps out of the house with Jennifer closely behind him. The soldiers come out from the back of the truck in formation till finally GENERAL THUNDERBOLT ROSS appears. GENERAL ROSS It hurts me to say this but we need your help!

INT. BANNERS LIVING ROOOM Banner and General Ross are seated as heavily armed soldiers look on. Jennifer is uncomfortable with all this. GENERAL ROSS Well be out of your hair soon maam. JENNIFER WALTERS (Looks at the soldiers) Is all this necessary? DR. BANNER Its okay!

General Ross pulls out a file and proceeds to show Banner some pictures. GENERAL ROSS Another nutcase by the name of Theodore Sallis tried to re-create the super-soldier serum. He was working with a team known as Gladiator in Florida, headed by this woman Dr. Wilma Calvin. We believe she was secretly hired or persuaded, as the case may be by the group A.I.M. DR. BANNER (Surprised) A.I.M? GENERAL ROSS Yes, apparently someone resurrected the company after Killians death. Whoever it is ordered Dr. Calvin alongside Sallis to provide them with the serum. Wasnt long before Dr. Calvin got shot and was replaced by this man (shows picture), Dr. Wendell. He got shot too. Fury tried to get the formula from Dr. Calvin, shortly before she passed. It was of no use. A week after her death the new A.I.M then tried to ambush Dr. Sallis by using his wife Ellen Brandt as bait. She was one of Killians former goons, turned out she survived an early onslaught with your friend Tony Stark in Tennessee and got hired by the new guys to pose as Salliss lover. (Shows a picture of Ellen Brandt) Sallis managed to escape with the serum, but crashed his car into the swamps and thats where we need you. DR. BANNER In the swamps? GENERAL ROSS No, God damn it Banner well yes. We believe the man injected himself with the serum and became this. General Ross shows Banner a foggy picture of the MAN-THING. DR. BANNER (Looks closer) What is that? GENERAL ROSS

I dont know. Its a, er, man-thing. DR. BANNER Man-thing? GENERAL ROSS Thats what theyre calling it in the Everglades. We dont want to go all commando on this, as you know in the past that hasnt worked out for either one of us. We were hoping you could use that brain of yours to subdue him. Find a cure or something, then we get him. (Stresses) Not you. DR. BANNER You should be looking for a cellular biologist. GENERAL ROSS Cellular?! Youre the one who has experience in monster. JENNIFER WALTERS HEY! DR. BANNER Look for Dr. Stern. GENERAL ROSS Dr. Samuel Stern? I hate to tell you, but I dont think he can help us his heads gotten too big. DR. BANNER What?! GENERAL ROSS Literally! That mess you caused in Harlem a few years ago, he got injected by your blood. Got attacked by the Abomination whos doing fine by the way, seems all you monsters get a pass. DR. BANNER (Surprised) Blonskys still alive? GENERAL ROSS

Yep! You got to be a hero; the other two got to live behind bars. Thank your lucky stars! So whatd you say, Bruce? DR. BANNER Ill help you, but we have to do this my way. GENERAL ROSS Ive learnt not to argue with you son. So were going to Florida then now!

EXT. OUTSIDE BANNERS HOUSE Dr. Banner heads into the military truck as Jennifer stands at the door. They wave goodbye.

INT. MILITARY TRUCK The convoy is headed to an air force base. DR. BANNER Who else was on this team? General Ross presents a file with some pictures. GENERAL ROSS Drs. Paul Allen and Barbara Morse. (Points to Paul Allen) He, we found out later was an A.I.M agent. Hes the one who took out Dr. Wendell and she, (Points to Dr. Morse) well shes one of Furys foot soldiers. DR. BANNER S.H.I.E.L.D?! GENERAL ROSS Yep! When Steve Rogers was found in that ice and word got round, Fury knew people would try recreating that serum. So he had agents all over every type of science lab you know in America from Meth labs to high school labs. She happened to have been in the right one, posed as a love interest for Dr. Allen. Shes the one who found out he was working for A.I.M.

DR. BANNER Do we have any idea who might be behind the new A.I.M? GENERAL ROSS None so far. Thats why we sent her to find out. DR. BANNER Where is she now? GENERAL ROSS Shes still in Florida. DR. BANNER Were going to need her. GENERAL ROSS (To a soldier) Find Agent 19s whereabouts. Codename: Mockingbird. SOLDIER Yes sir! The soldier proceeds to check his laptop. DR. BANNER Who shot Dr. Calvin? GENERAL ROSS Some crazy town folk. People didnt like her much. She was known as witch-woman, once they found out she was working for A.I.M and identified Dr. Sallis as the man-thing, well someone took it as proof she was doing something bad and shot her. The NRA would be happy! Dr. Banner takes a closer look at the pictures. GENERAL ROSS (Contd) So tell me, while were on this one on one, do you still like my daughter? DR. BANNER (Surprised at the question) I heard shes with Dr. Samson now I respect that. Cant hold on to the past, but I still care about her. GENERAL ROSS

Hmmm all I wanted was a No! You always disappoint me.

EXT. NEAR AIR FORCE BASE The convoy is approaching.

EXT/INT. A.I.M BASE, FLORIDA- NIGHT DR. PAUL ALLEN is hurriedly packing his stuff when the alarms go off. Hes startled. He hears screams and heads out of his office. We catch a glimpse of the MAN-THING hitting a guard sending him some feet away. The man-thing looks up to see Dr. Paul Allen and proceeds up a flight of stairs, while being shot by guards, yet not feeling a thing. Dr. Allen considers jumping from the balcony, but its too high. He decides to do it anyway, falling as he lands. Hes badly hurt and struggles to get up. The MAN-THING goes back down the staircase, still being shot at. He finally roars, causing the guards to stop and runaway. By now, Dr. Allen is dragging himself across the floor. The MANTHING catches up. Cut to

EXT. AN AIRFORCE BASE, FLORIDA A MILITARY AIRCRAFT LANDS Dr. Banner and General Ross step out of the plane with accompanying soldiers. A SOLDIER approaches them. SOLDIER Sir, theres been an incident at the A.I.M base.

INT. A SITUATION ROOM Dr. Banner and General Ross look at footage from the attack. SOLDIER We managed to acquire surveillance tape from the site once we got there. The creature went straight for Dr. Allen.

DR. BANNER Means he knows what hes doing. He refuses to pretty much attack anyone, but that one guard and heads straight for Allen. GENERAL ROSS Remember when we told you we didnt want to go all commando on this? I lied. Theres a reason. That thing there emits acid. INSERT: Shot of the MAN-THING spraying Dr. Allen with acid. GENERAL ROSS (Contd) That thing doesnt feel gunshots and I lost a few men when he spat at my team. We need you Hulk. DR. BANNER I thought you wanted me to cure him. GENERAL ROSS Thats what the council wants. Me, I wouldnt mind if you crushed that thing. DR.BANNER And you get to kill two birds with one stone. He could burn me. GENERAL ROSS (Nodding) The thought did cross my mind.

EXT. THE SWAMP DAY TED SALLIS grabs some clothes on a line. Its clear he may be half naked.

EXT. NEAR A BRIDGE Ted Sallis covered in a hoodie looks on from a distance. The bridge is of particular interest to him. He begins to have a flashback.


Sallis is driving fast across the swamps.

INT. SALLIS CAR Sallis is with his wife Ellen. TED SALLIS (Angry) How could you bring them to the lab? ELLEN (Scared) They threatened me. TED SALLIS How do I know youre not one of them? ELLEN Baby (Ellen notices the bridge) Baby, LOOK OUT! Its too late. Sallis doesnt see the SLOW DOWN- MEN AT WORK sign and swerves in an attempt to deviate from the path, but still heads towards the bridge causing him to crash his car into the swamps.

EXT. THE SWAMP We see the car plunge into the swamp.



Ellen opens her side of the door and manages to come out. ELLEN TED! TED! She goes back in and sees Sallis in the car and tries to bring him out, but his seatbelt is hooked and wont come off. She struggles before seeing a green like chemical move towards the car. She swims back to the surface quickly and sees more of the

substance taking over the water. She realizes it might be toxic and heads to the bank quickly. ELLEN BRANDT (Crying) TED! A car pulls up to the bridge and four men come out rushing to Ellen. MAN #1 Where is he? ELLEN BRANDT (Crying) Hes gone! MAN #1 (To the others) Make sure, theyre no clues leading back to A.I.M Ellen notices something in the water. A half Ted Sallis/ half MAN-THING emerges from the swamp furious and attacks the men. ELLEN BRANDT (Shocked) TED! SALLIS/MAN-THING roars at her and in the process secretes an acid like substance on her face. She screams. END OF FLASHBACK

EXT. NEAR THE SAME BRIDGE Ted Sallis looks on when a school bus comes approaching from one end of the bridge and a speeding Ferrari from the other. It seems inevitable an accident might happen.

INT. THE SCHOOL BUS A teacher, MRS. NEAL holds a one year old. STUDENT How old is your son, Mrs. Neal?

MRS. NEAL (Looking at her baby) Hes just a year old. This is his first school trip, isnt? (To her student) Remind me to fire my babysitter, next time she bails on me, okay? The student smiles

EXT. NEAR THE BRIDGE TED SALLIS HEY! HEY! Sallis jumps into the water and heads closer to the bridge. The Ferrari driver noticing the school bus tries to slow down, but with no avail. FEMALE OCCUPANT Baby, slow down! Meanwhile the bus driver tries to stare the heavy bus away from a possible head on collision, instead due to its weight the bus leans on the railings of the bridge about to fall into the swamp. The Ferrari passes unscathed! Sallis quickly heads towards the bridge as the bus seems closer to falling. As he wades through the water, his transformation begins. He begins to turn brown and his limbs begin to resemble branches. As the bus breaks the railings and begins to fall THE MAN-THING holds it up. The occupants of the Ferrari are surprised by this. MALE OCCUPANT Babe, you see that? FEMALE OCCUPANT (With a camera phone) YEAH! As MAN-THING holds up the bus, he begins to lower it down to the water gently. Mrs. Neal is frightened. MRS. NEAL Stay in the bus kids. Stay

Her baby gets excited and slips out of her arms. Because the bus is slightly tilted, he begins to slip through one of the windows. Noticing this, MAN-THING lowers the bus quickly and grabs the baby as it falls out the window with his trunk like vines. He gradually carries the excited baby to its mother, handing him to her carefully. MRS. NEAL (Grabbing her child) Thank you! AT THE ROAD The Ferrari couple looks on. MALE OCCUPANT Can you believe it? That thing has a brain. FEMALE OCCUPANT Couldve sworn I saw a man in the water before we crossed the bridge. Time cut The local sheriff, JOHN DALTRY and his team have shown up. A LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER is taking pictures of the scene. SHERIFF DALTRY and his DEPUTY look over the swamp. SHERIFF DALTRY Talk about deja vu. Isnt this where that scientist crashed his car? DEPUTY Yep the female occupant of the Ferrari said she saw a man before the accident almost happened, but theres no sign of anyone else. A CONVOY can be heard coming. Its General Ross and his crew including Dr. Banner. The convoy stops upon approach and they step out. GENERAL ROSS Sheriff Daltry. SHERIFF DALTRY You must be General Ross. We were told you would be coming.

The two men shake hands. GENERAL ROSS What can you tell us? SHERIFF DALTRY Well it seems this creature the townsfolk have been talking about showed up and saved the school bus from falling into the swamp. Well eventually he set it aside near the banks and saved that baby too. It nearly fell in the swamp. General Ross and Dr. Banner turn to look at Mrs. Neal holding her son. Dr. Banner approaches her. DR. BANNER Excuse me. MRS. NEAL Hi. DR. BANNER Dr. Banner. MRS. NEAL Mrs. Neal. DR. BANNER You said the creature saved your baby. MRS. NEAL Yeah, the whole school bus. Whatever it was, it seemed to know what it was doing. DR. BANNER Did you notice anything else about the creature? MRS. NEAL No. The young lady over there said she saw a man in the swamp though, but we didnt. DR. BANNER Okay!

Dr. Banner looks around the scene and notices some traces of sap in the water, like that common from certain trees. He gets in the water. GENERAL ROSS Banner, what are you doing? Dr. Banner notices the sap traces lead to a bank.



Dr. Banner walks the banks following the traces he saw earlier.

INT. AIRFORCE BASE- CONTROL ROOM General Ross walks in. GENERAL ROSS Wheres Banner? The soldiers seem clueless.

EXT. THE SWAMP BANK Dr. Banner keeps walking till he reaches a trailer. There seems to be someone in it. Dr. Sallis opens the door and is surprised to see Dr. Banner. DR. SALLIS (Chuckles) Dr. Banner. DR. BANNER Sallis. Dr. Sallis looks around. DR. SALLIS (Suspicious) Are you alone? DR. BANNER Yes.

DR. SALLIS (Still suspicious) Sure you are. DR. BANNER I dont need little men in camouflage to defend me I got a big guy in green to do that. DR. SALLIS steps out. DR. SALLIS What do you want? DR. BANNER I can help you. DR. SALLIS (Agitated) You cant help yourself. DR. BANNER Doesnt mean its too late for you. DR. SALLIS You want to help me? Get me Dr. Stern. He helped you control your monster, didnt he? Help me get him. DR. BANNER Dr. Stern is locked up. DR. SALLIS I know, under S.H.I.E.L.D. You have access dont you, Mr. Avenger?

INT. AIRFORCE CONTROL BASE- CONTROL ROOM General Ross looks around. GENERAL ROSS Sergeant! SERGEANT Yes sir? GENERAL ROSS Did you put that bug on Banner?

SERGEANT Yes sir! GENERAL ROSS Find him now! The sergeant looks through a computer with a radar on its monitor. SERGEANT Sir hes in the swamps. Theres a displeasing face on General Rosss face. SERGEANT Sir using our thermal-imaging, there seems to be someone with him. GENERAL ROSS Can you tell who it is? SERGEANT Without a clear satellite image, we cant. Should we send troops, sir? General Ross ponders.

INT. TED SALLISS CARAVAN Sallis and Banner are seated having a discussion. TED SALLIS Dr. Stern cured you. DR. BANNER Temporarily. TED SALLIS What if he can get it right this time? I mean my molecular structure is different from yours. DR. BANNER Ted, Im not sure Stern can help you. TED SALLIS

(Agitated) God damn it, Banner! I hurt my wife I know she was a spy, but but I had feelings for her I still do. DR. BANNER (Leans forward) Then youre an idiot! Sallis bangs his fists on the table. TED SALLIS Dont mock me I still need to get rid of this. How do you do it? DR. BANNER Do what? TED SALLIS Stay human. DR. BANNER You dont. What happened to your wife? What did you do to her? TED SALLIS (Remorseful) I covered her in acid. DR. BANNER Did you know your wife worked for A.I.M under Aldrich Killain? TED SALLIS Who? DR. BANNER I think your wife might still be alive. TED SALLIS I never said I killed her at least I hope not.

EXT. THE SWAMPS General Ross MEN dressed in camouflage make their way through quietly.

INT. SALLIS CARAVAN TED SALLIS Help me talk to Stern. DR. BANNER If part of the same thing that was in Extremis is in you, there is a Chinese doctor that helped Tonys girlfriend. Maybe he could help. TED SALLIS All the way in China? I need a quick all-American remedy now. DR. BANNER Ill see what I can do. Dr. Banner stands up to leave. DR. BANNER Ill try and reach out to Stern, wont be easy. TED SALLIS (Standing up) Thank you.

EXT. SALLIS CARAVAN Dr. Banner steps out and begins to walk then stops when he notices there might be something wrong. As he starts to walk again SOLDIER (O.S) (Whispering) Psst! Dr. Banner turns to see a soldier in the bushes. The soldier signals for him to come closer. As Banner approaches, Sallis caravan breaks apart and reveals THE MAN-THING angered and roaring. The soldier takes aim at him. DR. BANNER (Reaching for the gun) NO!

Dr. Banner gets in the way and gets shot, falling to the ground. The soldier hurriedly looks over Banner as other soldiers start firing at the man-thing. SOLDIER Dr. Banner?! DR. BANNER (In pain) LEAVE!

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