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The Right to Fight:

Flight of the Red Tails

James Zhang and Chelsea Yang Senior Division Group Website

mage !ibliograph"

# planes landing in tal"$ %&''( Digital image( Sierra )otel *eronauti+s$ n(d($ Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /https:00111%2(+ore+ommer+e(+om03sierrahotel0uploads0image0p45%s4f"over+rop(6pg7 n this image$ three planes manned b" Tus8egee airmen begin to land in tal"$ %&''( This image 1as used in the 9*irmen *broad: se+tion of the 1ebsite(

*erial image of the Tus8egee *rm" *ir Field( Digital image( Http:// The ;(S( *rm"$ n(d($ Web( -< Feb( -.%'( /http:00usarm"(vo(lln1d(net0e-0= images0-..20.50-20'5.&0si>e.=arm"(mil='5.&=-..&=%-=-%=%5%-%-(6pg7 This is an aerial image of the Tus8egee *rm" *ir Field in *labama$ in the "ear %&'-( We used this image on the 9Conte?t: page of the 1ebsite(

*sso+iated @ress( The Tuskegee Airmen( Digital image( A(p($ -2 ,a" -.%#( Web( %% Feb( -.%' /http:00-5(media(tumblr(+om0e+e.f5'2B'55-#2fBe2a+..'.2<ebdde0tumblr4mnbn>oD Ca %rr5s1?o-4%-<.(6pg7 This is a pi+ture of a flight of Tus8egee *irmen being briefed prior to a mission( We used this image in the introdu+tion(

Congressional old !edal Honoring Tuskegee Airmen( Digital image( Chi+ago Tribune$ %< June -.%%( Web( # ,ar( -.%'(

/http:00111(triblo+al(+om0evanston0+alendar0-.%%0.B0%<0+ongress1oman=s+ha8o1s8"= to=honor=tus8egee=airman=and=evanston=native=fred=hut+herson=6r07 This is a photograph of a Congressional Gold ,edal honoring the Tus8egee *irmen( t 1as used in the +on+lusion of our 1ebsite(

Constru+tion of buildings at Tus8egee( Digital image( *ia(org( The *meri+an nstitute of *r+hite+ts$ %' ,ar( -.%%( Web( - ,ar( -.%'( http:00111(aia(org0aiau+mp0groups0e84members0do+uments0do+ument03e?port0* *!.<< -.-3%3DE4Do+ument4DC4G; 4Template3DE4Do+ument4DC4Fa"out4Template0%%55-=#(gif7 This image sho1s several men 1or8ing on the +onstru+tion of a building at Tus8egee( t 1as used in the 9* Dream Comes True: se+tion(

"leanor #oosevelt and C. Al$red Anderson( Digital image( %ationalmuseum.a$.mil( Tus8egee ;niversit"$ %2 ,a" -..2( Web( %- ,ar( -.%' /http:00111(tus8egee(edu0about4us0lega+"4of4fame0tus8egee4airmen0tus8egee4airmen4 photo4galler"(asp?7 n this i+oni+ image$ Dleanor Roosevelt and C( *lfred *nderson prepare for ta8eoff in a @iper J=# Club trainer( We used this pi+ture in the introdu+tion page of the 1ebsiteG in addition$ ho1ever$ this pi+ture +aptures an important moment in the formation of the Tus8egee *irmen( Follo1ing the flight$ Dleanor Roosevelt be+ame s"mpatheti+ to the plight of these bla+8 airmen$ and even +ontinued +orresponden+e 1ith *nderson for "ears after1ard(

Frissell$ Toni( Col( Davis and ;nidentified @ilot( Digital image( ,"au+tionfinds(+om( A(p($ ' Aov( -.%%( Web( -B Feb( -.%' /http:00m"au+tionfinds(+om0-.%%0%%0.'0tus8egee=airmen=HD-H<.H&<heroes=+an=be= bla+8=tooHD-H<.H&&07 This pi+ture is of Col( !en6amin I( Davis and an unidentified pilot standing in front of an air+raft( The pi+ture 1as used in the introdu+tion page of the 1ebsite(

Frissell$ Toni( &our P'() !ustangs &lying in &ormation. #amitelli* +taly* !arch ),-(( Digital image( The Fibrar" of Congress$ n(d($ Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(lo+(gov0pi+tures0item0-..2B25.2#07 n this pi+ture$ four Tus8egee *irmen in @=5% ,ustangs fl" in formation around Ramitelli$ tal"( This pi+ture 1as used in the 9*irmen *broad: page of the 1ebsite(

Frissell$ Toni( Tus8egee *irmen e?iting the para+hute room( Digital image( A(p($ -# Sept( -.%#( Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00'(bp(blogspot(+om0GrE)"o)!5pD0;8!8.));SS 0********lDJ0>1.hYC' a8Tg0s%B..0Tus8egeeKairmenKe?itingKtheKpara+huteKroom$KRamitelli$K tal"$ K,ar+hK%&'5(6pg7 This pi+ture sho1s several Tus8egee *irmen e?iting a para+hute room prior to a mission in Ramitelli$ tal"$ in %&'5( We used this pi+ture in the 9*irmen *broad: se+tion of the 1ebsite(

Frissell$ Toni( T1o Tus8egee *irmen inspe+t an airplane in Ramitelli$ tal"( Digital image( The California *fri+an=*meri+an ,useum$ n(d($ Web( ' ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(+aamuseum(org01eb4pages0past4e?hibitions4pages0past4e?hibitions4tus8eg ee4airmen(htm7 n this pi+ture$ ,ar+ellus G( Smith of Eentu+8" and Ros+oe C( !ro1n of Ae1 Yor8 inspe+t a plane in Ramitelli$ tal"( We used this pi+ture in the 9*irmen *broad: portion of the 1ebsite(

General Ronald R( Fogleman( Digital image( (( A(p($ -.%-( Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(551a(org0DLDATS0!irthda"H-.!alls0-.%-birthda"0fogleman4rr(6pg7 This is a photograph of General Ronald R( FoglemanG 1e used this pi+ture in the +on+lusion page of the 1ebsite(

)arr" S( Truman$ @resident of the ;nited States from %&'5 until %&5#( Digital image( / A(p($ n(d($ Web( -# Feb( -.%'( /http:00de(a+ademi+(ru0pi+tures0de1i8i0<'0Truman4initiating4Eorean4involvement(6pg7 This pi+ture sho1s )arr" S( Truman$ @resident of the ;nited States from around %&'5 to %&5#$ signing a do+ument( We used this pi+ture in the 9The *ir For+e ntegrates: page of the 1ebsite(

,a6( Dllison inspe+ts Cadets at Tus8egee( Digital image( A!C Ae1s$ -% De+( -.%.( Web( -# Feb( -.%'(

/http:00media'(snb+ne1s(+om060msnb+0Components0@hotos0.2.#-<0.2.#-<4tus8egee4h med4&a(grid=B?-(6pg7 n this pi+ture$ ,a6or James *( Dllison inspe+ts the +adets at Tus8egee nstitute in *labama in %&'-( We used this pi+ture in the 9Road to War: se+tion of the 1ebsite(

!a0or eneral Alvan Cullom illem* 1r. Digital image( A(p($ n(d($ Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(#ad(org0div4+drs0+g4gillem4a+(6pg7 This pi+ture sho1s ,a6or General *lvan Cullom Gillem Jr($ 1ho pla"ed an integral part in the integration of the air for+e( We in+luded this pi+ture in the 9The *ir For+e ntegrates: portion of the 1ebsite( 3bservation Pilot Trained at Tuskegee to Serve with the ,4nd +n$antry /ivision. Digital image( A(p($ -2 Aov( -..2( Web( %B ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(b6m6r(net011-0bl84airmen%'(6pg7 This image sho1s an observation pilot being trained at Tus8egee( t 1as used in the 9*irmen *broad: se+tion of the 1ebsite(

P'()* )66th &ighter S7uadron* Cattulica Aerodrome* #imini* +taly ' ),--( Digital image( A(p($ -2 Aov( -..B( Web( %B ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(b6m6r(net011-0bl84airmen%'(6pg7 This pi+ture sho1s a @=5% ,ustang at the Cattuli+a *erodrome$ in Rimini$ tal"$ in %&''( The pi+ture 1as used in the 9*irmen *broad: se+tion of the 1ebsite(

President 5ush reets Tuskegee Airmen /r. #oscoe 5rown and .t. Col. Ale8ander 1e$$erson( Digital image( A!C Ae1s$ -& ,ar( -..2( Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00media-(snb+ne1s(+om060msnb+0Components0@hotos0.2.#-&0.2.#-&4tus8egee4h med4-p(grid=B?-(6pg7 n this pi+ture$ @resident !ush greets Tus8egee *irmen Dr( Ros+oe !ro1n and Ft( Col( *le?ander Jefferson( We used this pi+ture in the 9The Tus8egee *irmen Toda": portion of the 1ebsite(

@ropaganda sho1ing an *fri+an=*meri+an soldier( Digital image( A$ricanindependance$ A(p($ n(d($ Web( -' Feb( -.%'( /http:00afri+anindependen+efilm(files(1ordpress(+om0-.%#0.B0photo=B-(6pg7 This is a painting sho1ing an *fri+an=*meri+an soldier holding a statue of a 1hite 1oman 1ith 9M-: painted on it( t 1as used on the 9Conte?t: page of the 1ebsite(

Red Tail @ilot Reunion( Digital image( A(p($ %% *pr( -.%%( Web( %B ,ar( -.%'( / http:00111(npr(org0-.%%0.'0%%0%#5#--<B50photo=galler"=the=red=tail=pilots7 n this pi+ture$ Feo Gra" Nfrom leftO$ Thurston Gaines$ John F"le and William D( Ri+e stand in front of a @=5%C ,ustang( This pi+ture 1as used on the 9The Tus8egee *irmen Toda": portion of the 1ebsite(

S8et+h of a @='. Warha18( Digital image( A(p($ n(d($ Web( -% Feb( -.%'( /http:00logi+althin8er-(tripod(+om0RedTail@=5%(G F7

This image is a pi?elated s8et+h of a @='. Warha18$ one of rhe first airplanes the Tus8egee *irmen fle1( We used it as the button image in the 1ebsite(

Stuart S"mington s1orn in as the first Se+retar" of the *ir For+e( Digital image( %ationalmuseum.a$.mil( Aational ,useum of the ;(S( *ir For+e$ -- I+t( -.%#( Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(nationalmuseum(af(mil0shared0media0photodb01eb0.&.<-5=F=%-#'I= .%%(6pg7 This photograph 1as ta8en 1hen Stuart S"mington 1as s1orn in as the first Se+retar" of the *ir For+e$ establishing the ;(S( *ir For+e as an independent bran+h of the ;(S( militar"( We used this pi+ture in the 9The *ir For+e ntegrates: se+tion of the 1ebsite(

The Freeman Field ,utin"( Digital image( C*F Red Tail SPuadron$ n(d($ Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(redtail(org01p=+ontent0uploads0-.%#0.#0mutin"(6pg7 This pi+ture sho1s several Tus8egee *irmen under arrest at Freeman Field in *pril$ %&'5( The Freeman Field mutin" 1as an important event in the histor" of the Tus8egee *irmen$ as it revealed the anger that the airmen felt to1ards the ra+ism being sho1n to them( We used this pi+ture in the 9Struggle at )ome: page of the 1ebsite(

Three Curtis @='. Warha18s( Digital image( Hao$$ A(p($ n(d($ Web( -# Feb( -.%'( /http:00111(haoffenba+h(de0bilder=histor"0p'.shar84%(6pg7

n this photograph$ three Curtis @='. Warha18s$ 1hi+h the Tus8egee *irmen used during the first stages of their parti+ipation in the 1ar$ are +aptured in flight( This image 1as used in the 9*irmen *broad: portion of the 1ebsite(

Tuskegee Airmen( Digital image( Sun' Sun Sentinel$ n(d($ Web( %B ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(sun=sentinel(+om0features0pi+tures0sfl=tus8egee=airmen=from=florida=photos= -.%#.%#.$.$'2B&#2(photogaller"Qinde?Rsfl=tus8egee=airmen=from=florida=photos= -.%#.%=.%27 n this photo$ Fee *r+her and his fello1 Tus8egee airmen 1at+h the opening of their reunion in @ol8 Cit" on *ugust %&$ -..5( We used this pi+ture in the 9The Tus8egee *irmen Toda": se+tion of the 1ebsite(

Tuskegee Airmen and Their 5'4(s at Atterbury Army Air &orce 5ase* Columbus* +ndiana. Digital image( ndianamilitar"(org( A(p($ n(d($ Web( %- Feb( -.%'( /http:00111(indianamilitar"(org0*TTDR!;RY**F0Tus8egee H-.*irmen0Tus8egge*irmen(htm7 This is a pi+ture of the Tus8egee *irmen posing 1ith their !=-5s at the *tterbur" *rm" *ir For+e !ase in Columbus$ ndiana( We used this pi+ture in the introdu+tion(

Tuskegee Airmen at An9io( Digital image( A(p($ n(d($ Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(a1esomestories(+om0images0user0bded5f5f.b(gif7

The Tus8egee *irmen pose for a pi+ture on the *n>io !ea+h head in *n>io$ tal"$ 1hile ta8ing part in 9Iperation Shingles: in this pi+ture( We used this pi+ture in the 9*irmen *broad: se+tion of the 1ebsite(

Tus8egee *irmen in Class '#=C pose for a group portrait in this %&'# photo( Digital image( ;niversit" of California$ Riverside$ %- Feb( -.%'( Web( %& ,ar( -.%'( /http:00u+rtoda"(u+r(edu01p=+ontent0uploads0-.%-0%%0T*=Class='#=C(6pg7 This photo sho1s the Tus8egee *irmen in Class '#=C posing for a group portrait in front of an unidentified air+raft( We used this pi+ture in the 9*irmen *broad: page of the 1ebsite(

Tuskegee Airmen in &ront o$ Curtiss P'-6 ;arhawk( Digital image( A(p($ n(d($ Web( - ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(latinameri+anstudies(org0afri+an=ameri+ans0Tus8egee=*irmen(6pg7 n this pi+ture$ a group of Tus8egee *irmen pose in front of a Curtiss @='. Warha18( We used this pi+ture in the introdu+tion(

Tus8egee *irmen Fogo( Digital image( Tais$.org( Tus8egee *irmen S+holarship Foundation$ n(d($ Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(taisf(org0images0tus8egee=logo=B.?&'(gif7 This pi+ture is the Tus8egee *irmen Fogo$ 1hi+h 1e used in the 9The Tus8egee *irmen Toda": se+tion of the 1ebsite(

Tus8egee airmen patrolling( Digital image( < A(p($ n(d($ Web( ' ,ar( -.%'( /http:008rnb(+om0steve=harve"01p=+ontent0uploads0sites0'0-.%'0.-0B%-(6pg7

This pi+ture sho1s four Tus8egee airmen patrolling the s8ies( t 1as used in the 9*irmen *broad: portion of the 1ebsite(

Tus8egee @lanes in the S8"( Digital image( !log(milesfran8lin(+om( A(p($ -& ,ar( -.%-( Web( # ,ar( -.%'( /http:00ih(+onstant+onta+t(+om0fs..#0%%.%#52-'--5#0img0BB%#(6pgQaR%%%.%.5''B%-B7 n this painting$ the ##-nd are es+orting bombers during a mission( We used this pi+ture in both the introdu+tion and the 9*irmen *broad: page of the 1ebsite(

;(S( *ir For+e( Tus8egee *irmen posing in front of @='.( Digital image( Aationalmuseum(af(mil( The Aational *ir For+e ,useum$ ' Sept( -..&( Web( %- Feb( -.%'( /http:00111(nationalmuseum(af(mil0shared0media0photodb01eb0.&.&.<=F=%-#'S= .%#(6pg7 This is an image of several Tus8egee *irmen standing in front of a @='.( t 1as used in the introdu+tor" page of the 1ebsite(

:S 5attleship Sinks at Pearl Harbor( Digital image( 1apan$ A(p($ n(d($ Web( %# ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(6apanfo+us(org0data0us4battleship4sin8s(png7 This pi+ture sho1s a ;(S( !attleship sin8ing at @earl )arborG 1e used it in the 9Road to War: page of the 1ebsite(

Washing an *irplane at Tus8egee( Digital image( The Aational @ar8 Servi+e$ n(d($ Web( %- ,ar( -.%'( /http:00111(nps(gov0nr0travel0+ultural4diversit"0photos0Tus8egee H-.*irmenH-.AationalH-.)istori+H-.Site(6pg7 n this pi+ture$ an *fri+an=*meri+an man is sho1n 1ashing an airplane on the Tus8egee airfield( We used this pi+ture in the 9Road to War: page of the 1ebsite(

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