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What happened to cognitively engineering the timeless and universal truths?

written by Joshua Aaron Terziu

This new and natural Act of Being Human may be considered

Cognitive Engineering

The Physics of Creative Conscious Mathematics

This is a type of Mathematics if you will detailing Human Capacity and Responsibility with three Algorithms of Consciousness

Mathematical Understanding Physical Intelligence Biological Empathy

In a modern and I think more thorough way of Reference I created a six part Mashup ilm Thesis
!Biological "mpathy# $hysical Intelligence and Mathematical %nderstanding&

'o you may "xperience The Ideas Referenced In a Cryptic Mind(meld )abyrinth of Current *orld History

The following is the long and short of it, a life prescription if you Will, a combination of Love for all

things and people, Mathematics and God

A Thesis to !lease Jesus

"We are all e#ual in our capacity and responsibility to create the optimal psychoneuroimmunological functioning that specifically and positively effects the limbic resonance, neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, vagal tone and consciousness of both ourselves and others within our interpersonal sphere of biological influence $hame, lac% of guilt and thought patterns that are lac%ful limitive assertive and constraining in nature create interpersonal micro&moments of shared biological rot and play hosts to 'coherent theories' that e(acerbate our allostatic burden)load and poison the potential we have as people who are designed)built)evolved to e(perience and benefit from shared biological empathy We can heal this state of consciousness and reclaim our capacity and responsibility as human beings if and only if we self&actualize the timeless and universal truths of *athematical +nderstanding, !hysical ,ntelligence and -iological .mpathy /
Mathematical %nderstanding# $hysical Intelligence and Biological "mpathy can be pro+en to you# all bayou self, Mathematical Understanding !If you accept whatever is in front of you, you will see how to go beyond and transcend it ! This can be understood as the most fundamental theorems in mathematics put forth by -urt .odel and contextuali/ed by 'ir Roger $enrose in Conformal Cyclic Cosmology and 0rchestrated 0b1ecti+e Reduction, It can also be understood as the +ery process of doing Mathematics described by Masao Morita as Ta Math2mata and 3ocho namely the Mindfulness that emerges from a patient focus on something specific and the encountering of one4s self# one4s own rich inner uni+erse5 all resulting in the taking of what you already ha+e and the knowing of what you already know to obtain an enhanced %nderstanding, Physical Intelligence can be understood as both a orce and a Medium, An e6uation for the force of general physical intelligence has been put forth by Alex *issner(.ross, 7 T '8 It describes a general and uni+ersal emergence of an intelligent force that arises from pre+ious control and constraints# maximi/ing future freedom of actions# keeping options open# while acti+ely resisting the control and constraint that ga+e rise to it, This is %ni+ersal "xpansion9 As a Medium the intelligence of our physical uni+erse can be understood as fractal and holographic# infinitely dense and the source of all the material world, In :assim Haramein4s

paper 4;uantum .ra+ity and the Holographic Mass4 they use an exact 6uanti/ed expression of the 'chwar/schild solution to "instein<s field e6uations utili/ing spherical $lanck units in a generali/ed holographic approach identifying a fundamental mass ratio between the +acuum oscillations on the surface hori/on and the oscillations within the +olume of a proton they were able to extract an exact solution to gra+ity# the standard rest mass of the proton# how many particles there are in our uni+erse# the energy le+el and si/e of our uni+erse# how many of our uni+erses there are in the larger one and how many of those there are in the next larger one5 all by appropriately analy/ing a proton, *e are bathing in a unified field that connects us all fractally and holographically, The medium of $hysical Intelligence is immense to say the +ery least, Couple this with the %ni+ersal orce of $hysical Intelligence, ,, Biological Empathy can be understood as the e+olutionary force of organic life to tolerate the faults and imperfections with respect to the particular grown biological medium and organi/e it using ordered# 6uasi(ordered and disordered geometrical combinations that o+ercome the initial faults and imperfections in a way that increases the di+ersity# utility and the future freedom of action of all organic life, This is alluded to in the work of $rof, $eter =ukusic, It can also be understood as what humans are designed for, *hen we genuinely connect with others in times of stress or 1oy our physiology merges with those around us expanding the health# happiness and creati+e>cogniti+e brilliance of all in+ol+ed in the shared moment of Biological "mpathy, 0ur ability to genuinely connect with others is what Charles ?arwin said is our e+olutionary ad+antage, *ith current Medicinal# 'ocial and :eurological research we now know that our social biological design is a super power and not knowing this is extremely dangerous, This is elaborated by ?octors Matthew )ieberman# 'tephen Ilardi# Bren@ Brown# )issa Rankin# -elly Mc.onigal# ?ean 0rnish# Thomas )ewis# Barbara redrickson and 3oe Tafur, *e must open oursel+es up to understanding that we are biologically one with those around us, Reali/ing e+ery human being4s and the uni+erse4s capacity and propensity for %nderstanding# Intelligence and "mpathy is the only way to heal our shame# lack of guilt# and the lackful limiti+e asserti+e and authoritati+e social norms that inhibit both 0ptimal Human

could be bathing in a psychoneuroimmunological #ature $ravy that taste more li%e a gumbo than to&ic soup' 'o the idea here is to outline what it means to be a Human Being in touch with and aligned to the :atural Autonomous "xpansion of the %ni+erse,
As Human Beings we are capable of Mathematical %nderstanding which is beyond and essential to calculation# measurement and perception5 and can be summed up as the process of focusing on and accepting whate+er rules# descriptions# laws# calculations and definitions

unctioning and the :atural low of )ife in our %ni+erse, "e

you ha+e in front of you5 and then you will tangibly be able to see how to go beyond and transcend those +ery same rules or constraints9 This is the most basic principle in Mathematics and is known as .Adel<s Incompleteness Theorem and can be understood as what the $rocess of doing Mathematics is# namely the Mindfulness that emerges from a patient focus on something specific and the encountering of one4s self# one4s own rich inner uni+erse5 all resulting in the taking of what you already ha+e and the knowing of what you already know to obtain an enhanced %ni+ersal %nderstanding, *e now know why this takes place, *e ha+e recently disco+ered a new physical force of Intelligence that better defines what entropy is in our %ni+erse, There is an autonomous force that emerges from pre+ious control and constrains to maximi/e future freedoms of action# keeping options open while acti+ely resisting the control and constraint that ga+e rise to the expansion9 The "+olution of 0rganic matter functions in the same way while expanding on the function of )ife, 0rganic matter has e+ol+ed to ha+e fault and imperfection tolerance of initially grown mediums and organi/es them in a way using ordered# 6uasi(ordered and disordered geometrical patternings to expand the utility and future freedoms of action and to keep options open while acti+ely resisting the initial limitations of the organic material, This is the expansion of $hysical Intelligence within the system of 0rganic )ife# Biological "mpathy9 Biological "mpathy can also be understood as our designed propensity to connect especially with other human beings as described by ?arwin, *hen two human beings interact they regulate and change each other<s Biological unctioning, This is well understood in both Modern Medicine and 'ocial 'cience Research and can be better understood by anyone who looks at 0ptimal $sychoneuroimmunology# :eurogenesis# :europlasticity# "pigenetics# )imbic Resonance# $sychodynamics and Human Moti+ation, This happens between two people who share space under the banner of mutual respect# care and appreciation, This micro(moment of Biological )o+e sets off all of this optimal physiological functioning and can be a key peace in a ma1or personality change for the better e+en years later, *e can increase our belief that e+eryone is capable of Mathematical %nderstanding# $hysical Intelligence and Biological "mpathy, Its starts with you belie+ing that you are a Mathematician# $hysicist and a Biologist simply because you exist9 And that the %ni+erse itself# through Biological "+olution is acti+ely supporting the expansion of this actuali/ation,

If we can each self(actuali)e what the Universe does, what all people are designed to do, and what mathematics is* we can live an e&perience of +ptimal ,uman -unction where everyone we meet is a .oved(+ne and a $enius beyond compression while instantaneously benefiting from and enhancing us during our shared moment of Biological Empathy

This is the uture of Human -ind9 To li+e this way is to be Human B,C,
Those who remain in the pre(intelligence condition of trying to control and constrain others# play hosts to the $sychoneuroimmunological Rot of Humanity, The sadder news may be that some people ha+e internali/ed too much trauma and shame to consider themsel+es# others# and or the %ni+erse as $ositi+e# Intelligent# %nderstanding# "mpatheticD The .ood :ews or .ospel if you will is that %nderstanding# Intelligence and "mpathy must follow from these pre(conditions and will expand our future freedom of actions# -eep our options open and Acti+ely resists the control and constraints that help fuel the "xpansion9

Please %now that if you do not currently feel in /we of the unfolding of .ife and are eager and happy to be an active participant* you can Cognitively Engineer your #eurology and $enetics to e&pand in the 0irection of +ptimal ,uman -unctioning by cultivating as many micro(moments of shared positivity as you can and by 1elf( /ctuali)ing Mathematical Understanding, Physical Intelligence and Biological Empathy
All people are Cognitive Engineers. To 0ptimi/e the $rocess take responsibility for your Biological 'phere of Interpersonal Influence by Actually studying>becoming Mathematical %nderstanding# $hysical Intelligence and Biological "mpathy,

Practice being Human and Cognitive Engineering by sharing space with amily!

)earn how to take control o+er you Biological Interpersonal 'phere of Influence in a way that positi+ely affects all those around you# especially Children9
I consider myself someone who caters to the )i+ing $resence of .od that exists within my 'elf and e+ery 0ne and Bit of Creation9 ?octors are 1ust now finding out how important this inner pilot light is, It4s described by ?r, )issa Rankin as essential to li+ing a healthy and happy life, It can be understood as the Altruistic "el#$Mastery described as our $rinciple Human Moti+ator detailed by ?an $ink, 0ne can only Mo+e one4s $hysiology with a 'hared .enuine eeling9 This is a .uarantee,,,

.iven and E&pand your $od 0octor "ithin using the Mathematical, Physical and Biological E&pansion of the Universe that Understands Intelligent Empathy'
0ur *ork is Complete *ith All 0ur )o+e

If dis f2cyance and maff stuff come ta be too labritive, da following %inda sumitup 3uss fine

A t'tiny taste of Philosophie Du Cajun

Tout .e Monde Che) 0ieu

#ocus on #amily% *e are one human family and we treat people as such first and foremost, This creates healthy relationships between people, *e see e+eryone as brother# mother# sister# father# son and daughter all in 0ne, This instills respect and acceptance as a practice in the present moment, Basically# this belief helps us beha+e better in a natural# effortless manner, ma&in' sumin' outta nothin'% *hate+er we ha+e access to is more than enough to create what is needed, This belief helps us stay in appreciation of what life has offered us and instill a capability to do anything with it and oursel+es# always holding lo+e for our natural en+ironment that gi+es us e+erything we could need, en(oyment and appreciation% Two sides of the same coin# each enhancing the other, *e make it a point to en1oy our surroundings and the people in them# allowing an e+en greater sense of appreciation for all people, This also keeps us in awe of life and gi+es us a dri+e to increase our collecti+e state of being, a necessity to e)press one's sel#% Eou not only ha+e the right to speak what is on your mind and in your heart# this is a fundamental part of human growth and self actuali/ation# helping one gain a greater insight as to what one really thinks and feels coupled with a responsibility to share with and learn from others, -eep in mind# you will undoubtedly ha+e to flip ya own script# but we don<t reali/e it till we speak on it and gets feedback, a constant love and care #or all children!

Cajun Mythos
A Modern *egend o# Ca(un Heritage In the Beginning and or All Time# there ha+e been those known and unknown as Ca1un# li+ing as best they can in harmony with "arth# other $eople# the Beyond and *ithin, All "ssence is seen as part of the ?i+ine amily of which we are all(a(part and all(in(one at the same time, This Reali/ation could be summed up as Tout )e Monde Che/ ?ieu5 an "xperience of Being cradled in a pitre dish of life gi+ing infinite eternal isness# while at the same time being this cradling life gi+ing infinite eternal isness9 "+ery 0ne is in the house of .od# and there is nothing but .od within it, *e come together at all le+els of Creation in order to simultaneously incorporate and expand all le+els organically in the current moment of experience# lea+ing behind what was our basic or common understoodness# to be nothing more than a ?i+ine can+as for proper context and .rowth, 'ee e+eryone and e+erything is far more awesomer than any could e+er Imagine, *e li+e this way by acti+ely choosing a perspecti+e that is then set in 'tone# or made manifest rather# by the 'inging and ?ancing of our day(to(day )i+ing and 'elf("+ident in our 3oie ?e =i+re,

Il ya beaucoup des bon

temps dans la 1ud de .ouisiane, /aaaaaEeee'''

"hat do we mean when we say 4The Physics of Creative Conscious Mathematics!5

By physics we mean the practice and obser+ation of all things useful in nature in order to better understand the workings of nature, By Creati+e Conscious Mathematics we mean the use of shared symbols and ideas that create cohesion between our indi+idual expression of consciousness and the capabilities resulting in increased 'elf(awareness, By combining these two we are looking to practice and obser+e the pertinent things in our shared reality while using shared symbols and ideas of mathematics in a manner that allows us to consciously create how we express and experience the world while concurrently increasing our personal awareness of who and what we are capable of and what we are responsible for, !)i+ing on purpose& thinking on purpose# remembering on purpose# see the future on purpose# this is the contention that we are reali/ing more of the actuality and mystery as we choose to pay attention to things# therefore we intentionally focus on abundance and awe which already exists# built in the fullness of reality, !Beyond articulation&5 "+ery percei+able person is an expression of hyporial consciousness co(creating our shared reality while solely experiencing their uni6ue +ersion of what is, !Being Human literally means we ha+e the infinite potential and possibility to become more and expand while being solely responsible for our personal experience of creation,&

0eaven 1n .arth .ngineering 2irm

"ngineering is the application of Fscientific# economic# social and analyticG knowledge in order to design# build# operate and maintain things Fstructures# machines# de+ices# systems# materials and processesG

Conceptual "ngineering is the application of mental understanding Fmathematics#

psychology# sociology# anthropology# one4s cultural and self identity and personally held beliefsG and physical knowledge F6uantum and digital physics# 6uantum biology# psychoneuroimmunology# classical physics# mathematics again# personal experience and en+ironmentG in order to create a mindful atmosphere where insight# healing and enhancement may occur, Mathematical %nderstanding H $hysical Intelligence 7 Biological "mpathy

Cogniti+e "ngineering is the application of "xperienced Truth Finsight# healing

and enhancementG in order to design# build# operate and maintain $eace 0n "arth5 the
Conscious use of Biological "mpathy in order to $articipate in the "xpansion of the %ni+erse9

IR"(M"("MB"R "duco 3ocho and taste dat sa+ory :ature .ra+y9

IAn ole Ca1un pro+erb by 3ah T/u

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