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Knee pain and other running injuries

Running injuries can affect anyone, from experienced runners who push themselves hard to beginners whose muscles are not used to running. Below are five of the most common running injuries. Find out how to spot the symptoms, what causes the injuries and what to do if you get one, including when to get medical help. Youll also find tips on how to avoid becoming injured in the first place, such as choosing the right shoes and warming up properly. Being injured can dent your motivation, so weve also included tips on how to get yourself up and running again once youve recovered. Whatever your injury, its important to listen to your body. Dont run if youre in pain and only start running again when youve recovered sufficiently.
Watch a video about preventing injury

1. Knee pain
nee pain, also called runners !nee, can have many causes, such as swelling under the !neecap. "ndy Byrne from David #oberts $hysiotherapy in %anchester says that !nee pain is the most common condition he treats in runners. What does it feel like During your run, you may develop pain at the front of the !nee, around the !nee or behind the !neecap. &he pain may be dull or it could be sharp and severe. What should ! do &o help !nee pain at home, "ndy recommends applying ice to the !nee and stretching. 'old ice (try a bag of fro)en peas wrapped in a damp tea towel* on the painful area for around +, minutes a few times a day. -ever put ice directly on your s!in. &o stretch the area, "ndy recommends lying on your side with your bad leg on top. Bend your top leg so that your foot goes bac! towards your bottom, then hold it there with your hand and !eep both !nees touching. 'old the stretch for at least ./ seconds, breathing deeply and feeling the stretch in the thigh. #epeat this around si0 times a day. 1f the pain is severe or the !nee is swollen, see your 2$ straight away. 1f your !nee pain is not severe, stop running and get it chec!ed by a 2$ or physiotherapist if the pain doesnt go away after a wee!. &hey can also recommend stretches or e0ercises to help you recover. "an ! still run Dont run if you have pain in your !nee. 1f you still feel pain after a wee!s rest, see your 2$ or

physiotherapist. 'ow soon you can start running again will depend on the cause of your !nee pain and how severe it is. Your 2$ or physiotherapist can advise you. &ry these !nee3strengthening e0ercises.

#. $chilles pain
&he "chilles tendon is the tough, rubbery cord at the bac! of the an!le that lin!s the muscle to the bone. #egular running can cause wear and tear to the tendon over time. What does it feel like You may have pain and swelling at the bac! of the an!le or heel. &he pain may be minor but continuous, or it could be sudden and sharp. 1t may be worse first thing in the morning. What should ! do &o treat "chilles pain at home, "ndy recommends applying ice to the area if you can feel a lump there (never put ice directly on your s!in*. You can also gently massage the area with your fingers. You could also try using heel wedges in your shoes. 2et advice about this from a sports or running shop. 4ee your 2$ or a physiotherapist if you have "chilles pain that doesnt disappear after three to four wee!s. 1f you have a sudden, sharp pain, your "chilles tendon may have torn. 4ee your 2$ straight away if this is the case. "an ! still run " sharp pain will stop you running altogether. 5ven if the pain is not severe, its a good idea to rest until the pain goes, and get it chec!ed if it doesnt go away.

%. &hin pain
4hin pain occurs on the front of the leg, below the !nee. 1ts often referred to as shin splints. What does it feel like #unners are often aware of a dull pain in the shin but carry on running. 'owever, this can cause increasing damage to the area, which can lead to a sudden sharp pain that stops you running altogether. What should ! do $ain can be relieved by applying ice to the area regularly for the first few days (never put ice directly on your s!in*. 4ee your 2$ or a physiotherapist if the area is swollen, the pain is severe or it does not improve in two to three wee!s. "an ! still run 4hin pain is li!ely to stop you running altogether. &a!e a brea! for two to three wee!s before beginning again slowly. 4ee the 'ealth "36 topic on 4hin splints for more information.

'. (eel pain

$ain or swelling in the heel or bottom of the foot can occur if you suddenly start doing a lot more running, if you run uphill or if your shoes arent supportive enough or are worn out. &he medical name for heel pain is plantar fasciitis. What does it feel like 'eel pain is often sharp and occurs when you put weight on the heel. 1t can feel li!e someone is stic!ing something sharp in your heel, or as if youre wal!ing on sharp stones.

What should ! do "ndy recommends applying ice to the area. 'e says the best way to do this is to free)e a small bottle of water, then place it on the floor and roll it bac! and forth under your foot for about +, minutes. -ever place ice directly on your s!in. &here are also several stretches you can do to help heel pain. 4ee the 'ealth "36 section on treating heel pain for guidance on how to do them. 4top running and see your 2$ straight away if there is a lot of swelling in the heel or the area under your foot. 7therwise, see your 2$ after a wee! to 8, days if the pain doesnt go away. "an ! still run You wont be able to run with heel pain. 1f you treat the pain early enough, it will normally go away in two to three wee!s, after which you should be able to start running again.

). *uscle strains
&he most common strains due to running are in the hamstring muscles (which run down the bac! of the thigh* or calf muscles. 4trains often affect new runners, whose muscles are not used to running. What does it feel like &he pain of a muscle strain is often sudden and feels as if someone has !ic!ed you in the area of your calf or hamstring. What should ! do %ost strains can be treated at home. 4top running immediately and apply ice to the painful area for around +, minutes a few times a day (dont put ice directly on your s!in*. eeping your leg elevated and supported with a pillow will help reduce swelling. Find out more about treating strains. "an ! still run You wont be able to run with a muscle strain. &he time it ta!es for a strain to heal and for you to start running again varies from two wee!s to around si0 months, depending on how severe the muscle strain is.

+ips for preventing injury

Wear the right shoes 1ts important to buy the correct running shoes, and its best to go to a running shop to get fitted. 'owever, you dont have to spend a lot of money. "ccording to "ndy, e0pensive shoes are not necessarily better. 9&he most e0pensive shoes may just be more durable and lightweight, so are suitable for people running long distances. "ll running shoe brands ma!e cheaper versions which are suitable for beginners.: Warm up and cool down 1ts essential to warm up properly before you start running. Five to 8, minutes of bris! wal!ing or gentle jogging before you start will warm your muscles up and help prevent injury. &o cool down, carry on running at an easier pace or wal! for five to 8, minutes. &his will help your body recover after your run. 4ee &ips for new runners for more information about warming up and cooling down, as well as running techni;ue. ,uild up slowly Dont be tempted to increase the intensity or distance of your running too ;uic!ly. 9Do a similar run at least three or four times before you increase your pace or distance,: says "ndy.

&he <ouch to / plan is perfect as it builds up the distance gradually. &he plan is suitable for beginners and will get you running three times a wee!, building up to /!m in nine wee!s.

&taying motivated if you have an injury

Being injured can be very frustrating. 1f youre new to running, you might be tempted to give up at the first sign of injury. "ndy says that having a specific goal, such as a /!m race or charity run, will help you stay motivated through injury. 91f you have something to wor! towards, youll be much more li!ely to get bac! into running once youve recovered.: #unning with a partner is also a great way to stay motivated. 1f they carry on running while youre injured, youll want to get bac! out there once youre better as you wont want to let them down.

-reventing injuries while exercising

" personal trainer e0plains the five best ways to prevent injuries while e0ercising. %edia last reviewed= +>?,>?+,8@ -e0t review due= +>?,>?+,8/
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