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What should future trainings in Social Justice for GAs look like?

How can we encourage more theory to practice?

Partner with the SDA faculty to have growth (something to look forward to throughout year. Reading articles as Directors (bring that knowledge to the students brown bag) Students are shoved into the training in the beginning. They wont get it all they need. Build the GA rapport before addressing Social Justice issues. Balance between social justice work and engaging in office training. Do GAs need to be all together or can they attend other opportunities already going on. Do GAs expect that they will get the training as a GA? Additional Comments/Suggestions:

More intentional relationship with the faculty of the SDA program Purchased Pope Reynolds for all GAs. Maybe help others who arent in the division into the larger conversation Tied to faculty students meet with professionals on campus to talk about assistantship experience and academics (space to process problems, new supervisors). Great professional development opportunity. Who do you go to with problems with your supervisors? (intentionally and thoughtfully set this up)

In what ways can we reduce the amount of negative comments and insults that GAs are experiencing? Supervisors (some) dont allow GAs to come to InServices (Supervisors say that they dont go and need to work) Connect with supervisors across campus to mentor and provide support with other GAs.

How can the community become more inclusive, especially in regards to GAs outside of the division? Create smaller communities where GAs could meet together (HRL has 6 GAs as a group, how can we create that for others?) Create an experience that mimics SD GA experience

-start dates for training in the fall is challenging for training. Have people start earlier? With additional time off in the year. Have a week off here and there. GAs put together a one note or overview of the GAs experience to share with the next GAs for the following year. -what responsibilities fall upon graduate assistantship (student development) and what falls back on the SUSDA (SDA faculty) community? Where do these responsibilities fall? Are some of these concerns a matter of the Masters program? How can SD be supportive o f the SDA faculty.

-is SUSDA addressing issues that are specifically for GAs? Or are the overlapping? Partnering? - Put some attention back onto the program? Connection between SUSDA and the program. - Compensation (what happens between the college of education and the masters program. What are they offering as opposed to what we can offer? (new opportunity with the new Dean coming on board. - Provide information to the SDA advisory board (how can we present this information to them?)

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