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Rule: 1 Set on hand in SPRS to match RIM for Active Product when RIM is positive and SPRS is negative

with zero insight for non-emp jit on 7th day of difference SPRRIMI1: This code snippet is built to capture the previous day snapshot data of rim (RIMOHQty) and sprs system (SPRSOHQty) which would help track the changes of the On-Hand quantities of both the systems and calculate the difference between them (adjustment- AdjQty) accordingly. The above data is loaded on to the table mentioned below.
Table Name SEARS_HOLD.INCRRIMVSSPRSRULE1 Table Grain LocnNbr ProdIRLNbr SkuNbr Key Elements SPRSOHQty RIMOHQty AdjQty

Below is the step-wise description of the code-snippet: Step: 1: create volatile table (actim) which holds only active items. Step: 2: create volatile table (sprs) which holds details of sprs system where the SPRS on-hand quantity is negative. Step: 3: create volatile table (rim) which holds details of rim system where the RIM on-hand quantity is positive. Step: 4: create volatile table (ccitm) which includes the list of class-controlled items which should be excluded from the rule-1s processing. Step: 5: create volatile table (empjit) which includes the list of EMP-JIT items identified, which should be excluded from the rule-1s processing. Step: 7: Truncate insert data into the target staging table SPRRIMI2: This code snippet is built to finalize the adjustments to be posted onto the SPRS system based on indicator field known as Adjustment Post Indicator. Table details are as below:
Table Name Table Grain LocnNbr


The Adjustment post indicator will have one of the below values: AdjPostInd Values N Y P C

Description Not yet ready for ISRC Processing. Ready for ISRC processing. Processing in progress. Posting completed successfully.

The Adjustment post indicator is set to Y based on the below mentioned factors: a. Consistent difference observed between the on-hand quantities at SPRS and RIM systems over a period of 7 days from the day the item has been tracked (the first occurrence when the difference between RIM and SPRS is greater zero). b. If against the same item the difference between RIM and SPRS system is inconsistent then the tracking date (adjchgdt) of the item is reset. c. No adjustments should be posted for items against which any transactions has been recorded (tracked by the entries of intransit shipped quantity, intransit unshipped quantity and on order unshipped quantity). If any transaction is observed then the Adjustment post indicator is reset to N and the adjchgdt field will reflect the date on which the transaction against the specific item was observed. d. Adjustments will be posted only for those items which satisfy the maintenance of consistent difference between RIM and SPRS system for RIM on-hand quantity recorded as a positive value and SPRS on-hand recorded as a negative value for a period of 7 days or more.
Key Elements AdjQty Description / Scenario Will always be greater than "zero" It can have the below values: a. Null1. When the item enter the table for the first time. 2. When the item is getting itself reset. B. Zero- this would be an ideal scenario when the difference between SPRS and RIM onhand quantites is consistent. C. Greater than Zero - if there is a change between adjustment (difference between RIM and SPRS) captured on the current day as compared to the previous day. It can have the below values: a. SPRSDT - Whenever there is a null populated in the AdjDiffQty. B. Date other than SPRSDT whenever any transaction occurs or the adjustment difference quantity is inconsistent. It will be populated only when the Posting Indicator is "Y" and will be maintained for other statuses accordingly. This is the key field which will help identify if the adjustment for the item had to be posted onto SPRS system or not.


AdjChgDt IvntyAdjDt AdjPostInd

Rule-2 : SPRS will reset on hand to adjust for Central Return Center receipts not marked out. Overview: A stabilized process known as WCRC ledger processing has been established which posts dollar amounts (once a week) onto the SPRS system. Rule-2 relates the on-hand quantity of an item as recorded by the SPRS system, through its processing which it would go through. The processing referred above comprises of three components: a. CRC receipts b. Markdowns c. Vendor Returns Ideally, the below stated relationship between the components must hold good: (On-Hand quantity recorded by SPRS system) = [CRC recorded Unit Quantity] [Markdown Unit Quantity] - [Vendor returned unit quantity]. If there is the difference observed to the above stated relationship then there needs to be ISRC processing for those items. Points to remember: a. Adjustment Units= SPRS On Hand CRC Unit qty. Markdown unit qty. - Vendor Returned unit qty. b. Only positive adjustments need to be processed as part of ISRC rule-2 processing. c. The Dollar $ adjustments processed by ISRC must always be less than or equal to the Ledger processed dollar $ amount. d. Sku-0 and Sku-991 scenario An item with -0 which is returned is captured as sku-0 in the CRC but the corresponding processing happens on sku-991 for the same item. In those scenarios the adjustments for both the skus need to be considered. Adjustment for sku-991 would be considered in the first place if the proposed adjustment is greater than the possible adjustment for sku-991, option of posting an adjustment against sku-0 is considered. e. Do not process any items which has an inventory adjustment (code -95) recorded upon for the last 60 days. SPRCRCR1:Step-wise detailing of Rule-2 processing: Step: 1: Identify the items which were considered for the dollar postings as part of the ledger processing. This is performed by the volatile table LEDGER. Step: 2: Calculate the adjustment to be processed as part of rule-2s processing; this is performed in volatile table ISRCLEDGER. Step: 3: Create an exclusive ledger for sku-991 performed by led991 block. Step: 4: Create a block which will hold adjustment for the complete set of items including sku-0 and sku991. Step: 5: Create a block CD95 which will hold the records which need not be processed as part of rule-2. Step: 6: Create a volatile table sku0g to build the posting for sku-0. Step: 7: Create a volatile table adj991added1 to build the posting for sku-991.

Step: 8: Create a volatile table ISRCLED to build the posting for items which do not have the sku-0 and 991 scenarios. Step: 9: A three step insert processing has been designed for the posting as part of rule-2 SPRCRCR2: Simple insert of the proposed adjustments on to the audit table SPRS_TBLS.AUDITINVRIMVSSPRS. Rule: 3: Reset class control items to zero unless Div 37, 24, 44, 65, 74 This rule has been set up to zero-out the on-hand quantities recorded in the SPRS tables (if the on-hand recorded is non-zero). Divisions which belong to CLU_NO = 3196964 cluster should not be processed as part of rule-3. SPRTCCIT: The below mentioned table holds the list of items which will be processed as part of rule-3: Table Name: SEARS_HOLD.WRKRIMVSSPRSRULE3 The adjustment posted would be the difference between 0 and the SPRS recorded on hand quantity. Step: 1: Insert the list of items which needs to be processed as part of rule-3 along with the current SPRS recorded on hand quantity. Step: 2: Volatile table CCADJ will calculate the adjustments which need to be posted as part of rule-3s processing. Step: 3: Record these postings onto the audit table. Rule 4: Account for changes were SPRS is overwritten by an external source (Capture inventory adjustments on inventory overwrites) This rule is meant to collectively relate the actions performed on an item. The relation between the inflow, outflow and manual update (DF on hand processing) is tracked using this rule. SPRAUDT1: This code captures the previous day snapshot of inventory details of items from SPRS system onto the table SPRS_WORK.INCRSPRSSNPST. SPRAUDT2: Step 1: A volatile table is created which captures each of the inflow, outflow and corrective update for the items at Location and PRDIRLNBR level from their respective tables. Inflow as listed below: a. Receipts Outflow as listed below: a. Disbursements b. Sales

Manual update: a. DF On hand processing. One of the below mentioned relations should be satisfied on the items else they would have to be adjusted: a. DF on hand quantity is equal to Current On Hand quantity (manual update has happened on the item and is given the precedence.) b. If DF on hand is not equal to the Current on hand value Expected On Hand qty (in case of DC) = Previous day on hand qty + Receipts Disbursements Expected On Hand qty (in case of store) = Previous day on hand qty + Receipts Sales Then adjustment = DF on Hand Expected Value. Step: 2: This is been tracked on the table SPRS_TBLS.AUDTRIMVSSPRSRULE4 for those items for which there is a manual update happening.

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