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Pornnea ropachi vikri ghalun somajik boreponnam pasot duddu ektthaim kele. 5.

Pekovnnechem Misanv (Healing Ministry): Tannem amche vhelo pidda-rog ubarlo ani amchio boll'lliko apnnacher ghetlio oxem Izaias provadian sanglolea pormonnem Jezu sabar zonnank pekovnni dili. Oslench mon apnnaun, thoddem bhov karya mukhar vhorunk ami thokos ghetlo: Bebdikayek bolli poddloleank (Alcholic Anonymous) hea zomeak ut'tejonachem xibir dilem ani teach borabor amchea Merces-chea ganvant Al-anon ho zomo ghoddun haddlo. Tornnatteamni Hospitalant asloliam piddeskant bhett korun, tancher magnnem kelem. Manipal Hospital, Dona Paula, hanchea sohokaran eka disachem 'Bholaikechem Xibir' (Medical Camp), ghoddun haddlem. Teach borabor aniek dis addavun, ICCI Bank hanchea zoddpalvan 'Dolleanche Kalljechem Xibir' (Eye Care Camp) ghoddun haddlem. Eka kherit Misant bhavartiam borabor Povitr Snan, Poilo Komunhanv, Krism, Kumsar, Piddestanchi Maknni, ani logn, heam 6 sakrament bhoktin somarombhle. Toknnayechem Misanv (Ministry of appreciation): Xabas borea ani visvaxi chakra! Thoddeanch vostumni apunn visvaxi mhonn tunvem dakoilem dekun, hanv ogllio vostu tuka patiyetolom. Mt. 25:25. Hinch Jezuchim utram monan dhorun, he amche Merces Saibinniche Povitr Sobhek aplo kimticho vell ani apurbayen seva dil'lea khatir tanchea manak toknnayecho suvallo kelo. Amche igorjent vavrun geloleam yadnikank, heam ganvchea padrink ani madrink, sod'deak igorjent vavr kortoliam kamdarank, 'Novel Pavl' firgoz potrache somitichea vangddiank, toxench Merces Igorjechea 400 vorsancho Somarombh korunk vavurlele somitik maye-mogachio bhetto (Mementos) vanttlio. Teach borabor Vevsayikponnan vavr kortoliam, Iskolachea Xikxokank, Sorkari ani Osorkari khateachea kamdarank, Hospitalant vavurtoliam vavraddiank, Advokadank, Poramporik don'do kortoliank, Kristanv zal'liam vaddloliank Misachi bhett korun, tanchea vavrachi ani don'deachi toknnai keli. He voir urlekh keleat te mud'dde hatall'leat tantun bhavartachio kornnia dixtti poddtat nhoim? Marie Main bhaxen tor ami bhavartachea kornniamni dusreancho husko ani seva korunk nasli zalear hea Somarombhak koslo orth astolo aslo? Ho amcho Merces Saibinnicho 400 vorsancho somarombh, bhavartachea kornniam vinnem ami tor kel'lo zalear, to fokt ek chal'to bhailo dhobazo zaupacho aslo. Khoim gelo? Khoim nam. Kitem haddlem? Kaim nam. Oxench kitem zavpachem. Hem mhojem mot. Tumi kitem mhonntat? Mathew De Souza


Novem Panvl

Voros: XVI

Ank 2

Fevrer 2014

Firgojechi Mahiti
Pri. Jose Caetano DCosta (Vigar) Pri. Clifford Manuel Castelino (Kur) Dionisio De Souza (Igorjent Sevok) Noel Xavier (Igorjent Sevok) Flavia Fernandes (Kocherint Sevika)
KOCHERICHO VELL: Sokallim: 9.00-12.30, Sanje: 4.00 - 6.00 Sonvara sanje ani Aitara kocheri bond DURVANNICHO ANK (Phone No.) 2448113

kall monan dhorun Dezembrache 17ver, 18ver ani 19ver, Pri Lawrence Mascarenhas hannim ani tachea sangateamni amkam Retir dilo. 3. Somazant Bhairailoleanche Sevek (Service to the Marginalized): Jezun Izaias provadiachea pustoka pormonnem Aplem Misanv suru kelem: Goribank Bori Khobor diunk, Koidiank suttka porgottunk, ani kudd'ddeank portun nodor diunk, zulumank sampoddloleank soddounk adim, hench monan dhorun, Somazant bhairailoliank amchi seva diunk proitn keleat. Amchea Firgoz tornnatteamni, Caritas Goa, Adlem Goy, hanga asloleam opangull bhurgeank khas bhett diun, tankam danam diun, godd khannam apurbayen vanttlim. Amchea doton'nichea bhurgeamni 'Mother Tereza Home' Ponnje asloleam piddestank ani eksureank kherit bhett diun, tanche modem 'Bible House Games' korun sangtan vell sarlo ani tankam danam ani godd khannam vanttun dilim. Amchea Igorjechea Magnneachea Zomean, eka khas disa apli bhett 'Mother Tereza Convent' Carambolim, hanga asloleam zanntteank ani piddestank keli ani ek kherit karyakrom tanche khatir ghoddun haddlo ani tankam kaim danam-khannam vanttlim. Amchea firgoz tornnatteamni 'Aguada Kendr Bon'khonnintlea, koidiank borabor 'Volleyball-acho khell ghoddun haddlo ani tanchea modlea eka koidian boroilolem pustok xapunk ani tem uzvaddan haddunk ami taka duddvanchi modot keli. Ganvchem bhatt somudayachea zomeant, 'St. Anthony Orphanage' Agacaim, hanga ravtoleam bhurgeam sangata somudayik jevonn somarombhlem. Aids Home, Tivim hanchea ghorak 20 kodelam dileant ani tech bhaxen Don Bosco 'Child Line' hannim gorib ani ghor nasloleam bhurgeank eka disacho karyakrom ghoddun haddlolo. Hantlea panch bhurgeancho korch ami vanttlo. Merces Saibinnichea Novenachea disamni 'Aids Home' Tivim ani 'Goa Caritas' heam bolli poddloleam bhurgeank, tancho khas karyakrom machiyer dakounk soyeg dilo. Amchea bhavartachea kornnianchem dan mhonnon, ganvchea lokan ektthaim korun, 'Goa-Caritas' hankam 7,500/- bhett, Logna adim avoi zal'leam bhoinnancho samball kortolea, hea ghorak 5000/- bhett, ani toxench Rachol Seminarink xiktoleam gorib bhurgeank 20,000/duddvanchi bhett dilea. 'Gonvllik Vidyamon'dir, Adlem Goy (Pastoral Institute), hankam igorjechea fundantle 35,000/- hozaranchem dan dilam. 4. Vepar-Dondheantlian ximpddail'lem Misanv (Entrepreneurship): Aplem Dev-mon'dir choranchi dhol kel'liank Jezun danvddaun ghatle. Khorea monan aplo vepar-dondo cholouncho mon Jezun tankam xikovnn dili. Hench monan dhorun, Bon'dkonnin asloliam koidiank, tannim aplea hatamni pitarlolim chitram ani her vostu ami vikun, tankam 33,550/- hozar ektthaim korun dile. Tech porim Natalanchim Son'dex Potram (Christmas Cards), Dhormik Vostu, Khott'ttiancho ani ximpiancho kel'lo khell (items) ani Chimbel Nivoll

MISACHO VELL: St. Barbara Kopelant Aitar : 7.00 a.m. Igorjent Dispottim : 7.00 a.m. Aitar : 6.15 a.m. : 7.30 a.m. : 9.00 a.m. Bhurgeanchem Mis) : 10.15 a.m. (Inglez bhaxen) PRACHIT SONSKAR (Kumsar) Dispottim Misa adim: Sokallim 6.45 - 7.00 Mhoineachea poilea sukrara : Sanje 5.30 - 6.00 PIDDESTACHI MAKHNNI: Khoinchea vellar (Nimanne ghoddier rauchem nhoi) POVITR SNAN: 2rea, 3rea ani 4tea: 11.15 sokallim Bautismachea adlea Sukrara, sokallchea 9.00 vaztam LOGN SONSKAR Tin mhoine tori adim Padr. Vigarak kollounchem Xikovnn: Mungllar, Budvar ani Brestar sokallim 9.00 vaztam FIRGOZ ZOMEANCHEO ZOMATI - Poile Aitarak : Gonvllik Firgoz Sobha 11.00 a.m. -Dusrea Aitarak : Tornatteancho Zomo 11.00 a.m. -Tisrea Aitarak : PAT & CAT 11.00 a.m. -Chovtea Aitarak : Dev Sondexkarank 10.00 a.m. -Dor Aitarak : Mariechi Fouz 3.30 p.m. -Dor Sonvarak : Vedi Sevok 4.00 p.m. -Poilea & Tirea Mungllara : C.F.C. 6.30 p.m. -Dor Poilea & Tisrea Somarak : Vincentin Sonstha 6.30 p.m. -Moineachea Poilea Sonvarak : Sevadormik Sevok 7.45 a.m. -Dor Somara & Budvara : Vorgunnik Zomo (3.00-4.00 p.m.) (4.45-6.00 p.m.) -Mhioneachea Poilea Budvara : C.F.M. 6.30 p.m. -Dor Sonvara : Alcoholic Anonymous 6.00 - 7.30 p.m.

Novem Panvl

Novem Panvl

Ttopal Kendrache mozotin (Post Office) ek khas 'Postal Special Cover' ani 'My Stamp' mhonn uzvaddak haddlem. Amche igorjecho ani firgozkarancho ithihas, Cholchitrachea rupan dakhounk 'VCD' toyar kelea. (A documentary Film). Son'dexkar bhavam-bhoinnamni khud dhormik gitam ghoddun ani doton'nichea bhurgeam sangata gitam gavun ek 'Audio CD' toyar kelea. Jezucho Son'dexkar Zoxem Jezun Aplea Bapachi Bori khobor porgottunk, vopari ani khunna vapuddlio toxench hea amchea Bhavartachi porgott'nni dhormik ritin lokam meren pavunk he upai vapddunk proitn keleat. Yatrek Novem Pavl' hem yadostik Pustok (Souvenir) zatunt ithihasik, dhormik, somajik ani bhovxik lekh guntun, hea pustokachi kherit uzvaddavnni Teacher Albina Soares, hichea hatantlean keli, jinnem amchea igorjechea iskolant 30 vorsam odik xikxok ani son'dexkarn mhonn vavr kela.

Gonvlleacho Sondex

Ghorabo Dev Mon'dir

Rochnneche survatek Devan mon'xak Aplea sarkeacho rochlo: Dadlo ani bail rochlim (polle Ut. 1:27). Devan dakhoilolo mog, dadlo ani bail eka-mekak vant'tat, tednam tim Devachea mogachi jivim rupkaram zatat. Devachea ani eka-mekachea sombondan-ekcharan ravun, tim mogacho korar ghoddtat. Dev mon'xacho rochnnar. Apli mogachi yevzonn fuddem vhorunk Tannem dadleak ani bailek mogan ghorabo ghoddunk logn sonvskarachem tankam apovnnem dilam. Jivitachi tank asa ti samballunk ani tachi zobabdaren seva korunk tankam karbari keleant (polle Ut. 1:28). Devan ghorabo Aplem Povitr Mon'dir kelam. Ghorabo ek dakhttuli Povitr Sobha. Ghorabo Dev-jivitachi ani soglleam totvanchi mullavi shalla. Ghorabeant avoibapui Devachea sombandan, mogan, ekvottan, Tachi yevzonn apli korun, Tachea Utracher niallun jivitacho onubhov gheun, povitrtaien, kurpen magnnean, bhavartan, bhorvanxean, xantin, somudayen ani jivitache sonskrutayen jiyeta. Ghorabo aple sorvbhonvtim xristti asa ti samballta ani nitoll dovorta. Borem poreavoronn rochun mon'xak jivall ani mozbut korta. Ghorabo monis jivitak tank asa ti samballta. Bhurgeank jivitacheam totvamni vaddunk soglleo sovloti samballun dovorta. Monisponnank man-respet asa to rakhta. Monisponnache rit-rovixen, jivitache sonskruttayen dor ekleachi akarnni zata. Ghorabeant bhurgim avoi-bapaik aikotat tedna tim Devachea zaiteam axirvadanamni jiyeunk pavtat. Ghorabo soglleam boreaponnachi ani dekhichi zhor, thoim thaun sogllem borem utpon zata: vaurachem mon, sotan ani nitin jiyeunk xikta. Borem vinchun kaddunk ani vaitt soddun diunk zannam zata. Aple ani dusreanche hokh zobabdaren pallunk xikta. Dusreanchea gorzank pavunk, adar korunk, dusreancho usko dhorunk ani seva korunk tenko meuta. Osleam gunnamni jiyetanv tedna, mon'xachi akarnni bori zata ani jivitant zaitim borim follam diunk pavta. Hea novea vorsak 2014 amcheam ghorabeamni Ankvar Mariechi dekh amcheam dolleam mukhar dovrun jiyeunk vaurum-ia. Tinnem apleo yeuzonneo pattim



Xikxonnik Misanv ( Teaching): Zoxem Jezu Apleam xisank magnnem korunk xikoilem, toxench kitem ami dusreank xikounk ani ami-i xikunk bhar ghetlolo asa ani zaitio karyavolli-i ghoddun haddlio. Sylvia Gonsalves (Bhuttem Bhatt) ani Austin Fernandes (Sallem Bhatt) hankam Igorz Matechem somajik xikovnn gheunk, Mumbai xarant dhaddlim. Khellant (Sports) Kristi totvam ani mul'liam misoll korun, doton'nichea bhurgeank 'Football tournament' ghoddun haddlo. Toxench amchea tornnatteamni ani Stela Maris Kopel, Miramar hanchea tornneamni bholaike babtin veg-vegllio jivitacho pod'doti monan dhorun 'Football'-acho khell ghoddun haddlo. Amchea igorjechea zomeanchea ani sonsthanchea vagddiank Povitr Sobhechea veg-vegllea vixoyancher veg-veglle dis tthraun uloupam kelim. 'Amche Kuttumb follabhorit korum-ya' (Family Enrichment Programme) hea vixoyacher vaddeam-vaddeamni ut'tejonachim xibiram ghoddun haddlim. Merces Saibinnichea Novenamni veg-vegllea Dhormpranthik Kendrachea Odheokxamni Sermanvam somoyar Katolik Povitr Sobhechi xikovnn, Misanvantlian bhavartiam mukhar dovorli ani Katolik Povitr Sobhek visvaxi ravunk ulo marlo. Salve zatoch Nnov dis bhavartache nodren veg-veglle dekhiche ani boream totvanche karyakrom machier ghoddun haddle. Heam sonskrutik karyakromant Caritas-Goa, hanchea opangull bhurgeamni orthabhorit dhorjeacho karyakrom lokam mukhar dovorlo. Hea 400 vorsanchea nimitan ani Adventachea toyarecho

Novem Panvl

Janer 2014

dovrun, Devachea utrak 'hoi' mhollem, dusream pasot, sonvsara pasot, Devachea bhurgeam pasot jieun aplea jivitachem somorponn kelem. Tumkam soglleank kherit bhaxen Merxecheam bhavam-bhoinnak Novem voros, khuxalkayechem ani Devachea axirvaddan bhorlolem zaunk anvddetam. Tumche Sevek -Pri Jose Caetano D'Costa Janer 2014 1 Novem Panvl

400 Vorsancho Somarombh Bhavartacho Zala?


1 ler Janerache Vixoy: Devachem Utor : Bhagevont Deva-Matechi Dobajik Porob Devachi Mata Somudayant Priti-Sevechi, Ekcharachi Ani Bhavartachi Govai Lok. 6:22-27; Gal.4:4-7; Lk. 2:16-21 Sokallim Misam he porim: 7.00 (Mandavoll: Vorgunnik Zomo ) ani 8.30 (Manddavoll:St. Vincent de Paul) Somia Jezuche Ap-Porgottnnechi Porob AFRIKECHEA MISANVANK BHETTOILOLO AITAR Somudayant Ani akhea Sonvsarak Jezuk Porgottunk Ami Govai Iz. 60:1-6; Efez.3:2-3a.5-6; Mt. 2:1-12 Aitar-Sallem bhatt Sonvar- C .F.M. Somia Jezuchea Snanachi Porob BHOKTIVONT JUZE VAZ-HAKA BHAGEVONTPONNACHO MAN MELLCHE KHATIR BHETTOILOLO AITAR Povitr Snanacheo Bhasavnneo Novsorun, Bapache Opurbayechim Bhurgim Zaum-ia Iz. 42:1-4.6-7; D.I. 10:34-38; Mt. 3:13-17 Aitar-Bhuttem bhatt Sonvar- C .F.C. Sadea Kallacho Dusro Aitar Sogllea Raxttrank Jezucho Uzvadd Ximpddaum-ia Iz. 49:3.5-6; 1Kor. 1:1-3; Ju.1:29-34 Aitar-Carmichem bhatt Sonvar- Tornnatteancho Zomo Sadea Kallacho Tisro Aitar Bharatant, Priti-Sevechea Ekcharan Jiyeun Devachem Raj Bandum-ia Iz. 8:23b-9, 3; 1Cor. 1:10-13.17; Mt.4:12-23 (vo 12-17) Aitar-Moloca Sonvar- Sevadhormik Sevok

5ver Janerache Vixoy: Devachem Utor: Manddavoll 12ver Janerache

Vixoi: Devachem Utor: Manddavoll 19ver Janerache Vixoi : Devachem Utor Manddavoll 26ver Janerache Vixoi : Devachem Utor Manddavoll

Kosloi Somarombh kortoleanv zalear taka ek dixttavo asta ani asunkunch zai. Tednach ki tea somarombhak orth yeta. Ho orth aslolo somarombh ek noviaponnachi nodor ukti korta. Somudai Bhavartache Yatrek Uzvadd osloch dixttavo monan dhorun, Merces Saibinniche igorjecho 400 vorsancho somarombh ami Setembrache 24ver te Dezembrache 29ver 2013 thaun monounk ttharailem. Hachi toyari ami Agostachea mhoineant thaun suru keli. 400 vorsam xekddeam puttim poilim Domnikan Misionar padrimni hem amche Merces-che bhuiyer, Kristi bhavartachem bim vomplem. Tem amchea kallzant vaddoilem. Oxem ekak xembor, dusreak satth, ani tisreak tis' korun, te pik vaddoit gele. Az ami hea bhavartachea biyanchim follam bhogtanv, chaktanv ani somudayik monan ekamekak vanttanv. Tori astanam, ho 400 vorsancho somarombh kortana khoreponnim ami bhavartacho dixttavo gheun to somarombhla kai? Koslio amchio dhormik ani sonskrutik karyavolli zaleat? Tio korchea parar zaleat vo Jezu bhaxen apnnakuch dusreank moddun ditat toslio hio karyavolli zaleat? Hacher ami hea boroupant lokx ghaltanv. Ho 400 vorsancho somarombh orthabhorit korunk yezonn hat-potrachi karyavoll (Programme list) 6 panvddeamni vanttleli asli. Ani tea-tea panvddeachea vixoyachem mon gheun hio karyavolli fuddem vhorunk zaiteamni tozvit kelea. 1. Lok-Zagrutai (Publicity): Lokam modem Jezuchea yenneachi zagrutai Juanv Baptistan haddli. Uprant Jezun vinchlolea xisamni ti odik bhavartache dixent peroili. Ami-i 400 vorsam ghetlolia bhavartachi zag ani kelolea somarombhacho dhobazo lokam meren pavunk kherit pavlam marlolim asat. Hea 400 vorsanchea nimitan, amcheach bhavartache novsornnechi molavnni korunk, dor ghorabeant tersachea vellar bhoktin ucharunk 400 vorsancho somarombh bhavartache nodren zaunk Magnneachem Pan uzvaddak haddlem. Teach borabor doyallo kornnio monan dhorun, 13 suchnam bhavartachi yatra odik sufoll korunk him panam vanttlim. Tosoch khas somarombhacho 'logo' chitarun, zagrutik karyavolliche toktte (banners) ani chittkovnne (stickers) xapun haddlole. Gonvllik Firgoz potracher ani vortomanpotrancher Konknni ani Inglez bhaxen lekh xapun haddle toxench Sompork sadnache upai vapddun, hea somarombachi zagrutai lokam meren pavoili ani vaddoili. Teach borabor veg-vegllea vortoman potrokaranchi, 'Potrokar Boska' (Press conference) apoili. Vostum ani Chitram vorvim Dakhovnn keli (Exhibition). Hea somarombhachi ek khas 'Website' suru keloli asa. (Website address )

Novem Panvl

Janer 2014

Novem Panvl


Janer 2014




(Ganvchem bhatt) ZOLMOLO 13-02-1941 SOMPLO 28-01-2011

Doyall Bapa, Tujea putak, Tujea gopant ballgun dovor Jezu vangdda Tuje vengent Bholeponnan sukhest tum kor Oskotai tachi visrun ani Chuki tacheo bhogsun Sorginchem sukh taka favo kor Mhonn ami Tuje lagim prathtanv.
Astelem tisrea vorsachem Mis Santan Pires-hachea otmeak 28ver Janerache 2014, sokallim 7.00 vaztam, Merces Igorjent. Bhettoitat tachi dukhest famil: Put: Francisco , Sun: Maria. Natu: Chris ani Clive.

Loukik bhavam bhoinnank Povitr Sobhen ek kherit zago asa. Bautizma vorvim tim Jezuchea Yadnikponnan, Raiponnan ani Providiponnan vantto ghetat. Tankam Povitr Sobhen ek kherit muniariponn asa. Sevadhorman, zaito vavr tim kortat. Sevadhormik kendran choloitolea Sevadhormik sevokanchea xibiramni vantto gheun aplem muniariponn koxe toren manddavollin cholouchem hem tim xiktat. Sevadhormik sevokanchea xibiramni vantto ghetoch rokddich tim Krist- prosadachim osadharonn muniari zainant mhollear him xibiram somptoch tim rokddich igorjent komunanv diunk lagonan. Xibiram zali mhonntoch xevottak Bism Saibachea hatantlean tankam promannpotr favo zata. Uprant ganvcho Padvigar vo kopelanv, zannem hem xibir kelam ani goroz zalear tantleam thoddeank Krist prosadachim osadharonn muniari zaupak Bisma lagim porvangi magtat. Uprant porvangi melltoch zaito lok aslelea vo chodd korun aitarchea Misant, Padvigar tankam komunyanv diupachi rit korta ani pattoita. Eka Krist prosadachim osadharonn muniarian fokt 3 vorsam aplech igorjent (dusre igorjent nhoi)komunyanv diunk zata. Tin vorsam uprant goroz zalear Padvigar tachi topasnni korta ani uprant anink 3 vorsank hem muniarponn cholounk Bisma lagim porvangi magta. Hea vichun kaddlolea Krist prosadachea osadharonn muniariachem jivit dekivont zaunk zai, To zhogddekar asunk favo nam, tannem dusreank bori dekh diunk zai, bhogsunk zai ani mogan jieunk zai. Vhoddponnan nhoi bogor khaltikaien tannem hem muniarponn cholounk zai. Sevadhormik sevokanchem xibir zaun promannpotr mell'lem punn Krist-prosad vanttunk mellunk nam mhonn Sevadhormik sevokan niraxi zaupachi goroz nam. Kiteak hache bhair zaito vavr ani dusrim muniarponnam asat. Mhonntoch aple firgojent sevadhormik somitint tannim bhitor sorunk zata. Atam somiticho vavr kitem? Padvigara sangata dor Aitarchem Mis ani dusreo sevadhormik riti odik orthabhorit korunk tannim vavrunk zai. Mhonntoch vachpeanchem muniarponn asa, mhollear Devachem utor tannim bhes bore bhaxen vachem ani her vachpam dekik survachim utram,

Novem Panvl


Janer 2014

Novem Panvl

Janer 2014

prachit rit, vivronn, bhavarteanchem magnnem, bhettovnni, dhinvasnni , tanchean vixoi kaddun borounk zata. Dusrim hem kitem-i kortat tednam tanchi talim(practice) gheunk zata. Sevadhorman, odik korun Misant gayon monddolak vixoia pormonnem gitam kaddunk, 'Collection' korunk adar diunk, pursanvachi manddavoll samballunk, porbank komunayachi mandavoll samballunk ani zaitea basamni sevadhormik sevokan padvigarak adar diunk zata. Sevadhormik sevokanchea xibiramni vantto gheun amchea bhavam bhoinnank zaiti Povitr Sobhechi ani odik korun sevadhormachi ollokh mellta. Sevadhorm mhollear kitem?, Povitr Pustokachi xikvonn, Loukikanchem karya, Misache bhettechi somzonni, sonskar , sevadhormik songit, sevadhormik voros ani her veg-vegllea vixoiancher ulovpam zatat. Hea xibiran bhag ghetoch, 'ami zaitem xikunk pavleanv' oxem dor eklo udgarta. Sevadhorma voir kitem-i zanna zaunk sodta zalear Goychem sevadhormik kendr tuka sodanch ugtem asa. Pri.Freddy Lobo Sevadhormik Kendracho Son'chalok



ZOLMOLO 30.11.1930 SOMPLO 5.01.2011 Jose, tin vorsam somptat tum amkam sanddun gelear Odruxtti kalloki kupam amchea jivitant upraslear Sukhan jietalim, kalliz roddta to ugddas kelear Eksurponn zodd zait veta, magun dhadd tea tea vellar.

My Mother
I have a mother who is pretty as a rose, And I love her very much that no one knows. She is sensitive and smart, And I knew it from the start. My mother is kind and loving, Always forgiving. She makes my lessons easy, Even though she is busy. My mother has a pleasant attitude, And I owe her my gratitude.
Steve Nathan de Sa, Bernard Carneiro

Nixttur moronn amkam konnakuch chukonam Aiz na faleam kedna yet hem sangonk zainam Zoitivont zaunk toyar ravum-ia nitoll dhorun kallzam
monam Ailo vell udeun dis, Jose tujem rupnnem niyalltam Rat dis tuzo mog, boreo kornnio kallzant onbhovtam Ek na ek dis sorgar bhettonk axen ravtam. Astelem tisrea vorsachem Mis Jose Manuel Nazare-hachea otmeak 6ver Janerache 2014, sokallim 7.00 vaztam, Merces Igorjent. Bhettoitat tachi dukhest famil: Ghorkarn: Remediana (Remy) Bhurgim: Benedito/ Bernadin, Alzira/ Diago Natram: Bianca, Benica, Diora ani Valanka. Ganvchem bhatt, Merces-Goa

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Janer 2014


Tisrea vorsacho ugddas

Martinho Manuel De Sousa

(Sallem Bhatt Merces)
Zolmolo 19/01/1945 Somplo 18/01/2011

Tum azun jivo asa amcheam kallzamni sondakal

Mis astolem amchea Mogachea Martinho-hachea manak, 18ver Janerache 2014, sokallchea 7.00 vaztam, Merces firgojent, Merces. Bhettoitat tachea mogachi famil soiream ani ixttam thaim magtam hench amontronn manun gheunk ani bhettounk ek A.B.N.M. ani O.B.

We are well aware that Sanskrit is reckoned as the mother of all Indian languages. We have many writings of wisdom treasured in this language that are as much relevant today as they were when first unfurled. It would be fitting to present a couple of such beautiful verses on the education of a child which should throw insight why so much of stress is laid on it. One such verse emphatically says: Parents who do not educate a child are like its worst enemies; for just as a crow does not match amidst the doves, the uneducated person will find him/herself out of place in a civilized society. Another verse ardently implores: Giving food in charity to the hungry is a great act but educating someone in need is the greatest deed; for the food will quench the hunger only momentarily, whereas the imparted education would last for ever. The two simple verses in a nutshell summarise what role the education plays in the life of a person. Needless to say then that parents have an insurmountable role in a family to educate a child right from the early ages so that the child of today grows into a citizen of tomorrow, bringing peace and joy not only to her/himself and the family but to the society at large. When we talk of education the first thought that comes to our mind is that the child should spare no efforts to pass the exams with flying colours, enter the portals of the best professional institutes and bring laurels to the family. Though many of us would aspire for such excellence it can be said without an iota of doubt that it is not sufficient to target only such a path of academic excellence. In our blind pursuit for academics we tend to lose sight of the morals

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and the values that make a complete human being and if we deviate from this virtuous path there is every possibility that the child may land in an irretrievable spiral of doom. If we trace some of the crimes in our society it would be shocking to know that some of our youngsters with the best qualifications are unfortunately entangled in the worst criminalities. In one of the reports that were published recently in the local daily, it was shocking beyond belief that an MBA qualified youngster from Goa was involved in the drug trade. Don't we have well-qualified IT techies involved in some of the worst cybercrimes, hacking passwords, looting financial institutions and creating havoc in the society? Aren't there top bureaucrats in the civil services engulfed in deplorable corrupt practices? What about the people even in judiciary soiling their hands in despicable crimes? Take a look at the noble medical profession supposed to save lives of the affected people. Isn't it disgusting that there is rampant practice of pre-natal sex determination, despite knowing that it is a punishable offence, thereby disturbing the sex ratio in the state and the country? We may cite innumerable such examples highlighting the misdeeds of our highly qualified people. What is the cause of such degradation in the society? Whether we like it or not the basis for such deprivation is simply the lack of values instilled in the family. People fail to realize that the first education of the child begins at home, in the very family that s/he is born. There is a beautiful saying, 'the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.' Who is the first to rock the cradle? It is undoubtedly the parents. It is they who are responsible for the upbringing of the child, helping the child to adopt the path of righteousness right from the tender age. There is a unique passage in our Indian scriptures which says, 'Enlighten me to do the good, desist me from doing the evil and give me the wisdom to discern between the two.' It is the responsibility of the family to help the child understand the difference between the good and the evil and guide to always do the right things and refrain from taking the wrong path. Once such qualities are embedded in the child in its early age, they will remain ingrained in days to come, helping the child to tread the correct path as it grows. To ensure that the child walks on the right path the family as a

Second Death Anniversary A Tribute Of Love

DATE OF BIRTH 07/05/1956

DATE OF DEATH 11/01/2012


Papa we know you sleep in heaven above And watch over all of us with love But we miss you, your love and your kindly ways For with you, we have spent our happiest days Some may think you are forgotten, though on earth you are no more But in our memories you are with us, as you always were before. We thought about you yesterday and the day before that too We'll think about you tomorrow and as the years come and go You are now our angel up above in heaven, and though we are apart You'll always live inside of us, deep within our hearts

We Miss you A lot Papa!!

If we smile and laugh, we are entertaining you If we smile and laugh, you gain energy to send us signs If we go on with our life, it means you are still here enjoying it besides us..

Love you Papa

There will be an Eucharistic Celebration for the soul of Our beloved Antonio. E. C. Nunes (Tony) on Saturday 11th January 2014 at 7:00 am at Our Lady of Merces Church, Merces Goa. Offered by his loving mother Nini Nunes, Ever loving wife Marietta Nunes, loving sister Fatima Nunes and most loving children Charlanne and Nigel Nunes.

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28th January, 2014

Bai Skyla aiz dis tujea zolmacho Amkam soglleank vhodd khuxalkaiecho Hasto rupkar polleun tuzo Jiv murgotta tujea Mama-Dadacho Happy Birthday mhunn ugddas korta tuzo Devan sodanch tujer Aplo axirvad ghalcho Hench magnnem ani anvddo Tujea Mama- Dadacho Tuka khuxalbhorit vadd'dis anvddeta Dada: Sulesh, Mama : Evola Xemaim : Rita ani kutttumb
Bamon Bhatt- Merces

whole has to do a lot of sacrifice, monitoring the activities of the child. Disciplining the child is important and at times the parents may have to exercise restraint not granting undue liberty to the child. 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' has been well articulated by our forefathers. People tend to argue that it is an archaic phrase and not relevant to the present times. People should be reminded that irrespective of time the saying will not lose its sheen. Importantly, it simply means that the family has a primary duty to be always vigilant and guide the child when it falters, even if the child feels unpleasant and irritated. It will help the child to grow up in the path of uprightness and a day would come when the child would acknowledge the parent's guidance and recollect that but for the reprimand received in time, s/he would have gone astray. Situations are not uncommon wherein at times both the parents are abroad, leaving the children in the care of their grandparents, uncles, aunties and so on and coming home once a year for a month or so and then pampering the child with a lot of goodies to show their attachment for the child. Whatever be the justification, it can be said with conviction that for a child there can be no substitute for parental warmth and love, which the child experiences when the parents are around all throughout and not once in a year for a holiday. No one can understand the child better than its own parents. It is further extremely important that the parents give quality time to the children and not the quantity time, interacting with the children as the need arises particularly with regard to psychological aspects. When the child misses the parental love and touch, lurking in the darkness can be the undesirable outcome. All said and done it can be said conclusively that education is of paramount importance. But true education is of the heart, not only of the mind and the parents in the family have an everlasting role in moulding the little ones right from the childhood in achieving this goal, lest should it be too late a realization. Let it be the endeavour of every parent to be a philosopher, guide and friend to the child. Michal Vaz, Milroc-Merces

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Janer 2014

Liturgical Music In The Teachings Of Vatican II

The Year of Faith and Vatican II The foremost reason for the proclamation of the Year of Faith, by Benedict XVI, is the commemoration of 50 years of the opening of Vatican Council II. The Holy Father asserted that the teachings of Vatican II have lost nothing of their value or brilliance. He fervently desired that the documents of the Council should be revisited: be read correctly, be widely known and be taken to heart as important and normative texts of the Magisterium, within the Church's Tradition. The Pope has affirmed that the true legacy of Vatican II is to be found in the Council's teachings, and so urged the faithful to return, as it were, to the 'letter' of the Council that is the texts and also to draw from them its authentic spirit. Of course, all this has to be done within the hermeneutic of continuity the same faith of the apostles handed on to us down the ages to be lived in our day and in our context. So, my article will primarily focus on the Conciliar texts and those related. The teachings of the Council concerning sacred liturgical music are mainly found in Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC), the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Chapter VII of this document deals exclusively with sacred music. Soon after the Council, i.e. in 1967, the Holy See issued an Instruction on Music in the Liturgy, Musicam sacram (MS), implementing the Conciliar directives regarding liturgical music. So, these are the 2 main documents we need to read and study, along with the norms regarding liturgical music contained in the Institutio Generalis Missali Romani (GIRM), if we are to get into the mind of Vatican II. Music as art Our faith is a gift from God, something precious and mysterious. Artists have tried to express the beauty and depth of faith through various forms of art. Music is one of the arts. The Council fathers proclaimed that the musical tradition of the Church is a treasure of inestimable value. Using the words of the Council, the value of music is greater even than that of any other art because music is a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy, being intimately bound to the sacred action. Our task is to carefully nurture, meticulously study, and diligently promote the musical patrimony of the Church, so that the dimensions of solemnity, beauty, and fervour, inherent in Christian worship, are enhanced. So we have the duty to treasure and promote the art of music, which embodies the never

Children's Page
Dec. Ans.
I. a) True b)False II. a) Jesus b)Nazareth III. a)Angel b)Mary IV. My Soul Magnifies the Lord. c)False c)Mathew c)Wise Men d)True d)Abraham d)Angel

January Quiz
1) What's my name:a) God gave me 10 commandments. I led the Israelites out of Egypt. b) Born in Bethlehem, I am the Savior of the world. c) I am the House of God, you come each Sunday to worship. d) I am a Sacrament you received I made you child of God. e) I am a Holy Book written partly before Jesus and partly afterwards. II) Based on Old Testament Match: a) Son of Enoch b) Wife of Isaac c) Last Judge of Israel d) Moses sister e) Place where Abraham offered his sacrifice III) Complete the Be words:1) The gate of the temple was Be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2) In the be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was the word. 3) Be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was the birth place of Jesus. 4) Christians should be_ _ _ _ of false prophets. IV. Write in 20 words what you would do to please Jesus in the New Year 2014. 1) Moriah 2) Samuel 3) Miriam 4) Kenan 5) Rebecca

Correct Entries to Dec. Quiz:

1. Malaika Rocque (Bhuttem bhatt) 8.Mabel Vas (Firguem bhatt) 2. Meldroy Vas (Firguem bhatt) 9.Avedis Agnelo Silveira (Firguem bhatt 3. Mackenzee Vas (Firguem bhatt) 10.Becca Rodrigues (Carmita) 4. Denver J. Fernandes (Ganvchem bhatt) 11.Isaac Rodrigues (Carmita) 5. Fabio John Fernandes (St. Caetan) 12.Cydan Fernandes (Carmita 6. Doris Rego (Carmichem bhatt) 13.Steve Nathan De Sa (Bernard Carneiro 7. Joanne Mabel De Sa (Bernard Carneiro)

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44. Valerie Romao dhuv Virgilio Romao ani Agnes J. J. Botelho (St. Caetan) 45. Eliana Roma Do Rosario dhuv Ignatius A. Do Rosario ani Hazel V. P. Do Rosario (Caranzalem) 46. Lynora Fabiola Fernandes dhuv Lazaro Fernandes ani Preeti Fernandes (Moloca) 47. Willisa Mercy Fernandes dhuv Wilson Fernandes ani Rowina M. Marshall (Firguem bhatt) 48. Isaac Nathan Monteiro put Xavier J. Monteiro ani Fatima Joao (Carmita) 49. Adriana Keira Braganca dhuv Peter Braganca ani Leta Rego (Bhuttem bhatt) 50. Skyler Samuel Pires put Sidney P. Pires ani Rochelle S. Gomes (Mesta bhatt)

-ending beauty of God. Sacred Music and Secular Music Church teaching differentiates Sacred Music from Secular Music. Each has its own specific space and purpose. The purpose of secular music is purely entertainment, pleasure and diversion, taking one to the mundane, the secular and the sensual. On the other hand, the reason of sacred music is to evoke the Divine: to make present the awe, majesty, magnificence and grandeur of God. Its aim is to lead the listener to a deep spiritual, mystic experience. Dressing sacred words with secular melodies does not make the music sacred; a foot-tapping, hip-swaying, incessant and insistently mind-numbing-beat kind of experience can hardly lead one into the path of deep mystical prayer. In our day, the line between the sacred and the secular is gradually being obscured: if one hears music coming from the parish, one is at a loss to say if it is emanating from the parish Church ( a sacred celebration) or the parish community hall (a fellowship/ cultural/ entertainment get-together). Today, pastors are tempted to go with the current, to do what merely "appeals" to people, so that they get an increase in numbers. Benedict XVI, who had earlier participated as a peritus in the Council, warns that the Church must not settle down with what is merely comfortable and serviceable at the parish level; he calls this "utility" music. Instead, he calls on the Church to arouse the voice of the cosmos and, by glorifying the Creator, to elicit the glory of the cosmos itself, making it also glorious, beautiful, habitable, and beloved. Liturgical Music Not all sacred music is liturgical. Liturgical music is that form of sacred music which is apt for the liturgical rites, accompanying the sacred action and fostering genuine active participation of the faithful in the sacred mysteries. It is marked by a certain nobility of form and is directed towards the praise of God and the sanctification of the faithful, uniting minds and touching hearts in profound prayer. To understand the importance and role of liturgical music, the Holy Father has affirmed that liturgy belongs to Jesus Christ and his Church; is not a series of cultural maneuvers created by men according to their individual tastes as desired, when desired, if desired. It is primarily opus Dei and it cannot be changed according to individual whims. The liturgy is not a kind of "self-manifestation" of a community it is primarily God's action through the Church God is the subject. The liturgy is not "my" action, nor even "our" action, but the action of God in us and with us, through the Church. So, liturgical


28. Lester Anthony de Sa ani Linda Maria Lourdes V. D'Souza (Ganvchem bhatt) 29. Joseph Nazareth Amaral ani Flavia Antonette Fernandes (St. Caetan)


23. Gregorio Micael Vas e Fernandes (Firguem bhatt) 24. Rosalina Fernandes (Patto)


03rer Domingos Fernandes (Carmita) poilea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am) 04ter Gregorio Fernandes (Firguem bhatt) mhoineacho ugddas (7.00 am) 06ver Jose Manuel Nazareth (Ganvchem bhatt) tisrea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am) 10ver Francisco Gonsalves (St. Caetan) tisrea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am) 11ver Antonio (Tony) Nunes (Fonsa bhatt) dusrea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am) 18ver Martinho Manuel De Souza (Salem bhatt) tisrea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am) 23ver Manuel Xavier Agostinho do Rego (Moloca) poilea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am) 24ver Isabel Vales (Carmita) poilea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am) 28ver Santan Pires (Ganvchem bhatt) tisrea vorsacho ugddas (7.00 am)

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music makes present the work of God in a more noble manner. Singing at Mass Why sing at mass? Singing at mass is not an added appendage, nor an added attraction, nor an accessory to the liturgical celebration. On the contrary, it forms an integral and fundamental part of the liturgical celebration. The aim of song is to proclaim the sacred texts (scriptural and liturgical) more effectively and clearly manifest the nobility, solemnity and sense of awe in the presence of God. The renowned liturgist Josef Andreas Jungmann sj, one of the chief architects of SC, remarked: Chanting of the holy texts raises them up from the mundane and presents them as on a platter of gold. That's exactly the aim of singing the liturgical singing: to render divine gravity to the sacred texts. What to sing? We hear people saying: Misak cantar kor-ia For most people, singing refers to the 3 or 4 hymns that we sing for the entrance, preparation of gifts, communion and at the end. This fourhymn sort of syndrome, which is common among today's Catholic, is a very poor understanding of singing at Mass. If we look into MS, we find three degrees listed: The FIRST DEGREE contains at the greetings and dialogues of the priest-congregation, the acclamations, the preface, the Sanctus, Pater noster; the SECOND DEGREE mentions the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Agnus Dei and Prayers of the Faithful; while the THIRD DEGREE is made up of the chants at the Entrance, Offertory and Communion. And MS says: these degrees are so arranged that the first may be used even by itself, but the second and the third, wholly or partially, may never be used without the first. So, singing the Our Father, Sanctus is to be given first preference. What happens in our parishes normally is quite contrary. The Our Father, even on festive occasions is recited, hardly sung! We conclude from here that "singing" in the liturgical context means singing "the mass" (ie. singing the texts of the mass) and not just singing "something" during mass. It emerges that the celebrants have the primary responsibility of chanting the parts that belong to them, thus eliciting the response from the congregation. The congregation has to respond wholeheartedly in the acclamations, the responses, the dialogues. Now what if a particular priest cannot sing for nuts? Well, he can sing in recto-tone, ie. without inflections, or he can render without singing one or more of the difficult parts which concern him, reciting them in a loud and distinct voice. However, this must not be done merely for the convenience of the priest or the minister. Fr. Romeo Monteiro
(to be continued)

For families & friends of alcoholics

This is Al-Anon : Al-Anon was founded by families of alcoholics who had found sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous. Today, many Al-Anon /Alateen members, regardless of age or relationship to the alcoholics, are finding serenity despite a friend or family member with an active drinking problem. From the very beginning we learn that we are powerless to control an alcoholic's drinking. This is a fact that must be accepted before we can progress with the program. Until we stop trying to control, we will continue to live with the frustration that made us seek Al-Anon. Once we learn to let go of the problem, the loving concern and help of the other members will provide strong support to help us understand what the Al-Anon program can do for us. Hope you will find in this fellowship the help and friendship we have been privileged to enjoy. We who live or have lived, with the problems of alcoholism understand as perhaps few others can. We, too, were lonely and frustrated but in Al-Anon we discover that no situation is really hopeless and that it is possible for us to find contentment and even happiness, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not. We urge you to try our program. It has helped many of us find solutions that lead to serenity. So much depends on our own attitudes and as we learn to place our problem in its true perspective, we find it loses its power to dominate our thoughts and our lives. The family situation is bound to improve as we apply the Al-Anon ideas. Without such spiritual help, living with an alcoholic is too much for most of us. Our thinking becomes distorted by trying to force solutions and we become irritable and unreasonable without knowing it. The Al-Anon program is based on the twelve steps (adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous) which we try, little by little, one day at a time, to apply to our lives along with our slogans and the serenity prayer. The loving interchange of help among members and daily reading of Al-Anon literature thus make us ready to receive the priceless gift of serenity. Al-Anon is an anonymous fellowship. Everything that is said here, in the group meetings and member-to-member, must be held in confidence. Only in this way can we feel free to say what is in our minds and hearts, for this is how we help one another in Al-Anon. For free help contact : Al-Anon Family Groups (Goa), Office # 16, 1st Floor, Hira Niketan Bldg, Comba-Margao. Helpline : 09372670550 Email : Website :

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Janer 2014

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