Receive Inquiry & Order Control - Doc (Eng)

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MER/PR-01 Effecti e !"te# OCT 0$ % &00' Re i(i)* # 0+ P",e# 1/7

1- O./ecti e/ Sc)0e# To stipulate all the steps of orders performance from the time of receiving Buyers inquiries until getting official contracts or orders confirmation from them and help to control merchandising activities effectively to meet buyers requirements Subjects applied: for all orders from receiving Buyers inquiries until getting orders confirmation esponsibilities: for all related departments !Sample" #or$ study" %lanning" %ac$ing" #arehouse" &uality 'ssurance" (aterial" )utting" %roduction deparments 2. Terminology & definition: * ') : 'ccounts +ept, * )'+ - ./)T ' : )omputer 'd +esign Section * )0( : )ommercial +ept, * )1T : )utting +ept, * '+(23 - S4ST/( : 'dministration - System +ept, *5 : 5uman esource - 'dmin +ept, * (' : (aintenance +ept, * ('T : (aterial +ept, * (/ : (erchandising +ept, * %' : %ac$ing section * %. : %laning +ept, *% + : %roduction +ept, * &' : &uality 'ssurance +ept, *S : Sample oom, * #5 : #arehouse Section * #S : #or$ study +ept, * S(6 : Standard (inutes 6alue * )( : )utting - (a$ing charge !cost of manufacturing7 * B0( : Bill of (aterials * '+ : 'rticle description * 0rder Summary : 0rders brea$do8n * Buy Sheets : 0rders brea$do8n * (+S : a8 (aterials +ata sheets * )( : )hange (emo ! evised %,0 7 * Tech pac$ : )ustomer documents under %+%" %) " 9. +4" %+(" B0(" S%/)S +Re(0)*(i.i1itie( & "2t3)4it5# (erchandisers 'sistant (erchandising (anager (erchandising (anager

+- C)*te*t


MER/PR-01 Effecti e !"te# OCT 0$ % &00' Re i(i)* # 0+ P",e# :/7

Ste0 1# Recei e B25e4( i*62i4ie( * * * 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers or Senior (erchandisers receive Buyers inquiries via emails" 8ebsites, 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers or Senior (erchandisers do8nload techpac$" Buy sheets" art8or$" B0(s ;,from 8ebsites, Senior (erchandisers 8ill save all style related documents !%+% file" B0(" special notes;,7 under the specific folders in the public server for related departments access,

Ste0 &# St2!5 t3e i*62i4ie( & e7c3"*,e i*f)48"ti)*# "9 I*te4*"1 i*f)48"ti)*# * Senior (erchandisers/The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers 8ill study Buyer documentation to ensure all necessary information is provided to process the order further, * Senior (erchandisers/The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers chec$ the feasibility of products 8ith 9actory (anager" #S (anager" %roduction (anager and Sample (anager, * The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers or the (erchandisers save all information related to the inquiries on the public server" advise the relevant departments via emails to prepare consumptions" S(6 8hich is needed to process costings, .9 E7te4*"1 i*f)48"ti)*# * * The Senior (erchandisers get prices of embroidery" screen print or embellishments from /mbroidery and %rinting %lants, The Senior (erchandisers get prices of fabric - accessories from fabric - accessories suppliers, 2n the case fabric and accessories are nominated by the buyers" (erchandising departments has to follo8 the buyerss instructions, 2f not" the Senior (erchandisers can 8or$ 8ith any suppliers 8hoever can meet target prices given by the 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers, The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers can request the buyers for 9,0,B target prices and projected quantities if this information 8as not provided by the buyers 8ith the initial documents, Senior (erchandiser or The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers calculate costing" get approval from (erchandising (anager or <eneral +irector and offer 9,0,B prices to the Buyers,

* *

Ste0 +# S2.8it F-O-B 04ice( "*! *e,)ti"te# * The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers submit 9,0,B prices of the styles via emails or 8ebsite,


MER/PR-01 Effecti e !"te# OCT 0$ % &00' Re i(i)* # 0+ P",e# =/7

The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers negotiate 8ith the buyers if they as$ for prices adjusted until both sides come to a final decision, Then there 8ill be !>=7 situations happening : a7 The buyers approved 9,0,B prices 8ithout further discussion, b7 3eed further discussion 8ith the buyers on pricing before proceeding 8ith samples, 2f the designed styles are complicated on embellishments and se8ing 8ays; 8hich do remar$ably effect on prices" then the 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers can discuss 8ith the buyers about changes if possible" such as" art8or$s" trims" embellishments" fabric types" ma$ing 8ays, 2f the buyers agree 8ith any of the changes" then they 8ill revise %+%/%) files" B0(" special notes" art8or$s and s$etches;, 'fter that" the (erchandising department has to start 8ith changes, 2n case" the buyers cannot accept those changes" the 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers and Board of (anagement 8ill have to solve the problems and come for a conclusion, c7 The inquiries 8ill be dropped by the buyers,

Ste0 :# P4e0"4e 8"te4i"1( f)4 ("801e( 8";i*,# a7 The merchandisers 8ill advise Sample oom for pattern preparation, b7 The merchandisers 8ill 8or$ 8ith the fabric/ accessories suppliers about development of fabric yardage and accessories to purchase for ma$ing garments samples, 2n case" the cost of fabric/ accs for samples 8ill not be requested to pay for suppliers" (ers dont need to raise %,0 on / % programme, !(/ /%,0*9ab/% *>=/9*>= - (/ /%,0*'cc/% *>=/9*>?7 c7 The merchandisers 8ill 8or$ 8ith the /mbroidery and %rinting %lans/ (ills to develop stri$e offs based on the art8or$s and submit to the buyers for their approval before proceeding 8ith samples, d7 The merchandisers 8ill request S, to ma$e samples to submit for buyersapproval, !(/ /% *>1/9*>17 Ste0 $# S2.8it t3e ("801e( f)4 t3e .25e4( "004) "1# * Submit the garments samples" fabric s8atches" accessories samples and stri$e offs to the buyer for their approval of the garments samples si@e specifications" colors" quality and designs, The submit results 8ill be as one of the belo8 situations : a7 The samples are approved 8ithout comments, b7 The samples are approved 8ith comments requested to re*submit before bul$ production, The merchandisers have to revie8" re*8or$ 8ith relevant depts to meet buyers requisitions, c7 The buyers cancel any styles right after the samples submitted,


MER/PR-01 Effecti e !"te# OCT 0$ % &00' Re i(i)* # 0+ P",e# ?/7

Ste0 <# Recei e "*! c)*(i!e4 )4!e4 c)*fi48"ti)*# * * 0rders confirmation 8ill be issued under ABuy sheetsB" A%urchase 0rderB sheets - A)ontractsB" etc; #ithin ?C hours" these informations should be entered to / % system by the (erchandisers, The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers or the merchandisers 8ill 8or$ 8ith #or$ Study dept to re*chec$ S(6 and target quantity per day based on the actual samples 8hich 8ere confirmed by the Buyers" then the (erchandisers 8ill update all final confirmed information in / % system !(/ /% *>1/9*>:7, The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers or the merchandisers 8ill 8or$ 8ith fabric and accessories suppliers to get delivery commitments, The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers and merchandisers chec$ capacity of the embroidery or printing plants or mills, The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers chec$ vessel schedule or /D* 9actory dates, 9or some buyers" the factory can choose shipment method to meet the buyers request of /T+ or 2#+, 9or other buyers" the factory need to follo8 the buyer advised dates, The 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers 8ill 8or$ 8ith planning dept to confirm 8hether the orders are feasible: chec$ production plan !al8ays $eep ?> days at least for production lead*time7, 2n the case" the factory cannot meet the delivery dates as requestedE the planning department 8ill 8or$ 8ith the +eputy +irector to plan for production outside the factory to ensure eD*factory date 8hich can meet buyers requirements !see the procedure %./% *>1 from %lanning +ept,7,

* * *

Ste0 =# >! i(e t3e )4!e4( t) t3e 4e1e "*t !e0"4t8e*t(# * * 's soon as receiving the orders" the merchandisers save order details on the public server in specific folders for relative depts access, The %. departments can chec$ orders details information on the server/ / % by themselves !(/ /% *>1/9*>:7,

Ste0 ?# P4)!2cti)* 04e0"4"ti)*# * * * The 'ssistant (erchandising manager 8ill authori@e the /stimation sheet in / %" this should be completed on/before receiving order confirmation" based on that (ers can purchase for bul$ production, Before purchasing fabric" )'+ dept should prepare and advise (er +ept, final consumption 8ithin >: days after receiving order confirmation from (er +ept, 9or fabric: the merchandisers 8ill ma$e manual %,0 in eDcel files 8ithin >? days after receiving order confirmation then issuing to suppliers" after that plusing neDt >= days for raising %,0 in / %" see the purchasing procedure (/ /% *>=,


MER/PR-01 Effecti e !"te# OCT 0$ % &00' Re i(i)* # 0+ P",e# F/7

0rdering of accessories !(/ /%,0*'cc/% *>=/9*>? 7" see the purchasing procedure (/ /% *>=: o .ong leadtime for se8ing accessories %,0 ma$ing in / % should be made 8ithin 11 days after receiving orders confirmation, 2n case order confirmation still missing some information" the (ers can ma$e %,0 8ithin >: days after receiving final orders confirmation, o %ac$ing accessories should be ordered 8ithin >: days upon receipt of SG1 !Stoc$ Geeping 1nit7 details, o Se8ing threads should be purchased 1F days before %)+ and ensure threads should be in house >F days before %S+, 9or '-9 buyer" the se8ing threads should be in house >F days before %S+, o )artons should be in house >= days before %S+,

* * * *

The merchandisers ma$e contracts for embellishments and 8ashing processing" then hand over to 'ccounts dept, >1 original copy, The merchandisers follo8 up imported shipments to ma$e sure all the fabric and accessories purchased 8ill be in 8arehouse before %)+ for productionE prepare import documents if needed, The merchandisers submit pre*production" si@e set and floor set samples to the buyers and get their approval before production, The merchandisers generate the critical path on / % on daily basis and attend meetings 8ith the relevant departments to revie8 all orders information and rise up any special issues for timely adjustment if those issues effect on the factory production plan,

Ste0 '# P4)!2cti)* 0e4f)48"*ce# * Senior (erchandiser/ the merchandisers chec$ and approve fabric/ accessories cards 8hich are prepared by the 8are house staff" then the (ers 8ill issue to the relevant departments ! % +" #5" &' and )1T 7 The merchandisers issue 0rder sheets to the relevant departments, The merchandisers attend pre*production meetings 8ith the relevant departments to ma$e sure all information is clear during production, The merchandisers follo8 up production status and communicate 8ith relevant persons to solve production issues such as" shortage or defectiveness of fabric or accessories" or defectiveness of garments, +uring the production" if any problem affects on delivery dates" the 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers 8ill 8or$ 8ith the buyers to get eDtension of delivery dates, 0nce the buyers accept" they 8ill inform %lanning department to adjust factory production plan, 2f not" the 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers and Board of (anagement 8ill have a meeting to discuss and solve !(/ /% *>1/9*>:7,

* * * *

Ste0 10# De1i e45 "*! 0)(t-!e1i e45 "cti itie(#


MER/PR-01 Effecti e !"te# OCT 0$ % &00' Re i(i)* # 0+ P",e# H/7

* *

* * *

%lanning department arranges shipment plan, 9or some buyers" the 'ssistance (erchandising (anagers approve and choose suitable vessel schedule for each shipment, 0ther buyers" the merchandisers instruct /Dport department to boo$ shipments 8ith for8arders based on delivery date advice from buyer, The merchandisers update shipment status and advise the buyers, The merchandisers follo8 up shipment, The merchandisers 8ill coordinate 8ith 'ccounts dept in pushing buyers to pay if the buyers delay the payment,

Ste0 11# S" e !)c28e*t(# :- Rec)4! & F)48# 2S0 I>>1: :>>> Standard 9actorys policies/ regulations Buyers policies Buyers (anual Samples equisition form (/ /% *>1/9*>1 Sales order details (/ /% *>1/9*>: !/ %7 %urchase 0rder (/ /%,0*9ab/% *>=/9*>= - (/ /%,0*'cc/% *>=/9*>? !/ %7 +ocs/ 9orm * (/ /%0*9ab/% *>=/9* >= * (/ /%0*'cc/% *>=/9* >? * (er/% *>1/9*>: * (/ /% *>1/9*>1 * %2" ),236" %/." B/. * * * * * * * * %,0/ )ontracts S) %) /%+%/ 9 ) %+( !B0(" S%/)S 7 0rder summary Tech pac$ !%+7 Buy sheets 5ard copies Time to save 3o limit H months 1 year 3o limit 3o limit 3o limit 3o limit 3o limit 3o limit 3o limit H months J 1 year #here to save /rp programme %ublic server /mails" public server %ublic server %ublic server %ublic server %ublic server %ublic server %ublic server %ublic server (/ (/ (/ (/ (/ (/ (/ (/ (/ (/ (/ esponsibility - 2T +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept, +ept,


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3ame: %osition: +ate:

3ame: 'sho$a %osition: (erchandising (anager +ate:

3ame:M"!3"@" >t"0"tt2 %osition: <eneral +irector +ate:

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