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copywrite Per Hogseth

Per Hogseth Teglverkstunet 5c, 7048 Trondheim, Norway

Phone: (011) 47 73 91 69 96 Email: pehogset@online.no Website: http://www.powerful-psychic-reading.com


Palmistry is a science based on the study of the hands. It can help individuals in self-discovery, relationships, career options, and recovery from depression (many more benefits can be attributed to palmistry, but the list is to extensive to print in its entirety). Palmistry also offers opportunities for children.

Its up to the individual to discover all the opportunities that present themselves when the world is viewed with their eyes open!

One of the greatest benefits of palmistry is handprints taken at different times provide palm readers with before and after snap shots of individuals personalities.

This can be a great tool to chart the progress in attitude/habit reforming.

Your Life Is In Your Hands!

Palmistry, like a doctors examination, is strictly a diagnostic reading. It can point out the forces that operate within individuals, and summarize the logical results of these forces. They can be accepted as they are, or can be changed over time.

Why Palmistry?

Why use Palmistry in the first place? The most logical reason is most individuals have at least one hand. Its convenient and personal. The lines on each individuals hands are different and highly personal to that individual. In fact,

several individuals, like the famous philosopher Goethe and the great New Zealand psychic and palmist, Richard Webster, both claim that the lines in the hand are a map of the individuals brain.

Professional palm readers have a responsibility to formulate their readings in such a manner that clients leave a reading feeling better about themselves, confident that the future will be enjoyable and happy. Individuals who seek readings are generally vulnerable. It is the palm readers duty to emphasize the positive.

The professional palmist is a planter of seeds. The seeds that are planted in the clients mind are potential future events. They may be positive seeds, the potential for travel, for better financial conditions, for happiness, or for an improvement in the number and nature of relationships.

Negative seeds may result in negative self fulfilling prophesies. Research has documented the role of expectancies in physical health and illness. It has been documented that the human mind can create or cure an illness in the body. Positive seeds help lead individuals to positive self fulfilling prophesies. Negative seeds play the opposite role.

Professional palmists explain to the client how a palm reading session will work before a reading begins. Most individuals visit a palmist due to a problem or worry they have not been able to resolve. They may be nervous and perhaps a little frightened.

To ease the individuals anxiety, professional palmists explain that they will try to establish an empathy with the individual, that during the reading they will attempt to focus on the individuals need for information.

It takes two to produce a good reading. There must be a positive rapport between the reader and the individual or client. As in many other areas, psychic impressions from the palms are never 100% accurate. It is not an exact science, but a solid indication of the past, present and future.

Although professional palmists have developed a high degree of accuracy, their impressions will not all be 100% correct. Generally, 70% -80% of the impressions a palmists receives are correct or have some meaning to the individual.

Mindset is critical to a reading. In many cases, an individual may have one thought or worry that consumes them. In these cases, the individual may be so consumed with their one focus that they miss the information that has been provided for them. Their mind will be constantly trying to find information that relates to their concern.

At the end of a reading, the client should evaluate the palmist. A scale based on percentages works well as an evaluation tool. If the reading was 60% correct, the individual should tell the palmist where the reading was incorrect.


Modern science is just beginning to understand the potential that palmistry has to enable individual development. This ancient craft with unknown origins may offer individuals an option for alternative treatment.

By understanding the information written in the lines of the palms, humans may be on a journey of deep inner understanding.

This White Paper is copywrite Per Hogseth. No part of this document may be reproduced in part or in whole without prior written consent from the author.

You may contact Per Hogseth at:

Per Hogseth Teglverkstunet 5c, 7048 Trondheim, Norway Phone: (011) 47 73 91 69 96 Email: pehogset@online.no Website: http://www.powerful-psychic-reading.com

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