Research Report 223: Mathematical Modelling of The Stability of Passenger-Carrying Tandem Seat All Terrain Vehicle (ATV)

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Health & Safety Executive


Mathematical modelling of the stability of passengercarrying tandem seat all terrain vehicle (ATV)

Prepared by MIRA Ltd for the Health and Safety Executive 2004


Health & Safety Executive


Mathematical modelling of the stability of passengercarrying tandem seat all terrain vehicle (ATV)

Jonathan Webb, MEng CEng MIMechE MIRA Ltd Watling Street Nuneaton Warwickshire CV10 0TU

For the first time, passenger carrying tandem all terrain vehicles (ATVs) are being introduced to the UK market. The Health and Safety Executives (HSE) policy to date has been that passengers must not be carried on sit-astride ATVs. This policy was formulated when only single seat sit-astride ATVs were available and needs reviewing now the new vehicles are being marketed. To develop the policy it was necessary to gain a greater understanding of the stability of these ATVs with passenger carrying capability. MIRA has been requested by the HSE to conduct a roll-over study on a tandem seat ATV. The stability assessment conducted involved examining the behaviour of the vehicle in a number of roll-over scenarios with only a rider on board, and then with both a rider and passenger on board. The position of the rider and passenger was also adjusted in order to understand their contribution to vehicle stability during the manoeuvres. This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.


Crown copyright 2004 First published 2004 ISBN 0 7176 2840 X All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to: Licensing Division, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ or by e-mail to


Cop"ri!ht Pa!e ########################################################################################################################################### ii Co%te%ts######################################################################################################################################################iii E'ecutive su((ar" ####################################################################################################################################iv $ I%tro*uctio%##########################################################################################################################################$ & E'peri(e%tal proce*ures####################################################################################################################$ ($% Model b.ild$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% ($( "ider and /assenger config.rations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$( ($ Scenario setting $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$( ) Results #################################################################################################################################################) $% Static test res.lts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $( "oll-o0er test res.lts $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$# + Discussio% ###########################################################################################################################################, 4$% Static tests $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8 4$( 1ynamic roll-o0er tests$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$& - Co%clusio%s #######################################################################################################################################$. / Reco((e%*atio%s#############################################################################################################################$$ Appe%*ices ############################################################################################################################################### $& Appe%*i' $ 0i!ure Prese%tatio% ############################################################################################################## $)


.ue to de$elopments in the All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) market, tandem seat ATVs 'ith the capability to carry passengers are being introduced. /urrent ealth and !afety "#ecuti$e ( !") policy ad$ises that passengers should not be carried on sit&astride ATVs, but this policy 'as based on single seat ATVs only and needs re$ie'ing in light of the ne' $ehicles becoming a$ailable. 0ith little information a$ailable on the roll&o$er stability of ATVs 'ith passenger carrying capabilities, ()*A has been re+uested by the !" to conduct a roll&o$er study on a Tandem !eat ATV. ()*A pre$iously conducted a roll&o$er analysis for the !" on an ATV for the purpose of assessing the effecti$eness of a *oll&1$er 2rotection !ystem and the roll&o$er scenarios de$eloped during this e#ercise ha$e been adopted for this study. The programme of 'ork 'as set 'ith these ob,ecti$es3 To create a $ehicle model of the ne' ATV including rider and passenger To simulate the performance of the ATV in fi$e roll&o$er initiating scenarios To assess the effect of rider and passenger position on the stability of the $ehicle during the manoeu$res

As a result of the study, the follo'ing recommendations are made3 *iders of the ATV should e#ercise caution 'hen operating the $ehicle 'ith a passenger on board, as the presence of the passenger reduces the ATV%s stability. o'e$er, 'ith a ma#imum recorded reduction in stability of 44 5, the increased ha6ard is not considered to be o$ertly high )t should be made clear to both riders and passengers that although their position on the $ehicle has only a small effect on its stability, at all times they should try and resist the motion of the $ehicle as this 'ill act to increase the ATV%s stability The stability of the ATV is most sensiti$e to rider and passenger positioning 'hen it is in$ol$ed in scenarios that induce side'ards roll&o$er. *iders and passengers should therefore be made a'are that their position on the $ehicle is more important 'hen encountering situations in$ol$ing tra$ersing slopes, dri$ing side'ards o$er an edge and negotiating bumps This study only considers lo' speed roll&o$er stability and the results cannot be interpreted to co$er high speed handling stability or lo' friction surfaces. )t is ad$ised that additional tests and analyses are conducted if these situations are to be considered



()*A has been re+uested by The ealth and !afety "#ecuti$e ( !") to conduct a roll&o$er analysis on a ne' All Terrain Vehicle (ATV). ()*A pre$iously performed a roll&o$er analysis on an ATV for the purpose of assessing the effecti$eness of a *oll&1$er 2rotection !ystem. The results of this study 'ere issued in ()*A report 78&9:9;<:.4 This pro,ect has been designed to assess the stability of the ATV 'ith both rider and passenger on board. )t uses the same test scenarios as in the pre$ious analysis, but 'ith the intention of assessing the effects of rider and passenger position on the point of initiation of $ehicle roll&o$er. The ob,ecti$es for this study 'ere3 & &#$ 2.1.1 To create a $ehicle model of the ne' ATV including rider and passenger To simulate the performance of the ATV in fi$e roll&o$er initiating scenarios To assess the effect of rider and passenger position on the stability of the $ehicle during the manoeu$res

E1PERIME TA4 PROCED2RES Mo*el buil* Vehicle Measurements

The $ehicle under in$estigation 'as a =ombardier Tra#ter (a#, a t'o seater +uad bike. An e#ample of this $ehicle 'as supplied for testing at ()*A by >ets (ari$ent UK ?td. Vehicle tests and component measurements 'ere conducted in order to characterise the suspension and steering systems, and the o$erall $ehicle mass and inertia in the kerb condition 'as measured. The data collected from these tests 'ere used to construct a detailed mathematical model of the $ehicle. This 'as done using A.A(!-/ar $4@.A A2B&4@A&48AC a dedicated $ehicle dynamics simulation tool produced by (!/.!oft'are. The $ehicle model generated can be seen in Figure 4. .ue to the nature of the pro,ect, it 'as not necessary to obtain accurate tyre characteristic data. Therefore, a generic data set from ()*A%s library 'as taken and ad,usted to suit the si6e and type of tyre fitted to the ATV. 2.1.2 Rider measurements

The rider and passenger 'ere each represented by a DAth percentile human figure. )n order to ascertain the geometric positions the rider and passenger 'ould assume 'hen seated on the ATV, a DAth percentile ybrid )) crash dummy 'as fitted to the supplied ATV. The geometric position data of the dummy 'as measured in the normal seated attitude for both the rider and passenger positions. Using the human body modelling package, A.A(!-Figure, a DAth percentile body model 'as generated. This has e+ui$alent mass and inertial properties of a DAth percentile human and 'as designed such that its position on the $ehicle could be ad,usted. An e#ample of the body model in a seated position can be seen in Figure @. The body models 'ere ad,usted to match the measured rider and passenger seated positions on the ATV and these are sho'n in Figure <.

Mathematical Modelling of an ATV and rider in an overturn *!U *"F3 <;8;-*<:.A;@ 4778

&#& Ri*er a%* passe%!er co%fi!uratio%s The aim of the simulation e#ercise 'as to determine the sensiti$ity of the ATV to roll&o$er. This included comparing the $ehicle performance 'ith both a rider and passenger on board to that of the $ehicle 'ith ,ust a rider, and the effect of rider and passenger positioning on the roll&o$er sensiti$ity. To understand these effects, the si# follo'ing rider and passenger configurations 'ere simulated. *ider only, seated upright on $ehicle throughout manoeu$re *ider only, seated, leaning to resist roll&o$er *ider and passenger, seated upright on $ehicle *ider and passenger, seated, both leaning to resist roll&o$er *ider and passenger, seated, both leaning to assist roll&o$er *ider and passenger, seated, rider alone leaning to resist roll&o$er

0ith these configurations defined, it 'as necessary to determine the en$elope of rider and passenger mo$ement astride the $ehicle, and to 'hat e#tent they could ad,ust their positions to either assist or resist roll&o$er. This 'as accomplished using the DAth percentile dummy. !tarting 'ith the dummy in the natural seating position, its posture 'as ad,usted to lean as far for'ard, rear'ard and side'ard as possible. The position of the dummy 'as then recorded. The ma#imum lean angles 'ere <A deg side'ards, <A deg for'ards and @4 deg rear'ards for both rider and passenger seating positions. Figures 9 to 49 sho' the positions of the rider and passenger for each configuration. &#) Sce%ario setti%! The pre$ious study identified fi$e scenarios for roll&o$er and these same scenarios 'ere adopted for this study. For each scenario it 'as necessary to determine the road conditions re+uired to initiate roll&o$er in each of the rider and passenger configurations. The soil friction coefficient 'as fi#ed at 4.A throughout all studies. =y ha$ing a high $alue of friction coefficient, the point at 'hich sliding occurs rises and therefore roll&o$er is more likely to occur. The study neither considers the effects of soil mechanics nor the effect of a$ailable grip. )n studying the factors influencing roll&o$er it 'as necessary to define the condition of roll&o$er and to understand the roll&o$er mechanism for each scenario. Tables 4 to D belo' pro$ide definitions for each roll&o$er test scenario, the mechanisms by 'hich roll&o$er 'as initiated and the measures used to define the point at 'hich roll&o$er occurs.

Table $ Scenario %, side2ard o0er an edge

.escription (echanism Test 2rocedure (easure Vehicle dri$en at 4A mph at an approach angle of 4A deg o$er an edge The $ehicle tends to roll laterally The gradient of the slope is increased in 4 deg increments until roll&o$er occurs *oll rate and angle are monitored. *oll&o$er is determined to ha$e occurred 'hen the roll rate does not e#hibit a re$ersal through A deg-s

Table & Scenario (, side2ard tra0ersing a slo/e

.escription (echanism Test 2rocedure (easure Vehicle tra$erses a slope of increasing gradient at 9 mph The $ehicle tends to roll laterally The gradient of the slope is increased in 4 deg increments until roll&o$er occurs The uphill rear tyre load is monitored. *oll&o$er is determined to ha$e occurred 'hen the normal tyre force is completely remo$ed

Table ) Scenario , side2ard o0er a b.m/

.escription (echanism Test 2rocedure (easure Vehicle dri$en at @Dmph and left side hits bump in road The $ehicle tends to roll laterally !i6e of the bump is increased in 4A mm increments until roll&o$er occurred *oll rate and angle are monitored. *oll&o$er is determined to ha$e occurred 'hen the roll rate does not e#hibit a re$ersal through A deg-s

Table + Scenario 4, for2ard do2n a slo/e

.escription (echanism Test 2rocedure (easure Vehicle dri$en do'n a slope at <mph and then made to drop do'n a dip The $ehicle tends to tip for'ards Angle of the slope and height of the dip ad,usted until roll&o$er occurs 2itch rate, pitch angle and rear tyre force are monitored. *oll&o$er is determined to ha$e occurred 'hen the pitch rate does not e#hibit a re$ersal through A deg-s

Table - Scenario 3, rear2ard ./ a slo/e

.escription (echanism Test 2rocedure (easure Vehicle dri$en up a slope at 9mph The $ehicle tends to tip rear'ards Angle of the slope is increased in 4 deg increments until roll&o$er occurs 2itch rate, pitch angle and front tyre forces are monitored. *oll&o$er is determined to ha$e occurred 'hen the pitch rate does not e#hibit a re$ersal through A deg-s and normal tyre force is remo$ed completely


)#$ Static test results Table : sho's the measured mass, centre of gra$ity position and inertia of the ATV at kerb 'eight 'ith a full tank of petrol. These measurements 'ere conducted at /ranfield )mpact /entre ?imited.@ The coordinate system is defined as follo's3 EF plane at ground le$el, positi$e # to rear, positi$e y to right FG plane through centre line of $ehicle, positi$e 6 up E H A at front a#le centre line

Moment of Inertia Measurement of an ATV Bombardier Traxter Max Visco Lok 4x4 Quadbike /)/? :777V @AA<

Table / ATV /ro/erties

/entre of gra$ity position /ondition Kerb (ass (kg) <87 E (mm) 8AD.A F (mm) ;.A G (mm) DA9.; )nertia )## (kgmm@) 4.A9#4A8 )yy (kgmm@) @.D:#4A8 )66 (kgmm@) 4.7D#4A8

Table ; sho's the e+ui$alent simulation data for the ATV model in three load conditions3 kerb, kerb I rider and kerb I rider and passenger. At kerb, the model data is comparable 'ith the measured data.

Table 5 Model ATV /ro/erties in

/entre of gra$ity position /ondition Kerb *ider (seated) *ider and 2assenger (seated) (ass (kg) <7A 9:; D99 E (mm) 8A<.A 8AD.A 8;@.8 F (mm) ;.A D.8 D.A G (mm) DA<.9 D7;.; :;:.<

load conditions
)nertia )## (kgmm@) 4.A9#4A8 4.<8#4A8 4.;7#4A8 )yy (kgmm@) @.D:#4A8 @.87#4A8 <.97#4A8 )66 (kgmm@) 4.7D#4A8 4.78#4A8 @.47#4A8

Table 8 sho's the corner 'eights of the $ehicle in each of the three load conditions defined abo$e and gi$es the percentage increase from the kerb condition.

Table , Model ATV corner 2eights in

Condition Measured (kg) ?eft Kerb Front *ear 7@.D 77.A *ight 7<.A 4AD.A

laden conditions
Change from Kerb (percent) ?eft A.A A.A *ight A.A A.A

*ider (seated)

Front *ear

444.A 448.D

444.A 4@9.D

@A.A 47.;

47.9 48.:

*ider and passenger (seated)

Front *ear

44;.A 4D@.A

44;.A 4D8.A

@:.D D<.D

@D.8 DA.D

Table 7 sho's the effect on the corner 'eights of the rider on board and leaning. *esults are gi$en for <A deg side'ays lean, <A deg for'ard lean and @4 deg rear'ard lean. 2ercentage changes are also gi$en.

Table 6 Model res.lts for 0ehicle corner 2eights 2ith rider leaning
Condition Measured (kg) ?eft *ider (<Adeg side'ard) Front *ear 444.A 4@<.A *ight 44@.A 447.A Change from Kerb (percent) ?eft A.A <.8 *ight A.7 &9.9

*ider (<Adeg for'ard)

Front *ear

44<.A 44;.A

44<.A 4@<.A

4.8 &4.<

4.8 &4.@

*ider (@4deg rear'ard)

Front *ear

44A.A 4@A.A

444.A 4@:.A

&A.7 4.<

A.A 4.@

Table 4A sho's the effect on the corner 'eights of the rider and passenger on board and both leaning. *esults are gi$en for both rider and passenger 'ith a <A deg side'ard lean, <A deg for'ard lean and @4 deg rear'ard lean. Again, percentage changes are also pro$ided.

Table $. Model res.lts for 0ehicle corner 2eights 2ith rider and /assenger leaning
Condition Measured (kg) ?eft *ider and 2assenger (<Adeg side'ard) Front 447.A *ight 44:.A Change from Kerb (percent) ?eft 4.; *ight &A.7






*ider and 2assenger (<Adeg for'ard)











*ider and 2assenger (@4deg rear'ard)











Table 44 sho's the effect on the corner 'eights of the $ehicle 'ith rider and passenger on board, but 'ith ,ust the rider leaning. *esults are gi$en for the rider 'ith a <A deg side'ard lean, <A deg for'ard lean and @4 deg rear'ard lean. 2ercentage changes are also pro$ided. Table $$ Model res.lts for 0ehicle corner 2eights 2ith only rider leaning
Measured (kg) Condition *ider and 2assenger (*ider <Adeg side'ard) Front Left 44;.D Right 44:.D Change from Kerb (percent) Left A.9 Right A.9






*ider and 2assenger (*ider <Adeg for'ard)











*ider and 2assenger (*ider @4deg rear'ard)











)#& Roll7over test results !imulation results for !cenario 4 are gi$en in Table 4@. /orresponding animations for these results are pro$ided on the accompanying /.. Table $& Sim.lation res.lts for scenario %
Configuration *ider only *ider resist *ider and passenger *ider and passenger resist *ider and passenger assist *ider and passenger, *ider resist Slope angle at which roll-over occurred (deg) @; @8 @9 @D @9 @9

*esults for !cenario @ are gi$en in Table 4<. /orresponding animations for these results are pro$ided on the accompanying /..

Table $) Sim.lation res.lts for scenario (

Configuration *ider only *ider resist *ider and passenger *ider and passenger resist *ider and passenger assist *ider and passenger, *ider resist Slope angle at which roll-over occurred (deg) @9 @D @< @9 @@ @9

*esults for !cenario < are gi$en in Table 49. /orresponding animations for these results are pro$ided on the /.. Table $+ Sim.lation res.lts for scenario
Configuration *ider only *ider resist *ider and passenger *ider and passenger resist *ider and passenger assist *ider and passenger, *ider resist eight of bump at which roll-over occurred (deg) @AAmm @AAmm 47Amm 48Amm 48Amm 47Amm

*esults for !cenario 9 are gi$en in Table 4D. )t 'as e$ident 'hen conducting the simulations that the $ehicle%s beha$iour 'as dependant on ho' much load there 'as on the rear tyres as the $ehicle descended the slope and dropped do'n the dip. )f the gradient of the slope 'as steep, the load 'as on the rear tyres 'as light and the $ehicle 'as difficult to control do'n the slope and dip. )f the gradient of the slope 'as shallo', the $ehicle 'as more stable and hence re+uired a high drop to initiate roll&o$er. A good compromise 'as found 'ith a gradient of 9A deg. This 'as sufficient to keep the $ehicle stable and under control, but in combination 'ith the dip, could initiate roll&o$er. Therefore, the gradient of the slope 'as fi#ed at 9A deg for all configurations and ,ust the height of the dip ad,usted until roll&o$er occurred. /orresponding animations for these results are pro$ided on the /..

Table $- Sim.lation res.lts for scenario 4

Configuration *ider only *ider resist *ider and passenger *ider and passenger resist *ider and passenger assist *ider and passenger, *ider resist eight of dip at which tip-over occurred (mm) <4A <4A <AA <4A <4A @7A

*esults for !cenario D are gi$en in Table 4:. /orresponding animations for these results are pro$ided on the /..

Table $/ Sim.lation res.lts for scenario 3

Configuration *ider only *ider resist *ider and passenger *ider and passenger resist *ider and passenger assist *ider and passenger, *ider resist !ngle at which tip-over occurred (deg) <: <; <D <; <9 <:


+#$ Static tests /omparing Table : 'ith the model results for kerb condition in Table ;, it can be seen that the o$erall mass, position of centre of gra$ity, and orthogonal inertias all correlate 'ell. Adding the rider to the $ehicle increases the total $ehicle mass by ;; kg to 9:; kg and the centre of gra$ity height by 7< mm to D78 mm. This represents a 47.; 5 increase in mass and an 48.; 5 increase in height of centre of gra$ity. Adding both rider and passenger to the $ehicle increases the total $ehicle mass to D99kg and raises the centre of gra$ity height by 4;< mm to :;: mm. This represents an increase in mass of <7.D 5 and an increase in the centre of gra$ity height of <9.< 5. "#amining the $ehicle corner 'eights in Table 8, illustrates ho' the additional load is distributed. The addition of the rider gi$es an increase in tyre load of appro#imately @A 5 at each corner, signifying that the rider is seated near the longitudinal and lateral centre of gra$ity position of the unladen ATV. The addition of both rider and passenger together produces an increase in front and rear a#le 'eights of @D 5 and DA 5 respecti$ely o$er those of the unladen ATV. (ost of the passengers% 'eight is positioned o$er the rear a#le. 8

The effects of rider and passenger leaning is less significant. 0ith ,ust the rider on board, the greatest effect is a side'ards lean of <Adeg. This generates a 9 5 transfer in load across the rear a#le 'ith $ery little change on the front. )t is important to note that as the rear suspension incorporates a single trailing arm assembly, the rear suspension has a $ery high roll stiffness. This means that any lateral 'eight transfer, from either $ehicle cornering or occupants leaning side'ards, 'ill mainly be reacted across the rear a#le. 0ith the rider leaning <A deg for'ards and @4 deg rear'ards, the changes are smaller still, bet'een 4and @ percent. 0ith both the rider and passenger on board, the potential to affect corner 'eight distribution is increased. The greatest effect is achie$ed by a <A deg side'ards lean by both rider and passenger, producing a ; 5 load transfer across the rear a#le. For'ard and rear'ard leans generate corner 'eight changes of bet'een <.D 5 and 4.D 5 respecti$ely. 0ith ,ust the rider leaning 'hen both the rider and passenger are on board, the magnitude of the changes are reduced. =y leaning side'ards, the rider is only able to effect a lateral load transfer of <.D 5. For'ard and rear'ard leans only generate bet'een 4.D 5 and <.D 5 load transfers. +#& D"%a(ic roll7over tests To assess the sensiti$ity of adding a passenger to roll&o$er stability of the ATV, the results of rider&only roll&o$er simulations are compared to those of rider and passenger for each scenario. Table 4; summarises the findings.

Table $5 Sensiti0ity of roll-o0er to addition of /assenger for all scenarios

Scenario 4 @ < 9 D Change in threshold &< deg &4 deg &4A mm &4A mm &4 deg "ercentage Change &44.4 5 &9.@ 5 &D.A 5 &<.@ 5 &@.; 5

For all scenarios e#cept 9, the effect of adding a passenger reduces the roll&o$er threshold and therefore makes the $ehicle more unstable. o'e$er, in e$ery case, the changes are reasonably small 'ith the greatest difference occurring in scenario 4 'here an 44 5 reduction in slope angle 'as re+uired to a$oid roll&o$er. To assess the sensiti$ity of rider position on roll&o$er stability, the results of rider Jfi#ed% are compared to those of rider Jresisting% roll&o$er for each scenario. Table 48 summarises these findings. Table $, Sensiti0ity of roll-o0er to rider /osition
Scenario 4 @ < 9 D Change in threshold 4 deg 4 deg A mm A mm 4 deg "ercentage Change <.; 5 9.@ 5 A.A 5 A.A 5 @.; 5

0ith the rider resisting roll&o$er, the threshold increases for scenarios 4, @ and D. Again ho'e$er, the change is small, 'ith scenario @ gi$ing the greatest increase at 9.@ 5. &

To assess the sensiti$ity of rider and passenger position on roll&o$er stability, results of the rider and passenger Jfi#ed% tests are compared to those of rider and passenger Jassisting% and Jresisting% roll&o$er for each scenario. Table 47 summarises these findings. Table $6 Sensiti0ity of roll-o0er to rider and /assenger /osition
Scenario Rider and passenger resist Change in threshold 4 @ < 9 D 4 4 &4A I4A @ "ercentage Change 9.@ 5 9.< 5 &D.< 5 <.< 5 D.; 5 Rider and passenger assist Change in threshold A &4 &4A I4A &4 "ercentage Change A.A 5 &9.< 5 &D.< 5 <.< 5 &@.7 5 Rider resist Change in threshold A 4 A &4A 4 "ercentage Change A.A 5 9.< 5 A.A 5 &<.< 5 @.7 5

0ith the rider and passenger leaning to resist roll&o$er, the effect is to reduce the roll&o$er threshold, but by no more than D.; 5. The only e#ception to this is scenario < 'hich records a reduction of D.< 5. This is likely to be an anomaly in the simulation results. )n < of the D scenarios 'ith the rider and passenger both leaning to assist roll&o$er, the threshold reduces. The e#ception is scenario 9, 'hich records an increase in threshold. 0ith only the rider leaning to resist roll&o$er, the roll&o$er threshold is reduced for scenarios @ and D, increased for scenario 9 and unchanged in scenarios 4 and <. CO C42SIO S

The results presented in the static tests demonstrate that the model generated correlates 'ell 'ith the mass and inertia properties of the physical $ehicle. The results from the dynamic tests demonstrate that the model is capable of simulating the motion of the real ATV during a number of roll&o$er scenarios. o'e$er, as tyre handling properties and soil friction coefficients ha$e been selected to gi$e 'orst&case results for roll&o$er, the results of the dynamic simulations should not be used to deri$e actual operating en$elopes of the ATV. The results from the static tests sho' that adding a DAth percentile rider to the ATV increases the $ehicle%s mass by nearly @A 5 and raises the height of the centre of gra$ity by nearly 47 5. The additional mass is e$enly distributed bet'een the front and rear a#les of the $ehicle. The effect of adding both a rider and passenger to the $ehicle increases the mass by nearly 9A 5 and raises the height of the centre of gra$ity by <9 5. )n this configuration, the additional mass is biased to the rear of the $ehicle. The leaning positions of the rider and passenger do not significantly affect the mass distribution. The greatest effect is produced from both the rider and passenger leaning side'ards, gi$ing a rear a#le lateral load transfer of ; 5. The high roll stiffness of the rear suspension, compared to that of the front, means that the ma,ority of lateral 'eight transfer is reacted by the rear a#le. As the addition of a passenger to the $ehicle raises the centre of gra$ity by 4D 5 o$er the rider only configuration, it is not une#pected to see a reduction in the roll&o$er threshold of the $ehicle during the dynamic e$ents. This is more pronounced for scenarios 4, @ and < 'hich are initiated by a side'ard roll&o$er, and less so for scenarios 9 and D that are initiated by fore'ard and rear'ard tip&o$er. The greatest degradation in stability is noted in scenario 4 at 44.4 5 'hilst the rest of the scenarios record smaller decreases in stability. 0ith only the rider seated on board the $ehicle and leaning to resist roll&o$er, the stability of the $ehicle is generally increased. The greatest change is noted for scenario @, 'ith an increase of 9.@ 5, but scenarios < and 9 sho' no impro$ement in stability o$er that of the Jfi#ed% position rider. These small changes are supported by e$idence from the static tests that sho' that the rider%s position has little effect on the mass distribution.


0hen the $ehicle is laden 'ith both rider and passenger, the effect of positioning both rider and passenger to resist roll&o$er is reflected in a general increase in $ehicle stability of about D 5. 0hen both the rider and passenger are leaning to assist roll&o$er, the stability is reduced in only @ of the D scenarios, and then only marginally. !cenario 4 records no change in roll&o$er threshold and scenario 9 records an increase in the threshold. 0hen only the rider resists roll&o$er, 'ith both rider and passenger on board, the results are split bet'een a small increase in stability, no change in stability and a small reduction in stability. Again, these findings are substantiated by the results from the static tests. / RECOMME DATIO S

)n accordance 'ith the conclusions dra'n from this 'ork, the follo'ing recommendations are proposed3 *iders of the ATV should e#ercise caution 'hen operating the $ehicle 'ith a passenger on board, as the presence of the passenger reduces the ATV%s stability. o'e$er, 'ith a ma#imum recorded reduction in stability of 44 5, the increased ha6ard is not considered to be o$ertly high )t should be made clear to both riders and passengers that although their position on the $ehicle has only a small effect on its stability, at all times they should try and resist the motion of the $ehicle as this 'ill act to increase the ATV%s stability The stability of the ATV is most sensiti$e to rider and passenger positioning 'hen it is in$ol$ed in scenarios that induce side'ards roll&o$er. *iders and passengers should therefore be made a'are that their position on the $ehicle is more important 'hen encountering situations in$ol$ing tra$ersing slopes, dri$ing side'ards o$er an edge and negotiating bumps This study only considers lo' speed roll&o$er stability and the results cannot be interpreted to co$er high speed handling stability or lo' friction surfaces. )t is ad$ised that additional tests and analyses are conducted if these situations are to be considered




APPE DI1 $ 5+67"- P"-S-8TAT+98

0i!ure $ Model of ATV generated in A1AMS!Car

0i!ure & :ody model of 3'th /ercentile

0i!ure ) Position of rider and /assenger on ATV in normal seated /osition

0i!ure + "ider only astride ATV in normal seated /osition %4

0i!ure - "ider only, leaning side2ards at ' deg

0i!ure / "ider only, leaning for2ards at ' deg


0i!ure 5 "ider only, leaning rear2ards at (% deg

0i!ure , "ider and /assenger astride ATV in normal seated /osition


0i!ure 6 "ider and /assenger both leaning side2ards at ' deg

0i!ure $. "ider and /assenger both leaning for2ards at ' deg %4

0i!ure $$ "ider and /assenger both leaning rear2ards at (% deg

0i!ure $& "ider and /assenger, only rider leaning side2ards at ' deg %8

0i!ure $) "ider and /assenger, only rider leaning for2ards at ' deg

0i!ure $+ "ider and /assenger, only rider leaning rear2ards at (% deg %&

Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive C30 1/98 Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive C1.10 05/04

ISBN 0-7176-2840-X

RR 223


9 78071 7 628407

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