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Vascular Technology Test #1 Question #1
Although useful to identify a significant stenosis, color Doppler is not useful to_________stenosis. A quantitate B quintate C quarry D qualify

Question #2
The most common congenital abnormality of Circle of Willis A Aneurysm of Berri B Absence of one or more communicating arteries C Hypoplasia of communicating arteries D B&C

Question #3
Evaluation of the brachialcephalic, subclavian and proximal portion of the axillary vein should include . A spectral Doppler waveforms demonstrating phasic flow B appropriately compressed veins with the transducer C spectral and color Doppler analysis with a 90 degree angle to assess patency D gray scale analysis for phasic, continuous respiratory flow

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms

Question #4
Blindness in one half of the visual field in one or both eyes is: A Myopia B Horner syndrome C Amaurosis fugax D Hemianopsia

Question #5
Plaque with complex, mixed echo pattern and focal areas of sonolucence and hyperechoic areas can be described as: A Heterogeneous B Irregular C Ulcerative D Homogeneous

Question #6
A patient with arm and hand ischemia associated with symptoms of nerve root compression. The correct examination would be: A Thoracic outlet examination B Palmar arch examination C Cold sensitivity D Upper extremity venous exam

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms

Question #7

In this diagram, identify the vessel labeled 13: O O C O Left inguinal artery Splenic artery Left renal artery Inferior mesenteric artery

Question #8
Turbulent blood flow is usually present just distal to a 60% or greater stenosis in the internal carotid artery, appearing as_______________________in the Doppler display. A spectral broadening B residual lumen filling C gray scale echogenicity D Doppler spectral window

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms

Question #9

In this diagram, identify the vessel labeled 8: A Portal vein B Proper hepatic artery C Gastroduodenal artery D Right hepatic artery

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #10

In the following diagram, identify the vessel labeled 17: A Portal vein B Proper hepatic artery C Inferior mesesnteric artery D Right renal artery

Question #11
Toe pressures greater than ______ mm/Hg predict ulcer healing. A 30 B 20 C 60 D 40

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms

Question #12
A measurement used to define the extent of atherogenesis in its early phase is: A Intraluminal thrombus B Intima media thickness C Intima externa thickness D Intimal flap

Question #13

The dampened waveform corresponds with the: A Normal artery B Post moderate stenosis C Post mild stenosis D Post severe stenosis or occlusion

Question #14
When obtaining a peak systolic velocity measurement using duplex techniques,the angle cursor should be adjusted__________________ to the vessel wall. A perpendicular B parallel C oblique D transverse

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #15
A TCD examination is performed on a 60-year-old patient, revealing antegrade flow in the middle cerebral artery. This is displayed: A Below the baseline B Above the baseline C Bi-directional

Question #16
The recommended Doppler carrier frequency for an extracranial exam is: A 2.5 MHz B 4-5 MHz C 3 MHz D 7 MHz

Question #17
During evaluation of a brachial artery to antecubital vein dialysis graft, the venous anastomosis is evaluated revealing a PSV ratio of 3.0. Which of the following statements is true: A The velocity is too low, re-evaluate the area with a steep angle B The Doppler angle should be reduced to bring the velocity to within the 100-200 cm/sec normal range C High-grade stenosis D Peak systolic velocity ratio is normal

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #18
Dialysis grafts are placed to allow access for dialysis. Which of the following is not a type of graft used: A Looped synthetic B Autologous vein C Straight synthetic D Porcine vein

Question #19
A sonolucent region, without flow, within the plaque, which can be referred to as an "eggshell" appearance may represent: A Ulceration B Intraplaque hemorrhage C Platelet aggregation D Occlusive plaque

Question #20
Average cardiac output for an adult is A 3 L/min B 5-6 L/min C 4 L/min D 2 L/min

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #21
A patient presents with arm and hand ischemia associated with symptoms of nerve root compression. The proper examination would be: A Palmar arch examination B Thoracic outlet examination C Upper extremity venous exam D Cold sensitivity

Question #22
To evaluate triphasic color flow, the best settings are: A Low frame rate and high color velocity range B High frame rate and low color velocity range C High frame rate and high color velocity range D Low frame rate and low color velocity range

Question #23
The veins which can be used for grafting include all of the following except: A Greater saphenous vein B Cephalic vein C Subclavian vein D Basilic vein E Lesser saphenous vein

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #24
A patient with a palpable cord in the medial thigh, localized pain and erythemia. What condition is the patient symptomatic of? A Superficial thrombophlebitis B Chronic deep vein thrombosis C Acute deep vein thrombosis D Acute arterial obliterans

Question #25
Blood is transported from the liver to the IVC via the: A Hepatic ducts B Hepatic artery C Portal veins D Hepatic veins

Question #26
A patient is referred with ischemic rest pain in the feet, a non-healing wound on multiple digits of the lower extremity, and gangrene of one digit. A segmental arterial study is ordered. The expectation of the findings from the examination would be: A Moderate disease B Mild arterial disease C Severe disease D Normal

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Phillip Crooms
Question #27
Appropriate measurements of an abdominal aortic aneurysm would include: A Outer dimensions and inner residual lumen B Length x width x height C Lumen diameter D Outer dimension

Question #28
A patient is referred for symptoms of facial edema, dilation of face veins and bilateral arm swelling. The symptoms are consistent with: O O O O Inferior Vena Cava syndrome PICC line placement Superior Vena Cava syndrome Paget-Schotter syndrome

Question #29
A type of graft with the proximal and distal ends anastomosed to the artery post-valvulotomy: A In situ vein graft B Harvested vein graft C Reversed vein graft D Synthetic vein graft

Question #30
If a surgeon uses the greater saphenous vein for an arterial conduit. This is a: A Reversed vein graft B Synthetic graft C In situ D Arteriovenous graft

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #31
During renal artery Doppler exam, the sonographer notices the upper pole and the lower pole have different amplitude signals. All of the following may contribute to this finding except: A Accessory or multiple renal artery B Renal artery occlusion C Renal artery stenosis D Renal vein occlusion

Question #32
The Doppler obtained from the abdominal aorta above the level of the SMA would normally reveal: A Triphasic B Multiphasic waveform C Sharp rise to systole, rapid deceleration, with a small amount of diastolic flow D Monophasic waveform

Question #33
With deep inspiration, flow in the IVC A increases flow B becomes pulsatile C temporarily suspends flow

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #34
The_______________provides blood supply to the small intestines and portions of the large bowel. A celiac trunk B gastropeolic C SMA D IMA

Question #35
A young man with decreased lower extremity pulses, and hypertension comes to your lab. A preliminary diagnosis most likely is: A Atherosclerosis B Coarctation C Budd-Chiari syndrome D Claudication

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #36

In this diagram, identify the vessel labeled B: A Anterior communicating artery B Internal carotid artery C Posterior communicating artery D Anterior cerebral artery

Question #37
The window most useful to sample the carotid siphon and the opthalmic artery for a TCD study is the: A Transforminal B Transorbital C Transtemporal D Suboccipital

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Phillip Crooms
Question #38

In regards to these pictures of an AV fistula, which of the following would you expect? A The arteries supplying the fistula would have decreased peak systolic and end diastolic velocities with low resistive indices B The arteries supplying the fistula would have increased peak systolic and end diastolic velocities with high pulsatility indices C The arteries supplying the fistula would have D decreased peak systolic and end diastolic velocities with high resistive indices E The arteries supplying the fistula would have increased peak systolic and end diastolic velocities with low pulsatility indices

Question #39
Pallor with limb elevation would indicate disease. A venous B arterial

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #40
A condition common with diabetes causing extremity pain which may not be vascular related is: A Neuropathy B Hypertensive C Raynaud's disease D Peripheral occlusive disease

Question #41
______________ waveform is usually seen distal to the site of a stenosis

A aliased B slow upstroke, low amplitude C low resistance, without a dichrotic notch D tardus parvus

Question #42
The STOP trial developed a protocol to indicate which children were at higher risk for stroke due to stenosis. Which condition does the STOP trial pertain to? A Cerebrovascular Accident B Sickle Cell Anemia C Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease D Encephalitis

Question #43
PRF and wall filter should be _________ for arterial flow and __________for venous flow. A low; high B high; low

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #44
The vessel located between the first portion of the duodenum and the anterior surface of the head of the pancreas is the: A Celiac artery B Common hepatic artery C Gastroduodenal artery D Left gastric artery

Question #45
Above the umbilicus, all paired arteries course _________to their related veins. A lateral B medial C posterior D anterior

Question #46
The prep recommended for aorta and iliac arteries is A 12 hours NPO except clear liquids and medication B Full breakfast C 8 hours NPO except clear liquids and medication D Clear liquids and medication

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #47
Pulsatility index is a formula used to calculate: A velocity B cycles per second C resistance D Pressure

Question #48
A variety of symptoms produced by an obstruction of blood supply and increased pressure in the calf, due to blood or fluid is: A Collagen vascular disease B Vasculitis C Compartment syndrome D Compression syndrome

Question #49
The radial artery has advantages over the saphenous vein with all of the following except: A Appropriate caliper B Thicker wall C Often a bifed system D Better availability

Copyright 2013

Phillip Crooms
Question #50
A digital plethysmography exam was done on a patient. The waveforms have a slow rise to systole, loss of the dichrotic notch with the downslope bowed away from the baseline. The waveforms are consistent with the diagnostic criteria of: A Normal B Moderately abnormal C Severely abnormal D Mildly abnormal

Question #51
The treatment of smoking cessation, control of HTN, diabetes and dyslipidemia and weight control with a lowcholesterol, diet is likely for: A Aortic dissection B Arterial occlusive disease C Venous occlusion D Carotid occlusion

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Phillip Crooms

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Test 1 A A D A D A A C A B C A B D B B B C D B B B B C A D C A C A C

Test 2 C B C A A A C D A D A E B A A D A D B E D A B B A A A C A B D

Test 3 B D C B D C C B D C B B D C D B B B B E B B A A D A C B A C A

Test 4 D A B D C B A C D A A A D B C C B D B A A A B B B A D D C C B

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Test 1 D C C C B D B B B A D B B C C C C C C B B C D B C D F A B A C

Test 2 A D D C B B A A C A B A A A B D A A C A C C C C D D B C A D E

Test 3 C C C C C D D A A A B D B C C A A B C A B C B A D D C C D B D

Test 4 B A D C A B B D A A D A D D B C B D A B B D C A A C B D B B A

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

Test 1 B A A B D B A C B B B B D C C C A C A D A C A C A A D A A E C

Test 2 A C A C A D D B A B C B B B B E A E D A A A D B A C A B D A C

Test 3 A A D A C B B C D A A C C A C A C D C D C A C C B A B C A E A

Test 4 A A C A A C C A C A A C C E C B B B B B D C B D B D D B A D D

94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120

Test 1 D C B C B A C B B A C B C A A A B B B A B C B B C E C

Test 2 D C A A C D A A B B A B A C D B C D B B A A B B D C D

Test 3 D A B C C C A A A C A A B A C A C E B C A B A A C A A

Test 4 B D A A D A C C D B D C C B A C C B A B A E A D A C A

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