WS131 Flow Meter User Manual

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Eno Scientific 1606 Faucette Mill Rd Hills o!ou"#$ NC %&%&' USA ((()enoscientific)co* +1+,&&',%660 Co-.!i"#t Notice Co-.!i"#t / %010 Eno Scientific$ Hills o!ou"#$ NC %&%&'$ USA) All !i"#ts !ese!0ed) 1a!t nu* e!2 1%',%0%3


1R45UCT 4VERVIEW)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 6 FL4W SENS4R 41ERATIN7 RAN7E))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))3 FL4W SENS4R INSTALLATI4N2 MECHANICAL)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 6 FL4W SENS4R INSTALLATI4N2 ELECTRICAL))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) & USIN7 FL4W METER WITH THE WELL S4UN5ER)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ' USIN7 FL4W METER WITH 4THER E8UI1MENT))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + S1ECIFICATI4NS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 10 WARRANT9 AN5 SERVICE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 11

T#e Eno Scientific -addle (#eel flo( *ete!s *easu!e (ate! flo( . con0e!tin" t#e !otation of t#e inte!nal -addle (#eel into a nu* e! of elect!ical -ulses -!o-o!tional to t#e a*ount of (ate! -assin" t#!ou"#) T#e flo( *ete! is a *odula! unit !ese* lin" a -i-e tee (it# 1VC sli- t.-e -i-e connections on t#e !un and a soc:et on t#e !anc# to *ount t#e senso! unit) T#e #ousin"s a!e *ade of 1VC (it# soc:ets fo! sc#edule 60 1VC -i-e connections in a 0a!iet. of si;es) T#e senso! unit contains t#e -addle (#eel and elect!onics$ and easil. *ounts to an. of t#e #ousin" si;es (it# a si*-le #and, ti"#tened !in" nut) T#e 1VC #ousin"s a!e desi"ned to -e!*anentl. install at t#e test site to -!o0ide a soc:et fo! t#e flo( senso!) T#e senso! can e connected (#ile testin" is unde! (a.$ t#en can t#en e !e*o0ed and !e-laced (it# a ca- fo! futu!e testin") T#e out-ut f!o* t#e senso! unit can e -lu""ed into an Eno Scientific Well Sounde! fo! data collection and !eadout) It is desi"ned to use 0e!. little -o(e! to conse!0e atte!. life) Additional #ousin"s$ ca-s and ot#e! accesso!ies a!e a0aila le f!o* .ou! local dist!i uto! o! on ou! (e site at ((()enoscientific)co*)

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Eno Scientific flo( senso!s use a !otatin" i*-elle! to sense t#e (ate! *o0in" t#!ou"# a closed -i-e) As t#e (ate! *o0es$ it d!a"s t#e -addles (it# it$ -!oducin" a di"ital -ulse as eac# -addle -asses t#e senso!) Note t#at t#e -i-e *ust e full fo! t#e i*-elle! to accu!atel. !eflect flo() T#e ta le elo( s#o(s t#e flo( !ate !an"e fo! eac# senso! si;e) T#e -!essu!e d!o- t#!ou"# t#e senso! at *a=i*u* flo( !ates a!e included fo! !efe!ence)

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Wate! flo(in" too slo( o! too fast (ill not e *easu!ed accu!atel.) Eno Scientific flo( senso!s *easu!e flo( o0e! a !an"e f!o* 0)%3 f-s to 13 f-s) It is i*-o!tant t#at t#e flo( si;e e selected ased on t#e flo( !ate to e *easu!ed and not t#e -i-e si;e)T#e *ost co**on *ista:e in selectin" a flo( senso! is to o0e!si;e t#e unit and not e a le to *easu!e lo( flo() T#e flo( senso! (ill o-e!ate at si"nificantl. #i"#e! 0elocities t#an co**onl. used fo! si;in" -i-e) Note2 a %> flo( senso! #as an o-e!atin" !an"e #i"# enou"# fo! use (it# ? o! 6 inc# dia*ete! -i-elines !unnin" at lo(e! 0elocities) If t#e s.ste* flo( !ate falls elo( t#e *ini*u* s#o(n in t#ese ta les$ use a s*alle! dia*ete! flo( senso! installed in a @*ete! !un>, a section of -i-e containin" 10 dia*ete!s of st!ai"#t -i-e a#ead of t#e senso! and 3 dia*ete!s of st!ai"#t -i-e afte! t#e senso!$ as s#o(n elo()


Al(a.s install a flo( senso! in a st!ai"#t section of -i-e (#e!e t#e!e is a *ini*u* of 10 dia*ete!s u-st!ea* Aa#eadB and a *ini*u* of 3 dia*ete!s do(nst!ea* A e#indB of t#e flo( senso!) 1i-e ends$ ot#e! fittin"s$ 0al0es$ -i-e enla!"e*ents o! !eductions o! an.t#in" else t#at (ould cause a flo( distu! ance s#ould not e -!esent in t#is len"t# of -i-e) T#e flo( *ete! *a. e installed in an. o!ientation$ #o!i;ontal o! 0e!tical) It is i*-o!tant$ #o(e0e!$ t#at t#e -i-e e full of (ate! (it#out u les o! de !is) Wit# t#is in *ind$ in a 0e!tical -i-e$ u-flo( is -!efe!a le to do(nflo() 4!ient t#e senso! so t#at it is easil. !e*o0ea le fo! se!0ice o! !e-lace*ent (it# a ca-) If t#e flo( senso! is installed elo( "!ade$ -!o0ide access to t#e senso! . installin" a 0al0e o= o! *ete! -it o0e! it) In unde!"!ound installations$ senso! tees a!e usuall. installed (it# t#e inse!t located in t#e 1%200 oCcloc: o! st!ai"#t u- -osition to *a:e !e*o0al easie!) De su!e to lea0e an adeEuate loo- of (i!e to allo( t#e senso! inse!t to e !e*o0ed fo! se!0ice (#ile still !e*ainin" attac#ed)
Eno Scientific Well Sounde! %010 < %010 1R4 1a"e 6

T#e 1VC -i-e soc:ets a!e intended to e sol0ent (elded to t#e 1VC -i-e usin" standa!d sol0ent (eldin" tec#niEues) T#!eaded connecto!s o! unions *a. e (elded to t#e tee fo! a !e*o0a le installation) 5isasse* le t#e flo( senso! efo!e Foinin" t#e tee to t#e -i-in" s.ste*) Re*o0e t#e flo( senso! f!o* t#e #ousin" . loosenin" t#e !etainin" nut . tu!nin" it counte!,cloc:(ise t#en -ullin" t#e senso! #ousin" st!ai"#t out) Caution: do not pull b t!" #i$"%& Afte! installation of t#e tee$ *a:e su!e t#e -i-e is clean and f!ee of an. de !is) T#en !e, install t#e senso! into t#e tee) Ali"n t#e !id"e on t#e senso! #ousin" (it# t#e "!oo0e in t#e senso! soc:et$ t#en ca!efull. slide t#e senso! all t#e (a. into t#e soc:et) Slide t#e !etainin" nut o0e! t#e senso! #ousin" and #and ti"#ten) 5o not use a sealant o! teflon ta-e on t#e t#!eads)


T#e flo( senso! co*es in t(o confi"u!ations2 1 G (it# a -lu""ed ca le fo! si*-le attac#*ent to ot#e! Eno Scientific de0ices suc# as t#e Well Sounde!) Installation is si*-le) 1lu" t#e ca le into t#e co*-ati le connecto! on t#e Well Sounde!) W#e!e t#e connecto! is occu-ied . anot#e! de0ice suc# as t#e -!o e$ a s-litte! is a0aila le to -!o0ide soc:ets fo! ot# de0ices) An e=tension ca le is a0aila le if t#e flo(*ete! is to e *ounted *o!e t#an 6 feet f!o* t#e Well Sounde! connection -oint) % G (it# ? se-a!ate (i!e leeds fo! connection to a (ell sounde! o! ot#e! de0ices) T#e t#!ee leeds *ust e connected as follo(2 Dlac: , si"nal and -o(e! "!ound Red , -o(e! 3 G 1% V5C D!o(n , si"nal Caution: i'p$op"$ (onn"(tion 'a da'a)" o$ d"%t$o t!" %"n%o$* Attac#*ent to a Well Sounde! (it# t#is confi"u!ation !eEui!es a !ea:out ada-te! (#ic# -!o0ides a -lu""ed connection to t#e Well Sounde! on one end and te!*inals on t#e ot#e! end fo! t#e connection of t#e senso! leeds)

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If t#e senso! is to e *ounted *o!e t#an 6 feet f!o* t#e connection -oint$ t#e leeds can e s-liced and e=tended usin" (i!e as s*all as H%' AW7 u- to ?00 feet) 4n !uns of *o!e t#an %0 feet$ it is !eco**ended t#at s#ielded ca le e used and t#at t#e s#ield e tied to a "ood ea!t# "!ound) 4t#e!(ise li"#tnin" induced t!ansients *a. da*a"e t#e senso! o! ot#e! eEui-*ent)


4nce t#e flo( *ete! is attac#ed to t#e Well Sounde!$ ena le t#e flo( *ete! . -!essin" t#e SET utton se0e!al ti*es until t#e Flo( Mete! ena le sc!een is dis-la.ed) 1!ess t#e U1 utton until Ena led is dis-la.ed) T#e flo( *ete! functions in t#e Well Sounde! a!e no( tu!ned on) 1!ess t#e SET utton once *o!e to s#o( t#e auto cali !ation sc!een) To -e!fo!* an auto*atic cali !ation$ -!ess t#e U1 utton to sta!t) Tu!n on t#e -u*- o! o-en a 0al0e to -u*- 3 "allons into a uc:et) As t#e uc:et !eac#es t#e 3 "allon *a!:$ -!ess t#e 54WN utton on t#e :e.-ad) Cali !ation is co*-lete and #as co*-ensated fo! an. i!!e"ula!ities of t#e installation) T#e!e *a. e situations (#e!e an auto,cali !ation is not -ossi le) In t#is case$ (#en on t#e auto cali !ation sc!een$ -!ess t#e ENTER utton to s#o( t#e scale facto! sc!een) Use t#e U1 o! 54WN uttons to ente! t#e scale facto! fo! t#e installed flo( *ete!) W#en t#e co!!ect scale facto! s#o(s on t#e dis-la.$ t#e cali !ation is co*-lete and t#e 5IS1 utton *a. e -!essed to !esu*e o-e!ation *ode on t#e Well Sounde!) Scale facto!s a!e as follo( fo! t#e t#!ee #ousin" si;es2 1> )003& 1)3> )01%1 %> )0%0+ 4nce t#e dis-la. *ode is acti0e$ -!ess t#e 54WN utton to t#e ne( flo( *ete! info!*ation sc!eens$ Flo($ Flo( !ate and Reco0 !ate) Flo( , dis-la.s t#e total (ate! t#!ou"# t#e flo( *ete! in "allons o! lite!s if in *et!ic *ode) T#e total can e !eset . -!essin" t#e ENTER utton (#ile 0ie(in" on t#e dis-la.)

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Flo( Rate G dis-la.s t#e !ate at (#ic# (ate! is flo(in" t#!ou"# t#e flo( *ete! in "allons -e! *inute Alite!s<*inuteB) T#e flo( !ate dis-la.s a !unnin" a0e!a"e of t#e flo( -e! ti*e) T#e flo( !ate *a. a--ea! to not e 0e!. !es-onsi0e as a !esult) An instant !eadin" can e o tained . -!essin" t#e ENTER utton (#ile 0ie(in" t#e flo( !ate) T#is clea!s t#e !unnin" a0e!a"e and sta!ts o0e!) Reco0 Rate G dis-la.s t#e instantaneous !eco0e!. !ate of t#e (ell) T#is is t#e net diffe!ence et(een t#e c#an"e in t#e le0el of t#e (ell and t#e (ate! ein" -u*-ed f!o* t#e (ell) T#is 0alue is also filte!ed (it# a !unnin" a0e!a"e (#ic# can e !eset . -!essin" t#e ENTER utton as a o0e)


T#e flo( *ete! can e used (it# data lo""e!s (#ic# can count -ulses and acce-t a TTL le0el si"nal o! a s(itc# to "!ound si"nal) T#e data can e confi"u!ed as a totali;e! t!ac:in" t#e total (ate! -u*-ed o! as a f!eEuenc. counte! t!ac:in" t#e instantaneous flo( !ate) T#e cali !ation constants a!e diffe!ent) As a flo( totali;e!$ t#e scale facto!s con0e!t eac# -ulse to a 0olu*e of (ate! in "allons as follo(2 1> )003& 1)3> )01%1 %> )0%0+ Iee- in *ind t#at t#e total (ate! 0olu*e (ill onl. e accu!ate if t#e flo( !ate is "!eate! t#an t#e *ini*u* flo( !ate fo! t#e flo( *ete! used) As a f!eEuenc. counte!$ t#e scale facto!s con0e!t -ulses -e! second to "allons -e! *inute and include an offset Si;e I 4ffset 1> )?%% 0)%0 1)3> )630 0)&3 %> 1)1+% 0)+6 T#e offset inc!eases t#e accu!ac. in t#e o-e!atin" !an"e of t#e flo( *ete! ut also (ill .ield a net flo( (#en t#e flo( !ate is elo( t#e *ini*u* o! ;e!o) Used to calculate total (ate! -u*-ed$ t#is tec#niEue is not a--!o-!iate)

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Mat"$ial%: Housin"s G T.-e 1 1VC Roto! G H51E 4,!in" G Duna N A=le G Tun"sten Ca! ide Plu'bin): 1i-e si;e G Sc#edule 60 1VC 1!essu!e , %601SI P! %i(al: 1i-e si;e G Sc#edule 60 1VC Test 1!essu!e G %60 1SI Te*-e!atu!e2 ?% G 160 F A0 G 60 CB 5i*ensions2 1> 3)&3 = 6)3 = %)6> 1)3> 6)%3 = 3)%3 = %)6> %> &)11 = 3)&3 = ?> Clea!ance fo! senso! !e*o0al2 ?)3> El"(t$i(al: 1o(e!2 3 G %6V J 300 uA *a= 4ut-ut si"nal2 1ull,to,"!ound AKV G 0VB 1ulse (idt#2 L3*S F!eEuenc.2 )? G %00 H;

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Eno Scientific (a!!ants to t#e use! t#at all -!oducts *anufactu!ed . Eno Scientific$ (ill e f!ee f!o* defects in (o!:*ans#i- and *ate!ials fo! 1 .ea! f!o* t#e date of s#i-*ent) Eno Scientific (a!!ants to !e-ai! o! !e-lace an. suc# defecti0e eEui-*ent o! -a!t Adete!*ined to ou! satisfaction to #a0e a defect in (o!:*ans#i- o! o!i"inal *ate!ialB u-on !ecei-t and ins-ection of suc# defecti0e eEui-*ent to Eno Scientific (it# all s#i--in" -!e -aid . t#e use!) In no e0ent s#all Eno Scientific e lia le fo! an. di!ect$ indi!ect o! conseEuential da*a"es$ a use$ acts of t#i!d -a!ties A!ental eEui-*entB$ en0i!on*ental conditions o! ot#e! e=-enses (#ic# *a. a!ise in connection (it# suc# defecti0e eEui-*ent) T#is (a!!ant. s#all not a--l. to da*a"e of eEui-*ent caused . inco!!ect installation$ usa"e$ li"#tnin"$ sto!a"e$ alte!ation o! inadeEuate ca!e) T#is (a!!ant. does not a--l. to -a!ts$ asse* lies o! de0ices not *anufactu!ed . Eno Scientific (#ic# a!e co0e!ed . ot#e! *anufactu!e!sC (a!!anties) T#e!e a!e no (a!!anties e=ce-t as s-ecificall. -!o0ided in (!itin" #e!ein) Contact Eno Scientific (it# an. (a!!ant. o! se!0ice Euestions) Fo! additional info!*ation$ -lease 0isit ou! (e site at ((()enoscientific)co*)

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