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09MCA506 UnitNo.1 (Description) UnitNo.2 (Description) UnitNo.3 (Description) UnitNo.4 (Description) UnitNo.

5 (Description)



Introduction to Computer Graphics (10 Hrs) Overview of Computer Graphics, Output primitives Line and circle drawing algorithms Attributes of output primitives. Polygons: Representation, Entering Polygons, Inside Test, Polygon Filling Algorithms. (10 Hrs) Transformations. 2D Transformations: Basic 2D transformations- Translation, Rotation, Scaling and special transformation Shearing and reflections.Three-Dimensional Transformations: Translation, Rotation and Scaling. Rotation about an Arbitrary Axis, Parallel Projection, Perspective Projection (9 Hrs) Viewing and Clipping 2D and 3D Viewing Transformation.2D Clipping: Clipping, Cohen-Sutherland Outcode Algorithm, Liang-Barsky Line clipping algorithm, Clipping of Polygons -Sutherland-Hodgman Algorithm.3D clipping algorithm. (10 Hrs) Hidden Surfaces or Lines Determination Algorithms and Curves Hidden Surfaces and Lines: BackFace Removal, Back-Face Algorithms, Z Buffers, ScanLine Algorithm, Painter's Algorithm, Warnock's Algorithm. Curves and Fractals: Parametric Curves, Bezier Curves and B-Spline Curves. Fractals. (11 Hrs) Multimedia Introduction to Multimedia: Hardware, Networking, Software-Applications, Environment, CD-Rom, WROM Optical Drives, Flat Panel Displays. Non Temporal Media: Text, Hypertext, Images, Images Operations, CCD Cameras, Scanner, Frames Grabbers, Formats. Audio: Digital Audio, Wave Files, Music, MIDI, Graphics Animation: Tweeking, Morphing, Simulating Acceleration, Motion Specification. Video: Analog Video-Operations, Digital Video, Compression, MPEG, JPEG, Operations.

TextBooks 1.DonaldHearnandPaulineBakerComputerGraphicsCVersion,PrenticeHall,NewDelhi,2005. 2. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia Making IT Work" O s b o r n e / M c G r a w - H i l l 7 t h E d i t i o n ( 2 0 0 7 ) References 1. Foley J.D., Van Dam A, "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics", Addison Wesley, 2005. 2. David F. Rogers Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, Second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006. 3. David F. Rogers, J. Alan Adams Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, Second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004. 4. Steven Harrington, "Computer Graphics- A programming approach", McGraw Hill, 1986. 5. Prabat K Andleigh and Kiran Thakrar, Multimedia Systems and Design, PHI, 2003. ModeofEvaluation RecommendedbytheBoardof Studieson DateofApprovalbythe AcademicCouncil ContinuousAssessment(Quizzes,CATs,Assignments,etc.)andTEE xxxxxxxx XxthAcademicCouncilheldonxxxxxxxx

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