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European Demand Response Center

1 cyberGRID, Feb. 2012

European Demand Response Center (EDRC)

EU has 27 countries and 27 different markets for VPPs based on DR. The only way to access targeted markets efficiently is in partnership with strong market players TSOs, Utilities and ESCOs. Good overview is provided by SEDCs snapshot of EU DR potential and the barriers. SUMMARY: This project focuses on development of an automated European Demand Response Centre (EDRC) through aggregation and intelligent networking of industrial and commercial consumers and suppliers with integration of renewable energy sources (RES) for economic and ecological optimization of balance energy actions, such as peak power, grid stability and congestion issues.
Funded by the Klima- und Energiefonds, NEUE ENERGIEN 2020 4th Call
cyberGRID, Feb. 2012


Demand response measures in Austria could be equivalent to the capacity of a state-of-the-art combined cycle unit (400 MW) or even more.

9000 8000 7000

2004 2003 2002

Leistung [MW]

6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000

9500 9000 2005 2004 2003 2002

400 MW
8500 8000

47 h
7500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

cyberGRID, Feb. 2012

Dauer [h]

Figure 1: Duration curves of electricity demand in Austria (TU Graz)

Specific consumption of electricity in kWh/1000 .

1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 500
3.005 1.868 1.573 1.512 1.129 1.112 777 758 589 521 495 464 383 367 357 292 273 269 246 223 199

cyberGRID, Feb. 2012

Pulp & paper Iron & steel Mining Chemicals Nonferrous metals Foundry District heating Glas & ceramics Rubber & plastics Textiles Wood processing Public water supply Foods, beverages, tobaccos Puplic power supply Hotels & restaurants Automotive industry Other land traffic Air traffic Metal products Leather & shoes Electrotechnics, fine mechanics Printing & publishing Toys & sporting goods Machine construction Trade and vehicle services Tourism & telecommunication Civil engineering & construction Banking & insurance Water transport Real estate services Public gas supply


Figure 2: Electricity-intensity of industrial sectors in Austria (Technical University of Graz 2007)

177 125 122 98 45 32 32 20 17 13

Demand Response potential by industry

Average Peak Saving Potential 9-25,1%

Average power consumption per gross value added (GVA) in 2002 High potential for DR Low potential for DR

European Demand Response Center (EDRC)

Project partners

cyberGRID technology provider Brimatech market research Graz University of Technology, Institute for Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation Austrian Power Grid (APG) TSO Start 03/2011 10/2012 7 LOIs from companies in different industries

Aims of the project:

Identification of applications and use cases from different stakeholder perspectives Profound know-how of demand response potential and innovation environment in Austria Identification of drivers and barriers Identification of stakeholder needs and requirements Development and evaluation of algorithms and business models Deduction of recommendations and relevance for the legal and regulatory framework

Funded by the Klima- und Energiefonds, NEUE ENERGIEN 2020 4th Call
cyberGRID, Feb. 2012

European Demand Response Center (EDRC)


Regional focus

Austria European perspective and validation through international expert workshops Follow-Up project within EU FP 7 Program ICT Call iBADGE Cross-Border Balancing Market Tool: Austria, Italy and Slovenia Follow-Up Commercial: Cloud for Stakeholders across Europe

Stakeholder focus
Energy-intensive consumers (industry), consumers with emergency power generator, transmission system operator, distribution system operator, regulator, traders, municipal utility, suppliers, etc. Energy-intensive industry (consumer/prosumer): selection based on the energy consumption/1000 production 7 industries were selected based on their potential for DRM Private households were not considered

Funded by the Klima- und Energiefonds, NEUE ENERGIEN 2020 4th Call
cyberGRID, Feb. 2012

European Demand Response Center (EDRC)


COMMERCIAL VPP MAX FINANCIAL OUTCOME The electricity retailer challenges are: - Retaining customers - Increasing revenues TECHNICAL VPP OPTIMIZE POWER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION The power sector specific challenges are: - Increasing share of RES; distribution of RES - Underinvested aging infrastructure with long lead times for new projects - Public resistance against new projects (transmission lines, nuclear, coal, etc.) - Increasing consumption - Environmental issues

Optimizing Energy Value Chain

cyberGRID, Feb. 2012

RKPS 2011

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