Water97 v12

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xla Excel Add-In for Properties of Water and Steam

Version 1.2 6 February 2001, numerical values in densreg3 adjusted Version 1.1 29 January 2001, error in t e calculation o! t ermal conductivity "#artial derivatives$ corrected. Version 1.0 2% &ugust 2000 &ut ored by )*+, .mail, 'ern ard (#ang, &bout.com tt#,--c emengineer.about.com c emengineer.guide/about.com

0o#yrig t 2000, 2001 by 'ern ard (#ang. &ll rig ts reserved. 1ay be redistributed !or !ree, but may not be c anged or sold 2it out t e aut or3s e4#licit #ermission. 5rovided 6as is6 2it out 2arranty o! any 7ind.

Introd ction
8ater9%9v11.4la is an &dd:;n !or 1( .4cel 2 ic #rovides a set o! !unctions !or calculating t ermodynamic and trans#ort #ro#erties o! 2ater and steam using t e industrial standard ;&58(: ;F9%. For more in!ormation about ;&58(:;F9%, underlying e<uations and re!erences see tt#,--c emengineer.about.com-library-2ee7ly-aa0%1%00a. tm "introduction$ tt#,--c emengineer.about.com-library-2ee7ly-aa0%3100a. tm "e<uations !or t ermodynamic #ro#erties$ tt#,--c emengineer.about.com-library-2ee7ly-aa0=1>00a. tm "e<uations !or trans#ort #ro#erties$ and tt#,--c emengineer.about.com-library-2ee7ly-aa0=2=00a. tm "do2nload o! t is add:in$

? e !unctions are #rovided as an &dd:;n !ile "2ater.4la$ !or 1( .4cel. &!ter do2nloading and decom#ressing t e arc ive !ile 2 ic contains 62ater9%9v11.4la6 you may load 62ater9%9v11.4la6 in .4cel every time you need it by going to ?ools...&dd:ins or by sim#ly double clic7ing on 62ater9%9v11.4la6 in .4#lorer. ? e 2ater #ro#erty !unctions are t en available just li7e built:in !unctions. ;n t e !unction 8i@ard list t ey can be !ound under )ser Ae!ined. (ee also t e documentation !or 1( .4cel !or more in!ormation about add:in !iles.

!eference of availa"le f nctions

Functions are available !or calculating t e !ollo2ing #ro#erties in t e single:# ase state !or tem#eratures 2%3.1B C T 10%3.1B C and #ressures 0 D p 1000 bar

density s#eci!ic internal energy s#eci!ic ent al#y s#eci!ic entro#y s#eci!ic isobaric eat ca#acity s#eci!ic isoc oric eat ca#acity dynamic viscosity t ermal conductivity

&dditionally t ere are !unctions !or calculating t e boiling #oint tem#erature as a !unction o! #ressure and t e va#or #ressure as a !unction o! tem#erature as 2ell as above eig t #ro#erties !or t e saturated li<uid and va#or state bot as a !unction o! tem#erature and #ressure bet2een 2%3.16 C or 611.6B% 5a and 6>%.096 C or 220.6> bar "critical #oint$.

1. #ensit$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, dens8"?E 5$ ? 5 tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

density in 7g-m3 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar dens8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range density o! 2ater at 1 bar and 20 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell,

Fdens8"20H2%3.1BE 1$

2. Specific internal ener%$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, energy8"?E 5$ ? 5 tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic internal energy in 7J-7g 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar energy8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic internal energy o! 2ater at 10 bar and >00 C !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fenergy8">00E 10$

'. Specific ent&alp$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, ent al#y8"?E 5$ ? 5 tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic ent al#y in 7J-7g 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar ent al#y8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic ent al#y o! 2ater at 10 bar and >00 C !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fent al#y8">00E 10$

(. Specific entrop$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, entro#y8"?E 5$

b$ &rgument"s$,

? 5

tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic entro#y in 7J-"7g C$ 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar entro#y8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic entro#y o! 2ater at 10 bar and >00 C !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fentro#y8">00E 10$

). Specific iso"aric &eat capacit$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, c#8"?E 5$ ? 5 tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic isobaric eat ca#acity in 7J-"7g C$ 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar c#8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic isobaric eat ca#acity o! steam at 1 bar and 120 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fc#8"120H2%3.1BE 1$

*. Specific isoc&oric &eat capacit$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, cv8"?E 5$ ? 5 tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic isoc oric eat ca#acity in 7J-"7g C$ 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar cv8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic isoc oric eat ca#acity o! steam at 1 bar and 120 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fcv8"120H2%3.1BE 1$

7. #$namic viscosit$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, visc8"?E 5$ ? 5 tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity,

dynamic viscosity in 5a s 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar

e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

visc8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range dynamic viscosity o! 2ater at 1 bar and 20 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fvisc8"20H2%3.1BE 1$

+. ,&ermal cond ctivit$ in sin%le-p&ase state a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, t con8"?E 5$ ? 5 tem#erature in C #ressure in bar

c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

t ermal conductivity in 8-"m C$ 2%3.1B C ? 10%3.1B C and 0 D # 1000 bar t con8 F :1, tem#erature and-or #ressure outside range t ermal conductivity o! 2ater at 1 bar and 20 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Ft con8"20H2%3.1BE 1$

9. -oilin% point as a f nction of press re a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le, t(at8"5$ 5 #ressure in bar

boiling #oint in C 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar t(at8 F :1, #ressure outside range boiling #oint o! 2ater at 1 bar in G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell,


1.. /apor press re a$ )sage, b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le, #(at8"?$ ? tem#erature in C

va#or #ressure in bar 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C #(at8 F :1, tem#erature outside range va#or #ressure o! 2ater at 100 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell,


11. #ensit$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, dens(at+i<?8"?$, density o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! tem#erature dens(at+i<58"5$, density o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! #ressure dens(atVa#?8"?$, density o! saturated steam as a !unction o! tem#erature dens(atVa#58"5$, density o! saturated steam as a !unction o! #ressure

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

tem#erature in C or 5

#ressure in bar

density in 7g-m3 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar dens(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range density o! boiling 2ater at 1 bar !ormula in 2or7s eet cell,


12. Specific internal ener%$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, energy(at+i<?8"?$, s#eci!ic internal energy o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! tem#erature energy(at+i<58"5$, s#eci!ic internal energy o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! #ressure energy(atVa#?8"?$, s#eci!ic internal energy o! saturated steam as a !unction o! tem#erature energy(atVa#58"5$, s#eci!ic internal energy o! saturated steam as a !unction o! #ressure ? tem#erature in C or 5 #ressure in bar

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic internal energy in 7J-7g 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar energy(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic internal energy o! saturated steam at 100 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fenergy(atVa#?8"100H2%3.1B$

1'. Specific ent&alp$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, ent al#y(at+i<?8"?$, s#eci!ic ent al#y o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! tem#erature ent al#y(at+i<58"5$, s#eci!ic ent al#y o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! #ressure ent al#y(atVa#?8"?$, s#eci!ic ent al#y o! saturated steam as a !unction o! tem#erature ent al#y(atVa#58"5$, s#eci!ic ent al#y o! saturated steam as a !unction o! #ressure ? tem#erature in C or 5 #ressure in bar

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic ent al#y in 7J-7g 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar ent al#y(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic ent al#y o! saturated steam at 100 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fent al#y(atVa#?8"100H2%3.1B$

1(. Specific entrop$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, entro#y(at+i<?8"?$, s#eci!ic entro#y o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! tem#erature entro#y(at+i<58"5$, s#eci!ic entro#y o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! #ressure entro#y(atVa#?8"?$, s#eci!ic entro#y o! saturated steam as a !unction o! tem#erature entro#y(atVa#58"5$, s#eci!ic entro#y o! saturated steam as a !unction o! #ressure ? tem#erature in C or 5 #ressure in bar

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

s#eci!ic entro#y in 7J-"7g C$ 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar entro#y(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic entro#y o! saturated steam at 100 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fentro#y(atVa#?8"100H2%3.1B$

1). Specific iso"aric &eat capacit$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, c#(at+i<?8"?$, s#eci!ic isobaric tem#erature c#(at+i<58"5$, s#eci!ic isobaric #ressure c#(atVa#?8"?$, s#eci!ic isobaric !unction o! tem#erature c#(atVa#58"5$, s#eci!ic isobaric !unction o! #ressure ? tem#erature in C or 5 eat ca#acity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! eat ca#acity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! eat ca#acity o! saturated steam as a eat ca#acity o! saturated steam as a

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

#ressure in bar

s#eci!ic isobaric eat ca#acity in 7J-"7g C$ 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar c#(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic isobaric eat ca#acity o! boiling 2ater at 100 G0 !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fc#(at+i<?8"100H2%3.1B$

1*. Specific isoc&oric &eat capacit$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, cv(at+i<?8"?$, s#eci!ic isoc oric o! tem#erature cv(at+i<58"5$, s#eci!ic isoc oric o! #ressure cv(atVa#?8"?$, s#eci!ic isoc oric !unction o! tem#erature cv(atVa#58"5$, s#eci!ic isoc oric !unction o! #ressure eat ca#acity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction eat ca#acity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction eat ca#acity o! saturated steam as a eat ca#acity o! saturated steam as a

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

tem#erature in C or 5

#ressure in bar

s#eci!ic isoc oric eat ca#acity in 7J-"7g C$ 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar cv(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range s#eci!ic isoc oric eat ca#acity o! saturated steam at B00 mbar !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fcv(atVa#58"0.B$

17. #$namic viscosit$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, visc(at+i<?8"?$, dynamic viscosity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! tem#erature visc(at+i<58"5$, dynamic viscosity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! #ressure visc(atVa#?8"?$, dynamic viscosity o! saturated steam as a !unction o! tem#erature visc(atVa#58"5$, dynamic viscosity o! saturated steam as a !unction o! #ressure ? tem#erature in C or 5 #ressure in bar

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

dynamic viscosity in 5a s 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar visc(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range dynamic viscosity o! boiling 2ater at 1 bar !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Fvisc(at+i<58"1$

1+. ,&ermal cond ctivit$ in sat ration state a$ )sage, t con(at+i<?8"?$, t ermal conductivity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! tem#erature t con(at+i<58"5$, t ermal conductivity o! boiling 2ater as a !unction o! #ressure t con(atVa#?8"?$, t ermal conductivity o! saturated steam as a !unction o! tem#erature t con(atVa#58"5$, t ermal conductivity o! saturated steam as a !unction o! #ressure ? tem#erature in C or 5 #ressure in bar

b$ &rgument"s$, c$ )nit, d$ *ange o! validity, e$.rror, !$ .4am#le,

t ermal conductivity in 8-"m C$ 2%3.16 C ? 6>%.096 C or 611.6B% 5a # 220.6> bar t con(at44448 F :1, tem#erature or #ressure outside range t ermal conductivity o! boiling 2ater at 1 bar !ormula in 2or7s eet cell, Ft con(at+i<58"1$

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