7401 Frugality....

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through Bertha Dudde 7401


You should already live a frugal life from an early age sin!e you "ill find it easier to over!ome matter# you "ill not han$er after earthly %leasures and "on&t find it diffi!ult to a'stain from them for the sa$e of s%iritual gain. But the more the greed for earthly %leasure is aroused the more the soul "ill have to !om'at it for its !ravings "ill al"ays %revent its striving for s%iritual values 'e!ause it !a%tivates its senses and they !annot easily deta!h themselves from material things "hi!h merely %rovide the 'ody "ith a feeling of "ell('eing 'ut "hi!h are and "ill remain detrimental for the soul. )herefore it is indeed advisa'le to suggest a !ertain amount of &fasting& to %eo%le 'ut this fasting only !onsists of limiting everything that the senses avidly desire. )he human 'eing is not entirely for'idden from en*oying things it is *ust that through e+!ess %leasure he !an damage himself 'y rendering these very senses unsuita'le for re!eiving s%iritual $no"ledge "hile a &!on,ueror& someone "ho !an !ontrol himself and is satisfied "ith little !an easily 'e o%en(minded for %ossessions of a s%iritual nature 'e!ause he is no longer ham%ered 'y matter 'ut has su'*ugated it through his "ill. Frugality !an never 'e damaging 'ut !an al"ays 'e of use.... "hereas an e+!essive amount is al"ays harmful and no %erson "ill ever ta$e %ossession of s%iritual goods "ho only satisfies his 'ody&s needs and !annot find the right measure. -s long as a %erson is in !ontrol of himself he !an also 'e e+%e!ted to o%en himself to s%iritual influ+# if ho"ever the 'ody is e+!essively !onsidered.... "hi!h means the fulfilment of all

!ravings.... then the %erson "ill !lose himself to s%iritual influ+ 'e!ause there is no %ossi'ility for 'oth sin!e matter e+!ludes the s%irit 'e!ause t"o different realms offer their share and the heart !annot res%ond to 'oth at the same time. .evertheless the human 'eing has 'een granted a !ertain measure for "hatever the 'ody needs for !ontinued e+isten!e may 'e desired 'y the %erson and ta$en %ossession of.... Yet the less use is made of this measure the greater "ill 'e the soul&s advantage insofar as it "ill re!eive an a'undan!e of %ossessions "hi!h alone are of value 'e!ause they are everlasting and "ill 'e ta$en over into the $ingdom "hi!h alone is real and "hi!h the soul "ill enter "hen it deta!hes itself from its 'ody and %asses over into the $ingdom of the 'eyond.... )hen it "ill re!eive a'undantly 'e!ause it had 'een satisfied "ith less than "hat "as at its dis%osal on earth.... )hen it "ill no longer have to !onstrain itself it "ill re!eive "hatever it desires and it "ill re!eive mu!h %leasure in eternity.... -men

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