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Mind-Matter Connection At The World Cup

The World Cup in Brazil in June 2014 will begin with a simple scientific demonstration. A paralysed teenager will make the ceremonial first kick accomplished through an exoskeleton directly controlled by the teenagers Thoughts through a helmet-mounted EEG machine. Thoughts can be transduced into electrical impulses that can activate mechanical devices to simulate paralysed or lost appendages. That kick will forge an unprecedented synergy between the intangible and the tangible, between mind and matter. Where and how do thoughts arise in the brain? Are they merely micro-electric impulses initiated and perpetuated within the densely intricate neuronal networks? Are thoughts just neurochemical alchemy? In the early 1990s, Candice Pert, chief molecular biologist for the National Institute of Health, discovered that thoughts are real, physical things. Your thoughts become molecules the instant you think. The hypothalamus -- a control centre near the base of your brain -transforms that thought into millions of neuropeptides. These are amino acids which are generated and which mediate the dominant emotion associated with that thought and are released into the blood. Thought triggers molecular messengers that combine with a specific receptor on cell membranes. Over time, Dr Pert found that cells develop more and more special receptors for the neuropeptides to which they are most exposed. . The body redefines its homeostatic protocols and gets addicted to certain thought patterns and emotional states irrespective of feeling good or bad. This explains the psychosomatic axis that is implicated in many illnesses such as hypertension, coronary insufficiency and malignancy which are leading causes of mortality. Our thoughts, despite being intangible and subtle, have tangible effects that impact the gross body. Thoughts are energy waves with a domino effect which eventually cascade into measurable physical effects.

Masaru Emoto, also in the 90s, showed that the shape and physical structure of water crystals changed under the influence of positive emotions and thoughts like love, concern and prayers, but the crystals were disfigured in the presence of negative emotions and thoughts. Thoughts consume energy. The brain has the highest metabolic rate of all organs and has the highest blood supply in terms of cc per gram. Thoughts fall in both voluntary as well as involuntary domains -- somewhat akin to our breathing which continues even when we are not aware of it but we can control its rate, depth and even hold our breath for varying periods of time. Fleeting thoughts may have their origins in the subconscious mind. They seem to appear on the horizon of consciousness like clouds in a clear sky and they stream through. Conscious thought processes are more proactive and entirely in our control. Anxiety and apprehension are a pattern of negative thought processes. Despite knowing the futility of such unproductive endeavours, these patterns are prevalent in anxiety-prone individuals. Such thoughts might be altering the molecular structure at the cellular level and may even impact the genetic structure as the emerging field of epigenetics indicates. Our genetic code may no longer be as rigid and impervious as was believed. The genotype was the blueprint of the phenotype but now research reveals that they are both in a dynamic equilibrium and the phenotype is empowered as well to alter the genotype. Every great achievement and task begins as a thought and this very subtle, intangible force might be found to be mediated by 'thoughtons, a type of massless Boson like the predicted gravitons and might mediate the ceremonial Kick-Off at the popular World Football event.
Tags : Mind, Science, Game

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