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Chapter 7 Solution and Suspension

(Solving the problems is the solution of problems than increasing the problems by worrying on the problems!)

Chemistry MCQs Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

1. Solution: -the homogeneous mixture of two or more things. 2. Solute: - It is the component of solution present in smaller amount and is dissol ed !y the sol ent. 3. Solvent: " It is the component of solution present in greater amount and dissol es the solute. 4. Unsaturated solution: - It is that one solution which contains less solute than it has the capacity to dissol e. 5. Saturated solution: " It is that one solution which contains maximum amount of solute and can not dissol e more solute at a gi en temperature 6. Super saturated solution: " It is that one solution which contains more solute than the normal capacity and this is done usually !y increasing temperature. 7. Crystallization: " The process in which dissol ed solute comes out of solution and forms crystals is called crystalli#ation. 8. Molarity: " The num!er of moles of solute dissol ed in $ liter %$dm&' of a solution is called molarity. It is denoted !y %M'.

Chemistry MCQs

Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

. Molality : " The num!er of moles of solute dissol ed in $ (ilogram of solution is called molality. It is denoted !y %m'. 1!. Mole "ra#tion: " Mole fraction of any component in a solution is the num!er of moles of the component di ided !y total num!er of moles ma(ing up solution. It is denoted !y ). 11. Suspension: " It is defined as a heterogenous mixture consists of isi!le particles which remain suspended in the li*uid.

Multiple Choice Questions

Chemistry MCQs

Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

$. A heterogeneous mixture of two or more su!stances is called solution+ a' true !' false ,. there are types of solutions a' , !' & c' d' . &. The composition of air is as a' /01 2,3 ,$1 4,3 $1 Ar. !' /01 2,3 $-1 4,3 -1 C4,3 $ other gases c' /01 2,3 ,$1 4,3 $1 other gases d' all are possi!le 5. alloys are the mixture of+ a' solid"solid !' solid"li*uid c' li*uid"gas d' solid"gas -. which of the following does not affect the solu!ility+ a' temperature !' si#e of particles c' pressure d' nature of solute e' nature of sol ent 6. the solu!ility of gases increases with the increase in temperature. a' true !' false /. 4nly the solu!ility of is affected !y pressure. a' solids !' li*uid c' gases d' plasma 0. ionic compounds are not dissol ed in+ a' polar sol ent !' non"polar Chemistry MCQs Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

c' water

d' A.4.T

.. A solution which has the capacity to dissol e more solute is called+ a' saturated solution !' unsaturated solution c' super saturated d' 2.4.T $7. the process in which the dissol ed solute comes out of the solution is called+ a' titration !' solu!ility c' crystalli#ation d' 2.4.T $$. what is the molarity of a solution when $7 g 2a48 are dissol ed in $ liter solution+ a' 7.,-M !' 7.-M c' $M d' ,M The 9oo( MCQs $,. the suspended particles in the suspensions are generally of the si#e+ a' $7nm !' $77nm c' $777nm d' $,77nm $&. the sum of mole fraction of solute and sol ent is e*ual to+ a' $ !' , c' & d' 5 $5. solu!ility is defined as the amount of solute in gram at a gi en temperature3 dissol ed in :: of the sol ent.

Chemistry MCQs

Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

a' $7g c' $77g

!' ,7g d'$777g

$-. the process in which solid directly changes to apours is called. a' su!limation !' e aporation c' diffusion d' !oiling $6. the solu!ility of gas ::.with the rise in temperature. a' increase !' decrease nswer !ey $ 5 / $7 $& $6 " C C " , 0 $$ $5 D " " C & 6 . $, $C " " C

Chemistry MCQs

Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

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