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Crusade of Prayers Prayers dictated from Heaven Locutions given to Maria Divine Mercy between November 2011 and

February 2013 Prayers 1-99 including Litany Prayers 2013 www t!ewarningsecondcoming com "all rig!ts reserved# About this Prayer Book $!e %rayers contained in t!is boo& are not o' !uman origin $!ey !ave been given to an ordinary woman( a married mot!er( living in )uro%e w!o !as been called to %roclaim t!e *ord o' +od *is!ing neit!er to be &nown nor celebrated in any way( s!e !as received over ,00 messages 'rom -eaven on a daily basis since November 2010 .ll o' t!e messages are 'eatured on t!e website www t!ewarningsecondcoming com $!ese Messages reveal +od/s Divine Plan to a dying world( regarding all t!at will un'old in t!e last times leading u% to t!e 0econd 1oming o' 2esus 1!rist $!ese visions( messages and %rayers !ave been received t!roug! t!e -oly 0%irit and are %resented in t!is boo& as dictated to +od/s servant w!o goes by t!e name Maria Divine Mercy .s in t!e days w!en 2esus was born( +od sent !is %ro%!et 2o!n t!e 3a%tist to 4ma&e straig!t t!e way o' t!e Lord5 and to alert t!e nation o' 6srael t!at t!e %ro%!ecies o' 6saia! regarding t!e Messia! were about to be 'ul'illed 2o!n/s message was t!at %eo%le %re%ared t!emselves 'or t!e coming Messia!( t!roug! re%entance and s%iritual %uri'ication $oday( we are being given t!e same message 7 t!at t!e Messia! will soon return and t!at we must be s%iritually ready 8t!erwise we will be caug!t o''-guard and 'ind ourselves standing be'ore +od in mortal s!ame wit! our sins 'ully e9%osed( t!e s!oc& o' w!ic! cannot be 'ully imagined or com%re!ended $!roug!out !istory( +od/s %ro%!ets !ave been re:ected( t!e most glaring e9am%le being +od/s 8nly 0on w!o was cruci'ied by t!e very %eo%le -e came to save *e mig!t assume t!at today( +od/s messengers and( indeed +od -imsel'( may not be received any di''erently t!an in t!e days o' 2o!n t!e 3a%tist ;et( it is our duty to listen care'ully to t!ose voices 4crying in t!e wilderness5( calling us to abandon all t!at is sin'ul and to return to our 1reator wit! o%en !earts willing to receive +od/s 'orgiveness and -is +race $o re:ect suc! messages out o' !and( %laces us in t!e same danger as t!ose w!o re:ected 2o!n t!e 3a%tist and( subse<uently( +od/s 0on( 2esus 1!rist 1

3y receiving +od/s $rut! and 'ollowing it w!erever it leads us( we( li&e t!e 'amilies o' Noa! and Lot( mig!t be s%ared t!e coming c!astisement t!at is about to be %oured out onto t!e sco''ing( secular world .lt!oug! time is running out( 2esus e9tends -is -and in reconciliation to us so t!at no soul will be lost No matter !ow 'ar we !ave strayed 'rom 2esus( by receiving -is Mercy and letting -im enter our !earts( we may still &now t!e :oy o' being reconciled to our 1reator as we enter into +od/s )ternal =ingdom .s you read t!e %rayers recorded in t!is boo&( o%en your !eart and %ray t!at t!e -oly 0%irit will s%ea& to you( illuminate your !eart and im%art t!e grace to discern t!e source o' t!e words contained !erein Guidelines for Crusade Prayer Groups My dearly beloved daug!ter it must be &nown t!at 6 wis! to 'orm an army o' %rayer grou%s around t!e world 6 will %rovide you( My army( wit! %rayers t!at will need to be recited to save souls $!ese %rayer grou%s will e9%and and wit!in its ran&s will rise a veritable army o' devoted 'ollowers to bring 'ort! t!e $rut! o' My Divine Promise o' 0alvation 'or all $!ese grou%s will 'orm t!e army as dictated by My beloved Fat!er( w!ic! will tac&le t!e dar&ness o' evil caused by 0atan and !is believers and 'ollowers August 10, 011 message Patience( silent %rayer daily( t!e 'ormation o' %rayer grou%s( daily recital o' t!e Divine Mercy 1!a%let( 'asting and t!e -oly >osary to My 3eloved Mot!er combined( act as t!e %er'ect 'ormula 'or saving souls .t least two %eo%le must gat!er 6n time !o%e'ully many will :oin in in t!is Mission to save all souls $!is can be done in !omes or %ublic %laces w!ere you are %ermitted to gat!er 6' %ossible t!is gat!ering s!ould be in !ouses o' wors!i% Peo%le are to meet as o'ten as %ossible )ven i' you must start wit! one or two days a wee& and !ave di''erent %eo%le coming eac! day i' you are able to meet daily w!ic! is t!e goal( t!is will at least get you started 6' your grou% is large enoug! you can !ave a leader and organi?er volunteer or several %eo%le can s!are t!at res%onsibility or :ust rotate and s!are t!is res%onsibility Per!a%s you can move 'rom !ouse to !ouse 6t is recommended t!at you begin wit! %rayer .t least one Mystery o' 8ur Lady/s Most -oly >osary %rayed slowly and 'rom your !earts %aying attention to w!at you are saying 2

and &nowing w!at you are saying and to w!om you are s%ea&ing is recommended bot! in t!e >osary and in t!e 1rusade Prayers and t!e 1!a%let o' Divine Mercy >emember t!at 8ur Lady !as %romised to %lace a circle o' %rotection around t!ose w!o %ray t!ree Mysteries o' !er Most -oly >osary daily 8ur Lady !as as&ed %eo%le o' all 'ait!s to %ray !er >osary How to pray the Rosary will be listed below >ecent Messages( w!ic! !ave been given since t!e last meeting( s!ould be read slowly and res%ect'ully No one is to inter%ret t!e Messages because 2esus !as already said t!at even Maria Divine Mercy is not <uali'ied to inter%ret t!em .n incorrect inter%retation could turn souls away and t!e goal o' t!is Mission is to reac! out all souls o' all 'ait!s or no 'ait! No one is e9cluded 6t would be !el%'ul i' co%ies o' t!e Messages you read can be !anded out 'or t!ose w!o do not !ave a com%uter 6t is recommended t!at all o' t!e 1rusade Prayers and Litanies be %rayed giving ade<uate time w!en it is re<uested 'or %eo%le to add t!eir own intentions 6t is best 'or %eo%le to %ray t!eir intentions silently Per!a%s %eo%le can bow t!eir !eads and t!en raise t!em w!en t!ey are 'inis!ed so t!at you can %roceed wit!out cutting anyone o'' >emember some %eo%le !ave large 'amilies and many intentions and it is im%ortant t!at t!ese all be included 6n t!e 0econd Litany it is recommended t!at souls in com%lete dar&ness and t!ose w!o will die t!is day be included wit! your ot!er intentions 6' t!e grou% gets large enoug! %er!a%s a leader can stand at t!e 'ront o' t!e grou% so t!at t!ey will &now w!en %eo%le !ave com%leted t!eir intentions and t!e %rayers can contine $!en t!e recital o' t!e 1!a%let o' Divine Mercy 'rom your !earts 'ollowed by t!e s%ecial %rayer given by 8ur Lord w!ic! will be listed below $!e 1!a%let may also be sung $!e remaining Mysteries o' t!e >osary s!ould also be %rayed i' time allows t!e grou% to do t!is toget!er 6' not all can remain 'or t!e 'inal Mysteries it is recommended t!at t!ose w!o are able remain to %ray t!em >emember t!at t!ere is great %ower in your %raying toget!er as a 1rusade Prayer +rou% 3

Discussions o' t!e Messages s!ould be limited to direct and e9act <uotes 'rom t!e original messages 6t is !ig!ly recommended t!at all %ray 'or discernment regarding t!e Messages because o' t!e great danger in misinter%reting t!e Messages 6t is recommended t!at i' you !ave di''iculty in understanding a %articular Message t!at you %ray about it 6' t!e grou% gets large enoug! you can rotate t!e recitation o' t!e >osary 'rom one side o' t!e c!urc! to t!e ot!er 6t is very im%ortant not to rus! $!ese Prayer +rou%s will do great wor& as t!ey are %art o' +od/s army in t!is battle 'or souls Prayer is t!e wea%on Please try to &ee% in mind t!at t!e 'iner t!e %rayer t!e 'iner t!e wea%on *!ile 8ur Lord !as re<uested t!at we %ray t!e 1!a%let o' Divine Mercy at 3@00 .M( -e !as also re<uested t!at we %ray it many times a day !he Chaplet of "ivine #ercy 6n 1933( +od gave 0ister Faustina a stri&ing vision o' -is Mercy 0ister tells us@ A6 saw a great Lig!t( wit! +od t!e Fat!er in t!e midst o' it 3etween t!is Lig!t and t!e eart! 6 saw 2esus nailed to t!e 1ross and in suc! a way t!at +od( wanting to loo& u%on t!e eart!( !ad to loo& t!roug! 8ur LordBs *ounds and 6 understood t!at +od blessed t!e eart! 'or t!e sa&e o' 2esus A 8' anot!er vision on 0e%t 13( 193C( s!e writes@ A6 saw an .ngel( t!e e9ecutor o' +odBs wrat! about to stri&e t!e eart! 6 began to beg +od earnestly 'or t!e world wit! words w!ic! 6 !eard interiorly .s 6 %rayed in t!is way( 6 saw t!e .ngelBs !el%lessness( and !e could not carry out t!e :ust %unis!ment A $!e 'ollowing day an inner voice taug!t !er to say t!is %rayer on ordinary rosary beads@ D

0tart by ma&ing t!e 0ign o' t!e 1ross@6n t!e Name o' t!e Fat!er( and o' t!e 0on and o' t!e -oly 0%irit .men AFirst say one B8ur Fat!erB( B-ail MaryB( and B6 believe in +odB !hen on the large beads say the follo$ing $ords@ B)ternal Fat!er( 6 o''er ;ou t!e 3ody and 3lood( 0oul and Divinity o' ;our dearly beloved 0on( 8ur Lord 2esus 1!rist( in atonement 'or our sins and t!ose o' t!e w!ole world B %n the smaller beads you are to say the follo$ing $ords& BFor t!e sa&e o' -is sorrow'ul Passion !ave mercy on us and on t!e w!ole world B ">e%eat t!ese two %rayers 'or all 'ive decades# 6n conclusion you are to say t!ese words t!ree times@ B-oly +od( -oly Mig!ty 8ne( -oly 6mmortal 8ne( !ave mercy on us and on t!e w!ole worldB Conclude $ith the 'ign of the Cross( 6n t!e Name o' t!e Fat!er( and o' t!e 0on and o' t!e -oly 0%irit .men $!en say@ Fill me now 8 Lord wit! t!e +i't o' t!e -oly 0%irit to carry ;our Most -oly *ord to sinners w!o 6 must !el% save in ;our Name -el% me to cover t!em( t!roug! my %rayers wit! ;our Precious 3lood so t!at t!ey can be drawn to ;our 0acred -eart +ive me t!e +i't o' t!e -oly 0%irit so t!at t!ese %oor souls can revel in ;our New Paradise )esus gave us the follo$ing re*uest through #aria "ivine #ercy& 0ay t!is %rayer every day a'ter you recite My Divine Mercy and you( t!roug! your allegiance to Me( will !el% save My c!ildren 2esus said later to 0ister Faustina@ A0ay unceasingly t!is 1!a%let t!at 6 !ave taug!t you .nyone w!o says it will receive great Mercy at t!e !our o' deat! Priests will recommend it to sinners as t!e last !o%e )ven t!e most !ardened sinner( i' !e recites t!is 1!a%let even once( will receive grace 'rom C

My 6n'inite Mercy 6 want t!e w!ole world to &now My 6n'inite Mercy 6 want to give unimaginable graces to t!ose w!o trust in My Mercy A A*!en t!ey say t!is 1!a%let in t!e %resence o' t!e dying( 6 will stand between My Fat!er and t!e dying %erson not as t!e :ust :udge but as t!e Merci'ul 0aviorA

Ho$ to Pray the #ost Holy +osary #ysteries of the +osary $!e 1!urc! !as used t!ree sets o' mysteries 'or many centuries 6n 2002 Po%e 2o!n Paul 66 %ro%osed a 'ourt! set o' mysteriesEt!e Mysteries o' Lig!t( or Luminous Mysteries .ccording to !is suggestion( i' you can only %ray one mystery a day( t!e 'our sets o' mysteries mig!t be %rayed on t!e 'ollowing days@ t!e 2oy'ul Mysteries on Monday and 0aturday( t!e 0orrow'ul Mysteries on $uesday and Friday( t!e +lorious Mysteries on *ednesday and 0unday( and t!e Luminous Mysteries on $!ursday !he )oyful #ysteries 1 $!e .nnunciationMary learns t!at s!e !as been c!osen to be t!e Mot!er o' 2esus 2 $!e FisitationMary visits )li?abet!( w!o tells !er t!at s!e will always be remembered 3 $!e Nativity2esus is born in a stable in 3et!le!em D $!e PresentationMary and 2ose%! ta&e t!e in'ant 2esus to t!e $em%le to %resent -im to +od C $!e Finding o' 2esus in t!e $em%le2esus is 'ound in t!e $em%le discussing !is 'ait! wit! t!e teac!ers !he #ysteries of ,ight 1 $!e 3a%tism o' 2esus in t!e >iver 2ordan+od %roclaims t!at 2esus is -is beloved 0on 2 $!e *edding Feast at 1ana.t Mary/s re<uest( 2esus %er'orms -is 'irst miracle G

3 $!e Proclamation o' t!e =ingdom o' +od2esus calls all to conversion and service to t!e =ingdom D $!e $rans'iguration o' 2esus2esus is revealed in glory to Peter( 2ames( and 2o!n C $!e 6nstitution o' t!e )uc!arist2esus o''ers -is 3ody and 3lood at t!e Last 0u%%er !he 'orro$ful #ysteries 1 $!e .gony in t!e +arden2esus %rays in t!e +arden o' +et!semane on t!e nig!t be'ore -e dies 2 $!e 0courging at t!e Pillar2esus is las!ed wit! w!i%s 3 $!e 1rowning *it! $!orns2esus is moc&ed and crowned wit! t!orns D $!e 1arrying o' t!e 1ross2esus carries t!e 1ross t!at will be used to cruci'y -im C $!e 1ruci'i9ion2esus is nailed to t!e cross and dies !he Glorious #ysteries 1 $!e >esurrection+od t!e Fat!er raises 2esus 'rom t!e dead 2 $!e .scension2esus returns to -is Fat!er in -eaven 3 $!e 1oming o' t!e -oly 0%irit$!e -oly 0%irit comes to bring new li'e to t!e disci%les D $!e .ssum%tion o' Mary.t t!e end o' !er li'e on eart!( Mary is ta&en body and soul into !eaven C $!e 1oronation o' MaryMary is crowned as -ueen of Heaven and .arth( 0tart by ma&ing t!e 0ign o' t!e 1ross and blessing yoursel'@ 6n t!e Name o' t!e Fat!er( and o' t!e 0on and o' t!e -oly 0%irit .men $!en recite t!e .%ostleBs 1reed@ 6 believe in +od( t!e Fat!er .lmig!ty( 1reator o' -eaven and eart!H and in 2esus 1!rist( -is only 0on 8ur Lord( *!o was conceived by t!e -oly 0%irit( born o' t!e Firgin Mary( su''ered under Pontius Pilate( was cruci'ied( died( and was buried -e descended into -ellH t!e t!ird day -e rose again 'rom t!e deadH -e ascended into -eaven( ,

and sittet! at t!e rig!t !and o' +od( t!e Fat!er almig!tyH 'rom t!ence -e s!all come to :udge t!e living and t!e dead 6 believe in t!e -oly 0%irit( t!e !oly 1at!olic 1!urc!( t!e communion o' saints( t!e 'orgiveness o' sins( t!e resurrection o' t!e body and li'e everlasting .men $!en say 1 8ur Fat!er( 3 -ail Marys "'or t!e virtues o' Fait!( -o%e and 1!arity# and t!en 1 +lory 3e@ 8ur Fat!er( *!o art in !eaven( -allowed be $!y Name $!y =ingdom come $!y *ill be done( on eart! as it is in -eaven +ive us t!is day our daily bread .nd 'orgive us our tres%asses( as we 'orgive t!ose w!o tres%ass against us .nd lead us not into tem%tation(but deliver us 'rom evil .men -ail Mary( 'ull o' grace( t!e Lord is wit! t!eeH 3lessed art t!ou among women( and blessed is t!e 'ruit o' t!y womb( 2esus -oly Mary( Mot!er o' +od( %ray 'or us sinners( now and at t!e !our o' deat! .men +lory be to t!e Fat!er( and to t!e 0on( and to t!e -oly 0%irit .s it was in t!e beginning( is now( and ever s!all be( world wit!out end .men *!ile meditating on t!e Mysteries( recite@ 8ne 8ur Fat!er "large beads# 10 -ail Marys "small beads# 1 +lory 3e "be'ore t!e ne9t large bead# to ma&e a com%lete decade o' t!e rosary 8 my 2esus( 'orgive us our sins( save us 'rom t!e 'ires o' !ell( lead all souls to !eaven( es%ecially t!ose in most need o' $!y Mercy >e%eat t!ese %rayers 'or all 'ive decades o' t!e >osary -ail -oly Iueen "or 0alve >egina may be sung# -ail( !oly Iueen( Mot!er o' Mercy( our li'e( our sweetness( and our !o%e $o t!ee do we cry( %oor banis!ed c!ildren o' )ve $o t!ee do we send u% our sig!s mourning and wee%ing in t!is valley o' tears $urn t!en( most gracious advocate( t!ine eyes o' mercy toward us( and a'ter t!is our e9ile( s!ow unto us t!e blessed 'ruit o' t!y womb( 2esus 8 clement( 8 loving( 8 sweet Firgin Mary "Ferse# Pray 'or us( 8 -oly Mot!er o' +od ">es%onse# $!at we may be made wort!y o' t!e %romises o' 1!rist >osary Prayer "Ferse# Let us %ray( J

">es%onse# 8 +od( w!ose only begotten 0on( by -is li'e( deat!( and resurrection( !as %urc!ased 'or us t!e rewards o' eternal salvation +rant( we beseec! $!ee( t!at w!ile meditating on t!ese Mysteries o' t!e Most -oly >osary o' t!e 3lessed Firgin Mary( t!at we may imitate w!at t!ey contain and obtain w!at t!ey %romise( t!roug! 1!rist our Lord .men 0aint Mic!ael t!e .rc!angel Prayer 0aint Mic!ael t!e .rc!angel( de'end us in t!e day o' battle 3e our sa'eguard against t!e wic&edness and t!e snares o' t!e devil May +od rebu&e !im we !umbly %ray and do t!ou 8 Prince o' t!e -eavenly -ost cast into !ell 0atan and all t!e evil s%irits w!o %rowl t!roug!out t!e world see&ing t!e ruin o' souls D For t!e 6ntentions o' t!e -oly Fat!er 1at!olics w!o say t!e >osary in a grou%( or( individually be'ore t!e 3lessed 0acrament( may gain a %lenary indulgence under t!e usual conditions( w!ic! includes %rayer 'or t!e intentions o' t!e -oly Fat!er For t!e intentions o' t!e -oly Fat!er 8ur Fat!er( one -ail Mary( and one +lory 3e 1onclude wit! t!e 0ign o' t!e 1ross( blessing yoursel' 6n t!e Name o' t!e Fat!er( and o' t!e 0on and o' t!e -oly 0%irit .men

Crusade Prayers / ,itanies 01".2 Crusade Prayers Prayers for priests to pray are in blue "1# My +i't to 2esus to 0ave 0ouls November 1,( 2011 9

"2# For +lobal >ulers 2011 "3# >id t!e *orld o' Fear November 19( 2011 "D# Knite .ll Families November 20( 2011 "C# Praise to +od t!e Most -ig! November 21( 2011 "G# 0to% t!e antic!rist 2011 ",# For $!ose *!o >e'use Mercy November 22( 2011 "J# $!e 1on'ession 2011 "9# 8''ering o' 0u''ering as a +i't November 2J( 2011 "10# 1arrying t!e Flame o' ;our Love November 29( 2011 "11# 0to% -atred o' Fisionaries November 30( 2011 "12# .void t!e 0in o' Pride 2011 "13# 1alling 'or 6mmunity December 11( 2011 "1D# .gainst Nuclear *ar December 1D( 2011 "1C# $!an&s 'or +i't o' Divine Mercy December 19( 2011 "1G# $o .cce%t +races During $!e *arning December 31( 2011 "1,# For Dar& 0ouls 2012 "1J# 0to% t!e antic!rist L !is grou% 2012 "19# For ;oung Peo%le 13( 2012 "20# 0to% t!e antic!rist 'rom Destroying t!e *orld 19( 2012 "21# $!an&sgiving to +od t!e Fat!er 'or 0alvation 2D( 2012 10

November 1J(

November 22(

November 22(

December 03(

2anuary 01( 2anuary 11( 2anuary 2anuary 2anuary

"22# 1lergy@ K%!old t!e $eac!ings o' t!e 1!urc! 2anuary 2J( 2012 "23# For Po%e 3enedict/s 0a'ety 2anuary 29( 2012 "2D# Plenary 6ndulgence 'or .bsolution 2anuary 31( 2012 "2C# For Protection o' Fisionaries around t!e *orld February D( 2012 "2G# Pray t!e >osary to 0ave ;our Nation February 0C( 2012 "2,# For Peace in t!e *orld February 0G( 2012 "2J# For Kni'ication o' 1!ristian 1!urc!es February 0J( 2012 "29# Protect t!e Practice o' 1!ristianity February 12( 2012 "30# $o .vert *ar( Famine L >eligious Persecution February 1D( 2012 "31# 1!ain o' Protection Prayer February 1G( 2012 "32# $o 0to% .bortion in 6reland February 1,( 2012 "33# .cce%t $!e 0eal o' $!e Living +od February 20( 2012 "3D# My +i't o' Fasting to 2esus "'or Lent# February 22( 2012 "3C# For 0ouls to )nter Paradise Marc! 01( 2012 "3G# -el% me to -onour t!e $rue +od Marc! ,( 2012 "3,# Kni'ication o' .ll +od/s 1!ildren Marc! 1D( 2012 "3J# 0alvation Prayer 'or 1at!olic 1!urc! Marc! 20( 2012 "39# $o Pre%are 0ouls 'or t!e New Paradise Marc! 21( 2012 "D0# 1lergy@ Pre%are 0ouls 'or 0econd 1oming Marc! 2D( 2012 "D1# For t!e 0ouls o' Non-3elievers Marc! 2C( 2012 "D2# Fasting to 0to% 8ne *orld 1urrency Marc! 2,( 2012 11

"D3# $o 0ave 0ouls during $!e *arning .%ril 3( 2012 "DD# De'end my Fait! .gainst t!e False Pro%!et .%ril 12( 2012 "DC# 1on<uer Negative $!oug!ts .%ril 1,( 2012 "DG# Free me 'rom t!e 1!ains o' 0atan .%ril 20( 2012 "D,# >e-&indle ;our Love 'or 2esus .%ril 22( 2012 "DJ# +race to Proclaim t!e 0econd 1oming o' 1!rist .%ril 22( 2012 "D9# Pledge o' Loyalty 'or 1!ristian 1lergy .%ril 2D( 2012 "C0# 2esus -el% me to =now *!o ;ou .re .%ril 30( 2012 "C1# For t!e +i't o' t!e -oly 0%irit May 0D( 2012 "C2# Prayer to t!e Fat!er May 0J( 2012 "C3# Prayer 'or t!e 1at!olic 1!urc! May 10( 2012 "CD# Prayer to Dilute t!e 6m%act o' **666 May 1G( 2012 "CC# $o Pre%are 'or $!e *arning May 21( 2012 "CG# 1lergy@ $o Protect t!e -oly )uc!arist May 2G( 2012 "C,# Prayer 'or t!e 1lergy 7 2esus( let me !ear ;our call May 2J( 2012 "CJ# 1rusade o' 1onversion Prayer May 31( 2012 "C9# . Pledge o' .llegiance to t!e Divine *ill 2une 13( 2012 "G0# 1onversion o' Families during $!e *arning 2une 1D( 2012 "G1# .vert 8ne *orld 1ontrol 2une 1,( 2012 "G2# For Lost and -el%less 0inners 2une 21( 2012 "G3# Preserve me 8n $!is 2ourney 2une 29( 2012 12

"GD# $o 0ave my 3rot!ers and 0isters 2uly D( 2012 "GC# For $!ose in Mortal 0in 2uly 9( 2012 "GG# 1lergy@ >emain $rue to ;our Most -oly *ord 2uly 1G( 2012 "G,# =ee% my 1!ildren 0a'e 'rom t!e =ing o' Lies 2uly 1,( 2012 "GJ# Protect me 'rom t!e 6n'luence o' 0atan 2uly 23( 2012 "G9# $o +od t!e Fat!er to .cce%t -is Divine *ill 2uly 2G( 2012 ",0# 1lergy@ >emain Firm L $rue to -oly *ord o' +od 2uly 30( 2012 ",1# 0ave us 'rom t!e Persecution 2uly 31( 2012 ",2# $!e Disci%le/s Prayer .ugust ,( 2012 ",3# For ;oung 0ouls( ;oung 1!ildren .ugust 1G( 2012 ",D# For +i't o' Discernment .ugust 22( 1012 ",C# 6 .ssign my Pain to ;ou dear 2esus 0e%tember D( 2012 ",G# $!e .t!eist Prayer 0e%tember 10( 2012 ",,# For +reat 3ritain 0e%tember 1,( 2012 ",J# 0ave me 'rom )vil 0e%tember 2C( 2012 ",9# For $wo 3illion Lost 0ouls 0e%tember 2,( 2012 "J0# For t!e 0ouls o' t!ose w!o 1ommit Murder 8ctober 1D( 2012 "J1# For t!e +i't o' t!e -oly 1ommunion 8ctober 19( 2012 "J2# For t!e Fictory o' t!e >emnant 1!urc! 8ctober 2C( 2012 "J3# For t!e Mitigation o' 1!astisements November 1( 2012 "JD# )nlig!ten 0ouls o' t!e )lites w!o >ule t!e *orld@ November 9( 2012 "JC# 0ave t!e Knited 0tates o' .merica 'rom Deceiver@ November 1,( 2012 13

"JG# >elease me 'rom t!e $orment o' Doubt November 2,( 2012 "J,# Protect our Nation 'rom )vil November 30( 2012 "JJ# For 0ouls a'ter $!e *arning December 3( 2012 "J9# For *retc!ed 0inners December 1C( 2012 "90# $!an&sgiving 'or ;our +lorious 0econd 1oming December 22( 2012 "91# =ee% me $rue to my Fait! "during t!e %ersecution# D( 2013 "92# For t!e +race o' Perseverance G( 2013 "93# For t!e $ears o' 1onversion 11( 2013 "9D# $o 1ure t!e Mind( 3ody and 0oul 1C( 2013 "9C# $o -el% Find $ime 'or Prayer 23( 2013 "9G# $o 3less and Protect our 1rusade Prayer +rou% 2C( 2013 "9,# !o unite Crusade Prayer Groups 0C( 2013 "9J# 3or the Grace of God to cover $orld leaders 03( 2013 99# For t!e 0alvation o' .ustralia L New Mealand 0J( 2013 ,itany Prayers "1# Protection against t!e False Pro%!et 19( 2012 "2# For t!e +race o' 6mmunity 2D( 2012 "3# De'end t!e *ord o' +od 2012 "D# $o Mitigate Punis!ment by +od t!e Fat!er 12( 2013 1rusade Prayers 1D

2anuary 2anuary 2anuary 2anuary 2anuary 2anuary February February February

.ugust .ugust 8ctober 2D( 2anuary

Instructions for Prayer Groups from Jesus !hey must keep Holy 4ater close by, have a Crucifi5 of #e present and recite this special Crusade Prayer to bless and protect your Crusade Prayer Group(

Please recite this Prayer before and after every )esus to #ankind Crusade Prayer Group meeting( 0ntroductory Crusade Prayer 6789 :!o Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group; :% my dearest )esus, please bless and protect us, <our Crusade Prayer Group, so that $e become immune to the $icked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, $hich may torment us in this 'acred #ission to save souls( #ay $e remain loyal and strong, as $e persevere to keep <our Holy 1ame before the $orld and never $aive in our struggle to spread the !ruth of <our Holy 4ord( Amen(; Jesus to Mankind Litany and Crusade Prayers Crusade Prayer 619 :#y Gift to )esus to 'ave 'ouls; 4My dearest 2esus( ;ou *!o loves us so muc!( allow me( in my !umble way to !el% save ;our %recious souls -ave Mercy on all sinners( no matter !ow grievously t!ey o''end ;ou .llow me( t!roug! %rayer and su''ering( to !el% t!ose souls w!o may not survive $!e *arning to see& a %lace beside ;ou in ;our 1C

=ingdom -ear my %rayer( 8 sweet 2esus( to !el% ;ou win over t!ose souls ;ou yearn 'or 8 0acred -eart o' 2esus( 6 %ledge my allegiance to ;our Most -oly *ill( at all times .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 9 :Prayer for Global +ulers; 4My )ternal Fat!er( in t!e Name o' ;our beloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( 6 as& t!at ;ou %rotect your c!ildren 'rom t!e %ersecution( w!ic! is being %lotted by global 'orces against innocent nations 6 %ray 'or t!e 'orgiveness o' sin o' t!ose souls w!o are t!e cause o' t!is !ards!i%( so t!at t!ey may turn to ;ou wit! !umble and contrite !eartsPlease give ;our tortured c!ildren t!e strengt! to wit!stand suc! su''ering in atonement 'or t!e sins o' t!e world( t!roug! 1!rist 8ur Lord .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=9 :+id the $orld of fear; 48 my Lord 2esus 1!rist( 6 beseec! ;ou to rid t!e world o' 'ear( w!ic! detac!es souls 'rom ;our loving -eart 6 %ray t!at souls w!o will e9%erience real 'ear during $!e *arning will sto% and allow ;our Mercy to 'lood t!eir souls( so t!at t!ey will be 'ree to love ;ou in t!e way t!ey s!ould .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>9 :?nite all 3amilies; 4Knite all 'amilies( 2esus( during $!e *arning( so t!at t!ey may receive )ternal 0alvation 6 %ray t!at all 'amilies remain toget!er( in union wit! ;ou( 2esus( so t!at t!ey may in!erit ;our New Paradise on )art! .men5 Crusade Prayer 6@9 :Praise to God the #ost High; My daughter, the world must offer this special prayer in praise and thanksgiving to God the Father for the Mercy He is providing the whole world. 48 )ternal Fat!er( we o''er ;ou our %rayers( in :oy'ul t!an&sgiving( 'or ;our %recious +i't o' Mercy to t!e w!ole o' man&ind 1G

*e re:oice and o''er ;ou( Most +lorious =ing( our %raise and adoration 'or ;our loving and tender Mercy ;ou( +od t!e Most -ig!( are our =ing and 'or t!is +i't ;ou now bring to us we lie at ;our Feet in !umble servitude Please( +od( !ave Mercy on all ;our c!ildren .men 5 Crusade Prayer 689 :Prayer to stop the antichrist; 48 2esus( 6 %ray t!at +od( in -is Mercy( will %revent t!e antic!rist and !is vile army 'rom causing terror and in'licting !ards!i% on ;our c!ildren *e %ray t!at -e will be sto%%ed and t!at t!e !and o' c!astisement will be avoided( t!roug! t!e conversion ac!ieved during $!e *arning .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A9 :Prayer for those $ho refuse #ercy; This is the prayer they must say to beg for Mercy for souls in darkness. 42esus( 6 urge ;ou to 'orgive t!ose sinners( so dar& o' soul( w!o will re'use t!e Lig!t o' ;our Mercy Forgive t!em( 2esus( 6 %lead wit! ;ou( in order to redeem t!em 'rom t!e sins( w!ic! t!ey 'ind it so di''icult to e9tract t!emselves 'rom Flood t!eir !earts wit! ;our >ays o' Mercy and allow t!em t!e c!ance to return to ;our 'old .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6B9 :!he Confession; This prayer should be said, to plead for clemency for the forgiveness of sin, during and after The Warning. 4Dearest 2esus( 6 as& ;our %ardon 'or all my sins and 'or t!e !urt and in:ury 6 !ave caused to ot!ers 6 !umbly %ray 'or t!e graces to avoid o''ending ;ou again and to o''er %enance according to ;our Most -oly *ill 6 %lead 'or t!e 'orgiveness o' any 'uture o''ense( w!ic! 6 may %arta&e in and w!ic! will cause ;ou %ain and su''ering $a&e me wit! ;ou into t!e New )ra o' Peace( so t!at 6 may become %art o' ;our 'amily 'or eternity 6 love ;ou( 2esus 6 need ;ou 6 !onour ;ou and everyt!ing ;ou stand 'or 1,

-el% me( 2esus( so t!at 6 may be wort!y to enter ;our =ingdom .men 5 Crusade Prayer 679 :%ffer of 'uffering as a gift; 48 Most 0acred -eart o' 2esus( teac! me to acce%t insults( in ;our -oly Name( w!en 6 %roclaim ;our *ord wit! !umble t!an&sgiving $eac! me to understand !ow !umiliation( %ain( and su''ering( bring me closer to ;our 0acred -eart .llow me to acce%t suc! trials wit! love and generosity o' s%irit( so t!at 6 may %resent t!em as t!e +i'ts so %recious to ;ou( in order to save souls .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6109 :Carrying the 3lame of <our ,ove; 4-el% us( dear 2esus( to rise 'earlessly in ;our Name and to carry t!e Flame o' ;our Love across all nations +ive us( ;our c!ildren( t!e strengt! to 'ace t!e abuse we will be 'aced wit! among all t!ose w!o are not true believers in ;our Mercy .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6119 :'top hatred of visionaries; 48 0acred -eart o' 2esus( %lease sto% t!e !atred and :ealousy( w!ic! e9ists amongst ;our 'ollowers( towards ;our true visionaries in t!ese times 6 %ray t!at ;ou will !ear my %rayer to give ;our visionaries t!e strengt! t!ey need to %roclaim ;our Most -oly *ord to a disbelieving world .men 5 Crusade Prayer 61 9 :Prayer to avoid the 'in of Pride; 48 my 2esus( !el% me to avoid t!e sin o' %ride w!en 6 s%ea& in ;our Name Forgive me i' 6 ever belittle anyone in ;our -oly Name -el% me to listen( 2esus( w!en ;our Foice is s%o&en and 'ill me wit! ;our -oly 0%irit( so t!at 6 can discern t!e $rut! o' ;our *ord w!en ;ou 1all out to man&ind .men 5 Crusade Prayer 61=9 :Prayer calling for 0mmunity; 1J

My solemn promise, children, is that all those of you who call on Me, on behalf of my beloved on !esus "hrist, to save your brothers and sisters, that they will be granted immediate immunity. pecial graces will be given to each of you who pledge a full month of prayer for their souls. :% Heavenly 3ather, through the ,ove of <our beloved 'on, )esus Christ, 4hose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those $ho still reCect His Hand of #ercy( 3lood their souls, dear 3ather, $ith <our token of ,ove( 0 plead $ith <ou, Heavenly 3ather, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation( !hrough your #ercy allo$ them to be the first to enter the 1e$ .ra of Peace on .arth( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 61>9 :Prayer to God the 3ather 3or protection against 1uclear 4ar; 48 .lmig!ty Fat!er( +od t!e Most -ig!( %lease !ave Mercy on all sinners 8%en t!eir !earts to acce%t salvation and to receive an abundance o' graces -ear my %leas 'or my own 'amily and ensure t!at eac! one will 'ind 'avor in ;our Loving -eart 8 Divine -eavenly Fat!er( %rotect all ;our c!ildren on eart! 'rom any nuclear war( or ot!er acts( w!ic! are being %lanned to destroy ;our c!ildren =ee% us 'rom all !arm and %rotect us )nlig!ten us so we can o%en our eyes( !ear and acce%t t!e $rut! o' our salvation( wit!out any 'ear in our souls .men 5 Crusade Prayer 61@9 :!hanks for Gift of "ivine #ercy; 48 my -eavenly Fat!er( we !onour ;ou wit! a dee% a%%reciation o' t!e 0acri'ice ;ou made w!en ;ou sent a 0aviour into t!e world *e o''er ;ou( in :oy and t!an&sgiving( our %rayer in !umble gratitude 'or t!e +i't ;ou now give to ;our c!ildren( t!e +i't o' Divine Mercy 8 +od t!e Most -ig!( ma&e us wort!y to acce%t t!is +reat Mercy wit! gratitude .men 5 19

Crusade Prayer 6189 :!o accept Graces offered during !he 4arning; 48 my 2esus( &ee% me strong during t!is trial o' ;our +reat Mercy +ive me t!e graces needed to become little in ;our )yes 8%en my eyes to t!e $rut! o' ;our %romise o' )ternal 0alvation Forgive me my sins and s!ow me ;our Love and -and o' Friends!i% )mbrace me into t!e arms o' t!e -oly Family( so t!at we can all become one again 6 love ;ou( 2esus( and %romise 'rom t!is day 'ort! t!at 6 will %roclaim ;our -oly *ord wit!out 'ear in my !eart and wit! %urity o' soul 'orever and ever .men 5 Crusade Prayer 61A9 :#other of 'alvation Prayer for "ark 'ouls; 48 6mmaculate -eart o' Mary( Mot!er o' 0alvation and Mediatri9 o' all +races( you w!o will %artici%ate in t!e salvation o' !umanity 'rom t!e wic&edness o' 0atan( %ray 'or us Mot!er o' 0alvation( %ray t!at all souls can be saved and acce%t t!e Love and Mercy s!own by your 0on( 8ur Lord 2esus 1!rist( *!o comes once again to save !umanity and to give us t!e c!ance o' )ternal 0alvation .men 5 Crusade Prayer 61B9 :'top the antichrist and his group; 48 dear 2esus( save t!e world 'rom t!e antic!rist Protect us 'rom t!e wic&ed snares o' 0atan 0ave t!e last remnants o' ;our 1!urc! 'rom evil +ive all ;our c!urc!es t!e strengt! and graces needed to de'end ourselves against wars and %ersecution %lanned by 0atan and !is army o' terrorists .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6179 :Prayer for young people; 4Mot!er o' 0alvation( 6 as& you to %ray 'or t!e Mercy o' young souls w!o are in terrible dar&ness so( t!at t!ey recognise your beloved 0on w!en -e comes to >edeem t!e w!ole o' man&ind Let not one soul 'all by t!e wayside Let not one soul re:ect -is +reat Mercy


6 %ray( Mot!er( t!at all are saved and as& you to cover t!ese souls wit! your -oly Mantle to %rovide t!em t!e %rotection t!ey need 'rom t!e deceiver .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 09 :'top the antichrist from destroying the $orld; 48 +od t!e Fat!er( in t!e Name o' ;our %recious 0on( 6 call on ;ou to %revent t!e antic!rist 'rom ensnaring t!e souls o' ;our c!ildren. 6 beg ;ou( .lmig!ty Fat!er( to sto% !im 'rom in'licting terror on ;our c!ildren. 6 beg ;ou to sto% !im 'rom contaminating ;our 1reation and as& ;ou to !ave Mercy on t!ose %oor souls w!o will be %owerless against !im -ear my %rayer( dear Fat!er( and save all ;our c!ildren 'rom t!is terrible evil .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 19 :!hanksgiving to God the 3ather 3or the salvation of mankind; 4*e %raise ;ou and t!an& ;ou, 8 -oly +od( t!e .lmig!ty 1reator o' man&ind( 'or t!e Love and 1om%assion ;ou !ave 'or !umanity. *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' 0alvation ;ou bestow on ;our %oor c!ildren. *e beg ;ou( 8 Lord( to save t!ose w!o 'ollow t!e evil one and t!at t!eir !earts will be o%ened to t!e $rut! o' t!eir eternal li'e .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 9 :Catholic Priests uphold the !eachings of the Church; I gi e the world this Crusade of Prayer for the Catholic Clergy to recite! :% my beloved )esus, keep me strong and the flame of my love for <ou alight, every moment of my day( 1ever allo$ this flame of love, for <ou, to flicker or die( 1ever allo$ me to $eaken in the presence of temptation( Give me the graces needed to honour my vocation, my devotion, my loyalty and, to uphold the !eachings of the %rthodo5 Catholic Church( 21

0 offer <ou my allegiance, at all times( 0 pledge my commitment to fight in <our army, so that the Catholic Church can rise again in glory to $elcome <ou, dear )esus, $hen <ou come again( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 6 =9 :Prayer for Pope BenedictDs safety; 48( my )ternal Fat!er( on be!al' o' ;our beloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( and t!e su''ering -e endured to save t!e world 'rom sin( 6 %ray( now( t!at ;ou %rotect ;our -oly Ficar( Po%e 3enedict( -ead o' ;our 1!urc! on eart!( so t!at !e too can !el% save ;our c!ildren and all ;our sacred servants 'rom t!e scourge o' 0atan and !is dominion o' 'allen angels w!o wal& t!e eart! stealing souls 8( Fat!er( %rotect ;our Po%e( so t!at ;our c!ildren can be guided on t!e $rue Pat! towards ;our New Paradise on )art! .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 >9 :Plenary 0ndulgence for Absolution; 63or nonECatholics9 "hey must say this prayer for se en consecuti e days and they will be gi en the Gift of "otal #bsolution and the Power of the Holy $pirit! 48 my 2esus( ;ou are t!e Lig!t o' t!e eart! ;ou are t!e Flame t!at touc!es all souls ;our Mercy and Love &nows no bounds *e are not wort!y o' t!e 0acri'ice ;ou made by ;our deat! on t!e 1ross( yet we &now t!at ;our Love 'or us is greater t!an t!e love we !old 'or ;ou +rant us( 8 Lord( t!e +i't o' -umility( so t!at we are deserving o' ;our New =ingdom Fill us wit! t!e -oly 0%irit( so we can marc! 'ort! and lead ;our army to %roclaim t!e $rut! o' ;our -oly *ord and %re%are our brot!ers and sisters 'or t!e glory o' ;our 0econd 1oming on eart! *e !onour ;ou *e Praise ;ou *e o''er ourselves( our sorrows( our su''erings as a gi't to ;ou to save souls *e love ;ou( 2esus -ave Mercy on all ;our c!ildren( w!erever t!ey may be .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 @9 :3or Protection of visionaries around the $orld; 48 +od o' t!e Most -ig!( 6 %lead wit! ;ou to o''er %rotection to all ;our !oly messengers in t!e world 6 %ray t!at t!ey are %rotected 'rom t!e !atred o' ot!ers 22

6 as& t!at ;our Most -oly *ord is s%read <uic&ly( all over t!e world Protect ;our messengers 'rom slander( abuse( lies and every &ind o' danger Protect t!eir 'amilies and cover t!em wit! t!e -oly 0%irit( at all times( so t!at t!e Messages t!ey give to t!e world are !eeded wit! contrite and !umble !earts .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 89 :Pray the +osary to help save your nation; #ur $ady urged people to say her Holy %osary to help save their nation. Prayer before the +osary 48 Iueen o' t!e -oly >osary( t!ou didst deign to come to Fatima to reveal to t!e t!ree s!e%!erd c!ildren t!e treasures o' +race !idden in t!e >osary 6ns%ire my !eart wit! a sincere love o' t!is devotion( in order t!at by meditating on t!e Mysteries o' our >edem%tion( w!ic! are recalled in it( 6 may be enric!ed by its 'ruits and obtain %eace 'or t!e world( t!e conversion o' sinners and o' >ussia( and t!e +races( w!ic! 6 as& o' t!ee in t!is >osary "-ere mention your re<uest# 6 as& t!is 'or t!e greater glory o' +od( 'or t!ine own !onour( and 'or t!e good o' souls( es%ecially 'or my own .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 A9 :Prayer for Peace in the 4orld; 48 my 2esus( 6 beg 'or Mercy 'or t!ose a''licted by terrible wars 6 %lead 'or %eace to be instilled in t!ose tortured nations w!o are blind to t!e $rut! o' ;our )9istence Please cover t!ese nations wit! t!e Power o' t!e -oly 0%irit( so t!at t!ey will sto% t!eir %ursuit o' %ower over innocent souls -ave Mercy on all ;our countries t!at are %owerless against t!e evil atrocities( w!ic! cover t!e w!ole world .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 B9 :Firgin #ary& Prayer for ?nification of all Christian Churches; 48 +od o' t!e Most -ig!( we &neel be'ore ;ou to beg 'or t!e uni'ication o' all ;our c!ildren in t!e 'ig!t to retain ;our 1!ristian 1!urc!es on eart! Let not our di''erences divide us at t!is time o' great a%ostasy in t!e world 23

6n our love 'or ;ou( dear Fat!er( we beseec! ;ou to give us t!e graces to love one anot!er in t!e Name o' ;our beloved 0on( 8ur 0aviour( 2esus 1!rist *e adore ;ou *e love ;ou *e unite to 'ig!t 'or t!e strengt! to retain ;our 1!ristian 1!urc!es on eart! in t!e trials we may 'ace in t!e years a!ead .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6 79 :Protect the practice of Christianity; 48 my Lord 2esus 1!rist( 6 beseec! ;ou to %our down your -oly 0%irit over all o' ;our c!ildren 6 beg ;ou to 'orgive t!ose w!o !ave !atred in t!eir souls 'or ;ou 6 %ray t!at at!eists o%en u% t!eir !ardened !earts( during ;our +reat Mercy( and t!at ;our c!ildren w!o love ;ou can !onour ;ou wit! dignity to rise above all %ersecution Please 'ill all ;our c!ildren wit! t!e +i't o' ;our 0%irit( so t!at t!ey can rise wit! courage and lead ;our army into t!e 'inal battle against 0atan( !is demons and all t!ose souls w!o are slaves to !is 'alse %romises .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=09 :God the 3ather& Prayer to avert $ar, famine and religious persecution; 48 my )ternal Fat!er( +od t!e 1reator o' t!e Kniverse( in t!e Name o' ;our %recious 0on( 6 beg ;ou to ma&e us love ;ou more -el% us to be brave( 'earless and strong in t!e 'ace o' adversity .cce%t our sacri'ices( su''erings and trials( as a gi't be'ore ;our $!rone( to save ;our c!ildren on eart! 0o'ten t!e !earts o' unclean souls 8%en t!eir eyes to t!e $rut! o' ;our Love( so t!at t!ey can :oin wit! all o' ;our c!ildren in t!e Paradise on eart! ;ou !ave lovingly created 'or us( according to ;our Divine *ill .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=19 :Chain of Protection Prayer; 48 my 2esus( let my %rayer invo&e ;our -oly 0%irit to descend on t!ose leaders driven by lust( greed( avarice and %ride to sto% t!e %ersecution o' ;our innocent c!ildren 2D

6 as& ;ou to sto% %overty( 'amine and wars 'rom devouring ;our c!ildren( and 6 %ray t!at )uro%ean leaders will o%en t!eir !earts to t!e $rut! o' ;our Love .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6= 9 :!o stop abortion in 0reland; 48 Mot!er o' 0alvation( %ray 'or your c!ildren in 6reland to %revent t!e wic&ed act o' abortion 'rom being in'licted u%on us Protect t!is !oly nation 'rom sin&ing dee%er into des%air 'rom t!e dar&ness( w!ic! covers our country >id us o' t!e evil one w!o wants to destroy your c!ildren( yet to be born Pray t!at t!ose leaders will !ave t!e courage to listen to t!ose w!o love your 0on( so t!at t!ey will 'ollow t!e $eac!ings o' 8ur Lord 2esus 1!rist .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6==9 :!o ackno$ledge #y 'eal and accept it $ith love, Coy and gratitude; God the Father asks that all accept this eal as a protection for each and every one of us, and our families, during the future difficult times we will have to live in. :% my God, my loving 3ather, 0 accept $ith love and gratitude <our "ivine 'eal of Protection( <our "ivinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity( 0 bo$ in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to <ou, my beloved 3ather( 0 beg <ou to protect me and my loved ones $ith this special 'eal and 0 pledge my life to <our service forever and ever( 0 love <ou, dear 3ather( 0 console <ou in these times, dear 3ather( 0 offer <ou the Body, Blood, 'oul and "ivinity of <our dearly beloved 'on in atonement for the sins of the $orld and for the salvation of all <our children( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 6=>9 :3asting during ,ent5 48 my 2esus( !el% me( in my own small way( to imitate ;our Li'e o' 0acri'ice in order to save man&ind 2C

.llow me to o''er ;ou t!e gi't o' 'asting( one day a wee&( t!roug!out Lent( to save all o' !umanity( so t!at t!ey can enter t!e +ates o' t!e New Paradise on )art! 6 o''er ;ou( dear 2esus( my sacri'ice( wit! love and :oy in my !eart $o s!ow ;ou t!e e9tent o' my love( t!roug! t!is sacri'ice( 6 beg ;ou 'or t!e 0alvation o' every soul w!o may !ave 'allen 'rom grace .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=@9 :Prayer for souls to enter Paradise; 48 my 2esus( !el% me to !el% ;ou salvage t!e remnants o' ;our c!ildren on eart! 6 %ray t!at ;ou will( t!roug! ;our Mercy( salvage souls 'rom t!e s%irit o' dar&ness .cce%t my trials( su''erings and sorrows in t!is li'e to save souls 'rom t!e 'ires o' -ell Fill me wit! t!e +races to o''er ;ou t!ese su''erings( wit! love and :oy in my !eart( so t!at we will all unite as one in love 'or t!e 3lessed $rinity and live wit! ;ou( as one !oly 'amily( in Paradise .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=89 :3or those $ho need help !o honour the %ne !rue God; 42esus( !el% me( 'or 6 am lost and con'used 6 do not &now t!e $rut! o' li'e a'ter deat! Forgive me i' 6 o''end ;ou by !onouring 'alse gods( w!ic! are not t!e $rue +od 0ave me and !el% me to see t!e $rut! wit! clarity and save me 'rom t!e dar&ness o' my soul -el% me to come into t!e Lig!t o' ;our Mercy .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=A9 :?nification of all GodDs Children; 48 dear 2esus( unite all ;our beloved 'ollowers in love( so t!at we can s%read t!e $rut! o' ;our Promise 'or )ternal 0alvation t!roug!out t!e w!ole world 2G

*e %ray t!at t!ose lu&ewarm souls( a'raid o' o''ering t!emselves to ;ou in mind( body and soul( will dro% t!eir armor o' %ride and o%en t!eir !earts to ;our love and become %art o' ;our !oly 'amily on eart! )mbrace all t!ose lost souls( dear 2esus( and allow our love( as t!eir brot!ers and sisters( to li't t!em 'rom t!e wilderness and ta&e t!em wit! us into t!e 3osom( Love and Lig!t o' t!e -oly $rinity *e %lace all our !o%e( trust and love in ;our -oly -ands *e beg ;ou to e9%and our devotion( so t!at we can !el% save more souls .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=B9 :'alvation prayer for Catholic Church; 48 3lessed Mot!er o' 0alvation( %lease %ray 'or t!e 1at!olic 1!urc! in t!ese di''icult times and 'or our beloved Po%e 3enedict NF6 to ease !is su''ering *e as& ;ou( Mot!er o' 0alvation( to cover +od/s sacred servants wit! ;our -oly Mantle( so t!at t!ey are given t!e graces to be strong( loyal and brave during t!e trials t!ey 'ace Pray too t!at t!ey will loo& a'ter t!eir 'loc& in accordance wit! t!e $rue $eac!ings o' t!e 1at!olic 1!urc! 8 -oly Mot!er o' +od( give us( your remnant 1!urc! on eart!( t!e gi't o' leaders!i%( so t!at we can !el% lead souls towards t!e =ingdom o' ;our 0on *e as& you( Mot!er o' 0alvation( to &ee% t!e deceiver away 'rom t!e 'ollowers o' your 0on( in t!eir <uest to sa'eguard t!eir souls( so t!at t!ey are 'it to enter t!e +ates o' t!e New Paradise on )art! .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6=79 :Help prepare souls for the 1e$ Paradise;


48 2esus( my beloved 0aviour( 6 as& ;ou to cover me wit! ;our -oly 0%irit( so t!at 6 can s%ea& wit! aut!ority ;our Most -oly *ord( to %re%are all +od/s c!ildren 'or ;our 0econd 1oming 6 beseec! ;ou( Lord 2esus( 'or all t!e +races t!at 6 need( so 6 can reac! out to all 'ait!s( creeds and nationalities( w!erever 6 go -el% me to s%ea& wit! ;our $ongue( soot!e %oor souls wit! ;our Li%s( and love all souls wit! t!e s%ecial Divine Love( w!ic! %ours out 'rom ;our 0acred -eart -el% me to save souls( so close to ;our -eart( and allow me to console ;ou( dear 2esus( w!en lost souls continue to re:ect ;our Mercy 2esus( 6 am not!ing wit!out ;ou( but wit! ;our generous aid( 6 will 'ig!t in ;our Name to !el% save t!e w!ole o' !umanity .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>09 :Prayer for the Clergy !o prepare souls for 'econd Coming; :% my )esus, 0 am but a humble servant and need <ou to guide me, so 0 can prepare souls for <our Glorious 'econd Coming( Help me to convert souls and prepare them, according to <our Holy 4ill, so that they are fit to enter the 1e$ Heaven and .arth, $hich <ou promised all of mankind through <our death on the Cross( Give me the Graces 0 need, so that 0 can impart <our 4ord to thirsty souls and that 0 never $aiver in my duty to <ou, dear )esus, to 4hom 0 pledged my allegiance, through my 'acred Fo$s( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 6>19 :3or the souls of nonEbelievers; 48 my 2esus( !el% ;our %oor c!ildren w!o are blind to ;our Promise o' 0alvation 6 beseec! ;ou( wit! t!e !el% o' my %rayers and su''ering( to o%en t!e eyes o' non-believers( so t!at t!ey can see ;our tender Love and run into ;our 0acred .rms 'or %rotection 2J

-el% t!em to see t!e $rut! and see& 'orgiveness 'or all t!eir sins( so t!at t!ey can be saved and be t!e 'irst to enter t!e +ates o' t!e New Paradise 6 %ray 'or t!ese %oor souls( including men( women and c!ildren( and urge ;ou to absolve t!em 'rom t!eir sins .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6> 9 :Prayer of 3asting to stop %ne 4orld Currency; 48 +od Most -ig!( 6 o''er ;ou my gi't o' 'asting( so t!at ;ou will sto% t!e gri% o' evil in t!e world being %lanned to starve my country o' 'ood( including t!e 3read o' Li'e .cce%t my o''ering and listen to my %leas 'or ot!er nations( to %revent t!em 'rom t!e su''ering being %lanned by t!e antic!rist 0ave us( dear Lord( 'rom t!is wic&edness and %rotect our 'ait!( so t!at we can !onour ;ou( wit! t!e 'reedom we need to love and adore ;ou( 'orever and ever .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>=9 4'ave 'ouls during !he 4arning; 48 +od t!e .lmig!ty Fat!er( on be!al' o' ;our beloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( and in commemoration o' -is deat! on t!e 1ross to save us 'rom our sins( 6 beg ;ou to save souls w!o cannot save t!emselves and w!o may die in mortal sin during $!e *arning 6n atonement 'or t!e su''erings o' ;our beloved 0on( 6 urge ;ou to 'orgive t!ose w!o are unable to see& >edem%tion because t!ey will not live long enoug! to as& 2esus( ;our 0on( 'or Mercy to 'ree t!em 'rom sin .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>>9 :'trength to defend my faith against the false prophet; 4Dear 2esus( give me t!e strengt! to 'ocus on ;our $eac!ings and to %roclaim ;our -oly *ord at all times Never allow me to be tem%ted to idoli?e t!e 'alse %ro%!et( w!o will try to %resent !imsel' as ;ou 29

=ee% my love 'or ;ou strong +ive me t!e +races o' Discernment( so t!at 6 will never deny t!e $rut! contained in t!e -oly 3ible( no matter !ow many lies are %resented to me to encourage me to turn my bac& on ;our $rue *ord .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>@9 :Prayer to con*uer negative thoughts; 48 2esus( 6 &now very little about ;ou( but %lease !el% me to o%en my !eart to allow ;ou to come into my soul( so t!at ;ou can !eal me( com'ort me( and 'ill me wit! ;our Peace -el% me to 'eel :oy( to con<uer all negative t!oug!ts( and to learn t!e way to ma&e me understand !ow to %lease ;ou( so t!at 6 can enter ;our New Paradise( w!ere 6 can live a li'e o' love( :oy( and wonder wit! ;ou( 'orever and ever .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>89 :3ree me from the chains of 'atan; 48 2esus( 6 am lost 6 am con'used and 'eel li&e a %risoner caug!t in a web 6 cannot esca%e 'rom 6 trust ;ou( 2esus( to come to my aid and 'ree me 'rom t!e c!ains o' 0atan and !is demons -el% me( 'or 6 am lost 6 need ;our Love to give me t!e strengt! to believe in ;ou and trust in ;ou( so t!at 6 can be saved 'rom t!is evil and be s!own t!e Lig!t so 6 can 'ind %eace( love and !a%%iness at last .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>A9 :+eEkindle your love for )esus; 48 3lessed Mot!er( Mot!er o' 0alvation 'or t!e w!ole world( %ray t!at my love 'or 2esus can be re-&indled -el% me to 'eel t!e Flame o' -is Love( so t!at it 'ills my soul


-el% me to love 2esus more Pray t!at my 'ait!( love and devotion( 'or -im( become stronger .llay any doubts( w!ic! torment me( and !el% me to see clearly t!e Divine Lig!t o' t!e $rut!( w!ic! radiates 'rom your beloved 0on( t!e 0aviour o' all !umanity .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>B9 :Prayer for the Grace to Proclaim !he 'econd Coming of Christ; 48 my 2esus( grant me t!e grace to %roclaim ;our -oly *ord to all o' !umanity( so t!at souls can be saved Pour ;our -oly 0%irit over me( ;our !umble servant( so t!at ;our -oly *ord can be !eard and acce%ted( es%ecially by t!ose souls w!o need ;our Mercy t!e most -el% me to !onour ;our -oly *ill( at all times( and never to insult or condemn t!ose w!o re'use t!e -and o' ;our Mercy .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6>79 :Pledge of loyalty for Christian Clergy5 :% )esus, 0 am <our humble servant and 0 pledge my love and loyalty to <ou( 0 beg <ou to give me a sign of <our Calling( Help me to open my eyes and $itness <our Promise( Bless me $ith the Grace of the Holy 'pirit, so that 0 $ill not be deceived by those $ho claim to come in <our 1ame, but, $ho do not speak the !ruth( 'ho$ me the !ruth( Allo$ me to feel <our ,ove, so that 0 can fulfil <our #ost Holy 4ill( 0 ask <ou, $ith a humble heart, to sho$ me the $ay in $hich 0 can help <ou to save the souls of humanity( Amen(; 31

Crusade Prayer 6@09 :)esus, help me to kno$ 4ho <ou are; 48 dear 2esus( !el% me to &now *!o ;ou are Forgive me 'or not s%ea&ing wit! ;ou( be'ore now -el% me to 'ind %eace in t!is li'e and be s!own t!e $rut! o' eternal li'e 0oot!e my !eart )ase my worries +ive me %eace 8%en my !eart( now( so t!at ;ou can 'ill my soul wit! ;our Love .men Crusade Prayer 6@19 :3or the Gift of the Holy 'pirit; 48 come -oly 0%irit( %our ;our +i't o' Love( *isdom and =nowledge( over my !umble soul Fill me wit! t!e Lig!t o' $rut!( so t!at 6 can discern t!e $rut! o' +od( 'rom t!e lies s%read by 0atan and !is angels -el% me to gras% t!e torc! and s%read t!e Flame o' understanding to all t!ose 6 meet( t!roug! 1!rist 8ur Lord( .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6@ 9 :Prayer to the 3ather; 4My dearest Fat!er( in t!e Name o' ;our %recious 0on and in remembrance o' -is Passion on t!e 1ross( 6 call out to ;ou ;ou( +od t!e Most -ig!( 1reator o' t!e *orld and all t!at is( !old our 0alvation in ;our -oly -ands )mbrace all o' ;our c!ildren( including t!ose w!o don/t &now ;ou and t!ose w!o do( but loo& t!e ot!er way Forgive us our sin and save us 'rom t!e %ersecution o' 0atan and !is army $a&e us into ;our .rms and 'ill us wit! t!e !o%e we need to see t!e way o' t!e $rut! .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6@=9 :Prayer for the Catholic Church; 48 +od t!e Fat!er( in t!e Name o' ;our 3eloved 0on 6 beg ;ou to give strengt! and t!e +races needed to !el% %riests wit!stand t!e %ersecution t!ey endure


-el% t!em to ad!ere to t!e $rut! o' t!e $eac!ings o' ;our 0on( 2esus 1!rist( and to never waiver( wea&en or submit to untrut!s about t!e )9istence o' t!e -oly )uc!arist .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6@>9 :Prayer to the 3ather !o dilute impact of 4orld 4ar =; 48 -eavenly Fat!er( in t!e Name o' ;our 3eloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( *!o su''ered greatly 'or t!e sins o' man&ind( %lease !el% us in t!ese di''icult times we 'ace -el% us to survive t!e %ersecution being %lanned by greedy rulers and t!ose w!o want to destroy ;our 1!urc!es and ;our c!ildren *e im%lore ;ou( dear Fat!er( to !el% 'eed our 'amilies and save t!e lives o' t!ose w!o will be 'orced into a war against t!eir will *e love ;ou( dear Fat!er *e beg ;ou to !el% us in our time o' need 0ave us 'rom t!e gri% o' t!e antic!rist -el% us to survive !is mar&( t!e mar& o' t!e beast( by re'using to acce%t it -el% t!ose w!o love ;ou to remain true to ;our -oly *ord( at all times( so t!at ;ou can bestow on us t!e +races to survive in 3ody and 0oul .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6@@9 :!o Prepare for !he 4arning; 48 my Dear 2esus( %lease o%en t!e !earts o' all +od/s c!ildren to t!e +i't o' ;our +reat Mercy -el% t!em to acce%t ;our Divine Mercy wit! love and gratitude )nable t!em to become !umble be'ore ;ou and beg 'or t!e 'orgiveness o' t!eir sins( so t!at t!ey can become %art o' ;our +lorious =ingdom .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6@89 :3or Priests seeking Protection for the Holy .ucharist;


:% "ear 3ather, in the 1ame of <our Precious 'on, 4ho sacrificed Himself on the Cross for the $hole of mankind, help me to stay true to the !ruth( Cover me $ith the Precious Blood of <our 'on and give me the Graces to continue to serve <ou in faith, trust and honour, for the rest of my ministry( 1ever let me stray from the !rue #eaning of the 'acrifice of the Holy #ass or the Presentation of the Holy .ucharist to <our children( Give me the strength to represent <ou and feed <our flock, the $ay in $hich they must be fed, $ith the Body, Blood, 'oul and "ivinity of <our 'on, )esus Christ, the 'aviour of mankind( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 6@A9 :Prayer for the Clergy& )esus, let me hear <our call; :% my dear )esus, open my ears to the sound of <our Foice( %pen my heart to <our loving call( 3ill my soul $ith the Holy 'pirit, so 0 can recogniGe <ou at this time( 0 offer <ou my humble allegiance to all that <ou ask of me( Help me to discern the !ruth, to rise, respond, and follo$ <our Foice so, 0 can help <ou to save the souls of all of humanity( <our 4ill is my command( Give me the courage to let <ou guide me, so 0 can take up the armor needed to lead <our Church to$ards <our 1e$ Hingdom( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 6@B9 :Crusade of Conversion Prayer;18 48 dear 2esus( 6 call on ;ou to embrace all +od/s c!ildren and cover t!em wit! ;our Precious 3lood Let eac! dro% o' ;our 3lood cover every soul to s!ield t!em 'rom t!e evil one 8%en t!e !earts o' all( es%ecially !ardened souls and t!ose w!o &now ;ou( but w!o are stained wit! t!e sin o' %ride( to 'all down and beg 'or t!e Lig!t o' ;our Love to 'lood t!eir souls


8%en t!eir eyes to see t!e $rut!( so t!at t!e dawn o' ;our Divine Mercy will s!ower down u%on t!em( so t!ey are covered wit! t!e >ays o' ;our Mercy 1onvert all souls t!roug! t!e graces 6 as& ;ou 'or( now( dear 2esus( "%ersonal intention !ere# 6 beg ;ou 'or Mercy and o''er ;ou t!is gi't o' 'asting 'or one day( every wee& "'or t!is mont! o' 2une#( in atonement 'or all sins .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6@79 :A Pledge of Allegiance to the "ivine 4ill; My dearly beloved daughter, &ust as My 'ternal Father be(ueathed the Great Gift to humanity of His $eal% so too% must His children pledge their allegiance to His &i ine 'ill! ) ask all of God*s children who will march forth in His army to help save the souls of all God*s children, including hardened sinners, to take this pledge. :% God the #ost High, % Heavenly 3ather, 0 pledge to <ou my firm allegiance to honour and obey <ou in all things united to <our "ivine 4ill on earth( 0, through the 'acred Blood of <our only beloved 'on, the !rue #essiah, offer <ou my mind, my body and my soul on behalf of all souls, so that $e can unite, as one, in <our Heavenly Hingdom to come, so that <our "ivine 4ill is done on earth, as it is in Heaven( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 6809 :Prayer for Conversion of 3amilies "uring !he 4arning; "hildren of God, prepare every day for The Warning, for it can happen at any time. 48 dear 0weet 2esus( 6 beg 'or Mercy 'or t!e souls o' my 'amily( +name them here,. 6 o''er ;ou my su''erings( my trials and my %rayers to save t!eir souls 'rom t!e s%irit o' dar&ness 3C

Let not one o' t!ese( ;our c!ildren( denounce ;ou( or re:ect ;our -and o' Mercy 8%en t!eir !earts to entwine wit! ;our 0acred -eart( so t!at t!ey can see& t!e 'orgiveness necessary to save t!emselves 'rom t!e 'ires o' -ell +ive t!em t!e c!ance to ma&e amends( so t!at t!ey can be converted wit! t!e >ays o' ;our Divine Mercy .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6819 :Avert %ne 4orld Control; 48 dear -eavenly Fat!er( in memory o' t!e 1ruci'i9ion o' ;our beloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( 6 beg ;ou to %rotect us( ;our c!ildren( 'rom t!e 1ruci'i9ion being %lanned to destroy ;our c!ildren( by t!e antic!rist and !is 'ollowers +ive us t!e +races we need to re'use t!e mar& o' t!e beast and bestow u%on us t!e !el% we need to 'ig!t t!e evil in t!e world( s%read by t!ose w!o 'ollow t!e way o' 0atan *e beseec! ;ou( dear Fat!er( to %rotect all o' ;our c!ildren( in t!ese terrible times( and ma&e us strong enoug! to stand u% and %roclaim ;our -oly *ord at all times .men5 Crusade Prayer 68 9 :3or ,ost and Helpless 'inners; 48 2esus( !el% me( 'or 6 am a sinner lost( !el%less and in dar&ness 6 am wea& and lac& t!e courage to see& ;ou out +ive me t!e strengt! to call ;ou( now( so t!at 6 can brea& away 'rom t!e dar&ness wit!in my soul 3ring me into ;our Lig!t( dear 2esus Forgive me -el% me to become w!ole( again( and lead me to ;our Love( Peace and eternal li'e 6 trust ;ou( com%letely( and 6 as& ;ou to ta&e me in mind( body and soul( as 6 surrender to ;our Divine Mercy .men 5 3G

Crusade Prayer 68=9 :Preserve me on this Courney; 48 my beloved Mot!er o' 0alvation( 6 as& you to %ray t!at 6 am given t!e Food o' Li'e to %reserve me on t!is :ourney to !el% save all o' +od/s c!ildren Please !el% all t!ose w!o are being deceived by 'alse idols and 'alse gods to o%en t!eir eyes to t!e $rut! o' your 0on/s deat! on t!e 1ross( to save every one o' +od/s c!ildren and to bring eac! one eternal li'e .men 5 Crusade Prayer 68>9 :'ave my brothers and sisters; 48 my dearest 0aviour( 2esus 1!rist( acce%t my gi't o' %rayer and sacri'ices to !el% save my brot!ers and sisters 'rom t!e %rison o' dar&ness t!ey are in .llow me to !el% salvage t!eir souls 6 beg ;ou to 'orgive t!em( 'or t!eir sins( and 6 as& t!at ;ou 'lood t!eir souls wit! t!e -oly 0%irit( so t!at t!ey will run into ;our .rms( as t!e re'uge t!ey so des%erately need( be'ore t!ey are lost 'orever 6 o''er ;ou my gi't o' surrender( 'or suc! souls( in !umble servitude and t!an&sgiving .men 5 Crusade Prayer 68@9 :3or those in mortal sin; 48 dear 2esus( 0aviour o' man&ind( t!roug! ;our Divine Mercy( 6 %lead 'or clemency 'or all t!ose %oor souls in sin w!o may be ta&en 'rom t!is eart! during $!e *arning Forgive t!em t!eir sins and in memory o' ;our Passion( 6 beg ;ou to grant me t!is s%ecial 'avor in atonement 'or t!eir sins 6 o''er mysel' to ;ou in mind( body and soul( as a %enance to salvage t!eir souls and to bring t!em eternal li'e .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6889 :3or Clergy& Help me to +emain !rue to <our #ost Holy 4ord; :% dear )esus, help me to remain true to <our #ost Holy 4ord, at all times( 3,

Give me the strength to uphold the !ruth of <our Church in the face of adversity( 3ill me $ith the grace to administer the Holy 'acraments in the $ay in $hich <ou taught us( Help me to feed <our Church $ith the Bread of ,ife and remain loyal to <ou, even $hen 0 am prohibited from doing so( 3ree me from the chain of deceit 0 may face, in order to proclaim the !rue 4ord of God( Cover all <our sacred servants $ith <our Precious Blood, at this time, so that $e $ill remain courageous, loyal and steadfast, in our allegiance to <ou, our beloved 'aviour, )esus Christ( Amen(; Crusade Prayer 68A9 :Heep my children safe from the king of lies; 4Please dear 2esus( 6 as& ;ou to &ee% my c!ildren sa'e 'rom t!e &ing o' lies 6 consecrate t!ese c!ildren "name them# to ;our 0acred -eart and as& t!at( t!roug! t!e cloa& o' ;our Precious 3lood( ;ou will enlig!ten t!eir souls and ta&e t!em sa'ely into ;our Loving .rms( so t!at t!ey can be %rotected 'rom all !arm 6 as& t!at ;ou o%en t!eir !earts and 'lood t!eir souls wit! ;our -oly 0%irit( during t!e 6llumination o' 1onscience( so t!at t!ey are cleansed o' every ini<uity .men 5 Crusade Prayer 68B9 :Protect me from the influence of 'atan; 48 Mot!er o' +od( Mot!er o' 0alvation( cover me wit! your Most -oly Mantle and %rotect my 'amily 'rom t!e in'luence o' 0atan and !is 'allen angels -el% me to trust in t!e Divine Mercy o' your beloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( at all times 0ustain me in my love 'or -im and never allow me to wander away 'rom $!e $rut! o' -is $eac!ings( no matter !ow many tem%tations are %laced be'ore me .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6879 :Prayer to God the 3ather to accept His "ivine 4ill; 3J

4+od t!e .lmig!ty Fat!er( 6 acce%t ;our Divine *ill -el% ;our c!ildren to acce%t it 0to% 0atan 'rom denying ;our c!ildren/s rig!t to t!eir Fat!er/s in!eritance Never let us give u% t!e 'ig!t 'or our in!eritance in Paradise -ear our %leas to banis! 0atan and !is 'allen angels 6 as& ;ou( dear Fat!er( to cleanse t!e eart! wit! ;our Mercy and to cover us wit! ;our -oly 0%irit Lead us to 'orm ;our most !oly army( laden wit! t!e %ower to banis! t!e beast( 'orever .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A09 :Prayer for Clergy to +emain 3irm and !rue to the Holy 4ord of God; 48 dear 2esus( !el% ;our sacred servants to recogni?e t!e sc!ism wit!in ;our 1!urc!( as it un'olds -el% ;our sacred servants to remain 'irm and true to ;our -oly *ord Never let worldly ambitions cloud t!eir %ure love 'or ;ou +ive t!em t!e +races to remain %ure and !umble be'ore ;ou and to !onour ;our Most -oly Presence in t!e )uc!arist -el% and guide all t!ose sacred servants w!o may be lu&ewarm in t!eir love 'or ;ou and re-&indle t!e Fire o' t!e -oly 0%irit in t!eir souls -el% t!em to recogni?e tem%tation( %laced be'ore t!em to distract t!em 8%en t!eir eyes( so t!ey can see t!e $rut! at all times 3less t!em( dear 2esus( at t!is time and cover t!em wit! ;our Precious 3lood to &ee% t!em sa'e 'rom !arm 39

+ive t!em t!e strengt! to resist t!e seduction o' 0atan( s!ould t!ey be distracted by t!e allure o' denying t!e e9istence o' sin .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A19 :Prayer to save us from the persecution; 48 2esus( save +od/s c!ildren 'rom t!e antic!rist Protect us 'rom t!e %lans to control t!e eart! Lord( save us 'rom t!e %ersecution Protect dar& souls 'rom t!e antic!rist( so t!at t!ey can be redeemed in ;our )yes -el% us in our wea&ness 0trengt!en us in s%irit to rise and lead eac! ot!er( as we marc! in ;our army to t!e +ates o' Paradise 6 need ;ou( dear 2esus 6 love ;ou( dear 2esus 6 +lori'y ;our Presence on eart! 6 s!un t!e dar&ness 6 adore ;ou and 6 surrender mysel' in body and s%irit so( t!at ;ou can reveal to me t!e $rut! o' ;our Presence( so t!at 6 will always trust in ;our Mercy at all times .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A 9 :!he "iscipleDs Prayer; 4Dear 2esus( 6 am ready to s%read ;our -oly *ord +ive me t!e courage( t!e strengt! and t!e &nowledge( to im%art t!e $rut!( so t!at as many souls as %ossible can be broug!t to ;ou $a&e me into ;our 0acred -eart and cover me wit! ;our Precious 3lood( so t!at 6 am 'illed wit! t!e +races to s%read conversion 'or t!e 0alvation o' all o' +od/s c!ildren( in every %art o' t!e world no matter w!at t!eir 1reed is 6 trust in ;ou always ;our beloved disci%le .men 5 D0

Crusade Prayer 6A=9 :3or young souls, young children; 48 2esus( !el% me to save t!e souls o' young %eo%le( all over t!e world 3y ;our +race( !el% t!em to see t!e $rut! o' ;our )9istence 3ring t!em to ;our 0acred -eart and o%en t!eir eyes to ;our Love and Mercy 0ave t!em 'rom t!e 'ires o' -ell and( t!roug! my %rayers( !ave Mercy on t!eir souls .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A>9 :3or Gift of "iscernment; 48 Mot!er o' +od( !el% me to %re%are my soul 'or t!e +i't o' t!e -oly 0%irit $a&e me( as a c!ild( by t!e !and( and lead me on t!e road towards t!e +i't o' Discernment( t!roug! t!e Power o' t!e -oly 0%irit 8%en my !eart and teac! me to surrender in body( mind and soul >id me o' t!e sin o' %ride and %ray t!at 6 will be 'orgiven( 'or all %ast sins( so t!at my soul is %uri'ied and t!at 6 am made w!ole( so t!at 6 can receive t!e +i't o' t!e -oly 0%irit 6 t!an& ;ou( Mot!er o' 0alvation( 'or ;our intercession( and 6 await wit! love in my !eart 'or t!is +i't( 'or w!ic! 6 yearn wit! :oy .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A@9 :0 assign my pain to <ou, dear )esus; 42esus( 6 assign my %ain and su''ering to t!at w!ic! ;ou su''ered during ;our .gony on 1alvary For every abuse and verbal onslaug!t 6 su''er( 6 o''er it in !onour o' ;our 1rowning o' $!orns For every un'air criticism o' me( 6 o''er it in !onour o' ;our !umiliation in 'ront o' Pilate For every %!ysical torment 6 endure at t!e !ands o' ot!ers( 6 o''er it in !onour o' ;our 0courging at t!e Pillar For every insult 6 endure 6 o''er it u% in !onour o' t!e %!ysical torture ;ou endured during t!e 1rowning o' $!orns w!en t!ey tore out ;our )ye For every time 6 imitate ;ou( im%art ;our $eac!ings( and w!en 6 am sneered at in ;our Name( let me !el% ;ou on t!e road to 1alvary -el% me to be rid o' %ride and never to be a'raid to admit t!at 6 love ;ou( dear 2esus D1

$!en( w!en all seems !o%eless in my li'e( dear 2esus( !el% me to be brave by remembering !ow ;ou willingly allowed ;oursel' to be 1ruci'ied in suc! a vile and cruel way -el% me to stand u% and be counted as a true 1!ristian( a true soldier in ;our army( !umble and contrite in my !eart( in remembrance o' t!e 0acri'ice ;ou made 'or me -old my !and( dear 2esus( and s!ow me !ow my own su''ering can ins%ire ot!ers to :oin ;our army wit! li&e-minded souls w!o love ;ou -el% me to acce%t su''ering and to o''er it u% to ;ou( as a gi't to save souls( in t!e 'inal battle against t!e tyranny o' t!e evil one .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A89 :!he atheist prayer; 42esus( !el% me to acce%t t!e Love o' +od( as it is being s!own to me 8%en my eyes( my mind( my !eart and my soul( so t!at 6 can be saved -el% me to believe by 'illing my !eart wit! ;our Love $!en !old me and save me 'rom t!e torment o' doubt .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6AA9 :3or Great Britain; 48 Most -eavenly Fat!er( +od t!e 1reator o' man( %lease !ear my %rayer 6 beg ;ou to save 3ritain 'rom t!e clutc!es o' evil and dictators!i% 6 as& t!at ;ou unite all o' us( o' all religions( creeds and colours( as one 'amily in ;our )yes +ive us t!e strengt! to unite in de'iance o' any laws introduced to outlaw ;our $eac!ings +ive us t!e strengt! and t!e courage to never 'orsa&e ;ou and to !el% save all o' ;our c!ildren t!roug! our %rayers 3ring all o' my brot!ers and sisters toget!er in unity to %ay !omage to ;our Promise to bring us eternal li'e and entrance to ;our Paradise .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6AB9 :'ave #e from .vil; D2

48 2esus( %rotect me 'rom t!e %ower o' 0atan $a&e me into ;our -eart( as 6 release all my allegiance to !im and !is wic&ed ways 6 surrender my will and come be'ore ;ou( on my &nees( wit! a !umble and contrite !eart 6 leave my li'e in ;our -oly .rms 0ave me 'rom evil >elease me and ta&e me to ;our sa'e !aven o' %rotection( now and 'orever .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6A79 :3or t$o billion lost souls; 48 dear 2esus( 6 beg ;ou to %our ;our Mercy over t!e lost souls Forgive t!em t!eir re:ection o' ;ou and use my %rayer and su''ering( so ;ou can( t!roug! ;our Mercy( %our over t!em t!e +races t!ey need to sancti'y t!eir souls 6 as& ;ou 'or t!e gi't o' clemency( 'or t!eir souls 6 as& ;ou to o%en t!eir !earts( so t!ey will go to ;ou and as& ;ou to 'ill t!em wit! t!e -oly 0%irit( so t!ey can acce%t t!e $rut! o' ;our Love and live wit! ;ou and all o' +od/s 'amily 'orever .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6B09 :3or the souls of those $ho commit murder; 48 dear 2esus( 6 beg 'or Mercy 'or t!ose w!o commit murder 6 urge 'or clemency 'or t!ose in mortal sin 6 o''er my own su''ering and di''iculties over to ;ou( so t!at ;ou can o%en ;our -eart and 'orgive t!em t!eir sins 6 as& t!at ;ou cover all t!ose wit! evil intent in t!eir souls wit! ;our Precious 3lood( so t!at t!ey can be was!ed clean o' t!eir ini<uities .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6B19 :3or Gift of the Holy Communion; 48 -eavenly -ost( 'ill my body wit! t!e nouris!ment it needs Fill my soul wit! t!e Divine Presence o' 2esus 1!rist +ive me t!e +races to 'ul'il t!e -oly *ill o' +od D3

Fill me wit! t!e %eace and calm( w!ic! comes 'rom ;our -oly Presence Never let me doubt ;our Presence -el% me to acce%t ;ou( in 3ody and 0oul( and t!at( by t!e -oly )uc!arist( t!e +races bestowed u%on me will !el% me to %roclaim t!e +lory o' 8ur Lord( 2esus 1!rist Puri'y my !eart 8%en my soul and sancti'y me w!en 6 receive t!e great +i't o' t!e -oly )uc!arist +rant me t!e graces and t!e 'avors it bestows u%on all +od/s c!ildren and grant me immunity 'rom t!e 'ires o' Purgatory .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6B 9 :3or the Fictory of the +emnant Church; 42esus( =ing and 0aviour o' t!e world( to ;ou do we %ledge our !onour( our loyalty and deeds( to %roclaim ;our +lory to all -el% us to gain t!e strengt!( and t!e con'idence( to stand u% and declare t!e $rut! at all times Never allow us to 'alter or delay in our marc! towards victory( and in our %lan to save souls *e %ledge our surrender( our !earts( and all t!at we %ossess( so t!at we are 'ree o' obstacles( as we continue t!e t!orny road towards t!e +ates o' t!e New Paradise *e love ;ou( dearest 2esus( our beloved 0aviour and >edeemer *e unite ourselves in body( mind and s%irit wit!in ;our 0acred -eart Pour over us ;our +race o' Protection 1over us wit! ;our Precious 3lood( so t!at we will be 'illed wit! courage and love( to stand u% and declare t!e $rut! o' ;our New =ingdom .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6B=9 :3or the mitigation of chastisements; 48 dear Fat!er( +od t!e Most -ig!( we( ;our %oor c!ildren( %rostrate ourselves be'ore ;our +lorious $!rone in -eaven *e beg ;ou to rid t!e world o' evil *e im%lore ;our Mercy 'or t!e souls o' t!ose w!o cause terrible !ards!i%s to ;our c!ildren on eart! Please 'orgive t!em Please remove t!e antic!rist( as soon as !e ma&es !imsel' &nown DD

*e as& ;ou( dear Lord( to mitigate ;our -and o' 1!astisement 6nstead( we beg ;ou to acce%t our %rayers and our su''erings( to ease t!e su''ering o' ;our c!ildren( at t!is time *e trust ;ou *e !onour ;ou *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e great sacri'ice ;ou made w!en ;ou sent ;our only 0on( 2esus 1!rist( to save us 'rom sin *e welcome ;our 0on( once again( as t!e 0aviour o' !umanity Please %rotect us =ee% us 'rom !arm -el% our 'amilies -ave Mercy on us .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6B>9 :!o enlighten the souls of the elites $ho rule the $orld; 48 dear 2esus( 6 beg ;ou to enlig!ten t!e souls o' t!e elites w!o rule t!e world 0!ow t!em t!e %roo' o' ;our Mercy -el% t!em to become o%en o' !eart and to s!ow true !umility( in !onour o' ;our great 0acri'ice( by ;our Deat! on t!e 1ross( w!en ;ou died 'or t!eir sins -el% t!em to discern *!o t!eir $rue Ma&er is( *!o t!eir 1reator is( and 'ill t!em wit! t!e +races to see t!e $rut! Please %revent t!eir %lans to !urt millions o' %eo%le t!roug! vaccinations( s!ortage o' 'oods( 'orced ado%tions o' innocent c!ildren( and t!e s%litting u% o' 'amilies 'rom ta&ing %lace -eal t!em 1over t!em wit! ;our Lig!t and ta&e t!em into t!e 3osom o' ;our -eart to save t!em 'rom t!e snares o' t!e evil one .men 5

Crusade Prayer 6B@9 :!o save the ?nited 'tates of America from the hand of the deceiver; 48 dear 2esus( cover our nation wit! ;our Most Precious Protection Forgive us our sins against +od/s 1ommandments -el% t!e .merican %eo%le to turn bac& to +od 8%en t!eir minds to t!e $rue Pat! o' t!e Lord Knloc& t!eir !ardened !earts( so t!at t!ey will welcome ;our -and o' Mercy DC

-el% t!is nation to stand u% against t!e blas%!emies( w!ic! may be in'licted u%on us to 'orce us to deny ;our Presence *e beseec! ;ou( 2esus( to save us( %rotect us 'rom all !arm and embrace our %eo%le in ;our 0acred -eart .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6B89 :+elease me from the torment of doubt; 46 come be'ore ;ou( con'used( unsure and 'rustrated( dear 2esus( because 6 am worried about t!e $rut! ;ou %roclaim wit!in ;our Messages Forgive me i' 6 !ave wronged ;ou Forgive me i' 6 cannot !ear ;ou 8%en my eyes( so t!at 6 can be s!own w!at it is ;ou need me to understand 6 im%lore ;ou to give me t!e Power o' t!e -oly 0%irit to s!ow me t!e $rut! 6 love ;ou( dear 2esus( and 6 beg ;ou to release me 'rom t!e torment o' doubt -el% me to res%ond to ;our call Forgive me i' 6 !ave o''ended ;ou and bring me closer to ;our -eart +uide me to ;our New =ingdom and grant me t!e 'avour( so t!at t!roug! my own %rayers and su''ering( 6 can !el% ;ou to salvage souls( so %recious to ;our 0acred -eart .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6BA9 :Protect our 1ation from evil; 48 Fat!er( on be!al' o' ;our 0on( save us 'rom communism 0ave us 'rom dictators!i% Protect our nation against %aganism 0ave our c!ildren 'rom !arm -el% us to see t!e Lig!t o' +od 8%en our !earts to t!e $eac!ings o' ;our 0on -el% all 1!urc!es to remain true to t!e *ord o' +od *e beg ;ou to &ee% our nations sa'e 'rom %ersecution Dearest Lord( loo& u%on us wit! Mercy( no matter !ow we o''end ;ou 2esus( 0on o' Man( cover us wit! ;our Precious 3lood 0ave us 'rom t!e snares o' t!e evil one *e im%lore ;ou( dear +od( to intervene and sto% evil 'rom engul'ing t!e world at t!is time .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6BB9 :3or 'ouls after !he 4arning; DG

48 0acred -eart o' 2esus( s!ow Mercy to all o' us %oor sinners )nlig!ten t!ose !earts o' stone( so des%erate in t!eir <uest 'or guidance Forgive t!em t!eir ini<uities -el% t!em( t!roug! ;our Love and Mercy( to 'ind it in t!eir !earts to gras% ;our great +i't o' >edem%tion 6 im%lore ;ou to 'orgive all souls w!o re:ect t!e $rut! o' +od 1over t!em wit! ;our Lig!t( dear 2esus( so t!at it will blind t!em to t!e wic&edness and snares o' t!e devil( w!o will try to cut t!em o'' 'rom ;ou( 'or eternity 6 beg ;ou to give all +od/s c!ildren t!e strengt! to be t!an&'ul 'or ;our +reat Mercy 6 as& t!at ;ou o%en t!e Door to ;our =ingdom to all lost souls w!o wander t!e eart! in a state o' !el%lessness and !o%elessness .men 5 1rusade Prayer 6B79 :3or 4retched 'inners; 4Dear 2esus( !el% me( a %oor wretc!ed sinner( to come to ;ou( wit! remorse in my soul 1leanse me 'rom t!e sins( w!ic! !ave destroyed my li'e +ive me t!e gi't o' a new li'e( 'ree 'rom t!e s!ac&les o' sin( and t!e 'reedom( w!ic! my sins deny me >enew me in t!e Lig!t o' ;our Mercy )mbrace me in ;our -eart Let me 'eel ;our Love( so t!at 6 can become close to ;ou and t!at my love 'or ;ou is ignited -ave Mercy on me( 2esus( and &ee% me 'ree 'rom sin Ma&e me wort!y to enter ;our New Paradise .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6709 :!hanksgiving for <our #ost Glorious 'econd Coming; 48 my 2esus( 6 o''er ;ou %raise and t!an&sgiving 'or ;our Most +lorious 0econd 1oming ;ou( my 0aviour( were born to give me eternal li'e and to 'ree me 'rom sin 6 o''er ;ou my love( my t!an&s and my adoration( as 6 %re%are my soul 'or ;our +reat 1oming .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6719 :Heep me true to my 3aith; 48 3lessed Mot!er o' 0alvation( %rotect me in my !our o' need( w!en 6 am con'ronted wit! evil D,

-el% me to de'end t!e *ord o' +od wit! strengt! and courage( wit!out any 'ear in my soul Pray t!at 6 remain loyal to t!e $eac!ings o' 1!rist and t!at 6 can 'ully surrender my 'ears( my worries and my sadness( com%letely -el% me( so t!at 6 can wal& 'earlessly a!ead on t!is lonely %at!( in order to %roclaim t!e $rut! o' t!e -oly *ord o' +od( even w!en t!e enemies o' +od ma&e t!is tas& almost im%ossible 8 3lessed Mot!er( 6 as& t!at( t!roug! your intercession( t!e 'ait! o' all 1!ristians remains strong( at all times( during t!e %ersecution .men 5 Crusade Prayer 67 9 :3or the Grace of Perseverance; 48 dear 2esus( 6 as& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' Perseverance 6 beg ;ou to bestow u%on me t!e +races 6 need to u%!old ;our Most -oly *ord 6 as& ;ou to rid me o' any lingering doubts 6 as& ;ou to 'lood my soul wit! &indness( %atience and %erseverance -el% me to remain digni'ied w!en 6 am insulted in ;our -oly Name Ma&e me strong and cover me wit! t!e +race to &ee% going( even w!en 6 am tired( lac&ing in strengt!( and w!en 'aced wit! all t!e tribulations( w!ic! lie a!ead( as 6 wor& tirelessly to !el% ;ou save !umanity .men 5 Crusade Prayer 67=9 :3or the !ears of Conversion; 48 my beloved 2esus( ;ou are close to my !eart 6 am one wit! ;ou 6 love ;ou 6 c!eris! ;ou Let me 'eel ;our Love Let me 'eel ;our Pain Let me 'eel ;our Presence +rant me t!e +race o' -umility( so t!at 6 am made wort!y o' ;our =ingdom on eart!( as it is in -eaven +rant me t!e $ears o' 1onversion( so t!at 6 can truly o''er mysel' to ;ou( as a true disci%le( to !el% ;ou in ;our Mission to save every DJ

single soul on eart!( be'ore ;ou come again to 2udge t!e living and t!e dead .men 5 Crusade Prayer 67>9 :!o cure the mind, body and soul; 48 dear 2esus( 6 lay mysel' be'ore ;ou( weary( sic&( in %ain and wit! a longing to !ear ;our Foice Let me be touc!ed by ;our Divine Presence( so t!at 6 will be 'looded by ;our Divine Lig!t( t!roug! my mind( body and soul 6 trust in ;our Mercy 6 surrender my %ain and su''ering com%letely be'ore ;ou and 6 as& t!at ;ou give me t!e +race to trust in ;ou( so t!at ;ou can cure me o' t!is %ain and dar&ness( so t!at 6 can become w!ole again and( so t!at 6 can 'ollow t!e Pat! o' $rut! and allow ;ou to lead me to li'e in t!e New Paradise .men 5 Crusade Prayer 67@9 :!o Help 3ind !ime for Prayer; 48 Mot!er o' 0alvation( come to my aid( as 6 struggle to 'ind t!e time 'or %rayer -el% me to give( to your beloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( t!e time -e deserves to s!ow -im !ow muc! 6 love -im 6 as& t!at you( my 3lessed Mot!er o' 0alvation( see& 'or me t!e +races 6 need and as& your dear 0on 'or every grace and 'avour( so t!at -e can envelo% me into t!e 3osom o' -is 0acred -eart .men 5 Crusade Prayer 6789 :!o Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group; !o be prayed before and after )esus to #ankind Prayer Group #eeting Crusade Prayer 67A9 :!o unite Crusade Prayer Groups; 48 beloved Mot!er o' 0alvation( 6 im%lore you to unite( t!roug! your %rayers( all o' +od/s >emnant .rmy( t!roug!out t!e world 1over all 1rusade Prayer +rou%s wit! t!e +race o' 0alvation( %oured out u%on us( t!roug! t!e Mercy o' your 0on( 2esus 1!rist D9

0end your angels to cover eac! one o' us( and es%ecially( t!ose %riests w!o lead t!e 1rusade Prayer +rou%s -el% us to avoid t!e distractions( w!ic! cause division amongst us( and %rotect us wit! your gi't o' armour( so t!at we become immune to t!e attac&s( w!ic! we will !ave to endure( because o' our love 'or 2esus 1!rist( in t!is -oly Mission to save souls .men 5 Crusade Prayer 67B9 :3or the Grace of God to cover $orld leaders; 48 my 3lessed Mot!er o' 0alvation( %lease as& your 0on to %our out -is +races and Love over t!ose leaders w!o control t!e world Pray t!at t!e Lig!t o' +od will cure t!em o' blindness and unloc& t!eir !earts o' stone 0to% t!em 'rom in'licting %ersecution on innocent %eo%le Please %ray t!at 2esus will guide t!em( and sto% t!em 'rom %reventing t!e $rut! o' -is $eac!ings 'rom being s%read to nations( t!roug!out t!e world .men 5

Crusade Prayer 6779 :3or the 'alvation of Australia / 1e$ Iealand; 48 +od t!e .lmig!ty Fat!er( 6n t!e Name o' ;our beloved 0on( 2esus 1!rist( !ave Mercy on all your c!ildren in .ustralia and New Mealand Forgive us 'or our re:ection o' ;our -oly *ord Forgive us 'or t!e sin o' indi''erence >id us o' our %agan culture and cover us wit! t!e +races to ins%ire !o%e( 'ait! and c!arity( amongst our brot!ers and sisters *e beg you 'or t!e +i't o' Discernment and as& t!at ;ou grant all o' us t!e blessings we need to ensure( t!at only t!e $rut! o' ;our -oly *ord can be !eard( so t!at all souls are granted t!e &eys to eternal C0

li'e .men 5 ,itanies )esus to #ankind ,itany Prayer 619 :Protection against the false prophet; -.earest !esus, save us from the deceit of the false prophet. !esus, have Mercy on us. !esus, save us from the persecution. !esus, preserve us from the antichrist. $ord, have Mercy. "hrist, have Mercy. .earest !esus, cover us with /our 0recious 1lood. .earest !esus, open our eyes to the lies of the false prophet. .earest !esus, unite /our "hurch. !esus, protect our acraments. !esus, don*t let the false prophet divide /our "hurch. .earest !esus, help us to re&ect lies, presented to us as the Truth. !esus, give us strength. !esus, give us hope. !esus, flood our souls with the Holy pirit. !esus, protect us from the beast. !esus, give us the Gift of .iscernment, so we can follow the path of /our True "hurch at all times, forever and ever. 2men.3 )esus to #ankind ,itany Prayer 6 9 :3or the Grace of 0mmunity; -# Heavenly Father Most High, ) love /ou. ) honour /ou. $ord, have Mercy. $ord, forgive us our trespasses. ) adore /ou. ) praise /ou. ) give /ou thanks for all /our special Graces. ) beg /ou for the Grace of )mmunity for my beloved +name all those in a list for the salvation of souls,. ) offer /ou my loyalty at all times. /ou, # Most Heavenly Father, "reator of all things, "reator of the universe, "reator of humanity, /ou are the ource of all things. /ou are the ource of $ove. /ou are $ove. C1

) love /ou. ) honour /ou and lay myself before /ou. ) beg for Mercy for all souls who don*t know /ou, who don*t honour /ou, who re&ect /our Hand of Mercy. ) give myself to /ou in mind, body and soul, so that /ou can take them into /our 2rms, safe from evil. ) ask /ou to open the Gate of 0aradise, so that all /our children can unite, at last, in the inheritance /ou have created for all of us. 2men.3 )esus to #ankind ,itany Prayer 6=9 :"efend the 4ord of God; -# dear !esus, protect us from the lies, which offend God. 0rotect us from atan and his army. Help us love /ou more. ustain us in our battle. .efend us in our faith. $ead us to /our refuge of safety. Help us stand up and defend /our Holy Will. trengthen our resolve to be /our true disciples. Give us courage. Give us confidence. Guide us on the path of Truth. .efend us against the enemy. 0our /our Graces of 0rotection over us. Help us to avoid temptation. 1ring us closer to /our acred Heart. Help us to remain loyal to /ou, at all times. 2men.3

)esus to #ankind ,itany Prayer 6>9 :!o mitigate punishment by God the 3ather; -# God the Most High, We beg /ou for Mercy for the sins of /our children. We thank /ou for the Gift of the earth. We thank /ou for the Gift of human life. We treasure the Gift of life. We uphold the Gift of life. C2

We thank /ou for the Gift of /our on, !esus "hrist. We thank /ou for the Gift of %edemption. We praise /our .ivinity. We surrender, completely, before /ou, so that /our Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven. We thank /ou for the Gift of the )llumination of "onscience. We thank /ou for the promise of eternal life. We welcome the 4ew 0aradise. We beg /ou to save all souls, including those who torment /ou and those who are lost to /ou. We thank /ou for the $ove you show all /our children. We thank /ou for the Gift of prophecy. We thank /ou for the Gift of prayer. We ask /ou to grant us peace and salvation. 2men.3 Crusade Prayer 6789 :!o Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group; J!o be prayed before and after )esus to #ankind Prayer Group #eetingK :% my dearest )esus, please bless and protect us, <our Crusade Prayer Group, so that $e become immune to the $icked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, $hich may torment us in this 'acred #ission to save souls( #ay $e remain loyal and strong, as $e persevere to keep <our Holy 1ame before the $orld and never $aive in our struggle to spread the !ruth of <our Holy 4ord( Amen(; 67A9 !o ?nite Crusade Prayer Groups :% beloved #other of 'alvation, 0 implore you to unite, through your prayers, all of GodDs +emnant Army, throughout the $orld( Cover all Crusade Prayer Groups $ith the Grace of 'alvation, poured out upon us, through the #ercy of your 'on, )esus Christ( 'end your angels to cover each one of us, and C3

especially, those priests $ho lead the Crusade Prayer Groups( Help us to avoid the distractions, $hich cause division amongst us, and protect us $ith your gift of armour, so that $e become immune to the attacks, $hich $e $ill have to endure, because of our love for )esus Christ, in this Holy #ission to save souls( Amen(; 67B9 3or the Grace of God to Cover 4orld ,eaders :% my Blessed #other of 'alvation, please ask your 'on to pour out His Graces and ,ove over those leaders $ho control the $orld( Pray that the ,ight of God $ill cure them of blindness and unlock their hearts of stone( 'top them from inflicting persecution on innocent people( Please pray that )esus $ill guide them, and stop them from preventing the !ruth of His !eachings from being spread to nations, throughout the $orld( Amen(; 6779 3or the 'alvation of Australia and 1e$ Iealand :% God, the Almighty 3ather, in the 1ame of <our beloved 'on, )esus Christ, have #ercy on all of your children in Australia and 1e$ Iealand( 3orgive us our reCection of <our Holy 4ord( 3orgive us the sin of indifference( +id us of our pagan culture and cover us $ith the Graces $e need to inspire hope, faith, and charity among our brothers and sisters( 4e beg <ou for the Gift of "iscernment and ask that <ou grant all of us the Blessings $e need to ensure that only the !ruth of <our Holy 4ord can be heard and that all souls are granted the keys to eternal life( Amen( 61009 3or the 'urvival of Christianity :% dear )esus, $e beg <ou for the skills to survive the trials $e no$ face, as the last !rue Pope finishes his #ission for <ou( Help us to sustain the terrible abuse $e $ill no$ have to face because of the collapse of the Church, $hich $e once kne$( 1ever let us deviate from the !ruth of <our "ivine 4ord( Help us to remain silent $hen the attacks are placed upon our shoulders to entice us to turn our backs on <ou and the 'acraments you gave the $orld( Cover <our Army $ith the po$erful ,ove $e need, like a shield, to protect us against the false prophet and the antichrist( Help <our Church on earth to spread and multiply, so that they can adhere to the !ruth and help you lead our brothers and sisters on the Path of !ruth to CD

prepare ourselves, ade*uately, for <our 'econd Coming( Amen(; 61019 #iracle Prayer to 3eel the Presence of )esus :% "ear Almighty 3ather, Creator of all that is and $ill be, help all of us $ho can recognise the Presence of <our beloved 'on in the Church today, to become very strong( Help me to overcome my fear, my loneliness and the reCection 0 suffer from my loved ones, as 0 follo$ <our 'on, )esus Christ, my 'aviour( Please protect my loved ones from falling into the trap of believing in lies, $hich have been devised by 'atan to destroy, divide and cause havoc amongst all GodDs children( Please help all those $ho follo$ the abomination in <our Church to be saved from the eternal fires of Hell( Amen(; God the 3ather& Prayer for the Hey to the 1e$ Paradise :"ear 3ather, it is 0, <our lost child, $ho, so confused and blind, that $ithout <our Help, <our ,ove, 0 am nothing( 'ave me through the ,ove of <our 'on, )esus Christ, and give me the Hey to <our 1e$ Paradise on .arth( Amen(; Here is the Crusade Prayer for you if you $ish to share #y Cup of 'uffering( +ecite this, three times, $hen you can, but preferably during any time of fasting( 610 9 !o sustain faith and belief in GodDs #essage for the $orld :"earest )esus, $hen 0 am do$n, lift me up( 4hen 0 doubt, enlighten me( 4hen 0 am in sorro$, sho$ me <our ,ove( 4hen 0 criticise, help me to remain silent( 4hen 0 Cudge another in public, seal my lips( 4hen 0 utter blasphemies, in <our 1ame, redeem me and bring me back into <our protection( 4hen 0 lack courage, give me the s$ord 0 need to do battle and save the souls <ou desire( 4hen 0 resist <our ,ove help me to surrender and abandon myself, completely, $ithin <our ,oving care( 4hen 0 $ander a$ay, help me to find the Path of !ruth( 4hen 0 *uestion <our 4ord, give me the ans$ers 0 seek( Help me to be patient, loving and kind, even to those $ho curse CC

<ou( Help me to forgive those $ho offend me and give me the grace 0 need to follo$ <ou to the ends of the earth( Amen(; 610=9 !o share the Cup of 'uffering $ith Christ :0 lay before <ou, dear )esus, and at <our 3eet to do $hat <ou $ill $ith me for the good of all( ,et me share <our Cup of 'uffering( !ake this gift from me, so that <ou can save those poor souls $ho are lost and $ithout hope( !ake me, in body, so 0 can share <our Pain( Hold my heart in <our 'acred Hands and bring my soul in union $ith <ou( !hrough my gift of suffering, 0 allo$ <our "ivine Presence to embrace my soul, so that <ou can redeem all sinners and unite all GodDs children forever and ever( Amen(; !his sacrifice on your part, presented to #e, )esus Christ, +edeemer of all humanity, $ill enable #e to pour #y Great #ercy over the $hole $orld( 610>9 3ree this soul from slavery :"earest )esus, 0 present to <ou the soul of my brother and sister, $ho has abandoned their soul to 'atan( !ake this soul and redeem it in <our Holy .yes( 3ree this soul from slavery to the beast and bring it eternal salvation( Amen(; #y #ercy $ill continue to be given to mankind, and especially, to every single soul $ho reCects the 4ord of God( 0 bless you, #y loyal disciples, and 0 continue to pour upon you the Gift of the Holy 'pirit( <our )esus


L)esus to #ankindD ,itany Prayers

619 Protection against the 3alse Prophet MBN17N 01 O 4Dearest 2esus( save us 'rom t!e deceit o' t!e False Pro%!et 2esus( !ave Mercy on us 2esus( save us 'rom t!e %ersecution 2esus( %reserve us 'rom t!e antic!rist Lord( !ave Mercy 1!rist( !ave Mercy Dearest 2esus( cover us wit! ;our Precious 3lood Dearest 2esus( o%en our eyes to t!e lies o' t!e False Pro%!et Dearest 2esus( unite ;our 1!urc! 2esus( %rotect our sacraments 2esus( don/t let t!e False Pro%!et divide ;our 1!urc! Dearest 2esus( !el% us to re:ect lies %resented to us as t!e trut! 2esus( give us strengt! 2esus( give us !o%e 2esus( 'lood our souls wit! t!e -oly 0%irit 2esus( %rotect us 'rom t!e 3east 2esus( give us t!e gi't o' discernment so we can 'ollow t!e %at! o' ;our true 1!urc! at all times 'orever and ever .men 5 6 9 3or the Grace of 0mmunity MBN >N 01 O 48 -eavenly Fat!er( Most -ig!O 6 love ;ou 6 !onour ;ou Lord( !ave Mercy Lord( 'orgive us our tres%asses 6 adore ;ou 6 %raise ;ou 6 give ;ou t!an&s 'or all ;our s%ecial +races 6 beg ;ou 'or t!e +race o' 6mmunity 'or my beloved "name all t!ose in a list 'or t!e salvation o' souls# 6 o''er ;ou my loyalty at all times ;ou 8 Most -eavenly Fat!er( 1reator o' all t!ings( 1reator o' t!e Kniverse( 1reator o' !umanity( C,

;ou are t!e source o' all t!ings ;ou are t!e source o' Love ;ou are Love 6 love ;ou 6 !onour ;ou 6 lay mysel' be'ore ;ou 6 beg 'or Mercy 'or all souls w!o don/t &now ;ou( w!o don/t !onour ;ou( w!o re:ect ;our -and o' Mercy 6 give mysel' to ;ou in mind( body and soul so t!at ;ou can ta&e t!em into ;our .rms( sa'e 'rom evil 6 as& ;ou to o%en t!e +ate o' Paradise so t!at all ;our c!ildren can unite( at last( in t!e in!eritance you !ave created 'or all o' us .men 5 6=9 "efend the 4ord of God M10N11N 01 O 48 dear 2esus( %rotect us 'rom t!e lies( w!ic! o''end +od Protect us 'rom 0atan and !is army -el% us love ;ou more 0ustain us in our battle De'end us in our 'ait! Lead us to ;our re'uge o' sa'ety -el% us stand u% and de'end ;our -oly *ill 0trengt!en our resolve to be ;our true disci%les +ive us courage +ive us con'idence +uide on t!e %at! o' $rut! De'end us against t!e enemy Pour ;our +races o' Protection over us -el% us to avoid tem%tation 3ring us closer to ;our 0acred -eart -el% us to remain loyal to ;ou at all times .men 5 6>9 !o mitigate punishment by God the 3ather M1N1 N 01=O 48 +od t!e Most -ig! *e beg ;ou 'or Mercy 'or t!e sins o' ;our c!ildren *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' t!e eart! *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' !uman li'e *e treasure t!e +i't o' li'e *e u%!old t!e +i't o' li'e CJ

*e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' ;our 0on( 2esus 1!rist *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' >edem%tion *e %raise ;our Divinity *e surrender( com%letely( be'ore ;ou( so t!at ;our -oly *ill can be com%leted( on eart!( as it is in -eaven *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' t!e 6llumination o' 1onscience *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e %romise o' eternal li'e *e welcome t!e New Paradise *e beg ;ou to save all souls( including t!ose w!o torment ;ou and t!ose w!o are lost to ;ou *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e Love you s!ow all ;our c!ildren *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' %ro%!ecy *e t!an& ;ou 'or t!e +i't o' %rayer *e as& ;ou to grant us %eace and salvation .men 5 6@9 3or the 'alvation of !hose in #ortal 'in M N11N 01=O 42esus( save all sinners 'rom t!e 'ires o' -ell Forgive blac&ened souls -el% t!em to see ;ou Li't t!em out o' dar&ness 8%en t!eir eyes 8%en t!eir !earts 0!ow t!em t!e $rut! 0ave t!em -el% t!em to listen >id t!em o' %ride( lust and envy Protect t!em 'rom evil -ear t!eir %leas 'or !el% +ras% t!eir !ands Pull t!em towards ;ou 0ave t!em 'rom t!e dece%tion o' 0atan .men 5


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