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Managing Air & Noise Pollution

Managing Air Pollution Definition:Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulates, biological materials, or other harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment. An air pollutant is a substance in the air that can have adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem. The substance can be solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. A pollutant can be of natural origin or man-made.

Controlling Air Pollution

Government Level Prevention: Indian Government have already taken action against air pollution by introducing green energy. Indian Government is also forcing companies to be more responsible with their manufacturing activities, so that even though they still cause pollution, they are a lot controlled.

Industry Level Prevention: Must follow a well designed environment management plan For all development activities must conduct environmental impact assessment Keep machinery and tools in good working condition so that they release less harmful pollutants in air. Conduct environmental audit on regular basis to combat air pollution. If available apply tools of self monitoring and reporting to check pollution Follow environmental regulations as specified

Individual Level: Make regular tuning of the vehicle, as they will be in good condition and reduce less air pollutants. Especially the engine and silencer in good condition Use vehicle when very necessary, and prefer car pooling. If convenient rely mostly on public transport Recycle paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard, and aluminum cans. (This conserves energy and reduces production emissions.

Don't use wood stove or fireplace instead use stove or gas as they dont emit much of pollutants and smoke and the chimneys must be tall in size so that the emissions must be released higher up in the environment. Buy green electricity-produced by low-or even zero-pollution facilities.

Managing Noise Pollution Definition:Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life.

Controlling Noise Pollution

Reduction of noise at the source of origin Noise at source can be minimised by proper lubrication and better maintenance of machines. Application of sound proofing techniques Noise producing parts may be covered by suitable insulating materials or operating in sound proof chambers. Keeping residential localities away from noisy places Residential localities should be established away from noisy industries, busy highways, aerodromes etc. To create vegetative cover Plants absorb and dissipate sound energy. Thus plants acts as a buffer zone. Accordingly trees should be planted along streets, highways and other places. Entactment of strict legislation Indian penal code has some provisions which can be used for controlling noise pollution. Noise restriction has been included under Air Pollution Control Act. Adequate restrictions must be put on the unnecessary use of horns of vehicles, playing without silencers Use of horns with jarring sounds, motorbikes with damaged exhaust pipes, noisy trucks to be banned.

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