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PHYSICS 1, CHAPTER 5 ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS 1. A rope of negligible mass is stretched horizontally between two supports that are 3.

44 m apart. When an object of weight 3160 is hung at the center of the rope! the rope is obser"ed to sag by 3#.0 cm. What is the tension in the rope$ ANSWER: %.&' ( 2. )n *ig. 1! a uniform sphere of mass m + 0.,# (g and radius r + 4.' cm is held in place by a massless rope attached to a frictionless wall a distance - + ,.0 cm abo"e the center of the sphere. *ind .a/ the tension in the rope and .b/ the force on the sphere from the wall. ANSWER: .a/ &.4 0 .b/ 4.4 3. A meter stic( balances horizontally on a (nife1edge at the #0.0 cm mar(. With two #.00 g coins stac(ed o"er the 1'.0 cm mar(! the stic( is found to balance at the 4#.# cm *ig. 1 mar(. What is the mass of the meter stic($ ANSWER: %4.4 g 4. )n *ig. '! a uniform beam of weight #00 and length 3.0 m is suspended horizontally. 2n the left it is hinged to a wall0 on the right it is supported by a cable bolted to the wall at distance 3 abo"e the beam. 4he least tension that will snap the cable is 1'00 . .a/ What "alue of 3 corresponds to that tension$ .b/ 4o pre"ent the cable from snapping! should 3 be increased or ii decreased from that "alue$ *ig. ' ANSWER: .a/ 0.64 m0 .b/ increased 5. )n *ig. 3! one end of a uniform beam of weight ''' is hinged to a wall0 the other end is supported by a wire that ma(es angles + 30.0o with both wall and beam. *ind .a/ the tension in the wire and the .b/ horizontal and .c/ "ertical components of the force of the hinge on the beam. ANSWER: .a/ 1&' 0 .b/ &6.1 0 .c/ ##.# 6. door has a height of.'.1! m along a y a5is that e5tends "ertically upward and a *ig. 3 width of 0.&1 m along an 5 a5is that e5tends outward from the hinged edge of the door. A hinge 0.30 m from the top and a hinge 0.30 m from the bottom each support half the door6s mass! which is '% (g. )n unit1"ector notation! what are the forces on the door at .a/ the top hinge and .b/ the bottom hinge$ r r r r ANSWER: .a/ ,0i + .1.3 10' / j 0 .b/ ,0i + .1.3 10' / j 7. )n *ig. 4! what magnitude of .constant/ force * applied horizontally at the a5le of the wheel is necessary to raise the wheel o"er an obstacle of height h + 3.00 cm$ 4he wheel7s radius is r + 6.00 cm! and its mass is m + 0.,00 (g. *ig. 4 ANSWER: 13.6 8. A%# (g window cleaner uses a 110 (g ladder that is #.0 m long. 8e places one end on the ground '.# m from a wall! rests the upper end against a crac(ed window! and climbs the ladder. 8e is 3.0 m up along the ladder when the window brea(s. eglect friction between the ladder and window and assume that the base of the ladder does not slip. When the window is on the "erge of brea(ing! what are .u/ the magnitude of the force on the window from the ladder! .b/ the magnitude of the force on the ladder from the ground! and .c/ the angle .relati"e to the horizontal/ of that force on the ladder$ ANSWER: .a/ '., 10' 0 .b/ ,., 10' 0 .c/ %1o

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