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Dear Parents/Legal Guardians, St.

Mary School will be participating in the Reading to Dogs Program sponsored by Fido & Friends Assisted Therapy Dogs. This program is dedicated to improving the reading skills of children using registered pet partner therapy teams as literacy mentors. Volunteers and their dogs will work with individual students whose parents or legal guardians have given their written authorization for their participation in the Reading to Dogs program, during school hours on a oneon-one basis for approximately 1520 minutes each per session. There is no charge for this program. Such sessions shall be scheduled by Fido & Friends and the applicable participating school. The therapy teams are insured for liability and are active volunteers of Fido & Friends Assisted Therapy Group. From time to time we may have dogs attend that are in training. Participation by your child in this program will not begin until your written permission is received. You have the right to refuse participation in this program. Once you provide your written permission for your child to participate, if you do not revoke your permission by notifying your childs school, your child shall remain enrolled in the Reading to Dogs program. You may at any time terminate your childs authorization to participate. By signing this permission slip you also give your permission for your child to be photographed by Fido & Friends Assisted Therapy Group for use in publicity to promote this program. These photographs become the sole property of Fido & Friends Assisted Therapy Group. In addition to signing below, please indicate (by checking the appropriate box), whether your child is allergic to dogs or other animals. In the interest of your childs safety, if your child is allergic, we cannot offer participation to your child in the program and we will work with your childs school to make sure that dogs are not given authorized access to your childs classroom. Should you have any other questions, concerns or comments, please call the School and ask for the Reading Programs coordinator. By signing this permission form, you agree to hold Fido & Friends Assisted Therapy Group and the volunteer, harmless from and against any claim that arises out of your childs participation in the Reading to Dogs Program, except for any claim arising out of the negligence or misconduct of Fido & Friends Assisted Therapy Group or any volunteer. Please sign below and return this form to the Main Office by Monday, April 7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of School/Library/Organization: ST. MARY SCHOOL My child: is is not allergic to dogs or other animals.

I DO give permission for my child __________________________________________________ to participate in the Reading to Dogs Program. ________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian _______________________ Date

I DO NOT give permission for my child ________________________________________________ to participate in the Reading to Dogs Program. _____________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian _______________________ Date

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